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ous Alps (Austria) and the end-norian crisis inpelagic faunas. ( 英 文 ). MCroberts C A; KrystynL; Shea A. Palaeontology, 2008, 51(3): 721-735Species of marine bivalves of the pectinoidgenus Monotis provide useful biochronologicindices for the Late Triassic (middle Norian–earliest Rhaetian). We report the succession ofMonotis at Hernstein in Lower Austria wheretypical late Norian Monotis salinaria(Schlotheim) are overlain by strata with apparentlythe youngest Monotis known of demonstrableRhaetian age: Monotis hoernesi Kittl andMonotis rhaetica sp. nov., a species closely relatedto M. rudis Gemmellaro. A Rhaetian(Sevatian 2) age is confirmed by the cooccurrenceof Monotis with the platform conodontMisikella posthernsteini and close associationwith the ammonoid Paracochloceras. Areview of late Norian monotid species indicatesthat a profound extinction event occurred in thepelagic realm at or close to the Norian/Rhaetianboundary where c. 15 monotids (Monotis s.l. andMaorimonotis) became extinct. The survivingMonotis are dwarfed when compared to theirNorian predecessors and may represent an ecological/phylogeneticresponse to the crisis.2008040369早 白 垩 世 凡 兰 吟 期 菊 石 Saynoceras verrucosum种 内 变 异 及 可 疑 的 二 态 性 = Intraspecificvariability and problematic dimorphism in theEarly Cretaceous(Valanginian)ammoniteSaynoceras verrucosum(d Orbigny,1841). ( 英 文 ).Ploch I. Acta Geologica Sinica, 2007, 81(6):877-882The population of Saynoceras verrucosum(dOrbigny)from the Polish basin(Wawal section,centralPoland)shows no significant intraspecificvariability.Dimorphism has not beenfound in this population.Statistical analyses ofmaterial from the shallow epicratonic Polish basinand the relatively deep Vocontian basin(southeasternFrance)indicated two populations.Formsfrom the Polish basin are somewhatmore inflated and smaller than forms from theVocontian basin.节 肢 动 物2008040370Pannon 湖 晚 中 新 世 hemicytherid 介 形 类Tyrrhenocythere 属 的 系 统 发 育 , 古 生 态 和 淡水 浸 入 = Phylogeney, palaeoecology, and invasionof non-marine waters by the late Miocenehemicytherid ostracod Tyrrhenocythere fromLake Pannon. ( 英 文 ). Pipik R. Acta palaeontologicaPolonica, 2007, 52(2): 351-368Species of the ostracod genus Tyrrhenocytherewere found in sediments at the westernmargin of the Danube Basin, dated as Pannonianzone MN9-MN10 of the late Miocene, togetherwith the euryhaline ostracods Euxinocythere,Loxoconcha, cyprideis, Hemicytheria, Amplocypris,and Paratethyan Candoninae. Tyrrhenocythereis a polyphyletic genus. After the retreatof Lake Pannon, Tyrrhenocythere species immigrated,together with other ostracod and molluscanfauna, into the Bacian Basin and EasternParatethys. Later, in the uppermost Messinian,they colonized the western Mediterranean. LateMiocene and Pliocene Tyrrhenocythere arefound in brackish or mixed brackish/freshwatertophocoenoses, but the Pleistocene examplesalso adapted to freshwater/oligohaline lacustrineenvironment. While salinity ranges of Tyrrhenocytherehave shifted, toward freshwater since thelate Miocene, temperature preference did notchange.2008040371阿 根 廷 早 白 垩 世 双 壳 类 Phaladomyagigantea: 系 统 分 类 , 埋 葬 和 古 地 理 意 义 =The bivalve Phaladomya gigantean in the EarlyCretaceous of Argentina: Taxonomy, taphonomy,and paleogeographic implications. ( 英 文 ). LazoD G. Acta palaeontologica Polonica, 2007,52(2): 375-390It has been recorded in the North Temperate,Tethyan, and South Temperate Realms. Basedon recent field work and newly collected materialfrom the Neuquen Basin, the taxonomy,mode of occurrence and palaeobiogeography ofthis species is reviewed. In the Agrio FormationP. gigantean is neither abundant nor dominant,but occurs throughout the unit. It was faciesdependentbeing restricted to well-oxygenatedwaters and soft to firm, sandy and bioclastic substratesof shoreface to inner shelf environments.2008040372加 拿 大 西 部 两 个 泥 盆 纪 介 形 类 动 物 群 的 灭 绝模 式 = Modes of extinction in two Devonianostracode faunas of western Canada. ( 英 文 ).Braun W K. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences,2001, 38(2): 173-185The development of a prominent Middle DevonianEifelian and an Upper Devonian Frasnianostracode faunal sequence of western Canada isused to trace their evolutionary pathways, to illustrateevolutionary dynamics, and to evaluatethe most probable causes and implications of themajor and minor changes, which are clearly expressedin two sets of charts. A connection betweensedimentary transgressive–regressive andevolutionary cycles is evident and documentedin sample-for-sample accounts. Major changesin sea level were the primary cause for the mostobvious breaks and trends in the faunal sequencesand were responsible for the cyclic de-117

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