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able for regional palaco-environmental studies.From biostratigraphic studies it is clear that themodern Gippsland foraminiferal assemblageevolved since Early Miocene times, with mostelements present by the Late Miocene. Hence,the Recent Gippsland Shelf foraminiferal biofaciesdistribution is a good analogue for Neogenepalaeo-environmental studies in the region, Thelonger ranging pre-Miocene mixture of epifaunaland infaunal taxa are deeper shelf cosmopolitanforms and are inferred to be more conservativesince they evolved in relatively lower stress environments,typifying mesotrophic to eutrophicconditions compared to inner shelf epifaunalforms with ecological niches markedly affectedby sea-level and temperature fluctuations inzones of constant wave action, in oligotrophicenvironments.The foraminiferal and facies analogues or thisstudy on the Gippsland Shelf can be used forpalaco-environmental analyses of the Gippslandand Otway Neogene sedimentary successions,Such improvements will lead ultimately to a betterunderstanding of the evolution of the neriticrealm in southeastern Australia, an area facingthe evolving Southern Ocean during the Cenozoic.2008040322埃 及 西 奈 北 部 Risan Aneiza 地 区 恰 特 阶 大 有孔 虫 及 对 特 提 斯 古 地 理 研 究 的 意 义 = Chattianlarger foraminifera from Risan Aneiza, NorthernSinai. ( 英 文 ). Boukhary M; Kuss J; AbdelraoufM. Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(2): 179-192Micropaleontologic studies on newly discovered,isolated occurrences of carbonate strata atRisan Aneiza, Northern Sinai,identified sixcorallinacean taxa,five larger foraminifera taxaand two smaller foraminifera, among the largerforaminifera, one genus,Risananeiza (type species:Risananeiza pustulosa) and one species:Nephrolepidina sinaica n.sp. are believed to benew. The larger foraminifera are classified, describedand illustrated. Among them Miogypsinoidescomplanatus is an index taxon accordingto Cahuzacand Poignant (1997), for shallowwaterOligocene deposits of western Europeanbasins. This species indicates SB 23(SB=shallow waterbenthic) - a late Oligocene,Chattian age (24.5Ma, Gradstein et al. 2004).The exposures are the first documented shallowmarine strata of Upper Oligocene (Chattian) agefor the region. Their location between coevalcontinental strata to the south and fine-grainedsiliciclastics found in offshore wells is clear evidenceof the position of the contemporaneousshoreline, and adds an important segment tothepaleogeography of the final stage of Tethys evolution.2008040323哥 斯 达 黎 加 尼 科 亚 半 岛 晚 白 垩 世 和 古 近 纪 放射 虫 及 对 构 造 地 层 学 研 究 的 意 义 = Late Cretaceousand Paleogene Radiolaria from the NicoyaPeninsula, Costa Rica: a tectonostratigraphicapplication. ( 英 文 ). Bandini A N; FloresK; Baumgartner P O; Jackett S-J; Denyer P.Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(1): 3-21Detailed fi eld mapping and paleontologicaldating in the central and southeastern NicoyaPeninsula has revealed Late Cretaceous and Paleogeneradiolarian-bearing siliceous mudstones.These rocks belong to two terranes (Matambúand Manzanillo) that are partially contemporaneouswith the Nicoya Complex, but are geneticallydifferent. While the Nicoya Complex isformed exclusively by intraplate igneous rockswith associated radiolarites, the studied sectionsincludevariable amounts of arc-derived volcanicand terrigenous materials. These fore-arcterranes include mafi c tointermediate volcaniclasticsand associated pelagic and hemipelagicrocks rich in biogenic silica. Radiolarian preservationinthese sediments is often enhanced bythe presence of silica-saturated volcanic tuffsand debris. Seven out of 29 samplesfrom differentoutcrops yielded relatively well-preservedradiolarian faunas. In total, 60 species belongingto 34 generawere present in these faunas, rangingin age from middle Turonian-Santonian tolate Thanetian-Ypresian.2008040324日 本 西 南 部 九 州 西 部 南 Chichibu 地 体 晚 侏 罗世 放 射 虫 组 合 = Late Jurassic radiolarian assemblagesin the Southern ChichibuTerrane,western Kyushu, Southwest Japan. ( 英 文 ).Ishida N. Stratigraphy, 2008, 5(1): 22-38Late Jurassic (Oxfordian to Tithonian) radiolarianassemblages in the Southern ChichibuTerrane, SouthwestJapan, were obtained fromsedimentary sequences in the trench-fi ll YoshioFormation and the trench-slope basin Ebirase-Formation in western Kyushu. From seven samples,82 radiolarian taxa (15 spumellarians and67 nassellarians) were identified. The studiedsections are correlated to the Late Jurassic radiolarianzonation established for the SouthernChichibuTerrane and western Pacifi c ODP Site801B. Most of the radiolarians were species thatranged from Middle to Late Jurassic. Only threespecies, i.e., Loopus nudus (Schaaf), Loopusprimitivus (Matsuoka and Yao), and Solenotrymaichikawai Matsuoka first occurred in theUpper Jurassic in the study sections.2008040325根 据 单 一 组 合 建 立 的 一 个 新 的 晚 古 新 世 - 早 始新 世 放 射 虫 生 物 分 带 : 应 用 于 地 体 增 生 研 究104

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