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characters shows that only one genotypic groupcan be clearly distinguished by its morphology.Biogeographical and ecological features are usedfor an additional characterization and it seemsthat the different groups live in relatively welldefined environmental conditions and that onlyone genotypic group is cosmopolitan, while theothers have a rather restricted geographical distribution.According to our study, three of thegenotypic groups can be regarded as distinctspecies.2008040316一 种 新 的 温 暖 浅 水 型 微 体 有 孔 虫 :Aubignyna 属 的 模 式 种 和 A. hamblensis 的 描述 = On the type species of Aubignyna and adescription of A. hamblensis, a new microforaminiferfrom temperate shallow waters. ( 英文 ). Murray J W; Whittaker J E; Alve E. Journalof Micropalaeontology, 2000, 19(part 1): 61-67The genus Aubignyna Margerel, 1970 (type A.mariei) was originally described from the upperPliocene of NW France. Examination and reillustrationof topotypes of A. mariei Margerel,1970, the holotype of Buccella planidorso Atkinson,1969 (from the Recent of Cardigan Bay,Wales) and syntypes of Rotalia perlucida Heron-Allen & Earland, 1913 (from the Glare IslandSurvey, western Ireland) shows them to be conspecific.Consequently, the type species ofAubignyna becomes R. perlucida, for which alectotype is chosen. A new species of microforaminiferaformally described here is assignedto Aubignyna and shown to occur in a widerange of intertidal-shallow subtidal, brackishnormalmarine estuaries and lagoons in Europeand North America.2008040317英 国 奇 切 斯 特 港 Mill Rythe Creek 盐 沼 先 生有 孔 虫 组 合 年 变 化 和 补 丁 状 分 布 = Intraannualvariability and patchiness in living assemblagesof salt-marsh foraminifera from MillRythe Creek, Chichester Harbour, England. ( 英文 ). Swallow J E. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2000, 19(part 1): 9-22The areas of coastal marsh studied in MillRythe Creek, Chichester Harbour, southern England,support a fluctuating foraminiferal assemblagewhich, although similar to those recordedin other parts of the UK and the Atlantic seaboardof North America, has its own distinctiveassemblage of species. This is due to the constantlyhigh salinity of the water here. Unusually,these marshes do not receive freshwater inputfrom a nearby river and thus are not subject totidal fluctuations in salinity.The mid-marsh Site 1 has a fauna consistingof typical marsh species, e.g., Jadamminamacrescens, Trochammina inflata and Miliamminafusca. In addition, normal marine salinityallows Quinqueloculina oblonga to flourish andeven dominate the fauna in most samples. Thelower marsh Site 2 contains a typical marshfauna dominated by hyaline forms. The dominanceof Ammonia beccarii [aberdoveyensis] ismost characteristic of the lower marsh, togetherwith Haynesina germanica. The normal marinesalinity of the marsh can again be confirmed bythe high abundance of Quinqueloculina oblonga.The results of a replicate sampling regimeemployed in this study clearly demonstrate thepatchy nature of the living foraminiferal distributionin marsh environments over small lateraldistances as well as the high seasonal variabilityof foraminiferal abundances.2008040318部 分 中 新 世 浮 游 有 孔 虫 的 卷 曲 方 向 = Coilingdirections in some Miocene planktonic Foraminifera.( 英 文 ). Winter C J; Pearson P N.Journal of Micropalaeontology, 2001, 20(part 1):29-30We have measured the coiling directions ofapproximately 14000 Miocene planktonic Foraminiferashells belonging to three lineages(Dentoglobigerina altispira, Paragloborotaliamayeri and Fohsella spp.) from sites in the Pacific(ODP Site 871) and Atlantic (ODP Site 925)oceans. Stratigraphic patterns in the preferreddirection of coiling of these forms are assessedand their potential utility for biostratigraphiccorrelation is discussed. We find that all threelineages show a transition from approximatelyrandom coiling (although with a slight discerniblesinistral bias in D. altispira) to sinistral predominancein both oceans, although the timingand pattern of change is different in each case.2008040319有 孔 虫 孔 的 主 要 形 态 发 展 趋 势 及 其 分 类 学 意义 = The main morphological trends in the developmentof the foraminiferal aperture and theirtaxonomic significance. ( 英 文 ). Mikhalevich V;Debenay J P. Journal of Micropalaeontology,2001, 20(part 1): 13-28As a result of the intensive movement of thecytoplasm through the aperture when communicationwith the environment is required, this areahas an important and variable functional burden.Additional skeletal structures have a fundamentalsupporting function along the Course of thisstrong cytoplasmic stream and may be related tothe compartmentalization and differentiation ofthe cytoplasm. As a result of these importantfunctional roles, the structure of the aperture isone of the basic diagnostic features in foraminiferaltaxonomy.102

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