WEVAB Solutions - CODEMA Systems Group

WEVAB Solutions - CODEMA Systems Group WEVAB Solutions - CODEMA Systems Group

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B-E De Lier SolutionsB-E De Lier started its business in the year 1959 by manufacturing andsupplying sprinkler systems for glasshouse and open farm cultivation.Along the 52 years of strong market existence, it has grown anddiversified its products and services to cater to many more relatedactivities in the horticulture sector. B-E De Lier believes that “cannotdoesn’t exists”. This belief has helped it to establish itself as a leadingcompany in automation for horticultural industries.The activities of B-E De Lier range widely in the field of automationwith its products and services mainly focused at the horticultureindustry. Its activities can be broadly classified in to six disciplines;1. Water Technology: B-E De Lier has its roots in waterengineering and irrigation in particular. It provides customizedsolutions toe ach of its clients depending on the their needs. B-E deLier has installed its water management systems in greenhousesgrowing pot plants, flowers, young trees, vegetables, chicory in water,etc.2. Electro Technology: B-E De Lier has all the neededqualifications for electro technical work and installations. It has its ownpersonal computer line, namely the "Compact Line’ and also supply itsown control panels, boxes and cabinet . They also provide solutionsand installations for lighting, sound Systems, telephone Equipment,Ventilation, alarm and security.3. Automation: B-E De Lier provides process computers forclimate control and water management with possibilities of havingmultiple control stations. Its automation systems are getting smarterand leaner with the intelligent controllers being mounted in the bussystems enabling them to control all devices via a single data linecable. These automation systems require less cable installation andhence reducing the cost and also making the system simpler and easierto install and maintain.4. Environmental Technology: B-E De Lier takesenvironment protection seriously. It has installed many greenhouseprojects with environment friendly solutions like rain water harvestingsystem. The rain water which is collected in huge tanks is disinfectedusing B-E De Liers low pressure UV sterilization unit before using it inthe greenhouse for cultivation purpose. In cooperation with KoppertBiological Systems, it has designed and developed “Biomotus”, ainnovative system used for preparing compost extract5. Energy Technology: B-E De Lier has many years ofexperience working on various aspects of energy technology. It ahsdeveloped its own software for managing heat storage and hot waterbuffers. It has systems that can control CO2 and heat supplies forclusters including OCAP connections. One of its prestigiouscontribution in energy technology is its geothermal project in Berkeland Rodenrijs, Netherlands.86. Service/Management: B-E De Lier systems are very criticalfor the greenhouses to perform at their full potential. BE De Lier has astrong service and maintenance team who make sure that all itsinstallations are functioning continuously well in the most reliablemanner, without causing any breakdown loss for the clients.

B-E De Lier <strong>Solutions</strong>B-E De Lier started its business in the year 1959 by manufacturing andsupplying sprinkler systems for glasshouse and open farm cultivation.Along the 52 years of strong market existence, it has grown anddiversified its products and services to cater to many more relatedactivities in the horticulture sector. B-E De Lier believes that “cannotdoesn’t exists”. This belief has helped it to establish itself as a leadingcompany in automation for horticultural industries.The activities of B-E De Lier range widely in the field of automationwith its products and services mainly focused at the horticultureindustry. Its activities can be broadly classified in to six disciplines;1. Water Technology: B-E De Lier has its roots in waterengineering and irrigation in particular. It provides customizedsolutions toe ach of its clients depending on the their needs. B-E deLier has installed its water management systems in greenhousesgrowing pot plants, flowers, young trees, vegetables, chicory in water,etc.2. Electro Technology: B-E De Lier has all the neededqualifications for electro technical work and installations. It has its ownpersonal computer line, namely the "Compact Line’ and also supply itsown control panels, boxes and cabinet . They also provide solutionsand installations for lighting, sound <strong>Systems</strong>, telephone Equipment,Ventilation, alarm and security.3. Automation: B-E De Lier provides process computers forclimate control and water management with possibilities of havingmultiple control stations. Its automation systems are getting smarterand leaner with the intelligent controllers being mounted in the bussystems enabling them to control all devices via a single data linecable. These automation systems require less cable installation andhence reducing the cost and also making the system simpler and easierto install and maintain.4. Environmental Technology: B-E De Lier takesenvironment protection seriously. It has installed many greenhouseprojects with environment friendly solutions like rain water harvestingsystem. The rain water which is collected in huge tanks is disinfectedusing B-E De Liers low pressure UV sterilization unit before using it inthe greenhouse for cultivation purpose. In cooperation with KoppertBiological <strong>Systems</strong>, it has designed and developed “Biomotus”, ainnovative system used for preparing compost extract5. Energy Technology: B-E De Lier has many years ofexperience working on various aspects of energy technology. It ahsdeveloped its own software for managing heat storage and hot waterbuffers. It has systems that can control CO2 and heat supplies forclusters including OCAP connections. One of its prestigiouscontribution in energy technology is its geothermal project in Berkeland Rodenrijs, Netherlands.86. Service/Management: B-E De Lier systems are very criticalfor the greenhouses to perform at their full potential. BE De Lier has astrong service and maintenance team who make sure that all itsinstallations are functioning continuously well in the most reliablemanner, without causing any breakdown loss for the clients.

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