WEVAB Solutions - CODEMA Systems Group

WEVAB Solutions - CODEMA Systems Group

WEVAB Solutions - CODEMA Systems Group


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<strong>CODEMA</strong> provides growers andinvestors with tools andsolutions to increase theirproduction, quality and to cutdown their costs.<strong>CODEMA</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Group</strong><strong>CODEMA</strong> <strong>Systems</strong> <strong>Group</strong> is the holding company of HAWE, B-E de Lier, SDF and<strong>WEVAB</strong>. With more than 50 years experience, it is the worldwide market leader inoffering innovative and customized cultivation solutions, logistic systems,management and control systems and software for the horticulture industry.<strong>CODEMA</strong>’s strength lies in itsdeep knowledge, 50 years ofwide experience and its uniqueintegrated approach. This hasmade Codema as one of the veryfew companies in the world whocan design, develop and delivercompletely integrated solutionsfor the horticulture industry.Core Values of our solution:Increased Production: Increase the production capacity of greenhouses bybetter management of space and logistics.Cost Reduction: our custom designed logistic systems help reduce theproduction and cultivation costs. Our solutions significantly reduce energy andwater consumption for cultivation. Costs due to error loss is avoided byreducing dependency on manual labour.Customized <strong>Solutions</strong> : We provide customised solutions to the growersbased on their plant type, farm size, production capacity, resource availabilityand other specific needs and demands. <strong>CODEMA</strong> has a wide portfolio ofcustomised solutions ranging from simple manual to hi-tech fully automatedsolutions.Total Control: We provide solutions which are inline with the future growthstrategies of our clients. Our solution gives complete control on the cultivationprocess, thus allowing our clients to plan their production well in advance toenjoy a leading edge in the competitive market.Assured Quality: <strong>CODEMA</strong> has become a synonym for high quality productsand services in the horticulture industry around the world.<strong>CODEMA</strong> Around the World1

HAWE specializes in designing and developing innovative cultivationsystems, internal logistic and transport systems for horticultureindustry. HAWE solutions enable growers to customize their internallogistic process to increase the production, improve quality, and toreduce labor costs.<strong>WEVAB</strong> specializes in the design and manufacturing of presentationtables, conveyor belt, roller conveyor, and processed aluminum/steelmetals. <strong>WEVAB</strong> solutions are highly sought after by the horticulture andfloriculture retail segment and garden centers in Europe.B-E de Lier believes that “cannot doesn’t exists”. This belief has helpedit to establish itself as a leading company in automation for horticultureindustries. It offers a wide range of technologies and customizedsolutions to address the needs of horticulture industry for watermanagement, environment control, energy management, electricalinstallations and system automation.2SDF is the pioneer in developing customized operating andmanagement software and hardware that meet the unique needs anddemands of the horticultural sector. SDF solutions find application alongthe complete value chain including the grower, distributor and retailer.Software for registration, for planning and managing cultivation andcontrol software for internal logistics systems some of the fewexamples of the solutions from SDF.

HAWE <strong>Solutions</strong>The internal logistics solutions for greenhouses and open farmsfrom HAWE helps the growers to significantly increases theirproductivity and accelerate the production process. It alsorelieves the growers of high labor costs.Crop transport, materials handling, and labour intensive tasksare necessary activities within all controlled environment plantproduction systems (CEPPS). Management of materials andresources are critical for plant cultivation (ex. transplanting,harvesting, watering etc.)Almost every phase of plant cultivation requires transport ofmaterials or movement of labour force. Therefore, horticultureindustry around the world has recognised the added value ofadopting HAWE solutions which integrates transportation androbotic capabilities, which greatly enhance the efforts of themanager and the overall production system performance.In short, the core value of HAWE solutions are as follow:Less energy usageLess labour costsLess error rateLess pesticideStronger PlugsImproved HygieneHigher YieldEffective managementCustomised <strong>Solutions</strong>We thoroughly understand the needs of the crops and thedemands of the grower and hence offer the most suitable andcustomised solutions for each of our clients. Our solutions use awide range of manual or mechanized processes(mechanization) to flexible automation processes (robotics) or acombination of both to support different types of operations ina typical greenhouse. We ensure that the right kind oftechnology and process are selected for each of our client toensure economic viability on a long run. HAWE can offer youthe following logistic solutions:Manual Mechanised <strong>Solutions</strong>4Semi Automatic <strong>Solutions</strong>Full Automatic solutions

<strong>WEVAB</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong><strong>WEVAB</strong> specializes in designing and manufacturing ofpresentation tools, transport tools like conveyor belt and rollerconveyor, and numerous customised products according tomarket needs in horticulture sector. <strong>WEVAB</strong> solutions are highlysought after by the horticulture and floriculture retail segmentand garden centres in Europe.Presentation ToolsAs the market leader in the Netherlands, <strong>WEVAB</strong> offersextensive range of presentation tools. According to the clients’demands, <strong>WEVAB</strong> has designed and developed several newinnovative concepts and presentation tables to enhance qualityof flower exhibition in the flower shops and gardens.The standard presentation tables for garden centres form thebasis of the <strong>WEVAB</strong> product range, but the overall packagecovers almost all the needs of garden centres. Photo cardholders, potting tables and worktables, cup tables, foldingtables, six-sided tables are other examples of <strong>WEVAB</strong>’s products.Transport ToolsRoller conveyor and conveyer belts produced by <strong>WEVAB</strong> arehighly preferred by the horticulture industry in Europe for itssolid construction, light weight, durability and safety features.<strong>WEVAB</strong>’s transport tools are available in all types and sizes, andcan be easily integrated with the efficient, practical and costsavinglogistics systems from HAWE. The control system andautomation for the these transport tools are developed by SDFsystems.New Modular Design Concepts<strong>WEVAB</strong> has been closely watching the market trends, needs anddemands of the horticulture sector. In response, <strong>WEVAB</strong> hasdeveloped a new generation of modular presentation tables toits existing wide product portfolio. These new modularpresentation tables provide high flexibility and control enablingeasy customization of the garden centers according to theclients needs and taste. These new modular presentation tableshave card holders and price taggers can be attached togetherwithout any welding.6

B-E De Lier <strong>Solutions</strong>B-E De Lier started its business in the year 1959 by manufacturing andsupplying sprinkler systems for glasshouse and open farm cultivation.Along the 52 years of strong market existence, it has grown anddiversified its products and services to cater to many more relatedactivities in the horticulture sector. B-E De Lier believes that “cannotdoesn’t exists”. This belief has helped it to establish itself as a leadingcompany in automation for horticultural industries.The activities of B-E De Lier range widely in the field of automationwith its products and services mainly focused at the horticultureindustry. Its activities can be broadly classified in to six disciplines;1. Water Technology: B-E De Lier has its roots in waterengineering and irrigation in particular. It provides customizedsolutions toe ach of its clients depending on the their needs. B-E deLier has installed its water management systems in greenhousesgrowing pot plants, flowers, young trees, vegetables, chicory in water,etc.2. Electro Technology: B-E De Lier has all the neededqualifications for electro technical work and installations. It has its ownpersonal computer line, namely the "Compact Line’ and also supply itsown control panels, boxes and cabinet . They also provide solutionsand installations for lighting, sound <strong>Systems</strong>, telephone Equipment,Ventilation, alarm and security.3. Automation: B-E De Lier provides process computers forclimate control and water management with possibilities of havingmultiple control stations. Its automation systems are getting smarterand leaner with the intelligent controllers being mounted in the bussystems enabling them to control all devices via a single data linecable. These automation systems require less cable installation andhence reducing the cost and also making the system simpler and easierto install and maintain.4. Environmental Technology: B-E De Lier takesenvironment protection seriously. It has installed many greenhouseprojects with environment friendly solutions like rain water harvestingsystem. The rain water which is collected in huge tanks is disinfectedusing B-E De Liers low pressure UV sterilization unit before using it inthe greenhouse for cultivation purpose. In cooperation with KoppertBiological <strong>Systems</strong>, it has designed and developed “Biomotus”, ainnovative system used for preparing compost extract5. Energy Technology: B-E De Lier has many years ofexperience working on various aspects of energy technology. It ahsdeveloped its own software for managing heat storage and hot waterbuffers. It has systems that can control CO2 and heat supplies forclusters including OCAP connections. One of its prestigiouscontribution in energy technology is its geothermal project in Berkeland Rodenrijs, Netherlands.86. Service/Management: B-E De Lier systems are very criticalfor the greenhouses to perform at their full potential. BE De Lier has astrong service and maintenance team who make sure that all itsinstallations are functioning continuously well in the most reliablemanner, without causing any breakdown loss for the clients.

SDF <strong>Solutions</strong>To optimize information management process, SDF hasdeveloped a combination of planning, cost control, logisticsystems control and sales software. The state-of-the-art SDFVision System is specifically developed to grade and sortflowers in greenhouses. In general, SDF solutions can becategorized as follows:Management Info <strong>Systems</strong>Sales and order processing are key factors for the success ofany business. Many hundreds of large and smaller nurseriesuse our order software, which has been specially developedfor the horticultural industry. Planning using the SDF softwaremakes it possible to plan your resources better and organizeyour operation in a pro-active way. It will also gives you aprecise insight about your future product availability. The SDFmodules puts you in total control on crop production and allyour costs, including labor, space, water, nutrients andenergy.Logistic ControlMany nurseries in Europe are using SDF automated taskcontrol system. This system provides a complete overview ofthe greenhouse indicating the actual position of your crops. Italso allows you to control the movements of your labor,equipments and also the crops by just a click of the mouse.The combination of planning and control provided by SDFsoftware enables you to identify the strengths andweaknesses of your own business and processes. In addition,modern logistical systems, such as container and deliverysystems can be managed and controlled using the SDFsystems.Vision <strong>Systems</strong>SDF Vision <strong>Systems</strong> is the worldwide supplier of the state ofthe art grading camera. SDF has developed a software tointegrate with the grading camera thus enabling it to gradeliving organisms. The vision system from SDF can be installedas integrated or stand-alone system. Hundreds of systems areup and running in many different settings around the world.106

T:+31 (0)10 521 2755F:+31(0)10 5217616www.hawe.nlT: +31 (0)10 524 3350F:+31 (0) 10 521 5765www.b-edelier.nlOosteindsepad 82661 EPBergschenhoekThe NetherlandsEmail: info@codemasystemsgroup.comVisit us: www.codemasystemsgroup.comT:+31 (0) 10 522 0998F:+31 (0) 10 521 5765www.sdf.nlT:+31 (0) 10 851 6333F:+31 (0) 10 851 6340www.wevab.nl

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