Student Information Sheet - Shasta College

Student Information Sheet - Shasta College

Student Information Sheet - Shasta College


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The <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> Worksite Learning Program<strong>Student</strong> Info. <strong>Sheet</strong>Welcome to the <strong>Shasta</strong> <strong>College</strong> Worksite Learning Program. The following outlines important information that you willneed to know before starting the Worksite Learning program. <strong>Student</strong>s who are interested in combining practical workexperience with classroom instruction may enroll in a Worksite Learning class. Worksite Learning classes (the completelist of courses provided below) are open entry.The following courses are listed in the catalog under the appropriate disciplines as Worksite Learning classes. For detailslook under the specific prefixes. The classes, units, instructors, and times of the initial orientation meetings for eachsemester are listed in the current schedule of classes. Not all Worksite Learning classes are offered every semester.ADJU 94AG 94AGEH 94AGNR 94AUTO 94BUAD 94CAS 94CIS 94CONS 94CULA 94DIES 94DSS 94ECE 94EDUC 94ELEC 94ENGR 94ENVR 94FIRS 94FSS 94GIS 94HEOC 94HOSP 94HUSV 94LEGL 94MKTG 94OAS 84PEAT 94WELD 94WSL 94Administration of JusticeAgricultureHorticultureNatural ResourcesAutomotive TechnologyBusinessCasino ManagementComputer <strong>Information</strong> SystemsConstructionCulinary ArtsDiesel TechnologyDietary Svcs. SupervisorEarly Childhood Edu.EducationElectronicEngineeringEnvironmentalFirefighter TraineeFamily Studies & SvcsGeographic Info. Sys.Health OccupationsHospitalityHuman ServicesLegal AssistantMarketingOffice AdministrationAthleticsWeldingWork Site Learning*Open Entry:• This means that the student may enroll throughout the semester, but must complete all work by the endof the semester (per agreement with instructor). One unit of Worksite Learning credit is granted foreach 75 hours of actual on-the-job activity for a paid work position or 60 hours for a non-paid workposition of on-the-job activity. It is imperative for the student to determine how many units he/sheshould sign up for. This should be worked out with the instructor in the initial orientation meeting.If the student is unable to verify enough work hours to meet the units for which he/she enrolls, thestudent will receive an “F” in the course. For example, if a student enrolls in a three (3) unit WorksiteLearning class and fails to verify 225 paid hours of on-the-job activity by the deadline established bythe instructor, the student will receive an “F” in the class. The student has the same withdrawal andadd/drop options as for any other course.WSL 94*:• WSL 94 is considered General Work Experience (supervised employment that is intended to assiststudents in acquiring desirable work habits, attitudes and career awareness. The work experience neednot be related to the students’ educational goals), the student may sign up for WSL 94 (assuming it isbeing offered in a given semester). This course may be repeated three times for a maximum of 6 units orthree total enrollments since course content varies and skills are enhanced by supervised repetition andpractice.

Credit:• One unit of academic credit requires a minimum of 75 hours per semester (approx. five hours per week for 15weeks). Sixty hours (60) are required if the position is unpaid.<strong>College</strong> Oversight:• The instructor will review the learning objectives proposed by the site and determine whether those objectives areof sufficient rigor and accountability to constitute college level learning.• The college faculty supervisor will visit the site in person at least once during the semester.• An additional check-in at the end of the placement, either in person, by phone or by e-mail, will be conducted tosolicit input from the supervisor regarding the students progress towards achieving the learning objectives andoverall employability skills.Grading:<strong>Student</strong>s will be earning college units and a grade for their work experience through Worksite Learning.The grade is determined by assessment in three areas:1) minimum hour requirement for unit amount met2) progress toward meeting the individual learning objectives3) work ethic and employability skills including but not limited to attendance, punctuality, attitude, appropriate dressand manner.

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