Glossary Of Arabic Grammar Terms ... - gariban tavuk

Glossary Of Arabic Grammar Terms ... - gariban tavuk

Glossary Of Arabic Grammar Terms ... - gariban tavuk


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ألِف الت َّأْنِيت المقصورةحُبْلَى ....... , سَلْمى Feminine Noun ending withالبدلSubstituteالمبنيThe end of a word, noun, verb or particle is static. Some employs the term indeclension.ألت َّصْغِيْرThe Diminutive Pattern.الت َّعَج ُّبThe Verbal Exclamatory Style.الت َّمْييزAn Accusative of specification & comparison & measurement.الت َّنْوِيْن"Nunation" (duplicate vowel of the last consonant).الت َّوْآِيْدAdded word for emphasis.الت َّفْضِيْلComperative & Superlativeحالة الجَرّ/‏ مجرورGenetive (with nouns).حالَة الجزم/‏ مَجْزُومٌ‏Jussive (with verbs)جَمْعٌ‏Plural

Nominative ( Verbs & Nouns).حَالَة الر َّفعمرفوع/Absence of Vowelsسُكُون سَاآِنٌ‏شِبْهُ‏ الجُمْلَةPrepositional Phrase‏/أسْمَاء الص ِّلَةRelative Pronounالأسماء المَوْصُولَةالصِ ِّلَةُ‏Attributive Relative Clauseالض َّمِيْرThe Personal Pronoun.العَلَمA proper NounالفاعِلActor , (The doer of the verb (comes only after the verb.فِعْل أَمرImperativeالفِعْلُ‏ المَاضِيThe Perfect Tense.الفعل الثُلاثِي‏(فَعَلَ)‏ The Triliteral Verb

الفِعْلُ‏ اللازِمAn Intransitive Verbألفِعْلُ‏ المُتَعَد ِّيA transitive Verb.فعل ثلاثِي مُجَر َّدالفِعْلُ‏ المُجَر َّدفِعْلٌ‏ مُجَر َّدLetters. + one or more of the Increase الفِعْلُ‏ المَزِيْدالفِعْلُ‏ المُضَارِعThe Imperfect Tense ( indicates present or future Tense).الفِعْلُ‏ المُعْتَلّ‏The Weak Verbالفِعلُ‏ المبنِي للمجهولPassive verbالفِعْلُ‏ المبني للمعلومActive Verbالفِعْلُ‏ المَاضِيPerfect Tenseلا الن َّافِيَةLa of Negation.مَا الن َّافِيةMa of Negation.المُبْتَدَأُ‏The subject of a Sequential (Nominal) Sentence.

المَبْنِيWith a static case-ending.المبنِي للمعلومActive Voiceالمَبْنِي لِلْمَجْهُولPassive Voiceالمثال‏(و , ي ( with A Verb startingالمُثَن َّىDualألمُسْتَثْنَىExceptiveأَدوَات الإسْتِثْنَاءExceptive ParticlesالمَصْدَرInfinitive/ Verbal Nounالإِ‏ ضَافَةGenetive Constructionالمُضَاف1st Particle of the constructionالمُضَاف إِلَيْهِ‏2nd Particle of the construction

المُعَر َّفA Definite Nounالمفعُول بِهِ‏An Accusative Object.المَفْعُول فِيْهِ‏Adverbal Qualification of Time or Place.ال مَفْعُولُ‏ المُطْلَقCognate Accusative (The Absolute Object.)المَفْعُول مَعَهُ‏‏(مَع واو المَعِي َّة)‏المَفْعُول لَهُ‏Adverbal Qualification of Purpose) أعْطَاهُ‏ هَدِي َّةً‏ ثَمِيْنَةً‏ تَعْبِيْرَاً‏ عن تَقْدِيْرِهِ‏ (ألمَقْصُور‏(ا)‏ Vowel? A noun ending with longألْمَمْدُود‏(ا)‏vowel A noun ending with a long‏.(ء)‏ Followed byالممنوع مِن الص َّرفAn unnonated noun.المنقُوص‏(ي)‏ A noun ending with‏(إسْمُ‏ فَاعِلٍ‏ مُشْتَق ٌّ من الفعل الن َّاقِص)‏نَائِبُ‏ الفاعِلSubject of the Predicate (Substitute of the Doer of the Verb)(It comes only with Passive Verbs).

الن ِّسْبَةNisbah (Attributive Form)/Accusative (w/ nouns )Subjunctive (w/verb).ألن َّصْبمَنْصُوبأَلص ِّفَة/‏ ألن َّعْتThe Adjective.الن َّكِرَةA common nounنُون الت َّوآِيْدof emphasis ننُو نُ‏ الن ِّسْوَةThe feminine plural pronoun نوَاو الجمَاعَةThe masculine Plural Pronoun واأَلِف الإثْنَيْنpronoun. The dual ايَاء المُخَاطَبَةPronoun. The you feminine يهَمْزَةٌ‏A glottal stopوزن الفِعلThe Pattern of the verb.

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