Just Speak Up 3

Just Speak Up 3

Just Speak Up 3


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Track 1Meeting People Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: If I could be some kind of animal,I think I’d want to be a dog. They always look likethey’re having fun. I wouldn’t want to be a wild dog,though. I would want to be a dog that someonekeeps in their house.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: My most precious possession is anecklace that my parents gave me for my birthday. Igot the necklace when I was six years old. My mothergave me the necklace on my first day of school. Ithas a picture of my mother and father in it. It’s not avaluable necklace, but it’s very precious to me.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: I think it’s important for friends tohave similar interests. If they don’t have any similarinterests, what can they do when they get together?They don’t have anything to talk about or to do. Onthe other hand, if two people like some of the samethings, then they can enjoy those things when theyspend time with each other.Track 3 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: Because a good friend is like mysibling, it is important for me to be able to trust myfriend unconditionally. I should be able to rely onher help at any time and to know that she can justlisten to me when I need it. But a good friend shouldalso be able to tell me to stop complaining if I ambeing silly.Response #2: If I were not in class, I would be outsidein the sun. I live in Sydney, and I enjoy spendingtime at the beach or playing football with my friendsin the local park. There are more than thirty beachesin Sydney, and so far I’ve seen more than half ofthem.Response #3: No, I wouldn’t because famous peoplehave no privacy. They are under constant scrutinyand can’t go anywhere without paparazzi followingthem. In fact, Princess Diana died in a car accidenttrying to escape from the press in a high-speedchase.SportsTrack 4 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I used to play on my school’sbasketball team when I was younger. After I startedhigh school, I didn’t have much free time, so I hadto quit playing. I enjoyed being on the team.Sometimes we would travel to other cities for games.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: My favorite soccer player is DavidBeckham. He is from England, but now he plays fora soccer team in the US. He is probably one of thegreatest soccer players of all time. A lot of peoplealso think that he is really good looking.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: The last sports event that I watchedin a stadium was a baseball game. I went there withmy family. My father got free tickets from the officewhere he works, so that is why we could go. Theseats were pretty good, and I really enjoyed thegame. The weather was nice that day, too.Track 6 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: I enjoy watching rugby. I get reallyexcited about supporting my country’s team in therugby world cup. My country has one of the bestteams in the world. We often get to the semifinalsonly to be beaten by New Zealand or Australia. I alsoenjoy watching because I play rugby, and know howit feels.Response #2: : I think women should play anysport men play. To say otherwise is discrimination.Though women are not as strong as men, they caneasily compete in the same sports against otherwomen. As long as women are not using the same1JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 1 2009-03-20 11:50:58

c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: Kids in school these days seembusier than kids in the past. There seems to bea lot more school work and studying requirednow. In the past, kids had more free time to havefun with their friends. Now, it’s just study, study,study all the time.Track 18 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: I am a high school student, and Ispend about 8 hours a day at school. I don’t think itis too much because I know how important it is toget a good education. I also get to see all my friendsat high school every day, so I am not unhappy spendingso much time there.Response #2: I spend a lot of time browsing theInternet. When I do research for my assignments, Ifind it easiest to get the information online. WhenI am finished with assignments, I still stay online. Idon’t think it is too much because there are so manycool things to do online, including playing games,listening to music, and looking at pictures of places Iwant to visit when I am older.Response #3: It’s important to manage your timewisely because you don’t want to find yourself ina situation when you have to complete a month’sworth of work in one week. It’s very stressful andlowers the quality of your work. It also takes awayfrom the time you should be relaxing or having fun.SchoolingTrack 19 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: Homeschooling has a couple ofinteresting advantages, I think. For one thing, kidsget to spend more quality time with their parentswhen they are homeschooled. That extra time canhave lots of benefits for a child. I think kids canalso finish their work a lot faster when they arehomeschooled. A lot of time in public school iswasted on stuff other than just studying.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: I have never taken a class that useda computer more than a textbook. In one of myclasses last semester, we had to do some work inthe computer lab, but we still studied most of thematerial for the class out of a textbook. The teachergave us lectures and we had reading assignmentsmost of the time. We only went to the computer labonce a week.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: Taking an online class is not as good astaking the same class in a regular classroom. For onething, if you’re watching an online lecture at home onyour computer, there are lots of distractions. Thosecan keep you from paying close attention. It’s alsoharder to ask the teacher any questions during anonline class. You can’t just raise your hand to asksomething during the lecture.Track 21 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: Homeschooled children often findit harder to learn certain social skills. As a result,they might find it harder to work in groups, or bepart of a team when they get older. The schoolingprocess teaches kids how to interact with others, andthis part is often difficult to reproduce in the homeschooledenvironment.Response #2: Student-teacher interactions havemany positive and negative results. Teachers have atremendous amount of influence when it comes toa child’s interest in a subject. If a teacher connectswith a student, it can create a positive life-longpassion for the subject. However, if the interaction isnegative, the teacher can turn the student off of thesubject forever.Response #3: The disadvantages of public schoolingare the inability to study at your own pace and yourown time. Also it is necessary to deal with peer pressureand issues with teachers and administrators. Manyquiet children often get overlooked and ignored inpublic school due to the sheer number of studentsthat teachers need to care for.4JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 4 2009-03-20 11:51:02

Track 22Politics Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I did not have a chance to vote in thelast election in my country. I was too young at thattime. I remember watching television on the nightof the election with my parents. My father wasdisappointed because the candidate he voted fordidn’t win.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: The best form of government is ademocracy. In this kind of government, the peoplecan vote and they can have some influence in howthe country is run. The power of governmentofficials is spread out, so one person can’t controlthe whole country.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: The court system of my countryseems fair to me. Anyone who has to go to court getsto have a lawyer. If he or she can’t afford a lawyer,then the government helps pay for a lawyer. Casesare also heard by juries in my country. The jurydecides if a person is really guilty or not.Track 24 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: The leader of my country is calledthe “Taoiseach”. This means first minister. He is thehead of the democratically voted government of thecountry. If his party has a majority in government,they can vote in new legislation, though any changein the constitution must be voted on by the wholecountry.Response #2: The office of president is voted onevery seven years in my country. However, thepresident does not have any serious political powers.Every four years, local elections are carried out to votein ministers for each constituency. These ministers,organized into parties, ultimately determine thelegislation in my country.Response #3: Yes, the last two presidents in mycountry were women. However, the president in mycountry is more of a figurehead as he or she doesn’treally have any major political power. He or sheacts more as a representative to other countries byvisiting areas in need of financial aid. The presidenthighlights problems, such as poverty in developingcountries.If You CouldTrack 25 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: If I got a chance, I would like to visitthe Great Pyramids in Egypt. I’ve seen so manypictures of the pyramids. I think it would beawesome to see them up close and in person. Itwould be a great experience to visit such a historicalplace.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: : I have two siblings now, and thatis a good number. My brother is two years youngerthan me. I also have a sister who is four years youngerthan me. We all get along well and rarely argue orfight.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: If I had the chance to play polo, Ithink that would be fun. I like horses, so playing asport on horseback would be cool. Even if I didn’tplay polo well, I still think it would be fun to try.Track 27 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: If I had a chance, I would buy avintage Porsche Spyder. I would buy this car becauseJames Dean always drove around in this car. It isactually the car he died in. I’ve always loved JamesDean. He was so cool, so I would buy the same carthat he loved in hopes of one day being a little bitlike him.Response #2: If I got a chance, I would live in aFrench chateau in the Loire valley. This is known as5JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 5 2009-03-20 11:51:02

the valley of the kings. The landscape is beautiful,the castles are incredibly elegant and well preserved.The food and wine is as good as anywhere in theworld. This would undoubtedly be where I wouldchoose to live if I had the chance.Response #3: If I had a chance, I would study Chinese.Chinese is the most commonly spoken language inthe world. China is also gaining business mightevery day. It would be an advantage for my futurecareer if I were able to speak Chinese. I believeChinese will be the language of the future, so Iwould choose to learn it.Inventions and DiscoveriesTrack 28 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: Even though the radio doesn’t seemvery exciting today, I think people will still listen tothe radio in the future. Maybe they won’t listen toregular radio stations. These days, satellite radio ispopular. I think the radio of the future will be freesatellite radio for everyone.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: I would like to invent a robot thatwould take care of my dog. If the robot could feedmy dog and take it out for walks, that would be great.It would save me a lot of time! It wouldn’t need toplay with my dog, though. I would still do that.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: One example of something that wasinvented a long time ago but that we still use is thewheel. I used two wheels to come to class today. Irode my bike here. If the wheel weren’t invented, wewouldn’t have bikes today!Track 30 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: The most dangerous invention inhuman history is gunpowder. Gunpowder effectivelyneutralized human strength and fighting skill.Gunpowder has enabled killing to be done at adistance, and it has also made killing much moreefficient.Response #2: I think our lives would be muchbetter without the invention of TV. Before TV,people had to be creative to keep themselvesentertained. Now, people just sit in front of the TV.I think TV has made society lazy and uncreative.Response #3: The invention of the steam enginewas important because it first captured vast amountsof power. The steam engine provided so much morepower than animals that factories and giant boatswere able to develop. The steam engine helped totransform society.MoneyTrack 31 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I think it is better to invest in goldrather than in stocks or bonds. Gold is somethingthat you can hold in your hand, and it has real value.Another good reason to invest in gold is because itdoesn’t lose value as easily as stocks or bonds. It’s asafer investment.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: Last summer, I worked at a job thatpaid me minimum wage. I worked in a fast foodrestaurant for about two months. It wasn’t a hard job,and I ended up saving over $1,000 over the summer.I think it was a good experience.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: The last thing that I bought for over$10 was a book for one of my classes. I paid for thebook using cash. I try not to use a credit card whenI buy things. Most of the time, I try to have enoughcash with me to buy the things that I need to buy.Track 33 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.6JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 6 2009-03-20 11:51:03

a. Response #1: I would always choose the job thatgives more satisfaction. People spend more time atwork than anything else. You don’t want to have tospend eight hours a day every day doing somethingthat you hate, regardless of how good the salary is.b. Response #2: The saying “Show me the money”has two very important meanings. The first meaninghas to do with the fact that people need to have anincentive to do something. The second and moreimportant meaning is that talking means very littleunless there are actions or some kind of proof behindthe talk.c. Response #3: Yes, I got an allowance when I waslittle. I would receive twenty-five cents every week. Ispent half of my money on things that I wanted, andI saved the rest of it. Eventually, after many years, mybrothers and I were able to pool our money togetherto buy a video game system.ParentingTrack 34 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a . <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: When I was little, I used to gocamping with my father. I was in the boy scouts, sowe went camping together several times each year.There were other boys on those camping trips aswell, but it was a really good way for me and myfather to spend time together. I have lots of goodmemories from those campouts.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: My parents didn’t reward me forgood grades. Some of my friends got money forgood grades, but not me. Of course my parents toldme that they were proud of my grades, but theydidn’t want me to just work for good grades so that Iwould get money.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: I think it is important for parents totalk to their kids about things like drugs, smoking,and alcohol. If parents don’t talk about those things,then kids might think that their parents don’t care.By talking about these things, parents can clearlyexplain how they feel about drugs or alcohol. Theycan even talk about their own experiences.Track 36 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: Parents can teach their childrenthe values of their culture, traditions, and customsbecause every family preserves its culture in its ownway. This could be anything from religion to factsabout the family’s history. It is always a good idea tolearn lessons from the successes and failures of ourancestors.Response #2: Parents should do quality activitieswith their children such as sport and educationalgames. When parents play sports or games withtheir children, everyone enjoys time together andchildren can learn how to play games with the rightattitude. They don’t always have to win. They justhave to enjoy spending time with others.Response #3: Yes, they should. Parents shouldrequire participation in household chores from anearly age because children have to learn that they area part of a family. For example, children should berequired to clean their own dishes and make theirown beds.Space ExplorationTrack 37 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I don’t think a human will walk onMars during my lifetime. Mars is too far away, sopeople can’t really travel there to explore it. Anyway,I don’t think it’s practical to try and send people toMars. Scientists should put more time and effortinto studying how we can live here on Earth, not onMars.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: I don’t think there was a full moonin the sky last night. It was kind of cloudy, so I didn’t7JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 7 2009-03-20 11:51:03

actually see the moon last night. But I rememberthat a couple of days ago there was only a crescentmoon. It’s too soon to have a full moon yet.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: The most interesting planet to me isSaturn. That is the planet with rings around it. Therearen’t any other planets in our solar system withrings. That makes Saturn unique.Track 39 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: No, I don’t believe horoscopes aretrue at all. That is just a way to pass the time andhave some fun. In fact, the charts people use todaywere created a long time ago and might notaccurately reflect the positions of the stars today.Response #2: The first man to go into space wasYuri Gagarin, a Russian cosmonaut, aboard theVostok 1 spaceship on April 12, 1961. He made oneorbit around the earth. He became a hero in Russiaand worldwide.Response #3: We know in the past that people usedtelescopes to count the stars and to observe theirpositions. Telescopes have been in use for hundredsof years. Before telescopes, people had to look up atthe night sky with their naked eyes.SuperstitionsTrack 40 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I learned about one superstitionwhen I was in elementary school. That superstitionhad a saying. It went like this: Step on a crack andbreak your mother’s back. So when I was walkinghome from school each day, I would be careful to trynot to step on any cracks in the sidewalk.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: In my country, the number fouris unlucky. But in the United States, four is notan unlucky number. The first time that I rode anelevator in the US, I was surprised to see the numberfour on the elevator buttons. In my country, younever see that. They always just write the letter “F”on that button in my country.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: One bad luck superstition is relatedto walking under a ladder. I think this superstitionhas some logic to it. If a person walks under aladder, there is a chance that the ladder may fall orsomething above the ladder may fall. So it’s saferto avoid walking under ladders, which is what thissuperstition recommends.Track 42 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: Yes, I do. I do believe in thissuperstition though some people think that I amsilly. I don’t know why, but every time I see a blackcat in the street, I try to move very slowly so thatit doesn’t cross my path. I have never had bad luckfrom this, but I will probably never change.Response #2: : In my country, the number eight isconsidered very lucky, as is being born on the eighthof the month, or finding eight of anything. This isbecause the god of luck has eight arms. This meansthat if you encounter the number eight, in any form,you are going to be blessed with good luck.Response #3: Yes, they do. We believe in theChinese horoscope in our culture, and we oftencheck it before we make a major change in our lives,like a big purchase or a wedding. My parents toldme that if a horoscope says not to do something,you should wait one year, and have your horoscopechecked again.TelevisionTrack 43 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I don’t think it is healthy if a personsits too close to a television while they’re watching8JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 8 2009-03-20 11:51:03

it. A person should sit at least one meter away fromthe screen. If you sit too close to a television whilewatching it, you may damage your eyes.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: In our apartment, we have a DVDplayer and a home theater sound system hookedup to our TV. My dad loves to watch movies, so hebought all that equipment. The DVD player canhold three different discs at the same time, butusually we just put one in at a time.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: My family had three televisions inour house when I was growing up. The TV that weused most often was in the living room. That waswhere we all watched TV together in the evenings.There was also a TV in my parents’ bedroom andanother small one in our kitchen.Track 45 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: Life would certainly be differentwithout TV. Probably we would be able to occupyourselves in other ways. We could read books, talkmore to other people, and engage in more activepastimes such as sports. If we didn’t have TV, weprobably wouldn’t miss it.Response #2: People shouldn’t spend too muchtime in front of the TV because it contributes to asedentary lifestyle, which may cause obesity. Peopleshould have a balanced, active lifestyle. This couldinclude time in front of the TV, but should alsoinclude exercise so that the person stays healthy.Response #3: We have cable TV at home. Thisgives us about one hundred channels. The hardestpart is deciding what to watch as there are so manyto choose from. My favorite channel is the one thatshows cartoons from about twenty years ago. I thinkthey are much funnier than cartoons today.StressTrack 46 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I recently had a lot of stress from adifficult family situation. At that time, I didn’t wantto talk to my friends or anything. I just wanted to bealone. Luckily, I live near the beach, so when I wantto be alone, I just walk along the beach and think.That really helped relieve my stress during thatdifficult time.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: Probably one of the most stressfuljobs is being a doctor. In some cases, a doctor hasa person’s life in their hands. I can’t imagine howstressful that would be. Certainly, I have no desireto ever be a doctor. I’d hate to have a job with thatmuch stress. And I don’t like the sight of bloodeither.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: Usually when I feel stress, I startsweating and I get a headache. Taking aspirin doesn’thelp much when I have a stress headache. The onlything that works for me is taking a nap. After I wakeup, my headache is usually gone and I don’t feel sostressed out.Track 48 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: I like to read in my free time. I like allkinds of books, but most of all, I like science fictionnovels. I also like to go walking to help myself relax.I live far from the city, in the mountains, so the air isfresh and walking is very relaxing.Response #2: I would choose an easy job withlow pay because I don’t want to get sick from beingconstantly exposed to stressful situations. No salaryis worth being constantly sick from stress. If youwere sick and unhappy, it would be more difficult toenjoy the extra money you have.Response #3: Yes, I do. A problem shared is aproblem halved. Trying to deal with stress on your9JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 9 2009-03-20 11:51:04

own only makes you feel more stressed. Very often afriend can help you to feel better if you talk to themabout your problems. Sometimes they can even dosomething for you to make your problems go away.MemoriesTrack 49 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: A memorable time in my life waswhen I went on a rafting trip. I took that trip withthe Boy Scouts. There were about twenty peopleon the trip. We went down a river with rapids in bigyellow rafts. It was a lot of fun.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: A good way to develop your memoryskills is to practice memorizing stuff. Certain kindsof puzzles are also good for developing the memory.Solving puzzles like crosswords and number puzzlescan really help older people keep their brains active,so they won’t have memory problems.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: I broke my arm when I was young,but I don’t really remember much about it. Iremember wearing a cast on my arm in school. Butthe actual time and place when I broke my arm isgone from my memory. My mom says I did it on theplayground. I just don’t remember at all.Track 51 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: I remember one of my elementaryschool teachers. My favorite one was Mr. Craven. Hewas so cool. Every Friday he would bring his guitarto school, and if we were good, he would sing in class.Response #2: My favorite photo is a family phototaken when all of my family was together during theholidays. My brothers and cousins and I were allyoung. My family’s fireplace is in the background,and since it was late, my brothers and I were in ourpajamas.Response #3: The most unpleasant event of mylife was when my friend told on me for saying a badword. I was in first grade. The teacher scolded mefor it. I felt embarrassed, but mostly I was angry withmy friend who got me into trouble.PhobiasTrack 52 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I know someone who is afraid ofheights. It is my older brother. We went to one ofthose tall buildings with a restaurant on the topfloor. He refused to sit at a table near the window, sowe had to sit by the wall.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: It is natural for children to be afraidof the dark. There is probably some natural instinctin humans to avoid dark places. Dangerous thingsmight be waiting in dark places. Snakes and spiderslive in those kinds of places, so our instinct tells us toavoid those places.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: Some people are really afraid ofspeaking in front of large groups of people. Maybeeverybody feels that way to some extent. Somepeople are just better at overcoming the fearand standing up there and talking. Others can’tovercome that fear.Track 54 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: I think people are afraid of going tothe dentist because they associate this place withpain. There are also some pretty scary-lookingdentist’s tools. I had to have root canal surgery whichnot only hurt a lot, but it cost me a lot of money.Response #2: People are afraid of dogs because theythink that the dog might bite them. However, mostdogs never bite those who treat them kindly. Dogssometimes bark loudly as you walk by them, but thatis only because they are protecting their owners’10JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 10 2009-03-20 11:51:04

properties. I have never had a bad experience with adog.Response #3: When I was little, I was afraid of themonster that I thought lived in my closet. When myparents opened the door and it wasn’t there, I thoughtit had just gone away for a minute. I only learnedlater that it was only the changing shadows that lookedlike a monster.Social IssuesTrack 55 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I had some trouble getting medicalhelp once because of the poor state of my country’snational health care system. I needed an operationon my knee. The problem was that the hospital wasfull. I had to wait four months before I could schedulethe operation. It was terrible!b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: My definition of poverty is a levelof wealth that is less than $6,000 a year. Why did Ichoose that number? That amount is equal to earning$500 a month. I think if someone earns less than thatamount in this country, he or she is living in poverty.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: The best way to get the crime rateof a city under control is to make sure citizens havewhat they need. If most citizens in a city have adecent job, good medical care, and suitable placesto live, then the crime rate will be low. When peopledon’t have these things, the crime rate goes up.Track 57 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: Crime rates in my country arereasonably low, except in the capital. In thecapital, there is a high rate of unemployment, andthis causes many people to turn to drugs. This hasalso led to a high crime rate since many drug addictscommit crimes to pay for their drugs.Response #2: My country has one of the besthealthcare programs available. If you don’t haveprivate healthcare, you can visit any public hospital,and they will immediately take care of you. We alsohave arrangements with foreign countries, so thatif you are injured abroad, you don’t have to pay forhealthcare.Response #3: : The most important thinggovernments can do to keep families from fallingbelow the poverty line is to maintain a high level ofeducation. The more educated someone is, the morelikely they are to succeed and get a good job. It isalso important to supply accommodation to thosewho cannot afford it as housing is frequently a majorsource of expenditure.Media and NewsTrack 58 Listen to the speakers. Check the type ofanswer the speaker gives.a. <strong>Speak</strong>er #1: I didn’t watch the news on TV lastnight, but I did read the headlines online. I have myfavorite news website bookmarked on my computer,so I can check the news there easily. One of theheadlines that I read last night was about my country’srecent presidential election.b. <strong>Speak</strong>er #2: I don’t think there is much danger ofradio ever disappearing. Plenty of people still enjoylistening to music or talk shows on the radio. Radiostations may need to think of creative ways to getmore listeners, but I don’t think they have to worryabout losing their audiences completely any timesoon.c. <strong>Speak</strong>er #3: I rarely buy newspapers. I getmy news from free sources like television newsprograms or online news sites. My parents stillbuy newspapers, though. My mother likes to lookthrough the newspaper to find coupons.11JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 11 2009-03-20 11:51:04

Track 60 Listen to each response and match it to thequestion it answers.Response #1: Mass media deliver news andinformation to the majority of any population. Theycan influence the way we look at events because weare at the mercy of what they are telling us. Mostcitizens do not have access to the type of informationthat the mass media have, so people who controlmedia are able to pick and choose which stories thegeneral public gets to hear.Response #2: News is an event that piques people’sinterest. This can be anything from war, to finance,to celebrity gossip. News is important because itoften affects people’s lives. Weather is often one ofthe most watched segments of the news because theweather affects people’s lives, too.Response #3: The issue that always seems to be indiscussion is the Middle East. It always seems as ifsomeone is fighting and dying in the region. Thenews also seems to highlight links between terroristsin other countries and certain groups based in theMiddle East.12JSU 3_Tran AK.indd 12 2009-03-20 11:51:05

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