An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...

An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ... An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...
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AnalyzeEngineMsqlServerSystem DataUser DataResult Display Model Editor File ManagerInterface CGIServer SideWeb ServerUser Auth DataInternetCilent SideWeb BroswerModified ModelsAnalyzed ResultsFigure 3.1: Architecture of ESTEEM.There are four programs and three databases in the server. The web server is developed byApache origination. This program handles all data owbetween server and client. Besides, italso check login account and password of each user for security. The Msql server is a databaseengine. This server is proved by Hughes and free for academics. It controls accesses to systemand user databases. Analysis engine is developed by us. This is a Perl program that guresout results from user input data. Details will be discussed in Section 3.4. Interface CGIprogram is consisted of three part: File Manager, Model Editor, and Result Display. CGI isbrief of "common gateway interface". It means that this program can handle informationsof WWW format. Our interface CGI is a complex program that integrated using Perl, Java,and Javascript programming language. We will show details in later section.User Auth Database include information of each user account. It includes login name,password, and user's personal data. System Database stores system default model equationsand parameters. This database can be accessed by any authorized user. In contrast, UserDatabase stores private data of each user. Each user can only access its own private data inthis database.In the client, user needs to run web browser to connect to our web server. We suggest"Netscape" as the browser. In addition, user have to open the promission of executing Javaand Javascript on the browser. After that, user can modify models and obtain results from36

the browser.3.2 Analysis FlowConnectLoginUser AuthDatabaseFile ManagerModel EditorSystemDatabaseAnalysis EngineResult DisplayUserDatabaseNoMeetConstrainYesFinishFigure 3.2: Analysis ow of ESTEEM.Figure 3.2 shows the ow chart of analysis process. The process starts from accessing toour server via web browser. System prompt login account and password for authorization.Then, File Manager is used to select saved projects or create new projects. After selecting,system invokes Model Editor and accesses models of the selected project form database.Test methodologies, equations, and parameters can be modied by Model Editor. Afterthat, Analysis Engine is invoked to calculate results. This results will be sent to ResultDisplay. User can check if prot and defect level meet their constrain. If they do, the jobis nished. Else, the user has to go back to Model Editor for some modication, and re-runAnalysis Engine.37

<strong>An</strong>alyzeEngineMsqlServer<strong>System</strong> DataUser DataResult Display Model Editor File ManagerInterface CGIServer SideWeb ServerUser Auth DataInternetCilent SideWeb BroswerModified Models<strong>An</strong>alyzed ResultsFigure 3.1: Architecture of ESTEEM.There are four programs and three databases in the server. The web server is developed byApache origination. This program handles all data owbetween server and client. Besides, italso check login account and password of each user <strong>for</strong> security. The Msql server is a databaseengine. This server is proved by Hughes and free <strong>for</strong> academics. It controls accesses to systemand user databases. <strong>An</strong>alysis engine is developed by us. This is a Perl program that guresout results from user input data. Details will be discussed in Section 3.4. Interface CGIprogram is consisted of three part: File Manager, Model Editor, and Result Display. CGI isbrief of "common gateway interface". It means that this program can handle in<strong>for</strong>mationsof WWW <strong>for</strong>mat. Our interface CGI is a complex program that integrated using Perl, Java,and Javascript programming language. We will show details in later section.User Auth Database include in<strong>for</strong>mation of each user account. It includes login name,password, and user's personal data. <strong>System</strong> Database stores system default model equationsand parameters. This database can be accessed by any authorized user. In contrast, UserDatabase stores private data of each user. Each user can only access its own private data inthis database.In the client, user needs to run web browser to connect to our web server. We suggest"Netscape" as the browser. In addition, user have to open the promission of executing Javaand Javascript on the browser. After that, user can modify models and obtain results from36

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