An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...

An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ... An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...
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ure 2.7(a). An equation is proposed to model the result asFC =1, e ,V (2.51)where V is test length and is equation parameter for tting various circuits. This equationis rational because fault coverage raise fast in the beginning but very slow while it near 100percent. In addition, if redundant faults are regardless, fault coverage must reach 100%whentest length go to innity.Goel proposed another method to model empirical results [22]. He use two piece ofcurve to t the results, as shown in Figure 2.7(b) one is exponential and another is linear.A threshold test length V th divides test generation into two phase. In phase I, The sameequation as our model is used for estimation. When test generation enters phase II, faultcoverage is modeled as a liner equation:FC = FC 0 + kV (2.52)Besides, Kim proposed a more exible model [5]:FC = FC 0 + ke ,V ; (2.53)and estimated value is limited between upper bound (UB) and lower bound (LB).All these models have the same problem: How to determine the parameters , k andFC 0 for our circuit when the netlist still not available? Goel proved that k is a constantform four experience, but it is obviously irrational. In fact these parameters are stronglydepend on the structure of circuit. They indicate how ease the faults to be detected. Thus,user can estimate their value from chip testability (TB). For example, we can assume theyall proportional to TB.Cheng proved that it takes at most D 2 L test length to detect a single stuck-at faultwhere D is sequential depth and L is interval loop length [23]. Although this is a upperbound of each fault. It implies that how hard the fault in circuit can be detected since testlength mainly aected by these hard to detected faults. Thus, if user have rational value ofD and L for their circuit, our parameters also can be estimated from this upper bound. Forexample, we can assume they are all inverse proportional to D 2 L .30

In our study, we run ATPG for ISCAS89 benchmark circuits to obtain relation of FCand V in Section 4.2.1. We choose (2.52) to t curve of our experience because that equationuse only one parameter . This can simple our comparison among the circuits. Then, ofthese circuit were estimated using least square curve tting algorithm.After the relation between fault coverage and test length is established, we must decidethe value of them to archive minimal cost. Kim [5] proposed to set test length at a thresholddF C=dV value [5], but fault coverage in this threshold is usually not enough. Thus, we onlysupport the procedure: User may decide test length, estimate FC, then check if DL satisfyspec, recursively.Once the test length is decided, it will be sent to time model to estimate test time. Then,test cost will be evaluated according to test time.Now, there is another problem: how to balance test length of three test stages to achieveminimal total cost. As previous discussion, the earlier defect chips are eliminated, the fewerpenalty cost of those chips is needed. Lower defect level of each test stage will reduce chipmanufacturing cost. For example, we assume wafer cost can eliminate almost all defect dies,so we don't need to pay any package cost, pre-burn-in testing cost and nal testing cost forthose defect dies. The total cost is therefore reduced. However, lower defect level meanshigher testing cost since longer test length for higher fault coverage is needed.Moore proposed a program to model testing cost of the whole system manufactured inDEC production process [24]. Then, this program determine the most economic test processwithout sacricing defect level. Their experience result shows when defects per unit (DPU)is low, the optimal test process is system test only. But in high DPU, optimal process iscompound of chip test and system test. The same idea can be used in our three test stages.When yield is high, we can reduce test length in early test stages to reduce the test cost. Incontract, while low yield, wafer test needs higher fault coverage to reduce cost of defect dies.In addition, two parameters (R wf , R pf ) are proposed as the ratio of the test length ofeach test stage. It is expressed asV w = R wf V f ;V p = R pf V p ;(2.54)where V w , V p , and V f is test length of the wafer, pre-burn-in, and nal test. As above31

In our study, we run ATPG <strong>for</strong> ISCAS89 benchmark circuits to obtain relation of FCand V in Section 4.2.1. We choose (2.52) to t curve of our experience because that equationuse only one parameter . This can simple our comparison among the circuits. Then, ofthese circuit were estimated using least square curve tting algorithm.After the relation between fault coverage and test length is established, we must decidethe value of them to archive minimal cost. Kim [5] proposed to set test length at a thresholddF C=dV value [5], but fault coverage in this threshold is usually not enough. Thus, we onlysupport the procedure: User may decide test length, estimate FC, then check if DL satisfyspec, recursively.Once the test length is decided, it will be sent to time model to estimate test time. Then,test cost will be evaluated according to test time.Now, there is another problem: how to balance test length of three test stages to achieveminimal total cost. As previous discussion, the earlier defect chips are eliminated, the fewerpenalty cost of those chips is needed. Lower defect level of each test stage will reduce chipmanufacturing cost. For example, we assume wafer cost can eliminate almost all defect dies,so we don't need to pay any package cost, pre-burn-in testing cost and nal testing cost <strong>for</strong>those defect dies. The total cost is there<strong>for</strong>e reduced. However, lower defect level meanshigher testing cost since longer test length <strong>for</strong> higher fault coverage is needed.Moore proposed a program to model testing cost of the whole system manufactured inDEC production process [24]. Then, this program determine the most economic test processwithout sacricing defect level. Their experience result shows when defects per unit (DPU)is low, the optimal test process is system test only. But in high DPU, optimal process iscompound of chip test and system test. The same idea can be used in our three test stages.When yield is high, we can reduce test length in early test stages to reduce the test cost. Incontract, while low yield, wafer test needs higher fault coverage to reduce cost of defect dies.In addition, two parameters (R wf , R pf ) are proposed as the ratio of the test length ofeach test stage. It is expressed asV w = R wf V f ;V p = R pf V p ;(2.54)where V w , V p , and V f is test length of the wafer, pre-burn-in, and nal test. As above31

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