An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...

An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ... An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...
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Let R dp be depreciative rate, the depreciation dierence ratio function can be estimatedasf dp (R dp )=1, (1 , R dp ) T d: (2.27)Then, equipment cost (C equip ) can be estimated asXCd equip =U hw f dp (R hw dp )+U hw mt T d + C hw traineach Xhw+U sw f dp (R sw dp )+U sw mt ) T d + C sw train ;each sw(2.28)where U hw is price, R hw dp is depreciative rate, U hw mt is maintenance cost andC sw train is training cost of the hardware. Similarly, U sw is price, R sw dp is depreciativerate, U sw mt is maintenance cost and C sw train is training cost of the software.Moreover, if we use type II cost model for price cost to eliminate exponential term,the estimation equation can be given byXCd equip =(U hw R hw dp + U hw mt ) T d + C hw traineach Xhw+(U sw R sw dp + U sw mt ) T d + C sw train ;each sw(2.29)Design Space (Cd space ): Some companies rent the departments of their oce, but some buyit. Thus, two equations are developed for these situations. For the companies whichrent the departments, let Rd space be the design department space ratio of the wholerented space, U rent be annual rent, and T d be the development time. The space costis then given bywhere K space is user-dened space cost.Cd space = Rd space U rent T d + K space ; (2.30)If the companies buy the buildings of their oce, the interest and the appreciationof land should be taken into account. As our type III cost model, the space cost canbe expressed asCd space = Rd space U space [(1 + R int ) T d, (1 + R sp ap ) T d]+K space ; (2.31)22

where U space is price of the building, R int is the interest ratio, and R sp ap is appreciativerate of the space.Prototypes (C proto ): There are three kinds of prototypes: FPGA, Emulator and Fab. Prototypingmay repeat many rounds until the design is well veried. For FPGA andemulator prototyping, each round needs only time to recongure hardware. If thistwo methods are used for prototyping, design equipment cost have to include cost ofFPGA or emulator. But for fab prototyping, each round needs vary large productioncost. Let N proto be the number of prototyping rounds, and U proto be the cost perround. Then, the prototype cost is given byC proto = N proto U proto + K proto ; (2.32)where K proto denotes user dened prototype cost.Cost per round of fab prototyping includes general chip cost, such as mask, wafer, andpackage cost. Non-recurring cost dominates this cost because manufacturing volumeper round is very small. We can eliminate the wafer cost and the package cost ofprototypes. Moreover, main non-recurring cost is the mask cost. The prototypescost can be estimated asC proto = N proto U mask + K proto ; (2.33)where U mask is the mask cost per round.Management CostManagers always manage several projects in the same time. A time ratio, denoted as R mang ,is used to represent the eorts that the manager involves in this project. Therefore, themanagement cost in the development phase is modeled asCd mang =Xper manager(U mang R mang T d )+Kd mang ; (2.34)where R mang is the time ratio of management man-power which the manager involved in thisproject and U mang is the salary of the manager.Based on above description, the development cost (Cd) can be calculated according to(2.23).23

where U space is price of the building, R int is the interest ratio, and R sp ap is appreciativerate of the space.Prototypes (C proto ): There are three kinds of prototypes: FPGA, Emulator and Fab. Prototypingmay repeat many rounds until the design is well veried. For FPGA andemulator prototyping, each round needs only time to recongure hardware. If thistwo methods are used <strong>for</strong> prototyping, design equipment cost have to include cost ofFPGA or emulator. But <strong>for</strong> fab prototyping, each round needs vary large productioncost. Let N proto be the number of prototyping rounds, and U proto be the cost perround. Then, the prototype cost is given byC proto = N proto U proto + K proto ; (2.32)where K proto denotes user dened prototype cost.Cost per round of fab prototyping includes general chip cost, such as mask, wafer, andpackage cost. Non-recurring cost dominates this cost because manufacturing volumeper round is very small. We can eliminate the wafer cost and the package cost ofprototypes. Moreover, main non-recurring cost is the mask cost. The prototypescost can be estimated asC proto = N proto U mask + K proto ; (2.33)where U mask is the mask cost per round.Management CostManagers always manage several projects in the same time. A time ratio, denoted as R mang ,is used to represent the eorts that the manager involves in this project. There<strong>for</strong>e, themanagement cost in the development phase is modeled asCd mang =Xper manager(U mang R mang T d )+Kd mang ; (2.34)where R mang is the time ratio of management man-power which the manager involved in thisproject and U mang is the salary of the manager.Based on above description, the development cost (Cd) can be calculated according to(2.23).23

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