An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...

An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ... An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...
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where R int is interest rate in the time interval. Consequently, tester cost of the project isC tester = f 2b , f 2a= [(1 + R int ) N t, (1 , R d ) N t] U tester ;(2.13)More general form of preceding equation isC = [(1 + R int ) N t, (1 , R f ) N t] U; (2.14)where R f is negative if this capital, such as tester, depreciates after t 1 , and positive if thiscapital appreciates after t 1 , such as building. To simplify above equation, the followingcondition is used. If R int 1 and R f 1,(1 + R int ) N t = 1+Rint N t ;(1 , R f ) N t = 1 , Rf N t :(2.15)Thus, Equation 2.14 can be rewritten asC = ((1 + R int ) N t, (1 , R f ) N t) U= ((1 + R int N t ) , (1 , R f N t )) U(2.16)=(R int + R f )N t U:Moreover, if jR f jR int ,C = UR f N t : (2.17)Notice that jR f jN t < 1 must be satisfy, i.e., cost can never exceed value of this capital.Some costs, such as salary, prototyping, etc., are purchased only for immediate or currentuse. They can be modeled asC = U (2.18)In conclusion, three type of cost models are proposed in our cost models:Type I: C = UThis equation is used to model the costs purchased only for immediate or currentuse such as prototyping.18

Type II: C = UR f N tThis equation is used for capital cost. It considers depreciation of capital, butsimplies calculation by some trick of mathematical analysis.Type III: C = [(1 + R int ) N t , (1 + R f) N t ] UThis more precise capital cost model is used only when the time interval is long andthe depreciation or appreciation rate is high.Costf2b(t1)f 2b (t1.1)f2b(t1.2)f2b(t1.3)f 2b (t1.4)f 2b (t1.5)f2b(t 1.6)f 2a (t1.6 )f2a(t1.5)f 2a (t1.4)f 2a (t1.3)f 2a (t 1.2)f (t 1.1)2af 2a (t 1)t1 t1.1 t1.2 t1.3 t1.4 t1.5 t1.6t2TimeFigure 2.5: Continuous cost.In follows, we consider continuous cost. If the cost is continuous form t 1 to t 2 , as shown inFigure 2.5. Then, total cost should beC =NX n=0f 2b (t 2 , (t 1 + nt)) , f 2a (t 2 , (t 1 + nt)); where N = t2 , t 1t(2.19)is number of time interval between t 1 and t 2 . Type II cost model, as Equation 2.17, is usedfor each item of the summation. Then, this summation can be given byC =NX n=1= UR fN Xn=1n = URfN 2R f N(t 2 , (t 1 + nt))U2 ; (2.20)19

where R int is interest rate in the time interval. Consequently, tester cost of the project isC tester = f 2b , f 2a= [(1 + R int ) N t, (1 , R d ) N t] U tester ;(2.13)More general <strong>for</strong>m of preceding equation isC = [(1 + R int ) N t, (1 , R f ) N t] U; (2.14)where R f is negative if this capital, such as tester, depreciates after t 1 , and positive if thiscapital appreciates after t 1 , such as building. To simplify above equation, the followingcondition is used. If R int 1 and R f 1,(1 + R int ) N t = 1+Rint N t ;(1 , R f ) N t = 1 , Rf N t :(2.15)Thus, Equation 2.14 can be rewritten asC = ((1 + R int ) N t, (1 , R f ) N t) U= ((1 + R int N t ) , (1 , R f N t )) U(2.16)=(R int + R f )N t U:Moreover, if jR f jR int ,C = UR f N t : (2.17)Notice that jR f jN t < 1 must be satisfy, i.e., cost can never exceed value of this capital.Some costs, such as salary, prototyping, etc., are purchased only <strong>for</strong> immediate or currentuse. They can be modeled asC = U (2.18)In conclusion, three type of cost models are proposed in our cost models:Type I: C = UThis equation is used to model the costs purchased only <strong>for</strong> immediate or currentuse such as prototyping.18

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