An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...

An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ... An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...
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The result shows the DFT prot will greatly increase if DFT is used, since it saves thedevelopment time and shortens time to market. Besides, by comparing dierent volumes forthe same case, we found a threshold volume. The total cost with DFT is lower than thatwithout DFT under this threshold volume.6

Chapter 2Economic ModelsIn this chapter, we propose our economic models to estimate prot and quality of a testingstrategy during the oor-planning stage. In general, estimation is wildly used to predictresults in advance. Models of the interested system should be built up before estimationresults can be obtained. The way how models are created strongly aects the precision ofsimulation. Minor information is dropped to reduce the computing complexity in the processof modeling. In fact, there is a close correspondence between complexity on one hand andprecision on the other hand, so a variety of models are constructed for trade-os betweenthem. Moreover, the lack of detailed information in the early stage of estimation impedescreating precise models. In our economic models, there are some empirical parameters,including design complexity, reusability, and testability, etc. These parameters are vague atthe rst sight. But experienced designers, in practice, can always obtain reasonable gures.In addition, our system collects such parameters of various designs into a database to helpthe users perform estimation according to similar designs.Finally, the goal of our system is not to provide exact prediction of the prot, predictingrelative economic metric among various testing strategies. It will be a great help for makingclever decisions of testing strategies before the design process.This chapter is organized as follows. In the rst section, we briey dene the notationused in this paper. In the second section, the terminology of circuit description is introduced.In the third section, the concept of the whole economic model is described. The economicmodels are the Cost Model, the Time Model, the Market Life Model and the Quality Model.We discuss these four models in the following four sections, respectively. Finally, impact of7

The result shows the DFT prot will greatly increase if DFT is used, since it saves thedevelopment time and shortens time to market. Besides, by comparing dierent volumes <strong>for</strong>the same case, we found a threshold volume. The total cost with DFT is lower than thatwithout DFT under this threshold volume.6

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