An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...

An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ... An Improved VLSI Test Economics Analysis System - Laboratory for ...
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ogy incorporating structural, behavioral, qualitative and quantitative aspects of known DFTtechniques.The successor of TDES is TIGER (Testability Insertion Guidance ExpeRt [2]), whichis now an industrial tool. It handles gate level descriptions, and uses a more sophisticatedpartitioning process than TDES. It uses a similar weighting system to evaluate embedding,mainly in terms of area overhead, estimated test pattern generation (TPG) eort, and estimatedtest time.Brendan Davis proposed EVALUATE [3] which is a decision support tool mainly forthe manufacturing test strategy part of the overall test strategy in 1994. It also includesthe design to test strategy and the eld-service strategy. Since EVALUATE produces anindication of the likely number of defects that will `escape' to the eld for each dierentstrategy analyzed, it eectively provides a measure of the eld-service workload also.1995, Dislis et al. proposed test strategy planners called ECOtest and ECOvbs [4]. TheECOvbs applied the same principles of economics to board designs as ECOtest did to ASICdesigns. It fully calculated the economic and technical eects of test method and also oerssome design optimization and a range of dierent test strategy planning algorithms.All of above papers estimate test cost of well-designed circuits. However, many DFTmethods must be applied before detailed design. Models should not use the parameterswhich is dicult to obtain or estimate in the oor-planning stage. Kim [5] proposed a testcost prediction model which estimates the cost of IC testing in a manufacturing environment.This model predicts chip testing cost and quality of test using a set of circuit manufacturingparameters. Those parameters are available at the early stage of the design cycle. But, theirmodel did not consider the condition of DFT.In [6], another cost model called CMU Test Cost model was proposed. Then, this modelwas used with a range of parameters representing typical industrial conditions to nd athreshold volume. This volume indicates if we get benet from DFT. They found thatcost and benet of DFT is strongly aected by the volume. Similar result was obtained byWei [7]. This paper just found the relation among DFT related parameters, cost and volume.However, they did not describe how DFT methodologies aects these parameters.In our research group, the "Evaluation System for TEst Engineering methodologies (ES-4

TEEM)" for VLSI test strategy planning [7,8], has been developed to accomplish the analysisprocess of test strategy planning. This system uses cost models to calculate the overall costand a test methodologies library to oer suitable test methods for various circuits. However,the original version [8] used some parameters that can only be obtained after the design wasdone.The web-based version of ESTEEM [7] used Java to provide a cross-platform standardgraphic user interface (GUI) environment, and users can perform analysis by web browservia the Internet. Besides, it integrates a Standard Query Language (SQL) database serverto handle the user's data. However, the pure Java system is not stable enough while it itaccessed on the browser. We propose a more stable system in our study.Base on the previous works, we add a quality model to calculate more precise values oftest related parameters, such as fault coverage, yield and defect level. The whole system nowincludes four models: Cost Model, Time Model, Quality Model and Market Life Model. Inthe Cost Model, we propose three basic cost types to estimate costs, and divide test cost intothree stages: wafer test, pre-burn-in test and nal test. Besides, in the circuit description,we propose many suggestion and heuristic to help the user estimate circuit parameters whichare hard to obtain. The economic models will be detailed in Chapter 2 and summarized inAppendix A.The new version of ESTEEM provides more security to user data. The system uses Perl,Java and Javascript languages and integrates web server, SQL server, and CGI programs.This system provides more friendly user interface, such as le manager, model editor, andresult display. Besides, a more powerful analysis engine is developed, so user can easily addnew equations or modify proposed models to t the condition of their companies. Moredetails will be discussed in Chapter 3.Moreover, the ISCAS'89 were applied to sequential ATPG and random pattern fault simulator.Then, ISCAS'89 SCAN were applied to combinational ATPG. Test length and testgeneration time of normal circuits and its scan-modied circuits were evaluated to comparethe dierence between them. Then, ISCAS'89 circuits were translated to verilog format tosynthesis. The synthesized area of ISCAS'89 and its scan version were compared.Finally, an IEEE 1149.5 MTM-Bus slave module chip is analyzed by our system [9].5

TEEM)" <strong>for</strong> <strong>VLSI</strong> test strategy planning [7,8], has been developed to accomplish the analysisprocess of test strategy planning. This system uses cost models to calculate the overall costand a test methodologies library to oer suitable test methods <strong>for</strong> various circuits. However,the original version [8] used some parameters that can only be obtained after the design wasdone.The web-based version of ESTEEM [7] used Java to provide a cross-plat<strong>for</strong>m standardgraphic user interface (GUI) environment, and users can per<strong>for</strong>m analysis by web browservia the Internet. Besides, it integrates a Standard Query Language (SQL) database serverto handle the user's data. However, the pure Java system is not stable enough while it itaccessed on the browser. We propose a more stable system in our study.Base on the previous works, we add a quality model to calculate more precise values oftest related parameters, such as fault coverage, yield and defect level. The whole system nowincludes four models: Cost Model, Time Model, Quality Model and Market Life Model. Inthe Cost Model, we propose three basic cost types to estimate costs, and divide test cost intothree stages: wafer test, pre-burn-in test and nal test. Besides, in the circuit description,we propose many suggestion and heuristic to help the user estimate circuit parameters whichare hard to obtain. The economic models will be detailed in Chapter 2 and summarized inAppendix A.The new version of ESTEEM provides more security to user data. The system uses Perl,Java and Javascript languages and integrates web server, SQL server, and CGI programs.This system provides more friendly user interface, such as le manager, model editor, andresult display. Besides, a more powerful analysis engine is developed, so user can easily addnew equations or modify proposed models to t the condition of their companies. Moredetails will be discussed in Chapter 3.Moreover, the ISCAS'89 were applied to sequential ATPG and random pattern fault simulator.Then, ISCAS'89 SCAN were applied to combinational ATPG. <strong>Test</strong> length and testgeneration time of normal circuits and its scan-modied circuits were evaluated to comparethe dierence between them. Then, ISCAS'89 circuits were translated to verilog <strong>for</strong>mat tosynthesis. The synthesized area of ISCAS'89 and its scan version were compared.Finally, an IEEE 1149.5 MTM-Bus slave module chip is analyzed by our system [9].5

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