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Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives

Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives


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<strong>Harding</strong> offered mastersdegrees in two areas: educationand accounting. Thegraduate program in educationwas the larger and older of thetwo, and not only included <strong>Harding</strong>graduates, but many practicingteachers returning for post-graduatework. Because of the large number ofteachers in the program, many of thegraduate-level classes were held in theevenings.Lorene Pagcaliwagan, a graduate ofthe education masters program, saidthat she enjoyed the program's format,in which the graduate students takemany classes together with theundergrads. "It's well-blended," shesaid. "You don't feel conspicuous."Although the graduate andundergraduate classes were often combined,students working on theirmasters were generally required to doan extra paper, project, or class presentationto earn graduate credit. Independentstudies in research also formed avital part of the curriculum. "They'remore challenging than in a regularclassroom setting," noted graduate stu-Striving for higher educationdent Brent Alexander.The two-year old accountinggraduate program was cond,-!cted onsimilar lines, with the graduatestudents sharing many undergraduateclasses, but also having several strictlygraduate courses. "It's kind of informal,"said graduate accounting studentLinda Benton. "You've got a chance toexpress your opinions and what youknow. It's more discussion-oriented."Jayne Knapp, another accountingstudent in the masters program, gavethe program rave reviews. ''I'm basicallyvery satisfied with the courses," shesaid. "I like the atmosphere in agraduate class - there's mOTe discussion,more back and forth between thestudents and the instructors. There ismOTe work, obviously, in a graduateprogram, but you have a chance to domore research on your own, if you'reinterested in that kind of thing, which Ithink you should be in a graduate program.I find it very rewarding."Knapp agreed with Benton in enjoyingthe graduate format. "Usually theclasses are smaller with just thegraduate students, and I like that."She added, ''I'm very glad I stayed. Istudy a lot more, but I do like it, and Ifeel much more prepared to go out intothe business world."Not all of the graduate students,however, were involved in either of thegraduate programs. Some studentswere able to take classes in their fieldfor graduate credit, which would betransferable to another school later.Eddie Madden, one such student, enjoyedhis graduate-level courses. "Thegrad courses I'm taking are definitelyworthwhile," -he said. ''The classes inEnglish are ones an undergraduate cantake, but there's enough extra work fora graduate student that makes themworthwhile." And he added, "It's niceto have the interaction of theundergrads."For graduates of <strong>Harding</strong>, the advantagesof doing post-graduate workhere were obvious. ''They stress Christianprinciples here," said Benton."You really need that out in the workingworld. I don't want to be aYuppie." 1111:- Sherry DanielAnna Karen Kroencke - Gr~nfitJd , INFranklin D. Lott · Searcy, ARRoger Kenneth Maach - Grand Junction, 1ANorman ~ward Madden - Newport. ARThomas Herbert Martin - Sea rcy. ARJeffry Stuart McGee - Dallas, TXJeffrey Dean Mead - Searcy, ARDorah Mukupa - ~lomo. Lamb;aDennis Way ne Munsch - Houston, TXClyde Walter Owen - Searcy, ARMichael J. Patterson -Lake Charles. LAVictor Brent Ponder - Fairdealing, MOTimothy James Pugh -Vienna, WVTerri Lynn Rine · Searcy, ARlisa Ritchie - Warrington, PARobin Leigh Schwartz - Searcy, ARLaura A. Sitler - Pt~ Blanca, NMBetty Sue Slaughter - Searcy, ARCharles Dwight Smith - Searcy. ARHomer Anderson Stroud - Searcy, ARJames Edward Sutton - Marion, IlTerri Gilyle Taylor . Bartlesville, OKlinda Ruth Thompson . Aluquerque. NMJohn Ward · San Di~o , CABradley Guinn Watson . Searcy, ARJulie Watson · Searcy, ARJanice R. Wood · Starcy, ARRobert Wyatt Woodson . Pine Bluff, ARLori Renee Woodworth · Sciotovillf', OHGraduate Students 247

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