Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives

Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives

Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives


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"TAT -V Vhatever we do, we dotogether. If I'm raking leavesor painting the house, she'sright there in the middle of ithelping me. "- Roger RedSay Cheese. Roger Red, a studio photographerfrom Little Rock, snaps a shot of Jamie Nanneyfrom Bel/s, TN. , while taking class pictures for thePetH Jean. - photo by John Radcliffe.Portrait of Service<strong>Harding</strong> kids are not averagecollege students.They're special; they'redifferent, and you justcan't find another college like <strong>Harding</strong>."Does that sound like a member ofthe admissions staff? Or an administratorpromoting his school?Actually it was said by Roger Red, aman whose name may not befamiliar to many students, but whosework with <strong>Harding</strong> is one of the mostwidespread services rendered tostudents.Roger Red and his wife, Mary, arethe couple who make the portraits forthe Petit Jean and have been doingthem for years. Ben Red Studios ofLittle Rock began doing business with<strong>Harding</strong> in 1954, when the entireprocess was handled by Roger's father,Ben Red.Roger himself began working withhis father before that time. "I wasgoofing off at what is now UALR,majoring in campusology and notreally getting anything dorie," he said,"and one day it hit me that I waswasting my time going to school whenI had a spot in my dad's business if I'djust jump in and take it." So he did,and he's been a part of the businessever since.The older Mr. Red died of cancer inJanuary of 1982. This was when Marycame into the picture. She had retiredfrom 31 years at Westinghouse, Incorporated,where she had attained atop position. Said Roger, 'Well, I wasstuck now with all this work. And Idecided if my wife was smart enoughto handle her job at Westinghouse, shecould learn how to handle a camera."So the lessons began, and Mary Redbecame a partner.But, Roger pointed out, shewould've learned how to do it eventually,anyway, simply because"w hatever we do, we do together. IfI'm raking leaves or painting thehouse, she's right there in the middle ofit helping me. That's just the kind ofwife she is."They do indeed do a lot of thingstogether. They own a 26-foot trailer -the same one they live in while they areat <strong>Harding</strong> for the two weeks ofportrait-making - and travel as muchas possible. 'We like to get out and seethings; that's the way you learn aboutso many things." 1l!I:- -Sheila UnderwoodFrank Jeffery Sholey - Memphis, TN. Computer science. President, vice presidentfor Sigma Tau Sigma; Data Processing Management Association; Dean's List;Programming Team.Charmaine Shores - Cave Springs, AR.Brian Dean Showen - Stanberry, MO. Mathematics. Transferred from YorkCollege. Dean's List; MECA.Teresa Lynne Showen - Des Moines, lAo Elementary education. Transferred fromYork College; Dean's List.&ic Vaughn S!mmons - Searcy, AR.Dena Olenen Sims - Ratliff City, OK. Physical education. Transferred from YorkCollege. Dean's List; intramural; Kappa Delta Pi; PEMM Club; CampusMinistry.Kelli J. Sizemore - Jacksonville, AR.Stacy Ann Sizemore - Birmingiham, AL. Accounting. President, vice president,historian, athletic director for Tri-Kappa; Theta Tau Delta queen; CollegeRepublicans; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta Lambda; .S.A. Homecoming Committeechairman.Brian Lee Skinness - Eden Prairie, MN. Marketing. Alpha Chi; American Studies;College Republicans; Dean's List; Marketing Club; SAM.Lisa R. Sloan - Ft. Campbell, KY.Craig Alan Smelser - Three Rivers, Ml. Accounting. President, treasurer forSigma Tau Sigma; American Studies; concert band; marching band; pep band;Dean's List; intramural all-star; Pi Gamma Psi; resident assistant.Mansel Dee Smelser - Tuscaloosa, AL. Accounting. TNT; American Studies;College Republicans; Dean's List; intramural; Pi Gamma Psi; sophomore classrepresentative; S.A. Student Affairs Committee.Charlene Smith - Buffalo, NY .Charles David Smith - Searcy, AR. Computer science. Devotional director forTitans; Alpha Chi; Zeta Rho beau; Data Processing Management Association;Dean's list; intramural; SAM.Hugh Scott Smith - Ft. Smith, AR.---!40 Seniors

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