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Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives

Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives


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Netter ranks nationallyAthletic, intelligent andtalented, Kim Wilkinsmanaged successfully tojuggle her academic life andher position on the Lady Bisonsbasketball team, proving herself to beone of <strong>Harding</strong>'s outstanding scholarathletes.Kim began playing basketball in thefifth grade, and later played for herhigh school and for North ArkansasCommunity College, until she transferredto <strong>Harding</strong> at the beginning ofher junior year.At <strong>Harding</strong> she was not only anexcellent forward post for the team,but also found time to obtain a B.A. inoffice systems. '1 usually try to studyin the afternoons and when I get in atnight, when we don't have ball games.That's about all I can do," she said.She admitted that basketball interferedsomewhat with her studies. "Ithink maybe if I didn't have basketballthroughout the year I might do a littlebetter," she explained. "But I didn', dothat bad, so I don't worry about it."Kim appreciated the Lady Bisons,but saw room for improvement. "Ithink that our team in general is youngand still learning," she said. 'We'vestill got a lot to accomplish - we're farfrom being a good team. That couldchange. But right now we're stillgrowing. I think we can have a goodteam in the fu ture."She thought that more schoolsupport would greatly benefit girls'basketball. She stated, "It's kind ofdepressing when the guys play first,and then we play, and everyone getsup and leaves." She added, "If youwin, people want to come and watchyou. If you lose, they're more apt tostay at home."Although she majored in a businessfield, Kim did not want to leave sportsout of her life. 'Tve thought aboutgetting a minor in P.E.," she said. 'Tmscared I'm going to miss sports, andthat's why I think I'd enjoy getting aP.E. degree and trying to coach some."Concerning her immediate plansafter her graduation in May, shestated, 'Til probably look for abusiness-type job, and if I decide that Iwant to do some coaching, I'll go backto school and get a degree in that."llIt- Sherry DanielIiIthink that our teamis young and still learning.We've still got a lot to accomplish." - Kim WilkinsAll the right moves. Senior Kim Wilkins attemptsto get the ball away from her opponentin a home game. - plloto by Hernan Riverol.Darrell Dean Cheatham - Little Rock, AR. Computer information system.Transfer from <strong>University</strong> of Arkansas at Little Rock. Alha Chi; AmericanStudies; College Republicans; Data Processing Management Association; DeltaMu Delta; Phi Beta Lambda; recipient of Art Johnson Memorial Scholarhsip forOutstanding Junior CIS Major.Christy Leigh Childers - Beebe, AR. Biology. Alpha Chi; Dean's list.Steve Burton Choate - Winona, MS. Art. Alpha Omega; Art Guild; Dean's List;HUF; Kappa Pi; Outreach; S.A. Advertising Committee.Larry Wayne Christ - North little Rock, AR. Accounting. Titans; AmercianStudies; GATA Beau; College Republicans; intercollegiate track; Pi Gamma Psi.Kathy Ann Churchill - liverpool. NY. Nursing. Devotional director for PhiDelta; Papua, New Guinea campaigns; <strong>Harding</strong> Student Nurses Association;HUF; Outreach; Sigma Theta Tau.Kellee CiUy - Searcy, AR. Nursing. Historian for lu Go lu; Panama Medical Mis·sion; cheerleader captain; Buccaneers queen; College Republicans; Homecomingqueen and attendant; AII-AlC track; Winter Festival queen attendant.Sharon Lynn Clanton - En id , OK.Jay Harvey Clark - Prattville, AL. Accounting. Vice president for Titans;American Studies; Ju Go lu beau; Dean's list; Pi Gamma Psi; S.A. PhysicalPlant Committee chairman; VISA.Rena Renee Clark - Fresno, CA. Accounting. Vice president, treasurer forGATA; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Alpha Tau queen; Dean's list; Delta MuDelta; Pi Gamma Psi; SAM.Stephen Vaughn Clemens - New Albany, OH. Marketing. Secretary for Galaxy;intramural all-star; Marketing Club; SAM.Usa Louise Clifton - Hurst. TX.Michael Douglas Clifton - Schaumburg, IL. Systems analysis. Secretary, vicepresident for Knights; Data Processing Management Association; Searcy Steelsoccer team.Matthew Wade Clouser - Huntsville, Al.Lori Kathleen Coble - Indianapolis, IN. Office systems. Susnhine girl. socialdirector for GATA; American Studies; Chi Delta Epsilon; Alpha Tau Epsilonqueen; Dean's list; JOY; SAM.Donna Denise Coggin - Jonesboro, AR.Seniors 22~

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