Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives

Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives

Learning - Part 2 - Harding University Digital Archives


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Class officersFor the last time, the seniorstook up their tools andapproached their easels tofinish the sketch they hadbegun so many years earlier. For themost part, the lines were alreadyestablished. Some sketches showedgreat planning a nd precision and carein the underlying structure, whileothers compensated with lavish detailand form . The drawing stage was over,at any rate. Now the seniors settleddown to add color to their largelyblack and white sketches.Lovingly, carefully, they broughtout their paint boxes and began tocolor in the memories that would last alifetime. The yellow of sunny afternoonson the front lawn made thecanvasses glow; the blue of deep,whispered conversations with friends,Senior class officers. Front row: Gano Butcher,Bob Pittenger; back row: Al Bates,Wayne John son. - photo by Ron Pacheco.the red of riotous club games, themusty brown of late-night cramsessions - all the colors blended withthe undergirding lines of structure tocreate the total picture of hard workand soft memories.Conscious that they would soon begraduating, the seniors were moremeticulously careful of the colors andlines they drew. As the courseworkgrew tougher and more demanding,the desire to savor every free momentalso grew, and priorities seemed toshuffle and refocus. Somehow, suddenly,an hour in a swing with a goodfriend seemed more important thansleep, or study, or anything else. Andso geqtly, neatly, the seniors sketchedon their own a nd on one another'ssketches - line of excellence. And theyfilled in those lines with the colors oftheir plans, dreams and memories, tillat last the product was complete, andthey were ready to move on. a- Sherry DanielErnest Owusu Acheau - Ejiou Besease, Ghana.Laura Susan Addison - Troy, MI. Nursing. Transfer from Michi2an (",h ri c::ti:,,"College. Chorale, <strong>Harding</strong> Student Nurses Association; JOY; Chi Lambda ·Chi.Jimmy Ray Adkins - Memphis, TN.Robert Glen Alexander - Concord, CA.Monty Carrol Allen - £1 Dorado, AR. Social work. Devotional directnr for 7pt;:oRho; Nationar Association of Christians in Social Work; Outreach; Social WorkClub; S.A. Spiritual Life Committee.Parker S. Allen - Li ttle Rock, AR.Phillip A. Allen - Jeffersonville, IN.Steven Ray Allen - Lynchburg, VA. Biology. Transfer from Lynchburg College.Alpha Chi; Alpha Psi Omega; Campus Players; Alpha Omega.Randy Eugene Allman - Columbus, OH. Marketing. Transfer from Ohio State<strong>University</strong>. Galaxy; intercollegiate baseball , All·NAIA District 17; 1985 AlC all ­star baseball; Marketing Club; Phi Beta Lambda; SAMMichael Ray Andersen - Moorhead, MN.Kristen Marie Anderson - Mankato, MN. Business management. Kirei Na Ai;American Studies; College Republicans; Commonwealth Singers; Dean's List;Delta Mu Delta; Pi Gamma Psi; Phi Beta Lambda; SAMDavid Wayne Asbill, Ir. - Mabank, TX. Bible, management. Chi Sigma Alpha;campaigns; Regina beau; Chi Alpha Rho beau; Friends; Petit Jean staff; residentassistant; SAM; Society fo r Collegiate Journalists; Timothy Club.Jon Allen Ashley - Bonita, CA. Biochemistry. Alpha Chi; Dean's List; residentassistant; Campus Ministry Team; Chemistry Club; Coons-Farrar ScholarshipRecipient.Christmas Ebini Atem • Douala, Cameroon. Marketing. Transfer from OhioValley College. intercollegiate soccer; Marketing Club; SAM.Roy Marshall Baber - Turkey Creek, LA. Management. Transfer from Indiana<strong>University</strong> Southeast. Kappa Tau Omega; College Republicans; Data ProcessingManagement Association; intramurals; SAM.Julia Ellen Bagley - Pine Bluff, AR. Business management. Phi Delta; Bison staff;College Republicans; Phi Beta Lambda; SAM.Lori Lynn Bailey - Searcy, AR . Business education. Oege; A Cappella; Women'sEnse~bl~ ; Alpha Chi; American Studies; Belles and Beaux; Scotland campaigns;Dean s List; drama; HUF; Phi Beta Lambda; Spring Sing hostess.Robert Sidney Sain, Jr . Lexington, KY. Biology. Pi Kappa Epsilon; Alpha Chi;Australian campaigns; College Republicans; Dean's List; HUF; PEMM Club; Pre­Med Club; S.A. Spiritual Life Committee; Timothy Club; Coons-Farrar'Scholarship.Belinda Baines - Harare, Zimbabwe. English. Alpha Chi; northeast, southeastcampaigns; east European campaigns; Dean's List; French Club; Sigma TauDelta.Allyson Kym Baker - Monroe, WA. Social work. Kirei Na Ai ; marching band;pep band; Friends; intercollegiate cross country; National Association ofChristians in Social Work; Social Work Club.22 Se~iors

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