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<strong>EFFECTIVE</strong> <strong>BOOKKEEPING</strong><strong>WITH</strong> <strong>MAMUT</strong> <strong>BUREAU</strong>Complete systemsfor bookkeepers

2IntroductionMamut EnterpriseBureauMamut OfficeBureauMamut PartnerProgrammeFunctionalityoverviewCustomerreferenceTOTAL CONTROLL OF THE FIGURESThousands of small and mid-size businesses throughout Europe have shown howMamut helps them increase efficiency, decrease costs and generate new sales.User-friendliness and functionalityMamut’s solutions have won numerous awards fortheir user-friendliness and high level of functionality.Our solutions ensure that you will be able toimplement them quickly, allowing you to serviceyour clients as efficiently as possible.Leading supplierComplete systems designedfor accountantsMamut meets all the requirements of a completefinance and information system at an extremelycompetitive price. This means that accounting firmsthat use Mamut only need one system to carry outall their tasks effectively. Mamut Office Bureau isthe best choice for small Accounting firms that wantto keep their costs down. Mamut Office Bureau iseasy to implement, and the low user-threshold willhave you enjoying real business benefits in no time.Value for moneyMamut offers complete systems with a low purchaseprice. Out intuitive systems keep the cost of trainingto a minimum. This also means that your businesswill start benefiting straight away, and will continueto do so. In addition, a complete support servicemakes Mamut solutions the best value for moneyon the market.Mamut is a leading supplier in Europe of accounting,CRM and Internet solutions to the SME market.Over 335,000 customers benefit from Mamutsolutions every day.Mamut Provider ProgrammeAs a provider of bookkeeping bureau services, youcan participate in our Mamut Reseller Programme.This is a collaboration that allows you to take partin the rapidly growing market for accounting, CRMand Internet solutions for small businesses. We arealways looking for partners who want to share inour success. You can read more about this on page 7.Submit your VAT return onlineFrom 2010, all businesses will have to file and paytheir VAT returns online. Always preparing you forthe future, Mamut’s HMRC-endorsed softwareprovides you with an easy and secure way of doing so.What’s more, our integrated solutions mean you willonly have to enter information once, which willstreamline processes, save you time and projecta professional image to clients.MamutEnterpriseMamutEnterpriseMamutEnterpriseMamutEnterpriseWorks withMicrosoftWindows VistaMicrosoftGold CertifiedPartner 2005MicrosoftSmall BusinessSpecialist2007 Microsoft Partnerof the Year-FinalistMamut’s solutions have won several prices for their user-friendliness and functionality.

3Mamut provides an excellent,functionally rich businesssolution. You can buy it rightoff the shelf, install it on yourcomputer network and startusing it straight away.– Ian Sumbler, Morris OwenRead more at www.mamut.ie/bureau or call free on 1800 944 688

4IntroductionMamut EnterpriseBureauMamut OfficeBureauMamut PartnerProgrammeFunctionalityoverviewCustomerreference<strong>MAMUT</strong> ENTERPRISE <strong>BUREAU</strong> – COMPLETE SOLUTIONMamut Enterprise Bureau is a completefinance solution with functions foraccounting, contact management (CRM),logistics, project management, timesheet input, payroll and e-commerce.It is an all-in-one solution speciallydesigned for bookkeeping bureaus.Mamut Enterprise BureauMamut Enterprise Bureau includes all of the featuresthat a bookkeeping bureau needs to manage itsbusiness. The solution is easy to implement andstart using. Mamut Enterprise is currently usedby thousands of bookkeeping bureaus throughoutEurope. Their feedback has helped make this easyto use solution, that fulfils all bookkeepingrequirements.Making every day easier for youand your clientsMamut Enterprise Bureau is designed to makeinteraction between accounting firm and client asefficient as possible. Newly developed functions makeit easier for staff to use the contact managementmodule (CRM). For example, it allows activitymanagement and time sheet input to be transferredto order/project, thus automating, simplifying, andfurther increasing the efficiency of your company.Everything you need, from one supplierMamut has developed accounting and administrativesystems since 1996, and is a leading supplier ofcomplete finance and information systems.Mamut has currently over 335,000 users in Europe,and has a reputation for quality and stability.The solution is continuously being developed andimproved in close co-operation with accountants.Mamut Enterprise Bureau can easily be adapted toyour business processes, and simplify the way youoperate.Mamut Enterprise Bureau includes:All of the functionality in Mamut Office Bureau,plus the following:• Mamut Client Update• Mamut Client Start• Mamut Enterprise Business Intelligence• Extended Mamut Online Backup

5FOR <strong>BOOKKEEPING</strong> <strong>BUREAU</strong>SMamut Enterprise Bureau ASPMamut Enterprise Bureau ASP gives your customers24-hour access to their figures and reports. It alsoallows your employees to access the program fromtheir home offices. The newly developed functionsClient Start and Client Update let an accountantadministrate and update their clients’ accounts.Mamut Enterprise Bureau ASP is a professionalfinance and information system designed to simplifythe tasks of an accounting firm with a large numberof clients, whilst giving the firm the opportunity tomanage its clients’ system on its server using ASP.Mamut Enterprise ASP helps you create strong,long-term customer relationships through instantonline support, direct access to relevant bookkeepingdata and secure backup routines. You will also savetime through more efficient accounting routinesand closer contact with your customers. Througheffective contact and sales management you canincrease your business’ competitive edge andimprove your market share.Mamut Enterprise BureauIncludes: Mamut Client ManagerMamut Enterprise Business IntelligenceExtended Mamut Online BackupMamut VIP-support for bokkeeping bureausPrice per licenceServiceagreementper licence/monthLICENCE1 - 3LICENCE4 - 8LICENCE9 +€ 1.199 € 799 € 699€ 49 € 35 € 23Mamut Enterprise Bureau ASPIncludes: All of the functionality inMamut Office Bureau, plus the following:ASP-license for ASP-compabilityPrice per licenceServiceagreementper licence/monthLICENCE1 - 3LICENCE4 - 8LICENCE9 +€ 1.890 € 799 € 699€ 49 € 35 € 23Read more at www.mamut.ie/bureau or call free on 1800 944 688

6IntroductionMamut EnterpriseBureauMamut OfficeBureauMamut PartnerProgrammeFunctionalityoverviewCustomerreference<strong>MAMUT</strong> OFFICE <strong>BUREAU</strong>Mamut Office Bureau is a completeadministrative package for smallaccounting firms. It includes modulesfor accounting, financial management,CRM, e-commerce and much more.The complete solution for smallaccounting firmsA small accounting firm needs a financial systemthat performs all administrative tasks efficiently, withall information kept in the same system. MamutOffice manages all the requirements of accounts,contact management, purchasing/logistics and website/e-commerce. Several hundred reports provide theup-to-date information that is needed to make theright internal decisions, and to provide professionaladvice to your clients.Mamut Office Bureau is the best choice for smallAccounting firms that want to keep their costs down.Mamut Office Bureau is easy to buy and use, and thelow user-threshold makes it easy to get started.Ten reasons for choosingMamut Office Bureau• User-friendly journal entry screen, allows for theuse of journal templates and batch entry, whichspeeds up journal entry and posting.• You can use both project and department as costcarriers, providing better analysis.• Easy view nominal ledger with search andanalysis functions.• Efficient management of customer and supplierledger makes it easy to send out statements andreminders; collect outstanding money, and pay suppliers.• The payroll and personnel modules guaranteeefficient and professional HR management.• Complete overview of budgets.• Contact management gives you a full overviewof all your communication with clients. The userfriendlyactivity management, including ClientStarter, allows you to work in your clients’ databaseand your database at the same time (see page 9).• Mamut’s project management helps you stay inControl of the profitability of your business• The time-saving document management helps youstore all important client information in one location.Mamut Office BureauIncludes: Extended Mamut Online Backup andMamut VIP-support for small accounting firms(read more on page 9)Price per licence: € 399 ex. taxServiceagreement per licenceeach month: € 15 ex. tax

7IntroductionMamut EnterpriseBureauMamut OfficeBureauMamut PartnerProgrammeFunctionalityoverviewCustomerreference<strong>MAMUT</strong> PARTNER PROGRAMMEIf you are an accountant, or bookkeeper,you probably already have contactwith potential Mamut customers. WithMamut you can target the fast-growingmarket for accounting, CRM and websolutions for small businesses.We have a European reseller network in place andare always looking for new partners who want toshare in our success.Why become a Mamut Provider• Good earnings potential: We offer our partnersgood margins and terms, helping you increasesales and profits.• Unlimited sales potential: Our market-leadingsolutions are user-friendly, cost-effective and easyto install and implement.• Internal version: We offer an internal versionof Mamut Enterprise Bureau ASP, our mostcomprehensive accounting system, for internaluse at a very favourable price.• Leads: Authorised retailers get information aboutpotential customers and clients in their area for themto follow up. They also receive any future secondarysales to all customers who they have sold MamutBusiness Software to• Scalable solutions: Your clients can start with asimple solution and expand both functionality andnumber of users in line with the growth of theirbusiness.• Sales assistance: Mamut has an experienced retaildepartment that gives you the best support, and thatis more than happy to attend meetings, seminars,and other activities you plan with your clients.Mamut supports you fully both during and afterthe sales process.• Marketing material: You will reap the benefit ofany national or local advertising Mamut does, as wellas benefiting from Press Releases and other activitiesin your area. Mamut makes available all marketingmaterial that you may need and offers training onhow to sell to and follow up your customers.• Marketing activities: You can receive co-opfunding for various marketing activities.Read more at www.mamut.ie/bureau or call free on 1800 944 688

8IntroductionMamut EnterpriseBureauMamut OfficeBureauMamut PartnerProgrammeFunctionalityoverviewCustomerreferenceSTANDARD FUNCTIONALITYMamut OfficeBureauMamut EnterpriseBureauMamut EnterpriseBureau ASPManagement reportsReport editingFavourite reportsIntrastat-reportingManagement reportsKey figure reports, financial managementGraphical presentation, nominal ledger✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓FinancialsNominal ledger with drill downBudgetingAdjustment of VAT ratesProject/departmentElectronic archiveCurrency account management✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓CRMContact managementActivities management/Graphical calenderDocument managementProject managementTravel CRMRequests from web, extended✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓Sales managementE-customerSubscription InvoicingChain store management✓✓✓✓✓✓✓Time managementTime sheet inputIntegration with projectIntegration with invoicingIntegration with order✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓Purchasing/LogisticsWarehouse managementVariation handling✓✓✓✓✓EmployeeEmployee RegisterPersonal documentsSalary registration (Mamut Payroll)Absence reporting✓✓o✓✓o✓✓✓o✓Web site/E-commerceWeb site and e-commerce✓ ✓ ✓SystemSystem administrationImport/ExportMamut Information DeskNumber of clients/ company databasesMulti-userRun over the internet/ASP✓✓✓999✓✓✓999✓✓✓✓999✓✓✓ Standard functionality o Optional functionality

9ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONALITYMamut OfficeBureauMamut EnterpriseBureauMamut EnterpriseBureau ASPMamut Enterprise Automatic Report DistributorDo you spend a lot of time sending financial reports, payment schedules, sales figures orproject status to your contacts and employees? Increase your efficiency with automaticreporting! This program simplifies the manual reporting routines in your company. It automaticallysends reports, which are most frequently sent to clients, at adjustable intervals.It helps you save time - instead of generating new reports, set your criteria and thereafterthe program will automatically create and send those reports. You can choose to approvethe reports before they are sent, and even add comments to personalise client follow up.✓✓Mamut Online BackupMamut Online Backup keeps your data files safe and secure. It is an easy to use and fullysecure and encrypted backup service which updates continuously whilst you are connectedto the internet. Mamut Online Backup automatically operates in the background, andbacks up your files the moment they are created or changed.1,5 GB 1,5 GB 1,5 GBBusiness IntelligenceMamut Enterprise Business Intelligence makes it easy for you to analyse and presentkey figures in areas such as accounting, customer and supplier ledger, sales and purchasesand company contacts. The key figures are ready for analysis and processing in Pivot tables(interactive Excel tables). You can make comparisons between different sets of data, findpatterns, analyse trends and create graphs.✓✓Client StartMamut Client Start is a program that allows you to work in several company databases atthe same time. You can, for example, work with activity management or time sheet inputin your own CRM module, whilst recording journals in one of your client’s databases.✓✓Client UpdateMamut Client Update makes it easy to install and update your clients’ programs/databases.✓✓ASPMamut Enterprise Bureau ASP gives your customers 24-hour access to their figures andreports. It also allows your employees to access the program from their home offices. Thenewly developed functions Client Start and Client Update let an accountant administrateand update their clients’ accounts.✓✓Read more at www.mamut.ie/bureau or call free on 1800 944 688

10IntroductionMamut EnterpriseBureauMamut OfficeBureauMamut PartnerProgrammeFunctionalityoverviewCustomerreferenceGLOBAL TAX RECLAIM LTD REACH 100% SERV“Mamut gives us a leading edge in organising, retrieving and managing informationso we can present our clients with first class service, greater productivity, andtimelier follow up of client issues,” says Val Mills of ReclaimThe BusinessFounded in Dublin, Global Tax Reclaim Ltd specialisessolely in the management and recovery of foreign VAT.Global Tax Reclaim was able to claim back €320,000alone for one client. Mamut Business Software hasbeen returning the favour by saving Global TaxReclaim time and money.BackgroundEstablished in 2003 Global Tax Reclaim expects todouble in size every two years. Many people don’tbother to claim back tax which they incurred abroad.This is where Global Tax Reclaim comes in. They doall the necessary administration for a client to recoverthat tax.“The nature of our business involves us balancinginformation flows between our clients, their suppliers,other agents, country and fiscal authorities throughoutEurope. There is a multitude of documentation tobe tracked and managed. Our business is basedupon efficiently managing all these flows so we canmaximise returns for our clients,” says Val Mills ofGlobal Tax Reclaim.The challengeFor the first year Global Tax Reclaim used twoseparate programs to run the business. But oncethey started growing Val realised they were beinglimited by their software.Our people here are very happy withMamut and wonder how they copedprior to us having it. Having used itwe could never to back– Val Mills of Global Tax Reclaim“Initially these were great packages which helped usdefine our requirements, but we soon encounteredrestrictions and had to look elsewhere,” says Val.The solutionTo keep the momentum Global Tax Reclaim knewthey had to find a complete, scalable solution thatcould help them grow. They looked into othersystems before deciding to go with Mamut.“My first impression was what are we getting forthe cost? We had committed to other software

11ICE <strong>WITH</strong> <strong>MAMUT</strong>previously which was cumbersome, and apartfrom the direct cost of the software, consumeda lot of our resources in implementation. WithMamut we were pleasantly surprised at the initialcost, but more surprised at how simple it was touse and how we increased our productivity fromthe start,” says Val.The ResultsWith an expanding customer database GlobalTax Reclaim were finding it difficult to keep upto date on their customers’ status. This made itdifficult to provide the excellent customer servicethey were aiming for. With a CRM system inplace all staff had comprehensive customerinformation in front of them when talking tocustomers.According to Valthis made a bigdifference.Global Tax Reclaim LtdRecovery of foreign VATSector:Market:System:Total users:FinanceDublinMamut EnterpriseFourWhy they chose Mamut:• Needed an all-inclusive solution• Wanted a solution with strong CRM and accountingfunctionality• Wanted a scalable solution that would growwith the companyBenefits gained from Mamut Enterprise:• Achieved first class service• Excellent business overview• Ability to organise and manage information• Immediate increase in productivity• Saved a lot of time on daily routines“With our businessquickly expandingwe were beginningto slip on our servicebut thankfully withMamut we are nowable to reach 100%service levels to ourclients and it has transformed our approach,” says Val.Currently Global Tax Reclaim has four employeeson Mamut and they are so excited with the resultsthey intend to add a further three.“Our former system was very much based onindividual employees addressing unique items forclients. With Mamut all issues are transparent andcan be addressed by all staff. This has led to greatercustomer satisfaction even with the growth we areexperiencing. Without Mamut we would have had toemploy another person to help with the informationflows,” says Val.Advice to other users“Because the system is so simple and user friendly,I would encourage users to experiment with thefeatures. Mamut gives us a leading edge in organising,retrieving and managing information so we canpresent our clients with first class service, greaterproductivity, and timelier follow up of client issues.Clients are impressed at how we service them,”says Val.Read more at www.mamut.ie/bureau or call free on 1800 944 688

More than 325,000 customers in 16 countriessimplify their workday with solutions from Mamut.Read more at www.mamut.ie/bureauMamut Ltd, 1 Regus House, Harcourt Centre, Harcourt Road, Dublin 2, IrelandIE_<strong>BUREAU</strong>_12p_0108

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