OSCOP P System Program - Siemens

OSCOP P System Program - Siemens

OSCOP P System Program - Siemens


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<strong>OSCOP</strong> P <strong>System</strong> <strong>Program</strong>Applications<strong>OSCOP</strong> P system program<strong>OSCOP</strong> P is a PC program forretrieving and processingof records made with theSIMEAS R digital fault andpower quality recorder, theSIMEAS Q power qualityrecorder, or with numericalprotection relays using theIEC 60870-5-103 protocol.The following tasks can beperformed manually or automaticallyusing <strong>OSCOP</strong> P: Retrieving measurementdata from connected devicesand storing it in thedatabase Evaluation of data Visualization of results Output of results via a faxor printer Archiving of recordsAppropriate installation ofthe <strong>OSCOP</strong> P on applicationspecificPC hardware enablesthe fault recorder system toperform its task without interruption.DAKON-PCA number of devices(SIMEAS R, SIMEAS Q, protectionrelays) can be connectedto a data concentratorPC (called the DAKON PC).A DAKON-PC can collect therequired data and automaticallypass them on to a serverPC.Server PCA number of DAKON PCs canbe connected to one serverPC. Data from the server PCcan be retrieved and evaluatedby several connectedclient PCs.One server PC can pass onthe collected data to a higherlevelserver PC.Evaluation PCA number of DAKON PCs,SIMEAS Rs and SIMEAS Qs canbe connected to one evaluationPC. This configuration isprimarily for local parameterizationand data evaluation. Anevaluation PC can also be installedin the office andconnected to a DAKON PC orserver PC.Client PCA client PC is connected to aserver PC and is used for dataevaluation. The client PC cannotpass on data to higher-levelPCs.Client-server networkAll the above PCs can be interconnectedvia an Ethernetprotocol. This ensures fastdata exchange, e.g. betweenthe PCs in several substationsand a central server.Data transferThe remote data transferbetween the PC and theconnected units can be fullyautomatic. Here are someexamples of possible communicationlinks: Direct link, e.g. connectionof numerical protectionrelays to an RS232 interfacevia a star coupler Connection of SIMEAS R andSIMEAS Q units via an analogor ISDN modem andpublic telephone network Networking of several evaluationPCs, DAKON PCs,server PCs and SIMEAS R viathe Ethernet with the TCP/IPprotocol.Automatic operation<strong>OSCOP</strong> P can be parameterizedto perform many taskseither manually or automatically.Complete automationof tasks – such as retrievingdata, evaluation, on-screendisplay, printing and faxing –can reduce the user's workload.Addressing a devicespecifically and analyzing itsdata can also be performedmanually.Evaluation programThe evaluation program allowssimultaneous display ofany number of curves in anycombination. Easy-to-usezoom functions, grid lines,several measuring cursors andadditional calculations for diversepower system variablesenable optimum evaluationof power system faults. Viathe clipboard function, extractsfrom records can bere-used for a report in nearlyall Windows applications,for example MS Word.Peripheral equipment<strong>OSCOP</strong> P can address all peripheraldevices such asprinters and faxes supportedby the operating system.Data processing<strong>OSCOP</strong> P can perform thetasks of collecting data,writing it to the database,evaluating it, visualizing it,printing it and faxing it. Thisensures uninterruptedfunctioning of the installedfault recorder system withoutintervention by maintenancepersonnel.Supplementary functions(options)DIAGNOSE (fault locator)The optional “DIAGNOSE”software module performsautomatic analysis of the faultrecords of power transmissionand distribution lines. Thisfunction serves to compute afault location on the line.The result is presented in cleartext. As part of the parameterization,the line can be dividedinto several segments tofacilitate fault localization (appliesto one-end calculationonly). If the current and voltagesof a parallel line are recorded,the inductive effect isautomatically taken intoaccount. If the data relatingto a fault are available at bothends of a transmission line,the fault location can be determinedmore accuratelyfrom two sources. When parameterizedaccordingly, andwith automatic data transfer,these functions are performedautomatically. If desired, theresults are logically linked tothe fault record and automaticallyprinted or displayed onthe monitor.Power system faults can befiltered selectively to savetime. Experts can then concentratetheir efforts on morecomplex events.Importing and exporting dataThe additional “data import”function permits processing ofevents that have beenrecorded by devices of othermanufacturers in <strong>OSCOP</strong> P.These data must be inComtrade or ASCII format.The data are imported by<strong>OSCOP</strong> P and are available forfurther processing.The additional “export” functioncan provide from theSIMEAS R in the above formatto other programs.<strong>Siemens</strong> SR 10.1.3 · 2004 3

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