kültürel zenginliğimiz onlara emanet - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları ...

kültürel zenginliğimiz onlara emanet - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları ...

kültürel zenginliğimiz onlara emanet - Türkiye Seyahat Acentaları ...

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Rembrandt, Otoportre, 1628 (altta), JohannesVermeer’in iki yağlıboya eseri: Mektup Okuyan MaviliKadın, 1663 (sağda) ve Süt Döken Kadın, 1658–1660(en sağda). Vincent van Gogh, Otoportre, 1887, (sağaltta). Rijksmuseum Arşivi.Rembrandt, Self-portrait, 1628 (bottom), oil paintingof Johannes Vermeer: Milk Defoliating Woman, 1658-1660 (far right). Vincent van Gogh, Self-Portrait,1887, (below right). Archives of the Rijksmuseum.Diğer bir önemli konu ise, müzenin kapalıolduğu yıllar boyunca da dünyanın dörtbir yanından sanat ve tarih meraklılarınıkendine çekmeye devam etmiş olmasıydı.On yıl süren restorasyon ve renovasyon süresince,müzenin koleksiyonundan seçilmişyaklaşık 400 eser, “Şaheserler” isimli sergikapsamında, “Philips Kanadı” adı verilenve 1906’da yıkılmış binaların parçalarındaninşa edilmiş olan bölümde sergilenmiş veAmsterdam ziyaretçilerinin müze hakkında“tadımlık” da olsa bir fikir sahibi olmalarısağlanmıştı.restores the school building to its originalfunction, but readapted to the needs of thepresent-day. The interior design of the museumwas tailored by Jean-Michel Wilmotte,a name which became familiar to the publicthrough his work at the Museum of the Louvrein Paris. Lighting and showcases were designedby Wilmotte. The colours of the wallsin the interior were chosen by chief architectsCruz and Ortiz, adhering to the original colourspectrum of 125 years ago.The number of two million visitors a year istargetedThe museum’s collection includes almost onemillion registered objects. The building isalso equipped with a 300 square meters largestore, a restaurant and two coffee shops. TheRijksmuseum in her new outfit aims to hostbetween 1,5 to 2 million visitors per year.The renovation of the museum was carriedout with a budget of 375 million Euros. Thisbudget was gathered through the contributionsof the Dutch Ministry of Education,Culture and Science, and of Philips, BankGiroLottery, ING Bank and Dutch Landline andMobile Telecommunications Company KPNas sponsors. Another important point is thefact the museum continued to attract art andhistory lovers from all over the world duringthe time it was closed for years. During thedecade of restoration and renovation, about400 works of art selected from the museum’scollection, continued to be presented to thepublic within the scope of the “Masterpieces”exhibition, which took place in the sectioncalled the “‘Philips Wing”, built from theremains of buildings demolished in 1906; thusoffering Amsterdam visitors the chance tohave an idea of the museum albeit with only a“little zest” of the huge collection.Some of the figures...• Over 8 thousand pieces exhibited in 80 galleries of the renewedmuseum describe the 800-year-old Dutch history.• A stroll of 1,5 km is required to visit a total of 80 galleries.While the number of galleries is 80, the total number of the piecesof the collection is 1.000.000.• The museum has now the capacity to accommodate 1,5 to 2million visitors per year.• It has 30.000 square meters total area, 12.000 m 2 exhibitionspaces, an Atrium of 2.250 m 2 and 14.418 m 2 of garden.Bazı Rakamlar...• Yenilenen müzede yer alan 8 binden fazla eser, 80 adet galeride 800 yıllıkFelemenk tarihini anlatıyor.• 80 galeriyi gezmek için toplam 1,5 km. yürünüyor. Odaların sayısı da 80.Koleksiyonun toplam sayısı 1.000.000.• Müze şimdi yılda 1.5 ila 2 milyon ziyaretçiyi ağırlayabiliecek.• Toplam kullanım alanı 30.000, sergi alanı 12.000, Atrium 2.250, bahçe ise14.418 metrekare.Şeref Galerisi (solda) ve 17. yy Galerisi, Rijksmuseum Arşivi, Iwan Baan.Honour Hall Gallery (left) and 17 th Century Gallery, Rijksmuseum Archive,Iwan Baan.21

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