GIS Sana Sini - Malaysia Geoportal

GIS Sana Sini - Malaysia Geoportal GIS Sana Sini - Malaysia Geoportal
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Kearah BandarSelamat22BULETIN GEOSPATIAL Sektor Awam Edisi 2/2010PERKONGSIAN DATARajah 13.0 : Hotspot Timechart Pecah Rumah Malam 2007 di PBT (A)PERKONGSIAN LAPORAN DAN PETAHOTSPOTKaedah perkongsian data yang paling mudahadalah dengan menyediakan laporan dan petahotspot secara bulanan atau tahunan. Denganperkongsian peta hotspot ini, Pihak Berkuasaboleh membincangkan strategi untuk mencegahkejadian jenayah bagi bulan selanjutnya.PERKONGSIAN SECARA WEB BASED CRIMEMAPPINGData jenayah yang dipetakan boleh dikongsi olehPihak Berkuasa untuk mengenalpasti kawasantompok jenayah.Perkongsian secara Web BasedPemetaan Jenayah ini juga membolehkan’Community Policing’ boleh dilaksanakan dimana pihak NGO atau Persatuan Pendudukmengetahui status jenayah di tempat mereka.PENUTUPArtikel ini menunjukkan pemetaan jenayahhotspot melalui aplikasi GIS mampu untukmembantu Pihak Berkuasa untuk menanganikes-kes jenayah di negara ini. Dengan penghasilanpemetaan Hotspot Jenayah ia diharap mampumengenal pasti kawasan-kawasan jenayah untukmembolehkan Pihak Berkuasa melaksanakanlangkah-langkah pencegahan jenayah yangterkandung dalam Program Bandar Selamat.KPKT. Bagaimanapun terdapat beberapa cabarandalam melaksanakan pemetaan jenayah bandaradalah seperti berikut :i. Kesediaan IPD untuk berkongsi data jenayahdengan PBT masih lagi melalui prosesbirokratik dan kebenaran daripada pihakatasan.Data-data jenayah yang diperolehitelah pun ketinggalan masa (out of date). Adalahlebih berkesan jika pemetaan jenayah inidilaksanakan setiap bulan untuk membolehkanpencegahan dibuat pada bulan hadapannya.ii. Inisiatif IPD untuk membangunkan lamanweb di peringkat bandar dan daerah bagimemaklumkan kawasan tompok jenayahdalam bandar atau daerah adalah sangatdialu-alukan.iii. Kesediaan IPD untuk melaksanakanpemetaan jenayah secara intensif denganmenempatkan pegawai geomatik untukmengendalikan pemetaan jenayah di peringkatbandar dan daerah.iv. Kesediaan IPD mula mencerap koordinatlokasi jenayah dalam setiap laporan kesjenayah yang diterima bagi memudahkanpemetaan jenayah dibuat.RUJUKAN:Jabatan Perancang Bandar dan Desa SemenanjungMalaysia (2008). Manual Pelaksanaan PemetaanGIS Jenayah Bandar untuk Pihak BerkuasaTempatan. Bahagian Penyelidikan danPembangunan, JPBD Semenanjung Malaysia,Kuala Lumpur.Integrated Geoplanning Sdn Bhd. (2008). LaporanPemetaan GIS Jenayah Bandar, Majlis BandarayaPetaling Jaya (PBT (B)). Jabatan PerancanganPembangunan Bandar, PBT (B), Selangor.U.S Department of Justice (2005). Mapping Crime: Principle and Practice. National Institute of Justice,Washington DC.Jerry Ratcliffe. Hotspot Detective for MapInfo,User Manual Version 2.0. Temple University.Spencer Chainey & Jerry Ratcliffe (2005). GISand Crime Mapping. Wiley, LondonU.S Department of Justice (2005). Mapping Crime: Understanding Hot Spots. National Institute ofJustice, Washington DC.1,2Integrated Geoplanning Sdn BhdKuala Lumpur

EstablishingQuantum GIS23ESTABLISHING QUANTUM GIS AS THE PRINCIPALGIS IN THE PUBLIC SECTORDisediakan Oleh:Deg. PLANNING (GCAD), M.Sc GIS (UPM), AMNFederal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular GEOSPATIAL Sektor Awam Edisi 2/2010ABSTRACTThe Federal Department of Town and CountryPlanning, Peninsular Malaysia (JPBD) aware ofthe Ministry of Housing and Local Government’s(KPKT) effort to implement the Malaysian PublicSector Open Source Master Plan decided in2009 to research on the availability of OpenSource Software (OSS) Geographical InformationSystem (GIS) which could meet the requirementsof currently used proprietary GIS because it isa heavy user of GIS. This eventually led toQuantum GIS (QGIS) which JPBD promotesnationwide throughout the department and hopeswill extend to other public agencies that use aGIS.QGIS is a multi-platform application availableon different operating systems including Mac,Linux, Unix and Windows. It was established in2002 and matured with the stable QGIS 1.0 Korein January 2009. Community support is vital forOpen Source and to channel this support, QGIShas a blog, forum, user mailing list and an Internetrelay chat (IRC) channel. Being available in manylanguages also led to its fast growth. The currentversion launched in January 2010 is QGIS 1.4Enceladus.In effort to be thrifty, JPBD, like other governmentdepartments sees funds being substantiallysqueezed annually. Thus, it is timely to exploitOSS and JPBD sees QGIS as a viable optionthat can still help achieve its mission under theOSS umbrella. JPBD also wants to contributetowards the betterment of other governmentagencies via OSS. To capitalize on this, thepublic sector is encouraged to exploit QGIS. Togive added value, JPBD is currently embarkingon a pilot project to implement a QGISanalytical plugin for hilly areas and highlands.Other plugins are waiting in queue. As thesuccess of any OSS multiplies itself when moreparties use the same application, it is hoped acommon interest in QGIS will eventually benefitthe public sector particularly in the sphere ofGIS, education, collaboration and publicspending.

EstablishingQuantum <strong>GIS</strong>23ESTABLISHING QUANTUM <strong>GIS</strong> AS THE PRINCIPAL<strong>GIS</strong> IN THE PUBLIC SECTORDisediakan Oleh:Deg. PLANNING (GCAD), M.Sc <strong>GIS</strong> (UPM), AMNFederal Department of Town and Country Planning, Peninsular <strong>Malaysia</strong> GEOSPATIAL Sektor Awam Edisi 2/2010ABSTRACTThe Federal Department of Town and CountryPlanning, Peninsular <strong>Malaysia</strong> (JPBD) aware ofthe Ministry of Housing and Local Government’s(KPKT) effort to implement the <strong>Malaysia</strong>n PublicSector Open Source Master Plan decided in2009 to research on the availability of OpenSource Software (OSS) Geographical InformationSystem (<strong>GIS</strong>) which could meet the requirementsof currently used proprietary <strong>GIS</strong> because it isa heavy user of <strong>GIS</strong>. This eventually led toQuantum <strong>GIS</strong> (Q<strong>GIS</strong>) which JPBD promotesnationwide throughout the department and hopeswill extend to other public agencies that use a<strong>GIS</strong>.Q<strong>GIS</strong> is a multi-platform application availableon different operating systems including Mac,Linux, Unix and Windows. It was established in2002 and matured with the stable Q<strong>GIS</strong> 1.0 Korein January 2009. Community support is vital forOpen Source and to channel this support, Q<strong>GIS</strong>has a blog, forum, user mailing list and an Internetrelay chat (IRC) channel. Being available in manylanguages also led to its fast growth. The currentversion launched in January 2010 is Q<strong>GIS</strong> 1.4Enceladus.In effort to be thrifty, JPBD, like other governmentdepartments sees funds being substantiallysqueezed annually. Thus, it is timely to exploitOSS and JPBD sees Q<strong>GIS</strong> as a viable optionthat can still help achieve its mission under theOSS umbrella. JPBD also wants to contributetowards the betterment of other governmentagencies via OSS. To capitalize on this, thepublic sector is encouraged to exploit Q<strong>GIS</strong>. Togive added value, JPBD is currently embarkingon a pilot project to implement a Q<strong>GIS</strong>analytical plugin for hilly areas and highlands.Other plugins are waiting in queue. As thesuccess of any OSS multiplies itself when moreparties use the same application, it is hoped acommon interest in Q<strong>GIS</strong> will eventually benefitthe public sector particularly in the sphere of<strong>GIS</strong>, education, collaboration and publicspending.

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