GIS Sana Sini - Malaysia Geoportal

GIS Sana Sini - Malaysia Geoportal GIS Sana Sini - Malaysia Geoportal
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CadastralRegistration8BULETIN GEOSPATIAL Sektor Awam Edisi 2/2010MALAYSIAN CADASTRAL DATAMODELThe CCDM which introduced in the currentversion of model (Van-Oosterom et al., 2006)mentioned that this data model is the foundationof most land administration. Which means that,this foundation of core cadastral data modelis designed for various land registration systemand cadastral system all over the world and asa base for all cadastral registration, therefore,in other words, the relationship between thethree core classes in the UML diagram as inFigure 2, there are Person (subject), RRR(right, restriction, responsibility) and RegisterObject (real property objects), can be used toillustrate Malaysia Cadastral Data Model.• share• tmin• tmaxRRR:::floatdatedateRegister Object• object_id : int• tmin : date• tmax : datePerson• subject_id• tmin• tmaxMALAYSIA CADASTRAL DATABASEThe arrival of computer and the rapiddevelopment of Information CommunicationTechnology (ICT) has resulted widespreadtechnological reforms in the field of cadastralsystem and in line with the governmentobjective of providing efficient and quality landadministration services to the public. Realisingthe importance and potential of this newtechnology, DSMM and PTG had initiated theircomputerisation programme in the early 1980’sand 1990’s respectively. The most significantchange that ICT has brought about is that theshift from conventional analogue data to digitaldata and consequently the introduction of theconcept of digital database which forms thebase component of a Land Information System(LIS) which in turn has been identified as havingan indispensable role in the process of decisionmaking in resource management and planning.For example, PTG has computerised two ofits main operations in land administration namedComputerised Land Registration System (CLRS)and Land Revenue Collection System (LRCS) to:::intdatedateFigure 2 : UML class diagram of CCDM: Adaptedfrom stoter, 2004; Van-Oostream et al.,2006 and Chong, 2006)“Malaysia land administrationare based on the Torrens systemwhere Cadastral Map and legaldocument with spatial andtextual information as a legalevident under the rules andregulations are needed in orderto have fully institutionalcoordination.cater the land registration and revenue collectionactivities. On the other hand, DSMM hasimplemented a data collection and processingfacility named Cadastral Data ManagementSystem (CDMS) for cadastral activity, theComputer Assisted Topographic Mapping System(CATMAPS) for mapping activity and also theAutomated District Survey Office System (ADSS)for district survey office activity, and then bothCLRS and CDMS enabled the process of landregistration and measurement of ownership to beaccelerated (Chong, 2006).The Cadastral Data Management System(CDMS) will provides a network for the surveydepartment to access the DCDB and the digitalimage library from any personal computerwithin the network, with a single window andsingle point of access. DCDB holds digitalcadastral base maps that are used for buildingup GIS and land related applications, whilethe image library holds scanned and indexedcertified plans stored in the disk arrays at everystate survey departments. CDMS is alsocapable of receiving orders from clients throughremote access, e-mail, dial-up and other thingsas well as providing an automatic invoicing,billing and accounting system and it also caterfor remote access to and from the DistrictSurvey offices (JUD). A system which formspart of the CDMS that is Quality AssuranceSystem (SPEK) is a module to preserve theintegrity, and accuracy of the DCDB.With the implementation of the CLRS, a systemto modernise and to facilitate the registrationof land title and dealings, data are extractedfrom both the documents of title and other landrelated documents. Meanwhile, the informationin the CLRS database are based on the records“

kept in the land registers and relevant files withinclude information on ownership (Person), landidentification (Register Object), restriction (RRR)and record of dealings. As mentioned by (Chong,2006), the register furnishes all informationpertaining to the ownership (person), the land(object, through description of area and locationand boundary limits3D CADASTRE REGISTRATIONDEVELOPMENT IN MALAYSIAThe development of 3D Cadastre registrationare more on technical part where researchersstudy on the process of adding 3D Cadastreobjects in the current cadastre data modeland information accessible among DSMM, PTGand PTD, unfortunately the two state databasewhich are DCDB and CLRS database worksseparately in different authorities and still in2D situation. As mentioned in this researchpreviously, Malaysia land administration arebased on the Torrens system where CadastralMap and legal document with spatial andtextual information as a legal evident underthe rules and regulations are needed in orderto have fully institutional coordination.The 3D Cadastre objects such as stratabuilding, construction on, above and belowthe ground surface, i.e. underground tunnel,metro station, skywalk and other things is areal property object that being built on the 2Dfrom the Certified Plan and rights (details ofencumbrance, expressed conditions, caveats andprohibitory orders and other things). However,not all restrictions are stated in the register, someare implied by law for example National LandCode 1965 (Act 56), planning control and so parcel, which are the responsible by PTG,PTD and DSMM on the ownership registrationand object registration respectively. Apart fromthis 2D land parcel, there is also a 3D landparcel, which is similar to 3D physical objectbased on the hybrid solution by (Stoter 2004),together form from the Register Object, wherethe 2D land parcel is represented as a 2Dgeometry while 3D land parcel is form with 2Dgeometry and 3D information. Furthermore, the2D land parcel is inherited from the currentregistration system that is the cadastral lot thatconsists of boundary lines and boundary marks.On the other hand, 3D land parcel is projectedwith the 3D bounded space that consists offace, node and vertex with list of coordinatesthat form flat faces and forming of 3D objectswhich so-called 3D Cadastre object later.The combination of this concept data model canbe shown in Figure 3.CadastralRegistration9BULETIN GEOSPATIAL Sektor Awam Edisi 2/2010Legal Rights• land_attributes• share• tmin• tmaxRRR:::floatdatedatePerson• subject_id• tmin• tmax:::intdatedateRegister Object• object_id : int• tmin : date• tmax : dateBoundary Marine2.”1.”Boundary Lines1.”2D land Parcel• 2D_geometryCadastral Lines2.” 3.”VertexNode• X_Y_Z3D land Parcel• 2D_geometry• 3D_information3.”Face4.”Figure 3 : UML class diagram of 3D cadastre registration concept data model(Partly adapted from (Ahmad-Nasruddin and Abdul-Rahman, 2006)

CadastralRegistration8BULETIN GEOSPATIAL Sektor Awam Edisi 2/2010MALAYSIAN CADASTRAL DATAMODELThe CCDM which introduced in the currentversion of model (Van-Oosterom et al., 2006)mentioned that this data model is the foundationof most land administration. Which means that,this foundation of core cadastral data modelis designed for various land registration systemand cadastral system all over the world and asa base for all cadastral registration, therefore,in other words, the relationship between thethree core classes in the UML diagram as inFigure 2, there are Person (subject), RRR(right, restriction, responsibility) and RegisterObject (real property objects), can be used toillustrate <strong>Malaysia</strong> Cadastral Data Model.• share• tmin• tmaxRRR:::floatdatedateRegister Object• object_id : int• tmin : date• tmax : datePerson• subject_id• tmin• tmaxMALAYSIA CADASTRAL DATABASEThe arrival of computer and the rapiddevelopment of Information CommunicationTechnology (ICT) has resulted widespreadtechnological reforms in the field of cadastralsystem and in line with the governmentobjective of providing efficient and quality landadministration services to the public. Realisingthe importance and potential of this newtechnology, DSMM and PTG had initiated theircomputerisation programme in the early 1980’sand 1990’s respectively. The most significantchange that ICT has brought about is that theshift from conventional analogue data to digitaldata and consequently the introduction of theconcept of digital database which forms thebase component of a Land Information System(LIS) which in turn has been identified as havingan indispensable role in the process of decisionmaking in resource management and planning.For example, PTG has computerised two ofits main operations in land administration namedComputerised Land Registration System (CLRS)and Land Revenue Collection System (LRCS) to:::intdatedateFigure 2 : UML class diagram of CCDM: Adaptedfrom stoter, 2004; Van-Oostream et al.,2006 and Chong, 2006)“<strong>Malaysia</strong> land administrationare based on the Torrens systemwhere Cadastral Map and legaldocument with spatial andtextual information as a legalevident under the rules andregulations are needed in orderto have fully institutionalcoordination.cater the land registration and revenue collectionactivities. On the other hand, DSMM hasimplemented a data collection and processingfacility named Cadastral Data ManagementSystem (CDMS) for cadastral activity, theComputer Assisted Topographic Mapping System(CATMAPS) for mapping activity and also theAutomated District Survey Office System (ADSS)for district survey office activity, and then bothCLRS and CDMS enabled the process of landregistration and measurement of ownership to beaccelerated (Chong, 2006).The Cadastral Data Management System(CDMS) will provides a network for the surveydepartment to access the DCDB and the digitalimage library from any personal computerwithin the network, with a single window andsingle point of access. DCDB holds digitalcadastral base maps that are used for buildingup <strong>GIS</strong> and land related applications, whilethe image library holds scanned and indexedcertified plans stored in the disk arrays at everystate survey departments. CDMS is alsocapable of receiving orders from clients throughremote access, e-mail, dial-up and other thingsas well as providing an automatic invoicing,billing and accounting system and it also caterfor remote access to and from the DistrictSurvey offices (JUD). A system which formspart of the CDMS that is Quality AssuranceSystem (SPEK) is a module to preserve theintegrity, and accuracy of the DCDB.With the implementation of the CLRS, a systemto modernise and to facilitate the registrationof land title and dealings, data are extractedfrom both the documents of title and other landrelated documents. Meanwhile, the informationin the CLRS database are based on the records“

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