linear system - Profilex sa

linear system - Profilex sa linear system - Profilex sa
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LINEAR BEARINGSTECHNICAL DATASPECIAL FEATURES1. Compact DesignIn our linear bearings, 4 to 6 rows ofballs are spaced very closely. Thisensures particularly high-precisionmovement under load from anydirection.2. High Load CapacityThe exclusive use of quality-assuredmaterials, in combination with maturedesigns,ensuresoptimaldynamicloadratings.3. Highest PrecisionThe optimum operating play is oneof the most critical points whenusing linear bearings. Our bearingsare delivered with preciselydetermined bore tolerances.LIFETIME1. Dynamic Basic LoadThis value is the load under when atleast 90% of a group of identical linearbearings can achieve a lifetime of 105m. This lifetime is defined as thedistance traversed until materialfatigue in the balls, the outer rings,or the shaft.The lifetime of a bearing is calculatedas follows:L = lifetimeC = dynamic load rating (N)F = resulting external forcesL =C• 10F5This relation only applies when usingour shafts or the equivalent, and attemperatures of less than 100 °C.2.Static Load CapacityThe static load capacity Co is themaximum permissible load underwhich no permanent deformation willoccur in the shaft.(1/1000 of the ball diameter.)3.Load DirectionThe effective dynamic load ratingsdepend on the orientation of the loadwith respect to the ball locations. Thevalues specified in the dimensiontables are valid for a load directionthrough the ball peak position. Whenpositioning the bearing in the optimalposition, the effective dynamic loadratings may be increased by thefollowing factors:4 ball rows5 ball rowsP 16 ball rowsP 1Pnormal positionFRICTIONoptimalnormal1,106 Pnormal positionoptimalnormal1,354 Pnormal positionoptimalnormalP 1P 1optimal position= 1.414optimal position= 1.463optimal position= 1.2801,414 PP 0P 0 P 01,618 PP 0P 0 P 01,732 PP 0P 0 P 0Each individual linear bearing isprecisely measured before shipping,and tested for friction. Normally, linearbearings are mounted with a 2 µmradial gap. When used in electronicequipment, however, a radial play ofnearly zero is often necessary. Forthese extreme requirements, thetracks of the bearings are given aspecial finish. This gives them thelowest possible friction andslip/stretch-free movement. Toachieve the bearing gap desired, thebearings are delivered in sorted boretolerancesin2µmsteps.Uponrequest,both bearings and shafts can beprovided already mounted with theradial gap required.LUBRICATIONThe right lubrication is an importantprerequisite for a long service life, andfor achievement of all the technicaladvantages of these linear bearings.The bearings are delivered with acorrosion-protective oil, which isnormally sufficient for operation. Forspecial requirements, grease lubricationis also possible. In this case,the amount of grease should be dosedso that the balls can move withouthindrance. Grease leaking out cancause increased friction. Forrelubrication, we recommend DIN51852 K2K lubrication greases.CAGEThe cages are made of heat-stabilisedpolyamide 6, which has provedoutstanding due to its low frictionand favourable dry-runningcharacteristics. For applications atlong-term temperatures of more than100 °C, bearings with steel cages areavailable.NOTEMovement (load orientation) only inlinear direction, not radially!8 MINITEC LINEAR SYSTEM


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