People and Management - Carlsberg Group

People and Management - Carlsberg Group

People and Management - Carlsberg Group

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30 <strong>Management</strong> review / <strong>Carlsberg</strong> Annual Report 2006“The <strong>Group</strong> strives to enhance the skillsof managers <strong>and</strong> other employees, <strong>and</strong> todevelop a strong culture across nationalborders <strong>and</strong> functions.”

<strong>Carlsberg</strong> Annual Report 2006 / <strong>Management</strong> review 31A developing organisationThe <strong>Carlsberg</strong> br<strong>and</strong> is known <strong>and</strong> respected throughoutthe world. The <strong>Group</strong> is a global player <strong>and</strong> offers employeesgood opportunities to encounter a wide range ofchallenges <strong>and</strong> cultures. The rapid evolution of the businessalso means that individual employees can play anactive part in a dynamic process. <strong>Carlsberg</strong> is thereforean attractive employer with the best possible basis forrecruiting <strong>and</strong> retaining dynamic <strong>and</strong> talented people,which is a focus area in the organisation.The development of <strong>Carlsberg</strong>’s international activities<strong>and</strong> realisation of its ambitious business goals ask agreat deal of employees across the business. The <strong>Group</strong>therefore strives to enhance the skills of managers <strong>and</strong>other employees, <strong>and</strong> to develop a strong culture whichpulls the company together across national borders <strong>and</strong>functions, <strong>and</strong> promotes commitment in people’s everydaywork. Employee <strong>and</strong> management development area strategic focus area for the <strong>Group</strong>.<strong>Carlsberg</strong> also makes various dem<strong>and</strong>s of its employees.Importance is attached to managers <strong>and</strong> other employeeshaving a commercial mindset <strong>and</strong> focusing onconsumers <strong>and</strong> customers, <strong>and</strong> being able to contributeto value creation in the business. They must also feelcomfortable with <strong>Carlsberg</strong>’s values: innovation, ambition,responsibility <strong>and</strong> honesty.<strong>Carlsberg</strong>’s globalisation has brought a growing need topromote mobility. It is becoming increasingly importantto identify <strong>and</strong> recruit the best managers <strong>and</strong> other employeesthroughout the global organisation. More <strong>and</strong>more employees are working outside their home countriesfor various lengths of time, <strong>and</strong> this mobility offersconsiderable development opportunities for the individualemployee <strong>and</strong> is a necessity for <strong>Carlsberg</strong> in its effortsto optimise the business.Importance is attached to developing the organisation<strong>and</strong> its employees so as to create the best possible basisfor realising <strong>Carlsberg</strong>’s business goals. Currentlythere is a particular focus on the following areas:• Further developing managers’ skills.• Further strengthening employees’ commitment <strong>and</strong>skills in terms of developing a strong winning culture.• Attracting the right employees to every part of thebusiness.• Developing a pay <strong>and</strong> incentive structure that motivates<strong>and</strong> reflects the individual’s contribution.• Tailoring the organisational structure to commercialpriorities.Development of people <strong>and</strong> cultureContinuous development of the <strong>Group</strong>’s employees is animportant part of everyday life at <strong>Carlsberg</strong>. This continuousprocess is supplemented with a range of initiatives,including management <strong>and</strong> talent development; internalproduction, procurement <strong>and</strong> marketing academies; <strong>and</strong>personal development programmes for managers <strong>and</strong>other employees at various levels of the organisation.These programmes are put together with a view to aligningthe individual employee’s interest in <strong>and</strong> capacity forpersonal development with the <strong>Group</strong>’s need to enhanceskills <strong>and</strong> strengthen its corporate culture. The overall

32 <strong>Management</strong> review / <strong>Carlsberg</strong> Annual Report 2006“The rapid evolution of the <strong>Carlsberg</strong> <strong>Group</strong> meansthat individual employees can play an active part in adynamic process.”goal is for the organisation to be able to meet constantlychanging commercial challenges.One integral aspect of all development activities isstrengthening the corporate culture, but this culture isalso anchored <strong>and</strong> nurtured through collaboration acrossthe organisation on joint projects <strong>and</strong> through effectivecommunication.Commitment <strong>and</strong> satisfactionEmployees’ commitment <strong>and</strong> satisfaction play a majorrole in the <strong>Group</strong>’s ability to realise its business goals.Employee surveys covering these areas are thereforeconducted periodically.These surveys provide important information on whichfactors are important for employees’ commitment, satisfaction<strong>and</strong> motivation, <strong>and</strong> reveal areas for improvement.Information is also obtained on the corporate cultureat <strong>Carlsberg</strong> <strong>and</strong> the values that pull the organisationtogether. These surveys have helped to ensure anincreased focus on management <strong>and</strong> communication inrecent years.an ability to work <strong>and</strong> lead people across different cultures,<strong>and</strong> to run the business <strong>and</strong> achieve success underconditions that are constantly changing. It is managerswho are to put our strategies into action throughtheir people, <strong>and</strong> they must be in a position to motivate,involve, enthuse <strong>and</strong> empower the individual employee.To ensure that the company’s current <strong>and</strong> future managerspossess the right managerial skills, a number ofcore competences have been identifi ed. Firstly there isthe ability to generate growth: managers must be able tocreate new business opportunities for <strong>Carlsberg</strong> througha commercial mindset <strong>and</strong> in-depth underst<strong>and</strong>ing of thecustomer <strong>and</strong> the consumer. Secondly managers musthave a real hunger for success: they must be able topush the boundaries, set targets <strong>and</strong> achieve them.Finally there is the ability to achieve results through colleagues<strong>and</strong> subordinates: managers must be able todeliver results through collaboration with other people,both in their own units <strong>and</strong> across the organisation.These core competences are to be strengthenedthrough management development activities.Calls on managers’ skills<strong>Carlsberg</strong>’s globalisation <strong>and</strong> growth aspirations dem<strong>and</strong>skilled managers. Managing a global business requires

<strong>Carlsberg</strong> Annual Report 2006 / <strong>Management</strong> review 33International Talent Programme<strong>Carlsberg</strong>’s International Talent Programme waslaunched in 2004. It is aimed at managers who havepreviously shown good business sense <strong>and</strong> achievedgood results, have a degree of management experience,<strong>and</strong> are mobile. The aim of the programme is tobuild up an international pool of strong <strong>and</strong> skilledemployees with the desire <strong>and</strong> ability to deliver results<strong>and</strong> build an international, multidisciplinary networkwithin the <strong>Carlsberg</strong> <strong>Group</strong>.The programme aims to develop the participants’man agerial skills <strong>and</strong> give them an in-depth knowledgeof the <strong>Carlsberg</strong> <strong>Group</strong>’s global activities. Onecondition is that participants must be prepared totake on duties wherever the business can best makeuse of their particular skills.The programme will typically be the first step on theparticipants’ path towards a senior international postat <strong>Carlsberg</strong>, <strong>and</strong> is an important part of our successionmanagement. The programme is internal <strong>and</strong>runs for two years. The key elements are LeadershipExcellence, Communicative Competence, BusinessExcellence <strong>and</strong> Common Skills Training. As part of theprogramme, each participant is linked to an internalmentor who provides regular feedback <strong>and</strong> guidance.Leadership AcademyThis programme was launched in 2006 <strong>and</strong> is aimed atmiddle management. The idea is to increase participants’business insight <strong>and</strong> their underst<strong>and</strong>ing of theopportunities <strong>and</strong> challenges faced by the <strong>Carlsberg</strong><strong>Group</strong>. Participants gain a detailed insight into <strong>Carlsberg</strong>’sway of doing business <strong>and</strong> into local <strong>and</strong> globalaspects of the business. They also receive in-depthtraining in <strong>Carlsberg</strong>’s core management competences.To develop strong skills in middle management <strong>and</strong>give middle managers an opportunity to build networksacross national borders <strong>and</strong> functions, the programmealso stimulates interest in sharing experience<strong>and</strong> results across the organisation.The Leadership Academy includes topics such as customer<strong>and</strong> consumer trends, competition, key internal<strong>and</strong> external challenges, <strong>and</strong> management training.

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