The Vine – 1111 - York St Church of Christ

The Vine – 1111 - York St Church of Christ The Vine – 1111 - York St Church of Christ
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It was great to write some prayers of praise and blessings forthe new building and playground and to bury them onOctober 23rd under the foundations where the playgroundwill be. We also included some photos of our groups. Wedon‟t know if anyone will ever find these, but if they ever digup the foundations they might get a nice surprise!! Thanks toBruce Harmer for making our Time Capsule and evenpainting it gold!The Grade 5/6 kids had a camp out at Eunice Clay's property in Clunes on Saturday22nd. Sixteen boys and girls slept overnight, with the boys in tents and the girls inside inthe comfort. They had a fantastic time. Thank you to Eunice for her catering andrunning of many activities. Thank you to Aaron Luttrell for his organisation of activitiesand transport etc. Thank you also to Sharlene, Maurice and Dan for their help.4

Top Ten Questionswith Ashlee Smith18th DecemberNorth Gardens Reserve (Lake Wendouree)We are very pleased to report that the Carols have once again been successful in receiving funding from the BallaratCity Council. This is a great assistance in providing the infrastructure for the Carols which cost well over $20,000 eachyear to run (predominately funded through Council Grants and sponsorship). Without the help of all the volunteers,the Eureka Carols would cost well over $250,000. We are also excited to be working with the other Churches ofBallarat and to see the unity which comes through this.If you are available to help with the set-up/pack-up of the Carols, the collection of the 3BA Appeal or the selling ofcandles, please sign up on the Information Desk.Rehearsals have already begun for the band for the Carols. If you are interested in singing in the Choir, please sign upon the Information Desk. Rehearsals will start for the Choir on Tuesday 22nd November at the Church from7pm. Children and youth from Grade 4 up are welcome to sing in the Choir - maybe the whole family would like tosing!!Glenn ValentineMainly Music is going very well after ourlaunch on 20th October. Already there areseveral mums/dads and kiddies comingalong. If you know anyone who would like tocome along to Mainly Music, please letthem know it is on Thursday mornings at10:30amThere are information brochuresavailable on the Information Desk, orspeak to Trace, Alisa or Kirsty for moreinformation. If you are interested inbecoming involved in this ministry, pleasespeak to Trace November 9th we are having an extraspecial MOPS morning - a tea andtestimony (stories) morning. The tea partis a lavish high tea - including flowery teacups, cake tiers etc... And the testimonypart is where two of our Christian mumsare going to share their testimony/storyof what God has done in their life. We areso excited to have this opportunity toimpact the lives of our mums and we ask thatyou would be in prayer for this day - that heartswould be open to hear from God and that thiswould be another big step on their journeytowards a relationship with Jesus.Thanks for your support,Rachel FrancisMOPS coordinatorPlease Pray1. What is your favourite food? Cherries2. What is your favourite TV show or Movie? The Block3. Who‘s in your family? Mum (Lisa), Dad (Bernard), Gemma, Madison and ofcourse myself (Ashlee)4. Which church service do you attend? 10:30am5. How long have you been involved at York St? About 2 years6. What is your favourite Bible verse? Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord hasmade; let us rejoice and be glad in it."7. What do you do for leisure or what are your hobbies? Designing, piano, sport8. If you could change one thing in the world what would you change? Curecancer and find homes for the homeless.9. Who is your favourite Bible character? Esther10. What do you like the most about York Street? Learning about the Bible andfriends‘"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."Psalm 118:24Ashlee Smith5

It was great to write some prayers <strong>of</strong> praise and blessings forthe new building and playground and to bury them onOctober 23rd under the foundations where the playgroundwill be. We also included some photos <strong>of</strong> our groups. Wedon‟t know if anyone will ever find these, but if they ever digup the foundations they might get a nice surprise!! Thanks toBruce Harmer for making our Time Capsule and evenpainting it gold!<strong>The</strong> Grade 5/6 kids had a camp out at Eunice Clay's property in Clunes on Saturday22nd. Sixteen boys and girls slept overnight, with the boys in tents and the girls inside inthe comfort. <strong>The</strong>y had a fantastic time. Thank you to Eunice for her catering andrunning <strong>of</strong> many activities. Thank you to Aaron Luttrell for his organisation <strong>of</strong> activitiesand transport etc. Thank you also to Sharlene, Maurice and Dan for their help.4

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