2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com

2012 New Releases Catalogue December - Learningemall.com


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<strong>2012</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Releases</strong> <strong>Catalogue</strong><strong>December</strong>CD-ROM DVD VODwww.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong>

CONTENTADMINISTRATIVE LAW .......................................................................................................................................................... 3ADMIRALTY LAW.................................................................................................................................................................... 7ADOBE.................................................................................................................................................................................... 7AMERICAN (U.S.) HISTORY .................................................................................................................................................. 7ANTITRUST LAW.................................................................................................................................................................... 7APPELLATE ADVOCACY ....................................................................................................................................................... 9ART HISTORY....................................................................................................................................................................... 10ASIA ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 10ASIAN STUDIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 10ASTRONOMY ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10AUSTRALIAN HISTORY ........................................................................................................................................................11BANKING LAW.......................................................................................................................................................................11BANKRUPTCY LAW ............................................................................................................................................................. 15BETTER LIVING ................................................................................................................................................................... 17BILLIARD .............................................................................................................................................................................. 18BILLING................................................................................................................................................................................. 18BIOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 18BOWLING ............................................................................................................................................................................. 18BUSINESS LAW.................................................................................................................................................................... 18BUSINESS SKILLS ............................................................................................................................................................... 30CAREER DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 30CHILDREN AND THE LAW ................................................................................................................................................... 31CHINA ................................................................................................................................................................................... 31CHINA NEWS INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................................. 32CIVIL PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................................. 32CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE.............................................................................................................................................. 33COMMERCIAL LAW.............................................................................................................................................................. 33COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 34COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA LAW ................................................................................................................................ 34COMMUNICATIONS AND TRANSPORTATION LAW ........................................................................................................... 36CONSTRUCTION LAW ......................................................................................................................................................... 37CONSUMER LAW................................................................................................................................................................. 38CORPORATE LAW ............................................................................................................................................................... 40COUNSELING AND PSYCHOTHERAPY ............................................................................................................................. 45COURTS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 46CRIMINAL LAW..................................................................................................................................................................... 46DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................................................ 48DISABILITIES........................................................................................................................................................................ 48DISABILITY LAW .................................................................................................................................................................. 49DISPUTE RESOLUTION....................................................................................................................................................... 51E-COMMERCE AND CYBERSPACE LAW ........................................................................................................................... 52EDUCATION LAW ................................................................................................................................................................. 54EGYPT AND EARLY CIVILIZATION...................................................................................................................................... 54ELDER LAW.......................................................................................................................................................................... 54EMPLOYEE BENEFITS ........................................................................................................................................................ 56ENERGY AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAW ..................................................................................................................... 57ENGLISH LITERATURE........................................................................................................................................................ 58ENTERTAINMENT AND SPORTS LAW................................................................................................................................ 58ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ....................................................................................................................................................... 62ESTATE PLANNING.............................................................................................................................................................. 64ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY.............................................................................................................. 70ETHICS OPINIONS............................................................................................................................................................... 75EVIDENCE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 75EVIDENCE-BASED TEACHING CPD................................................................................................................................... 75FAMILY COUNSELING ......................................................................................................................................................... 75FAMILY LAW ......................................................................................................................................................................... 75FAMILY STUDIES ................................................................................................................................................................. 80FAMILY THERAPY ................................................................................................................................................................ 80FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................. 80FRANCHISE LAW ................................................................................................................................................................. 83GENERAL PRACTICE .......................................................................................................................................................... 84GERONTOLOGY .................................................................................................................................................................. 89GOLF..................................................................................................................................................................................... 90GOVERNMENT LAW ............................................................................................................................................................ 90HEALTH ................................................................................................................................................................................ 94HEALTH LAW........................................................................................................................................................................ 94HEALTHCARE ASSISTANTS.............................................................................................................................................. 101HISTORY............................................................................................................................................................................. 101HUMAN RIGHTS LAW ........................................................................................................................................................ 101

IMMIGRATION LAW............................................................................................................................................................ 102INSURANCE LAW............................................................................................................................................................... 102INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW ..................................................................................................................................... 103INTERNATIONAL LAW.........................................................................................................................................................112LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW ......................................................................................................................................114LAW......................................................................................................................................................................................119LAW PRACTICE MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................................119LAW SCHOOL..................................................................................................................................................................... 122LAW STUDENTS ................................................................................................................................................................ 123LAWYERS' PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY ............................................................................................................................ 123LEGAL ASPECTS OF NURSING ........................................................................................................................................ 123LEGAL TECHNOLOGY....................................................................................................................................................... 124LIFE SKILLS........................................................................................................................................................................ 124LITIGATION......................................................................................................................................................................... 124LONG-TERM CARE ............................................................................................................................................................ 131MANAGEMENT / ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS.................................................................................................................... 131MATH, STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY............................................................................................................................ 132MEDIA AND POLITICS........................................................................................................................................................ 132MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS........................................................................................................................................ 132MODERN HISTORY............................................................................................................................................................ 133NEUROSCIENCE, THE BRAIN AND COUNSELING.......................................................................................................... 133NONPROFIT LAW............................................................................................................................................................... 134OH&S .................................................................................................................................................................................. 134PHOTOGRAPHY................................................................................................................................................................. 134PHYSICS............................................................................................................................................................................. 135PROFESSIONAL ................................................................................................................................................................ 135PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT..................................................................................................................................... 135PROGRAMMING................................................................................................................................................................. 135PSYCHODRAMA ................................................................................................................................................................ 135PUBLIC CONTRACT LAW .................................................................................................................................................. 136PUBLIC EDUCATION.......................................................................................................................................................... 136REAL ESTATE LAW ............................................................................................................................................................ 136RELIGION AND THEOLOGY .............................................................................................................................................. 140SAFETY .............................................................................................................................................................................. 140SAFETY AND INJURY PREVENTION ................................................................................................................................ 140SCIENCE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 140SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LAW.................................................................................................................................. 141SECURITIES LAW .............................................................................................................................................................. 145SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL POLICY............................................................................................................................... 145SOLOS AND SMALL FIRMS ............................................................................................................................................... 145SUBSTANCE ABUSE.......................................................................................................................................................... 145TAXATION ........................................................................................................................................................................... 145TORT LAW .......................................................................................................................................................................... 153TOURISM............................................................................................................................................................................ 154TRIAL ADVOCACY ............................................................................................................................................................. 154WEB DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................................................................ 154WOMEN AND MINORITY LAWYERS ................................................................................................................................. 154ZONING AND LAND USE ................................................................................................................................................... 154百 科 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 155傳 統 戲 劇 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 155紀 錄 片 .................................................................................................................................................................................. 156教 育 學 程 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 156科 普 教 育 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 156歷 史 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 157全 球 視 野 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 157人 文 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 157社 會 人 文 .............................................................................................................................................................................. 157政 論 ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 158

ADMINISTRATIVELAW26TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ON WHITECOLLAR CRIMEThe <strong>2012</strong> keynote panels will focus on themost significant white collar criminal trialsof the past year, and on the ethicalobligations of white collar lawyers. TheInstitute will have excellent representationfrom the corporate sector, includingmembers of the legal and <strong>com</strong>pliancegroups of British Airways, CME Group,Exxon Mobil, General Dynamics, Microsoft,Morgan Stanley, Oracle Corporation,Qual<strong>com</strong>m, Raytheon, WeatherfordInternational and WellCare Health Plans.The Institute also will include seniormembers of the Department of Justice,prosecutors and distinguished members ofthe federal judiciary.Item no. : HK11200246Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1095.006TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ONE-DISCOVERY PRACTICALSOLUTIONS FOR DEALINGWITH ELECTRONICALLYSTORED INFORMATIONThe 6th Annual National Institute onE-Discovery Practical Solutions forDealing with Electronically Storedconsisted of all-star panels ofdistinguished professionals that convenedfor a full day of advanced-levelprogramming to share their knowledge onhot topics in e-discovery.Topics discussed included: Late-breaking case law developmentsacross the spectrum of electronicdiscovery issues.The issues and challenges arisingfrom a corporation's obligation topreserve some of the most elusiveelectronic data, such as datagenerated by corporate social mediaand personal information stored byemployees. Practical insights for protectingprivileged information in a globalelectronic working environment.Item no. : KV11200361Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AGE BEFORE BEAUTYMYTH, THE: EEOCCLARIFIES THEREASONABLE FACTORSOTHER THAN AGE ADEADEFENSEBy Jeremy J. Glenn, Dianna B. Johnston,Bernard R. MazaheriUnder the Age Discrimination inEmployment Act (ADEA), an employermay defend against a claim by showingthat a <strong>com</strong>plained-of action was taken forreasons based on "reasonable factorsother than age." ("RFOA"). On March 30,the EEOC issued a final rule amending itsAge Discrimination in Employment Act(ADEA) regulation, 29 C.F.R. § 1625.7,regarding the RFOA defense and itsapplication to disparate treatment anddisparate claims.This panel, featuring Dianna B. Johnston,the EEOC's Senior Attorney-Advisorregarding the new regulations, will explainthe changes in the regulations and explorethe potential impact on both employersand employees. Counsel for both plaintiffsand defendants will pick up invaluablelessons for litigating ADEA claims andhave the opportunity to have your specificquestions answered about the newregulations.Item no. : CB11200372Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CHALLENGES IN HOSPITALMERGERS: ACQUIRINGPHYSICIAN PRACTICESAND ANCILLARY BUSINESSBy Maria Carrier, Beth Connor Guest, HalKatzIn this webinar, a team of legal andvaluation experts will discuss currenttrends and guide you through the factorsthat drive structure and discuss theframework for the modern physicianpractice or ancillary business acquisitionincluding:valuation issues in acquisitions, includinganalysis of valuation approach and typesof assets that are being purchased;antitrust considerations; regulatory issues in craftingStark-<strong>com</strong>plaint arrangements; payors and reimbursementimplications; and IT drivers-EHRs, and "meaningfuluse" payments.Item no. : NZ11200261Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CHALLENGES IN THEWORLD OF HOSPITALMERGERS: THE HURDLESOF FOR-PROFITSACQUIRING NON-PROFITSBy M. Daria Niewenhous, Howard T. WallIIIThe recent acquisition of individualhospitals and health systems by for-profitentities may indicate a growing trend.However, when a nonprofit sells its assetsto a for-profit, additional legal <strong>com</strong>plexityresults. In addition to the regulatory reviewby state departments of health inconnection with hospital transfer ofownership, such non-profit conversionsare generally subject to review andapproval by the various state attorneysgeneral offices (whether formally orthrough the attorney general'sre<strong>com</strong>mendation to an appropriate statecourt).This presentation is focused on issuescounsel must address when guidingclients through these transactions,including: FedRAMP standards States' experience withimplementation________________________________________________________________________________________________________3Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkcrafting seller's RFP to include anypost-closing conditions (or types ofconditions) that seller considers anessential part of the transaction; drafting an effective purchaseagreement; negotiating with buyer,the attorney general, and the statehealth department regardingconditions of the sale that effectivelymaintain certain charitable or<strong>com</strong>munity benefit obligations, orsecure the buyer's <strong>com</strong>mitment tomaintain facilities or programs for adefined post-closing period;managing the public notice/hearingand <strong>com</strong>ment period; coordinationwith state health department review;andworking with stakeholders to managethe political and <strong>com</strong>munity reactionsto such transactions.Item no. : VS11200263Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CLOUD COMPUTING: WILLIT REDUCE IT COSTS?By William Perlowitz, Timothy Sullivan,Tarek TomesThis is an interactive program designed forall those involved in theprocess-government officials, governmentcontracts administrators, attorneys, andcontractors, who were encouraged toshare their experiences and questions.The panelists discuss:What is cloud <strong>com</strong>puting?Securing <strong>com</strong>petition

metrics; the more immediate opportunity toshare savings above the minimumsavings rate; the ACO legal structure andgovernance; Ladditional waivers and guidancefrom enforcement agencies tofacilitate ACO formation; expansion of participants and; modifications to several other hotspots that led to widespreaddiscouragement with the MSSP asinitially proposed.Item no. : JU11200463Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FINAL ACO REGULATIONS,THE - IS PARTICIPATIONWORTH A SECOND LOOK?PART 2: ASSIGNMENT OFOBENEFICIARIES, RISK,STRUCTURE ANDGOVERNANCE, AND TAXISSUESBy Bernadette M. Broccolo, Andrew J.Demetriou, Catherine T. Dunlay, Amy K.FehnThis two-part webinar series will take anin-depth look at how the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services havechanged the Medicare Shared SavingsProgram (MSSP) through the publicationof final regulations. CMS has changed anumber of the key provisions of theproposed MSSP rules, which were broadlyregarded by the provider <strong>com</strong>munity asdiscouraging participation in the MSSP.A panel of practicing lawyers familiar withthe proposed rule, and the practicalimplications of its key provisions, will takea second, in-depth look at the final ruleand offer their insights on whether CMS'changes are sufficient to encourageparticipation in the MSSP.Among other provisions, the panelists willfocus on: the elimination of two-sided risk fromTrack 1, CMS' willingness to provide data on aprospective assignment basis; the substantial reduction of qualitymetrics; the more immediate opportunity toshare savings above the minimumsavings rate; the ACO legal structure andgovernance; additional waivers and guidance fromenforcement agencies to facilitateACO formation; expansion of participants and; modifications to several other hotspots that led to widespreaddiscouragement with the MSSP asinitially proposed.Item no. : CU11200464Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FORECLOSURES, DEBTCOLLECTION & OTHERHIGH VOLUME AREAS OFPRACTICE: THE ETHICALPERILS OF PARTNERINGWITH NONLAWYERSBy Elizabeth Clark Talbert, Kenneth M.Mogill, Victoria VuletichLawyers frequently team with otherprofessionals to meet clients' needseffectively and economically. At times,however, a lawyer's relationship with anonlawyer can create serious ethicalproblems. What are the ethical limits ofpartnering with a nonlawyer, and how cana practitioner ensure that she or hedoesn't cross them in the course ofhelping clients?This program will: bring you up to date as to the ethicalconsiderations applicable to teamingwith nonlawyers; provide you with information critical toeffective and ethical partnering; and explore the mistakes that can causediscipline problems.Among the Model Rules implicated in thisdiscussion will be: Rule 1.2(c) limiting scope ofrepresentation without informed clientconsent; Rule 1.4 <strong>com</strong>munication with client; Rule 5.3(b) duty to supervisenonlawyer assistants; Rule 5.4(a) sharing legal fees withnonlawyers; Rule 5.4(b) forming a law partnershipwith a nonlawyer; Rule 5.5(a) assisting the unauthorized practice oflaw; Rule 7.2(b) giving something of valuefor re<strong>com</strong>mending the lawyer'sservices; and Rule 8.4(d) conduct prejudicial to theadministration of justice.Item no. : BS11200468Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFMEDICAL STAFF & PEERREVIEW ISSUESBy Marcelo N. Corpuz III, Heather L.Fields, Jessica A. Van BommelHealth care reform has put the spotlightonce again on hospital-physician relations.The need for hospitals and physicians toand quality efforts heightens theimportance of understanding medical staffand peer review issues.Registrants of this "Medical Staff 101"webinar learned more about the basic<strong>com</strong>ponents of the hospital-medical staffrelationship and the key legal documentsand laws affecting their interactions fromboth a hospital and a physicianperspective.Among the issues discussed were medicalstaff bylaws, the interplay betweenemployment arrangements and medicalstaff bylaws, peer review basics andHealth Care Quality Improvement Act(HCQIA) due process requirements, andpractical techniques for protecting peerreview confidentiality and immunity.Whether you represent hospitals,physicians, or medical staffs, you'll findthis program to be both timely andpractical.Item no. : ET11200473Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOT TOPICS ININFORMATION SECURITYLAWBy W. Scott Blackmer, Whitman Burns,Vincent I. Polley, Richard L. SantalesaInformation security law is evolving fasterthan other areas of the law becauseinformation technologies themselvescontinue to evolve at a rapid pace.Attendees to this session will appreciatethe keen insight of industry experts whoare members of the American BarAssociation's Information SecurityCommittee (ISC). Attendees of this panelwill receive up-to-the-minute analysis ofkey legal issues that impact informationsecurity. The ISC has begun a workinggroup dedicated to helping legislators withpolicy issues and developing data securitylegislation.The panel will discuss pending datasecurity bills in Congress, at the state leveland internationally, and provide insight asto where regulators are headed in terms ofdata security and privacy, andenforcement. Since 2010 there has beenincreased litigation in the data securityrealm, including lawsuits involvingpayment card data security breaches,consumer data breaches and onlinebanking security breaches.Our expert panel will discuss these cases,their holdings, and the direction andguidance they provide concerning keyissues like "reasonable security" and"unauthorized access." Cloud <strong>com</strong>putingand social networking continue to radicallyalter the business landscape. Bothimplicate significant information securitylegal issues. The panel will provide thelatest thinking concerning the data securityand privacy legal liability issues, andsolutions, around these key technologies.integrate and coordinate service delivery________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk5

Item no. : TH11200488Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INTERACTING WITHCLIENTS IN ANEMPLOYMENT CRISISBy Cassie Springer, Kate Westin,Catherine YanninAs employment lawyers, our clients arefrequently in a legal crisis when they <strong>com</strong>eknocking at our doors. Whether employersare being sued for the first time (or tenth!),or employees feel they have been firedunjustly, harassed, or denied a benefit towhich they believed they were entitled, ourclients <strong>com</strong>e with a lot of questions andemotions running high.Join our expert panel for a discussionabout interacting with clients in anemployment crisis.Questions to be addressed include:What legal tools do attorneys need tointeract with people who may befacing the biggest crisis of their lives?How can attorneys manage clientstensions from the beginning and whatare the consequences in litigation andmediation if we do not? How can attorneys tailor theirinteractions to convey the legalrealities of the case while stillremaining an advocate in whom theclient trusts?How can mediation remain effectivewhen tensions have not beenresolved beforehand and whether thataffects an attorney's presentation or aclient's case?Item no. : PB11200299Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LITIGATING THE QUI TAMTCASE - THREEDIMENSIONAL CHESSBy Joel M. Androphy, David L. Douglass,John H. McEniry, IVThe precise unique procedural processand evidentiary requirements of the FalseClaims Act means that a qui tam case canbe won or lost in discovery.This panel discussed the discovery andevidentiary hurdles that qui tam litigationcan present to the relator's counsel,defense counsel and the government. Theissues that were addressed are obtainingevidence prior to and after unsealing,obtaining discovery to support theheightened pleading requirementsapplicable to the FCA, and post unsealingdiscovery management.Item no. : MC11200516Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PUBLIC PRIVATEPARTNERSHIPBy Robert Dove, J.F. Finn III, AIA, Oliver L.Holmes, John S. Santa Lucia, Peter H.WinderThis is an interactive program designed forall those involved in theprocess-government officials, governmentcontracts administrators, attorneys, andcontractors, where all are encouraged toshare their experiences and questions.The panelists discuss: A successful PPP project A difficult PPP project California High Speed Rail: anup-and-<strong>com</strong>ing projectItem no. : LS11200567Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PUTTING PEN TO PAPER:SERVICE LINECO-MANAGEMENTAGREEMENTS, MODELS &PRACTICALITIESBy Wes Cleveland, Todd Kelly, Cynthia Y.ReiszService line co-management agreementshave be<strong>com</strong>e critical mechanisms for themanagement of patient care in ourincreasingly integrated clinical world. Thiswebinar will analyze the patient care andoperational reasons why hospitals andphysicians use co-managementagreements. There will also be adiscussion of the general regulatoryconcerns raised by the agreements.From a practical perspective, our facultywill present typical provisions found inco-management agreements and thevarious responsibilities of each party.Finally, there will be a how-to discussionon the important issues of establishingperformance objectives that align parties'interests and ensure that the agreementsactually improve the quality and efficiencyof care.Item no. : DP11200330Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REIMBURSEMENT & FALSECLAIMS ACTFUNDAMENTALSBy Daniel A. Cody, David Fisher, Glenn M.JonesReimbursement under the Medicare andMedicaid programs, among other federaland state health care programs, are anessential <strong>com</strong>ponent of the services healthcare providers and other entities deliver totheir patients. With receipt of these funds,however, these entities are subject topotential civil actions brought under thefederal False Claims Act (FCA). Over thelast 20 years, the Department of Justicehas collected billions of dollars throughFCA actions. At the prodding of the federalgovernment, most states have adoptedstatutes similar to the FCA or amendedtheir existing statutes to conform to theFCA. As reflected in the health care reformefforts last year, it is clear that the FCA willcontinue to be a primary tool in federal andstate initiatives to curb health care fraudand abuse.This webinar will outline Medicare andMedicaid reimbursement; discuss the FCAand its whistleblower or "qui tam"provisions, and address recentamendments to the FCA. Our expert panelwill address questions such as:What makes a claim "false" and whattypes of "false claims" give rise toFCA liability?What damages are recoverable underthe FCA?What are the <strong>com</strong>mon defenses inFCA cases?How are qui tam cases filed by privatecounsel and how are they handled byDOJ?Who qualifies as a proper qui tamplaintiff?What are the Fraud Enforcement andRecovery Act of 2009 amendments tothe FCA and the Patient Protectionand Affordable Care Act of 2010?Item no. : ZU11200575Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TAX ISSUES FORNONPROFITSBy Rosemary E. Fei, Cynthia Rowland,Lisa A. RunquistThis program focuses on tax issues thatare relevant to public/charitable nonprofitorganizations. This program covers thefollowing issues: IRS requirements for Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations Unrelated Business In<strong>com</strong>e taxIssues Excess Benefit/Private Inurement Executive Compensation Lobbying/Advocacy Form 990 Requirements - NonGovernance Provisions________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk6

Item no. : HR11200601Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00USING DEFERREDCOMPENSATION TOINCENTIVIZE PHYSICIANSTO TAKE EMTALA CALLSBy Karen C. Owens, Christopher S. SearsThe Emergency Medical Treatment andActive Labor Act (EMTALA) requireshospitals to provide a screening exam andstabilizing medical services to individualspresenting with emergency medicalconditions. Sometimes that means thatspecialist physicians must be available atodd hours, thus requiring the hospital toensure that those physicians are on-call toexamine and stabilize patients. Hospitalsoften struggle with ways to incentivizenon-employed physicians to take this call.This webinar will discuss the hospital'sobligations under EMTALA and thedifficulties with EMTALA <strong>com</strong>pliance,especially with the call requirements. Thespeakers will also discuss emerging toolsto incent physicians to take calls throughemployee benefitsparticularly deferred<strong>com</strong>pensation. Deferred <strong>com</strong>pensationprograms can provide a tax-advantagedmethod of <strong>com</strong>pensating physicians foron-call emergencies. While this can be anattractive tool, this session will alsodiscuss the pitfalls to avoid whendesigning deferred <strong>com</strong>pensation plansfor physicians.Item no. : LV11200348Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ADMIRALTY LAWAVIATION LITIGATION<strong>2012</strong>The First National Institute on AviationLitigation was sponsored by the ABASection of Litigation and Center forContinuing Legal Education. Leadinglawyers from across the United Statesshowcased aviation accident cases fromforming the attorney-client relationship toidentifying issues for appeal.What you will learn:Late-breaking case law developmentsin leading aerospace industry casesEthical issues counsel encounterswhen trying to secure the case andpre-litigation contactsWhether federal law shields theowner/lessor not in control of theaircraftHow to argue <strong>com</strong>plex admiralty legalissues to steer the judge intofavorable watersPractical tips from master trial lawyerson delivering <strong>com</strong>pelling opening andclosing argumentsThe most effective ways to presentand cross-examine the air trafficcontrol expert from a panel of mastersof the Aviation BarInsights into maximizing damagesand countering if you're on thedefenseCommon post-trial issues that arise inaviation litigation from judges who trythese casesItem no. : NV11200382Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ADOBEPHOTOSHOP CS6ONE-ONON-ONE: ONE: ADVANCEDWith Deke McClellandThe third part of the popular and<strong>com</strong>prehensive series Photoshop CS6One-on-One follows industry pro DekeMcClelland as he plunges into the innerworkings of Adobe Photoshop. He showshow to adjust your color, interface, andperformance settings to get the best out ofyour images and the most out ofPhotoshop, and explores the power ofSmart Objects, Shadows/Highlights, andCurves for making subtle, nondestructiveadjustments. The course dives intoCamera Raw to experiment with theediting toolset there, and returns toPhotoshop to discuss toning, blur, andblend modes. Deke also teachestried-and-true methods for sharpeningdetails and reducing noise, as well ascreating quick and accurate selectionswith Quick Mask, Color Range, and RefineEdge <strong>com</strong>mands.Item no.Format: NA03740696: 2 DVD-ROMs (SingleUser,Closed Captioned): 645 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>StdBkNo : 1596719087Price : USD 210.00AMERICAN (U.S.)HISTORYSKEPTIC'S GUIDE TOAMERICAN HISTORY, THEBy Mark A. StolerFor most Americans, the history of theUnited States is built on a set oflong-accepted beliefs about events, eachof which resonates in the nation'scollective memory. But what if thosebeliefs—however familiar—don't really tellthe whole story? Our knowledge ofhistory—or what we believe …Item no. : AU09280634Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00ANTITRUST LAWANTITRUST COMPLIANCEFOR CORPORATECOUNSELORS: PRACTICALADVICE ON DEVELOPINGOR UPDATING YOURCLIENTS' ANTITRUSTCOMPLIANCE PROGRAMSBy Theodore L. Banks, Jennifer Dixton,Brian R. Henry, Paula W. Render, Carter B.SimpsonCompliance remains a top priority forantitrust counselors, especially as theworld's economic problems linger andemployees are under continuing pressureto produce results for their corporateemployers.Our panelists address some of the key<strong>com</strong>ponents of an effective <strong>com</strong>plianceplan and ways to help business managersunderstand the importance of <strong>com</strong>pliance.Item no. : TN11200377Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANTITRUSTFUNDAMENTALSAre you new to the practice of antitrust lawor do you just want a refresher? Learnantitrust fundamentals from a panel ofexperienced practitioners withperspectives from academia, governmentand private practice. This program is acondensed version of the popular AntitrustFundamentals program presented at theAntitrust Section's annual Spring Meeting.This audio CD-ROM will provide:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkAn understanding of the importanceof antitrust/<strong>com</strong>petition law in theUnited States and abroad.An overview of the basic economicprinciples underlying modern U.S.antitrust law. An overview of the substantivedoctrines of U.S. antitrust law.Item no. : BY11200256Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 120 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 175.00CHALLENGES IN THEWORLD OF HOSPITALMERGERS: CORPORATEAND ANTITRUST7

CONCERNS TO RAISEEARLYBy Christi J. Braun, Matthew D. Jenkins,Jennifer L. RangelHospital mergers are an increasing area offocus for antitrust enforcement authoritiesconcerned with the effects of consolidationon <strong>com</strong>petitive forces in the health caremarketplace. This audio CD-ROM willcover the basics of counseling hospitalclients contemplating merger andacquisition transactions. It will considerbasic fiduciary considerations for hospitalscontemplating significant transactions, andcover the following topics: Guiding the governing body throughthe discharge of fiduciary duties Boundaries of appropriate<strong>com</strong>munications in anticipation of ahospital M&A transaction Appropriate exchanges of confidentialinformation, both as to timing andprocess Antitrust concerns in the drafting ofpreliminary transaction documents Basics of Hart-Scott-Rodino filingsand navigating the waiting periodsCurrent federal enforcement thinkingabout marketplace concentration.How much is too much? Emerging bases of state lawregulation of hospital M&AtransactionsItem no. : WC11200262Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DEVELOPMENTS INETHICS 2010By Barry E. Cohen, Kathryn M. Fenton,Robert E. Hauberg, Jr., Professor ThomasD. MorganThis audio CD-ROM will cover the 2010developments in ethics rules and opinions,includingclient waivers;joint defense;lateral movement of attorneys;prosecutor ethics;U.S. v. European standards;sanctions; andprofessional liability claims.Item no. : FL11200417Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ETHICAL ISSUES INCOMMERCIALTRANSACTIONSBy Kristen David Adams, Henry S. Bryans,Nancy B. Rapoportincluding waivers and representingcreditor groups; ethics issues inmulti-jurisdictional practices in a world inwhich social media is pervasive; opinionassumptions; and the ethics ofnegotiations. Please join us for a dynamic,high-energy discussion of these importantand practical topics with our threeexcellent presenters.Item no. : BN11200449Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00FINAL ACO REGULATIONS,THE - IS PARTICIPATIONWORTH A SECOND LOOK?PART 2: ASSIGNMENT OFOBENEFICIARIES, RISK,STRUCTURE ANDGOVERNANCE, AND TAXISSUESBy Bernadette M. Broccolo, Andrew J.Demetriou, Catherine T. Dunlay, Amy K.FehnThis two-part webinar series will take anin-depth look at how the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services havechanged the Medicare Shared SavingsProgram (MSSP) through the publicationof final regulations. CMS has changed anumber of the key provisions of theproposed MSSP rules, which were broadlyregarded by the provider <strong>com</strong>munity asdiscouraging participation in the MSSP.A panel of practicing lawyers familiar withthe proposed rule, and the practicalimplications of its key provisions, will takea second, in-depth look at the final ruleand offer their insights on whether CMS'changes are sufficient to encourageparticipation in the MSSP.Among other provisions, the panelists willfocus on: the elimination of two-sided risk fromTrack 1, CMS' willingness to provide data on aprospective assignment basis; the substantial reduction of qualitymetrics; the more immediate opportunity toshare savings above the minimumsavings rate; the ACO legal structure andgovernance; additional waivers and guidance fromenforcement agencies to facilitateACO formation; expansion of participants and; modifications to several other hotspots that led to widespreaddiscouragement with the MSSP asinitially proposed.Item no.FormatDuration: CU11200464: CD-ROM (Win): 90 minutesPrice : USD 150.00INTERNATIONALAPPROACH TO LEGALPRIVILEGE ISSUES, ANBy Dr. Wilhelm Hartung, James R. Modrall,Kristina Nordlander, Debra Valentine,Stephen WiskingThe recognition of legal privilege variesconsiderably from jurisdiction tojurisdiction. Many jurisdictions do notaccept the broad U.S. approach to legalprivilege. This course will explore thesimilarities and differences between theapproaches to legal privilege in four keyjurisdictions for antitrust practitioners: theEU, Germany, the UK and the US.The panelists include leading in-houseand outside counsel practitioners fromeach of these jurisdictions.The discussion will cover typical issuesincluding the scope of attorney-clientprivilege, the application of privilege toin-house counsel, waiver of privilege, andthe availability of joint defense (or"<strong>com</strong>mon interest") privilege.Item no. : WE11200300Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REIMBURSEMENT & FALSECLAIMS ACTFUNDAMENTALSBy Daniel A. Cody, David Fisher, Glenn M.JonesReimbursement under the Medicare andMedicaid programs, among other federaland state health care programs, are anessential <strong>com</strong>ponent of the services healthcare providers and other entities deliver totheir patients. With receipt of these funds,however, these entities are subject topotential civil actions brought under thefederal False Claims Act (FCA). Over thelast 20 years, the Department of Justicehas collected billions of dollars throughFCA actions. At the prodding of the federalgovernment, most states have adoptedstatutes similar to the FCA or amendedtheir existing statutes to conform to theFCA. As reflected in the health care reformefforts last year, it is clear that the FCA willcontinue to be a primary tool in federal andstate initiatives to curb health care fraudand abuse.This webinar will outline Medicare andMedicaid reimbursement; discuss the FCAand its whistleblower or "qui tam"provisions, and address recentamendments to the FCA. Our expert panelwill address questions such as:Copyright : 2011 What damages are recoverable underThis program will explore conflict issues,________________________________________________________________________________________________________8Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkWhat makes a claim "false" and whattypes of "false claims" give rise toFCA liability?

the FCA?What are the <strong>com</strong>mon defenses inFCA cases?How are qui tam cases filed by privatecounsel and how are they handled byDOJ?Who qualifies as a proper qui tamplaintiff?What are the Fraud Enforcement andRecovery Act of 2009 amendments tothe FCA and the Patient Protectionand Affordable Care Act of 2010?Item no. : ZU11200575Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00RUSSIA, CHINA AND INDIA:DESIGNING COMPLIANCEPROGRAMS FORDEVELOPING ANTITRUSTENFORCEMENT REGIMESBy Maria Ankoudinova, Susan Ning,Pallavi Shroff, D. Daniel Sokol, Mark D.WhitenerGiven the size of the economies and therelative youth of their antitrust agencies,<strong>com</strong>pliance with <strong>com</strong>petition law in Russia,China and India presents significantpotential issues for any in-house lawyer.The purpose of this program is to providecorporate counsel with an overview of howto manage <strong>com</strong>pliance with these legalsystems. The panel addresses not just theapplication of the laws, but also discussesthe political and economic factors that mayinfluence enforcement priorities in thesecountries.Item no. : LN11200585Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TO SHARE OR NOT TOSHARE? WHERE TO DRAWTHE LINE INBENCHMARKING ANDOTHER INFORMATIONEXCHANGES AMONGCOMPETITORSBy Diane Bieri, Vianney Boiteau, David L.Meyer, J. Thomas Rosch, Carter B.SimpsonInformation on markets and the activitiesof <strong>com</strong>petitors is the essential lifeblood ofmost corporate decision making. Oftenthough, the only source of this informationis the <strong>com</strong>petitors themselves. Whether itis a benchmarking exercise, a tradeassociation, or outside consultant that hasbeen hired to <strong>com</strong>pile information on salesgrowth or market shares based onproduction figures, these informationexchanges expose the participants toantitrust risk. When might an agreementbe inferred? Might the FTC view anexchange as a "facilitating practice" thatcan be reached by Section 5? Could theeffect of the information exchange onthe participants' market behavior bedeemed a violation even if there is noactual agreement on price or output?This program explores these and otherissues under both U.S. law and thearguably more stringent EU standards,and provide a discussion of "bestpractices" and other practical advice forin-house counsel on how to manage therisks in this area.Item no. : DT11200605Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00APPELLATEADVOCACY2011-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> NATIONALAPPELLATE ADVOCACYCOMPETITION NATIONALFINALSThe 2011-12 Law Student DivisionNational Appellate Advocacy CompetitionNational FinalsTopic: Insurance Coverage for AutismThis year's problem involves access tohealth care. It is a civil case involving ayoung boy with autism and his efforts toget coverage for the therapy that hisdoctor prescribed. The case raises twofederal questions, one under the "EarlyPeriodic Screening, Diagnosis andTreatment" provisions of the Medicaid Act,and the other under the Paul Wellstoneand Pete Domenici Mental Health Parityand Addiction Equity Act of 2008. Bothissues raise realistic, cutting-edgequestions for which there is no clearanswer in current law.The Law Student Division created theNAAC to emphasize the development oforal advocacy skills through a realisticappellate advocacy experience.Competitors participate in a hypotheticalappeal to the United States SupremeCourt. The <strong>com</strong>petition involves writing a40-page brief as either respondent orpetitioner and then arguing the case infront of the mock court.The 34th National Appellate AdvocacyCompetition National Finals took placeApril 12-14, <strong>2012</strong> at the U.S. District Courtfor the Northern District of Illinois with theChampionship round taking place at thecourtroom of the Illinois Supreme CourtChicago Courtroom. Two hundred andeight teams from 120 ABA-approved lawschools entered this year's <strong>com</strong>petition.The top two teams out of the 26 thatadvanced to the National Finals square offteams from Washington University Schoolof Law and Pepperdine University Schoolof Law demonstrating their skills in oraladvocacy while <strong>com</strong>peting for the 2011-12National Appellate Advocacy CompetitionNational Championship.This video captures the NationalChampionship final round in its entirety -including the judges' critique. It alsoincludes the portable document files of the<strong>com</strong>petition problem (the record) and thebench memo allowing viewers to gaingreater insight into the <strong>com</strong>petitors'presentation, as well as the judges'critiques. Use the video, <strong>com</strong>petitionproblem, and bench memo to help youprepare for the NAAC or as a tutorial ineffective appellate advocacy techniques.Item no. : LN11200243Format : DVD-ROMDuration : Approx. 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 170.00LITIGATION BEFORE THETRADEMARK TRIAL ANDAPPEAL BOARD:STRATEGIC ANDEFFECTIVE BESTPRACTICESBy Cheryl Butler, Jonathan Hudis, Mary L.Kevlin, Angela LykosThis 90 minute audio CD-ROM covers theintricacies of practicing before theTrademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB).Topics discussed include strategic andeffective deployment of inter partes matters and prefilingconsiderations; pleadings and <strong>com</strong>mencement ofproceedings; disclosures and discovery; motion practice; trial procedures and rules ofevidence; the use of experts; and briefs on final hearing and oralargument.The panel includes expert practitionersbefore the USPTO Board as well as aUSPTO Board member and interlocutoryattorney.Item no. : DC11200309Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TAKING THE RAND CASETO TRIALBy Eric Benisek, Richard VasquezHow do you try a RAND case? Much inkhas been spilled on the academicdiscussion of standards settingorganizations (SSOs), patent hold- up,in this informative video, which shows________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk9

and reasonable and non-discriminatory(RAND) licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments. But howshould RAND be litigated in the trial courts,and what are the viable causes of action,defenses, and remedies that parties canpursue? Litigating patents subject toRAND licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments is still theWild West with very little precedent toguide practitioners.This audio CD-ROM will cover therecognized causes of action and defensesavailable to parties litigating patentssubject to RAND licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments,as well as important strategicconsiderations and available remedies.Specific topics will include: key appellatedecisions; recent guidance from theFederal Trade Commission; past andcurrent actions in district courts involvingRAND licensing disputes; andre<strong>com</strong>mendations on potential winningtrial strategies for defendants litigatingpatents subject to RAND licensing<strong>com</strong>mitments.Item no. : MN11200342Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ART HISTORYFUNDAMENTALS OFPHOTOGRAPHYBy Joel SartorePhotographs are more than just snapshots.When taken the right way, they be<strong>com</strong>edramatic personal statements with thepower to last forever. They can transportyou to distant landscapes, capture fleetingemotions, recall cherished memories,reveal …Item no. : WC09280625Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00ASIAMAO'S GREAT FAMINEDirected by Patrick Cabouat.Written by Patrick Cabouat and PhilippeGrangereau.etween 1958 and 1962, Chinaexperienced tragedy on an epic scale. The"Great Leap Forward" was an economiccampaign conceived by Mao Zedong totransform China's vast population from anagrarian economy to a modern <strong>com</strong>munistsociety through the process ofindustrialization and collectivization. Inreality, it led to a famine resulting in thedeath of as many as fifty-five millionpeople. But while millions were starving todeath, China's grain stores remained full.Using previously unheard testimony bysurvivors, rare archival footage, secretdocuments, and interviews with theleading historians on this catastrophe,Mao's Great Famine provides, for the firsttime, an insight into the insanity of thisdisastrous program. Today the ChineseCommunist Party whitewashes thecatastrophe calling it "three years ofnatural disasters." This film examines themechanisms and political decisions thatled to the disaster, stripping away thesecrecy surrounding the campaign andexposing the lie, which continues today,about the true human cost and who wasresponsible.Item no. : SN07001300Format : DVDDuration : 52 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 325.00ASIAN STUDIESPLANET OF SNAILDirected by Seungjun YiPlanet of Snail is a mesmerizingdocumentary about an ac<strong>com</strong>plishedyoung poet who can no longer hear or seeand his relationship to the world aroundhim.Young-Chan is deaf and blind. He learnedto speak when he was very young, butsoon after lost his sight and hearing. Helives with his wife, Soon-Ho, who is hissoul mate, an inseparable part of his life,and a window to the outside world. They<strong>com</strong>municate with one another throughfinger braille, a unique form oftouch-based sign language in which wordsare tapped on each other's hands.Young-Chan and Soon-Ho rely on eachother <strong>com</strong>pletely. Even simple domestictasks require <strong>com</strong>plex collaboration, likethe changing of a light bulb on the ceiling.And everyday moments that most of ushardly notice be<strong>com</strong>e tender sharedexperiences, like feeling the bark of a tree,smelling pine cones on a spring morning,or the sensation of raindrops on the skin.However, Young-Chan must be able tosurvive on his own. One day, as Soon-Howaits anxiously at home, Young-Chanembarks on the biggest adventure of hislife.Breathtaking imagery coupled withYoung-Chan's personal writings create atransfixing portrait of life on what seemslike another planet, where touch<strong>com</strong>municates everything and loveconquers all.Reviews "Palpably inspirational…Thisbeautifullyphotographeddocumentary is a poetic meditation onrefined sensory perception". StephenHolden, The <strong>New</strong> York Times"Simple, direct and magical. It will winyou over as well if you give it thechance. It is both a pleasure and agreat privilege to be observers in theirworld… An elegant, minimal look atlife as it is lived." - Kenneth Turan, LosAngeles Times5. The Terraforming of Mars – A futuristictrip into the 26th century to witness the10________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk"Powerful. A significant testament tothe potential of the human spirit andthe power of love." - IndiewireAwards Winner, Best Documentary Prize,International Film Festival Amsterdam Winner,Sterling Award for Best WorldFeature , SilverDocs Film FestivalItem no. : DC05970927Format : DVDDuration : 87 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 370.00ASTRONOMYCELESTIA EDUCATIONALACTIVITIES12 Astronomical Journeys ThroughSpaceCelestia is a high resolution spacesimulation program that allows students topilot their own spacecraft. Unlike otherAstronomy programs that take you placesas a spectator, students using Celestiacan personally fl y in any direction, at anytime in history, through a stunninguniverse of stars, galaxies, nebulae, blackholes, planets, asteroids, <strong>com</strong>ets andspacecraft. While doing so, they visitfascinating places in the observableuniverse and acquire an extensiveknowledge of astronomical facts andprinciples. Celestia Educational Activitiesrepresents 12 detailed journeysand tours through Celestia space.The 12 ActivitiesFor each activity listed below, there is astudent worksheet, which can be copied,distributed to students and submitted for agrade. The activities meet all requirementsof the National Teaching Standards in theSciences. Tours, and their estimated timeto <strong>com</strong>plete, are:1. A short tour of the Universe part 1 Fromearth to the outer edge of our solar system.(1 hour)2. A short tour of the Universe part 2 Fromthe nearest stars to beyond the Milky Way(1 hour)3. General tour of our Solar System: Part 1From the sun to Mars (1? hours)4. General tour of our Solar System: Part 2Asteroid Belt to <strong>com</strong>ets beyond Pluto (1 ?hours) 3E – Extended Tour of the InnerSolar System~ with stops at the Sun, innerplanets, moons and spacecraft (2? hours)4E – Extended Tour of the Outer SolarSystem~, with stops at asteroids, outerplanets, moons, Kuiper Belt, Oort <strong>com</strong>etcloud and selectedspacecraft (2? hours)

transformation of Mars into a colonizedhabitable world(1? hours)6. The Complete Life Cycle of Stars~ - adetailed journey of discovery – 27 stagesin the life of a star are explored andexplained in detail.{4 hours}7. Spacecraft, Part 1~ - Explores the keyspacecraft of our space program includingSputnik, Mercury, Apollo, Hubble spaceTelescope andInternational space station.{3 hours}8. Spacecraft, Part 2~ - Explores the keyspacecraft of planetary explorationincluding Mariner Pioneer, Venera,Voyager, etc. Over 32 craft are visited.9. The Primitive Earth and Moon~ –Travels back 4 billion years to the earlysolar system. See the earth collide withanother planet with rubblereform- ing as our Moon. {1 hour}10. The Search for ExtraterrestrialIntelligence – Learn how humans areattempting to discover other "alien"civilizations, then visit fi ctional solarsystems to view advanced cities,spacecraft and terraformed moons. {3hours}Item no.Format: TS00600108: CD-ROM (Win,SingleUser)Audience : Grades 7-12Price : USD 119.00AUSTRALIANHISTORYAUSTRALIAN MIGRATION(1788-1900): 1900): THECOLONIAL YEARSFor over 200 years, migration has beenintrinsic to Australia's national identity. Inthe first of three migration programs, thecolonisation of Australia from 1788-1900 isexplored. A range of storytelling methodsare used to recreate the often scary andexciting atmosphere of these early times.The final two segments look specifically atthe migrant experiences of the British andChinese, especially during the Gold Rushperiod. Recreations tell their stories in anaccessible and authentic way, providingaudiences with a dramatic first-handaccount of Australia's turbulent beginnings.This is an ideal resource which shows how,in less than a century, the country wentfrom an outback penal colony to a nationstriving for independence.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : WJ08691912Format : DVDDuration : 13 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION(1901-1945): 1945): THEFEDERATION YEARSThe second of three programs thefederation and development of Australiabetween 1901 and 1945 is examined. <strong>New</strong>laws, such as the Immigration RestrictionAct, and the 'types' of migrants allowedinto Australia are highlighted, helpingviewers understand how this affectedpeople's lives, especially as the countrydealt with two world wars. The final twosegments look specifically at the migrantexperiences of the German and Irishduring the period, with a range of archivalfootage ac<strong>com</strong>panying their first-personstories. This is a detailed and vibrantaccount of Australia's struggle for unityduring a time of global upheaval.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : HL08691913Format : DVDDuration : 14 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00AUSTRALIAN MIGRATION(1945 ONWARDS): POSTWWIIFor over 200 years, migration has been anintegral part of Australia's national identity.In the final instalment of this three-partseries, the period between World War Twoand present day is examined. Using a<strong>com</strong>bination of archival footage anddramatic sequences, the program focuseson the rise of multiculturalism throughoutthe 1950's and 1960's, and the manynationalities which are present in modernAustralia. The final two segments look atthe Italian and Vietnamese migrantexperiences and how their respectivecultures influence Australia today.Together with the first two programs, theseresources encapsulate the diverse andsometimes cruel history of migration inAustralia.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : MB08691914Format : DVDDuration : 14 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00BANKING LAWBUILDING OR SABOTAGINGTHE ENTERPRISE?SQUARING CYBERSECURITY WITHTECHNOLOGIES THATUNDERMINE ITAlthough it is widely believed that attackson critical infrastructure could significantlydisrupt the functioning of the governmentand business, there is a growing tensionbetween the emerging obligations for<strong>com</strong>pany cyber security (set forth in newand proposed laws, regulations, andstandards) and the increasing use bytechnology <strong>com</strong>panies that underminecyber security. Board of directors need toaddress the growing tension betweenobligations to fulfill cyber security legalrequirements and <strong>com</strong>panies efforts totake advantage of technologies whichincrease cyber vulnerabilities such asmobile <strong>com</strong>puting devices, flash drives,smartphones, social networks, and cloud<strong>com</strong>puting.This audio CD-ROM considers whether<strong>com</strong>panies are overlooking this issue byadopting policies that appear to treat thebenefits of new technologies as immediateand substantial, the <strong>com</strong>promises to cybersecurity as speculative, and the damagefrom a security breach as remote andcontainable. It also addresses the cybersecurity regulations that in-house andoutside counsel may soon be obligated to<strong>com</strong>ply with as a result of decisions a<strong>com</strong>pany has made concerning potentiallyvulnerable technologies. The programraises the issue of whether the emergingcyber security regulations may beencouraging a culture of <strong>com</strong>pliance andpaper exercises rather than security thatprotects critical assets and finds andcorrects cyber vulnerabilities before theycan be exploited. Lastly, it discussesrecent court decisions that suggest a shiftin judicial views of cyber security and agrowing willingness by judges to prevententerprises from shifting the risks ofsecurity deficiencies to their customers.Item no. : AD11200392Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BUYING DISTRESSED DEBTIN TURBULENT TIMESIn these turbulent times, lenders arecleaning up their debt portfolios by sellingoff their non-performing andnon-conforming loans.Sales of distressed loans present uniquebuying opportunities and challenges.This program will highlight the key issuesfacing buyers of distressed debt andprovide insight into current trends,including:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkHow to negotiate with debt sellers andwhat are the key motivating factors foreach party.How to conduct due diligence of thelender's loan and collateraldocumentation, and what do youneed to do outside of the loandocuments. What provisions are customarilycontained in and negotiated over inthe loan sale agreement.How to analyze contractual and11

litigation risks.How to close the loan purchase.Item no. : AP11200395Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CLOSING PROTECTIONLETTERS: WHAT THEY DO,WHAT THEY DON'T DO,AND WHY YOU NEED THEMIN REAL ESTATETRANSACTIONSWhen lenders and purchasers close onreal estate transactions, among the mostimportant issues will be <strong>com</strong>pliance withtheir closing instructions and the safety oftheir settlement funds. In addressing theseconcerns, title insurers often provideclosing protection letters and some stateshave imposed additional procedures andobligations to promote a more reliable realestate settlement process.This session will provide timely trends inclosing protection letters and liability in thereal estate settlement process.Our panel will discuss: Overview of the terms of anddevelopments in ALTA ClosingProtection lettersRecent cases interpreting closingprotection letters and title insurerliability Applicable state regulations andstatutesItem no. : LF11200400Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DEEDS IN LIEU OFFORECLOSURE:PRACTICAL AND LEGALCONSIDERATIONSThis program will discuss the practical andlegal issues associated with a consensualtransfer of <strong>com</strong>mercial real property from aBorrower to its Lender in full or partialsatisfaction of a debt.Topics to be discussed will include: Benefits and risks, especially when<strong>com</strong>pared to a consensualforeclosure; The Deed in Lieu Agreement -practical tips on drafting andnegotiation; and Special issues associated with Deedsin Lieu.Item no. : JN11200416Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DISPELLING THE SHARIATHREAT MYTH:IMPLICATIONS OFBANNING COURTS FROMREFERENCING RELIGIOUS,FOREIGN, ORINTERNATIONAL LAWBy Engy Abdelkader Esq., Dr. Azizahal-Hibri, Wajahat Ali Esq., John Chasnoff,Daniel MachIn the last year nearly 50 bills and stateconstitutional amendments intending toban state courts from consideringinternational, foreign, or religious law wereintroduced in more than 20 states. Suchprovisions - <strong>com</strong>monly referred to as"Sharia law bans" or "anti-Sharia lawlegislation" - have already passed inOklahoma, Tennessee, and Louisiana.Once adopted these bans have thepotential to obstruct state courts fromperforming essential functions includingenforcement of <strong>com</strong>mercial contracts,intra-country adoptions, foreign marriages,Native American rights, foreign, judgments,and the out<strong>com</strong>e of voluntary faith-baseddispute resolution forums as well as effortsto thwart child abduction. The provisionsalso have serious implications forindividual rights under the free exerciseclause of the First Amendment.Our panel will discuss the origin of thesebans, their potential impact on how statecourts function, and efforts to <strong>com</strong>bat theprovisions in legislatures and the courts.Item no. : TL11200421Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00EQUAL CREDITOPPORTUNITY AND FAIRCREDIT REPORTINGBASICSBy Amy Salberg, Andrew SmithThe ECOP and FCPA are two key federalconsumer financial protection laws. Thisprogram will discuss the basis, history, andkey provisions of the Equal CreditOpportunity Act (ECOA), Fair CreditReporting Act, (FCPA), and theirimplementing rules.This presentation will provide nuts andbolts training for lawyers who are new tothe practice of retail financial services law,and a useful refresher for attorneys withexperience in this area.Item no. : RW11200278Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FORECLOSURE DEFECTS:ROBOSIGNING AND ITSIMPACT ON THEMARKETABILITY OF OTITLEBy Andy Dogali, Alan Fields, John C.Lynch, Christopher W. SmartThe headlines have alerted us to many ofthe deficiencies in the wave of foreclosureactions that followed the economicdownturn and it has been six months sincethe lenders and servicers put the brakeson foreclosures in recognition of theseproblems, but are we any closer tograppling the difficult questions about theeffect of these deficiencies on the ultimatelong-term marketability of title to theseforeclosed properties?This program will focus on the more thornyissues still facing the real estate market,including: Deficiencies - Lack of standing (bylender) Deficiencies - Lack of jurisdiction(over borrower) Claims - Fraud (on court andmortgagors) Claims - Relief from foreclosurejudgment Defenses - Truth and harmless error Defenses - Estoppel and mootness Remedies - Money damages,rescission, nullification Policy Considerations - Balancebetween remedies and marketabletitleItem no. : HH11200467Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FORECLOSURES, DEBTCOLLECTION & OTHERHIGH VOLUME AREAS OFPRACTICE: THE ETHICALPERILS OF PARTNERINGWITH NONLAWYERSBy Elizabeth Clark Talbert, Kenneth M.Mogill, Victoria VuletichLawyers frequently team with otherprofessionals to meet clients' needseffectively and economically. At times,however, a lawyer's relationship with anonlawyer can create serious ethicalproblems. What are the ethical limits ofpartnering with a nonlawyer, and how cana practitioner ensure that she or hedoesn't cross them in the course ofhelping clients?This program will: bring you up to date as to the ethicalconsiderations applicable to teamingwith nonlawyers; provide you with information critical toeffective and ethical partnering; and explore the mistakes that can causediscipline problems.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk12

Among the Model Rules implicated in thisdiscussion will be: Rule 1.2(c) limiting scope ofrepresentation without informed clientconsent; Rule 1.4 <strong>com</strong>munication with client; Rule 5.3(b) duty to supervisenonlawyer assistants; Rule 5.4(a) sharing legal fees withnonlawyers; Rule 5.4(b) forming a law partnershipwith a nonlawyer; Rule 5.5(a) assisting the unauthorized practice oflaw; Rule 7.2(b) giving something of valuefor re<strong>com</strong>mending the lawyer'sservices; and Rule 8.4(d) conduct prejudicial to theadministration of justice.Item no. : BS11200468Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HUD LEGAL OPINIONS INIMULTIFAMILY LOANTRANSACTIONS:UNDERSTANDING THENEW OPINION FORMBy James H. Levine, Charles L. MengesThe U.S. Department of Housing andUrban Development has published revisedloan documents for FHA-insuredmutlifamily mortgage loans, including anew form of legal opinion letter fromborrower's counsel. The new forms will berequired for all FHA-insured loans (otherthan loans for healthcare facilities)beginning on September 1, 2011. HUD'sloan forms were last revised in 2003, andopinion practice in private sectortransactions has evolved substantiallysince then. HUD has modified its form oflegal opinion to reflect some changes inopinion practice, but it has also retainedmany of the features that historically havebeen a source of concern for borrower'scounsel.This program will examine the changes tothe HUD opinion form and will highlightissues that every lawyer should be awareof in issuing opinion letters using the newform, including:Negotiability of the opinion letterRole of the opinion letter in the closingprocessDocuments that are the subject of theopinion letterDue diligence required for certainopinionsDeviations from customary opinionpracticeItem no. : RU11200496Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INSURING FOR DATASECURITY THREATS:EVERYTHING A BUSINESSLAWYER WANTS TO KNOWBUT IS AFRAID TO ASKData security breaches generatesignificant economic costs, includingcustomer notice and risk mitigationservices, indirect costs for businessinterruption, penalties, and fines. The legalframework for assessing securityrequirements and assigning liability forbreaches is still emerging, but insuranceproducts are available to manage thefinancial impact of a breach and the costsof defending related lawsuits.In this audio CD-ROM panelists from legal,technology, and insurance backgroundshelp business lawyers be<strong>com</strong>e familiarwith the risk landscape in their particularenvironment and the related insurancecoverage and claims management issuesthat should be considered. Specialconsiderations for nonprofit organizationsare also discussed.Item no. : PV11200502Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MOBILE PAYMENTS: HOWLAWS IN THE UNITEDSTATES ARE AFFECTINGTHE MOBILE MARKETBy Robert J. Pile, Patricia Poss, Holly K.Towle, Damier XandrineThe mobile payment arena is currently ablur. Some wallets handle only onetechnology, e.g., Near FieldCommunication (NFC) contactlesspayments, while others support numeroustechnologies. Tele<strong>com</strong>s are coordinating amobile payments network. At least onetraditional digital payment provider isintegrating virtual currency for gamers.Person-to-person payments are beingenabled by nonbanks through bank ATMSand so on and on. How is the professionsupposed to keep up with this rapid growthand change?This program will explore how asuccessful mobile payments regime mightor must evolve. Will banks be eclipsed bynon-bank participants or will new alliancesform? Which <strong>com</strong>petitors might grab themarket and why are there so manyapproaches? Panelists <strong>com</strong>e from a rangeof perspectives, including providers,consumer protection advocates,regulators, and bankers. Join us as weexplore this maze. Topics discussedincludea general overview of the U.S.approach to privacy law and thevariety of types of laws that canimpact mobile <strong>com</strong>merce;devices and the dawning awarenessthat existing laws can and do apply; the ever-increasing use of mobile________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hka conglomeration of federal and statelaws that create privacy requirementsfor those engaged in developing,offering or distributing mobile apps;andrecent FTC developments.Item no. : YM11200315Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PLANNING ANDDEFENDING DOMESTICASSET - PROTECTIONTRUSTSWHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE DEFENSESTHAT MAY BE RAISED IN AN ATTACKAGAINST A DOMESTICASSET-PROTECTION TRUST?WHAT TYPES OF ASSETS MAY BEHELD IN A DOMESTICASSET-PROTECTION TRUST ANDWHAT ARE THE IMPORTANT ISSUESTO CONSIDER IN SELECTING THEASSETS?With millions of lawsuits filed each year inthe United States, protecting client assetsfrom creditors should be considered in theoverall estate-planning process. Thisprogram will discuss the benefits of usingdomestic asset-protection trusts for thispurpose. It will provide an in-depthanalysis of domestic asset-protectiontrusts and <strong>com</strong>pare the differentasset-protection jurisdictions. It willaddress practical concerns for attorneysadvising on asset protection, such as howto properly establish and administerasset-protection trusts, and ethicalconsiderations. It will also cover relatedtopics, such as the federal tax implicationsof domestic asset-protection trusts, andthe application of the fraudulent transferrules to asset protection planning.Additionally, the panelists will address thefollowing questions:What are the tax and other benefitsdomestic asset-protection trusts offerto transferors and beneficiaries?What are the "fraudulent transferrules" and how can transferors avoidtheir application?What are the advantages of adomestic asset-protection trust overan asset protection trust establishedin a foreign jurisdiction?Comprehensive materials, includingsample forms, will be made available.Item no. : HF11200551Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.0013

PREVENTING MORTGAGEFORECLOSURE RESCUESCAMS: HOW LAWYERSCAN AVOID ETHICAL /LICENSURECOMPLICATIONSBy Mary Alestra, David Berenbaum,Yolanda McGill, James Reilly Dolan,Rutledge SimmonsUnprecedented numbers of homeownersare at risk of foreclosure and desperate tosave their homes. Unfortunately,unscrupulous loan modificationconsultants and purveyors of similarservices are preying on thesehomeowners. All too often, and withincreasing frequency lawyers, whetherwittingly or unwittingly, are engaging inscamming activity by offering servicesdirectly to the homeowner or partneringwith ill-intentioned loan modificationconsultants. Don't be a part of the problemand put your law license at risk.Come learn about actual examples oflawyers being prosecuted for scam activityand the professional conduct implicationsfor lawyers partnering with loanmodification consultants or similar outfits.Learn how lawyers can serve clientsresponsibly and avoid the aforementionedrisks.Item no. : RZ11200327Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PURSUING ANDDEFENDING ALLEGEDFRAUDULENT TRANSFERS:A PRACTICAL GUIDEThis audio CD-ROM features a discussionof the practical aspects of litigatingfraudulent transfer/conveyance actionsand brings the perspective of both anexperienced litigator and a financial expertin valuation and solvency. Our expertpanel draws examples from theirrespective practices as they discuss bothlegal and financial challenges in identifying,proving, and ultimately unwindingfraudulent transfers as well as providingguidance in defense of alleged fraudulenttransfers. The discussion also focuses onthe interplay between counsel and anexpert witness in the analysis and litigationof fraudulent transfers.Item no. : NA11200569Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REPRESENTING VICTIMSOF FINANCIAL FRAUD INIASSET FORFEITURE ANDBANKRUPTCYPROCEEDINGSBy Karen M. Gebbia, John W. Kozyak,Sarah N WellingPonzi schemes, securities fraud,investment scams . . . the creative consare nearly endless. When fraudulentfinancial schemes collapse, creditors andvictims have two primary objectives: (i)recover as much of their losses aspossible, and (ii) avoid paying back, orlosing additional assets or collateral to agovernment forfeiture action, bankruptcy,or SIPA (Securities Investor Protection Act)trustee's "claw back" proceeding.In this program, experts in white collarcrime, asset forfeiture, and bankruptcy willprovide both a primer and a review of thelatest cases and developmentsconcerning:Asset forfeiture, from the victim'sperspectiveAsserting claims against fraud victims'recovery program funds (such asVARP-Victim Asset RecoveryProgram), and in bankruptcy court Defending against governmentalefforts to forfeit your client's assets orcollateral, and trustees' efforts to"claw back" payments your clientreceived before the scheme collapsedNavigating the intersections betweenthe multiple civil, criminal, regulatoryand bankruptcy proceedings thatcharacterize failed financial fraudsItem no. : ML11200331Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REVISITING COMMERCIALREAL ESTATE REMEDIES INTROUBLING TIMESBy Monica K. Gilroy, Tanya D. MarshThis presentation will explore currenttrends in <strong>com</strong>mercial real estate litigationand the effectiveness of typical remediesin that arena including:Remedies provisions in <strong>com</strong>mercialpurchase sale agreements in light ofthe current economy and possibleinstability in the <strong>com</strong>mon law;Doctrines and legal principles behindthe remedies structures currently inuse, including specific contractlanguage examples; and Alternative and suggestedapproaches for provisions warrantinga change.The current economic crisis has created amyriad of legal and business problems forour clients and those they do businesswith. Some of those problems negativelyimpact their ability to meet contractualobligations and may lead to defaults onreal estate purchase agreements, leases,and financing arrangements. Lenders,servicers and investors have always foundthemselves in the state, federal andbankruptcy courts, defending aspects ofthe <strong>com</strong>mercial real estate and lendingprocess. Current market conditions havechanged some aspects of this but not asmuch as one would think. The root of most<strong>com</strong>mercial litigation in today's real estatelitigation world still relates to simpledefaults in <strong>com</strong>mercial real estatetransactions and the <strong>com</strong>mercial lendingwhich ac<strong>com</strong>panies the same. Duringthese troubling times, attorneys are welladvised to rethink our traditional approachto the remedies provisions generally foundin standard <strong>com</strong>mercial real estatecontracts.Item no. : NZ11200580Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SECURED TRANSACTIONS:REMEDIES,REASONABLENESS, ANDREAL WORLD LESSONSBy Kathy Cabral, Anthony R. Callobre,Teresa Wilton Harmon, Harold Lee, JamesC. SchulwolfMany security agreements specify theremedies available post-default. What if nosuch remedies are specified? Our firstsegment provides a roadmap of thestatutory rights and remedies availableunder Article 9, Part 6 regardless of theirinclusion in or omission from any givensecurity agreement.These include the right to collect on,repossess, sell, or dispose of collateral,and to retain the collateral in full or partialsatisfaction of debt. It also summarizes theobligations and standards of care to whichsecured parties must adhere and theeffects of secured party non<strong>com</strong>pliancewith such standards. Consideringdisposition of collateral in greater depth,our second segment considers theseeming simplicity of the relevant UCCtext provisions, but notes that both<strong>com</strong>mentary and case law require a morenuanced approach. It considers the moreholistic application of the <strong>com</strong>mercialreasonableness standard, appropriatecost-benefit analysis, consideration ofapplicable industry custom, and thechallenge of finding the balance betweendoing too little and doing too much, eitherof which could fail the "<strong>com</strong>merciallyreasonable" test.From this program you can expect to learnthe following: What remedies a secured party has,even if not provided in its securityagreement What are a secured party's________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk14

obligations and standard of care arein exercising its remediesHow "<strong>com</strong>mercial reasonableness" isassessed in the real worldItem no. : WB11200332Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00suggestions for addressing thisdevelopment in deals.Item no. : LG11200617Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00counsel clients or for attorneys who areinterested in starting to practice in thisarea.Item no. : HG11200385Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TRENDS IN THEACQUISITION OF PUBLICCOMPANIES: INSIGHTSFROM THE 2010STRATEGIC BUYER/PUBLICTARGET DEAL POINTSSTUDYBy Luke J. Bergstrom, Edward A. Deibert,Keith A. Flaum, Diane Holt Frankle, JimGriffinSince their inaugural 2006 release by theCommittee on Mergers & Acquisitions, theDeal Points Studies have gained widerecognition as the gold standard formarket metrics of key negotiated legalissues in M&A agreements.The Studies have also gained popularityamong investment bankers, private equityinvestors, CFOs, and other non-lawyerdeal professionals. Featuring insights fromthe recently released 2010 version of theStrategic Buyer/Public Target Deal PointsStudy, this program is a must for all deallawyers interested in market trends anddevelopments in negotiating definitiveacquisition agreements involving publiclytraded target <strong>com</strong>panies.Issues include: Closing conditions, including the"MAC out"Deal protections, including no-shopsFiduciary outs and break-up feetriggers Remedies, including specificperformance, reverse terminationfees, and related provisionsProvisions unique to two-step tenderoffer dealsItem no. : YW11200614Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00UCC ARTICLE 9AMENDMENTSBy Steven Weise, Teresa Wilton HarmonThis audio CD-ROM discussesdevelopments in secured financing underArticle 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.Areas covered include developments inrelated areas, such as guaranties, lettersof credit, fraudulent transfers, and "lenderliability. "The program also provides practicalYOU INVESTED IN WHAT? AGUIDE TO ADVISINGTRUSTEES ONINVESTMENTSNTSIn this economically uncertain environment,investment selection is more important(and more confusing) than ever. Trusteeshave the additional responsibility ofunderstanding and conforming to theUniform Prudent Investor Act ("UPIA").This puts their attorneys in the unenviableposition of advising trustees to develop aplan, consistently follow it and not beswayed by the emotional impact of theseextremely volatile markets. This programwill help the estate planning attorneydetermine how to advise clients on the lawof investing without giving investmentadvice.This session will discuss: The law of investing as codified in theUPIA; The case law that has developed fromthe UPIA; The emotional impact on investmentdecisions as a result of "behavioralfinance" concepts; The implications of hindsight bias andthe so-called curse of knowledge; The attorney's professionalresponsibility in providing UPIAadvice; The attorney's role in determininginvestment strategies.Item no. : VJ11200634Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00BANKRUPTCY LAWBANKRUPTCY FORNON-BANKRUPTCYLAWYERSBy Christopher R. Kaup, Rinky S. Parwani,Marc S. SternThe program addresses the problems of anon-bankruptcy lawyer when faced with abankruptcy by the opposing party in a lawsuit or a business transaction. It alsoaddresses how to advise the client who iscontemplating bankruptcy and avoidbe<strong>com</strong>ing a "Debt Relief Agency." There isa general survey of bankruptcy law andnon-legal issues of bankruptcy that canaffect your client. The program is meantfor general practitioners with nobankruptcy experience who need toFORECLOSURE CRISISTSUNAMI, THEBy Eric I. Halperin, Andrew L. Sandler,Jonice Gray TuckerIn the wake of the recent foreclosure crisis,enforcement activity surrounding thefinancial industry has expandeddramatically. This program will provide youwith valuable insight regarding emerginglitigation and enforcement trends as wellas strategies for practicing in the currentenvironment.During this 90-minute program you willlearn what led to the foreclosure crisis; the status of state and federalinvestigations; potential private causes of action frommortgagors and investors; strategies for response; and best practices.Item no. : LV11200466Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FORECLOSURES, DEBTCOLLECTION & OTHERHIGH VOLUME AREAS OFPRACTICE: THE ETHICALPERILS OF PARTNERINGWITH NONLAWYERSBy Elizabeth Clark Talbert, Kenneth M.Mogill, Victoria VuletichLawyers frequently team with otherprofessionals to meet clients' needseffectively and economically. At times,however, a lawyer's relationship with anonlawyer can create serious ethicalproblems. What are the ethical limits ofpartnering with a nonlawyer, and how cana practitioner ensure that she or hedoesn't cross them in the course ofhelping clients?This program will: bring you up to date as to the ethicalconsiderations applicable to teamingwith nonlawyers; provide you with information critical toeffective and ethical partnering; and explore the mistakes that can causediscipline problems.Among the Model Rules implicated in thisdiscussion will be: Rule 1.2(c) limiting scope of________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk15

epresentation without informed clientconsent; Rule 1.4 <strong>com</strong>munication with client; Rule 5.3(b) duty to supervisenonlawyer assistants; Rule 5.4(a) sharing legal fees withnonlawyers; Rule 5.4(b) forming a law partnershipwith a nonlawyer; Rule 5.5(a) assisting the unauthorized practice oflaw; Rule 7.2(b) giving something of valuefor re<strong>com</strong>mending the lawyer'sservices; and Rule 8.4(d) conduct prejudicial to theadministration of justice.Item no. : BS11200468Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HELPING YOUR FAMILYLAW CLIENTS DETERMINEWHEN BANKRUPTCY ISRIGHT FOR THEMBy Diane Brazen Gordon, Lydia GrossKamerlink, Lori PattonFrom initial client interviews to drafting thesettlement agreement, this program willdiscuss the critical and problematic debtissues every family law attorney needs tobe aware of. Topics will include studentloans, credit cards, short sales andforeclosures.This course will provide a practicalunderstanding of how to spot and addressproblem debts, and to know whenbankruptcy might be an option.Item no. : AD11200291Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HOTEL AND MIXED USEWORKOUTS (AND BEYOND)By Nancy Leary Haggerty, Kenneth L.Samuelson, Robert W. LannanForeclosures and workouts are<strong>com</strong>plicated enough when they involvesingle user property. When the subjecthowever is a hotel, or a mixed-use projectwhich <strong>com</strong>bines a shopping center, offices,apartments, retail and/or parking, the effortbe<strong>com</strong>es even more <strong>com</strong>plicated, not onlybecause of the numbers of parties withdifferent interests, but also becausepreserving the highest value of the projectrequires actions which do not interrupt thegoing business. Learn from our expertshow to balance these interests and stillac<strong>com</strong>plish the end goal.The topics to be covered include:The players involved in a mixed-usedevelopmentIndividual tenant bankruptcy and unitforeclosureKeeping the lender involved in theworkoutPreserving the in<strong>com</strong>e and reputationof the projectNegotiating hotel management andfranchise agreements; adjustingrequirements deferring scheduledimprovements; modifying franchiseperformance testsSubordination, non-disturbance andattornment (SNDA) agreementsIssues with reservesForbearance AgreementsFinding money for refixturingWARN closing obligations and unioncontractsDealing with municipal developmentagreements, liquor licenses and otherpermitsSoftware including booking softwareItem no. : ZK11200490Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00MASTERING BANKRUPTCY:COMPLETING THE FORMSBy Vikram R. Barad, Rinky S. ParwaniThis program will review each of the formsrequired for a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13bankruptcy.In this class, you will learn:Each of the basic formsTips and tricks for filling out the formsto gain efficiencies and to have asmooth filingItem no. : EY11200522Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MASTERING BANKRUPTCY:DEALING WITHOBJECTIONS TODISCHARGE AND OTHERNON-DISCHARGEABILITYPROCEEDINGSBy Vikram R. Barad, Rinky S. Parwani,Marc S. SternIn this program you will learn about<strong>com</strong>mon non-dischargeability proceedingsthat are brought in bankruptcy casesunder Section 523 of the Bankruptcy Code,including objections to discharge broughtunder Section 727 of the Bankruptcy Code.Our panelists will share tips and strategiesto address these types of proceedingsboth from the perspective of a plaintiff anddefendant.Item no. : NE11200523Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MASTERING BANKRUPTCY:THE BASICS OFLITIGATIONBy Vikram R. Barad, DeborahKovsky-Apap, Rinky S. ParwaniLearn about the adversary process inbankruptcy. How does it <strong>com</strong>pare to statecourt and other federal court litigation.What should you expect?The panelists will share tips and tricks tosurvive your first adversary proceeding.They also will discuss the differencebetween an adversary proceeding and themotion process and when to use each toadvance your bankruptcy.Item no. : LR11200524Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MORTGAGE FRAUDLITIGATIONBy Steve Kaufman, Scott A. King, R. ScottPalmer, Michael PollackMortgage fraud litigation remains a hottopic in all 50 states and is a vital area ofpractice for legal counsel to governmentagencies, borrowers, lenders, andprofessional service providers. A widerange of issues have arisen in state andfederal proceedings ranging fromforeclosure actions to class actions and<strong>com</strong>plex litigation regarding fraudulentloans and mortgage transactions.This program will explore mortgage fraudlitigation from the perspectives of the stateenforcement and federal regulatoryenvironments. Our panel of experts willexamine the claims, defenses, andstrategies involved in consumer andmortgage fraud litigation. All of whicheffects buyers and sellers, borrowers, andprofessionals, including real estateappraisers, brokers, title <strong>com</strong>panies,closing agents, and attorneys.Item no. : WR11200530Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00REVISITING COMMERCIALREAL ESTATE REMEDIES INTROUBLING TIMESBy Monica K. Gilroy, Tanya D. MarshThis presentation will explore current________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk16

trends in <strong>com</strong>mercial real estate litigationand the effectiveness of typical remediesin that arena including:Remedies provisions in <strong>com</strong>mercialpurchase sale agreements in light ofthe current economy and possibleinstability in the <strong>com</strong>mon law;Doctrines and legal principles behindthe remedies structures currently inuse, including specific contractlanguage examples; and Alternative and suggestedapproaches for provisions warrantinga change.The current economic crisis has created amyriad of legal and business problems forour clients and those they do businesswith. Some of those problems negativelyimpact their ability to meet contractualobligations and may lead to defaults onreal estate purchase agreements, leases,and financing arrangements. Lenders,servicers and investors have always foundthemselves in the state, federal andbankruptcy courts, defending aspects ofthe <strong>com</strong>mercial real estate and lendingprocess. Current market conditions havechanged some aspects of this but not asmuch as one would think. The root of most<strong>com</strong>mercial litigation in today's real estatelitigation world still relates to simpledefaults in <strong>com</strong>mercial real estatetransactions and the <strong>com</strong>mercial lendingwhich ac<strong>com</strong>panies the same. Duringthese troubling times, attorneys are welladvised to rethink our traditional approachto the remedies provisions generally foundin standard <strong>com</strong>mercial real estatecontracts.Item no. : NZ11200580Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TOUSA EXPLAINED: HOWCAN LIABILITY DISAPPEARAND SHOULD I ACCEPTTHAT PAYOFF?The United States Court of Appeals for theEleventh Circuit issued its muchanticipated decision in the TOUSA, Inc.bankruptcy cases on May 15, <strong>2012</strong>. Thedecision provides an ominous reminder toLenders to carefully assess the value ofaccepting asset pledges or guaranteesfrom borrowers subsidiaries, sometimesreferred to as upstream guarantees.TOUSA should also give creditors pausein accepting payments for existingobligations from the proceeds oftransactions that may later be avoided asfraudulent transfers in violation of thebankruptcy code.Our panel of experts will discuss: What does TOUSA say aboutupstream and cross streamguarantees and how does that relateto typical workouts? Has the test for indirect benefit beenchanged? What does TOUSA say aboutaccepting loan repayments from aninsolvent or risky borrower? Are there any work-arounds ordocumentary protections? How does TOUSA affect lawyers whogive opinions? In view of Stern v. Marshall, some (butnot all) courts have held that abankruptcy court may not enter finalorders in a fraudulent conveyance suit,but can only make re<strong>com</strong>mendationsto the district court. If this matter isre-heard by the 11th Circuit is itpossible that the Stern decision willchange the standard on appeal, andhence the result?Item no. : PZ11200609Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00UGLY TRUTH, THE:MUNICIPALRESTRUCTURING &BANKRUPTCYBy Hon. Charles Bowsher, Hon.Christopher M. Klein, Joshua Rauh,Lawrence Susskind, Harriet M. WelchCaught between a rock and a hard place,our states and cities face enormousuncertainties and financial crises fromchronic over-spending. Considerablenegotiations as well as leadership will berequired to obtain consensus and achievesustainable economic fiscal results. Thispanel will discuss various solutions,including bankruptcies leading torestructuring of pension and other laborcosts, and efforts to gain relief throughasset sales.Item no. : EA11200618Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BETTER LIVINGEVERYDAY GOURMET, THE:REDISCOVERING THE LOSTART OF COOKINGBy Chef Bill BriwaThere's a strong sense of pride andac<strong>com</strong>plishment that <strong>com</strong>es from cookingyour own meals; from taking ingredientsand <strong>com</strong>bining them to createeye-catching and mouth-watering dishesthat can please you and your family andfriends. The only problem: For many ofus, …Item no. : JE09280624Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00FUNDAMENTALS OFPHOTOGRAPHYBy Joel SartorePhotographs are more than just snapshots.When taken the right way, they be<strong>com</strong>edramatic personal statements with thepower to last forever. They can transportyou to distant landscapes, capture fleetingemotions, recall cherished memories,reveal …Item no. : WC09280625Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00SCIENCE OF NATURALHEALING, THEBy Mimi GuarneriIn the 21st century, the Western paradigmfor healthcare is changing.Notwithstanding the great strengths ofmedical science, many people now haveconcerns about key features of ourhealth-care system—among them, thewidespread use of …Item no. : AA09280633Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00SPIRITUAL BRAIN, THE:SCIENCE AND RELIGIOUSEXPERIENCEBy Andrew <strong>New</strong>bergDoes God exist? Do we have a soul? Is itpossible to make contact with a spiritualrealm? How should we respond to thedivine? Will life …The religious impulse is so powerfullypervasive that neuroscience has posed aprovocative question: Are our brains wiredto worship? In The Spiritual Brain: Scienceand Religious Experience, award-winningscholar and practicing neuroscientist Dr.Andrew <strong>New</strong>berg, Director of Research atthe Myrna Brind Center of IntegrativeMedicine at Thomas Jefferson UniversityHospital, offers you 24 riveting lecturesthat explore the new and exciting field ofneurotheology, a discipline aimed atunderstanding the connections betweenour brains and different kinds of religiousphenomena. Using an academic,experimental approach into what he calls"objective measures of spirituality," Dr.<strong>New</strong>berg attempts to explain what othershave previously only guessed at: theneuroscientific basis for why religion andspirituality have played such a prominentrole in human life.Item no. : PA09280635Format : 4 DVDsDuration : 720 minutesPrice : USD 255.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk17

BILLIARDPOOL SECRETS FROM AWORLD CHAMPIONWith Ray "Cool Cat" MartinCan you consistently set up your next shotand run the table? Do you know how andwhen to play successful safety shots? Inthis unique and <strong>com</strong>prehensive two-DVDset, 3-Time World Champion Ray Martindemonstrates these important skills andmuch more. Among the topics covered areequipment, bridges and stroke, spin andspeed, how to aim, how to practice,several shots and variations, numeroussafety shots, tips for breaking, bank shots,the kick shot, and a demonstration ofrunning a 9-ball table. The DVD contains apdf file that will allow you to print out shotand safety diagrams. Whether you are abeginner or an experienced <strong>com</strong>petitiveplayer, this program will help take yourskills to a higher level.Item no. : JG09670554Format : 2 DVDsDuration : 121 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 80.00BILLINGFUNDAMENTALS OFHEALTHCARETRANSACTIONSBy James M. Pinna, Jennifer L. Rangel,Tammy M. WardThis years Fundamentals session willfocus on the twists and turns of a healthcare deal. Our panel of attorneysexperienced with transactional, regulatory,and reimbursement issues will walkthrough a case study of a healthcarefacility acquisition and examine theconsiderations that face lawyers and theirclients when negotiating, structuring, andclosing a transaction including diligenceissues, change of ownership (licensure,certification, CON, Medicare and Medicaidprovider numbers), asset vs. stockacquisition, fraud and abuse, andvaluation matters.True to its title, this session will notassume extensive prior knowledge orexperience in healthcare transactions;however, practitioners at every levelshould benefit from this in-depthdiscussion of challenging issues and theunique opportunity for extensive audienceinteraction the session has to offer. Theissues discussed in this teleconferencewill have broad application to other typesof health care transactions.Item no. : VY11200472Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00REIMBURSEMENT & FALSECLAIMS ACTFUNDAMENTALSBy Daniel A. Cody, David Fisher, Glenn M.JonesReimbursement under the Medicare andMedicaid programs, among other federaland state health care programs, are anessential <strong>com</strong>ponent of the services healthcare providers and other entities deliver totheir patients. With receipt of these funds,however, these entities are subject topotential civil actions brought under thefederal False Claims Act (FCA). Over thelast 20 years, the Department of Justicehas collected billions of dollars throughFCA actions. At the prodding of the federalgovernment, most states have adoptedstatutes similar to the FCA or amendedtheir existing statutes to conform to theFCA. As reflected in the health care reformefforts last year, it is clear that the FCA willcontinue to be a primary tool in federal andstate initiatives to curb health care fraudand abuse.This webinar will outline Medicare andMedicaid reimbursement; discuss the FCAand its whistleblower or "qui tam"provisions, and address recentamendments to the FCA. Our expert panelwill address questions such as:What makes a claim "false" and whattypes of "false claims" give rise toFCA liability?What damages are recoverable underthe FCA?What are the <strong>com</strong>mon defenses inFCA cases?How are qui tam cases filed by privatecounsel and how are they handled byDOJ?Who qualifies as a proper qui tamplaintiff?What are the Fraud Enforcement andRecovery Act of 2009 amendments tothe FCA and the Patient Protectionand Affordable Care Act of 2010?Item no. : ZU11200575Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00BIOLOGYSPIRITUAL BRAIN, THE:SCIENCE AND RELIGIOUSEXPERIENCEBy Andrew <strong>New</strong>bergDoes God exist? Do we have a soul? Is itpossible to make contact with a spiritualrealm? How should we respond to thedivine? Will life …The religious impulse is so powerfullypervasive that neuroscience has posed aprovocative question: Are our brains wiredto worship? In The Spiritual Brain: Scienceand Religious Experience, award-winningscholar and practicing neuroscientist Dr.Andrew <strong>New</strong>berg, Director of Research atthe Myrna Brind Center of IntegrativeMedicine at Thomas Jefferson UniversityHospital, offers you 24 riveting lecturesthat explore the new and exciting field ofneurotheology, a discipline aimed atunderstanding the connections betweenour brains and different kinds of religiousphenomena. Using an academic,experimental approach into what he calls"objective measures of spirituality," Dr.<strong>New</strong>berg attempts to explain what othershave previously only guessed at: theneuroscientific basis for why religion andspirituality have played such a prominentrole in human life.Item no. : PA09280635Format : 4 DVDsDuration : 720 minutesPrice : USD 255.00BOWLINGBECOME A BETTERBOWLERWith Walter Ray Williams, Jr.Improve your bowling with personallessons from a true legend in the sport.This DVD features seven-time PBA Playerof the Year winner, Walter Ray Williams Jr.In this highly-informative program,Williams shares numerous tips that he hasacquired during his stellar career. Amongthe topics covered are: the grip, thetargeting system, hand releases, stepdrills, nuances of bowling, lane play,<strong>com</strong>mon problems, the 2-handed release,shooting spares and splits, practice tips,and the mental game. Whether you are abeginner or an experienced <strong>com</strong>petitivebowler, this program will be beneficial toimprove your skills and consistency.Item no. : SN09670553Format : DVDPrice : USD 60.00BUSINESS LAW29TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ON CRIMINALTAX FRAUD AND THE 2NDNATIONAL INSTITUTE ONOTAX CONTROVERSYThe 29th Annual National Institute onCriminal Tax Fraud is the annual gatheringof the criminal tax defense bar <strong>com</strong>binedwith the Second Annual National Instituteon Tax Controversy.This audio recording of the program willput you in the room with high-levelgovernment representatives, judges,corporate counsel, and privatepractitioners engaged in all aspects of taxcontroversy, tax litigation, and criminal taxdefense.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk18

Curriculum topics include: Roundtable discussions with seniorofficials from the IRS and theTreasury and Justice Departments Strategies for experiencedpractitioners when representingclients in examination, at appeals,and during criminal investigations Breakout sessions focused on civil taxcontroversy and criminal tax defensestrategies Advice from judges on what they wantto hear from youItem no. : TM11200247Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 875.006TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ONE-DISCOVERY PRACTICALSOLUTIONS FOR DEALINGWITH ELECTRONICALLYSTORED INFORMATIONThe 6th Annual National Institute onE-Discovery Practical Solutions forDealing with Electronically Storedconsisted of all-star panels ofdistinguished professionals that convenedfor a full day of advanced-levelprogramming to share their knowledge onhot topics in e-discovery.Topics discussed included: Late-breaking case law developmentsacross the spectrum of electronicdiscovery issues.The issues and challenges arisingfrom a corporation's obligation topreserve some of the most elusiveelectronic data, such as datagenerated by corporate social mediaand personal information stored byemployees. Practical insights for protectingprivileged information in a globalelectronic working environment.Item no. : KV11200361Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ACCELERATED CASERESOLUTION BEFORE THETRADEMARK TRIAL ANDAPPEAL BOARDIf you've been wondering how you canmore efficiently pursue meritsdeterminations in inter partes proceedingsbefore the Trademark Trial and AppealBoard (TTAB) of the USPTO, this ABAwebinar is just the ticket. The panel willdiscuss using the various efficiencies andalternatives to traditional discovery andtrial that characterize opposition andcancellation cases proceeding under theTTAB's Accelerated Case Resolution(ACR) process. If you want to streamlineand position opposition and cancellationproceedings for more efficient, economicaland focused presentation of the facts andevidence that are necessary to resolve themerits of a case, and are involved in acase with an adversary seeking the samesavings, the ACR process may be right foryou. ACR can save parties time andresources, and typically will result in fasterresolution than a standard TTABproceeding utilizing traditional discoveryand trial methodologies.Our authoritative panel will provide anoverview of the ACR process and discusshow ACR can help parties achieveresolution on an expedited basis. We willexamine factors to consider in determiningwhether ACR is right for a particularsituation, and will discuss timing,procedures, and strategies to keep in mindwhen electing and using Accelerated CaseResolution.Item no. : FF11200249Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ADVISING CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACTORS ON NEWOBLIGATIONS WITHRESPECT TO SUSPENDEDAND DEBARRED ENTITIESBy Jeff Chiow, Neil O'DonnellThe faculty will explain the importance ofcontractors knowing their obligations withrespect to contracting with suspended anddebarred parties. They will examine howthe laws and rules might be applied on agiven construction project that receivesDepartment of Transportation (DoT)funding, highlighting how different theanalysis may be even as between twoagencies within DoT, such FTA and FHWA.After discussing a case study,representatives from the bar, government,and industry will discuss approaches andchallenges on ensuring enterprise-wideawareness of and <strong>com</strong>pliance withobligations regarding suspended anddebarred subcontractors. The panel willalso address the apparent move towardimposing greater due diligence obligationson grantees and contractors.Practitioners are often asked the followingquestions that can be very <strong>com</strong>plex andwill depend on the source(s) of federalfunding for a given construction project.Participants will be able to evaluate andanswer these questions with ease.What must a contractor do to satisfyits responsibility to avoidsubcontracting with suspended ordebarred entities?If, during performance, a contractordiscovers that one of itssubcontractors is listed on theExcluded Parties List System (EPLS),what are the contractors obligations,including, specifically, is it obligated togive notice to the agency?Item no. : GY11200368Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AFTER THE CLOSINGDINNER: MANAGINGPOST-CLOSING ISSUES INSECURED TRANSACTIONSBy Paul Hodnefield, Annette Moore,Steven WeiseThis program examines the effect of<strong>com</strong>mon post-closing events on perfectedsecurity interests and what the securedparty must do to retain perfection andpriority in the collateral.The topics covered include: changes to the debtor's name, transfer of the collateral, and a change in the governing law.Item no. : EF11200370Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANATOMY OF M&AINDEMNIFICATIONNEGOTIATIONSBy Wilson Chu, Jordaan Hendrik, Craig A.Menden, Linda SchmidtThrough a <strong>com</strong>bination of illustrativenegotiations, analysis of marketbenchmarks from the American BarAssociation's Private Target Deal PointsStudy, and a healthy dose of reality from adeal litigator's perspective, this programwill make a deep-dive into some of themost <strong>com</strong>plex and contentiousindemnification issues being negotiated intoday's private target M&A marketplace.Topics include: Knowledge-based limitations tobuyer's indemnification rights (i.e.,"sandbagging") Balancing acts between "fulldisclosure," "pro-sandbagging," and"non-reliance" provisions Fraud exceptions to "exclusiveremedy" provisions Issues specific to private equitytransactionsItem no. : SV11200375Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANNUAL FRANCHISE ANDDISTRIBUTION LAW________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk19

DEVELOPMENTBy James A. Goniea, Peter R. SilvermanInterested in hearing about the year's keyjudicial developments in franchising anddistribution law? Did you miss the ABAForum on Franchising's AnnualDevelopments session at the AnnualMeeting in Los Angeles? If so, this is theprogram for you!Listen to our experienced speakers surveythe most important franchise anddistribution-related decisions issued overthe past year.Item no. : YR11200255Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ASK THE EXPERT -ANSWERS TO QUESTIONSEVERYTRADEMARK/COPYRIGHTATTORNEY NEEDS TOKNOW BUT IS AFRAID TOTASKBy Amy J. Benjamin, Mitchell A. BraggBeing a young attorney can be tough:billable hours demands, partnersbreathing down your neck for projects dueyesterday, adjusting to life as an attorneyafter three years of being a student, not tomention dealing with legal issues that lawschool never taught you. We have all beenthe victim of a senior attorney asking youabout an issue that you have never heardof, a judge questioning your legal tactics,or a client raising an argument that youhad to research later on. Imagine achance to have some of the tips and tricksof trademark and copyright law revealed toyou before the pressure situations put youon the spot. With this program you get allthe answers to everything you've alwayswanted to know about trademark andcopyright law, but were too afraid to ask.This webinar was <strong>com</strong>prised of questionsand experiences submitted by younglawyers. The webinar addressed varioustopics that lawyers wish they knew theanswer to early on in their careers andwere afraid to ask. In addition, theprogram covered experiences that lawyersdid not know how to respond to.Item no. : TE11200380Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00BEST PRACTICES INCONSTRUCTIONLITIGATION CASEMANAGEMENT: THEIN-HOUSE COUNSELPERSPECTIVEBy Rod Eisenhauer, Jason A. Greves,Dwight Larson, Angela R. Stephens,Catherine SwanHave you ever had a call from in-housecounsel where they asked, "Why have thefees incurred to date exceeded the budgetyou gave me?" Or, did the in-house lawyerask, why you felt it was necessary toperform certain research tasks? Have youever wondered what in-house counselthinks are the best ways to get the clientready for trial? These questions and morewill be answered during this 90-minutewebinar:This session will also cover best practicesin case management for constructionlawyers, with a specific focus on: Preparing accurate litigation budgets Economically and efficientlymanaging discovery Best practices in preparing for trialItem no. : HM11200259Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BIAS IN THE LEGALPROFESSIONBy Paulette Brown, Beth K. WhittenburyLaw firms frequently make the news forexhibiting certain bias in their dealings withemployees and clients. This can hurt afirm's reputation and bottom line. Learn toavoid these scenarios.This program explains how bias translatesinto legal causes of action. Participants willfocus on spotting and avoiding suchissues in the legal profession through theuse of appropriate vignettes, casesinvolving law firms, and time for questions.Item no. : ZP11200260Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BUILDING OR SABOTAGINGTHE ENTERPRISE?SQUARING CYBERSECURITY WITHTECHNOLOGIES THATUNDERMINE ITAlthough it is widely believed that attackson critical infrastructure could significantlydisrupt the functioning of the governmentand business, there is a growing tensionbetween the emerging obligations for<strong>com</strong>pany cyber security (set forth in newand proposed laws, regulations, andstandards) and the increasing use bytechnology <strong>com</strong>panies that underminecyber security. Board of directors need toaddress the growing tension betweenobligations to fulfill cyber security legalrequirements and <strong>com</strong>panies efforts totake advantage of technologies whichincrease cyber vulnerabilities such asmobile <strong>com</strong>puting devices, flash drives,smartphones, social networks, and cloud<strong>com</strong>puting.This audio CD-ROM considers whether<strong>com</strong>panies are overlooking this issue byadopting policies that appear to treat thebenefits of new technologies as immediateand substantial, the <strong>com</strong>promises to cybersecurity as speculative, and the damagefrom a security breach as remote andcontainable. It also addresses the cybersecurity regulations that in-house andoutside counsel may soon be obligated to<strong>com</strong>ply with as a result of decisions a<strong>com</strong>pany has made concerning potentiallyvulnerable technologies. The programraises the issue of whether the emergingcyber security regulations may beencouraging a culture of <strong>com</strong>pliance andpaper exercises rather than security thatprotects critical assets and finds andcorrects cyber vulnerabilities before theycan be exploited. Lastly, it discussesrecent court decisions that suggest a shiftin judicial views of cyber security and agrowing willingness by judges to prevententerprises from shifting the risks ofsecurity deficiencies to their customers.Item no. : AD11200392Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BUSINESS AND VALUATIONISSUES THAT WILLPREVENT YOUR CLIENTS'BUY-SELL AGREEMENTSFROM WORKINGBy Z. Christopher Mercer, Louis A.MezzulloBuy-sell agreements are among the most<strong>com</strong>mon yet least understood businessagreements and many are destined to failto operate like the owners and theiradvisors expect. Many, in fact, are tickingtime bombs, just waiting for a trigger eventto explode. The primary reason is that theydo not receive enough attention frombusiness and valuation perspectives.This presentation is designed to provide aroad map for the development andimprovement of buy-sell agreements. Ourpresenters will share lessons learned frommany real-life situations.This session will discuss: Why fixed price agreements do notwork; Why formula price agreements do notwork; Inherent problems with multipleappraiser agreements that manyattorneys never focus on; The best valuation option for yourclients; The six defining elements that seldom________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk20

are, but must be present in everyvaluation process agreement (if it willwork when triggered);Focused discussion of relationshipsbetween life insurance and buy-sellagreements;Real-life examples that will surprise,entertain and worry you.Item no. : GC11200394Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CHALLENGES IN HOSPITALMERGERS: ACQUIRINGPHYSICIAN PRACTICESAND ANCILLARY BUSINESSSSBy Maria Carrier, Beth Connor Guest, HalKatzIn this webinar, a team of legal andvaluation experts will discuss currenttrends and guide you through the factorsthat drive structure and discuss theframework for the modern physicianpractice or ancillary business acquisitionincluding:valuation issues in acquisitions, includinganalysis of valuation approach and typesof assets that are being purchased;antitrust considerations; regulatory issues in craftingStark-<strong>com</strong>plaint arrangements; payors and reimbursementimplications; and IT drivers-EHRs, and "meaningfuluse" payments.Item no. : NZ11200261Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CHALLENGES IN THEWORLD OF OHOSPITALMERGERS: THE HURDLESOF FOR-PROFITSACQUIRING NON-PROFITSBy M. Daria Niewenhous, Howard T. WallIIIThe recent acquisition of individualhospitals and health systems by for-profitentities may indicate a growing trend.However, when a nonprofit sells its assetsto a for-profit, additional legal <strong>com</strong>plexityresults. In addition to the regulatory reviewby state departments of health inconnection with hospital transfer ofownership, such non-profit conversionsare generally subject to review andapproval by the various state attorneysgeneral offices (whether formally orthrough the attorney general'sre<strong>com</strong>mendation to an appropriate statecourt).This presentation is focused on issuescounsel must address when guidingclients through these transactions,including: crafting seller's RFP to include anypost-closing conditions (or types ofconditions) that seller considers anessential part of the transaction; drafting an effective purchaseagreement; negotiating with buyer,the attorney general, and the statehealth department regardingconditions of the sale that effectivelymaintain certain charitable or<strong>com</strong>munity benefit obligations, orsecure the buyer's <strong>com</strong>mitment tomaintain facilities or programs for adefined post-closing period; managing the public notice/hearingand <strong>com</strong>ment period; coordinationwith state health department review;and working with stakeholders to managethe political and <strong>com</strong>munity reactionsto such transactions.Item no. : VS11200263Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CHINA <strong>2012</strong>: LEGAL,POLITICAL, AND BUSINESSOUTLOOK FOR <strong>2012</strong> ANDBEYONDBy James M. ZimmermanThis is an interesting year in China giventhe leadership transition taking place in<strong>2012</strong>. Leadership changes and new policydirection will have a profound impact onwhat foreign business can expect in Chinaover the next five years. This audioCD-ROM provides an analysis ofwho's-who in the PRC leadership team,along with a discussion on the likely trendsfor foreign investors doing business inChina.The presentation includes a review of thenew laws, regulations, and policy changesrecently adopted, or in the pipeline, thatmay impact business in China. The legaland political changes are criticallyimportant to businesses operating on theground in China. Examples include:amendments to the Copyright Law, newstate secrets regulations, the newCommunist Party loyalty oath for Chineselawyers, rules on online purchasesoverseas, and amendments to the law onthe promotion of clean production.The program features James Zimmerman,the author of the China Law Deskbook andthe office administrative partner in theBeijing office of Sheppard Mullin Richter &Hampton LLP.Item no. : PG11200264Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CLASS ACTIONS <strong>2012</strong>The 16th Annual National Institute onClass Actions is a must for all attorneyswho litigate and try class-action lawsuits.In-house counsel and private lawyers newand old will learn all about significantdevelopments that affect class-action lawand its future. To this end, our program willinclude such timely topics as aclass-action primer for new class-actionlawyers; recent developments inclass-action jurisprudence; strategies forpleading and attacking class definitions;the emerging importance of Rule 23(b)(2)classes; litigating class actions alongsideopt-outs; data-privacy class-actions; andmanaging class-action experts.This National Institute promises to cover awide spectrum of legal topics that's sure toengage and inform class-action attorneyseverywhere.Item no. : NC11200266Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 500.00CLOUD COMPUTING: WILLIT REDUCE IT COSTS?By William Perlowitz, Timothy Sullivan,Tarek TomesThis is an interactive program designed forall those involved in theprocess-government officials, governmentcontracts administrators, attorneys, andcontractors, who were encouraged toshare their experiences and questions.The panelists discuss: What is cloud <strong>com</strong>puting? Securing <strong>com</strong>petition FedRAMP standards States' experience withimplementationItem no. : GH11200402Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COMPARISON ANDCONTRAST OF THEAPPROACHES OFBUSINESS METHODSOFTWARE PATENTS INEUROPE, ASIA, AND THEU.S., ABy Ceyda Azakli Maisami, Tim StaleyYoung Lawyers are given practical tips onhow to deal with prosecution and draftingof Business Method Software Patents ineach jurisdiction. The faculty specificallydiscusses patentability of software andbusiness methods in Europe, Japan,China, and Australia. The course alsocovers case law, case studies, and how to________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk21

draft claims and descriptions that may beacceptable in these jurisdictions. Thefaculty also <strong>com</strong>pares other approacheswith the approach used in the U.S. basedon Bilski.Item no. : ZL11200406Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CONTRACTUALALLOCATION OF RISK:EXCULPATION,INDEMNIFICATION REPS,WARRANTIES, ANDGUARANTIESBy Neal H. Brockmeyer, Penelope L.Christophorou, Steven WeiseLearn how to effectively negotiate anddraft these provisions for your client and toanalyze how these provisions areinterpreted and enforced whenchallenged.Topics will cover the allocation of risks incontracts, including: Indemnities Warranties Representations Guaranties Exculpatory clauses Remedy limitations Liability limitationsItem no. : RC11200409Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DEEDS IN LIEU OFFORECLOSURE:PRACTICAL AND LEGALCONSIDERATIONSThis program will discuss the practical andlegal issues associated with a consensualtransfer of <strong>com</strong>mercial real property from aBorrower to its Lender in full or partialsatisfaction of a debt.Topics to be discussed will include: Benefits and risks, especially when<strong>com</strong>pared to a consensualforeclosure; The Deed in Lieu Agreement -practical tips on drafting andnegotiation; and Special issues associated with Deedsin Lieu.Item no. : JN11200416Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DIRECTOR LIABILITY: THEDUTY OF OVERSIGHT ANDTHE NEED TOINVESTIGATEBy Mark S. Balian, Jeremy S. Piccini,Nicholas C. PonziniIn light of recent corporate scandals andregulatory actions, corporate boardmembers should understand their duty toadequately oversee an institutions<strong>com</strong>pliance function, also known as theduty of oversight. While it is certainly notexpected or demanded that directors beable to predict the future, directors stillmust implement <strong>com</strong>pliance andmonitoring programs within thecorporation. Moreover, once implemented,directors must oversee such programsand investigate possible law or corporatepolicy violations to which they are alerted.Nuances to these obligations, includingcontinued <strong>com</strong>pliance, response topotential violations, and the need toinvestigate with either in-house or outsidecounsel <strong>com</strong>plicate a director's duties insuch circumstances. In adhering to certainguidelines, directors invest the time andmoney that ultimately benefit and protectnot only themselves individually, but theentire corporation.Item no. : YK11200420Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DISPELLING THE SHARIATHREAT MYTH:IMPLICATIONS OFBANNING COURTS FROMREFERENCING RELIGIOUS,FOREIGN, ORINTERNATIONAL LAWBy Engy Abdelkader Esq., Dr. Azizahal-Hibri, Wajahat Ali Esq., John Chasnoff,Daniel MachIn the last year nearly 50 bills and stateconstitutional amendments intending toban state courts from consideringinternational, foreign, or religious law wereintroduced in more than 20 states. Suchprovisions - <strong>com</strong>monly referred to as"Sharia law bans" or "anti-Sharia lawlegislation" - have already passed inOklahoma, Tennessee, and Louisiana.Once adopted these bans have thepotential to obstruct state courts fromperforming essential functions includingenforcement of <strong>com</strong>mercial contracts,intra-country adoptions, foreign marriages,Native American rights, foreign, judgments,and the out<strong>com</strong>e of voluntary faith-baseddispute resolution forums as well as effortsto thwart child abduction. The provisionsalso have serious implications forindividual rights under the free exerciseclause of the First Amendment.bans, their potential impact on how statecourts function, and efforts to <strong>com</strong>bat theprovisions in legislatures and the courts.Item no. : TL11200421Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DODD-FRANK ACTCOMPLIANCE SURPRISESBy Therese G. Franzen, Thomas P. Quinn,Ryan S. StinnefordThis program reviews several provisionsof Dodd-Frank that impose <strong>com</strong>plianceobligations on financial institutions,including FDIC insurance changes,interest on demand deposits, fundsavailability changes, HMDA data collectionand reporting changes, Fair Lendingenforcement changes, risk-based pricingrequirements, new restrictions on affiliateand insider transactions, and more.Item no. : FS11200423Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 229.00DODD-FRANK EXECUTIVECOMPENSATION CHANGES:WHAT'S NEXT AFTERSAY-ONON-PAY?By Pamela Baker, Mark A. Borges, Marc R.TrevinoWhile the individual executive<strong>com</strong>pensation provisions of Dodd-Frankmay at first glance seem like a series ofunconnected puzzle pieces, when they areput together they have the potential tobring about significant changes to theexecutive <strong>com</strong>pensation landscape.Say-on-Pay was the first piece, but thereis much more to <strong>com</strong>e, and the rulemakingis just beginning. Listen to our expertpanel as they share their insights into howDodd-Frank will impact the way in which<strong>com</strong>panies structure, and <strong>com</strong>municate,their executive <strong>com</strong>pensation programs.Item no. : WL11200424Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 229.00DONEE SELECTION ANDPRACTICALCONSIDERATIONSBy Richard S. Franklin, John W. Porter,Karla D'Alleva Valas, David BradtInter-family sale and gift transactions willincrease following recent taxpayervictories using formula allocation clauses.These cases provide a roadmap to22Our panel will discuss the origin of these________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

mitigate the gift tax risk associated withsuch transactions. Sale transactions arealso likely to increase if a 10-yearminimum GRAT term is imposed.This program will focus on the alternativesfor the "donee" of the excess value undera Petter type of formula allocation clause,which include among others a publiccharity, donor advised fund (DAF), privatefoundation, zeroed out CLAT, inter vivosQTIP, GRAT, defective gift trust, andspouse.Our panelist will include representatives oftwo major donor advised funds, FidelityCharitable Gift Fund and CommunityFoundation for the National Capital Regionand the lead litigation counsel for McCord,Christiansen and Petter cases.Their presentation will include a review ofother practical considerations, includingthe risk of IRS challenge and the exerciseof ownership rights and tax reportingduring the determination period.Item no. : EN11200425Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DUE DILIGENCE ONCHINESE COMPANIES:METHODS, TOOLS ANDRESOURCES RCES FORDETERMINING FACT FROMFICTIONBy James M. ZimmermanIt's important for U.S. firms to thoroughlyinvestigate their "partners" in Chinaincluding their joint venture partners, M&Atargets, distributors, suppliers, seniormanagers, consultants and agents,third-party services providers, andgovernmental stakeholders. Criticalmistakes can be made if an investor linksup with the wrong partner.Topics will include a review of the methodsand tools employed to conduct legal,operational, and financial due diligence onChinese <strong>com</strong>panies. Participants will learnmore about the use of due diligencechecklists, resources and processes forverifying information and data received,impact of Chinese state/<strong>com</strong>mercialsecrets laws, and developing contractuallanguage to protect the parties.This interactive seminar will host JamesZimmerman, the author of the China LawDeskbook and Office AdministrativePartner in the Beijing office of internationalfirm Sheppard Mullin Richter & HamptonLLP.Item no. : AT11200273Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EQUAL CREDITOPPORTUNITY AND FAIRCREDIT REPORTINGBASICSBy Amy Salberg, Andrew SmithThe ECOP and FCPA are two key federalconsumer financial protection laws. Thisprogram will discuss the basis, history, andkey provisions of the Equal CreditOpportunity Act (ECOA), Fair CreditReporting Act, (FCPA), and theirimplementing rules.This presentation will provide nuts andbolts training for lawyers who are new tothe practice of retail financial services law,and a useful refresher for attorneys withexperience in this area.Item no. : RW11200278Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICAL ISSUES INCOMMERCIALTRANSACTIONSTIONSBy Kristen David Adams, Henry S. Bryans,Nancy B. RapoportThis program will explore conflict issues,including waivers and representingcreditor groups; ethics issues inmulti-jurisdictional practices in a world inwhich social media is pervasive; opinionassumptions; and the ethics ofnegotiations. Please join us for a dynamic,high-energy discussion of these importantand practical topics with our threeexcellent presenters.Item no. : BN11200449Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00ETHICS AND THETRANSACTIONAL LAWYERBy William Freivogel, Sue C. Friedberg,Lucian T. Pera, Douglas R. RichmondThe application of legal ethics rules to thetransactional practice can be <strong>com</strong>plex andbewildering even to experts. This programis designed to assist good businesslawyers, who have little time or inclinationto study the ethics rules, to spot issues,and to seek help where appropriate. Keyareas include:Conflicts of Interest: What shouldbusiness lawyers consider whentaking on new clients, particularlyinvolving entities and multiple parties?Confidentiality: How do the ethicsrules on confidentiality relate to theattorney-client privilege and the workbusiness lawyer disclose about theirpractice to others? Communication with representedparties: When can a business lawyer<strong>com</strong>municate with officers oremployees of other parties in atransaction?product doctrine? What can the________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkNegotiation Ethics: How far can abusiness lawyer go in extolling theirclient's business or the value of animportant asset?Client Fraud: The business clientappears to be up to something fishy.Does that have consequences for thelawyer? "We've made a mistake:" Arediscussions within the law firm aboutsuspected lawyer miscues protectedby the attorney-client privilege? Whenmust such matters be reported toclients?Item no. : JZ11200451Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ETHICS BASICS FORBUSINESS LAWYERSBy Henry S. Bryans, William Freivogel,Sue C. FriedbergThe application of legal ethics rules to thetransactional practice can be <strong>com</strong>plex andbewildering, even to experts. This programis designed to assist good businesslawyers who have little time or inclinationto study the ethics rules to spot issues andseek help where appropriate.Key areas will include:Conflicts of Interest: What shouldbusiness lawyers consider whentaking on new clients, particularlyinvolving entities and multiple parties?Negotiation Ethics: How far can abusiness lawyer go in extolling hisclient's business or the value of animportant asset?Client Fraud: The business clientappears to be up to something fishy.Does that have any consequences forthe lawyer? Communication with RepresentedParties: When can a business lawyer<strong>com</strong>municate with officers oremployees of other parties in atransaction? When can a lawyercounsel her client to do so?Item no. : GR11200452Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 135.0023

FORECLOSURE DEFECTS:ROBOSIGNING AND ITSIMPACT ON THEMARKETABILITY OF TITLEBy Andy Dogali, Alan Fields, John C.Lynch, Christopher W. SmartThe headlines have alerted us to many ofthe deficiencies in the wave of foreclosureactions that followed the economicdownturn and it has been six months sincethe lenders and servicers put the brakeson foreclosures in recognition of theseproblems, but are we any closer tograppling the difficult questions about theeffect of these deficiencies on the ultimatelong-term marketability of title to theseforeclosed properties?This program will focus on the more thornyissues still facing the real estate market,including: Deficiencies - Lack of standing (bylender) Deficiencies - Lack of jurisdiction(over borrower) Claims - Fraud (on court andmortgagors) Claims - Relief from foreclosurejudgment Defenses - Truth and harmless error Defenses - Estoppel and mootness Remedies - Money damages,rescission, nullification Policy Considerations - Balancebetween remedies and marketabletitleItem no. : HH11200467Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FRIENDS AND FAMILYINSIDER TRADING ANDTIPPING PERILS: SECENFORCEMENT HOT TOPICBy Antonia Chion, Christopher Conte,Dixie JohnsonImagine the horror: a corporate executiveconfides in a family member, sharinginformation about her career (and,therefore, about her <strong>com</strong>pany), and thefamily member trades in the <strong>com</strong>pany'ssecurities. Or a young professional sharesa house with a friend, who pieces togetherwhat the professional is working on andmakes a trade. Government insidertrading investigations ensue; the tradersare charged?and lives are changed, allbecause of an inadvertent tip.The current economy <strong>com</strong>pounds thissituation, increasing the temptation of"easy money" through insider trading.Understanding the risk, and taking steps toprotect against it, could saveheartache?and worse ?down the road.This panel presentation will review recentinsider trading and tipping cases involvingfriends and family members. They will alsodiscuss ways in which corporateexecutives and service providers canprotect confidential information tominimize the likelihood that their familymembers and friends might intentionally orinadvertently put them at risk.Item no. : TM11200470Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 110.00FUNDAMENTALS OF AHEALTHCARETRANSACTION, THE: ANINTERACTIVE LOOK ATTHE ANATOMY OF A DEALBy Jennifer Csik Hutchens, Jill H. Gordon,Sarah E. SwankThis fundamentals program will focus onthe twists and turns of a healthcare deal.Our panel of attorneys experienced withtransactional, regulatory, andreimbursement issues will walk through acase study of a healthcare transaction andexamine the factors that lawyers and theirclients must consider when negotiating,structuring, and closing healthcare deals.These factors include due diligence issues,fraud and abuse analysis; change ofownership considerations (e.g., withregard to state licensure, as well asMedicare and Medicaid); tax-exemptimplications; valuation matters andtransaction structure (e.g., asset purchasevs. stock purchase or merger).True to its title, this program will notassume extensive prior knowledge orexperience in healthcare transactions.However, practitioners at every level willbenefit from this in-depth discussion ofchallenging issues and the uniqueopportunity for extensive audienceinteraction that the program offers. Theissues discussed in this program can bebroadly applied to other types ofhealthcare transactions.Item no. : HN11200285Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00GOVERNANCE GAMECHANGER, THE: TDEALINGWITH DODD-FRANKBy Bruce F. Dravis, Carol Hansell, FrankM. Placenti, Jeffrey S. ShermanChanges in corporate governancestandards and practices occur constantly.There are few real game changers, butDodd-Frank is one. As the SEC begins theprocess of putting the devil into the detail,boards and their advisors will need to startthinking differently about a variety ofgovernance issues - especially therelationship with shareholders. Listen tomembers of the ABA CorporateGovernance leadership team in adiscussion about how Dodd-Frank and itsprogeny will make us think differentlyabout corporate governance.Item no. : WR11200479Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00GREEN BUILDINGORDINANCESBy Ann C. Essko, Timothy M. Harris, ShariShapiro, Scott I. SteadyThis panel will discuss the issues of GreenBuilding Ordinances, ongoing casesinvolving the preemption of local greenbuilding codes under federal law and otherchallenges and pitfalls with Green BuildingOrdinance initiatives.Item no. : SE11200481Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 69 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 140.00HOW TO USE FORMSWISELY IN SECUREDTRANSACTIONSBy Janet M. Nadile, Pauline M. StevensThis provides a walkthrough of variousforms used in secured transactions andhighlight key elements that should beincluded, the viewpoints of the borrowerand secured party, traps for the unwary,and drafting tips.Forms that may be covered include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkan all-assets security agreement;an equity pledge agreement;various intellectual property securityagreements;a perfection certificate;control agreements; andforeclosure-related notices.Item no. : NN11200495Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HUD LEGAL OPINIONS INIMULTIFAMILY LOANTRANSACTIONS:UNDERSTANDING THENEW OPINION FORMBy James H. Levine, Charles L. MengesThe U.S. Department of Housing andUrban Development has published revisedloan documents for FHA-insured24

mutlifamily mortgage loans, including anew form of legal opinion letter fromborrower's counsel. The new forms will berequired for all FHA-insured loans (otherthan loans for healthcare facilities)beginning on September 1, 2011. HUD'sloan forms were last revised in 2003, andopinion practice in private sectortransactions has evolved substantiallysince then. HUD has modified its form oflegal opinion to reflect some changes inopinion practice, but it has also retainedmany of the features that historically havebeen a source of concern for borrower'scounsel.This program will examine the changes tothe HUD opinion form and will highlightissues that every lawyer should be awareof in issuing opinion letters using the newform, including:Negotiability of the opinion letterRole of the opinion letter in the closingprocessDocuments that are the subject of theopinion letterDue diligence required for certainopinionsDeviations from customary opinionpracticeItem no. : RU11200496Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INDIVIDUALS ANDINTERNATIONALCOMPANIES DOINGBUSINESS IN THE U.S.:INVESTOR VISA ISSUESBy Mayra L. Calo, Bernard WolfsdorfAs the world economy be<strong>com</strong>es moreglobal, individuals and internationalbusinesses are increasingly interested indoing business in the largest economy inthe world, the United States andopportunities abound for attorneys. Whilethere are many opportunities in this areaof law, there are also challenges thatrequire an understanding of how the visaprocess works, so entity formation andstructure meet visa application processesrequirements, and result in immigrationapproval.Join our expert panel to learn about thevisa requirements and options forindividuals and international <strong>com</strong>paniesinterested in doing business in the UnitedStates, including discussion of investor(EB-5/E-1/2) visas, <strong>com</strong>pany transfer (L-1)and green cards.This program will provide a how- tooverview of corporate and business U.S.immigration law that will strengthen yourimmigration, tax, corporate, orinternational law practice.Item no.FormatDuration: VR11200297: CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INSURING FOR DATASECURITY THREATS:EVERYTHING A BUSINESSLAWYER WANTS TO KNOWBUT IS AFRAID TO ASKData security breaches generatesignificant economic costs, includingcustomer notice and risk mitigationservices, indirect costs for businessinterruption, penalties, and fines. The legalframework for assessing securityrequirements and assigning liability forbreaches is still emerging, but insuranceproducts are available to manage thefinancial impact of a breach and the costsof defending related lawsuits.In this audio CD-ROM panelists from legal,technology, and insurance backgroundshelp business lawyers be<strong>com</strong>e familiarwith the risk landscape in their particularenvironment and the related insurancecoverage and claims management issuesthat should be considered. Specialconsiderations for nonprofit organizationsare also discussed.Item no. : PV11200502Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00JOBS ACT IN NINETYMINUTES, THE: WHATBUSINESS LAWYERS NEEDTO KNOWBy Daniel R. Bushner, Elizabeth Dunshee,Dana G. Fleischman, Martin E. Lybecker,David Lynn, more…This program will discuss the new JOBSAct, which was enacted by Congress toease the regulatory burdens associatedwith capital raising by smaller <strong>com</strong>panies.The provisions of the Act relate to bothprivate and public offerings. Among theprincipal changes effected by the JOBSAct are:The designation of <strong>com</strong>panies with lessthan $1 billion of total annual grossrevenues as "emerging growth<strong>com</strong>panies," which are provided withcertain ac<strong>com</strong>modations relating to theirinitial public offerings and their subsequentreporting obligationsThe elimination of restrictions ongeneral solicitation and generaladvertising in connection with Rule506 private placements and Rule144A offerings under the SecuritiesActThe establishment of an offeringexemption for "crowdfunding" bynon-reporting U.S. <strong>com</strong>paniesofferings under Section 3(b) of theSecurities Act to permit offerings of upto $50 million within a 12-monthperiod, subject to certain conditions Amendments to the thresholdsrequiring a <strong>com</strong>pany to register aclass of equity securities underSection 12(g) of the SecuritiesExchange Act.The program will feature presentations byprominent practitioners focusing on eachof these provisions, and present anup-to-date analysis of how theseprovisions are intended to work and someof the challenges they present. With theSEC currently drafting rulemaking toimplement many of the JOBS Actprovisions, this program will be bothinsightful and timely.Item no. : BZ11200305Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LENDER ASKED FOR WHAT?KEY LOAN DOCUMENTISSUES FOR BORROWER'SCOUNSEL, THEBy John N. Oest, James C. SchulwolfThis program examines the key issueswhich arise in secured <strong>com</strong>mercial loantransactions from the point of view of the ~borrower and its counsel. Which items should be addressed "upfront" Prepayment provisions and penalties Representations andwarranties "should I disclose?" Affirmative, negative, and financialcovenants Events of default Third party agreementsItem no. : CH11200515Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LONG-TERM CAREFACILITIES: RECENTTRENDS IN ACQUISITIONAND FINANCEMany skilled nursing facilities are facing adual challenge of recently enactedMedicaid cuts and an 11% announcedreduction in Medicare reimbursement.Further Medicare cuts also may be on thehorizon as a result of the recent legislationto increase the federal debt limit. As aresult of these and other governmentalinitiatives, including an increased trendtowards home and <strong>com</strong>munity-basedservices, some nursing facilities willundoubtedly be sold, leased, or otherwisetransferred as the market continues toconsolidate.: 90 minutes The expansion of the scope of________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk25

This session will provide a timely overviewof recent trends in the acquisition andfinancing of skilled nursing facilities andassisted living facilities of all types,including publicly-traded andprivately-held, for-profit and non-profit,and urban and rural.Our panelists will discuss: <strong>New</strong> developments in buying andselling long-term care facilities; <strong>New</strong> developments in financing theacquisition of long-term care facilities; Licensure and certificate of needissues; Medicare and Medicaid certificationand enrollment issues; Transparency requirements underHealthcare Reform; Successor liability issues.Item no. : PP11200519Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00M&A NEGOTIATIONTRENDS: INSIGHTS FROMTHE 2011 PRIVATE TARGETDEAL POINTS STUDYBy Wilson Chu, Mark Danzi, Robert J.DelPriore, W. Ashley Hess, HendrikJordaan, more…The Deal Points Studies of the Mergers &Acquisitions Committee have gained widerecognition as the gold standard formarket metrics of key negotiated legalissues in M&A agreements.Featuring insights from the working groupleaders of the recently-released 2011version of the <strong>com</strong>mittee's flagship PrivateTarget Deal Points Study, this program is amust-attend for all deal lawyers interestedin market trends and developments innegotiating acquisition agreements ofprivate targets.Issues to be covered include: Purchase price adjustments andearnouts Material Adverse Effect and otherPervasive Qualifiers Catch-all representations andwarranties Closing conditions Covenants Termination Sandbagging and non-reliance Indemnification Dispute resolutionItem no. : HN11200521Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MASTERING BANKRUPTCY:DEALING WITHOBJECTIONS TODISCHARGE AND OTHERNON-DISCHARGEABILITYPROCEEDINGSBy Vikram R. Barad, Rinky S. Parwani,Marc S. SternIn this program you will learn about<strong>com</strong>mon non-dischargeability proceedingsthat are brought in bankruptcy casesunder Section 523 of the Bankruptcy Code,including objections to discharge broughtunder Section 727 of the Bankruptcy Code.Our panelists will share tips and strategiesto address these types of proceedingsboth from the perspective of a plaintiff anddefendant.Item no. : NE11200523Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MASTERING BANKRUPTCY:PROOF OF CLAIMS - THEGOOD, BAD, AND THE UGLYBy Vikram R. Barad, Rinky S. Parwani,Marc S. SternUnderstanding a proof of claim in aChapter 7 or Chapter 13 is not as simpleas it looks. In this seminar you will learnabout how to file a proof of claim, object toa proof a claim, and litigate proof ofclaims.Moreover, we will discuss how to help yourclients save money in a Chapter 7 andChapter 13 and use the objection processstrategically.Item no. : HF11200311Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MASTERING BANKRUPTCY:THE STRATEGY OFINSOLVENCY (WHEN,WHAT AND WHERE ARE WEFILING AND WHY?)By Vikram R. Barad, Rinky S. Parwani,Marc S. SternThe program is designed to address, ingeneral terms how the lawyer, ascounselor, needs to analyze the client'sneeds and propose a plan to achieve thatout<strong>com</strong>e. As lawyers practicing in the area,we have seen too many cases in whichthe proceeding was poorly timed or neednot have been filed at all. In other wordsthe case was filed at the wrong time, in thewrong chapter, and/or for the wrongreasons. The result is often excesslitigation, cost, and frustrations for bothlawyers and clients. The shoot from thehip approach leads to other problemswhich we believe would not exist if someinitial thought was given to the client'sgoals and to the process that each filingstarts.In this program you will learn: How to decide if your client should file The strategies on how to <strong>com</strong>pletethe schedules-what are we disclosing,and how? About the claiming exemptions afterTaylor and SchwabeItem no. : PM11200312Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEGOTIATION SKILLS FORFTRANSACTIONALLAWYERSBy Susan Chesler, Howard R. Majev,Howie WongMost transactional lawyers negotiate dealsand contract terms in situations whereboth parties to the negotiations seek thesame final out<strong>com</strong>e--the <strong>com</strong>mencementor continuation of a contractualrelationship. Thus, transactional lawyersplay a different role than other types oflawyers when they engage in negotiations.Listen to this program and learn howtransactional lawyers can effectively andethically represent their clients innegotiations.Topics to be addressed: The role of transactional lawyers innegotiations The benefits of interest-basednegotiation and effective<strong>com</strong>munication The role of the client in negotiations Professionalism and the ethicalobligations of legal negotiatorsItem no. : HK11200535Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NONPROFIT FORMATIONISSUESBy Willard L. Boyd, III, Rosemary E. Fei,Lisa A. RunquistThis program will focus on the basicissues relating to formation of nonprofitcorporations and other nonprofit entities.The program covers the following issues: Types of Nonprofits/Entity Selection Alternatives to Organizing <strong>New</strong>Nonprofit Formation Documents and ImportantProvisions Transactions Involving Insiders Application for Tax Exempt Status________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk26

under Section 501 (c) (3) of theInternal Revenue CodeItem no. : SD11200542Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00OBSERVING THE RIGHTSOF SERVICE MEMBERS INILENDING ANDFORECLOSURE MATTERSBy David M. Bizar, Melissa Halsey,Colonel Paul E. Kantwill, Colonel John S.Odom Jr., Amber R. StandridgeThe Servicemembers Civil Relief Act(SCRA) provides a number of uniqueprotections to military personnel and theirfamilies when dealing with creditors inlending or foreclosure issues. Manylenders and their counsel may be unawareof the extent of their obligations towardservice member customers under theSCRA, potentially exposing creditors toliability. The Economic OpportunitySub<strong>com</strong>mittee of the House VeteransAffairs Committee recently conductedhearings on several proposed SCRAamendments. The ABA StandingCommittee on Legal Assistance for MilitaryPersonnel (LAMP) has assembled adiverse faculty for this webinar to provide arange of perspectives on the interplaybetween the SCRA and the lendingindustry.Webinar attendees will learn:How the mortgage foreclosure crisishas specifically impacted militaryfamiliesThe specifics of the SCRA as itpertains to creditorsAdvice for lenders' counsel on bestpractices when handling issuesinvolving service members The work being done by theConsumer Financial ProtectionBureau to resolve credit matters, andby the DOJ to enforce the SCRAThe impact of proposed amendmentsto the SCRA recently introducedbefore the Economic OpportunitySub<strong>com</strong>mittee of the House VeteransAffairs CommitteeItem no. : YP11200544Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00OPINIONS ON LLCINTERESTS ANDSECONDARY SALES OFSECURITIESBy Julie M. Allen, Donald W. Glazer,Stanley Keller, James G. Leyden Jr.,Steven WeiseThe TriBar Opinions Committee hasissued two important new reports: onedealing with Opinions on LLC Interests,and the other with Opinions on SecondarySales of Securities. Both reports providenew insights to these <strong>com</strong>mon opinionsthat practitioners need to know.A faculty, <strong>com</strong>prised of experts who tookthe lead in preparing these reports, sharetheir knowledge and explain the keylessons to be learned from the reports.Item no. : MC11200545Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00POWER EDITING FORLAWYERS: CLEARER,QUICKERCOMMUNICATION WITHCLIENTS, JUDGES, ANDEACH OTHERBy Gary KinderIn this 90-minute program, lawyers willlearn a system for removing uselesswords, enlivening sentences, andpropelling readers forward. Created by alawyer and <strong>New</strong> York Times bestsellingauthor, this word-raking system helpslawyers write letters, emails, briefs, andmemoranda that are clear, concise, andmemorable.Item no. : BS11200554Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING THECORPORATE DIRECTORBy Kevin F. Brady, Carol Hansell, AnnLongmore, Francis G.X. Pileggi, JamesWingThis program will explore indemnificationand insurance protections for officers anddirectors of public and private <strong>com</strong>panies.Our panel will examine areas of potentialcatastrophic risk to executives and themost effective ways for officers anddirectors to address those risks utilizingnew forms of D&O insurance.The panel will introduce a checklist forcorporate counsel to use in managing thecreation or renewal of <strong>com</strong>prehensive andup-to-date executive protection programs.Item no. : MJ11200566Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING YOURINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:BEST PRACTICES FORCHINA IN <strong>2012</strong>By James M. ZimmermanForeign <strong>com</strong>panies doing business inChina must be careful with theirintellectual property rights (IPR), includingtrade and <strong>com</strong>mercial secrets, and takesteps to protect and enforce their IPR. Theloss of IPR has resulting in significantlitigation costs to recover key IPR misusedor stolen by Chinese <strong>com</strong>panies.Learn more about the types of IPR marketentry strategies used with success byforeign <strong>com</strong>panies operating in China. Theprogram will host speaker JamesZimmerman, the author of the China LawDeskbook and the office administrativepartner in the Beijing office of SheppardMullin Richter & Hampton LLP.Item no. : TH11200329Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PUTTING PEN TO PAPER:SERVICE LINECO-MANAGEMENTAGREEMENTS, MODELS &PRACTICALITIESBy Wes Cleveland, Todd Kelly, Cynthia Y.ReiszService line co-management agreementshave be<strong>com</strong>e critical mechanisms for themanagement of patient care in ourincreasingly integrated clinical world. Thiswebinar will analyze the patient care andoperational reasons why hospitals andphysicians use co-managementagreements. There will also be adiscussion of the general regulatoryconcerns raised by the agreements.From a practical perspective, our facultywill present typical provisions found inco-management agreements and thevarious responsibilities of each party.Finally, there will be a how-to discussionon the important issues of establishingperformance objectives that align parties'interests and ensure that the agreementsactually improve the quality and efficiencyof care.Item no. : DP11200330Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk27

RECENT PROGRAMINTEGRITY INITIATIVES INLIGHT OF PPACA: MICS,MACS, RACS, AND ZPICSBy Melanie Combs-Dyer RN, Kathy L.Poppitt, Andrew B. WachlerThis program will address the Centers forMedicare & Medicaid Services (CMS's)current Program Integrity initiativesincluding new legislative provisions,agency efforts and the role of Medicareand Medicaid contractors in this area ofincreased focus. In addition, the programwill include a discussion of the expansionof the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC)program to Medicare Parts C and D, andto Medicaid; the Medicaid IntegrityProgram; and the new Program Integrityprovisions under the Patient Protectionand Affordable Care Act (PPACA),including the recent proposed regulationsaimed at fighting Medicare and Medicaidfraud.This program will offer both governmentand private practice perspectives and willprovide attendees with an understandingof the emerging issues and latestdevelopments related to current ProgramIntegrity initiatives.Item no. : PN11200573Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00REPRESENTING A MOMAND POP CLIENT INFRANCHISING: WHAT APRACTITIONER NEEDS TOTKNOWWorking with "mom and pop" clients thatwant to buy their first franchise can bechallenging for many reasons such as thelegal aspects of franchising, and alsounderstanding the processes needed (andtaken) by the new franchise buyer and thefranchise brand. Our panel of experts willdiscuss:Franchising Basics, including theFranchise Disclosure Document(FDD)The franchisor's process and how itaffects the client and attorneyThe difference between a transfer ofownership and buying a FranchiseAgreement to develop a new unitDisputes that arise after the FranchiseAgreement is <strong>com</strong>pletedItem no. : RA11200578Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REPRESENTING VICTIMSOF FINANCIAL FRAUD INIASSET FORFEITURE ANDBANKRUPTCYPROCEEDINGSBy Karen M. Gebbia, John W. Kozyak,Sarah N WellingPonzi schemes, securities fraud,investment scams . . . the creative consare nearly endless. When fraudulentfinancial schemes collapse, creditors andvictims have two primary objectives: (i)recover as much of their losses aspossible, and (ii) avoid paying back, orlosing additional assets or collateral to agovernment forfeiture action, bankruptcy,or SIPA (Securities Investor Protection Act)trustee's "claw back" proceeding.In this program, experts in white collarcrime, asset forfeiture, and bankruptcy willprovide both a primer and a review of thelatest cases and developmentsconcerning:Asset forfeiture, from the victim'sperspectiveAsserting claims against fraud victims'recovery program funds (such asVARP-Victim Asset RecoveryProgram), and in bankruptcy court Defending against governmentalefforts to forfeit your client's assets orcollateral, and trustees' efforts to"claw back" payments your clientreceived before the scheme collapsedNavigating the intersections betweenthe multiple civil, criminal, regulatoryand bankruptcy proceedings thatcharacterize failed financial fraudsItem no. : ML11200331Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00S CORPORATION TRICKS,TRAPS AND SOLUTIONSS Corporations are widely used businessorganizations. While these entities appearsimple at first glance, there are numeroustricks and traps that can catch unwarypractitioners. Our panelists will discuss thefollowing tricks and traps and solutions forthem.Which type of trust is the best to holdS stock? What trust traps should youavoid when the primary beneficiarydies?How much flexibility exists in thesingle class of stock rules? Can Ihave different rules forowner-employees? If the corporationmakes disproportionate distributions,will that blow the election, or can it becured?Should a S Corporation be formedusing a state law entity other than acorporation?even minor defects.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkWhat traps and planning opportunitiesshould your real estate developerclients know about S corporations?For maximum tax savings, what is thebest way to structure a charitable giftby an S Corporation or by a SCorporation shareholder? What is theworst way?What is the best way to get assets outof a S Corporation?Should a C Corporation that has soldits business assets liquidate, or is anS election a better alternative?Item no. : LB11200586Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SAINTS AND SINNERS:ETHICAL ISSUES ANDDILEMMAS IN CLIENT ANDAPRACTICE DEVELOPMENTBy John R. Bailey, Charles Gallagher III,Dennis Kennedy, Jeffrey W. Stempel,Sarah ThorntonClient and practice development, politelyknown as rainmaking can causeextreme ethical dilemmas. The shape ofadvertising services has changeddramatically in recent years as socialnetworking that used to be for fun arenow sources of business. Recent courtdecisions have drastically limited whatattorneys can say. What exactly can youdo within the bounds of the ethicsregulations to promote client and practicedevelopment in today's media andtechnology rich environment?Item no. : HA11200587Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SECURED TRANSACTIONS:ARTICLE 9 OF THEUNIFORM COMMERCIALCODE AND IMPACT OFARTICLE 1By Robert LeVineSecured transactions under Article 9 of theUCC are one of the most heavily litigatedareas of <strong>com</strong>mercial law. With a recordnumber of loan defaults and bankruptcies,the law of secured transactions takes onnew significance.Mistakes in perfection are costly inenforcing a secured interest under Article9. In bankruptcy, as trustees andunsecured creditors closely scrutinize thesecured status of creditors, such mistakescan be fatal. As loan defaults skyrocket,lenders must exercise extreme duediligence to ensure that their securityinterests are fully protected and free of28

Our presenter will walk you through Article9, the impact of Article 1 on securedtransactions, and best practices to ensuresecurity interests are enforceable. Context of secured transactionswithin the structure of the UCC Impact of Article 1 on securedtransactions Key definitions under Article 9 Enforceability of security agreement Perfection of security interest Collateral: expanded definitions Law governing perfection and priorityof security interests Other methods of perfection Rules of priority DefaultItem no. : JE11200590Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SECURED TRANSACTIONS:REMEDIES,REASONABLENESS, ANDREAL WORLD LESSONSBy Kathy Cabral, Anthony R. Callobre,Teresa Wilton Harmon, Harold Lee, JamesC. SchulwolfMany security agreements specify theremedies available post-default. What if nosuch remedies are specified? Our firstsegment provides a roadmap of thestatutory rights and remedies availableunder Article 9, Part 6 regardless of theirinclusion in or omission from any givensecurity agreement.These include the right to collect on,repossess, sell, or dispose of collateral,and to retain the collateral in full or partialsatisfaction of debt. It also summarizes theobligations and standards of care to whichsecured parties must adhere and theeffects of secured party non<strong>com</strong>pliancewith such standards. Consideringdisposition of collateral in greater depth,our second segment considers theseeming simplicity of the relevant UCCtext provisions, but notes that both<strong>com</strong>mentary and case law require a morenuanced approach. It considers the moreholistic application of the <strong>com</strong>mercialreasonableness standard, appropriatecost-benefit analysis, consideration ofapplicable industry custom, and thechallenge of finding the balance betweendoing too little and doing too much, eitherof which could fail the "<strong>com</strong>merciallyreasonable" test.From this program you can expect to learnthe following: What remedies a secured party has,even if not provided in its securityagreement What are a secured party'sobligations and standard of care arein exercising its remedies How "<strong>com</strong>mercial reasonableness" isassessed in the real worldItem no.: WB11200332Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SO IT'S OVER? WHAT TO TDOTO DISSOLVE YOUR LLCBy David C. Tingstad, Ashley N. WicksThis program will discuss practical andstate law <strong>com</strong>pliance issues arising out ofthe liquidation and unwinding of an LLC.Item no. : TA11200598Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TAX ISSUES FORNONPROFITSBy Rosemary E. Fei, Cynthia Rowland,Lisa A. RunquistThis program focuses on tax issues thatare relevant to public/charitable nonprofitorganizations. This program covers thefollowing issues: IRS requirements for Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations Unrelated Business In<strong>com</strong>e taxIssues Excess Benefit/Private Inurement Executive Compensation Lobbying/Advocacy Form 990 Requirements - NonGovernance ProvisionsItem no. : HR11200601Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TO TRADEMARK OR NOTTO TRADEMARK: THAT ISITHE QUESTIONBy Mary LaFrance, Jonathan Rubens,Sherin Sakr, Peter V. SnellThis program will begin with an overviewof U.S. trademark law. It will then examinethe factors that businesses and theirattorneys should consider when decidingwhether and when to establish andregister trademark rights.The pros and cons of U.S. and foreigntrademark registration will be considered.Item no. : GC11200344Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TRENDS IN THEACQUISITION OF PUBLICCOMPANIES: INSIGHTFROM THE 2011STRATEGIC BUYERER-PUBLICTARGET DEAL POINTSSTUDYBy Luke J. Bergstrom, Edward A. Deibert,Keith A. Flaum, Diane Holt Frankle, JimGriffinIssues to be discussed include: Closing conditions, including the"MAC out" Deal protections, including no-shops Fiduciary outs and break-up feetriggers Remedies, including specificperformance, reverse terminationfees, and related provisions Provisions unique to two-step tenderoffer dealsItem no. : MZ11200613Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TRENDS IN THEACQUISITION OF PUBLICCOMPANIES: INSIGHTSFROM THE 2010STRATEGIC BUYER/PUBLICTARGET DEAL POINTSSTUDYBy Luke J. Bergstrom, Edward A. Deibert,Keith A. Flaum, Diane Holt Frankle, JimGriffinSince their inaugural 2006 release by theCommittee on Mergers & Acquisitions, theDeal Points Studies have gained widerecognition as the gold standard formarket metrics of key negotiated legalissues in M&A agreements.The Studies have also gained popularityamong investment bankers, private equityinvestors, CFOs, and other non-lawyerdeal professionals. Featuring insights fromthe recently released 2010 version of theStrategic Buyer/Public Target Deal PointsStudy, this program is a must for all deallawyers interested in market trends anddevelopments in negotiating definitiveacquisition agreements involving publiclytraded target <strong>com</strong>panies.Issues include: Closing conditions, including the"MAC out"________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkDeal protections, including no-shopsFiduciary outs and break-up feetriggers Remedies, including specificperformance, reverse terminationfees, and related provisionsProvisions unique to two-step tenderoffer deals29

Item no. : YW11200614Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00UCC ARTICLE 9AMENDMENTSBy Steven Weise, Teresa Wilton HarmonThis audio CD-ROM discussesdevelopments in secured financing underArticle 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.Areas covered include developments inrelated areas, such as guaranties, lettersof credit, fraudulent transfers, and "lenderliability. "The program also provides practicalsuggestions for addressing thisdevelopment in deals.Item no. : LG11200617Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00UCC FOR THE GENERALPRACTITIONER, THEBy Steven WeiseTo a general practitioner, the UCC and its<strong>com</strong>mercial laws are frequentlyencountered and may seem mysterious.This program is designed for attorneyswith a general practice that need to keepcurrent with substantive changes anddevelopments in the UCC that affect dailybusiness practices. Expert panelist andmember of the Permanent Editorial Boardfor the Uniform Commercial Code, SteveWeise will discuss <strong>com</strong>mon issues, recentdevelopments, and updates to Articles 2, 3,4, 8, and 9 with specific attention given toreal-world examples and best practiceguidelines.Item no. : PK11200346Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00UNDERSTANDING THIRDPARTY LEGAL OPINIONSBy Julie M. Allen, Stanley Keller, Anna S.Mills, Steven A. WeissThis program will address thefundamentals of third party legal opinionpractice in order to give lawyers who arenot opinion experts an understanding ofwhat is involved in preparing andreviewing legal opinions given inconnection with the closing oftransactions.the work required to give them;reliance on customary practice;key opinion issues; andpitfalls to avoid.Item no. : TK11200620Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 120 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00USING THE CAPTIVEINSURANCE COMPANY:NEW REGULATIONS ANDNEW PITFALLS FOR YOURCLIENTSBy Jay D. Adkisson, Steven Beeghly, HaleStewartThe panel will discuss emerging regulatorypitfalls associated with the use of captiveinsurance <strong>com</strong>panies. Specifically,panelists will cover Federal anti-avoidancejurisprudence and its application tocaptives, followed by a discussion ofstate-level issues such asself-procurement taxes.These issues have a significant impact onthe entire captive insurance <strong>com</strong>pany lifecycle from formation to administration andultimately liquidation. This program will beuseful to all professionals who seek abetter understanding of the U.S. regulatoryissues involved with captive insurance<strong>com</strong>panies, and want to understandwhether a captive is an effective option fora client's goals.Item no. : ME11200625Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WHAT EVERY DEALLAWYER SHOULD KNOWABOUT CONSUMERREGULATIONBy Catherine Brennan, Thomas Buiteweg,Michael Ferry, Katherine Porter, StuartRossmanLearn about the implications consumerlaws have for deals involving portfoliosales of car financing contracts,mortgages, or credit card receivables.This program appeals to <strong>com</strong>panies thatoriginate finance or service such assets.Item no. : HV11200626Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00BUSINESS SKILLSSALES SKILLSFUNDAMENTALSWith Christopher Matthew SpencerIn this course, author Christopher MatthewSpencer shares his techniques foreffective sales. Because a sale starts withfinely honed <strong>com</strong>munication skills, thecourse begins with <strong>com</strong>munication andlistening skills, and then explores theapplication of sales traits in everydaylife—an ideal primer for making deals inbusiness settings.This course also covers the basics ofconnecting with prospective clients,making convincing presentations,understanding and maximizing the salescycle, measuring sales abilities, andpracticing sales skills in role-playingscenarios.Item no.Format: BE03800697: DVD-ROM (SingleUser,Closed Captioned): 75 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>StdBkNo : 1596719052Price : USD 70.00CAREERDEVELOPMENTCLIENT SATISFACTIONAND A PAID LAWYER: YOURY<strong>2012</strong> NEW YEAR'SRESOLUTIONBy Melanie Bragg, Ann M. GuinnIn today's climate, lawyers often findthemselves caught between zealouslyrepresenting a client, charging a fair fee,and actually collecting the fee. Manylawyers fight for justice owed to theirclients, but are unable to fight for their ownfinancial freedom. This webinar will coverstrategic ways to successfully serve yourclients while serving yourself.Topics to be covered:Item no. : JM11200399The program will cover:Format : CD-ROM (Win) the role of legal opinions;Duration : 90 minutes their meaning;Copyright : 2011________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkCase and client selection skills toensure an optimum attorney/clientrelationshipFee agreements as the foundation ofthe attorney-client relationshipValue-added services to WOW! yourclientsSeamless and regular <strong>com</strong>municationSystems to give every client the bestexperience possible with your firmAlternative fee arrangements thatmeet the client's needs and take careof the attorneyBilling and collections procedures toensure payment30

Price : USD 150.00Price : USD 70.00Price : USD 70.00CHILDREN ANDTHE LAWABCS OF ADOPTION, THEThis audio CD-ROM is for those who arethinking about practicing adoption law butdont know where to start. Our panel offamily law attorneys give an excellentoverview of private adoption law in theUnited States.The ABCs of Adoption is an introductoryprogram that explains the adoptionprocess from who may adopt to the finalorder of adoption issued by the court.This program is a must for young lawyersor attorneys new to the field who want tolearn the underlying legal principles aswell as the practice points all adoptionattorneys should know.Item no. : WW11200248Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CHINADAILY PLANET GOES TOCHINA: ARCHITECTURALATTRACTIONSChina is making Olympic-sized bounds onand off the planet. From world-classstadiums to manned space programs, thescientific and engineering achievementsfeatured in this episode are out of thisworld.National Olympic Stadiums - At thecenter of Beijing, the NationalOlympic Stadium and NationalSwimming Center was thearchitectural yin and yang of the 2008Olympic site. Manned Space - The amazingachievements of the Chinese spaceprogram continue to grow.Terra Cotta Warriors - Emperor Qin'sTerra Cotta Warriors are one ofChina's biggest tourist attractions andone of the world's most prizedarcheological discoveries.Also in this episode: the constructionof the record-breakingeight-kilometer-long Sutong Bridgecrossing the Yangtze River,increasing the endangered pandapopulation with a little passion, andthe physics of Ping Pong.Item no. : PH02191315Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12StdBkNo : 1618672520DAILY PLANET GOES TOCHINA: CHINA'S SUMMERPALACEIt's time for a royal tour as Stillwell andIngram check out China's Summer Palace.Highlights also include a look at Beijing'sNational Swimming Center and PekingMan. The National Swimming Center wasinspired by the geometry of water bubbles.Summer Palace - Engineers aretaking a decidedly antiquatedapproach to restoring the SummerPalace.Peking Man - The Origin of Man is thehottest topic of debate in modernpaleoanthropology.Also in this episode: how bronze bellsare made using ancient methods;Chinese herbal medicine; anddiscovering and training youngathletes.Item no. : RR02261316Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12StdBkNo : 1618672551Price : USD 70.00DAILY PLANET GOES TOCHINA: MASTERING THEELEMENTSYou can't control the weather or workdaymorning traffic snarls – or can you? FromZhangxiao, Stillwell and Ingram look at theways Chinese engineers aremasterminding the seemingly impossible.Traffic Management - Dominated bycars trying to navigate crowdedroadways not designed for suchheavy volume.Monitoring Sandstorms - Four yearsago, immense clouds of dust particlesfrom the western deserts of China andOuter Mongolia were large enough tobe easily tracked across the PacificOcean by orbiting satellites.The Bells of Marquis Yi - Theextraordinary Bronze Chimes ofMarquis Yi are one of the mostastonishingarchaeologicaldiscoveries in recent times.Also in this episode: from silkworm tofactory floor to the fashion catwalk,see how silk is made; experience thescience of Tai Chi; and see thesustainable eco-village ofHuangbaiyu.Item no. : FJ00021317Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12StdBkNo : 1618672537DAILY PLANET GOES TOCHINA: PRESERVINGNATIONAL TREASURESFeaturing the glittering lights of Shanghaiat night, this Daily Planet Goes to Chinaepisode is full of ships, a sinking city, theShenzhou 6 space mission, and pandarehab." Shipbuilding - Shipbuilding andshipping are booming in China, andthe country is poised to be<strong>com</strong>e theworld's top shipbuilding powerhousewithin a decade.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkSinking Shanghai - Forget Venice.Shanghai, a city of 20 million people,is sinking.Panda Release - Last year, 163 giantpandas were raised in captivity andmore than half of them lived at theChina's Wolong Nature Reserve.Yeren - North America has Bigfoot; inthe Himalayas, it's the Yeti. Follow thehunt for Yeren, China's mysteriousmountain Wildman.Shenzhou 6 - Return to space with alook at the Shenzhou 6 mission andthe exhaustive training the astronautsunderwent for that mission.Item no. : YP02191318Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12StdBkNo : 1618672513Price : USD 70.00DAILY PLANET GOES TOCHINA: RISE OF THEGOLDEN DRAGONPack your bags for another look at theweek's best stories in the one-hour specialChina: Rise of the Golden Dragon. JoinDaily Planet hosts Jay Ingram andNatasha Stillwell for more science anddiscovery from the world's most populousnation. This one-hour special highlightsadditional footage from Beijing'sNational Swimming Center,shipbuilding, the super fast Shanghairacetrack, China's manned spaceprogram, traffic management inBeijing's bustling city center, SutongBridge, and the auto-car.Item no. : CP02261319Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12StdBkNo : 1618672506Price : USD 70.00DAILY PLANET GOES TO31

CHINA: SPOTLIGHT ONSHANGHAIIt's time to tour China's most popular city –Shanghai. Stillwell and Ingram look at howthe old and new mingle to make this citystand out.Shanghai Racetrack - Put the pedal tothe metal, Shanghai-style! See howthree racecar drivers take theirFormula Renault-class cars out on thebrand new Shanghai InternationalCircuit.Shanghai Architecture - Shanghai isrenowned for its stunning collection ofold buildings.Controlling the Weather - There's asevere drought in Northern China,and it is expected to get worse. Seewhat Chinese scientists are doing tohelp their nation cope.Also in this episode: driverless autos;rescue robots that can snake throughearthquake and crash site disasters;how tea is harvested and processed;and Ma Qingyun, China's mostinnovative architect.Item no. : EZ00021320Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12StdBkNo : 1618672544Price : USD 70.00School Logo will be customized in theweb siteItem no. : VA11620012Format : Online Database (1 Year)Price : USD 8520.00CIVIL PRACTICEAND PROCEDUREBIAS IN THE LEGALPROFESSIONBy Paulette Brown, Beth K. WhittenburyLaw firms frequently make the news forexhibiting certain bias in their dealings withemployees and clients. This can hurt afirm's reputation and bottom line. Learn toavoid these scenarios.This program explains how bias translatesinto legal causes of action. Participants willfocus on spotting and avoiding suchissues in the legal profession through theuse of appropriate vignettes, casesinvolving law firms, and time for questions.Item no. : ZP11200260Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ESTATE AND TAXPLANNING FOR SAME-SEXSEXCOUPLESBy Patricia A. Cain, Courtney G. Joslin,Timothy T. Thomas, Michele ZavosBecause of the existing patchwork ofprotection in this country, same-sexcouples face many legal uncertainties.While some states recognize relationshipsbetween same-sex couples, other statesand the federal government may not. Thisseminar focused on the ways thatattorneys can assist their same-sexcouples through estate planning,ownership of property, and tax planning,as well as how clients can protect theirrelationships with their children.The expert panelists specifically focusedon: drafting clauses that are specific tothe LGBT <strong>com</strong>munity versus using astandard form; ethical issues in representing bothpartners; protecting the rights of couples withchildren; basic estate planning for non-taxableestates; basic overview of federal gift andestate tax as of 2011; estate planning for same-sex coupleswith wealth exceeding exemptionamounts (state or federal); partner relationships; and last will and testament.CHINA NEWSINFORMATIONWISENEWS@ACADEMIC(ONLINE)Expand your vision with an optimized<strong>com</strong>bination of advancedartificial-intelligence-powered searchengine and the world's largest Chinesenews information database.Wise<strong>New</strong>s@Academic solution seriesgoes far beyond keyword matching and isyour powerful lens to see the big picture ina timely and manageable manner. It is theworld's leading source of Greater Chinanews information for academia.How this information intelligence helpsyour Academic Staff, Librarians andStudents? Pinpoint information for research andstudy within a <strong>com</strong>prehensive mediacollection Keep you abreast of the latest newsand world issues Save your time and research effortson this one-stop information platform Share information with maximum costefficiencyStandard Package (pre-defined LibraryFolders) 3 concurrent users (IP access) 18,000 clicks per year Includes HK, TW & CN publicationsEEOC COMMISSIONERSEXPLAIN FINAL ADAAAREGULATIONSBy Chai R. Feldblum, Victoria A. Lipnic,Michael C. SubitGet your update straight from the source:U.S. Equal Employment OpportunityCommissioners Chai Feldblum andVictoria A. Lipnic will explain all the keyfeatures of the EEOC's brand newregulations implementing the Americanswith Disabilities Amendments Act.This program will focus on how to applythe new regulations including:provisions on types of impairmentsthat should easily be concluded to besubstantially limiting;when and how to consider "condition,manner, or duration;" andthe scope of the "transitory and minor"defense to "regarded as" coverage,indicating key examples.Registrants that take this program willreceive strategic guidance from ourpanelists, <strong>com</strong>pliance advice for theirclients, and the ability to pose questions tothe faculty live.Item no. : FM11200430Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00Item no. : LA11200441Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LITIGATING THE QUI TAMTCASE - THREEDIMENSIONAL CHESSBy Joel M. Androphy, David L. Douglass,John H. McEniry, IVThe precise unique procedural processand evidentiary requirements of the FalseClaims Act means that a qui tam case canbe won or lost in discovery.This panel discussed the discovery andevidentiary hurdles that qui tam litigationcan present to the relator's counsel,defense counsel and the government. Theissues that were addressed are obtainingevidence prior to and after unsealing,obtaining discovery to support theheightened pleading requirementsapplicable to the FCA, and post unsealingdiscovery management.Item no. : MC11200516Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00<strong>New</strong>s & Articles Search Capability(latest & archive)PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE TO________________________________________________________________________________________________________32Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

DISABILITY AWARENESS,ABy Paula D. Pearlman, Candice S. Petty,Angela J. ScottPersons with visible, sensory, and hiddendisabilities face unique problems inaccessing our legal system. Legalpractitioners have obligations toac<strong>com</strong>modate clients, employees, andothers with all types of disabilities, andmust now understand the environmental,architectural, logistical, societal, andcultural barriers that define and impact therights of disabled individuals in order toproperly represent their clients.The program will cover the followingtopics: Developing cross-disability sensitivityand awareness, including people'sfirst language Identifying best practices in customerservice through the use of disabilityetiquette and effective <strong>com</strong>municationskills Identifying some <strong>com</strong>moncharacteristics of difficult people whomay have a mental health conditionand practical tips on how to havepositive interactions Identifying and responding torequests for ac<strong>com</strong>modationsItem no. : JY11200558Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00WHAT EVERY LAWYERNEEDS TO KNOW ABOUTMEDICARE IN 2011By Leslie Fried, Diane Paulson, RobertRothDon't be left in the dust! The first BabyBoomers be<strong>com</strong>e eligible for Medicare thisyear. This program provides an overviewof the Medicare program and benefits.In addition, it includes information onsome significant improvements to theMedicare program included in the healthcare reform law that begin in 2011.This program informs attendees aboutthese important changes to the Medicareprogram and how they will affect clientswho are Medicare beneficiaries in the nextseveral years.Item no. : NB11200627Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CIVILIZATIONAND CULTUREMASTERS OF WAR:HISTORY'S GREATESTSTRATEGIC THINKERSBy Andrew R. WilsonWhat can Thucydides teach us about thewar in Iraq in 2003? What is the key toadaptation during an ongoing conflict?How do you balance the tension betweenpolitical and military objectives? Whyare …Item no. : AG09280629Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00COMMERCIAL LAWAVIATION LITIGATION<strong>2012</strong>The First National Institute on AviationLitigation was sponsored by the ABASection of Litigation and Center forContinuing Legal Education. Leadinglawyers from across the United Statesshowcased aviation accident cases fromforming the attorney-client relationship toidentifying issues for appeal.What you will learn:Late-breaking case law developmentsin leading aerospace industry casesEthical issues counsel encounterswhen trying to secure the case andpre-litigation contactsWhether federal law shields theowner/lessor not in control of theaircraftHow to argue <strong>com</strong>plex admiralty legalissues to steer the judge intofavorable watersPractical tips from master trial lawyerson delivering <strong>com</strong>pelling opening andclosing argumentsThe most effective ways to presentand cross-examine the air trafficcontrol expert from a panel of mastersof the Aviation BarInsights into maximizing damagesand countering if you're on thedefenseCommon post-trial issues that arise inaviation litigation from judges who trythese casesItem no. : NV11200382Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BUYING DISTRESSED DEBTIN TURBULENT TIMESIn these turbulent times, lenders arecleaning up their debt portfolios by sellingoff their non-performing andnon-conforming loans.Sales of distressed loans present uniquebuying opportunities and challenges.This program will highlight the key issuesfacing buyers of distressed debt andprovide insight into current trends,including:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkHow to negotiate with debt sellers andwhat are the key motivating factors foreach party.How to conduct due diligence of thelender's loan and collateraldocumentation, and what do youneed to do outside of the loandocuments. What provisions are customarilycontained in and negotiated over inthe loan sale agreement.How to analyze contractual andlitigation risks.How to close the loan purchase.Item no. : AP11200395Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INDIVIDUALS ANDINTERNATIONALCOMPANIES DOINGBUSINESS IN THE U.S.:INVESTOR VISA ISSUESBy Mayra L. Calo, Bernard WolfsdorfAs the world economy be<strong>com</strong>es moreglobal, individuals and internationalbusinesses are increasingly interested indoing business in the largest economy inthe world, the United States andopportunities abound for attorneys. Whilethere are many opportunities in this areaof law, there are also challenges thatrequire an understanding of how the visaprocess works, so entity formation andstructure meet visa application processesrequirements, and result in immigrationapproval.Join our expert panel to learn about thevisa requirements and options forindividuals and international <strong>com</strong>paniesinterested in doing business in the UnitedStates, including discussion of investor(EB-5/E-1/2) visas, <strong>com</strong>pany transfer (L-1)and green cards.This program will provide a how- tooverview of corporate and business U.S.immigration law that will strengthen yourimmigration, tax, corporate, orinternational law practice.Item no. : VR11200297Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.0033

SECURED TRANSACTIONS:ARTICLE 9 OF THEUNIFORM COMMERCIALCODE AND IMPACT OFARTICLE 1By Robert LeVineSecured transactions under Article 9 of theUCC are one of the most heavily litigatedareas of <strong>com</strong>mercial law. With a recordnumber of loan defaults and bankruptcies,the law of secured transactions takes onnew significance.Mistakes in perfection are costly inenforcing a secured interest under Article9. In bankruptcy, as trustees andunsecured creditors closely scrutinize thesecured status of creditors, such mistakescan be fatal. As loan defaults skyrocket,lenders must exercise extreme duediligence to ensure that their securityinterests are fully protected and free ofeven minor defects.Our presenter will walk you through Article9, the impact of Article 1 on securedtransactions, and best practices to ensuresecurity interests are enforceable. Context of secured transactionswithin the structure of the UCC Impact of Article 1 on securedtransactions Key definitions under Article 9 Enforceability of security agreement Perfection of security interest Collateral: expanded definitions Law governing perfection and priorityof security interests Other methods of perfection Rules of priority DefaultItem no. : JE11200590Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00UCC FOR THE GENERALPRACTITIONER, THEBy Steven WeiseTo a general practitioner, the UCC and its<strong>com</strong>mercial laws are frequentlyencountered and may seem mysterious.This program is designed for attorneyswith a general practice that need to keepcurrent with substantive changes anddevelopments in the UCC that affect dailybusiness practices. Expert panelist andmember of the Permanent Editorial Boardfor the Uniform Commercial Code, SteveWeise will discuss <strong>com</strong>mon issues, recentdevelopments, and updates to Articles 2, 3,4, 8, and 9 with specific attention given toreal-world examples and best practiceguidelines.Item no. : PK11200346Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00COMMUNICATIONSPROFESSIONALISM INHEALTHCARE: PATIENTINTERACTIONS,COMMUNICATION ANDPERSONAL DEVELOPMENTThis program discusses ways you canexhibit professionalism while caring forpatients. It focuses on improving<strong>com</strong>munications with patients andcolleagues and how to improveprofessionalism through personaldevelopment.After <strong>com</strong>pleting this course, the learnershould be able to: Describe elements of teamworkincluding providing assistance to andcooperating with colleagues andaccepting and soliciting constructivecriticism Define and explain the need for"cultural <strong>com</strong>petence" when providingpatient care Describe strategies for conflictresolution List five strategies for achievingprofessional growth andadvancementItem no. : BH08051019Format : DVDDuration : Approx. 14 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 378.00PROFESSIONALISM INHEALTHCARE:PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR,ATTITUDE AND ATTIREThis program will discuss the elements ofprofessionalism focusing on personalbehavior, attitude and professional attireand how these approaches and behaviorscan ensure you are a responsible,accountable and self-directed member ofthe nursing profession.After <strong>com</strong>pleting this course, the learnershould be able to: List characteristics of professionalbehavior Describe the importance ofmaintaining confidentiality Give examples of legal andprofessional standards of behavior Describe how responses to everydaysituations affect the care you give andyour professional relationships Describe steps to take to present aprofessional imageItem no. : HA08051020Format : DVDDuration : 14 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 378.00COMMUNICATIONS AND MEDIA LAWE-DISCOVERY ANDINFORMATIONGOVERNANCEAn organization that manages itsinformation assets properly knowing whatdata they hold, the sensitivity of that data,how they present it (e.g., social media),and where they are storing it (e.g., thecloud) is able to respond to discoveryproduction requests quickly, economically,and accurately. This thoroughmanagement of information, calledinformation governance (IG), enables anorganization to reduce storage cost,understand what data needs to beprotected, and <strong>com</strong>ply with laws andregulation. The aspects of IG dealing withdispute resolution are called electronicdiscovery and digital evidence (EDDE).The program audio from the 2013E-Discovery and Information GovernanceNational Institute will provide you with arare opportunity to sharpen your skills inEDDE. The curriculum consists of casestudies, a mock 26(f) meet-and-confer, amock hearing on parties arguments forand against a response produced usingtechnology assisted review aka predictivecoding, and panel discussions withluminaries in the field.The faculty, consisting of judges, legalpractitioners, technologists, and forensicsexperts will: Present information on the currentthought on the handling ofelectronically stored information (ESI),including descriptions andinterpretations of judicial decisions________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkAnalyze recent judicial decisions onthe production of ESI and the keyrules from the Federal Rules of CivilProcedure that impact e-discoveryProvide invaluable insights on howbest to prepare their technical staffand information systems to respondto requests for ESICover ESI issues for a variety ofbusiness sectors including the HIPAAHITECH requirements that mandatean enhanced standard of care for theparties producing and receivingelectronic health records (HER) Describe how new searchtechnologies will lead to cost-efficient,yet defensible, automated productionof relevant ESIExamine the e-discovery implicationsof the increasing use of encryption,social media, and data stored in thecloudAfter listening to this program you will walkaway with an understanding of how thehandling of ESI has evolved and thehopeful prognosis that expectedimprovements will provide cost-efficient,34

ut defensible management of ESI.Item no. : MD11200429Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : 2013Price : USD 500.00EMERGING ISSUES INHEALTH INFORMATIONEXCHANGESBy John R. Christiansen, Deborah C.Hiser, Linda A. Malek, Kem McClellandHealth Information Exchanges areemerging as critical factors in both thepush toward full implementation ofelectronic health records and overallreform of the healthcare system. Providersand their attorneys need to be aware ofthe unique characteristics and challengesof forming and maintaining HIEs and of thetrends for their future.This expert panel will discuss and givepractical guidance regarding the currentHIE models in operation across thecountry, includingrecent legislation and the "opt-in"model;the challenges in federating HIEsacross state lines;<strong>com</strong>plying with the CMS Data UseReciprocal Service Agreement;contracting with HIE vendors;the policies and procedures requiredby HITECH;the requirements for patient consentand authorization to participate in anHIE.Attendees of this program will receiveinformation ranging from the practical tothe latest trends in this dynamic area.Item no. : RH11200435Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HOT TOPICS ININFORMATION SECURITYLAWBy W. Scott Blackmer, Whitman Burns,Vincent I. Polley, Richard L. SantalesaInformation security law is evolving fasterthan other areas of the law becauseinformation technologies themselvescontinue to evolve at a rapid pace.Attendees to this session will appreciatethe keen insight of industry experts whoare members of the American BarAssociation's Information SecurityCommittee (ISC). Attendees of this panelwill receive up-to-the-minute analysis ofkey legal issues that impact informationsecurity. The ISC has begun a workinggroup dedicated to helping legislators withpolicy issues and developing data securitylegislation.The panel will discuss pending datasecurity bills in Congress, at the state leveland internationally, and provide insight asto where regulators are headed in terms ofdata security and privacy, andenforcement. Since 2010 there has beenincreased litigation in the data securityrealm, including lawsuits involvingpayment card data security breaches,consumer data breaches and onlinebanking security breaches.Our expert panel will discuss these cases,their holdings, and the direction andguidance they provide concerning keyissues like "reasonable security" and"unauthorized access." Cloud <strong>com</strong>putingand social networking continue to radicallyalter the business landscape. Bothimplicate significant information securitylegal issues. The panel will provide thelatest thinking concerning the data securityand privacy legal liability issues, andsolutions, around these key technologies.Item no. : TH11200488Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOW THE SMARTPHONEWARS ARE CHANGING THEIP LANDSCAPEBy Ray Alderman, David T. Blonder, JorgeL. Contreras, David L. <strong>New</strong>man, John A.ScottThe smartphone wars are changing the IPlandscape. Join our panel of experts asthey discuss the landmark decision inApple v. Samsung and other issuesinvolving Microsoft, Google, and MotorolaMobility. The program will focus on patentlitigation involving standard-essentialpatents (SEPs) from a standarddevelopment organization (SDO)viewpoint. Specific topics of the webinarwill include these topics:Analysis of new use of standardsobligations in litigation Fair, reasonable andnon-discriminatory (FRAND)<strong>com</strong>mitment to attack reasonableroyalty rate asserted by SEP ownersin order to limit damagesFRAND <strong>com</strong>mitment to attack abilityof SEP owners to pursue injunctionsFailure to <strong>com</strong>ply with obligations todisclose SEPs during standardpromulgation may raise issues ofunclean hands or fraudAcquisition of SEPs as means ofshoring-up patent portfolio has prosand cons (e.g. strong patents toassert in litigation but strings attached no injunctions and lower rates)Review of European Commissioninvestigation of Samsung activity re:assertion of SEPs having FRAND<strong>com</strong>mitmentsItem no. : VA11200292Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MOBILE PAYMENTS: HOWLAWS IN THE UNITEDSTATES ARE AFFECTINGTHE MOBILE MARKETBy Robert J. Pile, Patricia Poss, Holly K.Towle, Damier XandrineThe mobile payment arena is currently ablur. Some wallets handle only onetechnology, e.g., Near FieldCommunication (NFC) contactlesspayments, while others support numeroustechnologies. Tele<strong>com</strong>s are coordinating amobile payments network. At least onetraditional digital payment provider isintegrating virtual currency for gamers.Person-to-person payments are beingenabled by nonbanks through bank ATMSand so on and on. How is the professionsupposed to keep up with this rapid growthand change?This program will explore how asuccessful mobile payments regime mightor must evolve. Will banks be eclipsed bynon-bank participants or will new alliancesform? Which <strong>com</strong>petitors might grab themarket and why are there so manyapproaches? Panelists <strong>com</strong>e from a rangeof perspectives, including providers,consumer protection advocates,regulators, and bankers. Join us as weexplore this maze. Topics discussedinclude________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hka general overview of the U.S.approach to privacy law and thevariety of types of laws that canimpact mobile <strong>com</strong>merce;the ever-increasing use of mobiledevices and the dawning awarenessthat existing laws can and do apply;a conglomeration of federal and statelaws that create privacy requirementsfor those engaged in developing,offering or distributing mobile apps;andrecent FTC developments.Item no. : YM11200315Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SECURITY AND ETHICS OFCLOUD COMPUTINGBy John R. McCarron Jr., Jack <strong>New</strong>tonCloud <strong>com</strong>puting is one of the hottesttrends in legal technology. Rather thaninstalling and running software on yourlocal <strong>com</strong>puter, your software and data is35

hosted by a third party and made availableover the Internet. While this new approachto cloud <strong>com</strong>puting offers many benefits,lawyers in particular need to be aware ofsecurity- and privacy-related "bestpractices" prior to entrusting confidentialclient data to "the cloud."This presentation addresses the followingquestions: What is cloud <strong>com</strong>puting /Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)? What does cloud <strong>com</strong>puting mean forlawyers? What are some of the benefits (andsome of the disadvantages) of "thecloud?" What are the ethical implications ofusing SaaS? Is it OK with my Bar? What questions about security andprivacy should you be asking aprospective SaaS provider? How should you evaluate the costs ofSaaS versus traditional desktopsoftware? How can you protect yourself againstworst-case scenarios?Item no. : NA11200591Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SPORTS MEDIA RIGHTSAGREEMENTSBy Richard Brand, Karen Brodkin, VeredYakoveeThis audio CD-ROM will provide lawyersand other professionals with backgroundinformation necessary to familiarize themwith the key practice points in advising andrepresenting clients in the preparation ofmedia rights transactions and other typesof media arrangements.Our faculty provides the practitioner withan overview of the documentation andprocess involved in reviewing, negotiating,and implementing a media rightsarrangement on behalf of a team, aproperty, or other party. This recording willprovide a balanced approach reflectingissues and positions and will provideperspective from both sides of thetransaction (media <strong>com</strong>panies andproperties).The program panel offers aknowledgeable perspective on the issuesinvolved as well as a discussion of somepractical real life experiences.Item no. : VH11200337Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WINNING BY SPINNING?THE ETHICS OFLITIGATING ING CIVIL CASESIN THE MEDIABy Bruce E. H. Johnson, M. A. (Mike)Kautsch, Karen Shatzkin, John J. Walsh,Michael WolffThe <strong>New</strong> York Times has reported that"alliances between filmmakers andlawyers are be<strong>com</strong>ing increasingly<strong>com</strong>mon, with recent films tied to casesinvolving Dole Food, Coca Cola andUnocal." Defendants are fighting back withTheodore J. Boutrous Jr., a lawyer forDole, noting that, after recent successes ingetting access to what documentarydirectors "leave on the cutting room floor"to reveal possible manipulations,"defendants would increasingly fightplaintiff's use of documentaries to promotetheir causes and force settlement."Join our panel of expert attorneys andjudges for an in-depth discussion on theethical obligations placed on attorneyswhen speaking publicly about their clientsin civil cases as well as ethical concernsabout the use of documentary films in thecourt of public opinion. Specific questionsto be addressed include the following: The American Bar Association'sModel Rules of Professional Conductraise a concern about the effect ofpublicity on "a civil matter triable to ajury." What is the nature ofextrajudicial advocacy that issubstantially likely to result in materialprejudice in a civil case?When attorneys are involved in public<strong>com</strong>munication about civil litigation,under what conditions may they riskbreaching their duties to be truthful, tomaintain client confidentiality, or toavoid conflicts of interest, dishonesty,fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, andconduct prejudicial to theadministration of justice?In the civil justice system, are ethicalconstraints on extrajudicial <strong>com</strong>mentby attorneys considered lessimportant than their responsibility tobe zealous advocates?To what extent does First Amendmentprotection for freedom of attorneyspeech conflict with ethicalconstraints on extrajudicial advocacyin civil cases?Item no. : LY11200353Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00COMMUNICATIONS ANDTRANSPORTATIONLAWWHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWABOUT THE CORPORATEWHISTLEBLOWERREQUIREMENTS UNDERDODD-FRANKBy William R. Baker III, Thomas G.Berkemeyer, Michael A. McGrail, SeanMcKessy, Jeffrey W. RubinThe Dodd-Frank Act contained numerousimportant corporate governanceprovisions in a variety of areas. Thehottest of these issues is the corporatewhistleblower provisions in the Act and theSEC's implementing regulations adoptedon May 25, 2011. The Dodd-Frankwhistleblower provisions and the SECrules have triggered substantial,widespread debate due to the veryimportant policy and process implicationsfor <strong>com</strong>panies, regulators, shareholders,and other interested parties.The program: Described the far-reachingwhistleblower requirements, includingthe very substantial mandatoryrewards available to those reportingviolations of the securities laws andthe significantly enhanced protectionsfor corporate whistleblowers;Discussed the major concerns raisedby the rules as reflected in many ofthe <strong>com</strong>ments to the SEC, forexample: the potential negativeimpact on maintaining effectivecorporate <strong>com</strong>pliance programs; and Explained the importantconsiderations for <strong>com</strong>panies inaddressing these rules.Item no. : NA11200628Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk36

CONSTRUCTIONLAWADVISING CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACTORS ON NEWOBLIGATIONS WITHRESPECT TO SUSPENDEDAND DEBARRED ENTITIESBy Jeff Chiow, Neil O'DonnellThe faculty will explain the importance ofcontractors knowing their obligations withrespect to contracting with suspended anddebarred parties. They will examine howthe laws and rules might be applied on agiven construction project that receivesDepartment of Transportation (DoT)funding, highlighting how different theanalysis may be even as between twoagencies within DoT, such FTA and FHWA.After discussing a case study,representatives from the bar, government,and industry will discuss approaches andchallenges on ensuring enterprise-wideawareness of and <strong>com</strong>pliance withobligations regarding suspended anddebarred subcontractors. The panel willalso address the apparent move towardimposing greater due diligence obligationson grantees and contractors.Practitioners are often asked the followingquestions that can be very <strong>com</strong>plex andwill depend on the source(s) of federalfunding for a given construction project.Participants will be able to evaluate andanswer these questions with ease.What must a contractor do to satisfyits responsibility to avoidsubcontracting with suspended ordebarred entities?If, during performance, a contractordiscovers that one of itssubcontractors is listed on theExcluded Parties List System (EPLS),what are the contractors obligations,including, specifically, is it obligated togive notice to the agency?Item no. : GY11200368Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BEST PRACTICES INCONSTRUCTIONLITIGATION CASEMANAGEMENT: THEIN-HOUSE COUNSELPERSPECTIVEBy Rod Eisenhauer, Jason A. Greves,Dwight Larson, Angela R. Stephens,Catherine SwanHave you ever had a call from in-housecounsel where they asked, "Why have thefees incurred to date exceeded the budgetyou gave me?" Or, did the in-house lawyerask, why you felt it was necessary toperform certain research tasks? Have youever wondered what in-house counselthinks are the best ways to get the clientready for trial? These questions and morewill be answered during this 90-minutewebinar:This session will also cover best practicesin case management for constructionlawyers, with a specific focus on: Preparing accurate litigation budgets Economically and efficientlymanaging discovery Best practices in preparing for trialItem no. : HM11200259Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EFFECT OF BANKRUPTCYON CONSTRUCTIONPROJECTS, THEBy Jason R. Kennedy, John J. Lamoureux,Desiree D. NoisetteIn today's down economy, the practice ofconstruction law frequently intersects withthe bankruptcy process as construction<strong>com</strong>panies file for bankruptcy and chasefunds held by insolvent parties.This program equips the constructionlawyer with the fundamentals ofbankruptcy such as basic bankruptcyfilings, the impact of the automatic stay,when to file a proof of claim or object todischarge or dischargeability of a claimand the impact of bankruptcy on creditors'rights. This creditor and debtor focusedprogram also addresses constructionspecific bankruptcy issues including thetreatment of mechanics liens in bankruptcy,the impact of bankruptcy on sureties andbonds, how to protect your client prior tofiling for bankruptcy and working for thedebtor post-petition.Finally, this program provides theconstruction lawyer with strategies to seekand potentially achieve recovery despitethe bankruptcy obstacle.Item no. : MH11200432Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFCONSTRUCTION LAW:SCHEDULING ANDPROJECT DELAYSBy John M. Cook, Ian M. Forshner, ScottD. Hollingsworth, Timothy R. ParrThis program will provide an overview ofthe fundamental legal and logisticalaspects of construction delays.Participants will learn issues associatedwith project delays from the basic tenets tomore <strong>com</strong>plex concepts. The faculty willshare their experiences both with thepractical aspects of constructionscheduling and the legal aspects of delayclaims.It is a great program for anyone involved inconstruction disputes looking to enhancetheir understanding of construction issuesand gain a practical and legalunderstanding of construction delays.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkTake this webinar and receive:A practical discussion of the theoryand logistics of project schedulingThe <strong>com</strong>mon contract language to beanalyzed in preparing schedules andanalyzing delaysTips on proving delay claims anddeveloping, assessing or attackingdelay damagesItem no. : RA11200286Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFCONSTRUCTION LAW:WHAT TO DO WHEN THEPROJECT STOPSBy Scott Griffith, Joseph C. Kovars,Suzanne M. McSorley, ChristopherMontez, Brian J. SchoolmanWork stoppages on <strong>com</strong>mercialconstruction projects can happen for manydifferent reasons. Understanding the risksinvolved in a work stoppage is key tolimiting your client's exposure. What thoserisks are can vary depending on whetheryour client is the owner of the project, theprime contractor, one of thesubcontractors, or one of the suppliers.This course will explore the risks andrelated legal issues in work stoppages asfollows (a) the faculty will provide anoverview of the obligations, rights andremedies that each of these players mayhave under the American Institute ofArchitects contract documents; (b) next,the faculty will analyze the risks of each ofthese players in two different scenarios:when a stoppage occurs because ofeconomic reasons and when stoppageoccurs because of construction and/ordesign defect issues; and (c) in each ofthese two different scenarios, the facultywill provide the participant with an analysisof the risks and related legal issues fromthe owner's perspective, the primecontractor's perspective, and the varioussubcontractors' and suppliers'perspectives.Item no. : YU11200287Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.0037

HOW RECENTDEVELOPMENTS RELATEDTO THE AMERICANS WITHDISABILITIES ACT AFFECTHOTELS, RESORTS ANDCOMMON ON INTERESTCOMMUNITIESThere have been significant developmentsunder the U.S. Americans with DisabilitiesAct (ADA) during the past two years.Amendments to the ADA enacted in 2008became effective during this period. TheJustice Department also issued newregulations under ADA that becameeffective during this period. Meanwhile,the Justice Department has increased itsenforcement of the ADA, notably includinga significant consent decree in anenforcement action against HiltonWorldwide, Inc. Most recently, theAmerican Hotel & Lodging Association hasresisted the Justice Department's efforts toimplement new standards that wouldrequire installation of lifts alongsidevirtually all public ac<strong>com</strong>modation'sswimming pools in the country. Thisincludes hotels, timeshares and condohotels.This program will offer you an opportunityto update your knowledge of the ADA as itrelates to hotels and resorts, learn aboutthese recent developments andunderstand how others in this industry aredealing with new requirements anddeadlines.Topics to be discussed will include: A refresher on ADA; 2008 amendments to the ADA; Increased Justice Departmentenforcement of the ADA; <strong>New</strong> Justice Department Regulationsunder the ADA (Swimming Pool Lifts,Golf Courses and Other RecreationalFacilities); Service Animals and Mobility Devices;and Are timeshare resorts "publicac<strong>com</strong>modations?"Item no. : HV11200491Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00OWNERS GONE WILD:ONEROUS CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACT PROVISIONSAND SUGGESTEDAPPROACHES TOHANDLING THEMBy Bruce Merwin, David A. Scotti, WilliamB. WestcottIn these difficult economic times, manyowners Project Owners are temptedattempt to exercise additional control overthe contractors and design professionalsthey contract with. These Owners aretrying to control risk. They sometimes doso by including onerous contractprovisions that are intended to help insurethat if there is a dispute that the Owner willprevail.There are limitless ways that an Ownercan try to gain an advantage. A contractthat contains over-reaching provisions canpoison the relationship between an Ownerand the project contractors and designprofessionals. Time and energy thatshould be devoted to getting the job doneis shifted to determining and developingbases for claims. This presentation isintended to examine some of these"ownerous" provisions, and to analyzewhether the actual effect of theseprovisions is what the Owner intends.Item no. : CC11200548Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CONSUMER LAWCLASS ACTION WAIVERSIN EMPLOYMENT-RELATEDCONTRACTS: ARE THEYLAWFUL?By Molly Eastman, Michael Hayes, CliffPalefsky, Michael H. RubinThe United States Supreme Court's April2011 decision in AT&T Mobility v.Concepcion upheld class action waivers inconsumer contracts for cellular services.Since AT&T, many employers andemployees have had to confront thequestion of whether employers can requireemployees to be bound by arbitrationagreements that waive the employees'right to bring class action claims or toparticipate in employment-related classactions.In January <strong>2012</strong>, the National LaborRelations Board issued a decision in D.R.Horton, Inc. prohibiting employers fromrequiring employees to waive their right tofile or participate in joint or class actions.This panel, consisting of seasonedpractitioners representing management,employees, and labor, will discuss theimpact of, and relationship between, AT&Tand D.R. Horton Inc. and offer guidanceon the legal and practical issues raised bythese decisions.Item no. : VE11200265Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EQUAL CREDITOPPORTUNITY AND FAIRCREDIT REPORTINGBASICSBy Amy Salberg, Andrew SmithThe ECOP and FCPA are two key federalconsumer financial protection laws. Thisprogram will discuss the basis, history, andkey provisions of the Equal CreditOpportunity Act (ECOA), Fair CreditReporting Act, (FCPA), and theirimplementing rules.This presentation will provide nuts andbolts training for lawyers who are new tothe practice of retail financial services law,and a useful refresher for attorneys withexperience in this area.Item no. : RW11200278Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ESTATE AND TAXPLANNING FOR SAME-SEXSEXCOUPLESBy Patricia A. Cain, Courtney G. Joslin,Timothy T. Thomas, Michele ZavosBecause of the existing patchwork ofprotection in this country, same-sexcouples face many legal uncertainties.While some states recognize relationshipsbetween same-sex couples, other statesand the federal government may not. Thisseminar focused on the ways thatattorneys can assist their same-sexcouples through estate planning,ownership of property, and tax planning,as well as how clients can protect theirrelationships with their children.The expert panelists specifically focusedon: drafting clauses that are specific tothe LGBT <strong>com</strong>munity versus using astandard form; ethical issues in representing bothpartners; protecting the rights of couples withchildren; basic estate planning for non-taxableestates; basic overview of federal gift andestate tax as of 2011; estate planning for same-sex coupleswith wealth exceeding exemptionamounts (state or federal); partner relationships; and last will and testament.Item no. : LA11200441Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk38

invaluable insights into how lawyers canbest prepare for the pre-hearingconference, what <strong>com</strong>mon courtroompractices are frowned upon in arbitration,and provide participants with anopportunity to ask questions about how totake advantage of the proceduraldifferences in arbitration versus thecourtroom.distinguished professionals that convenedfor a full day of advanced-levelprogramming to share their knowledge onhot topics in e-discovery.Topics discussed included: Late-breaking case law developmentsacross the spectrum of electronicdiscovery issues.plan and ways to help business managersunderstand the importance of <strong>com</strong>pliance.Item no. : TN11200377Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00This program is a must for any attorneyabout to enter his or her first or twentietharbitration.Item no. : WN11200341Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CORPORATE LAW29TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ON CRIMINALTAX FRAUD AND THE 2NDNATIONAL INSTITUTE ONOTAX CONTROVERSYThe 29th Annual National Institute onCriminal Tax Fraud is the annual gatheringof the criminal tax defense bar <strong>com</strong>binedwith the Second Annual National Instituteon Tax Controversy.This audio recording of the program willput you in the room with high-levelgovernment representatives, judges,corporate counsel, and privatepractitioners engaged in all aspects of taxcontroversy, tax litigation, and criminal taxdefense.Curriculum topics include: Roundtable discussions with seniorofficials from the IRS and theTreasury and Justice Departments Strategies for experiencedpractitioners when representingclients in examination, at appeals,and during criminal investigations Breakout sessions focused on civil taxcontroversy and criminal tax defensestrategies Advice from judges on what they wantto hear from youItem no. : TM11200247Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 875.006TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ONE-DISCOVERY PRACTICALSOLUTIONS FOR DEALINGWITH ELECTRONICALLYSTORED INFORMATIONThe 6th Annual National Institute onE-Discovery Practical Solutions forDealing with Electronically Storedconsisted of all-star panels ofThe issues and challenges arisingfrom a corporation's obligation topreserve some of the most elusiveelectronic data, such as datagenerated by corporate social mediaand personal information stored byemployees. Practical insights for protectingprivileged information in a globalelectronic working environment.Item no. : KV11200361Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AFTER THE CLOSINGDINNER: MANAGINGPOST-CLOCLOSING ISSUES INSECURED TRANSACTIONSBy Paul Hodnefield, Annette Moore,Steven WeiseThis program examines the effect of<strong>com</strong>mon post-closing events on perfectedsecurity interests and what the securedparty must do to retain perfection andpriority in the collateral.The topics covered include: changes to the debtor's name, transfer of the collateral, and a change in the governing law.Item no. : EF11200370Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANTITRUST COMPLIANCEFOR CORPORATECOUNSELORS: PRACTICALADVICE ON DEVELOPINGOR UPDATING YOURCLIENTS' ANTITRUSTCOMPLIANCE PROGRAMSBy Theodore L. Banks, Jennifer Dixton,Brian R. Henry, Paula W. Render, Carter B.SimpsonCompliance remains a top priority forantitrust counselors, especially as theworld's economic problems linger andemployees are under continuing pressureto produce results for their corporateemployers.Our panelists address some of the keyASK THE EXPERT -ANSWERS TO QUESTIONSEVERYTRADEMARK/COPYRIGHTATTORNEY NEEDS TOKNOW BUT IS AFRAID TOTASKBy Amy J. Benjamin, Mitchell A. BraggBeing a young attorney can be tough:billable hours demands, partnersbreathing down your neck for projects dueyesterday, adjusting to life as an attorneyafter three years of being a student, not tomention dealing with legal issues that lawschool never taught you. We have all beenthe victim of a senior attorney asking youabout an issue that you have never heardof, a judge questioning your legal tactics,or a client raising an argument that youhad to research later on. Imagine achance to have some of the tips and tricksof trademark and copyright law revealed toyou before the pressure situations put youon the spot. With this program you get allthe answers to everything you've alwayswanted to know about trademark andcopyright law, but were too afraid to ask.This webinar was <strong>com</strong>prised of questionsand experiences submitted by younglawyers. The webinar addressed varioustopics that lawyers wish they knew theanswer to early on in their careers andwere afraid to ask. In addition, theprogram covered experiences that lawyersdid not know how to respond to.Item no. : TE11200380Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CHALLENGES IN THEWORLD OF HOSPITALMERGERS: THE HURDLESOF FOR-PROFITSACQUIRING NON-PROFITSBy M. Daria Niewenhous, Howard T. WallIIIThe recent acquisition of individualhospitals and health systems by for-profitentities may indicate a growing trend.However, when a nonprofit sells its assetsto a for-profit, additional legal <strong>com</strong>plexityresults. In addition to the regulatory reviewby state departments of health inconnection with hospital transfer ofownership, such non-profit conversions<strong>com</strong>ponents of an effective <strong>com</strong>pliance________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk40

are generally subject to review andapproval by the various state attorneysgeneral offices (whether formally orthrough the attorney general'sre<strong>com</strong>mendation to an appropriate statecourt).This presentation is focused on issuescounsel must address when guidingclients through these transactions,including:crafting seller's RFP to include anypost-closing conditions (or types ofconditions) that seller considers anessential part of the transaction; drafting an effective purchaseagreement; negotiating with buyer,the attorney general, and the statehealth department regardingconditions of the sale that effectivelymaintain certain charitable or<strong>com</strong>munity benefit obligations, orsecure the buyer's <strong>com</strong>mitment tomaintain facilities or programs for adefined post-closing period;managing the public notice/hearingand <strong>com</strong>ment period; coordinationwith state health department review;andworking with stakeholders to managethe political and <strong>com</strong>munity reactionsto such transactions.Item no. : VS11200263Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CHINA <strong>2012</strong>: LEGAL,POLITICAL, AND BUSINESSOUTLOOK FOR <strong>2012</strong> ANDBEYONDBy James M. ZimmermanThis is an interesting year in China giventhe leadership transition taking place in<strong>2012</strong>. Leadership changes and new policydirection will have a profound impact onwhat foreign business can expect in Chinaover the next five years. This audioCD-ROM provides an analysis ofwho's-who in the PRC leadership team,along with a discussion on the likely trendsfor foreign investors doing business inChina.The presentation includes a review of thenew laws, regulations, and policy changesrecently adopted, or in the pipeline, thatmay impact business in China. The legaland political changes are criticallyimportant to businesses operating on theground in China. Examples include:amendments to the Copyright Law, newstate secrets regulations, the newCommunist Party loyalty oath for Chineselawyers, rules on online purchasesoverseas, and amendments to the law onthe promotion of clean production.The program features James Zimmerman,the author of the China Law Deskbook andthe office administrative partner in theBeijing office of Sheppard Mullin Richter &Hampton LLP.Item no. : PG11200264Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CLASS ACTIONS <strong>2012</strong>The 16th Annual National Institute onClass Actions is a must for all attorneyswho litigate and try class-action lawsuits.In-house counsel and private lawyers newand old will learn all about significantdevelopments that affect class-action lawand its future. To this end, our program willinclude such timely topics as aclass-action primer for new class-actionlawyers; recent developments inclass-action jurisprudence; strategies forpleading and attacking class definitions;the emerging importance of Rule 23(b)(2)classes; litigating class actions alongsideopt-outs; data-privacy class-actions; andmanaging class-action experts.This National Institute promises to cover awide spectrum of legal topics that's sure toengage and inform class-action attorneyseverywhere.Item no. : NC11200266Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 500.00COMPARISON ANDCONTRAST OF THEAPPROACHES OFBUSINESS METHODSOFTWARE PATENTS INEUROPE, ASIA, AND THEU.S., ABy Ceyda Azakli Maisami, Tim StaleyYoung Lawyers are given practical tips onhow to deal with prosecution and draftingof Business Method Software Patents ineach jurisdiction. The faculty specificallydiscusses patentability of software andbusiness methods in Europe, Japan,China, and Australia. The course alsocovers case law, case studies, and how todraft claims and descriptions that may beacceptable in these jurisdictions. Thefaculty also <strong>com</strong>pares other approacheswith the approach used in the U.S. basedon Bilski.Item no. : ZL11200406Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CONTRACTUALALLOCATION OF RISK:EXCULPATION,INDEMNIFICATION REPS,WARRANTIES, ANDGUARANTIESBy Neal H. Brockmeyer, Penelope L.Christophorou, Steven WeiseLearn how to effectively negotiate anddraft these provisions for your client and toanalyze how these provisions areinterpreted and enforced whenchallenged.Topics will cover the allocation of risks incontracts, including: Indemnities Warranties Representations Guaranties Exculpatory clauses Remedy limitations Liability limitationsItem no. : RC11200409Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COUNSEL OR ICOUNSEL:ETHICAL AND PRACTICALISSUES IN USINGARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCENCEIN E-DISCOVERYEBy John M. Barkett, Julia Brickell, JeffreyFowler, Dera J. Nevin, Kris Pribadi VannExploding data volumes, new corporateand cloud document managementsystems and the merger of corporate andpersonal information technologies allcontribute to an escalating discoveryburden which affects litigation as neverbefore, inhibiting access to justice,increasing regulatory and litigation riskand cost, and threatening the quality ofinternal investigations.This program addresses the ethicalimplications and legal consequences ofusing artificial intelligence technologiesto replicate human judgment in the searchand review of electronic information andsocial media in the context of litigation andinvestigations. Do they work? Are theydefensible?In addition to understanding ethicalconsiderations and judicial perspectivesregarding the use of technology to searchfor and produce electronic information, theaudience will emerge better prepared tomaximize defensibility and help clientscontain costs in the face of electronic datachallenges.Item no. : NK11200269Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DIRECTOR LIABILITY: THEDUTY OF OVERSIGHT AND________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk41

THE NEED TOINVESTIGATEBy Mark S. Balian, Jeremy S. Piccini,Nicholas C. PonziniIn light of recent corporate scandals andregulatory actions, corporate boardmembers should understand their duty toadequately oversee an institutions<strong>com</strong>pliance function, also known as theduty of oversight. While it is certainly notexpected or demanded that directors beable to predict the future, directors stillmust implement <strong>com</strong>pliance andmonitoring programs within thecorporation. Moreover, once implemented,directors must oversee such programsand investigate possible law or corporatepolicy violations to which they are alerted.Nuances to these obligations, includingcontinued <strong>com</strong>pliance, response topotential violations, and the need toinvestigate with either in-house or outsidecounsel <strong>com</strong>plicate a director's duties insuch circumstances. In adhering to certainguidelines, directors invest the time andmoney that ultimately benefit and protectnot only themselves individually, but theentire corporation.Item no. : YK11200420Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DISPELLING THE SHARIATHREAT MYTH:IMPLICATIONS OFBANNING COURTS FROMREFERENCING RELIGIOUS,FOREIGN, ORINTERNATIONAL LAWBy Engy Abdelkader Esq., Dr. Azizahal-Hibri, Wajahat Ali Esq., John Chasnoff,Daniel MachIn the last year nearly 50 bills and stateconstitutional amendments intending toban state courts from consideringinternational, foreign, or religious law wereintroduced in more than 20 states. Suchprovisions - <strong>com</strong>monly referred to as"Sharia law bans" or "anti-Sharia lawlegislation" - have already passed inOklahoma, Tennessee, and Louisiana.Once adopted these bans have thepotential to obstruct state courts fromperforming essential functions includingenforcement of <strong>com</strong>mercial contracts,intra-country adoptions, foreign marriages,Native American rights, foreign, judgments,and the out<strong>com</strong>e of voluntary faith-baseddispute resolution forums as well as effortsto thwart child abduction. The provisionsalso have serious implications forindividual rights under the free exerciseclause of the First Amendment.Our panel will discuss the origin of thesebans, their potential impact on how statecourts function, and efforts to <strong>com</strong>bat theprovisions in legislatures and the courts.Item no. : TL11200421Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DODD-FRANK ACTCOMPLIANCE SURPRISESBy Therese G. Franzen, Thomas P. Quinn,Ryan S. StinnefordThis program reviews several provisionsof Dodd-Frank that impose <strong>com</strong>plianceobligations on financial institutions,including FDIC insurance changes,interest on demand deposits, fundsavailability changes, HMDA data collectionand reporting changes, Fair Lendingenforcement changes, risk-based pricingrequirements, new restrictions on affiliateand insider transactions, and more.Item no. : FS11200423Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 229.00DODD-FRANK EXECUTIVECOMPENSATION CHANGES:WHAT'S NEXT AFTERSAY-ONON-PAY?By Pamela Baker, Mark A. Borges, Marc R.TrevinoWhile the individual executive<strong>com</strong>pensation provisions of Dodd-Frankmay at first glance seem like a series ofunconnected puzzle pieces, when they areput together they have the potential tobring about significant changes to theexecutive <strong>com</strong>pensation landscape.Say-on-Pay was the first piece, but thereis much more to <strong>com</strong>e, and the rulemakingis just beginning. Listen to our expertpanel as they share their insights into howDodd-Frank will impact the way in which<strong>com</strong>panies structure, and <strong>com</strong>municate,their executive <strong>com</strong>pensation programs.Item no. : WL11200424Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 229.00DUE DILIGENCE ONCHINESE COMPANIES:METHODS, TOOLS ANDRESOURCES FORDETERMINING FACT FROMFICTIONBy James M. ZimmermanIt's important for U.S. firms to thoroughlyinvestigate their "partners" in Chinaincluding their joint venture partners, M&Atargets, distributors, suppliers, seniormanagers, consultants and agents,third-party services providers, andgovernmental stakeholders. Criticalmistakes can be made if an investor linksup with the wrong partner.Topics will include a review of the methodsand tools employed to conduct legal,operational, and financial due diligence onChinese <strong>com</strong>panies. Participants will learnmore about the use of due diligencechecklists, resources and processes forverifying information and data received,impact of Chinese state/<strong>com</strong>mercialsecrets laws, and developing contractuallanguage to protect the parties.This interactive seminar will host JamesZimmerman, the author of the China LawDeskbook and Office AdministrativePartner in the Beijing office of internationalfirm Sheppard Mullin Richter & HamptonLLP.Item no. : AT11200273Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00E-DISCOVERY ANDINFORMATIONGOVERNANCEAn organization that manages itsinformation assets properly knowing whatdata they hold, the sensitivity of that data,how they present it (e.g., social media),and where they are storing it (e.g., thecloud) is able to respond to discoveryproduction requests quickly, economically,and accurately. This thoroughmanagement of information, calledinformation governance (IG), enables anorganization to reduce storage cost,understand what data needs to beprotected, and <strong>com</strong>ply with laws andregulation. The aspects of IG dealing withdispute resolution are called electronicdiscovery and digital evidence (EDDE).The program audio from the 2013E-Discovery and Information GovernanceNational Institute will provide you with arare opportunity to sharpen your skills inEDDE. The curriculum consists of casestudies, a mock 26(f) meet-and-confer, amock hearing on parties arguments forand against a response produced usingtechnology assisted review aka predictivecoding, and panel discussions withluminaries in the field.The faculty, consisting of judges, legalpractitioners, technologists, and forensicsexperts will: Present information on the currentthought on the handling ofelectronically stored information (ESI),including descriptions andinterpretations of judicial decisions________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkAnalyze recent judicial decisions onthe production of ESI and the keyrules from the Federal Rules of CivilProcedure that impact e-discovery42

Provide invaluable insights on howbest to prepare their technical staffand information systems to respondto requests for ESICover ESI issues for a variety ofbusiness sectors including the HIPAAHITECH requirements that mandatean enhanced standard of care for theparties producing and receivingelectronic health records (HER) Describe how new searchtechnologies will lead to cost-efficient,yet defensible, automated productionof relevant ESIExamine the e-discovery implicationsof the increasing use of encryption,social media, and data stored in thecloudAfter listening to this program you will walkaway with an understanding of how thehandling of ESI has evolved and thehopeful prognosis that expectedimprovements will provide cost-efficient,but defensible management of ESI.Item no. : MD11200429Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : 2013Price : USD 500.00ETHICS BASICS FORBUSINESS LAWYERSBy Henry S. Bryans, William Freivogel,Sue C. FriedbergThe application of legal ethics rules to thetransactional practice can be <strong>com</strong>plex andbewildering, even to experts. This programis designed to assist good businesslawyers who have little time or inclinationto study the ethics rules to spot issues andseek help where appropriate.Key areas will include:Conflicts of Interest: What shouldbusiness lawyers consider whentaking on new clients, particularlyinvolving entities and multiple parties?Negotiation Ethics: How far can abusiness lawyer go in extolling hisclient's business or the value of animportant asset?Client Fraud: The business clientappears to be up to something fishy.Does that have any consequences forthe lawyer? Communication with RepresentedParties: When can a business lawyer<strong>com</strong>municate with officers oremployees of other parties in atransaction? When can a lawyercounsel her client to do so?Item no. : GR11200452Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 135.00FUNDAMENTALS OF AHEALTHCARETRANSACTION, THE: ANINTERACTIVE LOOK ATTHE ANATOMY OF A DEALBy Jennifer Csik Hutchens, Jill H. Gordon,Sarah E. SwankThis fundamentals program will focus onthe twists and turns of a healthcare deal.Our panel of attorneys experienced withtransactional, regulatory, andreimbursement issues will walk through acase study of a healthcare transaction andexamine the factors that lawyers and theirclients must consider when negotiating,structuring, and closing healthcare deals.These factors include due diligence issues,fraud and abuse analysis; change ofownership considerations (e.g., withregard to state licensure, as well asMedicare and Medicaid); tax-exemptimplications; valuation matters andtransaction structure (e.g., asset purchasevs. stock purchase or merger).True to its title, this program will notassume extensive prior knowledge orexperience in healthcare transactions.However, practitioners at every level willbenefit from this in-depth discussion ofchallenging issues and the uniqueopportunity for extensive audienceinteraction that the program offers. Theissues discussed in this program can bebroadly applied to other types ofhealthcare transactions.Item no. : HN11200285Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00GOVERNANCE GAMECHANGER, THE: DEALINGWITH DODD-FRANKBy Bruce F. Dravis, Carol Hansell, FrankM. Placenti, Jeffrey S. ShermanChanges in corporate governancestandards and practices occur constantly.There are few real game changers, butDodd-Frank is one. As the SEC begins theprocess of putting the devil into the detail,boards and their advisors will need to startthinking differently about a variety ofgovernance issues - especially therelationship with shareholders. Listen tomembers of the ABA CorporateGovernance leadership team in adiscussion about how Dodd-Frank and itsprogeny will make us think differentlyabout corporate governance.Item no. : WR11200479Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOW TO USE FORMSWISELY IN SECUREDTRANSACTIONSBy Janet M. Nadile, Pauline M. StevensThis provides a walkthrough of variousforms used in secured transactions andhighlight key elements that should beincluded, the viewpoints of the borrowerand secured party, traps for the unwary,and drafting tips.Forms that may be covered include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkan all-assets security agreement;an equity pledge agreement;various intellectual property securityagreements;a perfection certificate;control agreements; andforeclosure-related notices.Item no. : NN11200495Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ISSUES WITHAPPOINTINGFRANCHISEES,DISTRIBUTORS, ORAGENTS IN CHINABy Paul Jones, Robert A. Lauer, Richard L.Wageman, Brian YaoChina's growth has been phenomenal,and even in these challenging times itcontinues to grow rapidly. A major newdevelopment is the emergence of a middleclass in China which is increasinglylooking to western products and services.U.S. franchisors and retailers have been atthe forefront of expansion into China. Anumber of franchisors, whether throughcorporate outlets or franchised outlets,have created substantial networks. All ofthe indicators suggest that the appetite ofconsumers in China for Western brandswill grow.Nevertheless, China does representchallenges to those wishing to takeadvantage of these opportunities. Theprocedures for obtaining necessaryconsents and registrations are not alwaysclear. There are uncertainties relating tothe enforceability of trademark rights and<strong>com</strong>mercial agreements as well as thenumerous political, religious, cultural, andbusiness obstacles that have to beover<strong>com</strong>e.This program will provide participants withvaluable insights from U.S. and Chineseattorneys, all with extensive experience instructuring, negotiating, and managingtransactions in China as well as dealingwith issues when things "go wrong." Thespeakers will focus on both legal andpractical issues so as to enable U.S.practitioners to be aware of the issues tobe addressed when their clients expandinto China. Participants will receiveprogram materials addressing the issuesin greater depth.43

The program is designed to be a freeflowing discussion and will include aquestion and answer session for whichaudience participation is encouraged.Item no. : KF11200514Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LENDER ASKED FOR WHAT?KEY LOAN DOCUMENTISSUES FOR BORROWER'SCOUNSEL, THEBy John N. Oest, James C. SchulwolfThis program examines the key issueswhich arise in secured <strong>com</strong>mercial loantransactions from the point of view of the ~borrower and its counsel. Which items should be addressed "upfront" Prepayment provisions and penalties Representations andwarranties "should I disclose?" Affirmative, negative, and financialcovenants Events of default Third party agreementsItem no. : CH11200515Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NEW ERA, A: TRENDS,BENEFITS, AND RISKS INLEGAL OUTSOURCINGBy William J. Campbell, Jr., Vincent M.Catanzaro, Kunoor Chopra, Browning E.Marean III, Heather Linn RosingPlease join our all-star panel to discuss anemerging trend in the legalprofessio--sending elements of therepresentation outside of the traditionallaw firm. The legal outsourcing provider(LPO) industry only took off in the last 7-8years, but is expected to continue to growat a fast pace. We will explore the stilllargely undiscovered world of LPOs,contract attorneys, professional documentreviewers, and e-discovery experts. Theuse of these individuals and <strong>com</strong>panies inthe course of representation can be verycost effective, but also raises issues aboutthe industry's intersection with the ModelRules of Professional Conduct with regardto the duty to supervise, confidentiality,<strong>com</strong>petence, conflicts, and billing. Ourpanel includes four very differentperspectives: an in-house attorney, apartner in a large law firm, an ethicist, andan executive in the outsourcing industrywho previously founded one of the pioneerlegal-process outsourcing <strong>com</strong>panies.Join us to get up to speed on this hot topicand the risks and benefits it presents.Item no.Format: NB11200320: CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00OPINIONS ON LLCINTERESTS ANDSECONDARY SALES OFSECURITIESBy Julie M. Allen, Donald W. Glazer,Stanley Keller, James G. Leyden Jr.,Steven WeiseThe TriBar Opinions Committee hasissued two important new reports: onedealing with Opinions on LLC Interests,and the other with Opinions on SecondarySales of Securities. Both reports providenew insights to these <strong>com</strong>mon opinionsthat practitioners need to know.A faculty, <strong>com</strong>prised of experts who tookthe lead in preparing these reports, sharetheir knowledge and explain the keylessons to be learned from the reports.Item no. : MC11200545Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00POWER EDITING FORLAWYERS: CLEARER,QUICKERCOMMUNICATION WITHCLIENTS, JUDGES, ANDEACH OTHERBy Gary KinderIn this 90-minute program, lawyers willlearn a system for removing uselesswords, enlivening sentences, andpropelling readers forward. Created by alawyer and <strong>New</strong> York Times bestsellingauthor, this word-raking system helpslawyers write letters, emails, briefs, andmemoranda that are clear, concise, andmemorable.Item no. : BS11200554Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING THECORPORATE DIRECTORBy Kevin F. Brady, Carol Hansell, AnnLongmore, Francis G.X. Pileggi, JamesWingThis program will explore indemnificationand insurance protections for officers anddirectors of public and private <strong>com</strong>panies.Our panel will examine areas of potentialcatastrophic risk to executives and themost effective ways for officers anddirectors to address those risks utilizingnew forms of D&O insurance.The panel will introduce a checklist forcorporate counsel to use in managing thecreation or renewal of <strong>com</strong>prehensive andup-to-date executive protection programs.Item no. : MJ11200566Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PURSUING ANDDEFENDING ALLEGEDFRAUDULENT TRANSFERS:A PRACTICAL GUIDEThis audio CD-ROM features a discussionof the practical aspects of litigatingfraudulent transfer/conveyance actionsand brings the perspective of both anexperienced litigator and a financial expertin valuation and solvency. Our expertpanel draws examples from theirrespective practices as they discuss bothlegal and financial challenges in identifying,proving, and ultimately unwindingfraudulent transfers as well as providingguidance in defense of alleged fraudulenttransfers. The discussion also focuses onthe interplay between counsel and anexpert witness in the analysis and litigationof fraudulent transfers.Item no. : NA11200569Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00RUSSIA, CHINA AND INDIA:DESIGNING COMPLIANCEPROGRAMS FORDEVELOPING ANTITRUSTENFORCEMENT REGIMESBy Maria Ankoudinova, Susan Ning,Pallavi Shroff, D. Daniel Sokol, Mark D.WhitenerGiven the size of the economies and therelative youth of their antitrust agencies,<strong>com</strong>pliance with <strong>com</strong>petition law in Russia,China and India presents significantpotential issues for any in-house lawyer.The purpose of this program is to providecorporate counsel with an overview of howto manage <strong>com</strong>pliance with these legalsystems. The panel addresses not just theapplication of the laws, but also discussesthe political and economic factors that mayinfluence enforcement priorities in thesecountries.Item no. : LN11200585Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk44

SECURED TRANSACTIONS:ARTICLE 9 OF THEUNIFORM COMMERCIALCODE AND IMPACT OFARTICLE 1By Robert LeVineSecured transactions under Article 9 of theUCC are one of the most heavily litigatedareas of <strong>com</strong>mercial law. With a recordnumber of loan defaults and bankruptcies,the law of secured transactions takes onnew significance.Mistakes in perfection are costly inenforcing a secured interest under Article9. In bankruptcy, as trustees andunsecured creditors closely scrutinize thesecured status of creditors, such mistakescan be fatal. As loan defaults skyrocket,lenders must exercise extreme duediligence to ensure that their securityinterests are fully protected and free ofeven minor defects.Our presenter will walk you through Article9, the impact of Article 1 on securedtransactions, and best practices to ensuresecurity interests are enforceable. Context of secured transactionswithin the structure of the UCC Impact of Article 1 on securedtransactions Key definitions under Article 9 Enforceability of security agreement Perfection of security interest Collateral: expanded definitions Law governing perfection and priorityof security interests Other methods of perfection Rules of priority DefaultItem no. : JE11200590Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TO SHARE OR NOT TOSHARE? WHERE TO DRAWTHE LINE INBENCHMARKING ANDOTHER INFORMATIONEXCHANGES AMONGCOMPETITORSBy Diane Bieri, Vianney Boiteau, David L.Meyer, J. Thomas Rosch, Carter B.SimpsonInformation on markets and the activitiesof <strong>com</strong>petitors is the essential lifeblood ofmost corporate decision making. Oftenthough, the only source of this informationis the <strong>com</strong>petitors themselves. Whether itis a benchmarking exercise, a tradeassociation, or outside consultant that hasbeen hired to <strong>com</strong>pile information on salesgrowth or market shares based onproduction figures, these informationexchanges expose the participants toantitrust risk. When might an agreementbe inferred? Might the FTC view anexchange as a "facilitating practice" thatcan be reached by Section 5? Could theeffect of the information exchange onthe participants' market behavior bedeemed a violation even if there is noactual agreement on price or output?This program explores these and otherissues under both U.S. law and thearguably more stringent EU standards,and provide a discussion of "bestpractices" and other practical advice forin-house counsel on how to manage therisks in this area.Item no. : DT11200605Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TRENDS IN THEACQUISITION OF PUBLICCOMPANIES: INSIGHTSFROM THE 2010STRATEGIC BUYER/PUBLICTARGET DEAL POINTSSTUDYBy Luke J. Bergstrom, Edward A. Deibert,Keith A. Flaum, Diane Holt Frankle, JimGriffinSince their inaugural 2006 release by theCommittee on Mergers & Acquisitions, theDeal Points Studies have gained widerecognition as the gold standard formarket metrics of key negotiated legalissues in M&A agreements.The Studies have also gained popularityamong investment bankers, private equityinvestors, CFOs, and other non-lawyerdeal professionals. Featuring insights fromthe recently released 2010 version of theStrategic Buyer/Public Target Deal PointsStudy, this program is a must for all deallawyers interested in market trends anddevelopments in negotiating definitiveacquisition agreements involving publiclytraded target <strong>com</strong>panies.Issues include: Closing conditions, including the"MAC out"Deal protections, including no-shopsFiduciary outs and break-up feetriggers Remedies, including specificperformance, reverse terminationfees, and related provisionsProvisions unique to two-step tenderoffer dealsItem no. : YW11200614Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00UNDERSTANDING THIRDPARTY LEGAL OPINIONSBy Julie M. Allen, Stanley Keller, Anna S.Mills, Steven A. WeissThis program will address thefundamentals of third party legal opinionpractice in order to give lawyers who arenot opinion experts an understanding ofwhat is involved in preparing andreviewing legal opinions given inconnection with the closing oftransactions.The program will cover: the role of legal opinions; their meaning; the work required to give them; reliance on customary practice; key opinion issues; and pitfalls to avoid.Item no. : TK11200620Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 120 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00WHAT EVERY DEALLAWYER SHOULD KNOWABOUT CONSUMERREGULATIONBy Catherine Brennan, Thomas Buiteweg,Michael Ferry, Katherine Porter, StuartRossmanLearn about the implications consumerlaws have for deals involving portfoliosales of car financing contracts,mortgages, or credit card receivables.This program appeals to <strong>com</strong>panies thatoriginate finance or service such assets.Item no. : HV11200626Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COUNSELING ANDPSYCHOTHERAPYSYSTEMIC FAMILYTHERAPY SERIESBy Jon L. WinekThis set of DVDs highlights andac<strong>com</strong>panies the different theoreticalapproaches featured in Jon Winek'sSystemic Family Therapy . The setcontains seven DVDs, each of whichcontains a full demonstration of a familytherapy interview. The DVDs open with anintroduction to the approach and to thetherapist, followed by a role play sessionand <strong>com</strong>mentary from the therapist. Thetherapist discusses what issues werepresented in the session and theirconceptualization of the presenting________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk45

problem. The therapeutic models coveredinclude the following:Behavioral Family TherapyBrief Family TherapyEmotionally Focused Family TherapyExperiential Family TherapyStrategic/Medical Family TherapyConstructivist Family TherapyStructural/Strategic Family TherapyItem no. : TJ30640001Format : 7 DVDsStdBkNo : 9781412992947Price : USD 365.00COURTSESTATE AND TAXPLANNING FOR SAME-SEXSEXCOUPLESBy Patricia A. Cain, Courtney G. Joslin,Timothy T. Thomas, Michele ZavosBecause of the existing patchwork ofprotection in this country, same-sexcouples face many legal uncertainties.While some states recognize relationshipsbetween same-sex couples, other statesand the federal government may not. Thisseminar focused on the ways thatattorneys can assist their same-sexcouples through estate planning,ownership of property, and tax planning,as well as how clients can protect theirrelationships with their children.The expert panelists specifically focusedon: drafting clauses that are specific tothe LGBT <strong>com</strong>munity versus using astandard form; ethical issues in representing bothpartners; protecting the rights of couples withchildren; basic estate planning for non-taxableestates; basic overview of federal gift andestate tax as of 2011; estate planning for same-sex coupleswith wealth exceeding exemptionamounts (state or federal); partner relationships; and last will and testament.Item no. : LA11200441Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CRIMINAL LAW26TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE TE ON WHITECOLLAR CRIMEThe <strong>2012</strong> keynote panels will focus on themost significant white collar criminal trialsof the past year, and on the ethicalobligations of white collar lawyers. TheInstitute will have excellent representationfrom the corporate sector, includingmembers of the legal and <strong>com</strong>pliancegroups of British Airways, CME Group,Exxon Mobil, General Dynamics, Microsoft,Morgan Stanley, Oracle Corporation,Qual<strong>com</strong>m, Raytheon, WeatherfordInternational and WellCare Health Plans.The Institute also will include seniormembers of the Department of Justice,prosecutors and distinguished members ofthe federal judiciary.Item no. : HK11200246Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1095.0029TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ON CRIMINALTAX FRAUD AND THE 2NDNATIONAL INSTITUTE ONOTAX CONTROVERSYThe 29th Annual National Institute onCriminal Tax Fraud is the annual gatheringof the criminal tax defense bar <strong>com</strong>binedwith the Second Annual National Instituteon Tax Controversy.This audio recording of the program willput you in the room with high-levelgovernment representatives, judges,corporate counsel, and privatepractitioners engaged in all aspects of taxcontroversy, tax litigation, and criminal taxdefense.Curriculum topics include: Roundtable discussions with seniorofficials from the IRS and theTreasury and Justice Departments Strategies for experiencedpractitioners when representingclients in examination, at appeals,and during criminal investigations Breakout sessions focused on civil taxcontroversy and criminal tax defensestrategies Advice from judges on what they wantto hear from youItem no. : TM11200247Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 875.00AFFORDABLE CARE ACTAND HEALTH CARE FRAUD,THE: THE BEAT GOES ONOBy Arianne Callender, Joseph C. Hudzik,Gabriel L. Imperato, Daniel l. Small, SaraWinslowThe publicity involving the SupremeCourt's decision to uphold theconstitutionality of the Affordable Care Act("ACA") was primarily focused on the"individual mandate" and the expansion ofthe Medicaid Program. The balance of theprovisions of the ACA were also sustainedby the Supreme Court's decision andmany of them have already had asignificant impact in criminal, civil andadministrative enforcement of the healthcare fraud and abuse laws and obligationsfor healthcare organizations to ensure<strong>com</strong>pliance with fraud and abuse andregulatory requirements under Federalhealth programs.This program focused on the ACAprovisions having the most significantimpact in the fraud and abuseenforcement and <strong>com</strong>pliance areas. Thetopics that were addressed during thewebinar include the increased funding andexpansion of Federal and stateenforcement efforts and the significantamendments to the False Claims Act. Thepanelists also discussed the ramificationsof the "lowered intent" standard applicablefor criminal liability under the FederalAnti-Kickback Statute and theestablishment of the Centers for Medicareand Medicaid Services Self-ReferralDisclosure Protocol ("SRDP") facilitatingself-reporting of violations of the FederalStark Law. The panelists also addressedthe mandatory <strong>com</strong>pliance programs forhealthcare organizations and, finally, adiscussion of the amendments to theFalse Claims Act and Civil Money PenaltyLaw establishing the basis for liability forfailure to return a known overpaymentwithin 60 days of identification of theoverpayment.Listen as our panelist discuss the issuessurrounding these important provisions ofthe ACA that are rapidly evolving and arebeing reflected in numerous enforcementmatters and in the regulatory priorities ofthe Centers for Medicare and MedicaidServices, the Office of Inspector Generalof Health and Human Services, and theDepartment of Justice.Item no. : MA11200250Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00COST OF WRONGFULCONVICTIONS, THEBy John Conroy, Nadia Lynn Costa,Donna Frazier, Emily Miller, Yoav Potash,more…In this time of limited state and localgovernment resources, manymunicipalities are examining cost recoveryand expense reduction measures. Oneanalysis cites 85 wrongful convictioncases which included 81 cases ofgovernment misconduct or error and 926years in prison at a cost of $214 million totaxpayers. This CLE will assess thecauses, quantify the actual financial andhuman costs, and discuss what reformscan be considered to limit or prevent futureinjustices.Item no. : BU11200268Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk46

CRIMINAL LAW IN ANUN-CIVIL CASE: HANDLINGACCUSATIONS OFCRIMINAL CONDUCT INFAMILY LAW CASESBy William Biviano, Dennis G. Kainen,Peter R. Stambleck, Jayne WeintraubAs if the practice of family law were nothard enough, what do you do when yourclient or the other party engages incriminal (or potentially criminal) conduct?From domestic violence to the filing offalse financial affidavits to invoking theFifth Amendment, learn from a prominentpanel of practitioners what to do when youare confronted with accusations of criminalconduct.Item no. : EA11200270Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICS OF SOCIALNETWORKINGBy Michael Downey, Preston L. Pugh,Julie A. TappendorfIn todays world, the successful practiceof law involves technology and usingsocial media. But there are also ethicalconsiderations to take into account.Personal and professional information isconveniently available with just a fewkeystrokes. An errant text or post made onpersonal time or in jest can snowball intounwanted inquiry, disciplinary action, ormore.Todays practitioner has to have a firmgrasp on the ethical considerations thatac<strong>com</strong>pany social networking. This panelwill discuss the impact of social networkingand the resulting ethical issues it presentsfor municipalities, elected officials, andgovernment lawyers.Item no. : WB11200282Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FCPA: BEST PRACTICES TOKEEP REGULATORS AWAYBy Katherine Choo, Cheryl L.Haas-Goldstein, Douglas M. Lankler, MarkF. MendelsohnThis program provides practical tips toin-house counsel on how they can designand implement <strong>com</strong>pliance programs andreviews to best <strong>com</strong>ply with provisions ofthe Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.Item no. : TH11200458Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00IS THE DOJ AND SEC WARON INSIDER TRADINGREWRITING THE RULES?By Tammy Eisenberg, Christopher L.Garcia, Thomas O. Gorman, DanielHawke, Stuart Kaswell, more…The Department of Justice and the SEChave declared war on insider trading. TheU.S. Attorneys office in Manhattan isleading the charge in criminal enforcementwith high profile prosecutions such as theGalleon insider trading cases and theexpert network cases. These have beencharacterized by the use of so-called 'bluecollar tactics,' grabbing headlines throughthe employment of FBI raids, wire taps,and wired informants.The tactics have yielded a string of guiltypleas and high profile jury trial convictionswith more to <strong>com</strong>e. In their wake, everytrader and stock analyst is jittery aboutwhat is and is not insider trading. The SEChas coordinated with these efforts, butstaked out its own territory in a series ofcases which have not grabbed the samekind of headlines, but which may have amore lasting effect on the law of insidertrading. These cases push the edge ofwhat is insider trading - and some<strong>com</strong>mentators think they cross the edge.Together the Manhattan U.S. Attorney andthe SEC seem to be rewriting not just themanner in which insider trading cases arebeing investigated and prosecuted, but thevery definition of insider trading. Theimplications for everyone are significant.For traders, analysts, and other marketprofessionals, the question is how to fulfilltheir duties to clients to adequatelyresearch trades while not crossing whatseems to be a shifting line.For <strong>com</strong>panies enforcing <strong>com</strong>plianceprograms, there are serious questionsabout what inside information is and howto effectively enforce their <strong>com</strong>plianceprograms. This program will explorecurrent trends in DOJ and SECenforcement and offer practicalapproaches to everyone caught in thisnew war.Item no. : RU11200358Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ETHICS ISSUES INACCESS TO ANDPOSSESSION OF EVIDENCEBy Stephen Gillers, Peter B. Krupp,Loretta M. Lillios, Robert L. UllmanLawyers <strong>com</strong>e into possession ofevidence through a variety of means:contact with clients and third persons,discovery, accidental disclosure,anonymously supplied information, andthe like. This panel will explore the ethicalissues that arise as lawyers navigate thetreacherous terrain when they <strong>com</strong>e topossess physical evidence, with aparticular focus on criminal cases.Relevant rules and laws to be addressedare: Model Rule of Professional Conduct3.4(a), Standard 4-4.6 of the ABA CriminalJustice Standards, Restatement of LawGoverning Lawyers § 119, and 18 USC §§1503, 1512, and 1515.Item no. : TN11200307Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LITIGATING THE QUI TAMTCASE - THREEDIMENSIONAL CHESSBy Joel M. Androphy, David L. Douglass,John H. McEniry, IVThe precise unique procedural processand evidentiary requirements of the FalseClaims Act means that a qui tam case canbe won or lost in discovery.This panel discussed the discovery andevidentiary hurdles that qui tam litigationcan present to the relator's counsel,defense counsel and the government. Theissues that were addressed are obtainingevidence prior to and after unsealing,obtaining discovery to support theheightened pleading requirementsapplicable to the FCA, and post unsealingdiscovery management.Item no. : MC11200516Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NEW ERA OF FCPAENFORCEMENT AND THECOLLAPSE OF THE AFRICASTING CASES, THE: TIMETO REEVALUATE?ATE?By Greg D. Andres, Eric B. Bruce, John D.Buretta, Charles E. Cain, France Chain,more…The Africa Sting cases were heralded asthe largest FCPA sting operation in history,yielding 19 indictments against 22individuals. At the time it was the latestand certainly one of the most high profileprosecutions in what enforcement officialshave called the <strong>New</strong> Era of FCPAEnforcement. Ultimately, however , theDOJ was forced to dismiss the remainingAfrica Sting cases in the wake of two trialswhich ended with acquittals and hungjuries.The collapse of the Africa Stingprosecutions clashes with the expansiveand aggressive trends of the <strong>New</strong> Era of________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk47

FCPA enforcement raising many criticalquestions such as: Should the DOJ and the SECreevaluate their approach andprosecution standards?Can enforcement officials continuewith their ever increasing expansionof the FCPAs statutory language andreach?Have corporate fines and settlementsgotten so out of control that they areactually a disincentive toself-reporting and cooperation? Has the focus on prosecutingindividuals resulted in a decrease ofcorporate moral as corporations offerup sacrificial lambs on agovernmental alter in hopes ofmitigating their own punishment?While enforcement officials claim that thenew era will continue, many who havelong called for FCPA reform suggest thatnow is the time to reevaluate the necessityfor amending the statutes as well asprosecution standards.This program will evaluate the impact ofAfrica Sting cases in view of key <strong>New</strong> Eratrends, calls for FCPA reform, and areevaluation of the prosecution standardsutilized by the DOJ and the SEC inenforcing statutes.Item no. : AC11200319Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW VOTERREGISTRATION LAWS:FIGHTING VOTER FRAUDOR SUPPRESSING THEVOTE?By Barbara Arnwine, Clarissa Martinez DeCastro, Benjamin E. Griffith, GeraldReynolds, Alan WilsonMore than a dozen states passed newlaws restricting voter registration in 2011.The trend continued in <strong>2012</strong>, with somelaws imposing criminal penalties and fines.Legal experts and state and federalofficials disagree about the challengesvoters and candidates may face at thepolls in light of the changing laws.This audio CD-ROM, which includeslongtime voting rights advocates andexperts, will shed light on current andformer experiences involving voter fraudand registration. The panel will examinethe spate of new election-related lawsfrom across the country, as well asseemingly increased enforcement of stateand federal voting laws. The full range ofnew laws will be covered, including voteridentification and proof of citizenship,residency restrictions, limits on early andweekend voting, and proposed changes tothe electoral college. With representationfrom a diverse group of panelists exploringthe concerns of both state and federalgovernment officials and citizens, theprogram addresses the question ofwhether these new voting laws are reallynecessary to protect the electoral process.Item no. : SP11200321Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WHO WATCHES THEWATCHERS: LEGAL ETHICSCHALLENGES IN INTERNALINVESTIGATIONSInternal investigations have be<strong>com</strong>eincreasingly <strong>com</strong>mon for businessorganizations, whether as part of a<strong>com</strong>pliance program or in response to civilor criminal litigation. Internal investigations,however, can involve ethical landmines forboth internal and external counsel. Thissession will explore these key legal ethicsissues in internal investigations: Clients, non-clients, and people whothink they're clients: Upjohn warnings,multiple representation, and Rule 1.13issues Privilege and confidentiality issuesunder the Model Rules Conflicts between internal andexternal counselItem no. : BB11200352Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DESIGN ANDDEVELOPMENTDESIGNERS AT WORKDesign is a fundamental way in which weexpress ourselves. And the designer isinvolved in every stage of the process,from the initial idea, to production andtesting, and to eventual use. A perfectresource for design and engineeringaudiences across the board, thisinvestigative-styled program examines thekey stages of the design process and thefactors which influence this process.Experts in architecture, industrial design,sustainable design and productdevelopment discuss how they approach aproject and what it's like working withclients and colleagues. Visually-stunningand a fascinating insight into a creative,high-pressured industry, viewers willexperience how a design goes fromimagination to reality.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : WD08691910Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00WHAT INSPIRES DESIGN?Every design, no matter its form orfunction, is inspired by something. And it'sthis often elusive 'something' which isexplored in this thought-provokingprogram for designers and creative artists.Where do designers get their ideas from?How do the environment, culture andhistory shape designers outlooks? Cancollaboration create an inspired design?How do inspiration and innovation relate toeach other? Modern design, powered bynew technology and production methods,is undoubtedly pushing the limits of humaningenuity. Viewers will enjoy this journeyinto the minds of designers and wonder ifthey too can breathe life into an idea oftheir own.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : TK08691911Format : DVDDuration : 16 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00DISABILITIESPLANET OF SNAILDirected by Seungjun YiPlanet of Snail is a mesmerizingdocumentary about an ac<strong>com</strong>plishedyoung poet who can no longer hear or seeand his relationship to the world aroundhim.Young-Chan is deaf and blind. He learnedto speak when he was very young, butsoon after lost his sight and hearing. Helives with his wife, Soon-Ho, who is hissoul mate, an inseparable part of his life,and a window to the outside world. They<strong>com</strong>municate with one another throughfinger braille, a unique form oftouch-based sign language in which wordsare tapped on each other's hands.Young-Chan and Soon-Ho rely on eachother <strong>com</strong>pletely. Even simple domestictasks require <strong>com</strong>plex collaboration, likethe changing of a light bulb on the ceiling.And everyday moments that most of ushardly notice be<strong>com</strong>e tender sharedexperiences, like feeling the bark of a tree,smelling pine cones on a spring morning,or the sensation of raindrops on the skin.However, Young-Chan must be able tosurvive on his own. One day, as Soon-Howaits anxiously at home, Young-Chanembarks on the biggest adventure of hislife.Breathtaking imagery coupled withYoung-Chan's personal writings create atransfixing portrait of life on what seemslike another planet, where touch<strong>com</strong>municates everything and loveconquers all.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk48

Reviews "Palpably inspirational…Thisbeautifullyphotographeddocumentary is a poetic meditation onrefined sensory perception". StephenHolden, The <strong>New</strong> York Times"Simple, direct and magical. It will winyou over as well if you give it thechance. It is both a pleasure and agreat privilege to be observers in theirworld… An elegant, minimal look atlife as it is lived." - Kenneth Turan, LosAngeles Times"Powerful. A significant testament tothe potential of the human spirit andthe power of love." - IndiewireAwards Winner, Best Documentary Prize,International Film Festival Amsterdam Winner,Sterling Award for Best WorldFeature , SilverDocs Film FestivalItem no. : DC05970927Format : DVDDuration : 87 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 370.00DISABILITY LAWADA ACCOMMODATIONS:GUIDANCE FROM THEEEOCBy J. Randall Coffey, Chai R. Feldblum,Victoria A. LipnicCommissioners from the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) will share the latest breakingnews from the EEOC regarding theAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA). TheCommissioners will primarily focus onleave and reassignment issues as areasonable ac<strong>com</strong>modation under theADA.This is a unique opportunity to learn from,and ask questions to, the Commissionerson this rapidly changing area.In this program, the faculty will address thefollowing topics: Practical guidance on the ADA ingeneral Practical guidance on reasonableac<strong>com</strong>modation issues includingleave and reassignment issues The EEOC's most recent regulationsand guidance on the ADA Significant court decisions applyingthe ADA Amendments Act Your ADA related questionsItem no. : MB11200364Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ASK THE EXPERTS: ANEXPLANATION OF THEADAAA REGULATIONS ONEYEAR LATERBy Peter Blanck Ph.D., J.D., KathleenMulliganIn 2011 the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission (EEOC) issuedits final regulations implementing theAmericans with Disabilities ActAmendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), whichwas enacted on September 25, 2008 andbecame effective January 1, 2009. TheAct made a number of significant changesto the Americans with Disabilities Act's(ADA) "disability" definition, reinstating abroad scope of protection under the ADA.Our expert faculty, includingCommissioners from the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) will discuss the latest legalupdates on the ADAAA. TheCommissioners will primarily focus onreasonable ac<strong>com</strong>modations, leave(FMLA, Short-term, and Long-termDisability), and reassignment. This is aunique opportunity to learn from, and askquestions of, our expert panelists and theCommissioners on this rapidly changingarea.In this program, the faculty will examine the EEOC's most recentregulations and guidance on theADAAA; discuss significant court decisionsapplying the ADA Amendments Act;and answer your ADAAA relatedquestions.Item no. : AZ11200258Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EEOC'S REGULATIONSIMPLEMENTING THEADAAA, THE: EXPANDINGCOVERAGE UNDER THEDISABILITY DEFINITIONMarch 25, 2011, the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission (EEOC) issuedits final regulations implementing theAmericans with Disabilities ActAmendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), whichwas enacted on September 25, 2008 andbecame effective January 1, 2009. TheAct made a number of significant changesto the Americans with Disabilities Act's(ADA) "disability" definition, "reinstating abroad scope of protection under the ADA."In keeping with this purpose, the EEOCstates that "the definition of 'disability' shallbe construed broadly in favor of expansivecoverage to the maximum extentpermitted by the terms of the ADA."The panel discussed what this means forlawyers and their clients.Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 88 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ETHICAL ISSUES WHENREPRESENTING CLIENTSWITH DISABILITIES INCIVIL CASESCounsel representing clients withpsychiatric disabilities face uniquechallenges in meeting their primary dutyunder the Model Rules of ProfessionalConduct to allow their clients to decide thebest course of action to take. This programfocuses on this duty in the context of civilcases and discusses ethical rules relatingto client <strong>com</strong>petency, confidentiality ofinformation concerning the client'sdisability, and the circumstances when anattorney may withdraw fromrepresentation. In addition, the webinarwill provide strategies for working withclients with mental health conditionsItem no. : HN11200450Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FACING MENTAL ILLNESSAND DEMENTIA IN LAWPRACTICEBy Eric Y. Drogin, Howard J. FulfrostWith the baby boom, we have observed agreater number of individuals joining theprofession. These boomers are choosinglonger careers than their predecessors;yet the estimates of individuals with mentalillness in general, Alzheimer's Diseaseand other dementias both before and afterretirement age are on the rise. TheAmerican Bar Association hasacknowledged that the practice is notprepared for protecting the dignity ofsenior lawyers in this situation, or toaddress the ethical, social, and politicalissues facing attorneys with the symptomsattributed to such illnesses. Similar issuesface attorneys with mental illness,especially severe mental illness. However,mental illness can affect attorneys of anyage. Law firms and other practices are nobetter prepared to manage the symptomsand the stigma associated with suchdiagnoses.This presentation addressed the medicaland psychological issues faced byattorneys with dementia or mental illness.In addition, professional issues that arisefor attorneys with mental illness wereaddressed. Finally, an attorney withmental illness spoke about hisexperiences on the front lines.Item no. : EV11200456Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Item no. : TN11200431Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk49

HOW RECENTDEVELOPMENTS RELATEDTO THE AMERICANS WITHDISABILITIES ACT AFFECTHOTELS, RESORTS ANDCOMMON INTERESTCOMMUNITIESThere have been significant developmentsunder the U.S. Americans with DisabilitiesAct (ADA) during the past two years.Amendments to the ADA enacted in 2008became effective during this period. TheJustice Department also issued newregulations under ADA that becameeffective during this period. Meanwhile,the Justice Department has increased itsenforcement of the ADA, notably includinga significant consent decree in anenforcement action against HiltonWorldwide, Inc. Most recently, theAmerican Hotel & Lodging Association hasresisted the Justice Department's efforts toimplement new standards that wouldrequire installation of lifts alongsidevirtually all public ac<strong>com</strong>modation'sswimming pools in the country. Thisincludes hotels, timeshares and condohotels.This program will offer you an opportunityto update your knowledge of the ADA as itrelates to hotels and resorts, learn aboutthese recent developments andunderstand how others in this industry aredealing with new requirements anddeadlines.Topics to be discussed will include: A refresher on ADA; 2008 amendments to the ADA; Increased Justice Departmentenforcement of the ADA; <strong>New</strong> Justice Department Regulationsunder the ADA (Swimming Pool Lifts,Golf Courses and Other RecreationalFacilities); Service Animals and Mobility Devices;and Are timeshare resorts "publicac<strong>com</strong>modations?"Item no. : HV11200491Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HOW TO REPRESENTSOCIAL SECURITYCLAIMANTS WITH MENTALAND PHYSICALDISABILITIESBy Parnell Diggs, Jodi B. Levine, William J.PhelanDeveloping and mastering a SocialSecurity practice for clients with mentaland physical disabilities can be tough. It iscritical that you provide your clients withthe best service possible while beingcognizant of their disabilities. Yetpracticing in this area of the law can beboth lucrative and rewarding.This program focuses on how lawyers canbetter serve clients with disabilities whoare claimants for Social Security benefits.Panelists cover this topic from both theview points of an experienced practitionerand an administrative law judge (ALJ).Specifically the panelists focus on:a brief introduction to the benefitsprocess of the Social SecurityAdministration (SSA), includingDisability Insurance Benefits (DIB)and Supplemental Security In<strong>com</strong>e(SSI);how to collect and <strong>com</strong>prehend yourclient's medical documents; how to understand the 5-stepsequential process and the SSAListing of Impairments;how to interact with your client andprepare him or her for an appearancebefore an ALJ;how to present your case before anALJ; andhow to use Social Security rulings toyour benefit when forming a case.Item no. : NS11200493Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 87 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INTERPLAY BETWEENUSERRA AND THE ADA,THE: WHEN DISABLEDVETS RETURN TO THEWORKPLACEBy Kenneth R. Harrison, Sr., Kathryn S.Piscitelli, George R. WoodThe proper re-employment of veteransinjured during military service is an issuethat implicates several statutes, includingthe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)and the Uniformed Services Employmentand Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).Employers and employees need tounderstand the boundaries of coverage aninjured veteran has under these significantlaws with respect to release from serviceand rejoining the workforce.Our esteemed panelists, including authorsof two significant publications regardingUSERRA, will provide guidance based onthe statutes, as well as applicableregulations and case law.Don't miss this important and timelyopportunity to update your knowledge ofUSERRA.Item no. : NT11200302Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INTRODUCTION TOSPECIAL EDUCATION LAW,ANBy Hon. Ann Breen-Greco, Howard J.Fulfrost, Craig Goodmark, Dr. MelodyMusgroveThis audio CD-ROM provides an overviewof special education law. Since the civilrights movement, there have been lawsprotecting the rights of students withdisabilities. Today, the Individuals withDisabilities Education Improvement Act of2004 (IDEA) requires that school districtsprovide all individuals with disabilities, age3 to 22, with a "free appropriate publiceducation" (FAPE).The program speakers include fournationally recognized experts in the field ofspecial education law and practice. Eachaddress fundamental IDEA topics, such aseligibility, the meaning of FAPE, and dueprocess.Item no. : MG11200303Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ISSUES INPERFORMANCE ARTSSPACESBy Alexandra Darraby, Cheryl L. Davis,Mitchell KurtzThis panel explores the various issues thatarise in connection with the design ofperforming arts spaces. Because of theirpublic nature, working on such spaces caninvolve unique contractual and tort liabilityissues.Some of the topics to be discussed: Intellectual property issues1. Ownership of designs2. Licensing of designs Liability issues1. Warranties and indemnities2. Design standards3. Maintenance of the space4. "What do we do if" analysis________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkThe design standards that may applyThe extent of ADA-<strong>com</strong>pliant accessItem no. : ZH11200513Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE TODISABILITY AWARENESS,ABy Paula D. Pearlman, Candice S. Petty,Angela J. Scott50

Persons with visible, sensory, and hiddendisabilities face unique problems inaccessing our legal system. Legalpractitioners have obligations toac<strong>com</strong>modate clients, employees, andothers with all types of disabilities, andmust now understand the environmental,architectural, logistical, societal, andcultural barriers that define and impact therights of disabled individuals in order toproperly represent their clients.The program will cover the followingtopics: Developing cross-disability sensitivityand awareness, including people'sfirst language Identifying best practices in customerservice through the use of disabilityetiquette and effective <strong>com</strong>municationskills Identifying some <strong>com</strong>moncharacteristics of difficult people whomay have a mental health conditionand practical tips on how to havepositive interactions Identifying and responding torequests for ac<strong>com</strong>modationsItem no. : JY11200558Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00WHAT EVERY LAWYERNEEDS TO KNOW ABOUTMEDICARE IN 2011By Leslie Fried, Diane Paulson, RobertRothDon't be left in the dust! The first BabyBoomers be<strong>com</strong>e eligible for Medicare thisyear. This program provides an overviewof the Medicare program and benefits.In addition, it includes information onsome significant improvements to theMedicare program included in the healthcare reform law that begin in 2011.This program informs attendees aboutthese important changes to the Medicareprogram and how they will affect clientswho are Medicare beneficiaries in the nextseveral years.Item no. : NB11200627Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DISPUTERESOLUTION2011-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> ARBITRATIONCOMPETITION NATIONALFINALSThe 2011-12 Law Student DivisionArbitration Competition National FinalsTopic: Construction DelaysThe <strong>com</strong>petition promotes greaterknowledge and interest among lawstudents about arbitration by simulating arealistic arbitration hearing. Participatingstudents learn how to think, act, and be anadvocate representing a client in anarbitration. They prepare and present anarbitration case and are involved inopening statements, witness examinations,exhibit introductions, evidentiarypresentations, and summations. They alsoexperience what it is to be a professional,<strong>com</strong>petent, and ethical advocate.The seventh National ArbitrationCompetition took place January 20-21,<strong>2012</strong> at the ABA Headquarters in Chicago,IL. Fifty-eight teams from 36ABA-approved law schools <strong>com</strong>peted inthe five regional <strong>com</strong>petitions. The top twoteams out of the 10 that advanced to theNational Finals square off in thisinformative video, which shows teamsfrom Texas Tech University School of Lawand University of Missouri School of Law<strong>com</strong>peting for the Arbitration CompetitionNational Championship.This video captures the NationalChampionship final round, from openingstatements, witness examinations, exhibitintroductions, to evidentiary presentations.It also includes the portable document fileof the 2011-12 Case File allowing viewersto gain a greater insight into thepresentation. Use the video and case fileto help you prepare for the ArbitrationCompetition or as a demonstration ofeffective arbitration advocacy on behalf ofa client.Item no. : AA11200356Format : DVD-ROMDuration : Approx. 3 hoursCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 170.00ASK THE EXPERT -ANSWERS TO QUESTIONSEVERYTRADEMARK/COPYRIGHTATTORNEY NEEDS TOKNOW BUT IS AFRAID TOTASKBy Amy J. Benjamin, Mitchell A. BraggBeing a young attorney can be tough:billable hours demands, partnersbreathing down your neck for projects dueyesterday, adjusting to life as an attorneyafter three years of being a student, not tomention dealing with legal issues that lawschool never taught you. We have all beenthe victim of a senior attorney asking youabout an issue that you have never heardof, a judge questioning your legal tactics,or a client raising an argument that youhad to research later on. Imagine achance to have some of the tips and tricksof trademark and copyright law revealed toyou before the pressure situations put youon the spot. With this program you get allthe answers to everything you've alwayswanted to know about trademark andcopyright law, but were too afraid to ask.This webinar was <strong>com</strong>prised of questionsand experiences submitted by younglawyers. The webinar addressed varioustopics that lawyers wish they knew theanswer to early on in their careers andwere afraid to ask. In addition, theprogram covered experiences that lawyersdid not know how to respond to.Item no. : TE11200380Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00EEOC COMMISSIONERSEXPLAIN FINAL ADAAAREGULATIONSBy Chai R. Feldblum, Victoria A. Lipnic,Michael C. SubitGet your update straight from the source:U.S. Equal Employment OpportunityCommissioners Chai Feldblum andVictoria A. Lipnic will explain all the keyfeatures of the EEOC's brand newregulations implementing the Americanswith Disabilities Amendments Act.This program will focus on how to applythe new regulations including:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkprovisions on types of impairmentsthat should easily be concluded to besubstantially limiting;when and how to consider "condition,manner, or duration;" andthe scope of the "transitory and minor"defense to "regarded as" coverage,indicating key examples.Registrants that take this program willreceive strategic guidance from ourpanelists, <strong>com</strong>pliance advice for theirclients, and the ability to pose questions tothe faculty live.Item no. : FM11200430Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INTERACTING WITHCLIENTS IN ANEMPLOYMENT CRISISBy Cassie Springer, Kate Westin,Catherine YanninAs employment lawyers, our clients arefrequently in a legal crisis when they <strong>com</strong>eknocking at our doors. Whether employersare being sued for the first time (or tenth!),or employees feel they have been firedunjustly, harassed, or denied a benefit towhich they believed they were entitled, ourclients <strong>com</strong>e with a lot of questions andemotions running high.Join our expert panel for a discussionabout interacting with clients in an51

employment crisis.Questions to be addressed include:What legal tools do attorneys need tointeract with people who may befacing the biggest crisis of their lives?How can attorneys manage clientstensions from the beginning and whatare the consequences in litigation andmediation if we do not? How can attorneys tailor theirinteractions to convey the legalrealities of the case while stillremaining an advocate in whom theclient trusts?How can mediation remain effectivewhen tensions have not beenresolved beforehand and whether thataffects an attorney's presentation or aclient's case?Item no. : PB11200299Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00OVERVIEW AND CURRENTTRENDS IN MEDIATIONAND ARBITRATION:WHAT'S HOT, WHAT'S NOTNBy P. Jean Baker, John Boyce, AssataPetersonMediation and Arbitration have be<strong>com</strong>e afact of everyday life. Panelists provide abasic nuts and bolts overview ofprocesses and address major judicial andlegislative trends on: preparing for mediation; styles of mediation; preparing mediated settlement; agreements; understanding your arbitration forum; drafting effective arbitration clauses; anatomy of an arbitration; and current trends.Item no. : MH11200547Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SEIZING NEWOPPORTUNITIES:ALTERNATIVE DISPUTERESOLUTION IN YOUR LAWLPRACTICEBy Cassandra Georges, David Levin,Artika Renee Tyner, Jay WelshThis program will explore how to integrateAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) intoyour legal practice. This emerging area ofpractice provides opportunities for lawyersto problem solve effectively, counselclients, and create durable solutions.There will be a general survey of ADRpractices, ADR services and marketingyour ADR practice. The program is meantfor general practitioners with no ADRexperience and those interested in startingto practice in this area.Item no. : TP11200592Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00STRATEGIES, TACTICS,AND COMMON MISTAKESIN ARBITRATIONSBy Kyle R. Hartman, Anne C. Martin,Barbara Moss, Matt SweeneyEver wonder what an arbitrator thinksabout your opening presentation? Aredispositive motions appropriate or grantedin arbitration? Are the same advocacytactics used in court effective before apanel of arbitrators? Our panel gives you a"backstage" glimpse into what arbitratorsand seasoned attorneys think are winningstrategies, best practices, and <strong>com</strong>monpitfalls in arbitration.This panel of two arbitrators, a plaintiffs'attorney, and a defense attorney will shareinvaluable insights into how lawyers canbest prepare for the pre-hearingconference, what <strong>com</strong>mon courtroompractices are frowned upon in arbitration,and provide participants with anopportunity to ask questions about how totake advantage of the proceduraldifferences in arbitration versus thecourtroom.This program is a must for any attorneyabout to enter his or her first or twentietharbitration.Item no. : WN11200341Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TEN THINGS LAWYERSLOVE/HATE ABOUTMEDIATORSBy Michael GeibelsonGood mediators help attorneys getresolution in a case before trial. But evengood mediators can drive us crazy. In thisprogram, attorneys and mediators discusstools used by mediators that work or hurtresolution, the appropriateness ofsomewhat manipulative efforts, evaluativeversus facilitative mediation, the processof mediation and "late in the day"resolutions, and why mediators do manyof the things they do. This programprovides attorneys with better mediatingskills and will let mediators hear whatattorneys are really thinking -- a "win-win"-- just like good mediation!This program will focus on attorneys understanding mediatortools and approaches to better utilizemediation for case resolution;________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkattorneys learning how to cope withmediator tactics that are not furtheringmediation and may be inhibitingresolution; attorneys hearing from otherattorneys on mediation tools andapproaches that may work for them;educating mediators on tools andapproaches that are not effective toimprove their ability to help clients;and educating mediators on theapproaches used by other mediatorsthat are effective, so mediators canconsider different styles and tools inmediations.Item no. : DA11200603Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00E-COMMERCE ANDCYBERSPACE LAWBUILDING OR SABOTAGINGTHE ENTERPRISE?SQUARING CYBERSECURITY WITHTECHNOLOGIES THATUNDERMINE ITAlthough it is widely believed that attackson critical infrastructure could significantlydisrupt the functioning of the governmentand business, there is a growing tensionbetween the emerging obligations for<strong>com</strong>pany cyber security (set forth in newand proposed laws, regulations, andstandards) and the increasing use bytechnology <strong>com</strong>panies that underminecyber security. Board of directors need toaddress the growing tension betweenobligations to fulfill cyber security legalrequirements and <strong>com</strong>panies efforts totake advantage of technologies whichincrease cyber vulnerabilities such asmobile <strong>com</strong>puting devices, flash drives,smartphones, social networks, and cloud<strong>com</strong>puting.This audio CD-ROM considers whether<strong>com</strong>panies are overlooking this issue byadopting policies that appear to treat thebenefits of new technologies as immediateand substantial, the <strong>com</strong>promises to cybersecurity as speculative, and the damagefrom a security breach as remote andcontainable. It also addresses the cybersecurity regulations that in-house andoutside counsel may soon be obligated to<strong>com</strong>ply with as a result of decisions a<strong>com</strong>pany has made concerning potentiallyvulnerable technologies. The programraises the issue of whether the emergingcyber security regulations may beencouraging a culture of <strong>com</strong>pliance andpaper exercises rather than security that52

protects critical assets and finds andcorrects cyber vulnerabilities before theycan be exploited. Lastly, it discussesrecent court decisions that suggest a shiftin judicial views of cyber security and agrowing willingness by judges to prevententerprises from shifting the risks ofsecurity deficiencies to their customers.Item no. : AD11200392Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00E-DISCOVERY ANDINFORMATIONGOVERNANCEAn organization that manages itsinformation assets properly knowing whatdata they hold, the sensitivity of that data,how they present it (e.g., social media),and where they are storing it (e.g., thecloud) is able to respond to discoveryproduction requests quickly, economically,and accurately. This thoroughmanagement of information, calledinformation governance (IG), enables anorganization to reduce storage cost,understand what data needs to beprotected, and <strong>com</strong>ply with laws andregulation. The aspects of IG dealing withdispute resolution are called electronicdiscovery and digital evidence (EDDE).The program audio from the 2013E-Discovery and Information GovernanceNational Institute will provide you with arare opportunity to sharpen your skills inEDDE. The curriculum consists of casestudies, a mock 26(f) meet-and-confer, amock hearing on parties arguments forand against a response produced usingtechnology assisted review aka predictivecoding, and panel discussions withluminaries in the field.The faculty, consisting of judges, legalpractitioners, technologists, and forensicsexperts will: Present information on the currentthought on the handling ofelectronically stored information (ESI),including descriptions andinterpretations of judicial decisionsAnalyze recent judicial decisions onthe production of ESI and the keyrules from the Federal Rules of CivilProcedure that impact e-discoveryProvide invaluable insights on howbest to prepare their technical staffand information systems to respondto requests for ESICover ESI issues for a variety ofbusiness sectors including the HIPAAHITECH requirements that mandatean enhanced standard of care for theparties producing and receivingelectronic health records (HER) Describe how new searchtechnologies will lead to cost-efficient,yet defensible, automated productionof relevant ESIExamine the e-discovery implicationsof the increasing use of encryption,social media, and data stored in thecloudAfter listening to this program you will walkaway with an understanding of how thehandling of ESI has evolved and thehopeful prognosis that expectedimprovements will provide cost-efficient,but defensible management of ESI.Item no. : MD11200429Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : 2013Price : USD 500.00EMERGING ISSUES INHEALTH INFORMATIONEXCHANGESBy John R. Christiansen, Deborah C.Hiser, Linda A. Malek, Kem McClellandHealth Information Exchanges areemerging as critical factors in both thepush toward full implementation ofelectronic health records and overallreform of the healthcare system. Providersand their attorneys need to be aware ofthe unique characteristics and challengesof forming and maintaining HIEs and of thetrends for their future.This expert panel will discuss and givepractical guidance regarding the currentHIE models in operation across thecountry, includingrecent legislation and the "opt-in"model;the challenges in federating HIEsacross state lines;<strong>com</strong>plying with the CMS Data UseReciprocal Service Agreement;contracting with HIE vendors;the policies and procedures requiredby HITECH;the requirements for patient consentand authorization to participate in anHIE.Attendees of this program will receiveinformation ranging from the practical tothe latest trends in this dynamic area.Item no. : RH11200435Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICS OF SOCIALNETWORKINGBy Michael Downey, Preston L. Pugh,Julie A. TappendorfIn todays world, the successful practiceof law involves technology and usingsocial media. But there are also ethicalconsiderations to take into account.Personal and professional information isconveniently available with just a fewkeystrokes. An errant text or post made onpersonal time or in jest can snowball intounwanted inquiry, disciplinary action, ormore.Todays practitioner has to have a firmgrasp on the ethical considerations thatac<strong>com</strong>pany social networking. This panelwill discuss the impact of social networkingand the resulting ethical issues it presentsfor municipalities, elected officials, andgovernment lawyers.Item no. : WB11200282Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INSURING FOR DATASECURITY THREATS:EVERYTHING A BUSINESSLAWYER WANTS TO KNOWBUT IS AFRAID TO ASKData security breaches generatesignificant economic costs, includingcustomer notice and risk mitigationservices, indirect costs for businessinterruption, penalties, and fines. The legalframework for assessing securityrequirements and assigning liability forbreaches is still emerging, but insuranceproducts are available to manage thefinancial impact of a breach and the costsof defending related lawsuits.In this audio CD-ROM panelists from legal,technology, and insurance backgroundshelp business lawyers be<strong>com</strong>e familiarwith the risk landscape in their particularenvironment and the related insurancecoverage and claims management issuesthat should be considered. Specialconsiderations for nonprofit organizationsare also discussed.Item no. : PV11200502Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MOBILE PAYMENTS: HOWLAWS IN THE UNITEDSTATES ARE AFFECTINGTHE MOBILE MARKETBy Robert J. Pile, Patricia Poss, Holly K.Towle, Damier XandrineThe mobile payment arena is currently ablur. Some wallets handle only onetechnology, e.g., Near FieldCommunication (NFC) contactlesspayments, while others support numeroustechnologies. Tele<strong>com</strong>s are coordinating amobile payments network. At least onetraditional digital payment provider isintegrating virtual currency for gamers.Person-to-person payments are beingenabled by nonbanks through bank ATMSand so on and on. How is the professionsupposed to keep up with this rapid growthand change?________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk53

This program will explore how asuccessful mobile payments regime mightor must evolve. Will banks be eclipsed bynon-bank participants or will new alliancesform? Which <strong>com</strong>petitors might grab themarket and why are there so manyapproaches? Panelists <strong>com</strong>e from a rangeof perspectives, including providers,consumer protection advocates,regulators, and bankers. Join us as weexplore this maze. Topics discussedincludea general overview of the U.S.approach to privacy law and thevariety of types of laws that canimpact mobile <strong>com</strong>merce;the ever-increasing use of mobiledevices and the dawning awarenessthat existing laws can and do apply;a conglomeration of federal and statelaws that create privacy requirementsfor those engaged in developing,offering or distributing mobile apps;andrecent FTC developments.Item no. : YM11200315Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PREVENTING ANDACLEANING UP AFTERCORPORATECYBER-TERRORISM,HACKING, VIRUSES, ANDOTHER ELECTRONICPESTILENCEBy Paul Lancaster Adams, Keith J. Jones,Elizabeth B. Shirley, Marc J. ZwillingerThis program focuses on how a<strong>com</strong>pany's <strong>com</strong>puter systems may bebreached by outsiders (and insiders), howto prevent it, and how to rectify it, soattending practitioners can advise theirclients and attending in-house counsel caninstitute appropriate protections. Thewebinar reviews the applicable federal anddiffering states' laws regarding what to dowhen personally identifiable information ofthousands or millions of consumers hasbeen inadvertently disclosed, how long a<strong>com</strong>pany has to notify customers of thebreach, and the measures <strong>com</strong>paniesmust take to try to rectify the breach. Whathappens if the breach is internal? Theprogram looks at what a <strong>com</strong>pany can doto protect its systems and its customersfrom internal threats of employees orformer employees gone rogue. Finally, theprogram looks at cyber-terrorism and thethreat it can pose to a <strong>com</strong>pany'soperations, as well as the civil legalimplications for the crimes.Item no. : LU11200562Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 56 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00RISE OF THE INTERNET:PLANNING FOR VIRTUALASSETSIn this increasingly digital era, as internetaccounts are username and passwordprotected, issues emerge as to thetreatment of accounts upon a user'sdisability or death, particularly if the userfailed to take the necessary steps to allowthe fiduciary to access the accounts.During this presentation our panelists willaddresses: Disposition of online accounts, digitalassets, social networking accounts,passwords and security questionsand answers; Designation of rights to access suchaccounts in the event of disability anddeath; Concerns regarding retention ofdigital assets versus deletion upon ausers death and; Collection of digital assets andaccounts information.Item no. : DC11200581Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SECURITY AND ETHICS OFCLOUD COMPUTINGBy John R. McCarron Jr., Jack <strong>New</strong>tonCloud <strong>com</strong>puting is one of the hottesttrends in legal technology. Rather thaninstalling and running software on yourlocal <strong>com</strong>puter, your software and data ishosted by a third party and made availableover the Internet. While this new approachto cloud <strong>com</strong>puting offers many benefits,lawyers in particular need to be aware ofsecurity- and privacy-related "bestpractices" prior to entrusting confidentialclient data to "the cloud."This presentation addresses the followingquestions: What is cloud <strong>com</strong>puting /Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)? What does cloud <strong>com</strong>puting mean forlawyers? What are some of the benefits (andsome of the disadvantages) of "thecloud?" What are the ethical implications ofusing SaaS? Is it OK with my Bar? What questions about security andprivacy should you be asking aprospective SaaS provider? How should you evaluate the costs ofSaaS versus traditional desktopsoftware? How can you protect yourself againstworst-case scenarios?Item no.Format: NA11200591: CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00EDUCATION LAWINTRODUCTION TOSPECIAL EDUCATION LAW,ANBy Hon. Ann Breen-Greco, Howard J.Fulfrost, Craig Goodmark, Dr. MelodyMusgroveThis audio CD-ROM provides an overviewof special education law. Since the civilrights movement, there have been lawsprotecting the rights of students withdisabilities. Today, the Individuals withDisabilities Education Improvement Act of2004 (IDEA) requires that school districtsprovide all individuals with disabilities, age3 to 22, with a "free appropriate publiceducation" (FAPE).The program speakers include fournationally recognized experts in the field ofspecial education law and practice. Eachaddress fundamental IDEA topics, such aseligibility, the meaning of FAPE, and dueprocess.Item no. : MG11200303Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EGYPT AND EARLYCIVILIZATIONOTHER SIDE OF HISTORY,THE: DAILY LIFE IN THETANCIENT WORLDBy Robert GarlandImagine you're a Greek soldier marchinginto battle in the front row of a phalanx. Oran Egyptian woman putting on makeupbefore attending an evening party withyour husband. Or a Celtic monk scurryingaway with the Book of Kells during aViking invasion. Wel<strong>com</strong>e to the other sideof history, the 99% of ordinary peoplewhose names …Item no. : CP09280631Format : 8 DVDsPrice : USD 520.00ELDER LAWADDING ELDER LAW TOYOUR PRACTICE: THEBASICSBy Lawrence A. Frolik, Charles Sabatino,Jeffrey J. Snell________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk54

It's nothing new for lawyers to serve olderclients, but the demographics of an agingsociety and the ever more <strong>com</strong>plicatedarray of issues and programs affectingolder persons has given rise to thephenomenon of law practicesconcentrating on "elder law." Two expertsin the field provide a perspective on thenature, history, and realities of the field.The program is especially useful for thosewho have considered moving in thedirection of elder law but have not fullyjumped into the fray.The program gives listeners anunderstanding of:the nature of the field of elder law;knowledge of the aging network thatprovides resources to meet thenon-legal needs of older persons; andthe adaptations and skills needed toserve an aging clientele and theirfamilies.Item no. : FZ11200366Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00BANKRUPTCY FORNON-BANKRUPTCYLAWYERSBy Christopher R. Kaup, Rinky S. Parwani,Marc S. SternThe program addresses the problems of anon-bankruptcy lawyer when faced with abankruptcy by the opposing party in a lawsuit or a business transaction. It alsoaddresses how to advise the client who iscontemplating bankruptcy and avoidbe<strong>com</strong>ing a "Debt Relief Agency." There isa general survey of bankruptcy law andnon-legal issues of bankruptcy that canaffect your client. The program is meantfor general practitioners with nobankruptcy experience who need tocounsel clients or for attorneys who areinterested in starting to practice in thisarea.Item no. : HG11200385Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ELDER LAW: WHATATTORNEYSREPRESENTING ELDERLYCLIENTS NEED TO KNOWBy Beth S. Janicek, Alfred J. Chiplin,David GodfreyThis program explores hot topics in elderlaw including:reform act; and,representing elders in personal injuryand malpractice cases.Item no. : EM11200434Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FINANCIAL EXPLOITATIONONOF SENIORS: HOW TOPROTECT YOURSELF ANDYOUR CLIENTSBy Karl J. Ege, Donald W. Glazer, MichaelHerndon, Alice Richmond, Paul SchottStevensAs the population continues to age andmore and more "boomers" approachretirement, protecting ourselves, our lovedones, and our clients from financialexploitation targeting the elderly is ofincreasing importance.This 90-minute program discusses thefinancial exploitation and abuse of seniorsfrom both a legal and practical perspective.It provides an overview of the <strong>com</strong>montypes of fraud and abuse perpetrated onseniors, tips to protect seniors, and adviceon how to redress suspected fraud orabuse.Item no. : WF11200465Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING HEIRS'PROPERTY: UNIFORMLAWS AND SOCIALJUSTICEBy David J. Dietrich, Steven J. Eagle,Carolyn Gaines-Varner, Kieran Marion,Thomas W. MitchellExtended families have lost their homeplaces through partition sales by investorsacquiring small fractional interests. A newUniform Act targets abuses whileprotecting traditional property rights. Thefaculty for this program will discuss therelevance of the ACT and how you canuse it to protect your clients propertyinterests.Item no. : JC11200565Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00REPRESENTING SENIORS"The family lawyer" is a familiar figure toclients who have a lawyer they consult formultiple legal issues. Yet lawyers can findthemselves in a practical and ethicalminefield when asked to provide counselabout advanced planning issues forelderly family members. Indeed, even themost basic of questions - who is the client?- can be challenging to answer.This program focuses on the practical andethical challenges that arise when alawyer either represents or is asked torepresent multiple family members. Thespeakers explore both the advantages anddisadvantages of representing families inthe elder law context. They also offerpractical advice on how to handle theethical and pragmatic challenges thatarise when representing multiple familymembers.Item no. : WJ11200579Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNING:NG:DRAFTING AND TAXISSUES FOR SPECIALNEEDS TRUSTSBy Vincent J. Russo, Ira Stewart WiesnerThis session will focus on an invaluabletool to help a person with special needs:the special needs trust. Did you knowthere are both first party and third partytrusts? Drafting of these trusts can allowthe beneficiary to qualify for Medicaid andSupplemental Security In<strong>com</strong>e, butdrafting must be done carefully. Learnwhich provisions are required by law inorder to qualify the trust as a (d)(4)(a)Trust under Medicaid. Every special needstrust you draft will also have in<strong>com</strong>e, gift,and estate tax consequences. Learn howto draft these trusts to allow a beneficiaryto qualify for government benefits whileminimizing taxes.This program will cover: Drafting first party special needs trustto qualify for Medicaid andSupplemental Security In<strong>com</strong>e Drafting third party special needstrusts to supplement the needs andcare of a beneficiary with specialneeds When to set up and fund specialneeds trusts The interrelationship of special needstrusts and taxes Who is responsible for the payment ofin<strong>com</strong>e taxes on in<strong>com</strong>e generated bya special needs trust Funding of special needs trusts andgift tax issues Drafting special needs trusts tominimize estate taxationAND THEIR FAMILIES:Item no. : WY11200334 ethical representation of elder clientsFormat : CD-ROM (Win)and their families;PITFALLS AND POINTERSDuration : 90 minutes understanding Medicare and key By Walter T. Burke, Michael A. Kirtland, Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>changes under the new healthcare Nina Kohn, Kate Mewhinney________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk55

Price : USD 150.00SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNING:NG:TRAPS IN SPECIAL NEEDSTRUSTS ADMINISTRATIONBy Michele Palmer Fuller, Kevin UrbatschPreparing an estate plan that protects theinterests of beneficiaries with specialneeds is just the first step. If that plan isnot properly administered, even the bestdrafted documents will not ensure optimalprotection and services for the intendedbeneficiary.This program will cover: Proper trust investment Planning disbursements to protecteligibility for public benefits Protecting against fraudulent claimsfor reimbursement Accounting Fees Working with a professional trustee Working with a family trustee Proper and improper trustdisbursements Saying "no" to beneficiaries (and theirfamilies) When to say "yes" to beneficiaries(and their families) Wrapping up trust administration Stories from the trenchesItem no. : ZN11200335Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WHAT EVERY LAWYERNEEDS TO KNOW ABOUTMEDICARE IN 2011By Leslie Fried, Diane Paulson, RobertRothDon't be left in the dust! The first BabyBoomers be<strong>com</strong>e eligible for Medicare thisyear. This program provides an overviewof the Medicare program and benefits.In addition, it includes information onsome significant improvements to theMedicare program included in the healthcare reform law that begin in 2011.This program informs attendees aboutthese important changes to the Medicareprogram and how they will affect clientswho are Medicare beneficiaries in the nextseveral years.Item no. : NB11200627Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00EMPLOYEEBENEFITSAGE BEFORE BEAUTYMYTH, THE: EEOCCLARIFIES THEREASONABLE FACTORSOTHER THAN AGE ADEADEFENSEBy Jeremy J. Glenn, Dianna B. Johnston,Bernard R. MazaheriUnder the Age Discrimination inEmployment Act (ADEA), an employermay defend against a claim by showingthat a <strong>com</strong>plained-of action was taken forreasons based on "reasonable factorsother than age." ("RFOA"). On March 30,the EEOC issued a final rule amending itsAge Discrimination in Employment Act(ADEA) regulation, 29 C.F.R. § 1625.7,regarding the RFOA defense and itsapplication to disparate treatment anddisparate claims.This panel, featuring Dianna B. Johnston,the EEOC's Senior Attorney-Advisorregarding the new regulations, will explainthe changes in the regulations and explorethe potential impact on both employersand employees. Counsel for both plaintiffsand defendants will pick up invaluablelessons for litigating ADEA claims andhave the opportunity to have your specificquestions answered about the newregulations.Item no. : CB11200372Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INTERPLAY BETWEENUSERRA AND THE ADA,THE: WHEN DISABLEDVETS RETURN TO THEWORKPLACEBy Kenneth R. Harrison, Sr., Kathryn S.Piscitelli, George R. WoodThe proper re-employment of veteransinjured during military service is an issuethat implicates several statutes, includingthe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)and the Uniformed Services Employmentand Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).Employers and employees need tounderstand the boundaries of coverage aninjured veteran has under these significantlaws with respect to release from serviceand rejoining the workforce.Our esteemed panelists, including authorsof two significant publications regardingUSERRA, will provide guidance based onthe statutes, as well as applicableregulations and case law.USERRA.Item no. : NT11200302Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NLRB RULINGS: THINKTHEY DON'T IMPACTNON-UNION EMPLOYERS?THINK AGAINIn September <strong>2012</strong>, the National LaborRelations Board issued its first decisionson employer social media policies. In bothdecisions the employers were non-union.In Costco Wholesale Corp., the NLRBfound unlawful Costcos social mediapolicy, which prohibited employees fromelectronically posting statements thatdamage the <strong>com</strong>pany, defame anyindividual, or damage any personsreputation. Three weeks later, the NLRBissued its decision in Karl Knauz Motors,Inc., finding that an employees Facebookposting that caused the employeesdischarge was not concerted or protected,and therefore, the discharge was notunlawful.In other recent decisions, the NLRB hasruled on other employer policies impactingemployers in non-union settings. InBanner Health System, the Board foundthat an employer may not maintain ablanket policy forbidding employees fromdiscussing ongoing investigations ofemployee misconduct. Additionally, anNLRB administrative law judge found thatAmerican Red Cross Arizona BloodServices Regions inclusion of an at-willemployment disclaimer acknowledgementin its employee handbook was unlawfulbecause it chilled the exercise ofemployee rights. Finally, in the headlinegrabbing case D.R. Horton, Inc., the NLRBfound unlawful the class-action waiver inthe employers employment arbitrationagreements.The Board is not shying away from rulingon employer policies impacting employersin non-union settings. Lawyers need to beprepared for the changing law.Within this audio CD-ROM our panel,consisting of seasoned practitionersrepresenting management, employees,and labor, discuss the impact of thesedecisions on employers in non-unionsettings and offer guidance on the legaland practical issues raised by thesedecisions.Item no. : PJ11200322Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00Don't miss this important and timelyopportunity to update your knowledge of________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk56

PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE TODISABILITY AWARENESS,ABy Paula D. Pearlman, Candice S. Petty,Angela J. ScottPersons with visible, sensory, and hiddendisabilities face unique problems inaccessing our legal system. Legalpractitioners have obligations toac<strong>com</strong>modate clients, employees, andothers with all types of disabilities, andmust now understand the environmental,architectural, logistical, societal, andcultural barriers that define and impact therights of disabled individuals in order toproperly represent their clients.The program will cover the followingtopics: Developing cross-disability sensitivityand awareness, including people'sfirst language Identifying best practices in customerservice through the use of disabilityetiquette and effective <strong>com</strong>municationskills Identifying some <strong>com</strong>moncharacteristics of difficult people whomay have a mental health conditionand practical tips on how to havepositive interactions Identifying and responding torequests for ac<strong>com</strong>modationsItem no. : JY11200558Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SEXUAL ORIENTATIONAND GENDER IDENTITY INTHE WORKPLACE: BESTPRACTICES AND CURRENTLEGAL CHALLENGESBy Louis Lopez, Edward J. Reeves,Teresa S. RenakerAlthough there is still no federal lawexplicitly prohibiting employmentdiscrimination on the basis of lesbian, gay,bi-sexual or transgendered ("LGBT")status, employees, employers and unionsthroughout the country face real-worldissues regarding sexual orientation andgender identity in the workplace.Our distinguished panel provided insightson: Current litigation strategies underfederal law for bringing and defendingLGBT claims; The latest state law developments onLGBT protections; Model employer polices for LGBTworkplace issues; Sensitizing employees andsupervisors to LGBT bias, and LGBT employee benefits.Item no.Format: DK11200596: CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SQUARE PEG, ROUNDHOLE: THE CHALLENGESAND PITFALLS OF EXEMPTCLASSIFICATIONS UNDERTHE FLSABy James Finberg, Ellen C. Kearns,Elizabeth Lawrence, Gregory K.McGillivaryThere is a never ending saga of statutorywage and hour misclassification issues,especially regarding the classification ofworkers as overtime exempt. Join ourpanel of wage and hour law experts asthey discuss misclassification under theFair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and themany issues that arise therein.Our expert panel will examine whether anemployee can be properly classified asexempt from the minimum wage andovertime provisions of the Fair LaborStandards Act, offer tips on making theproper classification, and discuss <strong>com</strong>monmistakes and traps that unwary employersmake when considering this question. Thepanel will also discuss recentdevelopments that impact this issue.Item no. : CL11200338Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00USING DEFERREDCOMPENSATION TOINCENTIVIZE PHYSICIANSTO TAKE EMTALA CALLSBy Karen C. Owens, Christopher S. SearsThe Emergency Medical Treatment andActive Labor Act (EMTALA) requireshospitals to provide a screening exam andstabilizing medical services to individualspresenting with emergency medicalconditions. Sometimes that means thatspecialist physicians must be available atodd hours, thus requiring the hospital toensure that those physicians are on-call toexamine and stabilize patients. Hospitalsoften struggle with ways to incentivizenon-employed physicians to take this call.This webinar will discuss the hospital'sobligations under EMTALA and thedifficulties with EMTALA <strong>com</strong>pliance,especially with the call requirements. Thespeakers will also discuss emerging toolsto incent physicians to take calls throughemployee benefitsparticularly deferred<strong>com</strong>pensation. Deferred <strong>com</strong>pensationprograms can provide a tax-advantagedmethod of <strong>com</strong>pensating physicians foron-call emergencies. While this can be anattractive tool, this session will alsodiscuss the pitfalls to avoid whenfor physicians.Item no. : LV11200348Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ENERGY ANDNATURALRESOURCES LAWEFFECT OF BANKRUPTCYON CONSTRUCTIONCPROJECTS, THEBy Jason R. Kennedy, John J. Lamoureux,Desiree D. NoisetteIn today's down economy, the practice ofconstruction law frequently intersects withthe bankruptcy process as construction<strong>com</strong>panies file for bankruptcy and chasefunds held by insolvent parties.This program equips the constructionlawyer with the fundamentals ofbankruptcy such as basic bankruptcyfilings, the impact of the automatic stay,when to file a proof of claim or object todischarge or dischargeability of a claimand the impact of bankruptcy on creditors'rights. This creditor and debtor focusedprogram also addresses constructionspecific bankruptcy issues including thetreatment of mechanics liens in bankruptcy,the impact of bankruptcy on sureties andbonds, how to protect your client prior tofiling for bankruptcy and working for thedebtor post-petition.Finally, this program provides theconstruction lawyer with strategies to seekand potentially achieve recovery despitethe bankruptcy obstacle.Item no. : MH11200432Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00GREEN BUILDINGORDINANCESBy Ann C. Essko, Timothy M. Harris, ShariShapiro, Scott I. SteadyThis panel will discuss the issues of GreenBuilding Ordinances, ongoing casesinvolving the preemption of local greenbuilding codes under federal law and otherchallenges and pitfalls with Green BuildingOrdinance initiatives.Item no. : SE11200481Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 69 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 140.00designing deferred <strong>com</strong>pensation plans________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk57

MPACT OF REGULATIONON ENERGY GENERATIONIN THE U.S., THEBy Joseph T. Kelliher, Mark C. McCullough,Linda L. RandellThis panel will discuss the nature andimpact of federal and state regulation onelectric power generation in the U.S. Partof the discussion will identify keyenvironmental regulations and describetheir impact on coal-fired generationfacilities in particular, and on utilities strategic planning in general. The otherpart of the discussion will center onrenewable generation, includinglarge-scale wind and solar, and how taxand environmental regulations impact thedevelopment and growth of suchgeneration portfolios.Item no. : HJ11200316Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NATURAL GAS BOOM, THE:WHAT LAWYERS SHOULDKNOWBy Jeff Dennis, R. Kinnan Golemon,Kenneth J. Warren, Lisa WozniakNatural gas is now viewed by many as the"fuel of the future." Over the past severalyears, new drilling techniques haveunlocked vast domestic sources of naturalgas trapped in geologic formations.Discovery of this "shale gas" is havingprofound impacts on the U.S. energysupply picture, as well as on landownersand <strong>com</strong>munities in drilling areas, creatingpractice opportunities for lawyers acrossthe country. This webinar will provide abroad overview of the expanded naturalgas resource brought by the new shalegas discoveries and of the legal and policyissues that arise from these discoveries.Item no. : TC11200532Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEWLY ADOPTED ALTATITLE INSURANCE FORMSHOT OFF THE PRESSES!Be among the first to learn about therecently adopted new ALTA forms,including the new ALTA 9 SeriesEndorsements, the new Energy ProjectEndorsements, some new LeaseholdEndorsements, and recent changes toClosing Protection Letters and Creditor'sRights.Item no. : BM11200540Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SECURITY AND ETHICS OFCLOUD COMPUTINGBy John R. McCarron Jr., Jack <strong>New</strong>tonCloud <strong>com</strong>puting is one of the hottesttrends in legal technology. Rather thaninstalling and running software on yourlocal <strong>com</strong>puter, your software and data ishosted by a third party and made availableover the Internet. While this new approachto cloud <strong>com</strong>puting offers many benefits,lawyers in particular need to be aware ofsecurity- and privacy-related "bestpractices" prior to entrusting confidentialclient data to "the cloud."This presentation addresses the followingquestions: What is cloud <strong>com</strong>puting /Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)? What does cloud <strong>com</strong>puting mean forlawyers? What are some of the benefits (andsome of the disadvantages) of "thecloud?" What are the ethical implications ofusing SaaS? Is it OK with my Bar? What questions about security andprivacy should you be asking aprospective SaaS provider? How should you evaluate the costs ofSaaS versus traditional desktopsoftware? How can you protect yourself againstworst-case scenarios?Item no. : NA11200591Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TAX ISSUES FORNONPROFITSBy Rosemary E. Fei, Cynthia Rowland,Lisa A. RunquistThis program focuses on tax issues thatare relevant to public/charitable nonprofitorganizations. This program covers thefollowing issues: IRS requirements for Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations Unrelated Business In<strong>com</strong>e taxIssues Excess Benefit/Private Inurement Executive Compensation Lobbying/Advocacy Form 990 Requirements - NonGovernance ProvisionsItem no. : HR11200601Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ENGLISHLITERATURESECRET LIFE OF WORDS,THE: ENGLISH WORDS ANDATHEIR ORIGINSBy Anne CurzanEnglish is changing all around us. We seethis in new words such as "bling" and"email," and from the loss of old formssuch as "shall." It's a human impulse toplay with language and to create newwords and meanings—but also to worryabout the decay of language. Does textmessaging signal the end of...Item no. : DZ09280637Format : 6 DVDsPrice : USD 375.00ENTERTAINMENTAND SPORTS LAWADDRESSINGINTELLECTIAL PROPERTYISSUES INENTERTAINMENTTRANSACTIONSBy Kenneth M. Kaufman, Kirk T. SchroderIntellectual property issues are an integralpart of most entertainment industrytransactions. This progam discusses<strong>com</strong>mon IP issues that affectentertainment industry transactions, with aparticular emphasis on agreements for thecreation and licensing of content and onmergers and acquisitions in theentertainment area (including IP duediligence).Issues relating to different areas of theentertainment industry (including music,film, television, and literary publishing) arealso addressed.Item no. : GL11200367Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANATOMY OF A MAJORLEAGUE CLUBACQUISITION, THEBy Richard L. Brand, David Connolly,Robert ScottThis CD-ROM is intended to providelawyers and other professionals with thebackground information necessary toenable them to advise and represent theirclients in preparing sports franchiseacquisition documents, understanding theprocess, and ultimately closing on thetransaction.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk58

This CD-ROM will provide the practitionerwith a "nuts and bolts" view of thedocumentation and process involved In asports acquisition, including the principaltypes of acquisition documents and therole that they play in the overalltransaction, how to deal with <strong>com</strong>monacquisition problems, the due diligenceprocess, and the varying roles thatlawyers and other professionals play inthis process.Areas to be discussed: Letters of intent and term sheets Confidentiality agreements Structuring the transaction The due diligence process The league approval process The types of documents andagreements utilized Common and key issues in theDocumentationThe panel offers a knowledgeableperspective on these <strong>com</strong>plex issueswithin the context of a strategic sportstransaction, with experience ranging fromdealing with minor and major professionalsports teams and leagues to individualslooking at professional sportsopportunities.Item no. : JT11200374Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ARBITRATION OFENTERTAINMENTDISPUTESBy Thierry d'Ornano, Emilio Nicolas,Lawrence WaksAs more courts and contracts requirearbitration and ADR, and familiarity withthe option for doing so, rules andenforcement be<strong>com</strong>e even moreimportant.This program provides an in-depth reviewof various arbitration and ADR forms,methods, and organizations for theresolution of entertainment relateddisputes on both the domestic and foreignscene. Included is a discussion of draftingtips for language in agreements, selectionof arbitration organizations, of thearbitrators, discovery or lack thereof,decisions, enforcement, and appeals.Item no. : LH11200378Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 79 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00BANG! ZZZTTTT! KAPOW!LICENSING COMIC HEROES,ES,ACTION FIGURES FORGAMES, NEW MEDIA ANDANIMATIONBy Alexandra Darraby, Jeff Gomez,Michael B. Sapherstein, Seth J. SteinbergThis program explores how to launch newproduct, repurpose content, and distributenew and iconic <strong>com</strong>ic characters andfantasy heroes on multiple platformsexamining branding, trademark, copyrightissues, as well as restricted uses. Thepanel demonstrates pitfalls to avoid attransactional stage, litigation strategies,convergence and hybrid characters, andinnovative business options for clients.Item no. : BZ11200384Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00BIG ONES, THE: RULES OFPROFESSIONAL CONDUCTTHAT REALLY APPLY TOENTERTAINMENTLAWYERSBy Kenneth J. Abdo, Philip LyonAll states have promulgated Rules ofProfessional Responsibility. All Rulesapply to all lawyers licensed in that state.Whether based on the ABA Model Rulesor otherwise, certain rules, as applied toentertainment and sports lawyers, havespecial impact and merit special attention.The panel identifies these big rules andanalyze lawyer behavior within thecustoms of these particular (and peculiar)practice areas.Item no. : ML11200388Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CONCERTS, FESTIVALS,TOURING, AND PERSONALAPPEARANCES UPDATEBy Mario Gonzales, Richard Idell, JanineNatter-Small, Henry W. Root, BrettSteinbergThe panel addresses contemporary legaland business concerns confronting artistsand promoters in the concert industry.Topics covered include: considerations in drafting andnegotiating tour and personalappearance contracts; promoter responsibilities andliabilities; booking considerations from theagency's perspective;special issues relating to festivals;andthe area of record label rights andwaivers of exclusivity in connectionwith recording and exploiting theartist's concert appearances.Item no. : PA11200407Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COVERING YOUR ASSETS:HOW TO PROTECT ANDLEVERAGE YOUR PROBONO CLIENT'S IPBy Marci Rolnik, Peter J. Strand, Judy TintDuring this informative program you willlearn how to conduct an "intellectualproperty audit" for pro bono art andentertainment clients. The discussion willinclude how to best help your clientproperly acquire rights to all works ofauthorship embodied in their creativecontent, whether literary work, visual art,<strong>com</strong>positions or recordings, motionpictures, or <strong>com</strong>binations thereof.The webinar will include valuable practicetips to help your clients documentownership in their work from inception to<strong>com</strong>pletion, and demonstrate strategies tohelp you parlay pro bono service intopaying client development. It will alsocover how volunteer legal service can helpyou "get what you give," in the form of bothpersonal and professional rewards.Item no. : NA11200415Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ENTERTAINMENTLICENSING IN TRANSITIONIONBy Gregory J. Battersby, Danny Simon,Cydney A. TuneAs entertainment and technology continueto converge, licensing transactions areevolving rapidly to attempt to address thechanging context such as media, deliverymethods, types of content, and the like.Please join us as we discuss the impactson licensing due to the significant changesin how entertainment is delivered and theevolving merchandise. We will alsoaddress the changing landscape at retailand its impact on how deals are structuredand royalties calculated.Item no. : NU11200439Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk59

GETTING PAID! FILM &TELEVISIONTRANSACTION REALITIESIN 2011By Richard L. Charnley, Peter J. Dekom,Steven SillsWith dismal advertising revenues forecastin traditional media for the foreseeablefuture and unemployment continuing atlevels that reflect an economy that is atbest "unstable," deal-making in avertically-integrated, virtually unregulatedindustry has be<strong>com</strong>e even morechallenging. One needs only to look at theconsolidation within major studios and theever-increasing signs of insolvency andpossible bankruptcy among establishedname brands to recognize that theentertainment business is changing.This panel of experts discuss the processof getting clients paid, from initialdeal-making, arbitration, and judicialenforcement of payables, and the kind ofauditing realities that all lawyers face.Item no. : FK11200478Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INS AND OUTS OFCOPYRIGHTTERMINATIONS, THEBy Lisa Alter, R. Andrew Boose, M.Graham Coleman Esq.The right of an author, or specified heirs ofthe author, to terminate a grant of aninterest under copyright was first codifiedin the United States Copyright Act of 1976.Since then, countless authors and heirs ofdeceased authors have taken advantageof the termination provisions and theability of an author to "recapture" rightspreviously assigned in perpetuity hasresulted in shifting ownership interests in anumber of industries.However, the termination provisions arehighly technical and if not implementedcorrectly, can jeopardize the author'sability to reclaim his or her rights.While practice in the area of copyrighttermination is concentrated in a relativelysmall section of the bar, the issuessurrounding terminations of transfers hasgenerated significant public attention inrecent months. This is due to the fact thatthe first available effective date forterminations of transfers made by theauthor on or after January 1, 1978 isJanuary 1, 2013less than 2 years away.These so-called "Section 203Terminations" will potentially impactscores of contemporary works. It is nowmore important than ever to be familiarwith the termination provisions of U.S.copyright law and how they may affectyour clients' interests.This program provides guidance topractitioners representing both authors'interests and the interests of clients whoare the assignees of authors' rights undercopyright.Item no. : VL11200501Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INSURANCE RISKALLOCATION INENTERTAINMENT ANDSPORTS LAW: HOT TOPICSAND OVERLOOKED ISSUESBy M. Graham Coleman Esq., CassandraS. Franklin, Kirk A. Pasich, Tracy RaneFrom film and television production to livesporting events and theatrical and musicalperformances, insurance coverage is (orshould be) a vital part of the deal.Insurance is expected to provideprotection against key risks inherent inthese productions, allowing the variousparticipants to perform with a measure ofsecurity. Errors in dealing with the variousaspects of the insurance process, fromallocating the responsibility to procureinsurance to navigating the underwritingand claim process, can be costly. A panelof experts in the field will highlight majorareas of concern and offer practical tipsand advice on how to maximize theprotection that insurance is supposed toprovide.Item no. : EJ11200298Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00KIRTSAENG V. JOHNWILEY & SONS: A POSTSUPREME COURT ORALARGUMENT REVIEWBy Scott Bain, Andrew BergerThe Supreme Court's first (and perhapsonly) copyright case of <strong>2012</strong> will beKirtsaeng v. Wiley, argued October 29,<strong>2012</strong>. The case centers on the importantand controversial interplay between theright to resell used goods under the firstsale doctrine, and the right of copyrightowners to control distribution of theirworks, including unauthorized "greymarket" importations. Kirtsaeng ran abusiness importing foreign versions oftextbooks that had been made and soldabroad, intended for foreign resale only(and marked as such), and reselling thosebooks to U.S. students. The S.D.N.Y. andSecond Circuit courts held him liable forcopyright infringement under the section602(a)(1) exclusive right to import copies,holding that the first sale doctrine does notapply to foreign-made copies becausethey are not "made under this title" as theTwo years ago, the Supreme Court split4-4 on an identical issue in Costco v.Omega, with Justice Kagan recused. Thefull court will now decide the issue, whichwill have a substantial impact on copyrightowners, retailers, and users. In thisprogram, the panelists will discuss thecase, its implications, and the oralargument. They will also provide theirviews and advice on related issues of"arbitrage," parallel importation and thefirst sale doctrine.Item no. : FA11200306Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEGOTIATING BRANDLICENSES: LICENSOR VS.VLICENSEEBy Leonard Glickman, Rita M. OdinBrand licensing is big business. Whetheryou're a brand owner/licensor who wantsto <strong>com</strong>mercially exploit a brand in as manycategories as possible or a licensee that isacquiring the rights to a brand in certaincategories and making a substantialinvestment, the negotiation of a brandlicense raises a number of importantbusiness and legal issues.In this webinar, the Vice President andTrademark Counsel at The Estee LauderCompanies will represent the licensee'sperspective and the Vice-Chair of theLicensing, Merchandising & BrandingDivision of the ABA Forum on theEntertainment & Sports Industries willrepresent the licensor's perspective in adiscussion and mock negotiation that willcanvass the key terms in brand licenseagreements including: Scope of license Licensed IP1.Territory2. Licensed products3. Exclusivity Royalty Advertising and promotion ("A&P") Distribution Channels Approvals Ownership of intellectual propertyItem no. : MN11200534Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW BEGINNING IN THEEND, A: SOUNDRECORDING COPYRIGHTTERMINATIONS - ADISCUSSION AND DEBATEBy Lisa Alter, Lisa Buckley, Mark H. Jaffe,Lacy J. Lodes, Marybeth Petersdoctrine (section 109) requires.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk60

The Copyright Act grants an author theright to terminate a grant of right thirty fiveyears after a grant of a transfer or license.Because the termination right becameeffective in 1978, countless authors areexpected to regain full rights to theircopyrights beginning in 2013. Forrecording artists who are seeking toterminate their transfers of their recordingsthere is uncertainty and apprehensionover whether they have the right to do so.Record <strong>com</strong>panies have maintained thatthe termination right is unavailable torecording artists because soundrecordings qualify as "works for hire," anargument that is rejected by recordingartists and one that is yet to be resolved.This program discusses termination rightsin sound recordings and the legal issueslikely to arise for the interested parties. Itfeatures four speakers: one taking theposition favored by recording artists, onetaking the position favored by record<strong>com</strong>panies, one neutral academic, andone addressing valuation issues.Item no. : FC11200318Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW MUSIC LICENSINGDEALS: WHAT EVERYLAWYER NEEDS TO KNOWBy Jeff Brabec, Todd BrabecRepresenting music creators in the digitalage can be a <strong>com</strong>plex mission for musicpublishers and record labels mainlybecause ofthe new business models that useand exploit the music that is beingcreated daily,the court decisions that are rewritingthe traditional ways of licensing,the voluntary negotiations that arechanging the long standing practices,andthe legislation and Copyright Boardsthat are setting new rates, licensingstructures, and collection entities.No matter who you are in the business ofmusic - ASCAP, BMI, SESAC, the HarryFox Agency, SoundExchange, hitsongwriters, film, television, and videogame <strong>com</strong>posers; producers, recordingartists, music publishers, and record labels- new media music licensing deals affectsyou.This program covers:How rates are being set and bywhom?How licenses are negotiated andstructured?How much money is being made?How foreign countries handle theseareas? How the online/digital world ischanging the "traditional" world ofmusic licensing?Item no. : HR11200536Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NEW WORLD OFLICENSING SONGS ANDSOUND RECORDINGS, THEBy Jeff Brabec, Todd Brabec, Henry W.RootApps, video games, streaming/downloadservices, independent and major studiofeature films, multi-platform radio, network,local, cable, and mobile device television,internet trailers, e-cards, multipledistribution options, digital jukeboxes,internet karaoke, musical theatre-- theseare but some of the areas requiring newlicensing strategies, negotiations, andcontract clauses reflecting the emergenceof the online/digital world into thetraditional world of music licensing.This webinar will cover the followingtopics:How licenses are negotiated andstructuredHow rates are being set and by whomHow much money is being madeHow courts, legislation, and copyrightboards affect the processHow foreign countries handle theseareas How the online/digital world ischanging the traditional world ofmusic licensingItem no. : MA11200539Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PIRACY UPDATE: IPRCENTER STRATEGIES ANDSUCCESSESBy Alexandra Darraby, Lev KubiakJoin the Entertainment Forum inpresenting Lev Kubiak, Director ofNational Intellectual Property RightsCoordination Center (IPR), in a livelyinterview format inspired by Inside theActor's Studio. Director Kubiak will relaterecent successful collaborative actionsundertaken by the law enforcement teamsand governmental agencies that fightpiracy at America's borders, seizingcounterfeit goods in bricks and mortarstores, and shutting down domains ofcyber rogues in the virtual world.Director Kubiak will discuss theinteragency relationships and shares withlawyers the ways in which their client'sinterests and concerns about piracy insports and entertainment can be broughtto the table.Prepare to be entertained and informed byDirector Kubiak, moderated by AlexandraDarraby, in Part 1 of a two-part piracyprogram offered in April. Part 2 will be heldin May <strong>2012</strong>, featuring practitioners andindustry leaders.Item no. : HN11200326Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SPORTS ANDENTERTAINMENT FACILITYAGREEMENTS: NUTS ANDBOLTS AND WAR STORIESBy Jared Bartie, Richard L. BrandThis webinar will provide lawyers andother professionals with backgroundinformation necessary to advise andrepresent their clients in the preparation oftransactional agreements which relate tosports and entertainment facilities (arenas,stadiums, and other venues).Our faculty will provide the practitionerwith an overview of the documentation andprocess involved in setting up andoperating a sports and entertainmentfacility, including many of the principaltypes of agreements involved and howthey interact with each other.In addition, they will discuss the types ofissues and conflicts that can occur in theday to day operation and management ofthese facilities, how to deal with <strong>com</strong>monproblems faced by owners and operatorsof facilities, and the varying roles thatlawyers and other professionals play inthis process.Some of the specific agreements to bediscussed: Sponsorship agreements Suite and premium seating licenseagreements Food and beverage/concessionagreements Naming rights agreements Team license agreements Ancillary lease/licensing agreementsThe panel will offer a knowledgeableperspective on the issues involved as wellas a discussion of some practical real lifeexperiences.Item no. : RZ11200599Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SPORTS MEDIA RIGHTSAGREEMENTSBy Richard Brand, Karen Brodkin, VeredYakoveeThis audio CD-ROM will provide lawyersand other professionals with background________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk61

information necessary to familiarize themwith the key practice points in advising andrepresenting clients in the preparation ofmedia rights transactions and other typesof media arrangements.Our faculty provides the practitioner withan overview of the documentation andprocess involved in reviewing, negotiating,and implementing a media rightsarrangement on behalf of a team, aproperty, or other party. This recording willprovide a balanced approach reflectingissues and positions and will provideperspective from both sides of thetransaction (media <strong>com</strong>panies andproperties).The program panel offers aknowledgeable perspective on the issuesinvolved as well as a discussion of somepractical real life experiences.Item no. : VH11200337Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00STATUTORY TERMINATIONOF COPYRIGHTTRANSFERS UNDER THEU.S. COPYRIGHT ACT ASAAPPLICABLE TO SOUNDRECORDINGSBy Kenneth J. Abdo, Timothy C. MatsonUnder the Copyright Act of 1976, anygrant, license or assignment made on orafter January 1, 1978 may be terminatedby the author thirty-five years from thedate of such transfer if the work was notoriginally created as a work-made-for-hirefor an employer. Given the unequalbargaining power at the time of earlytransfers and the impossibility ofdetermining a work's value until after it hasbeen exploited, the intent of Congress is tosafeguard authors against unremunerativetransfers.With transfer termination dates beginningJanuary 1, 2013, the potential impact ofthis amendment on recording <strong>com</strong>paniesis massive. The presenters will analyzethe amendment, termination notice filingsand other technical <strong>com</strong>plications relatedto the interpretation and implementation ofthe amendment.Item no. : EW11200339Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TIPS AND TRICKS TOEFFECTIVE PATENTDRAFTINGBy Benjamin J. Holt, Jeoyuh Lin, PaulRobertsThis program focuses on providing thetools and hard-learned secrets forproducing quality patent applications.Topics include how to handle a disclosureconference, how to determine the cost forpreparing the application, and how tobudget timing and landmark goals.The presentation also includes tips onwhat information to provide to smallerclients who are not familiar with patent law,as well as strategy for meetingexpectations of more savvy in-housepatent counsel. Following the preparationon the intake process, significant attentionwill be paid to how to prepare claims andthe disclosure to satisfy the diverse patentaudience (judges, partners, inventors,examiners, etc.) who all use a differentlens when evaluating your application.Moreover, this presentation explains tricksof the trade for the mechanics of preparingapplications, as well as suggestions onhow to utilize assistants to boostproductivity and lower client cost.Item no. : VE11200604Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 82 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00VIDEO GAMES ANDDIGITAL MEDIA: ALITIGATION UPDATEBy Alex V. Chachkes, William Sloan Coats,Judith Droz Keyes, Cydney A. TuneJoin our panel of experts for a videogames and digital media litigation update.The panel will examine and discuss casesfrom the past year impacting theinteractive industry of video games, digital,and social media. The discussion willinclude the following topics:The most recent developments in theBlizzard case, involving copyrights invideo gamesMusician claims arising from musicgames and uses of music in socialmediaRight of publicity claims brought bysports figures both amateur andprofessional arising from use of theirimages, statistics, and the like ingamesSocial media limitations with respectto employees and employersItem no. : VN11200349Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ENVIRONMENTALLAWADAPTING TO CLIMATEIMPACTS:UNDERSTANDING OUROPTIONS AND TAKINGACTIONA wide range of natural resources, socialinstitutions, and built infrastructure aresensitive to climate variability and climatechange. Many of these systems areadapted to, or were designed for, historicalclimate conditions. However, current andfuture climate conditions do not alwaysresemble those historical conditions. Inaddition, climate-related stress on theseresources, institutions, and infrastructureis often exacerbated by current societalchoices regarding land use, development,and consumption.In this program, our experts will outlinesome of the climate changes facingattorneys, resource managers,governments, and infrastructure planners,as well as some of the ways in which theyare beginning to address the risks posedby climate impacts. Environmental andenergy law are at the forefront of thesenovel legal questions. The attorneys inthese areas analyze the environmentalimpacts under federal and state laws likeNEPA and CEQA, address mitigation andadaption requirements, and assess thewater supply, while also evaluatingpossible carbon markets and advising oncorporate sustainability. When advisingclients on climate change risk, lawyersmust understand domestic legislation,international agreements, and constantlyadapting regulationItem no. : TG11200365Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ART OF SUCCESSFULNEGOTIATION WITHREGULATORS, THEBy Michelle Diffenderfer, Lori Jonas,Robert J. Martineau Jr., Claudia RastThis program will provide insights fromfederal and state regulators andexperienced private sector practitionersinto devising and executing a successfulnegotiating strategy.The program will also explain how toadvise the client on what constitutes"success" in the regulatory context. Inshort, this program will focus on whatworks and what doesn't when negotiatingwith regulators.Item no. : BT11200257Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk62

Price : USD 150.00COUNSELING THE LOCALFOOD MOVEMENT: WHAT APRACTITIONER SHOULDKNOWBy Dr. Stan Benda, Derrick Braaten, JasonFoscolo, Professor Neil Hamilton,Professor Erin HawleyThere has been a growing trend towards amore locally based food economy. Thepurpose of this webinar is to give thepractitioner the tools necessary to properlycounsel various segments of the local foodmovement. The faculty will describe thehistory and current legal frameworkaffecting the local food industry at thefederal, state, and local levels and amyriad of legal issues affecting "localfood," includingspecific bankruptcy issues including thetreatment of mechanics liens in bankruptcy,the impact of bankruptcy on sureties andbonds, how to protect your client prior tofiling for bankruptcy and working for thedebtor post-petition.Finally, this program provides theconstruction lawyer with strategies to seekand potentially achieve recovery despitethe bankruptcy obstacle.Item no. : MH11200432Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00GREEN BUILDINGORDINANCESBy Ann C. Essko, Timothy M. Harris, ShariShapiro, Scott I. SteadyIN THE U.S., THEBy Joseph T. Kelliher, Mark C. McCullough,Linda L. RandellThis panel will discuss the nature andimpact of federal and state regulation onelectric power generation in the U.S. Partof the discussion will identify keyenvironmental regulations and describetheir impact on coal-fired generationfacilities in particular, and on utilities strategic planning in general. The otherpart of the discussion will center onrenewable generation, includinglarge-scale wind and solar, and how taxand environmental regulations impact thedevelopment and growth of suchgeneration portfolios.Item no. : HJ11200316Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00 preference and procurement laws forlocally grown food; federal government programs; direct marketing (includingCommunity Supported Agriculture(CSAs), roadstands and farmersmarkets); Food Safety Modernization Actexemptions, cottage food operation laws (i.e.,home-based kitchens) includingvalue-added products; land use and zoning concerns withurban agriculture; food labeling regulations (includingthe National Organic Program); "agri-tourism" and "agri-tainment" as itapplies to local food; liability concerns (including strictliability); liability insurance and choices incoverage; and raw milk.Item no. : PA11200413Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 120 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 175.00EFFECT OF BANKRUPTCYON CONSTRUCTIONPROJECTS, THEBy Jason R. Kennedy, John J. Lamoureux,Desiree D. NoisetteIn today's down economy, the practice ofconstruction law frequently intersects withthe bankruptcy process as construction<strong>com</strong>panies file for bankruptcy and chasefunds held by insolvent parties.This program equips the constructionlawyer with the fundamentals ofbankruptcy such as basic bankruptcyfilings, the impact of the automatic stay,when to file a proof of claim or object todischarge or dischargeability of a claimand the impact of bankruptcy on creditors'rights. This creditor and debtor focusedprogram also addresses constructionThis panel will discuss the issues of GreenBuilding Ordinances, ongoing casesinvolving the preemption of local greenbuilding codes under federal law and otherchallenges and pitfalls with Green BuildingOrdinance initiatives.Item no. : SE11200481Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 69 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 140.00ISSUES IN THE SITING OFPOTENTIALLYDANGEROUS FACILITIESBy John M. Boehnert, Terrence Tierney,David R. WestcottPotentially hazardous facilities, includinglow-level radioactive waste, have been thesubject of controversy throughout theUnited States, particularly in <strong>New</strong> Englandand Rhode Island. The recent <strong>New</strong>England cases is used as examples of theissues inherent in planning and regulatingfor the location of similar installationsnationwide. The faculty also discusses: Case studies of siting locallyunacceptable land uses (LULUs) andtheir implications for LNG siting in FallRiver, MA Protecting the 34 coastal and GreatLakes states in the siting of potentiallyhazardous facilities under the CoastalZone Management Act The Weaver's Cove LNG TerminalControversyItem no. : FL11200508Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00MPACT OF REGULATIONON ENERGY GENERATIONNATURAL GAS BOOM, THE:WHAT LAWYERS SHOULDKNOWBy Jeff Dennis, R. Kinnan Golemon,Kenneth J. Warren, Lisa WozniakNatural gas is now viewed by many as the"fuel of the future." Over the past severalyears, new drilling techniques haveunlocked vast domestic sources of naturalgas trapped in geologic formations.Discovery of this "shale gas" is havingprofound impacts on the U.S. energysupply picture, as well as on landownersand <strong>com</strong>munities in drilling areas, creatingpractice opportunities for lawyers acrossthe country. This webinar will provide abroad overview of the expanded naturalgas resource brought by the new shalegas discoveries and of the legal and policyissues that arise from these discoveries.Item no. : TC11200532Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PUBLIC PRIVATEPARTNERSHIPBy Robert Dove, J.F. Finn III, AIA, Oliver L.Holmes, John S. Santa Lucia, Peter H.WinderThis is an interactive program designed forall those involved in theprocess-government officials, governmentcontracts administrators, attorneys, andcontractors, where all are encouraged toshare their experiences and questions.The panelists discuss: A successful PPP project A difficult PPP project California High Speed Rail: anup-and-<strong>com</strong>ing project________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk63

Item no. : LS11200567Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SHALE LEASING: LEGALAND PRACTICALCONSIDERATIONSJoin our panel of experts as they discussthe legal and practical considerations ofshale leasing.The topics to be discussed include:Title Issues;Depth Severances;Shared use Agreements;Midstream Build-Out;Avoiding Potential Liability for PriorOperations at Shallower Depths; andWater Supply, Endangered Speciesand Other Barriers to Development.Item no. : WM11200597Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WIND POWER FACILITIES:CAPE WIND AND BEYONDBy Jeffrey Broadhead, Robert L. Fultz,Seth H. Handy, Joey Lee Miranda, EdwardA. ThomasThis program addresses the interplay offederal, state and local permitting activitiesand opposition to major energy facilitiesusing Cape Wind on Nantucket Sound asan example.Our expert faculty will also discusses theBlock Island Project and landside windenergy development projects in the threesouthern <strong>New</strong> England states.Item no. : DV11200633Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 76 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ESTATE PLANNING20 TAX TRAPS AND OTHERTRUSTEE SELECTIONCONSIDERATIONSClients rely on their planning attorney toguide them in selecting the bestcandidates to serve in the critical role oftrustee. But clients need more than justbrilliant ideas from their attorneys, theyalso need effective implementation.Unfortunately, IRC 2036, 2038 and 2041can wreak havoc on the successfulstructuring of a trust. Overlay the nuancesof these rules with the particulars of theclient family's goals and personalities, andit is easy to see how a smart andotherwise appropriate plan could fall intoone or more tax traps. In spite of the factthat most of the rules in this area haven'tchanged dramatically in years, there is stilla steady stream of cases and rulings.Some highlight what should be done;others what should be avoided. Either way,planners will benefit from anunderstanding or refresher course onthese rules.In addition, there are certain non-taxcriteria that should be taken intoconsideration. The most appropriatetrustees are those with the right skills tofurther the purpose of the trustarrangement. This may include knowingthe family, history of the wealth, talent tooperate a private <strong>com</strong>pany businessinterest, or any of a host of other uniquefactors. So clients, naturally turn to theirattorneys to help identify not just who"could" serve, but who "should" serve.Both speakers for this program bring the<strong>com</strong>bination of private practice and trust<strong>com</strong>pany in-house counsel experience inguiding listeners through an exploration ofimportant tax and non-tax considerationson trustee selection.Item no. : ZY11200359Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00<strong>2012</strong> LIVE FROM THEMEETING TRUST & ESTATEHOT TOPICSThe distinguished speakers on this panelwill light the way for your practice in thefuture. An important part of being ready forthe future is to discern the implications ofrecent developments for the futuredirection of estate and tax planning.Updates on legislative, regulatory, judicialand administrative matters will includepractical application. As for 2013, ourpanelists will provide their best predictionswith no guarantees.Item no. : YE11200360Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 105.00ATTORNEY LIABILITYISSUES IN ASSETPROTECTION PLANNINGAsset Protection is a hot area of law due inlarge part to the economic recession andits aftermath providing the resolution ofcases involving debtors and creditors. Thisprogram will cover asset protection from adifferent angle -- liability issues that arisefor the attorney who assists in suchplanning. The discussion will includeprimary and secondary forms of liability,including ethical issues under the state bar.Our panelists will provide their perspectivefrom their respective roles as assetprotection planner and creditor rightslitigator.Item no. : RD11200381Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BANKRUPTCY FORNON-BANKRUPTCYLAWYERSBy Christopher R. Kaup, Rinky S. Parwani,Marc S. SternThe program addresses the problems of anon-bankruptcy lawyer when faced with abankruptcy by the opposing party in a lawsuit or a business transaction. It alsoaddresses how to advise the client who iscontemplating bankruptcy and avoidbe<strong>com</strong>ing a "Debt Relief Agency." There isa general survey of bankruptcy law andnon-legal issues of bankruptcy that canaffect your client. The program is meantfor general practitioners with nobankruptcy experience who need tocounsel clients or for attorneys who areinterested in starting to practice in thisarea.Item no. : HG11200385Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00BENEFICIARY FLEXIBLETRUST, THEBy definition, the purpose of a trustarrangement is to limit freedom andimpose constraints on the use andenjoyment of property. Trusts can producesub-optimal results if the terms are tooflexible or too inflexible.The purpose of this presentation is to posita trust in which the goal is to give thegreatest degree of flexibility to thebeneficiary while still achieving theobjectives of: Removing the property from the grossestate of both the settlor andbeneficiary; Allowing the beneficiary to controldistributions; Protecting trust property fromcreditor's claims; Protecting trust property from spousalclaims;Allowing the beneficiary to controlinvestments, and Minimizing administrative andfiduciary obligations while thebeneficiary serves as trustee.This presentation will cover the varioussituations that might call for theBeneficiary Flexible Trust and how tobalance flexibility and constraint toachieve the best results.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk64

Item no. : DC11200386Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BUSINESS AND VALUATIONISSUES THAT WILLPREVENT YOUR CLIENTS'BUY-SELL AGREEMENTSFROM WORKINGBy Z. Christopher Mercer, Louis A.MezzulloBuy-sell agreements are among the most<strong>com</strong>mon yet least understood businessagreements and many are destined to failto operate like the owners and theiradvisors expect. Many, in fact, are tickingtime bombs, just waiting for a trigger eventto explode. The primary reason is that theydo not receive enough attention frombusiness and valuation perspectives.This presentation is designed to provide aroad map for the development andimprovement of buy-sell agreements. Ourpresenters will share lessons learned frommany real-life situations.This session will discuss: Why fixed price agreements do notwork; Why formula price agreements do notwork; Inherent problems with multipleappraiser agreements that manyattorneys never focus on; The best valuation option for yourclients; The six defining elements that seldomare, but must be present in everyvaluation process agreement (if it willwork when triggered); Focused discussion of relationshipsbetween life insurance and buy-sellagreements; Real-life examples that will surprise,entertain and worry you.Item no. : GC11200394Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DONEE SELECTION ANDPRACTICALCONSIDERATIONSBy Richard S. Franklin, John W. Porter,Karla D'Alleva Valas, David BradtInter-family sale and gift transactions willincrease following recent taxpayervictories using formula allocation clauses.These cases provide a roadmap tomitigate the gift tax risk associated withsuch transactions. Sale transactions arealso likely to increase if a 10-yearminimum GRAT term is imposed.This program will focus on the alternativesfor the "donee" of the excess value undera Petter type of formula allocation clause,which include among others a publiccharity, donor advised fund (DAF), privatefoundation, zeroed out CLAT, inter vivosQTIP, GRAT, defective gift trust, andspouse.Our panelist will include representatives oftwo major donor advised funds, FidelityCharitable Gift Fund and CommunityFoundation for the National Capital Regionand the lead litigation counsel for McCord,Christiansen and Petter cases.Their presentation will include a review ofother practical considerations, includingthe risk of IRS challenge and the exerciseof ownership rights and tax reportingduring the determination period.Item no. : EN11200425Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DRAFTING FINANCIALPOWERS OF ATTORNEY:AVOIDING FINANCIALEXPLOITATION OF THEELDERLYAre you aware of the damage that can becaused by poor drafting of financialpowers of attorney or the damage causedfrom a lack of understanding of the clientscircumstances? Powers of attorney aretoo often viewed as minor legal documents,yet they are often used as tools for<strong>com</strong>mitting serious financial exploitationagainst older Americans, a problem that ison the rise in our aging society.Learn smart drafting and counseling skillsand how state law is changing tostrengthen the effectiveness and safety ofpowers of attorney for finances.Item no. : PR11200272Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EMOTIONAL ANDPSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUESOF ESTATE PLANNINGWHAT (OR SHOULD) KEEPSCLIENTS AWAKE AT NIGHTAND HOW THIS MIGHT (OR(SHOULD) SHAPE THEESTATE PALNNINGPROCESSThis practice tool packed program willdiscuss how to handle issues relating tothe emotional & psychological issues ofestate planning.The panelists will discuss:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkCurrent tax issues: possible changesin exemption levels and pros andcons of portability;Hot issue for married couples: moreor less control to surviving spouseover estate intended for children,especially if multiple; Protecting client and heirs frompossible trustee abuse; i.e. conditionsfor removal of trustee; How does theestate planner inform the trustee ofhis/her duties? Growing impact oflitigation on trust and estate matters.Pros and cons of Trustee exculpationclauses;Succession planning for the familybusiness;Counseling the client about unequalgifts;Advising the client whether to discloseor not disclose the estate plan to theheirs. What factors control the adviceto be given;Pros and cons of advising clients onplacing gift in trust for children,whether asset protection, financialeducation or responsibility, specialneeds or otherwise;How does the Attorney deal with theemotional and psychological aspectsof these issues.Item no. : KH11200437Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ERISA FIDUCIARYTRAINING : WHAT ISREQUIRED OF ERISAFIDUCIARIES AND THOSETHEY SUPERVISE?Due to recent DOL regulations and courtcases, there may soon be more fiduciariessubject to ERISA's standard of care andpotential personal liability. This sessionexplores these developments and kicks offa planned series of RPTE trainingprograms for ERISA fiduciaries and for thenon-fiduciaries who act on their behalf.This introductory program explores thefoundational principles that govern theallocation and performance of ERISAfiduciary duties, as they are evolving in anera of market disruption and enhancedregulatory oversight.The panel includes a former Tax SectionChair and editor of BNA's ERISA FiduciaryLaw. The panel also includes twoexperienced DOL attorneys who bring tothis task the insights they gained asin-house trainers of DOL staff engaged inenforcing ERISAs fiduciary rules.Fiduciary training offers significantprotection to fiduciaries and their plans.We have designed this program to appeal65

to both attorney and non-attorneyfiduciaries, as well as those who supporttheir efforts. This session should be ofinterest to anyone who can benefit from anintroduction or refresher in ERISA fiduciaryrules and practices. Considerre<strong>com</strong>mending that your clients or yourstaff participate. Watch for future sessionsfocusing on specific aspects of fiduciaryperformance.Item no. : YL11200440Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ESTATE PLANNING FORCLIENTS LIVING WITHCHRONIC ILLNESS:PLANNING AND DRAFTINGChronic Illness affects nearly 120 millionAmericans. How can attorneys betterserve, advise and draft estate planningdocuments for clients living with chronicillness and their loved ones? In manysituations modest changes to traditionalestate and other planning techniques canimprove protection and peace of mind forclients living with chronic illness.This seminar will provide a sophisticatedbut practical overview of how each phaseof planning and drafting is affected.Misconceptions and myths will bedebunked. Concepts ranging fromassessing <strong>com</strong>petency, addressing thediffering impact of difference diseases,cognitive issues, physical disabilities,in<strong>com</strong>e tax issues, charitable giving andmore will all be explained.Comprehensive materials, includingsample forms, will be made available.Item no. : SV11200443Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FIDUCIARY INCOMETAXATION: THENOT-SOSO-BASIC BASICSFor many estate planners, the<strong>com</strong>plexities of the fiduciary in<strong>com</strong>e taxhave not been terribly troubling, as Form1041 audits have historically been few andfar between. Yet with the federalapplicable exclusion amount now at $5million, the number of estates subject tofederal estate tax will decreasesubstantially. With the potential decreasein resources needed to audit Forms 706(assuming the current regime stays intactbeyond <strong>2012</strong>) it seems likely that theInternal Revenue Service may shift itsfocus to a closer review of fiduciaryin<strong>com</strong>e tax returns. Should this occur, theneed for a deeper familiarity with thefiduciary in<strong>com</strong>e tax rules of Subchapter Jof the Internal Revenue Code willincrease.At the broadest level, Subchapter Jprovides for the allocation of in<strong>com</strong>e anddeductions between the trust and thebeneficiaries. In this sense, the trust canbe both a taxpayer and a conduit throughwhich in<strong>com</strong>e and deductions flow out tothe beneficiaries. This allocation and therole of the trustee in this allocation areconditioned by two fundamental concepts- fiduciary accounting in<strong>com</strong>e ("FAI") anddistributable net in<strong>com</strong>e ("DNI") - thatultimately determine the tax accountingin<strong>com</strong>e ("TAI") for the trust and thebeneficiaries. As most practitioners areaware, these three concepts arefundamental to the mechanics ofSubchapter J. However, they are far more<strong>com</strong>plex than some may recognize andoften manifest themselves on the Form1041.This program will offer a look at the"not-so-basic" basics.Item no. : NM11200462Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FINAL ACO REGULATIONS,THE - IS PARTICIPATIONWORTH A SECOND LOOK?PART 2: ASSIGNMENT OFOBENEFICIARIES, RISK,STRUCTURE ANDGOVERNANCE, AND TAXISSUESBy Bernadette M. Broccolo, Andrew J.Demetriou, Catherine T. Dunlay, Amy K.FehnThis two-part webinar series will take anin-depth look at how the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services havechanged the Medicare Shared SavingsProgram (MSSP) through the publicationof final regulations. CMS has changed anumber of the key provisions of theproposed MSSP rules, which were broadlyregarded by the provider <strong>com</strong>munity asdiscouraging participation in the MSSP.A panel of practicing lawyers familiar withthe proposed rule, and the practicalimplications of its key provisions, will takea second, in-depth look at the final ruleand offer their insights on whether CMS'changes are sufficient to encourageparticipation in the MSSP.Among other provisions, the panelists willfocus on:the elimination of two-sided risk fromTrack 1,CMS' willingness to provide data on aprospective assignment basis;the substantial reduction of qualitymetrics;the more immediate opportunity toshare savings above the minimumsavings rate; the ACO legal structure andgovernance; additional waivers and guidance fromenforcement agencies to facilitateACO formation; expansion of participants and; modifications to several other hotspots that led to widespreaddiscouragement with the MSSP asinitially proposed.Item no. : CU11200464Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FUTURE OF ESTATEPALNNING PRACTICES,THE: HOW NOT TO GETBEHIND THE CHANGECURVEOn-line estate planning, software that canbe purchased directly by the consumer,the growing reluctance of clients to pay forservices they believe they can bypass theseasoned lawyer to obtain cheaper andfaster, and the trend toward the virtualoffice and cloud <strong>com</strong>puting. Righteousindignation or resignation: How much doyou care? Is there enough work foreveryone, or is this a threat to yourpractice?This program will explore what you can doin your own practice to make estateplanning services more affordable andhow you can earn the position as trustedadvisor to your clients so that they will turnto you before an on-line program or alawyer operating from a virtual office?Consider the following in deciding if youwant to participate in this criticalpresentation: "Technology has eroded themonopoly of lawyers." (JonathanBlattmachr) and "If you don't like change,you're going to like irrelevance even less."(General Eric Shinseki)Item no. : BJ11200476Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HIS, HER OR THEIRPROPERTY: A PRIMER ONOMARITAL PROPERTY LAWIN THE COMMUNITYPROPERTY STATESBy Karen Boxx, Thomas M. FeatherstonJr.During this presentation the panelists willprovide a basic overview of the maritalproperty laws of the <strong>com</strong>munity propertystates.They will examine the fundamentaldifferences that exist between <strong>com</strong>mon________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk66

law states and <strong>com</strong>munity property statesincluding: The principles that the <strong>com</strong>munityproperty states share; The areas of law where the<strong>com</strong>munity property states differ; Key transfer and in<strong>com</strong>e taxconsequences applicable to<strong>com</strong>munity property ownership; How the source of funds impactswhether property is <strong>com</strong>munityproperty.They will also indentify and address someof the questions an estate planning lawyerin a <strong>com</strong>mon law state may ask about<strong>com</strong>munity property.Item no. : VA11200487Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ILIT TRAPS: ETHICAL ANLIABILITY ISSUES OFTRSUTEES, GRANTORSAND THEIR ADVISORSILITs present a unique fiduciary andethical minefield through which clients,trustees, and attorneys have been walkingblindfolded. Life insurance policies may beconsidered "special assets" causing ILITsto be treated differently than other trusts,at least until the insured's death and thereceipt of the policy death benefit. <strong>New</strong>case law and expanded theories of liabilityand new developments regarding lifeinsurance policies may signal any specialtreatment no longer applies. Attorneysadvising trustees or serving as trusteesneed to watch out for ethical and liabilityissues, including:Who is the client may change duringthe life of the trustee -- from thegrantor to the trustee to thebeneficiaries?Complying with the Uniform PrudentInvestors Act or other state law onhow the trust assets are investedWhat do recent cases tell us abouttrustee responsibility on acquiring andmaintaining life insurance?How should attorneys advise trusteeson their responsibilities?Changes in the law may mean the oldapproach to ILITs can be a financialdetriment to your trustee clients andpossibly you.Item no. : MU11200497Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ISSUES INMitchell KurtzThis panel explores the various issues thatarise in connection with the design ofperforming arts spaces. Because of theirpublic nature, working on such spaces caninvolve unique contractual and tort liabilityissues.Some of the topics to be discussed: Intellectual property issues1. Ownership of designs2. Licensing of designs Liability issues1. Warranties and indemnities2. Design standards3. Maintenance of the space4. "What do we do if" analysisThe design standards that may applyThe extent of ADA-<strong>com</strong>pliant accessItem no. : ZH11200513Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00MCCAFFREY &BLATTMACHR-USING<strong>2012</strong>'S BEST ESTATEPLANNING TECHNIQUESBEFORE THEY'RE GONEThe necessity of engaging in year-endplanning has be<strong>com</strong>e even moreimportant as the use of current exemptionsand planning techniques might soonexpire. This uncertainty has promptedmany planners to counsel their clients to"use it before you lose it." Certain planningtechniques may require several months toimplement, creating the necessity to<strong>com</strong>mence year-end planningwell in advance of <strong>December</strong>.This timely program features nationallyrenowned estate planning attorneysCarlyn S. McCaffrey of McDermott Will &Emery LLP and Jonathan G. Blattmachr ofEagle River Advisors both in <strong>New</strong> York,NY.Carlyn and Jonathan will address theimportance of utilizing current exemptionsand planning techniques in light of theuncertainty surrounding wealth transferlaws. Attention will be given to the Obamaestate tax proposals and the effect of suchproposals on current estate planningtechniques.Panelists will then cover the use of certainplanning techniques to take advantage ofcurrent wealth transfer laws before theyexpire, such as the GRAT, QPRT, SpousalTrusts and Self-Settled Trusts. Panelistswill also examine drafting and fundingissues such as the reciprocal trust doctrineand formula transfer clauses.importance of planning now. GRATs, QPRTs, Split-Purchase Trusts,SM Spousal Trusts & Self-SettledTrusts. Funding a trust for installment salepurposes. Reciprocal trust doctrine -- and how toavoid it. Formula funding clauses with "safetynets."Item no. : CE11200525Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MORE THAN JUST ASSETPROTECTION: HOW TO GETGOTHER BENEFITS FROMASSET PROTECTIONTRUSTSBy Michael M. Gordon, Todd A. Flubacher,Jonathan E. GopmanThis program will address how traditionaluses of asset protection trusts can beexpanded to provide enhanced services toestate planning clients. Our panelists willfocus on the use of <strong>com</strong>pleted gift trusts asan estate planning technique in light ofPLR 200944002. Attention will also begiven to the use of Delaware In<strong>com</strong>pleteGift Non-Grantor Trust ("DING") and howsuch trusts could potentially avoid statein<strong>com</strong>e tax. Finally, the panel will discusshow tenancy by entirety property can bepreserved and held in a trust structureunder Delaware Statutory Tenancy byEntirety Trust ("STET").Our speakers will provide:PERFORMANCE ARTSThe panelists will cover:SPACESBy Alexandra Darraby, Cheryl L. Davis, Obama estate tax proposals and the________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkThe basics on the tax consequencesof <strong>com</strong>plete and in<strong>com</strong>plete trusts.Expert <strong>com</strong>mentary from the creatorof the STET (Delaware StatutoryTenancy by Entirety Trust "STET")and how the STET can be used toprovide another layer of protectionwhile preserving the tenancy byentirety in a flexible trust structure. Expert <strong>com</strong>mentary from theco-creator of the DING (DelawareIn<strong>com</strong>plete Gift Non-Grantor Trust"DING") and how the DING'squalification as a nongrantor,in<strong>com</strong>plete gift trust can benefit yourclients.This program is essential for estateplanners ranging from beginner toadvanced.Item no. : DJ11200529Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.0067

PLANNING ANDDEFENDING DOMESTICASSET - PROTECTIONTRUSTSWHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE DEFENSESTHAT MAY BE RAISED IN AN ATTACKAGAINST A DOMESTICASSET-PROTECTION TRUST?WHAT TYPES OF ASSETS MAY BEHELD IN A DOMESTICASSET-PROTECTION TRUST ANDWHAT ARE THE IMPORTANT ISSUESTO CONSIDER IN SELECTING THEASSETS?With millions of lawsuits filed each year inthe United States, protecting client assetsfrom creditors should be considered in theoverall estate-planning process. Thisprogram will discuss the benefits of usingdomestic asset-protection trusts for thispurpose. It will provide an in-depthanalysis of domestic asset-protectiontrusts and <strong>com</strong>pare the differentasset-protection jurisdictions. It willaddress practical concerns for attorneysadvising on asset protection, such as howto properly establish and administerasset-protection trusts, and ethicalconsiderations. It will also cover relatedtopics, such as the federal tax implicationsof domestic asset-protection trusts, andthe application of the fraudulent transferrules to asset protection planning.Additionally, the panelists will address thefollowing questions:What are the tax and other benefitsdomestic asset-protection trusts offerto transferors and beneficiaries?What are the "fraudulent transferrules" and how can transferors avoidtheir application?What are the advantages of adomestic asset-protection trust overan asset protection trust establishedin a foreign jurisdiction?Comprehensive materials, includingsample forms, will be made available.Item no. : HF11200551Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PORTABILITY AND OTHERUNCERTAINTIES ANDPOTENTIAL PITFALLS OFTRA 2010The Tax Relief, Unemployment InsuranceReauthorization and Job Creation Act of2010 mixes opportunities, questions, andtraps. These provisions should becarefully considered as some of theopportunities may only exist through <strong>2012</strong>and provisions applying to deaths in 2010may impact a surviving spouse's planning.This program will probe further into these<strong>com</strong>plex matters and discuss planningconsiderations, opportunities and potentialpitfalls.Attend this program to: Understand planning opportunitiesoffered under the current law and howto take advantage Understand the remaining uncertaintyand how to plan accordingly Understand potential pitfalls createdunder the current law and how to planaccordinglyItem no. : HD11200552Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00POTPOURRI OF WHATPLANNERS NEED TO KNOWIN A NEW INTERNATIONALALWORLD: PLANNINGCONSIDERATIONS FORTHE NRA AND THE USEXPATJoin our top notch panel as they cover thebasics (and then some) of representinginternational clients.The topics to be discussed will includeinbound and outbound planning issuessuch as:U.S. in<strong>com</strong>e tax and transfer tax rulesfor nonresident aliens of the U.S.Marital planning with a non U.S.citizen spousePre-immigration planningTax considerations for U.S. personsabroadExpatriationForeign reportingThis program is not to be missed if youwant to gain a fundamental base ininternational planning or would like arefresher.Item no. : HC11200553Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PREPARING THEFIDUCIARY INCOME TAXRETURNBy Sasha A. KleinMost lawyers are not as well-versed in theproper preparation of Form 1041 as theyare with other tax forms. With theincreased use of trusts to transfer wealth,knowing how to prepare an accurate Form1041 will be<strong>com</strong>e more and more critical inproviding quality client service. During theconference, participants will learn theunique aspects in Form 1041 <strong>com</strong>pliance,how to accurately prepare Form 1041 foran estate or trust and how to allocatetaxable in<strong>com</strong>e between the entity and itsbeneficiaries. With the decrease in thenumber of estate tax returns, more IRSresources are being shifted to the Form1041 area increasing the likelihood ofmore audits. Make sure the Form 1041syou file can withstand this heightened IRSscrutiny by participating in this conference.During this presentation, participants will: Learn the differences between Form1041 and Form 1040 Learn how to <strong>com</strong>pute DistributableNet In<strong>com</strong>e and properly allocatetaxable in<strong>com</strong>e between the fiduciaryentity and its beneficiaries Learn the different reporting rules forrevocable and irrevocable trusts Learn how to withstand increasingIRS review of Form 1041Item no. : WA11200560Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING HEIRS'PROPERTY: UNIFORMLAWS AND SOCIALJUSTICEBy David J. Dietrich, Steven J. Eagle,Carolyn Gaines-Varner, Kieran Marion,Thomas W. MitchellExtended families have lost their homeplaces through partition sales by investorsacquiring small fractional interests. A newUniform Act targets abuses whileprotecting traditional property rights. Thefaculty for this program will discuss therelevance of the ACT and how you canuse it to protect your clients propertyinterests.Item no. : JC11200565Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00RECENT DEVELOPMENTSIN ASSET PROTECTIONPLANNINGBy Jay D. Adkisson, Thomas O. Gorman,David J. SlennThis program will assist planners ingaining a greater understanding of howaggressive asset protection planning hasfared in recent battles between debtorsand creditors. Special considerations existwhen planning for clients who have or maydefault on a loan. Additionally, certainprovisions under Sarbanes Oxley andDodd Frank present traps for executiveofficers that should be considered by theplanner prior to making transfers.Our speakers will provide:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkExpert <strong>com</strong>mentary and analysis on68

ecent case law and statutorydevelopments that impact the field ofasset protection. Unique perspectives, providing<strong>com</strong>mentary drawing on theircollective experiences as nationallyrecognized experts in the fields ofcreditors' rights, asset protectionplanning and SEC enforcementaction.Item no. : RK11200571Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00RISE OF THE INTERNET:PLANNING FOR VIRTUALASSETSIn this increasingly digital era, as internetaccounts are username and passwordprotected, issues emerge as to thetreatment of accounts upon a user'sdisability or death, particularly if the userfailed to take the necessary steps to allowthe fiduciary to access the accounts.During this presentation our panelists willaddresses: Disposition of online accounts, digitalassets, social networking accounts,passwords and security questionsand answers; Designation of rights to access suchaccounts in the event of disability anddeath; Concerns regarding retention ofdigital assets versus deletion upon ausers death and; Collection of digital assets andaccounts information.Item no. : DC11200581Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00S CORPORATION TRICKS,TRAPS AND SOLUTIONSS Corporations are widely used businessorganizations. While these entities appearsimple at first glance, there are numeroustricks and traps that can catch unwarypractitioners. Our panelists will discuss thefollowing tricks and traps and solutions forthem.Which type of trust is the best to holdS stock? What trust traps should youavoid when the primary beneficiarydies?How much flexibility exists in thesingle class of stock rules? Can Ihave different rules forowner-employees? If the corporationmakes disproportionate distributions,will that blow the election, or can it becured?Should a S Corporation be formedusing a state law entity other than acorporation?What traps and planning opportunitiesshould your real estate developerclients know about S corporations?For maximum tax savings, what is thebest way to structure a charitable giftby an S Corporation or by a SCorporation shareholder? What is theworst way?What is the best way to get assets outof a S Corporation?Should a C Corporation that has soldits business assets liquidate, or is anS election a better alternative?Item no. : LB11200586Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SAME-SEX SEX SPOUSES,PARTNERS AND ADULTADOPTIONS: TRUSTSADMINISTARTION ISSUESPRESENTED BYBENEFICIARYRELATIONSHIPSBy Richard S. Franklin, David G. Keyko,Linda L. Kotis, Matthew J. MacLeanThis program will discuss fiduciary andtrust administration issues when abeneficiary has a same-sex spouse orpartner.The program will address: How recognition of a beneficiary'smarital status and descendants canaffect the trustees powers and dutiesin the context of UTC and <strong>com</strong>monlaw principles, state supportobligations and the settler's intentions.Because the laws recognizingsame-sex marriage differ byjurisdiction and the federal DOMAallows a state to disregard same-sexmarriages, a trustee may faceconflicting rules when a trust issitused in one state and hasbeneficiaries residing elsewhere;Two high profile adult adoption cases,one of which was a substitute for gaymarriage. Issues include challengesto recognition as descendants andinterpretation of trust language; Various ways attorneys andfiduciaries can mitigate litigation risksas they navigate the <strong>com</strong>plex andchanging legal landscape of lawsgoverning nontraditional relationships.Item no. : FW11200588Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNING:NG:DRAFTING AND TAXISSUES FOR SPECIALNEEDS TRUSTSBy Vincent J. Russo, Ira Stewart WiesnerThis session will focus on an invaluabletool to help a person with special needs:the special needs trust. Did you knowthere are both first party and third partytrusts? Drafting of these trusts can allowthe beneficiary to qualify for Medicaid andSupplemental Security In<strong>com</strong>e, butdrafting must be done carefully. Learnwhich provisions are required by law inorder to qualify the trust as a (d)(4)(a)Trust under Medicaid. Every special needstrust you draft will also have in<strong>com</strong>e, gift,and estate tax consequences. Learn howto draft these trusts to allow a beneficiaryto qualify for government benefits whileminimizing taxes.This program will cover: Drafting first party special needs trustto qualify for Medicaid andSupplemental Security In<strong>com</strong>e Drafting third party special needstrusts to supplement the needs andcare of a beneficiary with specialneeds When to set up and fund specialneeds trusts The interrelationship of special needstrusts and taxes Who is responsible for the payment ofin<strong>com</strong>e taxes on in<strong>com</strong>e generated bya special needs trust Funding of special needs trusts andgift tax issues Drafting special needs trusts tominimize estate taxationItem no. : WY11200334Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNING:NG:TRAPS IN SPECIAL NEEDSTRUSTS ADMINISTRATIONBy Michele Palmer Fuller, Kevin UrbatschPreparing an estate plan that protects theinterests of beneficiaries with specialneeds is just the first step. If that plan isnot properly administered, even the bestdrafted documents will not ensure optimalprotection and services for the intendedbeneficiary.This program will cover: Proper trust investment Planning disbursements to protecteligibility for public benefits Protecting against fraudulent claimsfor reimbursement Accounting Fees Working with a professional trustee Working with a family trustee Proper and improper trustdisbursements Saying "no" to beneficiaries (and theirfamilies) When to say "yes" to beneficiaries(and their families)________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk69

Wrapping up trust administrationStories from the trenchesItem no. : ZN11200335Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNING:NG:WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWABOUT GOVERNMENTBENEFITSPlanning for the future is never easy, and itcan be even more difficult when a lovedone is disabled. What are the best steps toprovide for the future? Do you have thespecialized knowledge that will get yourclients the security they need? Severalestate planning attorneys have beendisbarred or sued due to their failure toknow the implications of SSI, Medicaideligibility, and other special needs rules.Don't risk your client's future plans or yourlicense.Item no. : BW11200336Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TRUST PROTECTOR, THE:TRUST(Y) WATCHDOG OREXPENSIVE EXOTIC PETIt's no secret that the Trust Protector hasbe<strong>com</strong>e the new kid on the trust block,with powers ranging from removing andreplacing trustees, to adding or deletingbeneficiaries, to a virtual re-writing of thetrust. But is the Trust Protector really anew idea in trust law?Please join our panelists as they discuss:Which trusts should have a trustprotector and who should it be?What are the pros and cons of givingthe Protector such extensive powers?What drafting issues <strong>com</strong>e into play?Item no. : CP11200615Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00USING PARTNERSHIPS TOTOWN BUY-SELLINSURANCEBy Steven B. Gorin, Nancy Schmidt Roush,Richard S. Scolaro, Dale B. StoneClients often prefer a cross-purchasebuy-sell agreement but find practicalproblems often make them more difficult toadminister than an entity purchaseagreement. Our panelists will discuss asolution to these problems -- using alimited liability <strong>com</strong>pany or other entitytaxed as a partnership to hold lifeinsurance policies used to fund across-purchase buy-sell agreement. Sucha structure maximizes flexibility asownership of an operating businesschanges over time, including the transfersof life insurance to owners entering orleaving the business. It also can providesuperior in<strong>com</strong>e tax, estate tax, and assetprotection results.They will also cover how the ownersshould split the costs and benefits of suchan arrangement, given differences in costof insuring and each owner's ability tocontribute and percentage ownership inthe business.The economics, drafting, and taxconsiderations of three practical modelswill also be discussed.Item no. : KM11200624Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00YOU INVESTED IN WHAT? AGUIDE TO ADVISINGTRUSTEES ONINVESTMENTSIn this economically uncertain environment,investment selection is more important(and more confusing) than ever. Trusteeshave the additional responsibility ofunderstanding and conforming to theUniform Prudent Investor Act ("UPIA").This puts their attorneys in the unenviableposition of advising trustees to develop aplan, consistently follow it and not beswayed by the emotional impact of theseextremely volatile markets. This programwill help the estate planning attorneydetermine how to advise clients on the lawof investing without giving investmentadvice.This session will discuss: The law of investing as codified in theUPIA; The case law that has developed fromthe UPIA; The emotional impact on investmentdecisions as a result of "behavioralfinance" concepts; The implications of hindsight bias andthe so-called curse of knowledge; The attorney's professionalresponsibility in providing UPIAadvice; The attorney's role in determininginvestment strategies.Item no. : VJ11200634Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ETHICS ANDPROFESSIONALRESPONSIBILITY26TH ANNUAL NATIONALINSTITUTE ON WHITECOLLAR CRIMEThe <strong>2012</strong> keynote panels will focus on themost significant white collar criminal trialsof the past year, and on the ethicalobligations of white collar lawyers. TheInstitute will have excellent representationfrom the corporate sector, includingmembers of the legal and <strong>com</strong>pliancegroups of British Airways, CME Group,Exxon Mobil, General Dynamics, Microsoft,Morgan Stanley, Oracle Corporation,Qual<strong>com</strong>m, Raytheon, WeatherfordInternational and WellCare Health Plans.The Institute also will include seniormembers of the Department of Justice,prosecutors and distinguished members ofthe federal judiciary.Item no. : HK11200246Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1095.00ATTORNEY LIABILITYISSUES IN ASSETPROTECTION PLANNINGAsset Protection is a hot area of law due inlarge part to the economic recession andits aftermath providing the resolution ofcases involving debtors and creditors. Thisprogram will cover asset protection from adifferent angle -- liability issues that arisefor the attorney who assists in suchplanning. The discussion will includeprimary and secondary forms of liability,including ethical issues under the state bar.Our panelists will provide their perspectivefrom their respective roles as assetprotection planner and creditor rightslitigator.Item no. : RD11200381Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BIAS IN THE LEGALPROFESSIONBy Paulette Brown, Beth K. WhittenburyLaw firms frequently make the news forexhibiting certain bias in their dealings withemployees and clients. This can hurt afirm's reputation and bottom line. Learn toavoid these scenarios.This program explains how bias translatesinto legal causes of action. Participants willfocus on spotting and avoiding suchissues in the legal profession through theuse of appropriate vignettes, casesinvolving law firms, and time for questions.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk70

Item no. : ZP11200260Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BIG ONES, THE: RULES OFPROFESSIONAL CONDUCTTHAT REALLY APPLY TOENTERTAINMENTLAWYERSBy Kenneth J. Abdo, Philip LyonAll states have promulgated Rules ofProfessional Responsibility. All Rulesapply to all lawyers licensed in that state.Whether based on the ABA Model Rulesor otherwise, certain rules, as applied toentertainment and sports lawyers, havespecial impact and merit special attention.The panel identifies these big rules andanalyze lawyer behavior within thecustoms of these particular (and peculiar)practice areas.Item no. : ML11200388Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DEVELOPMENTS INETHICS 2010By Barry E. Cohen, Kathryn M. Fenton,Robert E. Hauberg, Jr., Professor ThomasD. MorganThis audio CD-ROM will cover the 2010developments in ethics rules and opinions,includingclient waivers;joint defense;lateral movement of attorneys;prosecutor ethics;U.S. v. European standards;sanctions; andprofessional liability claims.Item no. : FL11200417Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ETHICAL CHALLENGES ONOTHE HORIZON:CONFIDENTIALITY,COMPETENCE, AND CLOUDCOMPUTINGBy John M. Barkett, Mindy Caplan,Stephanie L. Kimbro, William C. McNeill IIIIn the fast paced world of Web 2.0,knowledge is power and cloud <strong>com</strong>putingis the next frontier. You may be on thecloud already and not realize it. Our expertpanel provides a general overview of cloud<strong>com</strong>puting and discuss the various ethicalissues that can arise in connection with it.The panel examines the various ModelRules of Professional Conduct that areimplicated by cloud <strong>com</strong>puting, includingthe rules regarding <strong>com</strong>petence, diligence,confidentiality, safeguarding property,responsibilities of partners andsubordinate lawyers, and client<strong>com</strong>munications. The ABA's up<strong>com</strong>ingchanges to the Model Rules and ethicsopinions concerning cloud <strong>com</strong>puting willalso be reviewed.Item no. : WN11200279Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICAL ISSUES INCOMMERCIALTRANSACTIONSBy Kristen David Adams, Henry S. Bryans,Nancy B. RapoportThis program will explore conflict issues,including waivers and representingcreditor groups; ethics issues inmulti-jurisdictional practices in a world inwhich social media is pervasive; opinionassumptions; and the ethics ofnegotiations. Please join us for a dynamic,high-energy discussion of these importantand practical topics with our threeexcellent presenters.Item no. : BN11200449Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00ETHICAL ISSUES WHENREPRESENTING CLIENTSWITH DISABILITIES INCIVIL CASESCounsel representing clients withpsychiatric disabilities face uniquechallenges in meeting their primary dutyunder the Model Rules of ProfessionalConduct to allow their clients to decide thebest course of action to take. This programfocuses on this duty in the context of civilcases and discusses ethical rules relatingto client <strong>com</strong>petency, confidentiality ofinformation concerning the client'sdisability, and the circumstances when anattorney may withdraw fromrepresentation. In addition, the webinarwill provide strategies for working withclients with mental health conditionsItem no. : HN11200450Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICS AND THETRANSACTIONAL LAWYERBy William Freivogel, Sue C. Friedberg,Lucian T. Pera, Douglas R. RichmondThe application of legal ethics rules to thetransactional practice can be <strong>com</strong>plex andbewildering even to experts. This programis designed to assist good businesslawyers, who have little time or inclinationto study the ethics rules, to spot issues,and to seek help where appropriate. Keyareas include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkConflicts of Interest: What shouldbusiness lawyers consider whentaking on new clients, particularlyinvolving entities and multiple parties?Confidentiality: How do the ethicsrules on confidentiality relate to theattorney-client privilege and the workproduct doctrine? What can thebusiness lawyer disclose about theirpractice to others? Communication with representedparties: When can a business lawyer<strong>com</strong>municate with officers oremployees of other parties in atransaction?Negotiation Ethics: How far can abusiness lawyer go in extolling theirclient's business or the value of animportant asset?Client Fraud: The business clientappears to be up to something fishy.Does that have consequences for thelawyer? "We've made a mistake:" Arediscussions within the law firm aboutsuspected lawyer miscues protectedby the attorney-client privilege? Whenmust such matters be reported toclients?Item no. : JZ11200451Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ETHICS BASICS FORBUSINESS LAWYERSBy Henry S. Bryans, William Freivogel,Sue C. FriedbergThe application of legal ethics rules to thetransactional practice can be <strong>com</strong>plex andbewildering, even to experts. This programis designed to assist good businesslawyers who have little time or inclinationto study the ethics rules to spot issues andseek help where appropriate.Key areas will include:Conflicts of Interest: What shouldbusiness lawyers consider whentaking on new clients, particularlyinvolving entities and multiple parties?Negotiation Ethics: How far can a71

Price : USD 150.00LARRY FOX AND SUSANMARTYN ON ETHICS:ACCIDENTAL CLIENTS ANDALAWYERS IN THE JOBMARKETBy Lawrence J. Fox, Susan R. MartynLawyers would argue they know who theirclients are. Prospective clients are enteredinto a conflicts database and checked forconflicts with current and former clients.The lawyer only proceeds if no conflict isrevealed, or if proper informed consent tothe conflict has been obtained. Butincreasingly, the law governing lawyershas identified "accidental" clients: thoseclients that lawyers had little or no ideaexisted.This presentation considers legallyrecognized client-lawyer relationships,many of which can be created accidentallyfrom a lawyer's point of view, and oftenwhen a lawyer least expects it. Thepanelists will also discuss the conflicts thatarise as lawyers enter the job market andissues like side-switching, hot potatoes,and screens that arise when lawyers leavetheir firms.Item no. : JC11200511Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 110.00DEVICES HELPS TO AVOIDETHICAL DILEMMASBy David G. Ries, John W. SimekSmartphones and other mobile devicesare great <strong>com</strong>munication and productivitytools for attorneys. They are <strong>com</strong>pact,mobile, and powerful, with multiple meansof connectivity. But the attributes thatmake them attractive also present greatrisk. They can be easily lost, stolen, or<strong>com</strong>promised, exposing confidentialinformation. It is critical for attorneys tounderstand and address these risks in theselection and use of smartphones andmobile devices. This session will explorethe duty to safeguard, the risks, and waysto manage the risks.The faculty will generally discuss both theABA Model Rule 1.1 and the attorney'sduty to be <strong>com</strong>petent and use reasonablesafeguard measures, and the attorney'sduty of supervision under ABA ModelRules 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3. Specifically, thefaculty will discuss: information security basics; selection of smartphones; use of smartphones; law firm management ofsmartphones; electronic <strong>com</strong>munications; wireless and remote access; and other mobile devicesItem no. : LU11200518Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW ERA, A: TRENDS,BENEFITS, AND RISKS INLEGAL OUTSOURCINGBy William J. Campbell, Jr., Vincent M.Catanzaro, Kunoor Chopra, Browning E.Marean III, Heather Linn RosingPlease join our all-star panel to discuss anemerging trend in the legalprofessio--sending elements of therepresentation outside of the traditionallaw firm. The legal outsourcing provider(LPO) industry only took off in the last 7-8years, but is expected to continue to growat a fast pace. We will explore the stilllargely undiscovered world of LPOs,contract attorneys, professional documentreviewers, and e-discovery experts. Theuse of these individuals and <strong>com</strong>panies inthe course of representation can be verycost effective, but also raises issues aboutthe industry's intersection with the ModelRules of Professional Conduct with regardto the duty to supervise, confidentiality,<strong>com</strong>petence, conflicts, and billing. Ourpanel includes four very differentperspectives: an in-house attorney, apartner in a large law firm, an ethicist, andan executive in the outsourcing industrywho previously founded one of the pioneerlegal-process outsourcing <strong>com</strong>panies.Join us to get up to speed on this hot topicand the risks and benefits it presents.Item no. : NB11200320Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ETHICS ISSUES INACCESS TO ANDPOSSESSION OF EVIDENCEBy Stephen Gillers, Peter B. Krupp,Loretta M. Lillios, Robert L. UllmanLawyers <strong>com</strong>e into possession ofevidence through a variety of means:contact with clients and third persons,discovery, accidental disclosure,anonymously supplied information, andthe like. This panel will explore the ethicalissues that arise as lawyers navigate thetreacherous terrain when they <strong>com</strong>e topossess physical evidence, with aparticular focus on criminal cases.Relevant rules and laws to be addressedare: Model Rule of Professional Conduct3.4(a), Standard 4-4.6 of the ABA CriminalJustice Standards, Restatement of LawGoverning Lawyers § 119, and 18 USC §§1503, 1512, and 1515.Item no. : TN11200307Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LOCKED DOWN: HOWSECURITY FOR MOBILEMAKING MORE MONEY BYBEING MORE ETHICALBy Todd C. Scott, Chaim Steinberger,Allison WoodMany attorneys view the Model Rules ofProfessional Conduct as rules that limitand restrict the practice of law. While thisis true, a closer examination of the ModelRules shows that the rules also provideguidance for managing your practice. Aseasoned practitioner, insurance carrier,and an ethics counselor will explore thelife cycle of a claim and demonstrate how<strong>com</strong>pliance with the Model Rules will notonly help you avoid disciplinary andmalpractice claims, but will also help youimprove your ability to generate revenueand to collect fees. Model Rules to beaddressed are: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6,1.15, 1.16, 1.18, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 7.1, 7.2, and7.3.Learn how to ethically manage: client expectations; the client interview and clientselection process; the attorney-client relationship; and issues relating to billing and fees.Item no. : NE11200310Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PREVENTING MORTGAGEFORECLOSURE RESCUESCAMS: HOW LAWYERSCAN AVOID ETHICAL /LICENSURECOMPLICATIONSBy Mary Alestra, David Berenbaum,Yolanda McGill, James Reilly Dolan,Rutledge SimmonsUnprecedented numbers of homeownersare at risk of foreclosure and desperate tosave their homes. Unfortunately,unscrupulous loan modificationconsultants and purveyors of similarservices are preying on thesehomeowners. All too often, and withincreasing frequency lawyers, whetherwittingly or unwittingly, are engaging inscamming activity by offering servicesdirectly to the homeowner or partneringwith ill-intentioned loan modificationconsultants. Don't be a part of the problemand put your law license at risk.Come learn about actual examples oflawyers being prosecuted for scam activityand the professional conduct implicationsfor lawyers partnering with loanmodification consultants or similar outfits.Learn how lawyers can serve clientsresponsibly and avoid the aforementionedrisks.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk73

Item no. : RZ11200327Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00RECENT DEVELOPMENTSIN ASSET PROTECTIONPLANNINGBy Jay D. Adkisson, Thomas O. Gorman,David J. SlennThis program will assist planners ingaining a greater understanding of howaggressive asset protection planning hasfared in recent battles between debtorsand creditors. Special considerations existwhen planning for clients who have or maydefault on a loan. Additionally, certainprovisions under Sarbanes Oxley andDodd Frank present traps for executiveofficers that should be considered by theplanner prior to making transfers.Our speakers will provide: Expert <strong>com</strong>mentary and analysis onrecent case law and statutorydevelopments that impact the field ofasset protection. Unique perspectives, providing<strong>com</strong>mentary drawing on theircollective experiences as nationallyrecognized experts in the fields ofcreditors' rights, asset protectionplanning and SEC enforcementaction.Item no. : RK11200571Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TECHNOLOGYAMENDMENTS TO THEMODEL RULES: : ANSWERSTO THE QUESTIONS YOUSHOULD BE ASKINGBy John M. Barkett, Judith A. Miller, SethA. RowIn August <strong>2012</strong>, the ABA House ofDelegates adopted changes to severalModel Rules of Professional Conduct toaddress the growing role that technologyis playing in the practice of law. Thisfast-paced program will walk you throughthe changes, identify practical impacts,and alert you to traps for the unwary.Model Rules to be addressed include 1.0,1.1 (<strong>com</strong>petence), 1.2 (scope ofrepresentation), 1.4 (<strong>com</strong>munication), 1.6(confidentiality), 4.4, and 5.3 (non-lawyerassistance).Item no. : SL11200343Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 110.00UNBUNDLING IN THE 21STCENTURY: GROWING YOURPRACTICE WITH LIMITEDSCOPE REPRESENTATIONBy Richard S. Granat, Stephanie L.Kimbro, Forrest S. Mosten, M. Sue TaliaNot your grandfather's law practice: Thepractice of law is changing, and smartpractitioners are riding the wave byexpanding into limited scoperepresentation. With limited scope, alawyer performs some, but not all, of thetasks traditionally associated with fullservice representation. Sometimes thisinvolves coaching the client toself-represent on simpler tasks, whileperforming the more technical (andprofessionally satisfying) parts of a legalmatter.Limited scope is well suited to a variety ofservices, from drafting and documentassistance, ghostwriting, to limited courtappearances. Over 40 states now haverules promoting limited scope, and now isthe time to consider adding limited scopeto the menu of services you offer yourclients. However, practitioners must alsobe aware of the ethical issues that areinvolved with limited scope representation.Specifically, Model Rule 1.2, its variationsthroughout the states, and amendedversions of Model Rule 4.2 that severalstates are implementing.Client demand is driving the engine:Increased interest in self-representation,coupled with demand for morecost-effective legal delivery models, have<strong>com</strong>e together at a time of greattechnological innovation to create aperfect opportunity for practitioners toeffectively, ethically, and profitably, expandtheir client base.Wide range of applications: Limited scopelends itself to a wide range of applications,from family law (where it started), toemployment law, consumer issues,insurance coverage, small businessassistance, and special needs advocacy,to name but a few.As Model Rule 1.2(c) tells us, apractitioner is able to limit the scope of therepresentation, but the limitation must bereasonable and the client must giveinformed consent. This program, featuringthe top national experts in the subject, willgive you everything you need to ethicallyincorporate limited scope into yourpractice while remaining within theguidelines of the Model Rules ofProfessional Responsibility.Item no. : NE11200347Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WHO WATCHES THEWATCHERS: LEGAL ETHICSCHALLENGES IN INTERNALINVESTIGATIONSInternal investigations have be<strong>com</strong>eincreasingly <strong>com</strong>mon for businessorganizations, whether as part of a<strong>com</strong>pliance program or in response to civilor criminal litigation. Internal investigations,however, can involve ethical landmines forboth internal and external counsel. Thissession will explore these key legal ethicsissues in internal investigations: Clients, non-clients, and people whothink they're clients: Upjohn warnings,multiple representation, and Rule 1.13issues Privilege and confidentiality issuesunder the Model Rules Conflicts between internal andexternal counselItem no. : BB11200352Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WINNING BY SPINNING?THE ETHICS OFLITIGATING CIVIL CASESIN THE MEDIABy Bruce E. H. Johnson, M. A. (Mike)Kautsch, Karen Shatzkin, John J. Walsh,Michael WolffThe <strong>New</strong> York Times has reported that"alliances between filmmakers andlawyers are be<strong>com</strong>ing increasingly<strong>com</strong>mon, with recent films tied to casesinvolving Dole Food, Coca Cola andUnocal." Defendants are fighting back withTheodore J. Boutrous Jr., a lawyer forDole, noting that, after recent successes ingetting access to what documentarydirectors "leave on the cutting room floor"to reveal possible manipulations,"defendants would increasingly fightplaintiff's use of documentaries to promotetheir causes and force settlement."Join our panel of expert attorneys andjudges for an in-depth discussion on theethical obligations placed on attorneyswhen speaking publicly about their clientsin civil cases as well as ethical concernsabout the use of documentary films in thecourt of public opinion. Specific questionsto be addressed include the following: The American Bar Association'sModel Rules of Professional Conductraise a concern about the effect ofpublicity on "a civil matter triable to ajury." What is the nature ofextrajudicial advocacy that issubstantially likely to result in materialprejudice in a civil case?________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkWhen attorneys are involved in public<strong>com</strong>munication about civil litigation,under what conditions may they riskbreaching their duties to be truthful, tomaintain client confidentiality, or to74

avoid conflicts of interest, dishonesty,fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, andconduct prejudicial to theadministration of justice?In the civil justice system, are ethicalconstraints on extrajudicial <strong>com</strong>mentby attorneys considered lessimportant than their responsibility tobe zealous advocates?To what extent does First Amendmentprotection for freedom of attorneyspeech conflict with ethicalconstraints on extrajudicial advocacyin civil cases?Item no. : LY11200353Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICS OPINIONSLARRY FOX AND SUSANMARTYN ON ETHICS:ACCIDENTAL CLIENTS ANDALAWYERS IN THE JOBMARKETBy Lawrence J. Fox, Susan R. MartynLawyers would argue they know who theirclients are. Prospective clients are enteredinto a conflicts database and checked forconflicts with current and former clients.The lawyer only proceeds if no conflict isrevealed, or if proper informed consent tothe conflict has been obtained. Butincreasingly, the law governing lawyershas identified "accidental" clients: thoseclients that lawyers had little or no ideaexisted.This presentation considers legallyrecognized client-lawyer relationships,many of which can be created accidentallyfrom a lawyer's point of view, and oftenwhen a lawyer least expects it. Thepanelists will also discuss the conflicts thatarise as lawyers enter the job market andissues like side-switching, hot potatoes,and screens that arise when lawyers leavetheir firms.Item no. : JC11200511Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 110.00EVIDENCEINTRODUCTION TOE-DISCOVERY, ANBy Matthew C. Christoff, Sarah M. Knight,Jessica TaylorElectronic discovery is no longer a rarity,but a reality that nearly every attorney willencounter in his career. Ensuring thepreservation of electronically storedinformation (ESI) is a key <strong>com</strong>ponent ofdiscovery today. Litigants who fail topreserve ESI can face severeconsequences, including monetary andevidentiary sanctions, the effects of whichcan last long beyond a single case.Recognizing the potential issues andconcerns in the preservation andcollection of ESI is critical to an effectiveelectronic discovery strategy.This program will introduce participants tothese considerations and the <strong>com</strong>plexitiesand pitfalls of e-discovery issues in anysize case. The program will also addressrecent case law and emergingtechnologies, such as cloud storage andsocial media, and what strategies litigantsemploy to successfully manage ESIpreservation and collection. Join us for aninsightful and practical discussion of theseissues using real-life examples andillustrations.Item no. : TS11200504Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EVIDENCE-BASEDTEACHING CPDEVIDENCE-BASEDTEACHINGPresented by Mike BellWhat is Evidence-based teaching allabout?Agriculture, medicine and industry all useevidence-based methods that are decidedby what works best in experiments ratherthan custom and practice, or merelytradition. Teaching is be<strong>com</strong>ing this waytoo, and we now know what teachingmethods are consistantly reliable andeffective in the classroom.This DVD covers ten of the most effectiveteaching methods as identified bythousands of experiments conductedworldwide.Item no. : VB30690002Format : DVDPrice : GBP 199.00HOW BRAINS LEARNUsing the latest research, this videoexplains, in a jargon-free and accessibleway, how the brain learns, and why somestudents find learning difficult.With diagrams and plain English, the filmexplores how you can further improve yourteaching by understanding key brainfunctions.The video looks at the learning processand includes sections on <strong>com</strong>mon learningmyths, case studies, and why the mosteffective classroom methods really work.This resource has activity sessions,making this a valuable resource for stafftraining and professional development.All materials and activities have beentested in his training sessions by teachers.Part 1: Brain basics Main brain areas Memories and learning Organising memoriesPart 2: Higher Order Thinking Skills for thinking Abstract thinkingItem no. : JR30690001Format : 2 DVDs (With CD)Price : GBP 249.00FAMILYCOUNSELINGFAMILY THERAPY:UNIVERSAL AND UNIQUEAPPROACHES TO SOLVINGPROBLEMSBy Samuel Gladding Ph.D.Through a series of entertaining, brief, andinstructional role plays, Dr. Gladdingreviews several universals of familytreatment approaches, such as types of<strong>com</strong>munication patterns, rules, andfeedback. He describes additionalconcepts including homeostasis,secondary change, and developmentalaspects of a problem, then demonstrateseffective use of these techniques to treat amultigenerational family. Stimulating andenlightening, this video perfect for mostclasses in family therapy and is a creativeresource for hooking beginning graduateand advanced undergraduate studentsinto seeing multiple aspects of how toclinically work with families to achievetherapeutic results.Item no. : AN08780279Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesPrice : USD 203.00FAMILY LAW20 TAX TRAPS AND OTHERTRUSTEE SELECTIONCONSIDERATIONSClients rely on their planning attorney toguide them in selecting the bestcandidates to serve in the critical role oftrustee. But clients need more than justbrilliant ideas from their attorneys, theyalso need effective implementation.Unfortunately, IRC 2036, 2038 and 2041can wreak havoc on the successfulstructuring of a trust. Overlay the nuancesof these rules with the particulars of the________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk75

client family's goals and personalities, andit is easy to see how a smart andotherwise appropriate plan could fall intoone or more tax traps. In spite of the factthat most of the rules in this area haven'tchanged dramatically in years, there is stilla steady stream of cases and rulings.Some highlight what should be done;others what should be avoided. Either way,planners will benefit from anunderstanding or refresher course onthese rules.hard time developing persuasive themesfor opening statements and closingarguments? Do you find it difficult to createpowerful demonstrative exhibits andsummaries of evidence? If so, you are notalone.This program will give you the tools todevelop persuasive and well organizedopening statements and closingarguments and effective demonstrativeexhibits.marital settlement agreements, but howoften do you review it carefully? Thisprogram will provide practical strategies,checklists and tips for spotting issues andpotential traps in drafting and improvingwork product.Item no. : HB11200390Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 86 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00In addition, there are certain non-taxcriteria that should be taken intoconsideration. The most appropriatetrustees are those with the right skills tofurther the purpose of the trustarrangement. This may include knowingthe family, history of the wealth, talent tooperate a private <strong>com</strong>pany businessinterest, or any of a host of other uniquefactors. So clients, naturally turn to theirattorneys to help identify not just who"could" serve, but who "should" serve.Both speakers for this program bring the<strong>com</strong>bination of private practice and trust<strong>com</strong>pany in-house counsel experience inguiding listeners through an exploration ofimportant tax and non-tax considerationson trustee selection.Item no. : ZY11200359Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ABCS OF ADOPTION, THEThis audio CD-ROM is for those who arethinking about practicing adoption law butdont know where to start. Our panel offamily law attorneys give an excellentoverview of private adoption law in theUnited States.The ABCs of Adoption is an introductoryprogram that explains the adoptionprocess from who may adopt to the finalorder of adoption issued by the court.This program is a must for young lawyersor attorneys new to the field who want tolearn the underlying legal principles aswell as the practice points all adoptionattorneys should know.Item no. : WW11200248Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ANALYTICAL STEPS TO AWELL ORGANIZED,CONCISE AND ENGAGINGTRIAL: HOW TO IMPRESSTHE JUDGEBy Steven Peskind Esq, Anita VentrelliDo you have judges short on time andpatience for long trials? Do you have aItem no. : NA11200254Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BENEFICIARY FLEXIBLETRUST, THEBy definition, the purpose of a trustarrangement is to limit freedom andimpose constraints on the use andenjoyment of property. Trusts can producesub-optimal results if the terms are tooflexible or too inflexible.The purpose of this presentation is to posita trust in which the goal is to give thegreatest degree of flexibility to thebeneficiary while still achieving theobjectives of: Removing the property from the grossestate of both the settlor andbeneficiary; Allowing the beneficiary to controldistributions; Protecting trust property fromcreditor's claims; Protecting trust property from spousalclaims;Allowing the beneficiary to controlinvestments, and Minimizing administrative andfiduciary obligations while thebeneficiary serves as trustee.This presentation will cover the varioussituations that might call for theBeneficiary Flexible Trust and how tobalance flexibility and constraint toachieve the best results.Item no. : DC11200386Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BOILERPLATE LANGUAGEFOR MARITALSETTLEMENTAGREEMENTS: MAKING ALIST AND CHECKING ITTWICE - IT'S NOT JUST FORSANTA CLAUSEBy Kathleen Hogan, Scott Mann, JamieWrightCOMMON EVIDENTIARYFOUNDATIONS FOR FAMILYLAW LITIGATION: HOW TOIMPRESS THE JUDGEBy Steven Peskind Esq, Anita VentrelliDo you have judges short on time andpatience for long trials? Do you have ahard time condensing your evidence andlaying the best evidentiary foundation? Ifso, you are not alone.This interactive program will give you theanalytical steps to prepare a wellorganized, concise, and engaging trial. Inshort, it will make you a favorite with yourjudges and give you a taste of what theABA Family Law Section Trial AdvocacyInstitute has to offer.Item no. : SD11200267Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CONDUCTING EFFECTIVEEXPERT WITNESS CROSSEXAMINATION: HOW TOIMPRESS THE JUDGEBy Steven Peskind Esq, Anita M. VentrelliDo you have judges short on time andpatience for long trials? Do you have ahard time condensing your evidence intothe time you have for getting organized fora trial? If so, you are not alone. Thisinteractive program will give you analyticalmethods for developing effective expertcross examination, insuring that you areprepared to lay evidentiary foundations for<strong>com</strong>mon and not-so-<strong>com</strong>mon family lawexhibits. In short, it will make you a favoritewith your judges and give you a taste ofwhat ABA Family Law Section TrialAdvocacy Institute has to offer.Item no. : NG11200408Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 72 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00We all use "boilerplate" language in________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk76

CRIMINAL LAW IN ANUN-CIVIL CASE: HANDLINGACCUSATIONS OFCRIMINAL CONDUCT INFAMILY LAW CASESBy William Biviano, Dennis G. Kainen,Peter R. Stambleck, Jayne WeintraubAs if the practice of family law were nothard enough, what do you do when yourclient or the other party engages incriminal (or potentially criminal) conduct?From domestic violence to the filing offalse financial affidavits to invoking theFifth Amendment, learn from a prominentpanel of practitioners what to do when youare confronted with accusations of criminalconduct.Item no. : EA11200270Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DIRECT AND CROSS -EXAMINATION IN A FAMILYLAW TRIALBy Nancy Chausow Shafer Esq.,Katherine Kinser Esq.Expert faculty members from the ABAFamily Law Trial Advocacy Instituteprovided an overview of the art of directand cross-examination of various types ofwitnesses that are frequently family lawtrial witnesses, including the client, theopposing party, potential experts, and layfact witnesses. The discussion includedeffective use of witnesses and trial tips topresent your case under timemanagement constraints. This is a smallportion of the instruction at the week-longABA Family Law Trial Advocacy Instituteprogram offered in May.Item no. : MC11200419Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DRAFTING FINANCIALPOWERS OF OATTORNEY:AVOIDING FINANCIALEXPLOITATION OF THEELDERLYAre you aware of the damage that can becaused by poor drafting of financialpowers of attorney or the damage causedfrom a lack of understanding of the clientscircumstances? Powers of attorney aretoo often viewed as minor legal documents,yet they are often used as tools for<strong>com</strong>mitting serious financial exploitationagainst older Americans, a problem that ison the rise in our aging society.Learn smart drafting and counseling skillsand how state law is changing tostrengthen the effectiveness and safety ofpowers of attorney for finances.Item no. : PR11200272Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EEOC'S REGULATIONSIMPLEMENTING THEADAAA, THE: EXPANDINGECOVERAGE UNDER THEDISABILITY DEFINITIONMarch 25, 2011, the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission (EEOC) issuedits final regulations implementing theAmericans with Disabilities ActAmendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), whichwas enacted on September 25, 2008 andbecame effective January 1, 2009. TheAct made a number of significant changesto the Americans with Disabilities Act's(ADA) "disability" definition, "reinstating abroad scope of protection under the ADA."In keeping with this purpose, the EEOCstates that "the definition of 'disability' shallbe construed broadly in favor of expansivecoverage to the maximum extentpermitted by the terms of the ADA."The panel discussed what this means forlawyers and their clients.Item no. : TN11200431Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 88 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00EMOTIONAL ANDPSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUESOF ESTATE PLANNINGWHAT (OR SHOULD) KEEPSCLIENTS AWAKE AT NIGHTAND HOW THIS MIGHT (OR(SHOULD) SHAPE THEESTATE PALNNINGPROCESSThis practice tool packed program willdiscuss how to handle issues relating tothe emotional & psychological issues ofestate planning.The panelists will discuss:Current tax issues: possible changesin exemption levels and pros andcons of portability;Hot issue for married couples: moreor less control to surviving spouseover estate intended for children,especially if multiple; Protecting client and heirs frompossible trustee abuse; i.e. conditionsfor removal of trustee; How does theestate planner inform the trustee ofhis/her duties? Growing impact oflitigation on trust and estate matters.Pros and cons of Trustee exculpationclauses;Kamerlink, Lori Patton________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkSuccession planning for the familybusiness;Counseling the client about unequalgifts;Advising the client whether to discloseor not disclose the estate plan to theheirs. What factors control the adviceto be given;Pros and cons of advising clients onplacing gift in trust for children,whether asset protection, financialeducation or responsibility, specialneeds or otherwise;How does the Attorney deal with theemotional and psychological aspectsof these issues.Item no. : KH11200437Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FETAL ALCOHOLSPECTRUM DISORDERSD(FASD): WHAT YOU NEEDTO KNOW TO HELP YOURCLIENTSBy Pi Nan Chang, William Edwards,Melodee Hanes, Kathleen TavennerMitchell, Hon. Anthony WartnikOf all the substances ingested duringpregnancy, alcohol produces the mostlong-ranging damage to the brain.Children and youth within the justicesystem are disproportionately affected byFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD),with ramifications for a variety of casesincluding delinqency, abuse and neglect,and education. This program will helplawyers recognize individuals with FASD,especially those with IQ's above 70.Speakers will discuss how courts shouldtreat individuals with FASD, the servicesthey should receive and theac<strong>com</strong>modations that courts shouldprovide.Item no. : NR11200460Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 110.00HELPING YOUR FAMILYLAW CLIENTS DETERMINEWHEN BANKRUPTCY ISRIGHT FOR THEMBy Diane Brazen Gordon, Lydia Gross77

From initial client interviews to drafting thesettlement agreement, this program willdiscuss the critical and problematic debtissues every family law attorney needs tobe aware of. Topics will include studentloans, credit cards, short sales andforeclosures.This course will provide a practicalunderstanding of how to spot and addressproblem debts, and to know whenbankruptcy might be an option.Item no. : AD11200291Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HIS, HER OR THEIRPROPERTY: A PRIMER ONOMARITAL PROPERTY LAWIN THE COMMUNITYPROPERTY STATESBy Karen Boxx, Thomas M. FeatherstonJr.During this presentation the panelists willprovide a basic overview of the maritalproperty laws of the <strong>com</strong>munity propertystates.They will examine the fundamentaldifferences that exist between <strong>com</strong>monlaw states and <strong>com</strong>munity property statesincluding: The principles that the <strong>com</strong>munityproperty states share; The areas of law where the<strong>com</strong>munity property states differ; Key transfer and in<strong>com</strong>e taxconsequences applicable to<strong>com</strong>munity property ownership; How the source of funds impactswhether property is <strong>com</strong>munityproperty.They will also indentify and address someof the questions an estate planning lawyerin a <strong>com</strong>mon law state may ask about<strong>com</strong>munity property.Item no. : VA11200487Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00JOBS ACT IN NINETYMINUTES, THE: WHATBUSINESS LAWYERS NEEDTO KNOWBy Daniel R. Bushner, Elizabeth Dunshee,Dana G. Fleischman, Martin E. Lybecker,David Lynn, more…This program will discuss the new JOBSAct, which was enacted by Congress toease the regulatory burdens associatedwith capital raising by smaller <strong>com</strong>panies.The provisions of the Act relate to bothprivate and public offerings. Among theprincipal changes effected by the JOBSAct are:The designation of <strong>com</strong>panies with lessthan $1 billion of total annual grossrevenues as "emerging growth<strong>com</strong>panies," which are provided withcertain ac<strong>com</strong>modations relating to theirinitial public offerings and their subsequentreporting obligationsThe elimination of restrictions ongeneral solicitation and generaladvertising in connection with Rule506 private placements and Rule144A offerings under the SecuritiesActThe establishment of an offeringexemption for "crowdfunding" bynon-reporting U.S. <strong>com</strong>paniesThe expansion of the scope ofofferings under Section 3(b) of theSecurities Act to permit offerings of upto $50 million within a 12-monthperiod, subject to certain conditions Amendments to the thresholdsrequiring a <strong>com</strong>pany to register aclass of equity securities underSection 12(g) of the SecuritiesExchange Act.The program will feature presentations byprominent practitioners focusing on eachof these provisions, and present anup-to-date analysis of how theseprovisions are intended to work and someof the challenges they present. With theSEC currently drafting rulemaking toimplement many of the JOBS Actprovisions, this program will be bothinsightful and timely.Item no. : BZ11200305Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MAKING MORE MONEY BYBEING MORE ETHICALBy Todd C. Scott, Chaim Steinberger,Allison WoodMany attorneys view the Model Rules ofProfessional Conduct as rules that limitand restrict the practice of law. While thisis true, a closer examination of the ModelRules shows that the rules also provideguidance for managing your practice. Aseasoned practitioner, insurance carrier,and an ethics counselor will explore thelife cycle of a claim and demonstrate how<strong>com</strong>pliance with the Model Rules will notonly help you avoid disciplinary andmalpractice claims, but will also help youimprove your ability to generate revenueand to collect fees. Model Rules to beaddressed are: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6,1.15, 1.16, 1.18, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 7.1, 7.2, and7.3.Learn how to ethically manage: client expectations; the client interview and clientselection process;the attorney-client relationship; andissues relating to billing and fees.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkItem no. : NE11200310Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MASTERING BANKRUPTCY:PROOF OF CLAIMS - THEGOOD, BAD, AND THE UGLYUBy Vikram R. Barad, Rinky S. Parwani,Marc S. SternUnderstanding a proof of claim in aChapter 7 or Chapter 13 is not as simpleas it looks. In this seminar you will learnabout how to file a proof of claim, object toa proof a claim, and litigate proof ofclaims.Moreover, we will discuss how to help yourclients save money in a Chapter 7 andChapter 13 and use the objection processstrategically.Item no. : HF11200311Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MASTERING BANKRUPTCY:THE STRATEGY OFINSOLVENCY (WHEN,WHAT AND WHERE ARE WEFILING AND WHY?)By Vikram R. Barad, Rinky S. Parwani,Marc S. SternThe program is designed to address, ingeneral terms how the lawyer, ascounselor, needs to analyze the client'sneeds and propose a plan to achieve thatout<strong>com</strong>e. As lawyers practicing in the area,we have seen too many cases in whichthe proceeding was poorly timed or neednot have been filed at all. In other wordsthe case was filed at the wrong time, in thewrong chapter, and/or for the wrongreasons. The result is often excesslitigation, cost, and frustrations for bothlawyers and clients. The shoot from thehip approach leads to other problemswhich we believe would not exist if someinitial thought was given to the client'sgoals and to the process that each filingstarts.In this program you will learn: How to decide if your client should file The strategies on how to <strong>com</strong>pletethe schedules-what are we disclosing,and how? About the claiming exemptions afterTaylor and SchwabeItem no.FormatDuration: PM11200312: CD-ROM (Win): 90 minutes78

Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PORTABILITY AND OTHERUNCERTAINTIES ANDPOTENTIAL PITFALLS OFOTRA 2010The Tax Relief, Unemployment InsuranceReauthorization and Job Creation Act of2010 mixes opportunities, questions, andtraps. These provisions should becarefully considered as some of theopportunities may only exist through <strong>2012</strong>and provisions applying to deaths in 2010may impact a surviving spouse's planning.This program will probe further into these<strong>com</strong>plex matters and discuss planningconsiderations, opportunities and potentialpitfalls.Attend this program to: Understand planning opportunitiesoffered under the current law and howto take advantage Understand the remaining uncertaintyand how to plan accordingly Understand potential pitfalls createdunder the current law and how to planaccordinglyItem no. : HD11200552Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PREMARITALAGREEMENTS:REPRESENTING ESENTING THESTRONGER PARTY;REPRESENTING THEWEAKER PARTYIt seems to be a fairly widespread beliefthat premarital agreements are easy tobreak. This is a myth. Courts rarely refuseenforcement. However, whenever apremarital agreement is challenged theproponent of the agreement must incur therisk and expense of defending validity.From the standpoint of a party to apremarital agreement who is in the weakerbargaining position, there is only onechance to get it right. This programfocuses on the lawyers role inrepresenting a party to a premaritalagreement at the negotiation and draftingstage. Linda Ravdin will discuss the basicsof validity with an emphasis on what thelawyer for the proponent can do toenhance validity and reduce risk for his orher client. She will also discuss the pointof view of the lawyer for the weaker partyand how that lawyer can work to improvethe out<strong>com</strong>e for his or her client.Item no. : HE11200559Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00REPRESENTING SENIORSAND THEIR FAMILIES:PITFALLS AND POINTERSBy Walter T. Burke, Michael A. Kirtland,Nina Kohn, Kate Mewhinney"The family lawyer" is a familiar figure toclients who have a lawyer they consult formultiple legal issues. Yet lawyers can findthemselves in a practical and ethicalminefield when asked to provide counselabout advanced planning issues forelderly family members. Indeed, even themost basic of questions - who is the client?- can be challenging to answer.This program focuses on the practical andethical challenges that arise when alawyer either represents or is asked torepresent multiple family members. Thespeakers explore both the advantages anddisadvantages of representing families inthe elder law context. They also offerpractical advice on how to handle theethical and pragmatic challenges thatarise when representing multiple familymembers.Item no. : WJ11200579Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SAME-SEXSEX SPOUSES,PARTNERS AND ADULTADOPTIONS: TRUSTSADMINISTARTION ISSUESPRESENTED BYBENEFICIARYRELATIONSHIPSBy Richard S. Franklin, David G. Keyko,Linda L. Kotis, Matthew J. MacLeanThis program will discuss fiduciary andtrust administration issues when abeneficiary has a same-sex spouse orpartner.The program will address: How recognition of a beneficiary'smarital status and descendants canaffect the trustees powers and dutiesin the context of UTC and <strong>com</strong>monlaw principles, state supportobligations and the settler's intentions.Because the laws recognizingsame-sex marriage differ byjurisdiction and the federal DOMAallows a state to disregard same-sexmarriages, a trustee may faceconflicting rules when a trust issitused in one state and hasbeneficiaries residing elsewhere;Two high profile adult adoption cases,one of which was a substitute for gaymarriage. Issues include challengesto recognition as descendants andinterpretation of trust language; Various ways attorneys andfiduciaries can mitigate litigation risksas they navigate the <strong>com</strong>plex andchanging legal landscape of lawsgoverning nontraditional relationships.Item no. : FW11200588Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNING:WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWABOUT GOVERNMENTBENEFITSPlanning for the future is never easy, and itcan be even more difficult when a lovedone is disabled. What are the best steps toprovide for the future? Do you have thespecialized knowledge that will get yourclients the security they need? Severalestate planning attorneys have beendisbarred or sued due to their failure toknow the implications of SSI, Medicaideligibility, and other special needs rules.Don't risk your client's future plans or yourlicense.Item no. : BW11200336Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TOP 10 QDRO MISTAKESEXPERIENCE LAWYERSMAKEBy Emily McBurneyThis program covers advanced QualifiedDomestic Relations Orders (QDROs)topics for experienced attorneys.Preparing QDROs is a necessary toolwhen dealing with and distributingretirement benefits for married couples.There are many everyday problemsassociated with drafting and finalizingthese orders; even the experiencedattorney will benefit from the expertguidance given in this presentation.Item no. : HG11200606Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TRANSGENDER PEOPLEAND FAMILY LAW:CURRENT LEGALCHALLENGES AND BESTPRACTICESBy Jennifer Levi, Shannon Price MinterThis 90-minute audio CD-ROM discussesthe legal challenges transgender peopleface in creating, expanding, and dissolvingfamilies, and how lawyers can help their________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk79

clients navigate these challenges. Forexample, panelists will discuss howlawyers can help transgender peoplesecure recognition and protection for theirrelationships.In addition, the speakers address whatsteps transgender people should take toprotect their relationships with childrenbrought into their families. Finally, thepanelists provide strategies fortransgender people going through theprocess of family dissolution.Item no. : YE11200611Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00and <strong>com</strong>mentary from the therapist. Thetherapist discusses what issues werepresented in the session and theirconceptualization of the presentingproblem. The therapeutic models coveredinclude the following:Behavioral Family TherapyBrief Family TherapyEmotionally Focused Family TherapyExperiential Family TherapyStrategic/Medical Family TherapyConstructivist Family TherapyStructural/Strategic Family TherapyItem no. : TJ30640001Format : 7 DVDsStdBkNo : 9781412992947Price : USD 365.00presenting problems in a historicaland social context Respond when a client resistsexploring family issues Explain to clients why exploring familybackground is relevantItem no.Format: YH07620208: DVD (With Instructor'sManual, English subtitles): 113 minutesDurationStdBkNo : 1601243316Price : USD 223.00FINANCIALMANAGEMENTUNSCRAMBLING THE TAXRETURN JIGSAW PUZZLEBy Justin L. Cherfoli, Brian R. PotterFamily Law attorneys are often tasked withreviewing corporate and personal taxreturns. Given the <strong>com</strong>plexity of taxregulations and parties' marital estates,this task may often prove daunting. In thistimely webinar, our expert faculty providedinstructions on effectively using theinformation contained in three tax returnsoften encountered in divorce matters,namely the 1040 (individual return), the1065 (partnership/LLC return), and the1120S (S-corporation return). Thespeakers also discussed how thesereturns are interrelated and how they canbe used to answer questions such as:How do I delineate between the cashflow and taxable in<strong>com</strong>e generated bya business or rental property?How can I use the informationcontained in the returns to identifypotential assets held in the maritalestate or other parties of interest?What types of additional informationshould be requested in order to fullyunderstand the parties' financialpicture?Item no. : LC11200621Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FAMILY STUDIESSYSTEMIC FAMILYTHERAPY SERIESBy Jon L. WinekThis set of DVDs highlights andac<strong>com</strong>panies the different theoreticalapproaches featured in Jon Winek'sSystemic Family Therapy . The setcontains seven DVDs, each of whichcontains a full demonstration of a familytherapy interview. The DVDs open with anintroduction to the approach and to thetherapist, followed by a role play sessionFAMILY THERAPYHARNESSING THE POWEROF GENOGRAMS INPSYCHOTHERAPYBy Monica McGoldrickWatch master family therapist MonicaMcGoldrick, MSW, create a genogram onthe spot in this live session with a clientstruggling to understand why he isdistancing from his wife.This is a rare opportunity to watch thetherapist who developed and popularizedgenograms demonstrate how to actuallycreate and utilize them in a therapysession. In this video, you will see MonicaMcGoldrick in action as she masterfullyconducts an initial interview with a newclient, demonstrating the step-by-stepprocess of gathering historical information,creating the genogram, andcontextualizing the client's presentingproblem within a multigenerational familysystems framework.John is a 39-year-old African-Americangraphic designer who is having maritalproblems. Mystified and distressed by hispattern of distancing from his wife who issix months pregnant, he desperatelywants to understand why he is pullingaway. McGoldrick's focused interest inJohn's family story gently guides him in athorough investigation of the social andhistorical context of his current struggles.With McGoldrick as an ally, John makesfascinating discoveries as he uncoverssurprising coincidences, poignanttragedies and inspiring sources ofresilience.Watching McGoldrick engage a client inexploring the connection between hispresenting problem and hisfamily-of-origin issues is a treat in and ofitself, but a bonus feature of this video isfollowing McGoldrick's step-by-stepcreation of John's genogram on the spot. Itmakes for a <strong>com</strong>pelling and highlyeducational experience.By watching this video, you will learn howto: Utilize the genogram to place clients'<strong>2012</strong> LIVE FROM THEMEETING TRUST & ESTATETEHOT TOPICSThe distinguished speakers on this panelwill light the way for your practice in thefuture. An important part of being ready forthe future is to discern the implications ofrecent developments for the futuredirection of estate and tax planning.Updates on legislative, regulatory, judicialand administrative matters will includepractical application. As for 2013, ourpanelists will provide their best predictionswith no guarantees.Item no. : YE11200360Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 105.00ANATOMY OF M&AINDEMNIFICATIONNEGOTIATIONSBy Wilson Chu, Jordaan Hendrik, Craig A.Menden, Linda SchmidtThrough a <strong>com</strong>bination of illustrativenegotiations, analysis of marketbenchmarks from the American BarAssociation's Private Target Deal PointsStudy, and a healthy dose of reality from adeal litigator's perspective, this programwill make a deep-dive into some of themost <strong>com</strong>plex and contentiousindemnification issues being negotiated intoday's private target M&A marketplace.Topics include: Knowledge-based limitations tobuyer's indemnification rights (i.e.,"sandbagging") Balancing acts between "fulldisclosure," "pro-sandbagging," and"non-reliance" provisions Fraud exceptions to "exclusiveremedy" provisions Issues specific to private equitytransactionsItem no. : SV11200375Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk80

CHALLENGES IN HOSPITALMERGERS: ACQUIRINGPHYSICIAN PRACTICESAND ANCILLARY BUSINESSSSBy Maria Carrier, Beth Connor Guest, HalKatzIn this webinar, a team of legal andvaluation experts will discuss currenttrends and guide you through the factorsthat drive structure and discuss theframework for the modern physicianpractice or ancillary business acquisitionincluding:valuation issues in acquisitions, includinganalysis of valuation approach and typesof assets that are being purchased;antitrust considerations;and to seek help where appropriate. Keyareas include:Conflicts of Interest: What shouldbusiness lawyers consider whentaking on new clients, particularlyinvolving entities and multiple parties?Confidentiality: How do the ethicsrules on confidentiality relate to theattorney-client privilege and the workproduct doctrine? What can thebusiness lawyer disclose about theirpractice to others? Communication with representedparties: When can a business lawyer<strong>com</strong>municate with officers oremployees of other parties in atransaction?distributable net in<strong>com</strong>e ("DNI") - thatultimately determine the tax accountingin<strong>com</strong>e ("TAI") for the trust and thebeneficiaries. As most practitioners areaware, these three concepts arefundamental to the mechanics ofSubchapter J. However, they are far more<strong>com</strong>plex than some may recognize andoften manifest themselves on the Form1041.This program will offer a look at the"not-so-basic" basics.Item no. : NM11200462Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00 regulatory issues in craftingStark-<strong>com</strong>plaint arrangements; payors and reimbursementimplications; and IT drivers-EHRs, and "meaningfuluse" payments.Item no. : NZ11200261Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICALCONSIDERATIONS IN THEFORECLOSURE CRISIS,REALLY!This program will focus on strategies andissues regarding documentation,negotiation, and litigation of foreclosures.Additionally, our panelists will discuss thefollowing topics: The role and limitation on lender'scounsel, borrower's counsel anddealing with prose borrowers; Ethical obligations of borrower'scounsel when the foreclosure is wellfounded; Robo-signed documents and missingdocuments confronting thepractitioner and; Motions or defenses to file on behalfof the mortgagor in default and whatshould not be ethically filed.Item no. : FP11200448Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICS AND THETRANSACTIONAL LAWYERBy William Freivogel, Sue C. Friedberg,Lucian T. Pera, Douglas R. RichmondThe application of legal ethics rules to thetransactional practice can be <strong>com</strong>plex andbewildering even to experts. This programis designed to assist good businesslawyers, who have little time or inclinationto study the ethics rules, to spot issues,Negotiation Ethics: How far can abusiness lawyer go in extolling theirclient's business or the value of animportant asset?Client Fraud: The business clientappears to be up to something fishy.Does that have consequences for thelawyer? "We've made a mistake:" Arediscussions within the law firm aboutsuspected lawyer miscues protectedby the attorney-client privilege? Whenmust such matters be reported toclients?Item no. : JZ11200451Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FIDUCIARY INCOMETAXATION: THENOT-SOSO-BASIC BASICSFor many estate planners, the<strong>com</strong>plexities of the fiduciary in<strong>com</strong>e taxhave not been terribly troubling, as Form1041 audits have historically been few andfar between. Yet with the federalapplicable exclusion amount now at $5million, the number of estates subject tofederal estate tax will decreasesubstantially. With the potential decreasein resources needed to audit Forms 706(assuming the current regime stays intactbeyond <strong>2012</strong>) it seems likely that theInternal Revenue Service may shift itsfocus to a closer review of fiduciaryin<strong>com</strong>e tax returns. Should this occur, theneed for a deeper familiarity with thefiduciary in<strong>com</strong>e tax rules of Subchapter Jof the Internal Revenue Code willincrease.At the broadest level, Subchapter Jprovides for the allocation of in<strong>com</strong>e anddeductions between the trust and thebeneficiaries. In this sense, the trust canbe both a taxpayer and a conduit throughwhich in<strong>com</strong>e and deductions flow out tothe beneficiaries. This allocation and therole of the trustee in this allocation areconditioned by two fundamental concepts- fiduciary accounting in<strong>com</strong>e ("FAI") andMCCAFFREY &BLATTMACHR-USING<strong>2012</strong>'S BEST ESTATEPLANNING TECHNIQUESBEFORE THEY'RE GONEThe necessity of engaging in year-endplanning has be<strong>com</strong>e even moreimportant as the use of current exemptionsand planning techniques might soonexpire. This uncertainty has promptedmany planners to counsel their clients to"use it before you lose it." Certain planningtechniques may require several months toimplement, creating the necessity to<strong>com</strong>mence year-end planningwell in advance of <strong>December</strong>.This timely program features nationallyrenowned estate planning attorneysCarlyn S. McCaffrey of McDermott Will &Emery LLP and Jonathan G. Blattmachr ofEagle River Advisors both in <strong>New</strong> York,NY.Carlyn and Jonathan will address theimportance of utilizing current exemptionsand planning techniques in light of theuncertainty surrounding wealth transferlaws. Attention will be given to the Obamaestate tax proposals and the effect of suchproposals on current estate planningtechniques.Panelists will then cover the use of certainplanning techniques to take advantage ofcurrent wealth transfer laws before theyexpire, such as the GRAT, QPRT, SpousalTrusts and Self-Settled Trusts. Panelistswill also examine drafting and fundingissues such as the reciprocal trust doctrineand formula transfer clauses.The panelists will cover: Obama estate tax proposals and theimportance of planning now. GRATs, QPRTs, Split-Purchase Trusts,SM Spousal Trusts & Self-SettledTrusts. Funding a trust for installment salepurposes. Reciprocal trust doctrine -- and how toavoid it. Formula funding clauses with "safetynets."________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk81

Item no. : CE11200525Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MORE THAN JUST ASSETPROTECTION: HOW TO GETGOTHER BENEFITS FROMASSET PROTECTIONTRUSTSBy Michael M. Gordon, Todd A. Flubacher,Jonathan E. GopmanThis program will address how traditionaluses of asset protection trusts can beexpanded to provide enhanced services toestate planning clients. Our panelists willfocus on the use of <strong>com</strong>pleted gift trusts asan estate planning technique in light ofPLR 200944002. Attention will also begiven to the use of Delaware In<strong>com</strong>pleteGift Non-Grantor Trust ("DING") and howsuch trusts could potentially avoid statein<strong>com</strong>e tax. Finally, the panel will discusshow tenancy by entirety property can bepreserved and held in a trust structureunder Delaware Statutory Tenancy byEntirety Trust ("STET").Our speakers will provide:The basics on the tax consequencesof <strong>com</strong>plete and in<strong>com</strong>plete trusts.Expert <strong>com</strong>mentary from the creatorof the STET (Delaware StatutoryTenancy by Entirety Trust "STET")and how the STET can be used toprovide another layer of protectionwhile preserving the tenancy byentirety in a flexible trust structure. Expert <strong>com</strong>mentary from theco-creator of the DING (DelawareIn<strong>com</strong>plete Gift Non-Grantor Trust"DING") and how the DING'squalification as a nongrantor,in<strong>com</strong>plete gift trust can benefit yourclients.This program is essential for estateplanners ranging from beginner toadvanced.Item no. : DJ11200529Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00OPINIONS ON LLCINTERESTS ANDSECONDARY SALES OFSECURITIESBy Julie M. Allen, Donald W. Glazer,Stanley Keller, James G. Leyden Jr.,Steven WeiseThe TriBar Opinions Committee hasissued two important new reports: onedealing with Opinions on LLC Interests,and the other with Opinions on SecondarySales of Securities. Both reports providenew insights to these <strong>com</strong>mon opinionsthat practitioners need to know.A faculty, <strong>com</strong>prised of experts who tookthe lead in preparing these reports, sharetheir knowledge and explain the keylessons to be learned from the reports.Item no. : MC11200545Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PREPARING THEFIDUCIARY INCOME TAXRETURNBy Sasha A. KleinMost lawyers are not as well-versed in theproper preparation of Form 1041 as theyare with other tax forms. With theincreased use of trusts to transfer wealth,knowing how to prepare an accurate Form1041 will be<strong>com</strong>e more and more critical inproviding quality client service. During theconference, participants will learn theunique aspects in Form 1041 <strong>com</strong>pliance,how to accurately prepare Form 1041 foran estate or trust and how to allocatetaxable in<strong>com</strong>e between the entity and itsbeneficiaries. With the decrease in thenumber of estate tax returns, more IRSresources are being shifted to the Form1041 area increasing the likelihood ofmore audits. Make sure the Form 1041syou file can withstand this heightened IRSscrutiny by participating in this conference.During this presentation, participants will: Learn the differences between Form1041 and Form 1040 Learn how to <strong>com</strong>pute DistributableNet In<strong>com</strong>e and properly allocatetaxable in<strong>com</strong>e between the fiduciaryentity and its beneficiaries Learn the different reporting rules forrevocable and irrevocable trusts Learn how to withstand increasingIRS review of Form 1041Item no. : WA11200560Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PURSUING ANDDEFENDING ALLEGEDFRAUDULENT TRANSFERS:A PRACTICAL GUIDEThis audio CD-ROM features a discussionof the practical aspects of litigatingfraudulent transfer/conveyance actionsand brings the perspective of both anexperienced litigator and a financial expertin valuation and solvency. Our expertpanel draws examples from theirrespective practices as they discuss bothlegal and financial challenges in identifying,proving, and ultimately unwindingfraudulent transfers as well as providingguidance in defense of alleged fraudulenttransfers. The discussion also focuses onthe interplay between counsel and anexpert witness in the analysis and litigationof fraudulent transfers.Item no. : NA11200569Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REITS FOR REAL ESTATELAWYERSThis presentation will provide an overviewof the various organizational andoperational requirements that must be metby REITs. Our panelist, law firm taxpartners and tax counsel in the IRS's REITgroup, will focus on transactions involvingREITs that are <strong>com</strong>monly encountered byreal estate lawyers including: REIT leasing requirements; Borrowing from REITs, includingmezzanine loans and REMICrequirements; Lending to REITs; Hotel and health care structures forREITs; JVs with REITs; Contributing properties to REITs,including in UpREIT structures; and The use of private REITs in real estatefunds, including investor taxation.Item no. : ZN11200576Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TOUSA EXPLAINED: HOWCAN LIABILITY DISAPPEARAND SHOULD I ACCEPTTHAT PAYOFF?The United States Court of Appeals for theEleventh Circuit issued its muchanticipated decision in the TOUSA, Inc.bankruptcy cases on May 15, <strong>2012</strong>. Thedecision provides an ominous reminder toLenders to carefully assess the value ofaccepting asset pledges or guaranteesfrom borrowers subsidiaries, sometimesreferred to as upstream guarantees.TOUSA should also give creditors pausein accepting payments for existingobligations from the proceeds oftransactions that may later be avoided asfraudulent transfers in violation of thebankruptcy code.Our panel of experts will discuss: What does TOUSA say aboutupstream and cross streamguarantees and how does that relateto typical workouts?________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkHas the test for indirect benefit beenchanged? What does TOUSA say aboutaccepting loan repayments from aninsolvent or risky borrower?82

Are there any work-arounds ordocumentary protections? How does TOUSA affect lawyers whogive opinions? In view of Stern v. Marshall, some (butnot all) courts have held that abankruptcy court may not enter finalorders in a fraudulent conveyance suit,but can only make re<strong>com</strong>mendationsto the district court. If this matter isre-heard by the 11th Circuit is itpossible that the Stern decision willchange the standard on appeal, andhence the result?Item no. : PZ11200609Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TRUST PROTECTOR, THE:TRUST(Y) WATCHDOG OREXPENSIVE EXOTIC PETIt's no secret that the Trust Protector hasbe<strong>com</strong>e the new kid on the trust block,with powers ranging from removing andreplacing trustees, to adding or deletingbeneficiaries, to a virtual re-writing of thetrust. But is the Trust Protector really anew idea in trust law?Please join our panelists as they discuss:Which trusts should have a trustprotector and who should it be?What are the pros and cons of givingthe Protector such extensive powers?What drafting issues <strong>com</strong>e into play?Item no. : CP11200615Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00UCC ARTICLE 9AMENDMENTSBy Steven Weise, Teresa Wilton HarmonThis audio CD-ROM discussesdevelopments in secured financing underArticle 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code.Areas covered include developments inrelated areas, such as guaranties, lettersof credit, fraudulent transfers, and "lenderliability. "The program also provides practicalsuggestions for addressing thisdevelopment in deals.Item no. : LG11200617Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00UGLY TRUTH, THE:MUNICIPALRESTRUCTURING &BANKRUPTCYBy Hon. Charles Bowsher, Hon.Christopher M. Klein, Joshua Rauh,Lawrence Susskind, Harriet M. WelchCaught between a rock and a hard place,our states and cities face enormousuncertainties and financial crises fromchronic over-spending. Considerablenegotiations as well as leadership will berequired to obtain consensus and achievesustainable economic fiscal results. Thispanel will discuss various solutions,including bankruptcies leading torestructuring of pension and other laborcosts, and efforts to gain relief throughasset sales.Item no. : EA11200618Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FRANCHISE LAWANNUAL FRANCHISE ANDDISTRIBUTION LAWDEVELOPMENTBy James A. Goniea, Peter R. SilvermanInterested in hearing about the year's keyjudicial developments in franchising anddistribution law? Did you miss the ABAForum on Franchising's AnnualDevelopments session at the AnnualMeeting in Los Angeles? If so, this is theprogram for you!Listen to our experienced speakers surveythe most important franchise anddistribution-related decisions issued overthe past year.Item no. : YR11200255Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FRANCHISING RENEWALSFROM SOUP TO NUTS:VIEWS FROM IN-HOUSEAND OUTSIDE COUNSELBy Arthur J. Anastos, W. Barry Blum,Alejandro BritoThis program provides a lively discussionof the latest and greatest issuessurrounding renewals of franchiseagreements from the perspective ofin-house and outside counsel, as well asfranchisee counsel.The specific topics include:to renewal Disclosure requirements Contemporaneous change offranchisee ownership States with non-renewal <strong>com</strong>ponentsof relationship laws Refusing to renewItem no. : BY11200469Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ISSUES WITHAPPOINTINGFRANCHISEES,DISTRIBUTORS, ORAGENTS IN CHINABy Paul Jones, Robert A. Lauer, Richard L.Wageman, Brian YaoChina's growth has been phenomenal,and even in these challenging times itcontinues to grow rapidly. A major newdevelopment is the emergence of a middleclass in China which is increasinglylooking to western products and services.U.S. franchisors and retailers have been atthe forefront of expansion into China. Anumber of franchisors, whether throughcorporate outlets or franchised outlets,have created substantial networks. All ofthe indicators suggest that the appetite ofconsumers in China for Western brandswill grow.Nevertheless, China does representchallenges to those wishing to takeadvantage of these opportunities. Theprocedures for obtaining necessaryconsents and registrations are not alwaysclear. There are uncertainties relating tothe enforceability of trademark rights and<strong>com</strong>mercial agreements as well as thenumerous political, religious, cultural, andbusiness obstacles that have to beover<strong>com</strong>e.This program will provide participants withvaluable insights from U.S. and Chineseattorneys, all with extensive experience instructuring, negotiating, and managingtransactions in China as well as dealingwith issues when things "go wrong." Thespeakers will focus on both legal andpractical issues so as to enable U.S.practitioners to be aware of the issues tobe addressed when their clients expandinto China. Participants will receiveprogram materials addressing the issuesin greater depth.The program is designed to be a freeflowing discussion and will include aquestion and answer session for whichaudience participation is encouraged.Item no. : KF11200514Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00 Financial terms Renovation / updating as a condition________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk83

REPRESENTING A MOMAND POP CLIENT INFRANCHISING: WHAT APRACTITIONER NEEDS TOTKNOWWorking with "mom and pop" clients thatwant to buy their first franchise can bechallenging for many reasons such as thelegal aspects of franchising, and alsounderstanding the processes needed (andtaken) by the new franchise buyer and thefranchise brand. Our panel of experts willdiscuss:Franchising Basics, including theFranchise Disclosure Document(FDD)The franchisor's process and how itaffects the client and attorneyThe difference between a transfer ofownership and buying a FranchiseAgreement to develop a new unitDisputes that arise after the FranchiseAgreement is <strong>com</strong>pletedItem no. : RA11200578Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SEPARATING THE FATFROM THE FICTION:RESTAURANTMENU-LABELING LAWSEXAMINEDBy Regina Amolsch, Jamila B. Granger,Norman M. Leon, Kirk Reilly, Dayna B.RoyalThis program is designed to explore thefederal food labeling statute enactedMarch 23, 2010, the anticipatedregulations and their implementation, andareas where litigation is likely.The program covers such topics as: who's affected by the legislation; what's required to <strong>com</strong>ply; penalties for non<strong>com</strong>pliance; gray areas; practical issues with <strong>com</strong>plying; constitutional challenges and Issues/areas where litigation is likely(e.g. does violation of the statuetrigger exposure to various state laws,consumer fraud statutes, etc.?)This program also discusses state-levelcases relating to menu labeling laws andassist with forecasting areas ripe for futurelitigationItem no. : GB11200594Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00GENERALPRACTICEABCS OF ADOPTION, THEThis audio CD-ROM is for those who arethinking about practicing adoption law butdont know where to start. Our panel offamily law attorneys give an excellentoverview of private adoption law in theUnited States.The ABCs of Adoption is an introductoryprogram that explains the adoptionprocess from who may adopt to the finalorder of adoption issued by the court.This program is a must for young lawyersor attorneys new to the field who want tolearn the underlying legal principles aswell as the practice points all adoptionattorneys should know.Item no. : WW11200248Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ACCIDENTAL NONPROFITLAWYER, THEBy Lynn Howell, Amy Lin Meyerson,Michael E. Malamut, Lisa A. RunquistForgot to attend the meeting of thehomeowners' association? The pastorgave you an offer you couldn't refuse?Don't worry, this happens to almost everyattorney! What do you do when you findyourself suddenly representing thenonprofit you are affiliated with?As a lawyer recruited to a nonprofit boardor organization, you will be expected toaddress legal issues affecting theorganization as a lawyer instead of aregular member. It is important toremember that serving as a volunteerboard member does not prevent you fromdeveloping a lawyer-client relationshipwith the organization if you are relied onfor legal adviceThis program is geared towards the lawyerwithout significant nonprofit governance ornonprofit law experience who is asked torepresent a nonprofit. The program alsobenefits lawyers serving on nonprofitboards who are asked for legal advice aspart of their board service.Our panelists provide you the basic triageand survival tips for your new role. You willlearn about governance, stateregistrations, choice of entity, taximplications, conflicts of interest, basicnonprofit law, and other important skills toget you on your way safely!Item no. : TV11200363Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ADDING ELDER LAW TOYOUR PRACTICE: THEBASICSBy Lawrence A. Frolik, Charles Sabatino,Jeffrey J. SnellIt's nothing new for lawyers to serve olderclients, but the demographics of an agingsociety and the ever more <strong>com</strong>plicatedarray of issues and programs affectingolder persons has given rise to thephenomenon of law practicesconcentrating on "elder law." Two expertsin the field provide a perspective on thenature, history, and realities of the field.The program is especially useful for thosewho have considered moving in thedirection of elder law but have not fullyjumped into the fray.The program gives listeners anunderstanding of:the nature of the field of elder law;knowledge of the aging network thatprovides resources to meet thenon-legal needs of older persons; andthe adaptations and skills needed toserve an aging clientele and theirfamilies.Item no. : FZ11200366Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ANALYTICAL STEPS TO AWELL ORGANIZED,CONCISE AND ENGAGINGTRIAL: HOW TO IMPRESSTHE JUDGEBy Steven Peskind Esq, Anita VentrelliDo you have judges short on time andpatience for long trials? Do you have ahard time developing persuasive themesfor opening statements and closingarguments? Do you find it difficult to createpowerful demonstrative exhibits andsummaries of evidence? If so, you are notalone.This program will give you the tools todevelop persuasive and well organizedopening statements and closingarguments and effective demonstrativeexhibits.Item no. : NA11200254Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk84

ANNUAL FRANCHISE ANDDISTRIBUTION LAWDEVELOPMENTBy James A. Goniea, Peter R. SilvermanInterested in hearing about the year's keyjudicial developments in franchising anddistribution law? Did you miss the ABAForum on Franchising's AnnualDevelopments session at the AnnualMeeting in Los Angeles? If so, this is theprogram for you!Listen to our experienced speakers surveythe most important franchise anddistribution-related decisions issued overthe past year.Item no. : YR11200255Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BUSINESS AND VALUATIONISSUES THAT WILLPREVENT YOUR CLIENTS'BUY-SELL AGREEMENTSFROM WORKINGBy Z. Christopher Mercer, Louis A.MezzulloBuy-sell agreements are among the most<strong>com</strong>mon yet least understood businessagreements and many are destined to failto operate like the owners and theiradvisors expect. Many, in fact, are tickingtime bombs, just waiting for a trigger eventto explode. The primary reason is that theydo not receive enough attention frombusiness and valuation perspectives.This presentation is designed to provide aroad map for the development andimprovement of buy-sell agreements. Ourpresenters will share lessons learned frommany real-life situations.This session will discuss: Why fixed price agreements do notwork; Why formula price agreements do notwork; Inherent problems with multipleappraiser agreements that manyattorneys never focus on; The best valuation option for yourclients; The six defining elements that seldomare, but must be present in everyvaluation process agreement (if it willwork when triggered); Focused discussion of relationshipsbetween life insurance and buy-sellagreements; Real-life examples that will surprise,entertain and worry you.Item no. : GC11200394Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CLIENT SATISFACTIONAND A PAID LAWYER: YOURY<strong>2012</strong> NEW YEAR'SRESOLUTIONBy Melanie Bragg, Ann M. GuinnIn today's climate, lawyers often findthemselves caught between zealouslyrepresenting a client, charging a fair fee,and actually collecting the fee. Manylawyers fight for justice owed to theirclients, but are unable to fight for their ownfinancial freedom. This webinar will coverstrategic ways to successfully serve yourclients while serving yourself.Topics to be covered:Case and client selection skills toensure an optimum attorney/clientrelationshipFee agreements as the foundation ofthe attorney-client relationshipValue-added services to WOW! yourclientsSeamless and regular <strong>com</strong>municationSystems to give every client the bestexperience possible with your firmAlternative fee arrangements thatmeet the client's needs and take careof the attorneyBilling and collections procedures toensure paymentItem no. : JM11200399Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CLOUD COMPUTING: WILLIT REDUCE IT COSTS?By William Perlowitz, Timothy Sullivan,Tarek TomesThis is an interactive program designed forall those involved in theprocess-government officials, governmentcontracts administrators, attorneys, andcontractors, who were encouraged toshare their experiences and questions.The panelists discuss: What is cloud <strong>com</strong>puting? Securing <strong>com</strong>petition FedRAMP standards States' experience withimplementationItem no. : GH11200402Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COMMON EVIDENTIARYFOUNDATIONS FOR FAMILYLAW LITIGATION: HOW TOIMPRESS THE JUDGEBy Steven Peskind Esq, Anita VentrelliDo you have judges short on time andpatience for long trials? Do you have ahard time condensing your evidence andlaying the best evidentiary foundation? Ifso, you are not alone.This interactive program will give you theanalytical steps to prepare a wellorganized, concise, and engaging trial. Inshort, it will make you a favorite with yourjudges and give you a taste of what theABA Family Law Section Trial AdvocacyInstitute has to offer.Item no. : SD11200267Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CONDUCTING EFFECTIVEEXPERT WITNESS CROSSEXAMINATION: HOW TOIMPRESS THE JUDGEBy Steven Peskind Esq, Anita M. VentrelliDo you have judges short on time andpatience for long trials? Do you have ahard time condensing your evidence intothe time you have for getting organized fora trial? If so, you are not alone. Thisinteractive program will give you analyticalmethods for developing effective expertcross examination, insuring that you areprepared to lay evidentiary foundations for<strong>com</strong>mon and not-so-<strong>com</strong>mon family lawexhibits. In short, it will make you a favoritewith your judges and give you a taste ofwhat ABA Family Law Section TrialAdvocacy Institute has to offer.Item no. : NG11200408Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 72 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00COUNSELING THE LOCALFOOD MOVEMENT: WHAT APRACTITIONER SHOULDKNOWBy Dr. Stan Benda, Derrick Braaten, JasonFoscolo, Professor Neil Hamilton,Professor Erin HawleyThere has been a growing trend towards amore locally based food economy. Thepurpose of this webinar is to give thepractitioner the tools necessary to properlycounsel various segments of the local foodmovement. The faculty will describe thehistory and current legal frameworkaffecting the local food industry at thefederal, state, and local levels and amyriad of legal issues affecting "localfood," including preference and procurement laws forlocally grown food; federal government programs; direct marketing (including________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk85

Community Supported Agriculture(CSAs), roadstands and farmersmarkets); Food Safety Modernization Actexemptions, cottage food operation laws (i.e.,home-based kitchens) includingvalue-added products; land use and zoning concerns withurban agriculture; food labeling regulations (includingthe National Organic Program); "agri-tourism" and "agri-tainment" as itapplies to local food; liability concerns (including strictliability); liability insurance and choices incoverage; and raw milk.Item no. : PA11200413Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 120 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 175.00DIRECT AND CROSS -EXAMINATION IN A FAMILYLAW TRIALBy Nancy Chausow Shafer Esq.,Katherine Kinser Esq.Expert faculty members from the ABAFamily Law Trial Advocacy Instituteprovided an overview of the art of directand cross-examination of various types ofwitnesses that are frequently family lawtrial witnesses, including the client, theopposing party, potential experts, and layfact witnesses. The discussion includedeffective use of witnesses and trial tips topresent your case under timemanagement constraints. This is a smallportion of the instruction at the week-longABA Family Law Trial Advocacy Instituteprogram offered in May.Item no. : MC11200419Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DRAFTING FINANCIALPOWERS OF ATTORNEY:AVOIDING FINANCIALEXPLOITATION OF THEELDERLYLYAre you aware of the damage that can becaused by poor drafting of financialpowers of attorney or the damage causedfrom a lack of understanding of the clientscircumstances? Powers of attorney aretoo often viewed as minor legal documents,yet they are often used as tools for<strong>com</strong>mitting serious financial exploitationagainst older Americans, a problem that ison the rise in our aging society.Learn smart drafting and counseling skillsand how state law is changing tostrengthen the effectiveness and safety ofpowers of attorney for finances.Item no. : PR11200272Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ELDER LAW: WHATATTORNEYSREPRESENTING ELDERLYCLIENTS NEED TO KNOWBy Beth S. Janicek, Alfred J. Chiplin,David GodfreyThis program explores hot topics in elderlaw including: ethical representation of elder clientsand their families; understanding Medicare and keychanges under the new healthcarereform act; and, representing elders in personal injuryand malpractice cases.Item no. : EM11200434Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00EMERGING ISSUES INHEALTH INFORMATIONEXCHANGESBy John R. Christiansen, Deborah C.Hiser, Linda A. Malek, Kem McClellandHealth Information Exchanges areemerging as critical factors in both thepush toward full implementation ofelectronic health records and overallreform of the healthcare system. Providersand their attorneys need to be aware ofthe unique characteristics and challengesof forming and maintaining HIEs and of thetrends for their future.This expert panel will discuss and givepractical guidance regarding the currentHIE models in operation across thecountry, includingrecent legislation and the "opt-in"model;the challenges in federating HIEsacross state lines;<strong>com</strong>plying with the CMS Data UseReciprocal Service Agreement;contracting with HIE vendors;the policies and procedures requiredby HITECH;the requirements for patient consentand authorization to participate in anHIE.Attendees of this program will receiveinformation ranging from the practical tothe latest trends in this dynamic area.Item no.FormatDuration: RH11200435: CD-ROM (Win): 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FACING MENTAL ILLNESSAND DEMENTIA IN LAWPRACTICEBy Eric Y. Drogin, Howard J. FulfrostWith the baby boom, we have observed agreater number of individuals joining theprofession. These boomers are choosinglonger careers than their predecessors;yet the estimates of individuals with mentalillness in general, Alzheimer's Diseaseand other dementias both before and afterretirement age are on the rise. TheAmerican Bar Association hasacknowledged that the practice is notprepared for protecting the dignity ofsenior lawyers in this situation, or toaddress the ethical, social, and politicalissues facing attorneys with the symptomsattributed to such illnesses. Similar issuesface attorneys with mental illness,especially severe mental illness. However,mental illness can affect attorneys of anyage. Law firms and other practices are nobetter prepared to manage the symptomsand the stigma associated with suchdiagnoses.This presentation addressed the medicaland psychological issues faced byattorneys with dementia or mental illness.In addition, professional issues that arisefor attorneys with mental illness wereaddressed. Finally, an attorney withmental illness spoke about hisexperiences on the front lines.Item no. : EV11200456Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00GRAMMAR CHEAT SHEETFOR LAWYERS (THE TOP 10GRAMMAR QUESTIONSLAWYERS ALWAYSWANTED SOMEONE ELSETO ASK & THE TOP 10GRAMMAR QUESTIONSLAWYERS DIDN'T EVENKNOW THEY ALWAYSWANTED SOMEONE ELSETO ASK)By Gary KinderWords are a lawyer's only currency. In this90-minute webinar, lawyers learn how toavoid the grammatical slips that devaluethat currency. With a million dollars atstake, would you know the differencebetween "which" and 'that?" How about"lay" and "lie," "between" and "among,""can" and "may?" Which numbers do youwrite as words? Do quotation marks goinside punctuation? How do you form the________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk86

possessive of a singular noun ending in"s?" Not knowing the rules weakenscredibility with judges and clients, andoften leads to unintended consequences.When you use grammar correctly, judgesand clients know they can depend on you.Item no. : BT11200480Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00assignments are interpreted.This program addresses the decision itself,the history of Bayh-Dole, the policyquestions raised in the decision, and thepractical consequences to bothgovernment and <strong>com</strong>mercial contractors.Item no. : RD11200500Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00issues.Some of the topics to be discussed: Intellectual property issues1. Ownership of designs2. Licensing of designs Liability issues1. Warranties and indemnities2. Design standards3. Maintenance of the space4. "What do we do if" analysisHELPING YOUR FAMILYLAW CLIENTS DETERMINEWHEN BANKRUPTCY ISRIGHT FOR THEMBy Diane Brazen Gordon, Lydia GrossKamerlink, Lori PattonFrom initial client interviews to drafting thesettlement agreement, this program willdiscuss the critical and problematic debtissues every family law attorney needs tobe aware of. Topics will include studentloans, credit cards, short sales andforeclosures.This course will provide a practicalunderstanding of how to spot and addressproblem debts, and to know whenbankruptcy might be an option.Item no. : AD11200291Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00IMPACT OF STANFORD V.VROCHE ON PRIVATE PARTYTRANSACTIONS, THE:INVENTOR OWNERSHIPAND GOVERNMENTRIGHTS UNDERBAYH-DOLEBy Susan Warshaw Ebner, John E.McCarthy Jr., James G. McEwen, SeanO'ConnorThe Bayh-Dole Act is often held up as oneof the most important pieces of legislationgoverning patent rights. Resulting fromcollaborations between private institutionsand the government, it is a model onwhich other countries have based theirattempts to promote technology transferbetween government and the privatesector.In Stanford v. Roche, the Supreme Courtupheld the Federal Circuit and found thatBayh-Dole could not be used by auniversity to claim ownership in a subjectinvention where the inventor hadpreviously and validly assigned rights to athird party. However, this holding has left amyriad of unanswered questions as toinventor's rights versus those of TheGovernment under a government contract,as well as questions fundamental to howKNOW YOUR CLIENT'SRIGHTS: RELIGIOUSPROFILING IN THE POST9/11 ERARacial or ethnic profiling, which is<strong>com</strong>monly understood as lawenforcements use of race or ethnicity todetermine whether a particular individualwarrants official scrutiny, has been a lawenforcement strategy since the mid to late1990s. As recently as September 11, 2011,law enforcement agencies have alsoengaged in religious profiling, targetingAmericans and U.S. residents basedsolely upon their faith.Reports of surveillance of members of theAmerican Muslim, Arab American, andSouth Asian <strong>com</strong>munities by the <strong>New</strong> YorkPolice Department (NYPD) havereinvigorated legal, academic, and policydiscussions regarding the practice ofreligious, racial, and/or ethnic profiling.According to these reports, the NYPD hasmonitored Muslims daily life, and thesetechniques have provoked resentmentand fear in Americans around the countrywho are turning to the legal <strong>com</strong>munity forcounsel regarding their rights,responsibilities, and recourse.Our panel will assist the practitioner in thisarea by discussing the legal parameters ofintelligence gathering that implicate FirstAmendment activities in the post 9/11 era.Members of our faculty will also addressthe privacy rights of students pursuant tothe Family Educational Rights and PrivacyAct, and share information regardingpresent day efforts to <strong>com</strong>bat racial, ethnicand religious profiling in law enforcement.Item no. : TY11200510Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ISSUES INPERFORMANCE ARTSSPACESBy Alexandra Darraby, Cheryl L. Davis,Mitchell KurtzThis panel explores the various issues thatarise in connection with the design ofperforming arts spaces. Because of theirpublic nature, working on such spaces caninvolve unique contractual and tort liability________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkThe design standards that may applyThe extent of ADA-<strong>com</strong>pliant accessItem no. : ZH11200513Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00MAKING MORE MONEY BYBEING MORE ETHICALBy Todd C. Scott, Chaim Steinberger,Allison WoodMany attorneys view the Model Rules ofProfessional Conduct as rules that limitand restrict the practice of law. While thisis true, a closer examination of the ModelRules shows that the rules also provideguidance for managing your practice. Aseasoned practitioner, insurance carrier,and an ethics counselor will explore thelife cycle of a claim and demonstrate how<strong>com</strong>pliance with the Model Rules will notonly help you avoid disciplinary andmalpractice claims, but will also help youimprove your ability to generate revenueand to collect fees. Model Rules to beaddressed are: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6,1.15, 1.16, 1.18, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 7.1, 7.2, and7.3.Learn how to ethically manage: client expectations; the client interview and clientselection process; the attorney-client relationship; and issues relating to billing and fees.Item no. : NE11200310Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00OBSERVING THE RIGHTSOF SERVICE MEMBERS INILENDING ANDFORECLOSURE MATTERSBy David M. Bizar, Melissa Halsey,Colonel Paul E. Kantwill, Colonel John S.Odom Jr., Amber R. StandridgeThe Servicemembers Civil Relief Act(SCRA) provides a number of uniqueprotections to military personnel and theirfamilies when dealing with creditors inlending or foreclosure issues. Many87

lenders and their counsel may be unawareof the extent of their obligations towardservice member customers under theSCRA, potentially exposing creditors toliability. The Economic OpportunitySub<strong>com</strong>mittee of the House VeteransAffairs Committee recently conductedhearings on several proposed SCRAamendments. The ABA StandingCommittee on Legal Assistance for MilitaryPersonnel (LAMP) has assembled adiverse faculty for this webinar to provide arange of perspectives on the interplaybetween the SCRA and the lendingindustry.Webinar attendees will learn:How the mortgage foreclosure crisishas specifically impacted militaryfamiliesThe specifics of the SCRA as itpertains to creditorsAdvice for lenders' counsel on bestpractices when handling issuesinvolving service members The work being done by theConsumer Financial ProtectionBureau to resolve credit matters, andby the DOJ to enforce the SCRAThe impact of proposed amendmentsto the SCRA recently introducedbefore the Economic OpportunitySub<strong>com</strong>mittee of the House VeteransAffairs CommitteeItem no. : YP11200544Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PUBLIC PRIVATEPARTNERSHIPBy Robert Dove, J.F. Finn III, AIA, Oliver L.Holmes, John S. Santa Lucia, Peter H.WinderThis is an interactive program designed forall those involved in theprocess-government officials, governmentcontracts administrators, attorneys, andcontractors, where all are encouraged toshare their experiences and questions.The panelists discuss: A successful PPP project A difficult PPP project California High Speed Rail: anup-and-<strong>com</strong>ing projectItem no. : LS11200567Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00REPRESENTING VICTIMSOF FINANCIAL FRAUD INIASSET FORFEITURE ANDBANKRUPTCYPROCEEDINGSBy Karen M. Gebbia, John W. Kozyak,Sarah N WellingPonzi schemes, securities fraud,investment scams . . . the creative consare nearly endless. When fraudulentfinancial schemes collapse, creditors andvictims have two primary objectives: (i)recover as much of their losses aspossible, and (ii) avoid paying back, orlosing additional assets or collateral to agovernment forfeiture action, bankruptcy,or SIPA (Securities Investor Protection Act)trustee's "claw back" proceeding.In this program, experts in white collarcrime, asset forfeiture, and bankruptcy willprovide both a primer and a review of thelatest cases and developmentsconcerning:Asset forfeiture, from the victim'sperspectiveAsserting claims against fraud victims'recovery program funds (such asVARP-Victim Asset RecoveryProgram), and in bankruptcy court Defending against governmentalefforts to forfeit your client's assets orcollateral, and trustees' efforts to"claw back" payments your clientreceived before the scheme collapsedNavigating the intersections betweenthe multiple civil, criminal, regulatoryand bankruptcy proceedings thatcharacterize failed financial fraudsItem no. : ML11200331Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE,THE: WOMEN'S JOURNEYSTO STARTING THEIR OWNLAW FIRMSBy Julie I. Fershtman, Amanda GreenAlexander, Georgialee Lang, Roberta D.Liebenberg, Karen M. LockwoodPanelists discuss why an increasingnumber of women are opting to createtheir own law firms and will share practicaladvice and lessons learned. This programis inspired by the recent release of theCommission's publication The Road toIndependence: 101 Women's Journeys toStarting Their Own Law Firms whichrecounts the experiences and insights of101 women lawyers who have taken thecourageous and difficult step of creating alaw firm of their own, either as a solo orwith others.inspiration for any woman lawyercontemplating the possibility of blazing herown trail to success and fulfillment.Item no. : KZ11200582Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00RUSSIA, CHINA AND INDIA:DESIGNING COMPLIANCEPROGRAMS FORDEVELOPING ANTITRUSTENFORCEMENT REGIMESBy Maria Ankoudinova, Susan Ning,Pallavi Shroff, D. Daniel Sokol, Mark D.WhitenerGiven the size of the economies and therelative youth of their antitrust agencies,<strong>com</strong>pliance with <strong>com</strong>petition law in Russia,China and India presents significantpotential issues for any in-house lawyer.The purpose of this program is to providecorporate counsel with an overview of howto manage <strong>com</strong>pliance with these legalsystems. The panel addresses not just theapplication of the laws, but also discussesthe political and economic factors that mayinfluence enforcement priorities in thesecountries.Item no. : LN11200585Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SEIZING NEWOPPORTUNITIES:ALTERNATIVE DISPUTERESOLUTION IN YOUR LAWLPRACTICEBy Cassandra Georges, David Levin,Artika Renee Tyner, Jay WelshThis program will explore how to integrateAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) intoyour legal practice. This emerging area ofpractice provides opportunities for lawyersto problem solve effectively, counselclients, and create durable solutions.There will be a general survey of ADRpractices, ADR services and marketingyour ADR practice. The program is meantfor general practitioners with no ADRexperience and those interested in startingto practice in this area.Item no. : TP11200592Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00This program serves as a catalyst andSELECTED ISSUES IN________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk88

FORECLOSURE DEFENSEBy Christopher Brown, Robert W. Doggett,Wendell FinnerThe program will feature a discussion ofresidential foreclosure defenses, including documentation issues (mortgages,assignments, endorsements, andnotarization); FHA regulations, guidelines, andprocedures; the role of MERS (MortgageElectronic Registration Systems); and an alternative view of 'produce thenote.Item no. : ZF11200593Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00STORM CLAIMS 101: AGUIDE TO PRESENTINGHURRICANE ANDWINDSTORM INSURANCECLAIMS FOR YOUR CLIENTBy Maureen Cunningham, CharlesGallagher III, Traci B. TaylorEvery year the United States sees its fairshare of devastating weather, includinghurricanes, tornados, and windstorms.With storm season here, what happens ifyour clients suffer storm damage?This audio CD-ROM provides practitionersa framework for submitting storminsurance claims for their clients. Is thecause of loss covered or excluded? Howdo you best prove up damages? Whatpolicy provisions should you watch outfor?This program will answer these and otherrelevant questions and equip you to betterhandle your clients storm claims.Item no. : CW11200340Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00GERONTOLOGY100 YEARS TO LIVEAn excellent DVD that documents thehelplessness and frustration of two veryold women who face deteriorating healthand increasing dependency. A 100 yearold mother and her 80 year old daughterare forced to leave their home for anursing home. The newsreel DVD coverstwo years in their families' lives, while oldconflicts erupt. The viewer witnesses the100-year-old mother survive the movewhile the 80-year-old daughter does notadapt. A skilled worker explores thedeepest needs of the two very old women.This DVD invites discussion andself-awareness.Award Winner of: Bronze Award, 1981Houston International Film FestivalItem no. : WC19250002Format : DVDDuration : 29 minutesPrice : USD 95.00FOUR PHASES OFRESOLUTION, THEThis DVD documents a final life strugglecalled resolution, which involves very oldpeople diagnosed Alzheimer's-typedementia.In PHASE 1. Mal-orientation - the personis mostly oriented to time, place andperson.In PHASE 2. Time Confusion - the personis not oriented to time and placeIn PHASE 3. Repetitive Motion - theperson uses movements instead ofspeech to express human needs.In PHASE 4. Vegetation - the person hasminimal movement, blank expression, nospeech.In the final stage of resolution, buriedemotions surface. The very old struggle toexpress themselves and need someone tolisten with empathy: to "Validate" them.Item no. : KV19250004Format : DVDDuration : 8 minutesPrice : USD 70.00INNER WORLD OF APHASIA,THEA dramatic story of the emotionsexperienced when people cannot expressthemselves verbally. Excellent for trainingHospital and institutional staff to tune in tonon-verbal behavior.Awards Winner of The CINE Gold Eagle; Winner of The Atlanta InternationalFilm Festival Bronze Medal; Winner of The Columbus FilmFestival Chris Award.Item no. : DA19250005Format : DVDDuration : 24 minutesPrice : USD 95.00INTRODUCTION TOVALIDATION:COMMUNICATING WITHVERY OLD PEOPLEDIAGNOSED WITHALZHEIMER'S-TYPEDEMENTIAand introduction to the Validation Method.Using demonstrations by Naomi Feil andVicki De Klerk working with peoplediagnosed Alzheimer's-type dementia,both principles and techniques areillustrated. This is a great DVD for thosenew to Validation as well as students ofValidation. A great inservice teaching tool.This DVD provides an excellent overview________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkWhat is ValidationQualities of a PractitionerPrinciplesWho are the disoriented oldResolutionPhase 1: MalorientationPhase 2: Time ConfusionPhase 3: Repetitive MotionPhase 4: VegetationValidation Techniques: Centering &CalibrationVerbal Techniques: Rephrasing, OpenQuestions, Polarity, Reminiscing,Ambiguity and Say their emotion, Non-Verbal Techniques: Mirroring,Touch and MusicItem no. : ES19250006Format : DVDDuration : 25 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 95.00LOOKING FOR YESTERDAYA sensitive, powerful documentarycaptures the pain of life in a nursing homewhile offering hope through Validation, aninnovative helping method that returnsdignity.Excellent for all levels of hospital andnursing home staff, the DVD is anon-camera demonstration of Validation. Askilful worker enter the inner world of verydisoriented very old people, learns themeaning behind their bizarre behaviorsand builds trust. The people developspeech, controls, and increased wellbeingand self-respect.Award Winner of: Silver Medallion, 1978Miami International Film Festival.Item no. : KU19250007Format : DVDDuration : 29 minutesPrice : USD 95.00MORE WE GET TOGETHER,THEThis "How-To" teaching videodocumentary is a sequel to the awardwinningdocumentary Looking forYesterday. It is intended for families ofdisoriented very old people, all levels ofhospital <strong>com</strong>munity and nursing homestaff, and students of aging.Part One: 20 Minutes: Basic ValidationTechniques How to recognize the three stages ofdisorientation How to help actual disorientedindividuals in each stage How to build trust.89

When to touch and when not to touch.Part Two: 24 Minutes: Using a ValidationGroup How to select individuals who willbenefit How to recognize individuals who willnot benefit How to begin the group; topics;stimulate talk How to develop roles for eachmember How to use music, movement, toclose the meetingValidation techniques gained fromwatching this DVD will significantly reducestaff burn-out, improve the morale ofrelatives, and restore dignity to disorientedvery old people.Item no. : GJ19250008Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesPrice : USD 95.00MYRNA, THEMAL-ORIENTEDThis moving instructional video is suitablefor professional and non- professionalcaregivers of Alzheimer's-type very oldpeople.It teaches caregivers how to empathisewith the "mal-oriented": very old peoplewho blame and who cannot expressfeelings directly. The Validation helpingmethods shown in this DVD can ease thefrustration of caregivers, reduce the needfor restraints, and may maintain themal-oriented in their own homes.Part One:86 year old Myrna deteriorates physicallyand mentally, blaming her family andfriends for her losses. She thus drivesaway her friends and frightens her family.Terrified of losing her identity, she accusesher caregiver of stealing her things. Myrnafalls.Part Two:Myrna refuses help. Sally Ames, aValidation worker slowly builds trust,makes mistakes and learns thereby.Myrna <strong>com</strong>es to trust the worker, andexpresses some buried emotions. Herhostility lessens, and she develops ameasure of peace.Video-graphics are used to pin-pointValidation principles and techniques.Item no. : JJ19250009Format : DVDDuration : 25 minutesPrice : USD 95.00SEMINAR GROUP, THEA DVD that demonstrates successfulaging. A group of 80 to 100 year oldtenants in an independent housing facilitytie up loose ends in the seminar group.They face what is-- the losses that <strong>com</strong>ewith aging. They review what was-- thepain and joy of living. They accept whatcan never be-- their unfulfilled dreams.They cry and sing, learning to roll with thepunches of living and aging.Item no. : JV19250010Format : DVDDuration : 8 minutesPrice : USD 70.00VALIDATION WORKSHOP(MY FIRST HUNDREDYEARS)With Naomi FeilThis dramatic television special presents aworkshop conducted by Naomi Feil,nationally recognized expert in helpingdisoriented very old people. Working witha studio audience, Feil plays all of life'sstages from birth to old age. She makesaging profound and exciting. The audiencelearns how to grow old gracefully, staymentally aware, and how to help confusedrelatives and friends. The DVD reveals thewisdom, poetry, and meaning that <strong>com</strong>eswith very old age.Awards Winner of: Corporation for PublicBroadcasting, Best LocalProgramming: Information Category; John Muir Medical Film Festival, TopAging Award; American Film Festival, Blue Ribbon(Top Award) Mental Health/Guidance; Emmy Award, National Academy ofTelevision Arts and Science,Cleveland Chapter.Item no. : KR19250011Format : DVD (Color)Duration : 57 minutesPrice : USD 95.00GOLFREADING GREENS ANDMAKING PUTTSFeaturing Geoff MangumAre you serious about shooting lower golfscores? Putting is actually 40% or more ofevery round, and to be a great golfer youneed skill for reading greens and makingputts. If you want to play to your highestpotential, learn how putting actually works.In this <strong>com</strong>prehensive DVD, putting expertGeoff Mangum provides detailedinstruction to develop instinctive reading,aiming, stroking, and controlling distanceand pace. Among the topics covered are:touch, green surface, general reading,specific reading, stroke and aim, lagputting and difficult putts. This DVD is agreat resource for any serious golfer orinstructor.Item no. : NB09670555Format : DVDPrice : USD 60.00GOVERNMENT LAWADAPTING TO CLIMATEIMPACTS:UNDERSTANDING OUROPTIONS AND TAKINGACTIONA wide range of natural resources, socialinstitutions, and built infrastructure aresensitive to climate variability and climatechange. Many of these systems areadapted to, or were designed for, historicalclimate conditions. However, current andfuture climate conditions do not alwaysresemble those historical conditions. Inaddition, climate-related stress on theseresources, institutions, and infrastructureis often exacerbated by current societalchoices regarding land use, development,and consumption.In this program, our experts will outlinesome of the climate changes facingattorneys, resource managers,governments, and infrastructure planners,as well as some of the ways in which theyare beginning to address the risks posedby climate impacts. Environmental andenergy law are at the forefront of thesenovel legal questions. The attorneys inthese areas analyze the environmentalimpacts under federal and state laws likeNEPA and CEQA, address mitigation andadaption requirements, and assess thewater supply, while also evaluatingpossible carbon markets and advising oncorporate sustainability. When advisingclients on climate change risk, lawyersmust understand domestic legislation,international agreements, and constantlyadapting regulationItem no. : TG11200365Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ADVISING CONSTRUCTIONCONTRACTORS ON NEWOBLIGATIONS WITHRESPECT TO SUSPENDEDAND DEBARRED ENTITIESBy Jeff Chiow, Neil O'DonnellThe faculty will explain the importance ofcontractors knowing their obligations withrespect to contracting with suspended anddebarred parties. They will examine howthe laws and rules might be applied on agiven construction project that receivesDepartment of Transportation (DoT)funding, highlighting how different theanalysis may be even as between twoagencies within DoT, such FTA and FHWA.After discussing a case study,representatives from the bar, government,and industry will discuss approaches andchallenges on ensuring enterprise-wideawareness of and <strong>com</strong>pliance withobligations regarding suspended anddebarred subcontractors. The panel will________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk90

also address the apparent move towardimposing greater due diligence obligationson grantees and contractors.Practitioners are often asked the followingquestions that can be very <strong>com</strong>plex andwill depend on the source(s) of federalfunding for a given construction project.Participants will be able to evaluate andanswer these questions with ease.What must a contractor do to satisfyits responsibility to avoidsubcontracting with suspended ordebarred entities?If, during performance, a contractordiscovers that one of itssubcontractors is listed on theExcluded Parties List System (EPLS),what are the contractors obligations,including, specifically, is it obligated togive notice to the agency?Item no. : GY11200368Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ART OF SUCCESSFULNEGOTIATION WITHREGULATORS, THEBy Michelle Diffenderfer, Lori Jonas,Robert J. Martineau Jr., Claudia RastThis program will provide insights fromfederal and state regulators andexperienced private sector practitionersinto devising and executing a successfulnegotiating strategy.The program will also explain how toadvise the client on what constitutes"success" in the regulatory context. Inshort, this program will focus on whatworks and what doesn't when negotiatingwith regulators.Item no. : BT11200257Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BID PROTESTS AT GAO:CASES ANDCONTROVERSYBy Gena E. Cadieux, Michael R. Golden,Thomas P. Humphrey, Sharon LarkinThere are fewer government contractingdollars and an increase in protests at theU.S. Government Accountability Office(GAO) and the Court of Federal Claims.The smart attorney and governmentcontractor has to understand the bidprotest process and how to navigatethrough each forum.This program will address: Significant jurisdictional issues,procedural developments, andboundaries at GAO and the Court ofFederal Claims--How do GAO and theCourt interact?Controversial protest decisions in theareas of small business, sourceselection, and OCIs--How are theyimpacting policy and what can theprocurement <strong>com</strong>munity learn fromthese decisions?The protest process going forward--Isthe system working?Our expert panelists includerepresentatives from GAO and from thepublic and private sectors, who will offertheir insights and guidance on litigating bidprotests at GAO and the Court.Item no. : SM11200387Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BULLY AT SCHOOL GOESHIGH TECH, THE:PROTECTING STUDENTSIN THE INTERNET AGEBy Grant Bowers, Dr. Jeff Gardere, JamesC. Hanks, Kathy MacDonaldChanges in technology have created newways for students to bully one another andnew legal challenges for schools andsociety.The program will address legal/constitutional issuesregarding the regulation of bullying; review case histories; and provide best practice guidance forpolicies and procedures.Item no. : WN11200393Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CLASS ACTION WAIVERSIN EMPLOYMENT-RELATEDCONTRACTS: ARE THEYLAWFUL?By Molly Eastman, Michael Hayes, CliffPalefsky, Michael H. RubinThe United States Supreme Court's April2011 decision in AT&T Mobility v.Concepcion upheld class action waivers inconsumer contracts for cellular services.Since AT&T, many employers andemployees have had to confront thequestion of whether employers can requireemployees to be bound by arbitrationagreements that waive the employees'right to bring class action claims or toparticipate in employment-related classactions.In January <strong>2012</strong>, the National LaborRelations Board issued a decision in D.R.Horton, Inc. prohibiting employers fromrequiring employees to waive their right tofile or participate in joint or class actions.This panel, consisting of seasonedpractitioners representing management,employees, and labor, will discuss theimpact of, and relationship between, AT&Tand D.R. Horton Inc. and offer guidanceon the legal and practical issues raised bythese decisions.Item no. : VE11200265Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CLOSING PROTECTIONLETTERS: WHAT THEY DO,DWHAT THEY DON'T DO,AND WHY YOU NEED THEMIN REAL ESTATETRANSACTIONSWhen lenders and purchasers close onreal estate transactions, among the mostimportant issues will be <strong>com</strong>pliance withtheir closing instructions and the safety oftheir settlement funds. In addressing theseconcerns, title insurers often provideclosing protection letters and some stateshave imposed additional procedures andobligations to promote a more reliable realestate settlement process.This session will provide timely trends inclosing protection letters and liability in thereal estate settlement process.Our panel will discuss: Overview of the terms of anddevelopments in ALTA ClosingProtection letters________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkRecent cases interpreting closingprotection letters and title insurerliability Applicable state regulations andstatutesItem no. : LF11200400Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COST OF WRONGFULCONVICTIONS, THEBy John Conroy, Nadia Lynn Costa,Donna Frazier, Emily Miller, Yoav Potash,more…In this time of limited state and localgovernment resources, manymunicipalities are examining cost recoveryand expense reduction measures. Oneanalysis cites 85 wrongful convictioncases which included 81 cases ofgovernment misconduct or error and 92691

years in prison at a cost of $214 million totaxpayers. This CLE will assess thecauses, quantify the actual financial andhuman costs, and discuss what reformscan be considered to limit or prevent futureinjustices.Item no. : BU11200268Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00GOVERNANCE GAMECHANGER, THE: DEALINGWITH DODD-FRANKBy Bruce F. Dravis, Carol Hansell, FrankM. Placenti, Jeffrey S. ShermanChanges in corporate governancestandards and practices occur constantly.There are few real game changers, butDodd-Frank is one. As the SEC begins theprocess of putting the devil into the detail,boards and their advisors will need to startthinking differently about a variety ofgovernance issues - especially therelationship with shareholders. Listen tomembers of the ABA CorporateGovernance leadership team in adiscussion about how Dodd-Frank and itsprogeny will make us think differentlyabout corporate governance.Item no. : WR11200479Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00IMPACT OF STANFORD V.ROCHE ON PRIVATE PARTYTRANSACTIONS, THE:INVENTOR OWNERSHIPAND GOVERNMENTRIGHTS UNDERBAYH-DOLEBy Susan Warshaw Ebner, John E.McCarthy Jr., James G. McEwen, SeanO'ConnorThe Bayh-Dole Act is often held up as oneof the most important pieces of legislationgoverning patent rights. Resulting fromcollaborations between private institutionsand the government, it is a model onwhich other countries have based theirattempts to promote technology transferbetween government and the privatesector.In Stanford v. Roche, the Supreme Courtupheld the Federal Circuit and found thatBayh-Dole could not be used by auniversity to claim ownership in a subjectinvention where the inventor hadpreviously and validly assigned rights to athird party. However, this holding has left amyriad of unanswered questions as toinventor's rights versus those of TheGovernment under a government contract,as well as questions fundamental to howassignments are interpreted.This program addresses the decision itself,the history of Bayh-Dole, the policyquestions raised in the decision, and thepractical consequences to bothgovernment and <strong>com</strong>mercial contractors.Item no. : RD11200500Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ISSUES IN THE SITING OFPOTENTIALLYDANGEROUS FACILITIESBy John M. Boehnert, Terrence Tierney,David R. WestcottPotentially hazardous facilities, includinglow-level radioactive waste, have been thesubject of controversy throughout theUnited States, particularly in <strong>New</strong> Englandand Rhode Island. The recent <strong>New</strong>England cases is used as examples of theissues inherent in planning and regulatingfor the location of similar installationsnationwide. The faculty also discusses: Case studies of siting locallyunacceptable land uses (LULUs) andtheir implications for LNG siting in FallRiver, MA Protecting the 34 coastal and GreatLakes states in the siting of potentiallyhazardous facilities under the CoastalZone Management Act The Weaver's Cove LNG TerminalControversyItem no. : FL11200508Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00JOBS ACT IN NINETYMINUTES, THE: WHATBUSINESS LAWYERS NEEDTO KNOWBy Daniel R. Bushner, Elizabeth Dunshee,Dana G. Fleischman, Martin E. Lybecker,David Lynn, more…This program will discuss the new JOBSAct, which was enacted by Congress toease the regulatory burdens associatedwith capital raising by smaller <strong>com</strong>panies.The provisions of the Act relate to bothprivate and public offerings. Among theprincipal changes effected by the JOBSAct are:The designation of <strong>com</strong>panies with lessthan $1 billion of total annual grossrevenues as "emerging growth<strong>com</strong>panies," which are provided withcertain ac<strong>com</strong>modations relating to theirinitial public offerings and their subsequentreporting obligationsThe elimination of restrictions ongeneral solicitation and generaladvertising in connection with Rule506 private placements and Rule144A offerings under the SecuritiesAct________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkThe establishment of an offeringexemption for "crowdfunding" bynon-reporting U.S. <strong>com</strong>paniesThe expansion of the scope ofofferings under Section 3(b) of theSecurities Act to permit offerings of upto $50 million within a 12-monthperiod, subject to certain conditions Amendments to the thresholdsrequiring a <strong>com</strong>pany to register aclass of equity securities underSection 12(g) of the SecuritiesExchange Act.The program will feature presentations byprominent practitioners focusing on eachof these provisions, and present anup-to-date analysis of how theseprovisions are intended to work and someof the challenges they present. With theSEC currently drafting rulemaking toimplement many of the JOBS Actprovisions, this program will be bothinsightful and timely.Item no. : BZ11200305Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MPACT OF REGULATIONON ENERGY GENERATIONIN THE U.S., THEBy Joseph T. Kelliher, Mark C. McCullough,Linda L. RandellThis panel will discuss the nature andimpact of federal and state regulation onelectric power generation in the U.S. Partof the discussion will identify keyenvironmental regulations and describetheir impact on coal-fired generationfacilities in particular, and on utilitiesstrategic planning in general. The otherpart of the discussion will center onrenewable generation, includinglarge-scale wind and solar, and how taxand environmental regulations impact thedevelopment and growth of suchgeneration portfolios.Item no. : HJ11200316Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.0092

NEW ERA OF FCPAENFORCEMENT AND THECOLLAPSE OF THE AFRICASTING CASES, THE: TIMETO REEVALUATE?By Greg D. Andres, Eric B. Bruce, John D.Buretta, Charles E. Cain, France Chain,more…The Africa Sting cases were heralded asthe largest FCPA sting operation in history,yielding 19 indictments against 22individuals. At the time it was the latestand certainly one of the most high profileprosecutions in what enforcement officialshave called the <strong>New</strong> Era of FCPAEnforcement. Ultimately, however , theDOJ was forced to dismiss the remainingAfrica Sting cases in the wake of two trialswhich ended with acquittals and hungjuries.The collapse of the Africa Stingprosecutions clashes with the expansiveand aggressive trends of the <strong>New</strong> Era ofFCPA enforcement raising many criticalquestions such as: Should the DOJ and the SECreevaluate their approach andprosecution standards?Can enforcement officials continuewith their ever increasing expansionof the FCPAs statutory language andreach?Have corporate fines and settlementsgotten so out of control that they areactually a disincentive toself-reporting and cooperation? Has the focus on prosecutingindividuals resulted in a decrease ofcorporate moral as corporations offerup sacrificial lambs on agovernmental alter in hopes ofmitigating their own punishment?While enforcement officials claim that thenew era will continue, many who havelong called for FCPA reform suggest thatnow is the time to reevaluate the necessityfor amending the statutes as well asprosecution standards.This program will evaluate the impact ofAfrica Sting cases in view of key <strong>New</strong> Eratrends, calls for FCPA reform, and areevaluation of the prosecution standardsutilized by the DOJ and the SEC inenforcing statutes.Item no. : AC11200319Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW VOTERREGISTRATION LAWS:FIGHTING VOTER FRAUDOR SUPPRESSING THEVOTE?By Barbara Arnwine, Clarissa Martinez DeCastro, Benjamin E. Griffith, GeraldReynolds, Alan WilsonMore than a dozen states passed newlaws restricting voter registration in 2011.The trend continued in <strong>2012</strong>, with somelaws imposing criminal penalties and fines.Legal experts and state and federalofficials disagree about the challengesvoters and candidates may face at thepolls in light of the changing laws.This audio CD-ROM, which includeslongtime voting rights advocates andexperts, will shed light on current andformer experiences involving voter fraudand registration. The panel will examinethe spate of new election-related lawsfrom across the country, as well asseemingly increased enforcement of stateand federal voting laws. The full range ofnew laws will be covered, including voteridentification and proof of citizenship,residency restrictions, limits on early andweekend voting, and proposed changes tothe electoral college. With representationfrom a diverse group of panelists exploringthe concerns of both state and federalgovernment officials and citizens, theprogram addresses the question ofwhether these new voting laws are reallynecessary to protect the electoral process.Item no. : SP11200321Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00OBSERVING THE RIGHTSOF SERVICE MEMBERS INILENDING ANDFORECLOSURE MATTERSBy David M. Bizar, Melissa Halsey,Colonel Paul E. Kantwill, Colonel John S.Odom Jr., Amber R. StandridgeThe Servicemembers Civil Relief Act(SCRA) provides a number of uniqueprotections to military personnel and theirfamilies when dealing with creditors inlending or foreclosure issues. Manylenders and their counsel may be unawareof the extent of their obligations towardservice member customers under theSCRA, potentially exposing creditors toliability. The Economic OpportunitySub<strong>com</strong>mittee of the House VeteransAffairs Committee recently conductedhearings on several proposed SCRAamendments. The ABA StandingCommittee on Legal Assistance for MilitaryPersonnel (LAMP) has assembled adiverse faculty for this webinar to provide arange of perspectives on the interplaybetween the SCRA and the lendingindustry.Webinar attendees will learn:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkHow the mortgage foreclosure crisishas specifically impacted militaryfamiliesThe specifics of the SCRA as itpertains to creditorsAdvice for lenders' counsel on bestpractices when handling issuesinvolving service members The work being done by theConsumer Financial ProtectionBureau to resolve credit matters, andby the DOJ to enforce the SCRAThe impact of proposed amendmentsto the SCRA recently introducedbefore the Economic OpportunitySub<strong>com</strong>mittee of the House VeteransAffairs CommitteeItem no. : YP11200544Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING HEIRS'PROPERTY: UNIFORMLAWS AND SOCIALJUSTICEBy David J. Dietrich, Steven J. Eagle,Carolyn Gaines-Varner, Kieran Marion,Thomas W. MitchellExtended families have lost their homeplaces through partition sales by investorsacquiring small fractional interests. A newUniform Act targets abuses whileprotecting traditional property rights. Thefaculty for this program will discuss therelevance of the ACT and how you canuse it to protect your clients propertyinterests.Item no. : JC11200565Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNING:NG:WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOWABOUT GOVERNMENTBENEFITSPlanning for the future is never easy, and itcan be even more difficult when a lovedone is disabled. What are the best steps toprovide for the future? Do you have thespecialized knowledge that will get yourclients the security they need? Severalestate planning attorneys have beendisbarred or sued due to their failure toknow the implications of SSI, Medicaideligibility, and other special needs rules.Don't risk your client's future plans or yourlicense.Item no. : BW11200336Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.0093

STATE AND LOCALREGULATION OF ILLEGALIMMIGRATION: THE VIEWFROM THE TRENCHESBy Donna Frazier, Michael W. McCrory,Steven W. Moore, Henry "Hank" SandersWith the debate about <strong>com</strong>prehensiveimmigration reform raging at the federallevel, state and local governments havebegun creating constitutional and practicalissues of their own. Arizona has been andcontinues to be at the forefront of many ofthese battles, but it is not alone. The panelof distinguished speakers will address theillegal immigration issues in Arizona aswell as the legal battles and practicalissues faced by the state and localgovernments as they attempt to implementthese laws.Item no. : VA11200600Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00UGLY TRUTH, THE:MUNICIPALRESTRUCTURING &BANKRUPTCYBy Hon. Charles Bowsher, Hon.Christopher M. Klein, Joshua Rauh,Lawrence Susskind, Harriet M. WelchCaught between a rock and a hard place,our states and cities face enormousuncertainties and financial crises fromchronic over-spending. Considerablenegotiations as well as leadership will berequired to obtain consensus and achievesustainable economic fiscal results. Thispanel will discuss various solutions,including bankruptcies leading torestructuring of pension and other laborcosts, and efforts to gain relief throughasset sales.Item no. : EA11200618Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WIND POWER FACILITIES:CAPE WIND AND BEYONDBy Jeffrey Broadhead, Robert L. Fultz,Seth H. Handy, Joey Lee Miranda, EdwardA. ThomasThis program addresses the interplay offederal, state and local permitting activitiesand opposition to major energy facilitiesusing Cape Wind on Nantucket Sound asan example.Our expert faculty will also discusses theBlock Island Project and landside windenergy development projects in the threesouthern <strong>New</strong> England states.Item no. : DV11200633Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 76 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HEALTHPLANET OF SNAILDirected by Seungjun YiPlanet of Snail is a mesmerizingdocumentary about an ac<strong>com</strong>plishedyoung poet who can no longer hear or seeand his relationship to the world aroundhim.Young-Chan is deaf and blind. He learnedto speak when he was very young, butsoon after lost his sight and hearing. Helives with his wife, Soon-Ho, who is hissoul mate, an inseparable part of his life,and a window to the outside world. They<strong>com</strong>municate with one another throughfinger braille, a unique form oftouch-based sign language in which wordsare tapped on each other's hands.Young-Chan and Soon-Ho rely on eachother <strong>com</strong>pletely. Even simple domestictasks require <strong>com</strong>plex collaboration, likethe changing of a light bulb on the ceiling.And everyday moments that most of ushardly notice be<strong>com</strong>e tender sharedexperiences, like feeling the bark of a tree,smelling pine cones on a spring morning,or the sensation of raindrops on the skin.However, Young-Chan must be able tosurvive on his own. One day, as Soon-Howaits anxiously at home, Young-Chanembarks on the biggest adventure of hislife.Breathtaking imagery coupled withYoung-Chan's personal writings create atransfixing portrait of life on what seemslike another planet, where touch<strong>com</strong>municates everything and loveconquers all.Reviews "Palpably inspirational…Thisbeautifullyphotographeddocumentary is a poetic meditation onrefined sensory perception". StephenHolden, The <strong>New</strong> York Times"Simple, direct and magical. It will winyou over as well if you give it thechance. It is both a pleasure and agreat privilege to be observers in theirworld… An elegant, minimal look atlife as it is lived." - Kenneth Turan, LosAngeles Times"Powerful. A significant testament tothe potential of the human spirit andthe power of love." - IndiewireAwards Winner, Best Documentary Prize,International Film Festival Amsterdam Winner,Sterling Award for Best WorldFeature , SilverDocs Film FestivalItem no.: DC05970927Format : DVDDuration : 87 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 370.00HEALTH LAW2011-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> NATIONALAPPELLATE ADVOCACYCOMPETITION NATIONALFINALSThe 2011-12 Law Student DivisionNational Appellate Advocacy CompetitionNational FinalsTopic: Insurance Coverage for AutismThis year's problem involves access tohealth care. It is a civil case involving ayoung boy with autism and his efforts toget coverage for the therapy that hisdoctor prescribed. The case raises twofederal questions, one under the "EarlyPeriodic Screening, Diagnosis andTreatment" provisions of the Medicaid Act,and the other under the Paul Wellstoneand Pete Domenici Mental Health Parityand Addiction Equity Act of 2008. Bothissues raise realistic, cutting-edgequestions for which there is no clearanswer in current law.The Law Student Division created theNAAC to emphasize the development oforal advocacy skills through a realisticappellate advocacy experience.Competitors participate in a hypotheticalappeal to the United States SupremeCourt. The <strong>com</strong>petition involves writing a40-page brief as either respondent orpetitioner and then arguing the case infront of the mock court.The 34th National Appellate AdvocacyCompetition National Finals took placeApril 12-14, <strong>2012</strong> at the U.S. District Courtfor the Northern District of Illinois with theChampionship round taking place at thecourtroom of the Illinois Supreme CourtChicago Courtroom. Two hundred andeight teams from 120 ABA-approved lawschools entered this year's <strong>com</strong>petition.The top two teams out of the 26 thatadvanced to the National Finals square offin this informative video, which showsteams from Washington University Schoolof Law and Pepperdine University Schoolof Law demonstrating their skills in oraladvocacy while <strong>com</strong>peting for the 2011-12National Appellate Advocacy CompetitionNational Championship.This video captures the NationalChampionship final round in its entirety -including the judges' critique. It alsoincludes the portable document files of the<strong>com</strong>petition problem (the record) and thebench memo allowing viewers to gaingreater insight into the <strong>com</strong>petitors'presentation, as well as the judges'critiques. Use the video, <strong>com</strong>petitionproblem, and bench memo to help youprepare for the NAAC or as a tutorial ineffective appellate advocacy techniques.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk94

Item no. : LN11200243Format : DVD-ROMDuration : Approx. 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 170.00AFFORDABLE CARE ACTAND HEALTH CARE FRAUD,THE: THE BEAT GOES ONOBy Arianne Callender, Joseph C. Hudzik,Gabriel L. Imperato, Daniel l. Small, SaraWinslowThe publicity involving the SupremeCourt's decision to uphold theconstitutionality of the Affordable Care Act("ACA") was primarily focused on the"individual mandate" and the expansion ofthe Medicaid Program. The balance of theprovisions of the ACA were also sustainedby the Supreme Court's decision andmany of them have already had asignificant impact in criminal, civil andadministrative enforcement of the healthcare fraud and abuse laws and obligationsfor healthcare organizations to ensure<strong>com</strong>pliance with fraud and abuse andregulatory requirements under Federalhealth programs.This program focused on the ACAprovisions having the most significantimpact in the fraud and abuseenforcement and <strong>com</strong>pliance areas. Thetopics that were addressed during thewebinar include the increased funding andexpansion of Federal and stateenforcement efforts and the significantamendments to the False Claims Act. Thepanelists also discussed the ramificationsof the "lowered intent" standard applicablefor criminal liability under the FederalAnti-Kickback Statute and theestablishment of the Centers for Medicareand Medicaid Services Self-ReferralDisclosure Protocol ("SRDP") facilitatingself-reporting of violations of the FederalStark Law. The panelists also addressedthe mandatory <strong>com</strong>pliance programs forhealthcare organizations and, finally, adiscussion of the amendments to theFalse Claims Act and Civil Money PenaltyLaw establishing the basis for liability forfailure to return a known overpaymentwithin 60 days of identification of theoverpayment.Listen as our panelist discuss the issuessurrounding these important provisions ofthe ACA that are rapidly evolving and arebeing reflected in numerous enforcementmatters and in the regulatory priorities ofthe Centers for Medicare and MedicaidServices, the Office of Inspector Generalof Health and Human Services, and theDepartment of Justice.Item no. : MA11200250Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CHALLENGES IN THEWORLD OF HOSPITALMERGERS: CORPORATEAND ANTITRUSTCONCERNS TO RAISEEARLYBy Christi J. Braun, Matthew D. Jenkins,Jennifer L. RangelHospital mergers are an increasing area offocus for antitrust enforcement authoritiesconcerned with the effects of consolidationon <strong>com</strong>petitive forces in the health caremarketplace. This audio CD-ROM willcover the basics of counseling hospitalclients contemplating merger andacquisition transactions. It will considerbasic fiduciary considerations for hospitalscontemplating significant transactions, andcover the following topics: Guiding the governing body throughthe discharge of fiduciary duties Boundaries of appropriate<strong>com</strong>munications in anticipation of ahospital M&A transaction Appropriate exchanges of confidentialinformation, both as to timing andprocess Antitrust concerns in the drafting ofpreliminary transaction documents Basics of Hart-Scott-Rodino filingsand navigating the waiting periodsCurrent federal enforcement thinkingabout marketplace concentration.How much is too much? Emerging bases of state lawregulation of hospital M&AtransactionsItem no. : WC11200262Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00COMMUNITY HEALTHNEEDS ASSESSMENTREQUIREMENTS UNDERIRC SECTIONR(3), THE -WHAT PRACTITIONERSSHOULD CONSIDERBy Lisa J. Gilden, Elizabeth M. Mills,Ronald J. SchultzThis program will educate attorneys on theCommunity Health Needs Assessmentrequired as part of the IRC Section501(r)(3). The focus is on providinginsights on what practitioners shouldconsider. The following topics are covered:The <strong>com</strong>ponents of the Community HealthNeeds AssessmentConcerns and considerations provided tothe IRS as part of the IRC Section 501R<strong>com</strong>ment processInsights into the IRS considerationsregarding <strong>com</strong>pliance with this sectionincluding observations on Notice 2011-52Tips on how to advise clients in preparingfor this requirementItem no. : PD11200404Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DAY AFTER, THE: WHATTHE SUPREME COURT'SHEALTHCARE REFORMRULING MEANS FOR YOURCLIENTSBy Andrew J. Demetriou, Denise E. Hanna,Gillian E. Metzger, Howard T. Wall IIIThe Supreme Court's long-anticipatedruling on constitutional challenges to thePatient Protection and Affordable Care Acthad a profound impact on all segments ofthe healthcare industry. Providers, payors,employers and governmental agenciesmust now address the challenges of<strong>com</strong>pliance with the mandates within theAct.Our expert panel, representingperspectives from across the industry,provided a real-time assessment of theimplications of the Supreme Court's rulingfor you and your clients. This informativeprogram discussed what you must knowabout the future of healthcare reform in thewake of the Court's decision.Item no. : AG11200271Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EMERGING ISSUES INOUT-OFOF-NETWORKPROVIDER PAYMENTSBy Jeffrey Gold, Leigh Anne Hodge, AliceKingThe balance billing and outofnetworkdebates that have been ongoing since theadvent of managed care are once again inthe forefront of heated disputes in thehealthcare industry. Providers want toreceive their standard charges, patientswant the insurer to foot the full bill, and theinsurers want to limit their outlay.These three-way disputes have recentlyplayed out dramatically in several courtsand state houses most notably inCalifornia where regulators mandated andthe courts agreed that non-participatingemergency department physicians mustaccept an insurer's payment on behalf ofits insureds as "payment in full," with thephysicians having no right to collect thebalance directly from the patient. The rulesof the managed care game are beingre-written and a new playing field is takingshape.This experienced panel will discuss thesignificant lawmaking and litigation trendsin out-of-network payment disputes as well________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk95

as contracting trends and best practices inareas such as hold harmless languageand requirements that non-participatingproviders disclose costs to patients. Thiswebinar is essential for any attorney whoadvises plans, providers or patients onmanaged care issues.Item no. : NF11200436Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ESTATE PLANNING FORCLIENTS LIVING WITHCHRONIC ILLNESS:PLANNING AND DRAFTINGChronic Illness affects nearly 120 millionAmericans. How can attorneys betterserve, advise and draft estate planningdocuments for clients living with chronicillness and their loved ones? In manysituations modest changes to traditionalestate and other planning techniques canimprove protection and peace of mind forclients living with chronic illness.This seminar will provide a sophisticatedbut practical overview of how each phaseof planning and drafting is affected.Misconceptions and myths will bedebunked. Concepts ranging fromassessing <strong>com</strong>petency, addressing thediffering impact of difference diseases,cognitive issues, physical disabilities,in<strong>com</strong>e tax issues, charitable giving andmore will all be explained.Comprehensive materials, includingsample forms, will be made available.Item no. : SV11200443Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ETHICS FOR HEALTHCAREATTORNEYS <strong>2012</strong>The ethical relationship between attorneysand their clients has changed dramaticallyand is under closer government scrutinythan ever before. In the healthcareindustry, lawyers typically have duties tomultiple clients with differing interests.Given the ever-increasing governmentscrutiny of healthcare entities, lawyersmust be constantly aware of theirprofessional obligations to their clients.In the challenging world of healthcare law,lawyers often must face difficult issues ofprofessional responsibility, including:conflicts of interest;privilege and confidentiality issues;disclosure of violations; andrelationships between boards andmanagers.Item no.Format: GL11200453: CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FINAL ACO REGULATIONS,THE - IS PARTICIPATIONWORTH A SECOND LOOK?PART 1: QUALITY OF CARE,CANTIFRAUD, ANDANTITRUSTBy Elias Matsakis, Sarah E. SwankThis two-part webinar series takes anin-depth look at how the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services havechanged the Medicare Shared SavingsProgram (MSSP) through the publicationof final regulations. CMS has changed anumber of the key provisions of theproposed MSSP rules, which were broadlyregarded by the provider <strong>com</strong>munity asdiscouraging participation in the MSSP.A panel of practicing lawyers familiar withthe proposed rule, and the practicalimplications of its key provisions, take asecond, in-depth look at the final rule andoffer their insights on whether CMS'changes are sufficient to encourageparticipation in the MSSP.Among other provisions, the panelistsfocus is on: the elimination of two-sided risk fromTrack 1, CMS' willingness to provide data on aprospective assignment basis; the substantial reduction of qualitymetrics; the more immediate opportunity toshare savings above the minimumsavings rate; the ACO legal structure andgovernance; Ladditional waivers and guidancefrom enforcement agencies tofacilitate ACO formation; expansion of participants and; modifications to several other hotspots that led to widespreaddiscouragement with the MSSP asinitially proposed.Item no. : JU11200463Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FMLA: TOP TRENDS ANDISSUESIn just a few months, the Family andMedical Leave Act (FMLA) will celebrateits 20th anniversary. After two decades,the Act and developing case law continuesto provide challenges and opportunities toemployers, employees, and their counsel.This panel will explore the "hot topics" ofFMLA <strong>com</strong>pliance and litigation from boththe employer and employee perspective.Topics for discussion will include thevarious legal issues such as: Caring for an adult family member1. Direct v. indirect care2. When are they incapable of self-care3. Travel to care for a family member4. Intermittent leave Interpretation of serious healthcondition The medical certification process Retaliation Impact of GINA on the FMLAItem no. : TR11200284Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OF AHEALTHCARETRANSACTION, THE: ANINTERACTIVE LOOK ATTHE ANATOMY OF A DEALBy Jennifer Csik Hutchens, Jill H. Gordon,Sarah E. SwankThis fundamentals program will focus onthe twists and turns of a healthcare deal.Our panel of attorneys experienced withtransactional, regulatory, andreimbursement issues will walk through acase study of a healthcare transaction andexamine the factors that lawyers and theirclients must consider when negotiating,structuring, and closing healthcare deals.These factors include due diligence issues,fraud and abuse analysis; change ofownership considerations (e.g., withregard to state licensure, as well asMedicare and Medicaid); tax-exemptimplications; valuation matters andtransaction structure (e.g., asset purchasevs. stock purchase or merger).True to its title, this program will notassume extensive prior knowledge orexperience in healthcare transactions.However, practitioners at every level willbenefit from this in-depth discussion ofchallenging issues and the uniqueopportunity for extensive audienceinteraction that the program offers. Theissues discussed in this program can bebroadly applied to other types ofhealthcare transactions.Item no. : HN11200285Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFHEALTHCARETRANSACTIONSBy James M. Pinna, Jennifer L. Rangel,Tammy M. WardThis year s Fundamentals session willfocus on the twists and turns of a healthcare deal. Our panel of attorneys________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk96

experienced with transactional, regulatory,and reimbursement issues will walkthrough a case study of a healthcarefacility acquisition and examine theconsiderations that face lawyers and theirclients when negotiating, structuring, andclosing a transaction including diligenceissues, change of ownership (licensure,certification, CON, Medicare and Medicaidprovider numbers), asset vs. stockacquisition, fraud and abuse, andvaluation matters.True to its title, this session will notassume extensive prior knowledge orexperience in healthcare transactions;however, practitioners at every levelshould benefit from this in-depthdiscussion of challenging issues and theunique opportunity for extensive audienceinteraction the session has to offer. Theissues discussed in this teleconferencewill have broad application to other typesof health care transactions.Item no. : VY11200472Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFMEDICAL STAFF & PEERREVIEW ISSUESBy Marcelo N. Corpuz III, Heather L.Fields, Jessica A. Van BommelHealth care reform has put the spotlightonce again on hospital-physician relations.The need for hospitals and physicians tointegrate and coordinate service deliveryand quality efforts heightens theimportance of understanding medical staffand peer review issues.Registrants of this "Medical Staff 101"webinar learned more about the basic<strong>com</strong>ponents of the hospital-medical staffrelationship and the key legal documentsand laws affecting their interactions fromboth a hospital and a physicianperspective.Among the issues discussed were medicalstaff bylaws, the interplay betweenemployment arrangements and medicalstaff bylaws, peer review basics andHealth Care Quality Improvement Act(HCQIA) due process requirements, andpractical techniques for protecting peerreview confidentiality and immunity.Whether you represent hospitals,physicians, or medical staffs, you'll findthis program to be both timely andpractical.Item no. : ET11200473Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFMEDICAL STAFF/HOSPITALALRELATIONSHIPS AND PEERERREVIEWBy Conrad Meyer, Steven R. Smith, HilaryYoungHealth care reform has once again put thespotlight on hospital-physician relations.The need for hospitals and physicians tointegrate and coordinate service deliveryand quality efforts heightens theimportance of understanding medical staffand peer review issues.Purchase this "Medical Staff 101" webinarto learn more about the basic <strong>com</strong>ponentsof the hospital-medical staff relationshipand the key legal documents and laws thataffect interactions from both hospital andphysician perspectives.Whether you represent hospitals,physicians, or medical staff, you'll gaininsights from this practical program.Item no. : JN11200289Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFMEDICARE/MEDICAIDICAIDBy Roderick Chen, Judith A. Waltz,Stephanie A. WebsterThis program will address the basicstructure, payment methodologies, andcoverage of the Medicare and Medicaidprograms. The concepts addressed in thiscourse are critical to efficiently researchingissues and advising health care clients onlegal <strong>com</strong>pliance with programrequirements. A health care clients failureto fully understand the requirements of theMedicare and Medicaid programs canresult in significant legal consequencesranging from civil penalties to criminalprosecution.This program will help you gain anunderstanding of the types of health careservices covered by the Medicare andMedicaid programs, how these servicesare paid, and the differences in how eachprogram is regulated and administered.The speakers will guide you throughvarious strategies and resources forresearching the often <strong>com</strong>plicatedquestions raised by health care clientsparticipating in multiple federal health careprograms.Topics include: Overview of Medicare and MedicaidPrograms Description of coverage and paymentrules under Medicare Parts A and B Explanation of Medicare Part C andPart D coverage requirements Discussion of basic researchstrategies Recent federal and state enforcementtrendsItem no. : PG11200474Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFPHYSICIAN COMPLIANCEPROGRAMSBy Wes Cleveland, Amanda Walker,Meredith WilliamsOperating an effective <strong>com</strong>plianceprogram is critical for physicians in today'shealth care arena. This program discussesan overview of the fraud and abuse lawsmost relevant to physicians and theirpractices, outline <strong>com</strong>pliance programbasics, provide tips on implementing aneffective <strong>com</strong>pliance plan, and highlightwhere to go when a <strong>com</strong>pliance issuearises.Our speakers, Amanda Walker andMeredith Williams, each currently serve assenior counsel to the Office of InspectorGeneral (OIG) at the U.S. Department ofHealth and Human Services (HHS) inWashington, D.C. As attorneys in OIG'sIndustry Guidance Branch, they prepareadvisory opinions and guidance materialsthat address the legality of health carearrangements under the anti-kickbackstatute and other federal fraud and abuselaws.Ms. Walker and Ms. Williams also assistwith the investigation and litigation ofcases involving allegations of false claimsand kickbacks and advise governmentofficials on the application of the fraud andabuse laws. In addition, both Ms. Walkerand Ms. Williams co-chaired OIG's HEATProvider Compliance Training Initiative(Seehttp://oig.hhs.gov/<strong>com</strong>pliance/provider-<strong>com</strong>pliance-training/index.asp). The initiativeconsisted of six trainings in cities acrossthe country, where governmentrepresentatives discussed the realities ofMedicare and Medicaid fraud and theimportance of implementing an effective<strong>com</strong>pliance program.Item no. : AA11200475Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFTAX-EXEMPT HEALTHCAREORGANIZATIONSBy Erin Couture, Eric J. Gould, Lauren K.MackThis audio CD-ROM will educate attorneyson the fundamentals of forming andoperating a tax-exempt healthcareorganization such as a hospital, nursinghome provider, or assisted living facility.The focus is on requirements for obtaining________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk97

and retaining federal tax-exempt status(IRC Section 501(r)) as well as othertax-related issues for healthcareorganizations.Health Law attorneys who purchase thiswebinar webinar will: Gain a greater understanding ofwhere they should focus whenadvising tax-exempt healthcareclients on tax matters Increase their knowledge of taxissues that impact their healthcareclients including federal tax-exemptstatus, unrelated business in<strong>com</strong>e,and post-issuance <strong>com</strong>plianceassociated with tax-exempt bonds Understand the current tax concernsthat their client is facingItem no. : TU11200290Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HEALTH CARE FRAUD &ABUSE: FALSE CLAIMS ACTFUNDAMENTALSThe False Claims Act (FCA) is thegovernment's primary weapon inaddressing fraud and abuse. The FCA'sreach has expanded significantly in recentyears and much of that expansion hasbeen in the health care area. Under theMedicare and Medicaid programs andother federal and state health careprograms reimbursement is an essential<strong>com</strong>ponent of the services health careproviders and other entities deliver to theirpatients. With receipt of these funds,however, these entities are subject topotential civil actions brought under theFCA. Over the last 20 years, theDepartment of Justice has collectedbillions of dollars through FCA actions. Atthe prodding of the federal government,most states have adopted statutes similarto the FCA or amended their existingstatutes to conform to the FCA.Our expert panel discussed the FCA, itswhistleblower or "qui tam" provisions,recent amendments to the FCA, and theapplication of the FCA to healthcare fraudand abuse cases.Topics the panel addressed also included:How are qui tam cases filed by privatecounsel and how are they handled byDOJ?Who qualifies as a proper qui tamplaintiff?What makes a claim "false" and whattypes of "false claims" give rise toFCA liability?What damages are recoverable underthe FCA?What are the <strong>com</strong>mon defenses inFCA cases?What are the Fraud Enforcement andRecovery Act of 2009 amendments tothe FCA and the Patient Protectionand Affordable Care Act of 2010?Item no. : KP11200484Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HIPAA AND HITECH ACTFUNDAMENTALS: WHATYOU NEED TO KNOW NOWABOUT THE PRIVACY ANDSECURITY RULESBy Clay J. Countryman, Eddie Williams III,Elaine C. ZacharakisThe Office for Civil Rights recently initiatedseveral HIPAA <strong>com</strong>pliance audits ofhealthcare organizations, and entered intosignificant settlements with healthcareorganizations related to potentialviolations of the HIPAA Privacy andSecurity Rules. This enforcement activity,and the modifications to the HIPAA Privacyand Security Rules by the HITECH Act,makes it critical for attorneys andhealthcare professionals alike to have anunderstanding of the fundamental<strong>com</strong>pliance requirements. Topics coveredin this webinar include:Definitions of entities directly coveredby the HIPAA Privacy and SecurityRules, including the application ofHIPAA to "business associates" Types of healthcare informationsubject to the HIPAA Privacy andSecurity Rules, and the <strong>com</strong>pliancerequirements for the use anddisclosure of healthcare information Answers to <strong>com</strong>mon questionsregarding the application of the HIPAAand HITECH Act privacy and securityrequirementsInsight on the OCR HIPAA Privacyand Security Audit ProgramLessons learned from recent OCRHIPAA settlementsItem no. : CW11200485Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HIPAA TODAY: HITTINGTHE TOP HITECHHIGHLIGHTSBy Deborah C. Hiser, Kirk J. NahraSince the passage of the HITECH Act in2009, the healthcare industry has beendealing with a wide variety of changesaffecting the overall industry and, inparticular, the dramatically changing worldof health information technology.This program focuses on thesedevelopments as they affect privacy andsecurity under the HIPAA rules - both ascurrently in place and as changed by theHITECH law. These developments areongoing, but every participant in thehealthcare industry - and all businesspartners for healthcare <strong>com</strong>panies - needto understand the recent developmentsand the changing enforcement andoperational structures envisioned by theselegislative and regulatory changes.This program addresses three primarytopics. First, we will look at what haschanged since 2009 from the HITECH law,focusing on crucial developments affectingnotification for security breaches andenforcement. Second, we will examinewhat we can anticipate in the short termfor the healthcare industry, both in terms ofup<strong>com</strong>ing regulatory changes and<strong>com</strong>pliance developments and steps thatshould be taken now. Third, we examinethe open areas - the key issues for thehealthcare industry and its businesspartners that are still unknown - or wherequestions remain about what the rulesmean and how they will be applied. Thissession is a must for any lawyer advisinghealthcare industry clients or any<strong>com</strong>panies that provide services tohealthcare <strong>com</strong>panies.Item no. : CF11200486Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOW TO STRUCTURE 340BCONTRACT PHARMACYARRANGEMENTSAn understanding of the ins and outs ofthe 340B Drug Discount Program isessential to healthcare lawyers, asthousands of hospitals have joined theprogram and contract pharmacyarrangements have quadrupled in the pasttwo years alone. Rapid expansion of the340B Drug Discount Program under theAffordable Care Act has createdopportunities and challenges for 340Bcovered entities and their pharmacypartners. This program will cover not onlythe essentials of the 340B program, butwill give practical and savvy guidance forstructuring and implementing contractpharmacy arrangements.Item no. : TZ11200293Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HOW TO SUCCESSFULLYSETTLE MAJORHEALTHCAREENFORCEMENT ACTIONSBy Michael K. Fee, Honorable Janice M.Symchych, Susan G. Winkler________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk98

Achieving settlement in the high-stakesand highly visible area of healthcareenforcement litigation is difficult for eventhe most experienced practitioner. Thisprogram will explore the critical variableseach party considers as they enter andcarry out settlement negotiations. Thediscussion will probe the factors whichcreate resistance or willingness to settleas well as the impact of ever-presentparallel proceedings including: therelator's share and employment claims,shareholder suits, personal injury masstort cases, potential debarmentproceedings, and potential individualliabilities.Our panelists, including a formerMagistrate Judge and Deputy GeneralCounsel of a medical device <strong>com</strong>pany, aveteran healthcare fraud prosecutor, andan ac<strong>com</strong>plished defense litigator, willaddress: when the timing is right for settlement; evidentiary concerns, including issuessurrounding the sharing of evidence; damages, multipliers, disgorgementand other financial variables; the interplay of criminal and civilliabilities;the <strong>com</strong>peting interests of entities andindividuals; and the role that parallel civil andadministrative proceedings play in<strong>com</strong>plicating or facilitating settlement.Item no. : AL11200294Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INDEPENDENCE AT HOME:A CMS MEDICAREDEMONSTRATIONREVIVING THE PHYSICIANHOUSE CALL PRACTICEMODELBy James PylesMedicare fee-for-service beneficiaries withmultiple chronic illnesses <strong>com</strong>prise lessthan 10% of the Medicare beneficiarypopulation but account for more than 60%of Medicare's costs. In an effort to containthese costs, the Affordable Care Actdirected CMS to conduct theIndependence at Home (IAH)Demonstration to test home-basedprimary care for these high-need Medicarebeneficiaries.Home-based primary care is designed toprovide <strong>com</strong>prehensive, coordinated,continuous, and accessible care tohigh-need patients and to coordinatehealth care across all treatment settings.Home-based primary care allows healthcare providers to spend more time withtheir patients, perform assessments in apatient's natural environment, and assumegreater accountability for all aspects of thepatient's care. This focus on timely andappropriate care is designed to improveoverall quality of care and quality of life forpatients served, while lowering health carecosts by forestalling the need for care ininstitutional settings.This panel will discuss how the IAHDemonstration will be implemented as wellas the legal and practical challenges facedby physician house call practices inproviding health care services in keepingwith IAH's goals of increasing quality ofcare while reducing cost.Item no. : HJ11200296Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LONG-TERM CAREFACILITIES: RECENTTRENDS IN ACQUISITIONAND FINANCEMany skilled nursing facilities are facing adual challenge of recently enactedMedicaid cuts and an 11% announcedreduction in Medicare reimbursement.Further Medicare cuts also may be on thehorizon as a result of the recent legislationto increase the federal debt limit. As aresult of these and other governmentalinitiatives, including an increased trendtowards home and <strong>com</strong>munity-basedservices, some nursing facilities willundoubtedly be sold, leased, or otherwisetransferred as the market continues toconsolidate.This session will provide a timely overviewof recent trends in the acquisition andfinancing of skilled nursing facilities andassisted living facilities of all types,including publicly-traded andprivately-held, for-profit and non-profit,and urban and rural.Our panelists will discuss: <strong>New</strong> developments in buying andselling long-term care facilities; <strong>New</strong> developments in financing theacquisition of long-term care facilities; Licensure and certificate of needissues; Medicare and Medicaid certificationand enrollment issues; Transparency requirements underHealthcare Reform; Successor liability issues.Item no. : PP11200519Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00MAYO V. PROMETHEUS:THE SUPREME COURT'SNEW METHODOLOGY FORFANALYZING PATENTELIGIBILITYBy Robert A. Armitage, Denise W.This program, inspired by a currentLANDSLIDE article, will cover the U.S.Supreme Courts recent decision in MayoCollaborative Services v. PrometheusLaboratories, Inc. regarding the eligibilityof inventions directed to personalizedmedicine and more generally to diagnosticmethods for treating disease. Leadingpractitioners will explain the SupremeCourts newly articulated methodology foranalyzing patent eligibility of inventionsimplicating laws of nature and how thatmethodology might be applied to a broadswath of inventions.The Chair of the ABAs IntellectualProperty Law Section and Eli Lilly andCompanys Senior Vice President andGeneral Counsel, Robert A. Armitage, willaddress the risk of collateral damagecaused by the Supreme Courts decisionand offer his expert opinion on how theSupreme Court might have analyzed theissues differently so as to avoid thepotential for such adverseconsequences. Similarly, Denise W.DeFranco, a Partner at Finnegan,Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner,LLP and counsel to the Petitioner in Bilskiv. Kappos, will address the SupremeCourts analysis in Mayo and potentiallegislative solutions to over<strong>com</strong>e theeffects of the decision. Finally, Thomas W.Krauss, Special Counsel for IntellectualProperty Litigation of the U.S. Patent &Trademark Office and one of itspreeminent experts on the law of patenteligibility under section 101, will discussthe U.S. Patent & Trademark Officesresponse to the decision and offerpractical tips and strategies for avoidingpatent eligibility issues in the wake of theMayo decision.Item no. : VG11200313Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00MEDICINE 101 FORJUDGES AND ATTORNEYS:ORTHOPEDICS-BACK,NECK & KNEESBy Hon. Bruce T. Cooper, Hon. Mary KellyThis program will provide an introductionto orthopedics focusing upon basicconcepts and terminology essential to theevaluation of medical evidence, bothdocumentary and testimonial, pertaining toconditions and injuries affecting the back,neck and knees.Item no. : NW11200526Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DeFranco, Thomas W. Krause________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk99

NEW STARKSELF-DISCLODISCLOSURESUREPROCOTOL, THE: A NEWSOLUTION?By Robert G Anderson, AnnDesRuisseaux, Joseph C. Hudzik, LisaOhrinAs mandated by the Patient Protectionand Affordable Care Act, the Centers forMedicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)posted on its website the new VoluntarySelf-Referral Disclosure Protocol onSeptember 23, 2010. The new protocolspecifically addresses physicianself-referral (or Stark) issues, adhering tothe statutory language mandating itscreation. Now that the protocol exists,providers must decide whether theprotocol offers a new solution to the Starkdisclosure dilemma or whether it makesthe decision to self-report even moredifficult.This program features speakers both fromthe industry side of the question and fromCMS to help explore the benefits and/orthe limitations presented by the newprotocol.Item no. : DN11200538Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PUTTING PEN TO PAPER:SERVICE LINECO-MANAGEMENTAGREEMENTS, MODELS &PRACTICALITIESBy Wes Cleveland, Todd Kelly, Cynthia Y.ReiszService line co-management agreementshave be<strong>com</strong>e critical mechanisms for themanagement of patient care in ourincreasingly integrated clinical world. Thiswebinar will analyze the patient care andoperational reasons why hospitals andphysicians use co-managementagreements. There will also be adiscussion of the general regulatoryconcerns raised by the agreements.From a practical perspective, our facultywill present typical provisions found inco-management agreements and thevarious responsibilities of each party.Finally, there will be a how-to discussionon the important issues of establishingperformance objectives that align parties'interests and ensure that the agreementsactually improve the quality and efficiencyof care.Item no. : DP11200330Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00QUALITY OF CARE: THENEW FRONTIER OFHEALTH CARE FRAUDENFORCEMENTThe government continues to ramp up itsefforts to use federal law to regulate thequality of care delivered by health caresuppliers. Providers have been forced topay millions and enter into CorporateIntegrity Agreements to resolve potentialFalse Claims Act liability arising fromalleged quality of care deficiencies.Individual physicians have been convictedand sentenced for practices that reflectsubstandard quality of care. With theexpanding focus on quality reporting underhealthcare reform, "quality fraud" will be agrowing part of the civil, criminal andadministrative enforcement landscape.This panel of experienced qui tam,defense, and government counsel willreview recent cases, enforcement trends,and their implications for <strong>com</strong>pliance andrisk management. This program willprovide invaluable insight to practitioners,in-house counsel, <strong>com</strong>pliance officers, andhealthcare executives in an age ofheightened government scrutiny.Item no. : CN11200570Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00RECENT PROGRAMINTEGRITY INITIATIVES INLIGHT OF PPACA: MICS,MACS, RACS, AND ZPICSBy Melanie Combs-Dyer RN, Kathy L.Poppitt, Andrew B. WachlerThis program will address the Centers forMedicare & Medicaid Services (CMS's)current Program Integrity initiativesincluding new legislative provisions,agency efforts and the role of Medicareand Medicaid contractors in this area ofincreased focus. In addition, the programwill include a discussion of the expansionof the Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC)program to Medicare Parts C and D, andto Medicaid; the Medicaid IntegrityProgram; and the new Program Integrityprovisions under the Patient Protectionand Affordable Care Act (PPACA),including the recent proposed regulationsaimed at fighting Medicare and Medicaidfraud.This program will offer both governmentand private practice perspectives and willprovide attendees with an understandingof the emerging issues and latestdevelopments related to current ProgramIntegrity initiatives.Item no. : PN11200573Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SEPARATING THE FATFROM THE FICTION:RESTAURANTMENU-LABELING LAWSEXAMINEDBy Regina Amolsch, Jamila B. Granger,Norman M. Leon, Kirk Reilly, Dayna B.RoyalThis program is designed to explore thefederal food labeling statute enactedMarch 23, 2010, the anticipatedregulations and their implementation, andareas where litigation is likely.The program covers such topics as: who's affected by the legislation; what's required to <strong>com</strong>ply; penalties for non<strong>com</strong>pliance; gray areas; practical issues with <strong>com</strong>plying; constitutional challenges and Issues/areas where litigation is likely(e.g. does violation of the statuetrigger exposure to various state laws,consumer fraud statutes, etc.?)This program also discusses state-levelcases relating to menu labeling laws andassist with forecasting areas ripe for futurelitigationItem no. : GB11200594Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00USING DEFERREDCOMPENSATION TOINCENTIVIZE PHYSICIANSTO TAKE EMTALA CALLSBy Karen C. Owens, Christopher S. SearsThe Emergency Medical Treatment andActive Labor Act (EMTALA) requireshospitals to provide a screening exam andstabilizing medical services to individualspresenting with emergency medicalconditions. Sometimes that means thatspecialist physicians must be available atodd hours, thus requiring the hospital toensure that those physicians are on-call toexamine and stabilize patients. Hospitalsoften struggle with ways to incentivizenon-employed physicians to take this call.This webinar will discuss the hospital'sobligations under EMTALA and thedifficulties with EMTALA <strong>com</strong>pliance,especially with the call requirements. Thespeakers will also discuss emerging toolsto incent physicians to take calls throughemployee benefitsparticularly deferred<strong>com</strong>pensation. Deferred <strong>com</strong>pensationprograms can provide a tax-advantagedmethod of <strong>com</strong>pensating physicians foron-call emergencies. While this can be anattractive tool, this session will alsodiscuss the pitfalls to avoid whendesigning deferred <strong>com</strong>pensation plansfor physicians.Item no. : LV11200348________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk100

Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WRITTEN DESCRIPTIONREQUIREMENT, THE: AREANTIBODIES CHEMICALS,PROTEINS, OREXCEPTIONS?Federal Circuit cases over the past fifteenyears have stressed that 35 U.S.C. § 112,first paragraph contains a writtendescription requirement separate fromenablement. However, practitioners'opinions vary on what disclosure isrequired to meet written description,particularly in the field of antibodies. Therecent case Centocor Ortho Biotech, Inc. v.Abbott Labs, raised the topic into thepatent limelight. Centocor won a $1.67billion damages award for infringement,but the Federal Circuit held Centocor'spatent invalid for failure to meet the writtendescription requirement, and the SupremeCourt declined certiorari.This audio CD-ROM will demonstrate arange of views on the written descriptionrequirement for antibodies. The U.S.Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)routinely grants functionally-definedantibody claims to those who discover anovel protein or epitope or some otherinteresting feature of an antibody. Somepractitioners argue that the USPTO fails toapply the written description guidelines topurely functional antibody claims, creatingan "antibody exception" to writtendescription. Others argue that disclosureof the protein or epitope to which theantibodies bind is sufficient to meet therequirement. Where do you draw the line?Item no. : FP11200355Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HEALTHCAREASSISTANTSNO PLACE LIKE HOME:MANAGEMENT OF THECLIENT'S HOMEHHousehold management is a skilleveryone should learn. Knowledge of suchthings as home organization, housecleaning, laundry, and chores areessential for a happy home life, but it canbe daunting when you are first starting out.This video will take you thru real worldexamples to help drive homeorganizational and interpersonal skills andideas in an easy to understand format thatwill help you bring outstanding care to yourclients.This program will help the health careprofessional who regularly visits client'shomes and helps in daily living activities.This program will demonstrate things suchas home safety checks, establishingrelationships with the family and client,and basic meal prep and safety.Item no. : NB04100265Format : DVD (With LearningGuide)Price : USD 250.00HISTORYMAO'S GREAT FAMINEDirected by Patrick Cabouat.Written by Patrick Cabouat and PhilippeGrangereau.etween 1958 and 1962, Chinaexperienced tragedy on an epic scale. The"Great Leap Forward" was an economiccampaign conceived by Mao Zedong totransform China's vast population from anagrarian economy to a modern <strong>com</strong>munistsociety through the process ofindustrialization and collectivization. Inreality, it led to a famine resulting in thedeath of as many as fifty-five millionpeople. But while millions were starving todeath, China's grain stores remained full.Using previously unheard testimony bysurvivors, rare archival footage, secretdocuments, and interviews with theleading historians on this catastrophe,Mao's Great Famine provides, for the firsttime, an insight into the insanity of thisdisastrous program. Today the ChineseCommunist Party whitewashes thecatastrophe calling it "three years ofnatural disasters." This film examines themechanisms and political decisions thatled to the disaster, stripping away thesecrecy surrounding the campaign andexposing the lie, which continues today,about the true human cost and who wasresponsible.Item no. : SN07001300Format : DVDDuration : 52 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 325.00HUMAN RIGHTSLAWBULLY AT SCHOOL GOESHIGH TECH, THE:PROTECTING STUDENTSIN THE INTERNET AGEBy Grant Bowers, Dr. Jeff Gardere, JamesC. Hanks, Kathy MacDonaldChanges in technology have created newways for students to bully one another andnew legal challenges for schools andsociety.The program will address legal/constitutional issuesregarding the regulation of bullying; review case histories; and provide best practice guidance forpolicies and procedures.Item no. : WN11200393Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00EEOC COMMISSIONERSEXPLAIN FINAL ADAAAREGULATIONSBy Chai R. Feldblum, Victoria A. Lipnic,Michael C. SubitGet your update straight from the source:U.S. Equal Employment OpportunityCommissioners Chai Feldblum andVictoria A. Lipnic will explain all the keyfeatures of the EEOC's brand newregulations implementing the Americanswith Disabilities Amendments Act.This program will focus on how to applythe new regulations including:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkprovisions on types of impairmentsthat should easily be concluded to besubstantially limiting;when and how to consider "condition,manner, or duration;" andthe scope of the "transitory and minor"defense to "regarded as" coverage,indicating key examples.Registrants that take this program willreceive strategic guidance from ourpanelists, <strong>com</strong>pliance advice for theirclients, and the ability to pose questions tothe faculty live.Item no. : FM11200430Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NEW VOTERREGISTRATION LAWS:FIGHTING VOTER FRAUDOR SUPPRESSING THEVOTE?By Barbara Arnwine, Clarissa Martinez DeCastro, Benjamin E. Griffith, GeraldReynolds, Alan WilsonMore than a dozen states passed newlaws restricting voter registration in 2011.The trend continued in <strong>2012</strong>, with somelaws imposing criminal penalties and fines.Legal experts and state and federalofficials disagree about the challengesvoters and candidates may face at thepolls in light of the changing laws.This audio CD-ROM, which includeslongtime voting rights advocates and101

experts, will shed light on current andformer experiences involving voter fraudand registration. The panel will examinethe spate of new election-related lawsfrom across the country, as well asseemingly increased enforcement of stateand federal voting laws. The full range ofnew laws will be covered, including voteridentification and proof of citizenship,residency restrictions, limits on early andweekend voting, and proposed changes tothe electoral college. With representationfrom a diverse group of panelists exploringthe concerns of both state and federalgovernment officials and citizens, theprogram addresses the question ofwhether these new voting laws are reallynecessary to protect the electoral process.Item no. : SP11200321Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SEXUAL ORIENTATIONAND GENDER IDENTITY INTHE WORKPLACE: BESTPRACTICES AND CURRENTLEGAL CHALLENGESBy Louis Lopez, Edward J. Reeves,Teresa S. RenakerAlthough there is still no federal lawexplicitly prohibiting employmentdiscrimination on the basis of lesbian, gay,bi-sexual or transgendered ("LGBT")status, employees, employers and unionsthroughout the country face real-worldissues regarding sexual orientation andgender identity in the workplace.Our distinguished panel provided insightson: Current litigation strategies underfederal law for bringing and defendingLGBT claims; The latest state law developments onLGBT protections; Model employer polices for LGBTworkplace issues; Sensitizing employees andsupervisors to LGBT bias, and LGBT employee benefits.Item no. : DK11200596Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00STATE AND LOCALREGULATION OF ILLEGALIMMIGRATION: THE VIEWFROM THE TRENCHESBy Donna Frazier, Michael W. McCrory,Steven W. Moore, Henry "Hank" Sandersbegun creating constitutional and practicalissues of their own. Arizona has been andcontinues to be at the forefront of many ofthese battles, but it is not alone. The panelof distinguished speakers will address theillegal immigration issues in Arizona aswell as the legal battles and practicalissues faced by the state and localgovernments as they attempt to implementthese laws.Item no. : VA11200600Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00IMMIGRATIONLAWKNOW YOUR CLIENT'SRIGHTS: RELIGIOUSPROFILING IN THE POST9/11 ERARacial or ethnic profiling, which is<strong>com</strong>monly understood as lawenforcements use of race or ethnicity todetermine whether a particular individualwarrants official scrutiny, has been a lawenforcement strategy since the mid to late1990s. As recently as September 11, 2011,law enforcement agencies have alsoengaged in religious profiling, targetingAmericans and U.S. residents basedsolely upon their faith.Reports of surveillance of members of theAmerican Muslim, Arab American, andSouth Asian <strong>com</strong>munities by the <strong>New</strong> YorkPolice Department (NYPD) havereinvigorated legal, academic, and policydiscussions regarding the practice ofreligious, racial, and/or ethnic profiling.According to these reports, the NYPD hasmonitored Muslims daily life, and thesetechniques have provoked resentmentand fear in Americans around the countrywho are turning to the legal <strong>com</strong>munity forcounsel regarding their rights,responsibilities, and recourse.Our panel will assist the practitioner in thisarea by discussing the legal parameters ofintelligence gathering that implicate FirstAmendment activities in the post 9/11 era.Members of our faculty will also addressthe privacy rights of students pursuant tothe Family Educational Rights and PrivacyAct, and share information regardingpresent day efforts to <strong>com</strong>bat racial, ethnicand religious profiling in law enforcement.Item no. : TY11200510Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00STATE AND LOCALREGULATION OF ILLEGALIMMIGRATION: THE VIEWFROM THE TRENCHESBy Donna Frazier, Michael W. McCrory,Steven W. Moore, Henry "Hank" SandersWith the debate about <strong>com</strong>prehensiveimmigration reform raging at the federallevel, state and local governments havebegun creating constitutional and practicalissues of their own. Arizona has been andcontinues to be at the forefront of many ofthese battles, but it is not alone. The panelof distinguished speakers will address theillegal immigration issues in Arizona aswell as the legal battles and practicalissues faced by the state and localgovernments as they attempt to implementthese laws.Item no. : VA11200600Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INSURANCE LAWFUNDAMENTALS OFHEALTHCARETRANSACTIONSBy James M. Pinna, Jennifer L. Rangel,Tammy M. WardThis years Fundamentals session willfocus on the twists and turns of a healthcare deal. Our panel of attorneysexperienced with transactional, regulatory,and reimbursement issues will walkthrough a case study of a healthcarefacility acquisition and examine theconsiderations that face lawyers and theirclients when negotiating, structuring, andclosing a transaction including diligenceissues, change of ownership (licensure,certification, CON, Medicare and Medicaidprovider numbers), asset vs. stockacquisition, fraud and abuse, andvaluation matters.True to its title, this session will notassume extensive prior knowledge orexperience in healthcare transactions;however, practitioners at every levelshould benefit from this in-depthdiscussion of challenging issues and theunique opportunity for extensive audienceinteraction the session has to offer. Theissues discussed in this teleconferencewill have broad application to other typesof health care transactions.Item no. : VY11200472Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00With the debate about <strong>com</strong>prehensiveimmigration reform raging at the federallevel, state and local governments have________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk102

IMPACT OF EMPLOYMENTPRACTICES LIABILITYINSURANCE (EPLI) ONEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS,THEBy Shymeka L. Hunter, CatherinePadalino, Albert (Bert) B. Randall, Jr.,Elizabeth RodgersFederal and state laws designed to protectthe rights of employees have increasedthe potential liability of employers who "getit wrong," either through bad behavior orpoor practices. As employers increasinglylook to their existing <strong>com</strong>mercial generalliability, or directors and officers liabilitypolicies, for relief from defense costs andjudgments, the insurance industry hasresponded with the creation ofemployment practices liability insurance(EPLI) to specifically address some ofthese claims. The potential availability, ornot, of EPLI coverage in a particular casecan have a dramatic impact not only onthe types of claims which employees arebringing against their employers, but onthe ways in which claims are handled andresolved. Attorneys representingemployees and employers must bothunderstand the various dynamics involvedwhen EPLI coverage is at play and howthese issues continue to evolve with thechanging nature of workplace claims. Joinour panel of experts as they examinethese current trends in EPLI:What constitutes a claim?Proper reporting techniquesHow EPLI carriers cope with thechanging environment (e.g., socialmedia, background checks, wage &hour issues) Working with an EPLI carrier -understanding employer and insurerresponsibilitiesImpact on settlementsConflicts of interestItem no. : NC11200295Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INSURANCE RISKALLOCATION INENTERTAINMENT ANDSPORTS LAW: HOT TOPICSAND OVERLOOKED ISSUESBy M. Graham Coleman Esq., CassandraS. Franklin, Kirk A. Pasich, Tracy RaneFrom film and television production to livesporting events and theatrical and musicalperformances, insurance coverage is (orshould be) a vital part of the deal.Insurance is expected to provideprotection against key risks inherent inthese productions, allowing the variousparticipants to perform with a measure ofsecurity. Errors in dealing with the variousaspects of the insurance process, fromallocating the responsibility to procureinsurance to navigating the underwritingand claim process, can be costly. A panelof experts in the field will highlight majorareas of concern and offer practical tipsand advice on how to maximize theprotection that insurance is supposed toprovide.Item no. : EJ11200298Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00USING PARTNERSHIPS TOTOWN BUY-SELLINSURANCEBy Steven B. Gorin, Nancy Schmidt Roush,Richard S. Scolaro, Dale B. StoneClients often prefer a cross-purchasebuy-sell agreement but find practicalproblems often make them more difficult toadminister than an entity purchaseagreement. Our panelists will discuss asolution to these problems -- using alimited liability <strong>com</strong>pany or other entitytaxed as a partnership to hold lifeinsurance policies used to fund across-purchase buy-sell agreement. Sucha structure maximizes flexibility asownership of an operating businesschanges over time, including the transfersof life insurance to owners entering orleaving the business. It also can providesuperior in<strong>com</strong>e tax, estate tax, and assetprotection results.They will also cover how the ownersshould split the costs and benefits of suchan arrangement, given differences in costof insuring and each owner's ability tocontribute and percentage ownership inthe business.The economics, drafting, and taxconsiderations of three practical modelswill also be discussed.Item no. : KM11200624Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INTELLECTUALPROPERTY LAWACCELERATED CASERESOLUTION BEFORE THETRADEMARK TRIAL ANDAPPEAL BOARDIf you've been wondering how you canmore efficiently pursue meritsdeterminations in inter partes proceedingsbefore the Trademark Trial and AppealBoard (TTAB) of the USPTO, this ABAwebinar is just the ticket. The panel willdiscuss using the various efficiencies andalternatives to traditional discovery andtrial that characterize opposition andcancellation cases proceeding under theTTAB's Accelerated Case Resolution(ACR) process. If you want to streamlineand position opposition and cancellationproceedings for more efficient, economicaland focused presentation of the facts andevidence that are necessary to resolve themerits of a case, and are involved in acase with an adversary seeking the samesavings, the ACR process may be right foryou. ACR can save parties time andresources, and typically will result in fasterresolution than a standard TTABproceeding utilizing traditional discoveryand trial methodologies.Our authoritative panel will provide anoverview of the ACR process and discusshow ACR can help parties achieveresolution on an expedited basis. We willexamine factors to consider in determiningwhether ACR is right for a particularsituation, and will discuss timing,procedures, and strategies to keep in mindwhen electing and using Accelerated CaseResolution.Item no. : FF11200249Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AMERICA INVENTS ACT,THE: AN IN-DEPTH LOOKAT PROCEDURES THATBECOME EFFECTIVE INSEPTEMBER <strong>2012</strong>By Orion Armon, Robert W. Bahr,Elizabeth Brannen, David Postolski, Hon.Michael TierneyThe America Invents Act's new inter partesreview and supplemental examinationprocedures take effect in September <strong>2012</strong>.Ensure that you are ready for theseimportant changes in practice before theUSPTO by joining our in-depthexplanation of inter partes review,supplemental examination, and other AIAprovisions that take effect in September<strong>2012</strong>.Join our expert panel of seasonedpractitioners, the Chief Judge of thePatent Trial and Appeal Board, and theU.S. Patent and Trademark Office'sAssociate Commissioner for PatentExamination Policy for this ongoing serieson patent reform presented by the ABAIPL-YLAG.Item no. : PJ11200251Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AMERICA INVENTS ACT,THE: KEY FACTS YOU NEEDNTO KNOW NOW ABOUTPROVISIONS THAT ARE________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk103

ALREADY LAWBy Orion Armon, Ann N. Cathcart Chaplin,David Postolski, Christa ZadoMany significant changes in the lawoccurred when the America Invents Act(AIA) was signed into law on September16, 2011. This program offers in-depthanalysis of the AIA provisions that becameeffective, including:prior user rights;joinder limitations;USPTO fee increases;tax strategies within prior art;best mode changes;virtual marking;false marking litigation restrictions;new standards for petitioning for interpartes reexamination; andnew best mode requirements.Thepanelists will provide in-depthexplanation regarding each change inthe law and how the changes affectthe planning, strategy, and budgets ofpatent owners, applicants andlitigants. Special emphasis will beplaced on how these provisionsimpact litigation proceedings.Item no. : RP11200373Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AMERICA INVENTS ACT:UNDERSTANDING THENEW POST-GRANT ANDINTER PARTES REVIEWPROCEEDINGSBy Donna M. Meuth, Jonathan R. Sick,Hon. Michael TierneyEnacted last year, the America Invents Actlaid the statutory foundation for two newadversarial Patent Office proceedings,both of which went into effect inSeptember: post-grant review and interpartes review. This program will provide anintroduction to these proceedings,including a discussion of the now-finalrules that govern these proceedings. Theprogram also will address strategicconsiderations for use of theseproceedings in your practice.Item no. : LN11200253Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00within the context of a strategic sportstransaction, with experience ranging fromdealing with minor and major professionalsports teams and leagues to individualslooking at professional sportsopportunities.Item no. : JT11200374Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COMPARE AND CONTRASTOF LOCAL PATENT RULES,AJoin our expert panel of judges andattorneys for a focused discussion on localpatent rules in federal district courts. Thefaculty will examine the advantages and/ordisadvantages that exist from eitherhaving local patent rules or not havinglocal patent rules. This program also willfocus on the hurdles that exist inestablishing local patent rules in federaldistrict courts.Item no. : NA11200405Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AMERICA INVENTS ACT:THE BOUNDARIES OFPRIOR ARTBy Steve S. Chang, Janet S. Hendrickson,Susanne T. JoneshThe new provisions of section 102 of theAmerica Invents Act (AIA) have hadsweeping effects on our legal system.Attorneys are now asking many questions,including the following:What are guidelines for determiningwhat types of information qualify asprior art under the varioussubsections of section 102?What are the distinctions betweentypes of information defined as priorart under the AIA and current law?What are the possible strategies foravoiding problems arising from<strong>com</strong>mon disclosure patterns?Join our expert panel as they answerthese questions and provide practicalguidance regarding changes in practice inview of the differences in prior artdefinitions. In particular, they will discusstraps arising from the one year graceperiod to an inventor's own disclosuresthat were retained in the Act whileproviding ways for applicants to avoidthese traps. The panel will also addressthe areas of uncertainty in theimplementation or interpretation of the AIAprior art provisions and will provideguidance for analyzing various courses ofaction.Item no.: KM11200252ANATOMY OF A MAJORLEAGUE CLUBACQUISITION, THEBy Richard L. Brand, David Connolly,Robert ScottThis CD-ROM is intended to providelawyers and other professionals with thebackground information necessary toenable them to advise and represent theirclients in preparing sports franchiseacquisition documents, understanding theprocess, and ultimately closing on thetransaction.This CD-ROM will provide the practitionerwith a "nuts and bolts" view of thedocumentation and process involved In asports acquisition, including the principaltypes of acquisition documents and therole that they play in the overalltransaction, how to deal with <strong>com</strong>monacquisition problems, the due diligenceprocess, and the varying roles thatlawyers and other professionals play inthis process.Areas to be discussed: Letters of intent and term sheets Confidentiality agreements Structuring the transaction The due diligence process The league approval process The types of documents andagreements utilized Common and key issues in theDocumentationThe panel offers a knowledgeableperspective on these <strong>com</strong>plex issuesCOMPARISON ANDCONTRAST OF THEAPPROACHES OFBUSINESS METHODSOFTWARE PATENTS INEUROPE, ASIA, AND THEU.S., ABy Ceyda Azakli Maisami, Tim StaleyYoung Lawyers are given practical tips onhow to deal with prosecution and draftingof Business Method Software Patents ineach jurisdiction. The faculty specificallydiscusses patentability of software andbusiness methods in Europe, Japan,China, and Australia. The course alsocovers case law, case studies, and how todraft claims and descriptions that may beacceptable in these jurisdictions. Thefaculty also <strong>com</strong>pares other approacheswith the approach used in the U.S. basedon Bilski.Item no. : ZL11200406Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk104

CONCERTS, FESTIVALS,TOURING, AND PERSONALAPPEARANCES UPDATEBy Mario Gonzales, Richard Idell, JanineNatter-Small, Henry W. Root, BrettSteinbergThe panel addresses contemporary legaland business concerns confronting artistsand promoters in the concert industry.Topics covered include: considerations in drafting andnegotiating tour and personalappearance contracts; promoter responsibilities andliabilities; booking considerations from theagency's perspective; special issues relating to festivals;and the area of record label rights andwaivers of exclusivity in connectionwith recording and exploiting theartist's concert appearances.Item no. : PA11200407Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COVERING YOUR ASSETS:HOW TO PROTECT ANDLEVERAGE YOUR PROBONO CLIENT'S IPBy Marci Rolnik, Peter J. Strand, Judy TintDuring this informative program you willlearn how to conduct an "intellectualproperty audit" for pro bono art andentertainment clients. The discussion willinclude how to best help your clientproperly acquire rights to all works ofauthorship embodied in their creativecontent, whether literary work, visual art,<strong>com</strong>positions or recordings, motionpictures, or <strong>com</strong>binations thereof.The webinar will include valuable practicetips to help your clients documentownership in their work from inception to<strong>com</strong>pletion, and demonstrate strategies tohelp you parlay pro bono service intopaying client development. It will alsocover how volunteer legal service can helpyou "get what you give," in the form of bothpersonal and professional rewards.Item no. : NA11200415Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00specific area of technology. Lawyerswriting briefs and presenting arguments togeneralist judgesthus often must educate the judge not onlyabout the specific facts of their case, butalso provide a science lesson of sorts sothat the judge can fully understand thearguments being made.This program provides guidance forpractitioners on how to structure andorganize briefs and arguments that will beunderstandable and accessible togeneralist judges.Topics presented in the discussion are:the best use of Accelerated CaseResolution;publication of the Trademark Trial andAppeal Board's updated and revisedTrademark Board Manual ofProcedure;re<strong>com</strong>mended practices in navigatingthrough the Trademark Trial andAppeal Board's rules and procedures.Item no. : DF11200428Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COPYRIGHT LITIGATION:FINDING ANONYMOUSCOPYRIGHT INFRINGERSBy Thomas M. Dunlap, Nick Kurtz, PaulTicen, Stephen ZralekJoin our expert panel for a two partdiscussion involving anonymous onlineinfringement.The first part focuses on the hot topic incopyright litigation involving federallitigation against the backdrop of torrentand live web-streaming.Topics discussed include: utilizing pre-discovery subpoenas; the Digital Millennium Copyright Act(DMCA); and a variety of other legal tools to pursueinfringement claims againstanonymous infringers.The second part focuses on the aspectson anonymous speech on the internet inthe context of illegal or legally actionableactivity (infringement or civil tort liability fordefamation).Item no. : CV11200411Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DRAFTING PATENTS IN AWYDIWYG WORLDBy Charles R. Macedo, Joseph E. Root,James M. SingerThe Landslide article, "The DisclosureRevolution: It's A WYDIWYG World" (WhatYou Draw Is What You Get) discussed thetectonic shift from claims-based patentscope to Disclosure World, wherecoverage depends on disclosure.In this program, two expert prosecutors,Charles R. Macedo (of Amster, Rothstein& Ebenstein, LLP) and Jim Singer (ofPepper Hamilton LLP) join author JoeRoot to talk about the drafting techniquesthey employ to cope with the hurdleserected by several recent Federal Circuitdecisions.Item no. : FA11200426Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DRAFTING TECHNICALBRIEFSBy Hugh S. Balsam, Patrick C. Gallagher,Judge Margaret O'Mara Frossard, DavidPostolskiPatent lawyers and their clients frequentlyhave expertise in their particular technicalfields, such as electrical engineering,molecular biology, or <strong>com</strong>puter science.Most judges, however, do not share thesame passion for or mastery of theENTERPRISE RISKMANAGEMENT: WHYEVERY LAWYER SHOULDUNDERSTAND THE BASICSA new vocabulary and tool for evaluatingrisk is emerging and it is firmly taking rootin legislation and best practices. It is theconceptual language of enterprise riskmanagement ("ERM"). Intellectualproperty represents perhaps the mostpotent form of "reputational risk."Especially in an information age wheremuch entity value is bound up in intangiblerights, enterprises can thrive and failbased on the fortunes -- and misfortunes --of their patents, trademarks, copyrightsand trade secrets.CEOs, CFOs, general counsel, and theiroutside IP counsel are all potential "risksilos." Their insular knowledge of the risksand consequences involved in theprocurement and enforcement of IP rightscan have deleterious impacts.In this first ABA webinar on ERM and itspractical legal applications, attendees willbe<strong>com</strong>e more conversant with ERM'sgrowing presence in the dialogueregarding the concept of risk spreadacross enterprises of any kind.Our panel of experts will illustrate howERM concepts apply in an IP law contextby gleaning ERM object lessons from suchcases as the Qual<strong>com</strong>m v. Broad<strong>com</strong>patent litigation and the topsy-turvy juryverdicts rendered in Mattel v. MGAEntertainment ("Bratz Doll") litigation.There will also be special focus on the riskmanagement issues that arise as oneinvariably delegates tasks andresponsibilities among and between________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk105

clients and law firm teams.A summary of the specific topics to bediscussed are:1. A survey of the basic ERM concepts2. ERM in corporate affairs andgovernance3. Applying ERM principles in evaluatinglaw firm management risks4. How ERM concepts can be applied inassessing case value and litigation risks5. Use of ERM principles in managingpretrial discoveryItem no. : HH11200276Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ENTERTAINMENTLICENSING IN TRANSITIONIONBy Gregory J. Battersby, Danny Simon,Cydney A. TuneAs entertainment and technology continueto converge, licensing transactions areevolving rapidly to attempt to address thechanging context such as media, deliverymethods, types of content, and the like.Please join us as we discuss the impactson licensing due to the significant changesin how entertainment is delivered and theevolving merchandise. We will alsoaddress the changing landscape at retailand its impact on how deals are structuredand royalties calculated.Item no. : NU11200439Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ENTIRE MARKET VALUERULE: HAVE RECENTCOURT DECISIONSALTERED ITSAPPLICATION?By William Choi, Daniel L. Jackson, DavidD. PostolskiHas the courts' application of the EntireMarket Value Rule (EMV) changed again?Originally courts were only applying therule to sales of a single multifaceteddevice that incorporates a patentedfeature together with unpatented features.It then seemed the rule was expanded toalso apply to convoyed sales andderivative sales. However, the FederalCircuit in LaserDynamics v. QuantaComputer reiterated that the entire marketvalue rule is a narrow exception to thegeneral damages rules.Join our panel of industries experts asthey discuss whether the ability to applythe entire market value rule has beenchanged by recent court decisions. Thepanelists will cover recent court decisionson the application of the EMV ruleincluding LaserDynamics. They will alsodiscuss methodologies that are consistentwith recent court decisions.Item no. : HA11200277Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICAL CHALLENGES ONOTHE HORIZON:CONFIDENTIALITY,COMPETENCE, AND CLOUDCOMPUTINGBy John M. Barkett, Mindy Caplan,Stephanie L. Kimbro, William C. McNeill IIIIn the fast paced world of Web 2.0,knowledge is power and cloud <strong>com</strong>putingis the next frontier. You may be on thecloud already and not realize it. Our expertpanel provides a general overview of cloud<strong>com</strong>puting and discuss the various ethicalissues that can arise in connection with it.The panel examines the various ModelRules of Professional Conduct that areimplicated by cloud <strong>com</strong>puting, includingthe rules regarding <strong>com</strong>petence, diligence,confidentiality, safeguarding property,responsibilities of partners andsubordinate lawyers, and client<strong>com</strong>munications. The ABA's up<strong>com</strong>ingchanges to the Model Rules and ethicsopinions concerning cloud <strong>com</strong>puting willalso be reviewed.Item no. : WN11200279Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FRIENDS OR FRENEMIES?THE INCREASINGLYIMPORTANT LEGALBATTLE OVER SOCIALDATA EXTRACTION TOOLSBy Jonathan H. Blavin, Sebastian E.Kaplan, Chrissie ScelsiIn the wake of Google+'s release, anumber of third parties have developedtools that allow users to extract and exportsocial data from Facebook and reconstructtheir Facebook friends lists on Google+.This program will provide an overview ofvarious legal issues relating to dataextraction tools, which are at the center ofthe increasingly <strong>com</strong>petitive socialnetworking market. Our panelists willexamine the legality of such tools underseveral <strong>com</strong>mon law and statutorytheories, including trespass to chattels; theComputer Fraud and Abuse Act and itsCalifornia state law corollary, the CaliforniaComprehensive Computer Data AccessAct; the CAN-SPAM Act; and copyrightinfringement. Our panelists will alsoexplore the legality of social networkingwebsites' technological disabling of dataextraction tools that allow users to exportdata to <strong>com</strong>peting websites.Item no. : TR11200471Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00GENERIC TOP LEVELDOMAIN NAMES: WHATTHE RECENT EXPANSIONSMEAN FOR YOUR BRANDBy Dennis S. PrahlThe Internet Corporation for AssignedNames and Numbers (ICANN) recentlyapproved the <strong>New</strong> Generic Top LevelDomain program, allowing the registrationof virtually any top level domain.In addition to owning brand-specificsecond level domains under ".<strong>com</strong>" or".org," entities may now purchasecustomized ".brand" or industry ".keyword"top level domains. The decision topurchase a TLD should not be taken lightlybecause it has significant initial costs aswell as ongoing costs and responsibilities.However, even those who are notconsidering applying need to be aware ofthe risks and costs they are likely to face inmonitoring and enforcing their trademarkrights in an exponentially growing sea ofcybersquatters and counterfeiters. Theyneed to understand the legal mechanismsfor taking action against domain nameregistrants as well as against domainname registrars in some cases. Strategiesto pursue will require knowledge of whatthe new gTLD program entails, its varioustrademark policies, and an analysis of thebenefits and problems of the program. Asthe new gTLD program will fundamentallychange the internet, this discussion willprepare mark owners for that change.Item no. : LS11200477Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00GREEN IP: AN OVERVIEWOF OPPORTUNITIES ANDRISKSBy Timothy Bradley, Michael P. Byrne,Kevin Greenleaf, Jennifer M. Hetu,Anessa Owen KramerEco-Patents: A Triumph of theCommons(Michael Byrne and Kevin Greenleaf)Businesses can benefit from the publicawareness of green-this and eco-that bynot only marketing the environmentallyfriendly aspects of their products. But theycan also benefit by participating ingovernment and industry initiatives suchas expedited patent examination, patentpools or open-patent strategies, such asthe Eco-Patent Commons, which are________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk106

similar to open-source licenses.Participation in such programs can resultin far more than good public relations:businesses can realize reduced costsbecause of economies of scale, fasterpatent examination, easier technologylicensing, joint ventures and fastertime-to-market. The green movementcontinues to gain steam, so jump on thetrain before it leaves the station.Eco-Marks and Greenwashing(Jennifer Hetu, Anessa Owen Kramer, andTimothy Bradley)Society as a whole is "greener" than ever,and this trend continues to spill over intothe consumer marketplace with "green"product offerings growing at an annualrate of over 70%. Although the fact thatconsumers and <strong>com</strong>panies are striving tobe<strong>com</strong>e more environmentally friendly iscertainly a positive trend, the "greening" ofsociety and the marketplace has anegative consequence: greenwashing.Greenwashing poses an increasing risk foradvertisers as well as consumers, and<strong>com</strong>panies engaged in green marketingneed good legal advice to avoid litigationand regulatory risks. This panel discussesthose risks and how to navigate them.Item no. : VP11200482Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HAS YOUR ADR NEUTRALMET THEIR DISCLOSUREREQUIREMENT?By J. William Frank III, James Gilliland,Suzanne K. Nusbaum, Lester SavitThis program will discuss different ethicalconflicts that may arise during IPMediation/Arbitration and the level ofdisclosure required by themediator/arbitrator.Topics that will be addressed include: Conflicts of Interest Confidentiality The disclosure requirements imposedby:1. Professional organizations2. Court Advisory <strong>com</strong>mittees The model rules of professionalresponsibility and how they relatespecifically to IP disputesItem no. : TT11200483Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 80 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOW THE SMARTPHONEWARS ARE CHANGING THEIP LANDSCAPEBy Ray Alderman, David T. Blonder, JorgeL. Contreras, David L. <strong>New</strong>man, John A.ScottThe smartphone wars are changing the IPlandscape. Join our panel of experts asthey discuss the landmark decision inApple v. Samsung and other issuesinvolving Microsoft, Google, and MotorolaMobility. The program will focus on patentlitigation involving standard-essentialpatents (SEPs) from a standarddevelopment organization (SDO)viewpoint. Specific topics of the webinarwill include these topics:Analysis of new use of standardsobligations in litigation Fair, reasonable andnon-discriminatory (FRAND)<strong>com</strong>mitment to attack reasonableroyalty rate asserted by SEP ownersin order to limit damagesFRAND <strong>com</strong>mitment to attack abilityof SEP owners to pursue injunctionsFailure to <strong>com</strong>ply with obligations todisclose SEPs during standardpromulgation may raise issues ofunclean hands or fraudAcquisition of SEPs as means ofshoring-up patent portfolio has prosand cons (e.g. strong patents toassert in litigation but strings attached no injunctions and lower rates)Review of European Commissioninvestigation of Samsung activity re:assertion of SEPs having FRAND<strong>com</strong>mitmentsItem no. : VA11200292Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INTERNATIONAL PATENTLITIGATION: A COMPAREAND CONTRAST OFPATENT LITIGATION INDIFFERENT COUNTRIESJoin our panel of distinguishedinternational attorneys as they present afocused discussion on international patentlitigation. They will present a<strong>com</strong>prehensive <strong>com</strong>parison of theprocedures between differing countries.Additionally, the panel will <strong>com</strong>pare andcontrast limits on discovery, duration oftrials, bifurcation of issues, arbitration andmediation, and awarded damages. Thepanel will also discuss the differences inpharmaceutical litigation in differentcountries.Item no. : EL11200503Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INTRODUCTION TOE-DISCOVEDISCOVERY, ANBy Matthew C. Christoff, Sarah M. Knight,Jessica TaylorElectronic discovery is no longer a rarity,but a reality that nearly every attorney willencounter in his career. Ensuring thepreservation of electronically storedinformation (ESI) is a key <strong>com</strong>ponent ofdiscovery today. Litigants who fail topreserve ESI can face severeconsequences, including monetary andevidentiary sanctions, the effects of whichcan last long beyond a single case.Recognizing the potential issues andconcerns in the preservation andcollection of ESI is critical to an effectiveelectronic discovery strategy.This program will introduce participants tothese considerations and the <strong>com</strong>plexitiesand pitfalls of e-discovery issues in anysize case. The program will also addressrecent case law and emergingtechnologies, such as cloud storage andsocial media, and what strategies litigantsemploy to successfully manage ESIpreservation and collection. Join us for aninsightful and practical discussion of theseissues using real-life examples andillustrations.Item no. : TS11200504Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00IS COPYRIGHT'S FIRSTSALE DOCTRINE DYING?By Joseph C. GratzBooks, movies, and music are increasinglybeing consumed not in the form ofphysical copies but in the form ofelectronic downloads or streams.Copyright's first sale doctrine hastraditionally protected consumers' andlibraries' right to lend and resellcopyrighted works. But license terms andcopy-protection technologies under whichelectronic copies are made availablegenerally restrict or bar such lending andresale. This shift may provide amuch-needed new revenue stream forailing content industries. But it may also<strong>com</strong>e as a surprise to anyone whos everloaned a book to a friend.This panel discusses recent cases andindustry developments and explore howthe first sale doctrine applies -- or shouldapply -- in a world of networked digitalmedia.Item no. : MT11200507Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk107

KIRTSAENG V. JOHNWILEY & SONS: A POSTSUPREME COURT ORALARGUMENT REVIEWBy Scott Bain, Andrew BergerThe Supreme Court's first (and perhapsonly) copyright case of <strong>2012</strong> will beKirtsaeng v. Wiley, argued October 29,<strong>2012</strong>. The case centers on the importantand controversial interplay between theright to resell used goods under the firstsale doctrine, and the right of copyrightowners to control distribution of theirworks, including unauthorized "greymarket" importations. Kirtsaeng ran abusiness importing foreign versions oftextbooks that had been made and soldabroad, intended for foreign resale only(and marked as such), and reselling thosebooks to U.S. students. The S.D.N.Y. andSecond Circuit courts held him liable forcopyright infringement under the section602(a)(1) exclusive right to import copies,holding that the first sale doctrine does notapply to foreign-made copies becausethey are not "made under this title" as thedoctrine (section 109) requires.Two years ago, the Supreme Court split4-4 on an identical issue in Costco v.Omega, with Justice Kagan recused. Thefull court will now decide the issue, whichwill have a substantial impact on copyrightowners, retailers, and users. In thisprogram, the panelists will discuss thecase, its implications, and the oralargument. They will also provide theirviews and advice on related issues of"arbitrage," parallel importation and thefirst sale doctrine.Item no. : FA11200306Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ISSUES WITHAPPOINTINGFRANCHISEES,DISTRIBUTORS, ORAGENTS IN CHINABy Paul Jones, Robert A. Lauer, Richard L.Wageman, Brian YaoChina's growth has been phenomenal,and even in these challenging times itcontinues to grow rapidly. A major newdevelopment is the emergence of a middleclass in China which is increasinglylooking to western products and services.U.S. franchisors and retailers have been atthe forefront of expansion into China. Anumber of franchisors, whether throughcorporate outlets or franchised outlets,have created substantial networks. All ofthe indicators suggest that the appetite ofconsumers in China for Western brandswill grow.procedures for obtaining necessaryconsents and registrations are not alwaysclear. There are uncertainties relating tothe enforceability of trademark rights and<strong>com</strong>mercial agreements as well as thenumerous political, religious, cultural, andbusiness obstacles that have to beover<strong>com</strong>e.This program will provide participants withvaluable insights from U.S. and Chineseattorneys, all with extensive experience instructuring, negotiating, and managingtransactions in China as well as dealingwith issues when things "go wrong." Thespeakers will focus on both legal andpractical issues so as to enable U.S.practitioners to be aware of the issues tobe addressed when their clients expandinto China. Participants will receiveprogram materials addressing the issuesin greater depth.The program is designed to be a freeflowing discussion and will include aquestion and answer session for whichaudience participation is encouraged.Item no. : KF11200514Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LITIGATION BEFORE THETRADEMARK TRIAL ANDAPPEAL BOARD:STRATEGIC ANDEFFECTIVE BESTPRACTICESBy Cheryl Butler, Jonathan Hudis, Mary L.Kevlin, Angela LykosThis 90 minute audio CD-ROM covers theintricacies of practicing before theTrademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB).Topics discussed include strategic andeffective deployment of inter partes matters and prefilingconsiderations; pleadings and <strong>com</strong>mencement ofproceedings; disclosures and discovery; motion practice; trial procedures and rules ofevidence; the use of experts; and briefs on final hearing and oralargument.The panel includes expert practitionersbefore the USPTO Board as well as aUSPTO Board member and interlocutoryattorney.Item no. : DC11200309Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00THE SUPREME COURT'SNEW METHODOLOGY FORANALYZING PATENTELIGIBILITYBy Robert A. Armitage, Denise W.DeFranco, Thomas W. KrauseThis program, inspired by a currentLANDSLIDE article, will cover the U.S.Supreme Courts recent decision in MayoCollaborative Services v. PrometheusLaboratories, Inc. regarding the eligibilityof inventions directed to personalizedmedicine and more generally to diagnosticmethods for treating disease. Leadingpractitioners will explain the SupremeCourts newly articulated methodology foranalyzing patent eligibility of inventionsimplicating laws of nature and how thatmethodology might be applied to a broadswath of inventions.The Chair of the ABAs IntellectualProperty Law Section and Eli Lilly andCompanys Senior Vice President andGeneral Counsel, Robert A. Armitage, willaddress the risk of collateral damagecaused by the Supreme Courts decisionand offer his expert opinion on how theSupreme Court might have analyzed theissues differently so as to avoid thepotential for such adverseconsequences. Similarly, Denise W.DeFranco, a Partner at Finnegan,Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner,LLP and counsel to the Petitioner in Bilskiv. Kappos, will address the SupremeCourts analysis in Mayo and potentiallegislative solutions to over<strong>com</strong>e theeffects of the decision. Finally, Thomas W.Krauss, Special Counsel for IntellectualProperty Litigation of the U.S. Patent &Trademark Office and one of itspreeminent experts on the law of patenteligibility under section 101, will discussthe U.S. Patent & Trademark Officesresponse to the decision and offerpractical tips and strategies for avoidingpatent eligibility issues in the wake of theMayo decision.Item no. : VG11200313Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00NEGOTIATING BRANDLICENSES: LICENSOR VS.VLICENSEEBy Leonard Glickman, Rita M. OdinBrand licensing is big business. Whetheryou're a brand owner/licensor who wantsto <strong>com</strong>mercially exploit a brand in as manycategories as possible or a licensee that isacquiring the rights to a brand in certaincategories and making a substantialinvestment, the negotiation of a brandlicense raises a number of importantbusiness and legal issues.Nevertheless, China does representchallenges to those wishing to takeadvantage of these opportunities. TheMAYO V. PROMETHEUS:In this webinar, the Vice President andTrademark Counsel at The Estee LauderCompanies will represent the licensee's________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk108

perspective and the Vice-Chair of theLicensing, Merchandising & BrandingDivision of the ABA Forum on theEntertainment & Sports Industries willrepresent the licensor's perspective in adiscussion and mock negotiation that willcanvass the key terms in brand licenseagreements including: Scope of license Licensed IP1.Territory2. Licensed products3. Exclusivity Royalty Advertising and promotion ("A&P") Distribution Channels Approvals Ownership of intellectual propertyItem no. : MN11200534Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW BEGINNING IN THEEND, A: SOUNDRECORDING COPYRIGHTTERMINATIONS - ADISCUSSION AND DEBATEBy Lisa Alter, Lisa Buckley, Mark H. Jaffe,Lacy J. Lodes, Marybeth PetersThe Copyright Act grants an author theright to terminate a grant of right thirty fiveyears after a grant of a transfer or license.Because the termination right becameeffective in 1978, countless authors areexpected to regain full rights to theircopyrights beginning in 2013. Forrecording artists who are seeking toterminate their transfers of their recordingsthere is uncertainty and apprehensionover whether they have the right to do so.Record <strong>com</strong>panies have maintained thatthe termination right is unavailable torecording artists because soundrecordings qualify as "works for hire," anargument that is rejected by recordingartists and one that is yet to be resolved.This program discusses termination rightsin sound recordings and the legal issueslikely to arise for the interested parties. Itfeatures four speakers: one taking theposition favored by recording artists, onetaking the position favored by record<strong>com</strong>panies, one neutral academic, andone addressing valuation issues.Item no. : FC11200318Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00practitioner. In this informative program,speaker Lawrence J. Siskind, cites theworks of literary stars such asShakespeare, Tennyson, Ayn Rand, andDorothy Parker to illustrate legal concepts.This program teaches the fundamentalprinciples of trademark law including: how trademarks fit into the overallintellectual property universe; how trademarks differ from copyrightsand patents; how trademarks are born, die, andmay be resurrected; how trademarks may be registeredand protected; how courts adjudicate trademarkdisputes; dilution; and frontier issues of trademark law.Item no. : FA11200543Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ORPHAN WORKS PROBLEM,THE: RECENTDEVELOPMENTS,PROPOSED LEGISLATION,AND ALTERNATIVESOLUTIONSThe orphan works problem is generallydefined as the situation where the ownerof a copyrighted work cannot be locatedby someone who wishes to make use ofthe work in a manner that requirespermission. Given recent and contentiousefforts to enable mass digitization andlarge-scale digital access and reuse ofthese works, this session will explore therenewed interest and recent work in boththe United States and abroad that is aimedtoward developing legislative and othersolutions to the orphan works problem.In this audio CD-ROM, the panelexamines the history of the problem, earlyattempts at enacting legislative solutionsin the United States, current efforts by theUnited States Copyright Office and theEuropean Commission to developlegislation and directives allowing forlimited use of orphan works, and currentthinking on why legislation should belimited or may not be necessary in theUnited States given our existing limitationsand exceptions such as fair use.Item no. : NY11200324Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00Are the updating licenses that electronicmanufacturers or distributors forceconsumers to sign in return for newversions of software for the electronicdevice enforceable? For example newgames won't run on an old version ofgaming consoles' firmware, and installingthe new firmware requires agreeing to anew license agreement. Similarly, a smartphone provider issues updates to itslicense agreement, and prevents usersfrom installing new apps unless the useragrees to a new license.Can electronic manufacturerselectronically reach into your electronicdevice to remove media they don't wantyou to have? For example, an eBookprovider removed copies of "1984"purchased by consumers. Do consumersown the electronic copy of the media orjust have a license to use it?Can manufacturers remotely disable yourdevice if you do not <strong>com</strong>ply with theirlicense agreements? For example, asoftware <strong>com</strong>pany disabled hackedversions of its gaming console.Who owns the copyright in the consumer's<strong>com</strong>ments on websites? Do consumershave a right to remove or disassociate the<strong>com</strong>ments with their name?Item no. : RS11200549Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 87 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PATENT LITIGATION:STRATEGIES ANDTECHNIQUESJoin Richard Rainey, Executive Counsel ofIP Litigation for General Electric, for anin-depth study of the patent litigationstrategies all young lawyers need to know.This new ABA IP YLAG program will coverthe patent appeal process in the FederalDistrict Court, from inception to appeal.Topics to be discussed include issuesrelating to jurisdiction, timing, standard ofreview, and governing law.Item no. : NA11200325Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PIRACY UPDATE: IPRCENTER STRATEGIES ANDSUCCESSESBy Alexandra Darraby, Lev KubiakNUTS AND BOLTS OFTRADEMARK LAW, THEBy Sharra Brockman, Lawrence J. SiskindThis presentation provides a basicoverview of trademark law for the noviceOWNERSHIP OF DIGITALMEDIA AND ELECTRONICPRIVACYBy Sharra Brockman, Eric S. Crusius, BenKleinman, Paul RobertsJoin the Entertainment Forum inpresenting Lev Kubiak, Director ofNational Intellectual Property RightsCoordination Center (IPR), in a livelyinterview format inspired by Inside theActor's Studio. Director Kubiak will relaterecent successful collaborative actionsundertaken by the law enforcement teams________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk109

and governmental agencies that fightpiracy at America's borders, seizingcounterfeit goods in bricks and mortarstores, and shutting down domains ofcyber rogues in the virtual world.Director Kubiak will discuss theinteragency relationships and shares withlawyers the ways in which their client'sinterests and concerns about piracy insports and entertainment can be broughtto the table.Prepare to be entertained and informed byDirector Kubiak, moderated by AlexandraDarraby, in Part 1 of a two-part piracyprogram offered in April. Part 2 will be heldin May <strong>2012</strong>, featuring practitioners andindustry leaders.Item no. : HN11200326Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PROSECUTIONSTRATEGIES: TACKLINGUSPTO OBVIOUSNESSREJECTIONSBy Janet S. Hendrickson, Gregory L.Hillyer, Michelle E. O'Brien, Zachary S.SternThe Supreme Court's decision in KSR v.Teleflex was widely discussed. OnSeptember 1, 2010, the United StatesPatent and Trademark Office (USPTO)released updated examination guidelinesthat provide guidance to examiners andpractitioners for analyzing obviousness.Starting with the examination guidelines,the panel explores how the KSR standardshave been applied in various technologyareas and provide guidance for effectiveavenues of argument based on thetechnology area.The panel also discusses variousarguments that may be effective, but mayalso narrow the scope of arguments thatcan be made during litigation.Item no. : WU11200564Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING YOURINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:BEST PRACTICES FORCHINA IN <strong>2012</strong>By James M. ZimmermanForeign <strong>com</strong>panies doing business inChina must be careful with theirintellectual property rights (IPR), includingtrade and <strong>com</strong>mercial secrets, and takesteps to protect and enforce their IPR. Theloss of IPR has resulting in significantlitigation costs to recover key IPR misusedor stolen by Chinese <strong>com</strong>panies.Learn more about the types of IPR marketentry strategies used with success byforeign <strong>com</strong>panies operating in China. Theprogram will host speaker JamesZimmerman, the author of the China LawDeskbook and the office administrativepartner in the Beijing office of SheppardMullin Richter & Hampton LLP.Item no. : TH11200329Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ROSETTA STONE:UNLOCKING THE FOURTHCIRCUIT'S KEYWORDSADVERTISING DECISIONAND PREVIEWING ITSCONSEQUENCESBy David H. Bernstein, Stacey Dogan,Sheldon H. KleinThis program will explore the FourthCircuit's decision in Google v. RosettaStone, the latest, and leading, decision onthe issue of keyword advertising on searchengine web sites. Our expert panel willdiscuss the background of the case, theFourth Circuit holdings in the decision,what was not decided, what remains to betried in the trial court, and the interim andpotential consequences for the keywordadvertising industry especially as it relatesto trademark owners whose marks areused in keyword advertising.Item no. : CN11200583Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00STATUTORY TERMINATIONOF COPYRIGHTTRANSFERS UNDER THEU.S. COPYRIGHT ACT ASAAPPLICABLE TO SOUNDRECORDINGSBy Kenneth J. Abdo, Timothy C. MatsonUnder the Copyright Act of 1976, anygrant, license or assignment made on orafter January 1, 1978 may be terminatedby the author thirty-five years from thedate of such transfer if the work was notoriginally created as a work-made-for-hirefor an employer. Given the unequalbargaining power at the time of earlytransfers and the impossibility ofdetermining a work's value until after it hasbeen exploited, the intent of Congress is tosafeguard authors against unremunerativetransfers.With transfer termination dates beginningJanuary 1, 2013, the potential impact ofthis amendment on recording <strong>com</strong>paniesis massive. The presenters will analyzethe amendment, termination notice filingsand other technical <strong>com</strong>plications relatedto the interpretation and implementation ofthe amendment.Item no. : EW11200339Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TAKING THE RAND CASETO TRIALBy Eric Benisek, Richard VasquezHow do you try a RAND case? Much inkhas been spilled on the academicdiscussion of standards settingorganizations (SSOs), patent hold- up,and reasonable and non-discriminatory(RAND) licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments. But howshould RAND be litigated in the trial courts,and what are the viable causes of action,defenses, and remedies that parties canpursue? Litigating patents subject toRAND licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments is still theWild West with very little precedent toguide practitioners.This audio CD-ROM will cover therecognized causes of action and defensesavailable to parties litigating patentssubject to RAND licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments,as well as important strategicconsiderations and available remedies.Specific topics will include: key appellatedecisions; recent guidance from theFederal Trade Commission; past andcurrent actions in district courts involvingRAND licensing disputes; andre<strong>com</strong>mendations on potential winningtrial strategies for defendants litigatingpatents subject to RAND licensing<strong>com</strong>mitments.Item no. : MN11200342Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TECH CONTRACTS: NINELESSONS FOR DRAFTING &NEGOTIATING BETTER BITAGREEMENTSBy David W. TollenThis program prepares lawyers to handlesoftware licenses, cloud <strong>com</strong>putingagreements, software as a service (SaaS)deals, and other IT contracts. The legalsubject-matter includes both intellectualproperty and tech-specific <strong>com</strong>mercial law.It's organized around nine of the leastunderstood concepts in the field, and ituses those nine to build <strong>com</strong>prehension oftech contracts in general:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkCloud <strong>com</strong>puting, software as aservice (SaaS), and softwarelicensing -- explained and110

distinguished Doing license clauses right Data security and privacy -- explainedand distinguished fromNDA's/confidentiality Starting, defining, and limitingmaintenance obligations Technical specifications: the heart ofthe deal Escrow -- verification and licensing Understanding, adding, anddisclaiming warranties Indemnities and exceptions Good fences and good neighborsItem no. : TB11200602Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TIPS AND TRICKS TOEFFECTIVE PATENTDRAFTINGBy Benjamin J. Holt, Jeoyuh Lin, PaulRobertsThis program focuses on providing thetools and hard-learned secrets forproducing quality patent applications.Topics include how to handle a disclosureconference, how to determine the cost forpreparing the application, and how tobudget timing and landmark goals.The presentation also includes tips onwhat information to provide to smallerclients who are not familiar with patent law,as well as strategy for meetingexpectations of more savvy in-housepatent counsel. Following the preparationon the intake process, significant attentionwill be paid to how to prepare claims andthe disclosure to satisfy the diverse patentaudience (judges, partners, inventors,examiners, etc.) who all use a differentlens when evaluating your application.Moreover, this presentation explains tricksof the trade for the mechanics of preparingapplications, as well as suggestions onhow to utilize assistants to boostproductivity and lower client cost.Item no. : VE11200604Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 82 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TO TRADEMARK OR NOTTO TRADEMARK: THAT ISITHE QUESTIONBy Mary LaFrance, Jonathan Rubens,Sherin Sakr, Peter V. SnellThis program will begin with an overviewof U.S. trademark law. It will then examinethe factors that businesses and theirattorneys should consider when decidingwhether and when to establish andregister trademark rights.The pros and cons of U.S. and foreigntrademark registration will be considered.Item no. : GC11200344Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TRADEMARK AND APPEALBOARD LITIGATION BESTPRACTICESBy Peter W. Cataldo, Angela Lykos,Gerard F. Rogers, Patricia S. SmartA panel of distinguished Trademark Trialand Appeal Board Judges andInterlocutory Attorneys discussre<strong>com</strong>mended best practices whenlitigating before this administrative body.Topics presented are: the best use of Accelerated CaseResolution; publication of the TTAB's updated andrevised Trademark Board Manual ofProcedure; and re<strong>com</strong>mended practices in navigatingthrough the TTAB's rules andprocedures.Gain invaluable insight to practicing beforethe TTAB from the most junior novice tothe most experienced specialist.Item no. : MG11200610Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TRADEMARKPROSECUTION: LESSONSFROM THE TRENCHESBy Cheryl L. Black, Sharra Brockman,Tricia McDermott ThompkinsBefore you submit that trademarkapplication form, have you considered thestrategic implications of your goods andservices descriptions? If you receive aninitial refusal based on descriptiveness,how can you best over<strong>com</strong>e theexamining attorney's objections? Andwhat happens when the application isproceeding to publication and your clienttells you it might contain a mistake?The strategies involved before and afterthe paperwork is filed have a discernibleimpact on the out<strong>com</strong>e of the process, andis often what separates the experiencedpractitioners from the new kids. Learnfrom those who have been in the trenchesbefore you, and give your applications thebest chance for registration. Our expertpanel, including current and former U.S.Patent & Trademark Office employees, willfocus on tips for successful trademarkprosecution, including best practices forchoosing the application type and timing,drafting effective goods and servicesdescriptions, over<strong>com</strong>ing <strong>com</strong>mon initialrefusals, and amending filed applications.Item no. : TY11200345Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00UNDERSTANDING THEAMERICA INVENTS ACT: ASWEEPING CHANGE OF U.S.UPATENT PROSECUTIONPRACTICEBy Robert W. Bahr, Thomas L. Irving,Donna M. Meuth, Teresa Stanek Rea,MaCherri Vondran-JonesThe America Invents Act (AIA) was themost sweeping patent legislation in the USin over 60 years. Our panel of legalexperts, including a representative fromthe U.S. Patent and Trademark Office(USPTO) will examine how the AIA willimpact different aspects of patentprosecutions before the USPTO, andstrategies for implementing thosechanges.In particular, our panel will discuss thechange to first-inventor-to-file andac<strong>com</strong>panying changes to the definition ofprior art, and the new SupplementalExamination procedure. Strategic adviceregarding best practices will also beprovided.Item no. : RE11200619Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00UPDATE ON THE LAW OFPATENT INFRINGEMENT INTHE U.S., ANBy Meredith Martin Addy, R. (Ted) EdwardCruz, Hon. Paul R. Michel, Steven C.SereboffThis program provides an overview on therecent changes to the Law of Infringementin United States Patent Litigation.Specifically, the program focuses on twosub-topics of infringement, in light of casesheard (or being heard) by the SupremeCourt of the United States and FederalCircuit Court of Appeals: Joint Infringement - In the context ofthe Federal Circuit's recent decisionto take up en banc two cases dealingwith the standard required to provejoint infringement:1. Akamai Tech., Inc. v. LimelightNetworks, Inc. (petition for rehearinggranted on 4/20/11)2. McKesson Tech. Inc. v. Epic SystemsCorp.(petition for rehearing granted on5/26/11)Inducement to Infringe - In light of theSupreme Court of the United States'decision in Global-Tech v. SEB.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk111

Item no. : YC11200622Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00VIDEO GAMES ANDDIGITAL MEDIA: ALITIGATION UPDATEBy Alex V. Chachkes, William Sloan Coats,Judith Droz Keyes, Cydney A. TuneJoin our panel of experts for a videogames and digital media litigation update.The panel will examine and discuss casesfrom the past year impacting theinteractive industry of video games, digital,and social media. The discussion willinclude the following topics:The most recent developments in theBlizzard case, involving copyrights invideo gamesMusician claims arising from musicgames and uses of music in socialmediaRight of publicity claims brought bysports figures both amateur andprofessional arising from use of theirimages, statistics, and the like ingamesSocial media limitations with respectto employees and employersItem no. : VN11200349Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WHEN LAWYERS WEAVE ATANGLED WEB: THEETHICS OF PRE-FILINGINVESTIGATIONS ANDDECEPTIVE CONDUCTThis program, inspired by a timelyLandslide article, will discuss the impactthat the ethics rules have on the ability ofintellectual property lawyers to be involvedin pre-filing investigations that involve theuse of deceptive tactics, such aspretexting. The program will explore caselaw, ethics opinions, Model Rule 8.4, andother sources of authority that appear topermit lawyer involvement in deception inthe intellectual property arena and how toreconcile such out<strong>com</strong>es with the plaintext of what appear to be very broadprohibitions in attorney ethics rules againstdeception of any kind.Item no. : MA11200629Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WILLFUL INFRINGEMENTBEFORE AND AFTERPOWELL V. HOME DEPOTBy Shawn B. Cage, Alissa K. Lipton,Edward M. MathiasWhen the Federal Circuit adopted a newstandard for proving willful infringement inIn re Seagate Technology, LLC, itacknowledged that it was leaving to futurecourts the details of how the standardshould be applied. Four years later, courtsare struggling with procedural andsubstantive issues arising from Seagate.In this seminar, the panelists will describeempirical research into application of thenew standard, the totality of thecircumstances approach courts havegenerally applied, and the factors thatcourts have frequently considered inapplying the standard.The panelists will also discuss theimplications of the Federal Circuit's recentdecision in Powell v. Home Depot U.S.A.,Inc. The Federal Circuit had two significantholdings in Powell. First, whereaswillfulness previously was tried to a singlefact-finder, the Federal Circuit held thecourt and the jury should divide the task ofdetermining willfulness. Second, itaffirmed a finding of willful infringementwhere the district court's pretrial decisionsappeared to establish that the defendanthad legitimate, credible and reasonableliability defenses-- the type of defensesthat the Federal Circuit previously heldprecluded a finding of willful infringement.Therefore, the Powell decision will changehow willfulness cases are both tried andreviewed.Item no. : HC11200631Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WRITTEN DESCRIPTIONREQUIREMENT, THE: AREANTIBODIES CHEMICALS,CALS,PROTEINS, OREXCEPTIONS?Federal Circuit cases over the past fifteenyears have stressed that 35 U.S.C. § 112,first paragraph contains a writtendescription requirement separate fromenablement. However, practitioners'opinions vary on what disclosure isrequired to meet written description,particularly in the field of antibodies. Therecent case Centocor Ortho Biotech, Inc. v.Abbott Labs, raised the topic into thepatent limelight. Centocor won a $1.67billion damages award for infringement,but the Federal Circuit held Centocor'spatent invalid for failure to meet the writtendescription requirement, and the SupremeCourt declined certiorari.This audio CD-ROM will demonstrate arange of views on the written descriptionrequirement for antibodies. The U.S.Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)routinely grants functionally-definedantibody claims to those who discover anovel protein or epitope or some otherinteresting feature of an antibody. Somepractitioners argue that the USPTO fails toapply the written description guidelines topurely functional antibody claims, creatingan "antibody exception" to writtendescription. Others argue that disclosureof the protein or epitope to which theantibodies bind is sufficient to meet therequirement. Where do you draw the line?Item no. : FP11200355Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INTERNATIONALLAWCHINA <strong>2012</strong>: LEGAL,POLITICAL, AND BUSINESSOUTLOOK FOR <strong>2012</strong> ANDBEYONDBy James M. ZimmermanThis is an interesting year in China giventhe leadership transition taking place in<strong>2012</strong>. Leadership changes and new policydirection will have a profound impact onwhat foreign business can expect in Chinaover the next five years. This audioCD-ROM provides an analysis ofwho's-who in the PRC leadership team,along with a discussion on the likely trendsfor foreign investors doing business inChina.The presentation includes a review of thenew laws, regulations, and policy changesrecently adopted, or in the pipeline, thatmay impact business in China. The legaland political changes are criticallyimportant to businesses operating on theground in China. Examples include:amendments to the Copyright Law, newstate secrets regulations, the newCommunist Party loyalty oath for Chineselawyers, rules on online purchasesoverseas, and amendments to the law onthe promotion of clean production.The program features James Zimmerman,the author of the China Law Deskbook andthe office administrative partner in theBeijing office of Sheppard Mullin Richter &Hampton LLP.Item no. : PG11200264Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk112

DUE DILIGENCE ONCHINESE COMPANIES:METHODS, TOOLS ANDRESOURCES FORDETERMINING FACT FROMFFICTIONBy James M. ZimmermanIt's important for U.S. firms to thoroughlyinvestigate their "partners" in Chinaincluding their joint venture partners, M&Atargets, distributors, suppliers, seniormanagers, consultants and agents,third-party services providers, andgovernmental stakeholders. Criticalmistakes can be made if an investor linksup with the wrong partner.Topics will include a review of the methodsand tools employed to conduct legal,operational, and financial due diligence onChinese <strong>com</strong>panies. Participants will learnmore about the use of due diligencechecklists, resources and processes forverifying information and data received,impact of Chinese state/<strong>com</strong>mercialsecrets laws, and developing contractuallanguage to protect the parties.This interactive seminar will host JamesZimmerman, the author of the China LawDeskbook and Office AdministrativePartner in the Beijing office of internationalfirm Sheppard Mullin Richter & HamptonLLP.Item no. : AT11200273Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FCPA: BEST PRACTICES TOKEEP REGULATORS AWAYBy Katherine Choo, Cheryl L.Haas-Goldstein, Douglas M. Lankler, MarkF. MendelsohnThis program provides practical tips toin-house counsel on how they can designand implement <strong>com</strong>pliance programs andreviews to best <strong>com</strong>ply with provisions ofthe Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.Item no. : TH11200458Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOW TO SERVE CLIENTS CINCHINA WITH YOUR U.S.LITIGATION PRACTICEBy Peter M. Friedman, William F.McGovern, William Pao, Samuel G.Williamson, Yunxia (Kate) YinChina has long tantalized American lawfirms looking to take advantage of arapidly growing economy and a massivepool of new clients. Now, the next wave ofgrowth for American firms in China is tooffer U.S. law litigation capabilities toChinese clients. Recent issuesChina-based clients faced includeaddressing liability arising from allegedaccounting fraud in a U.S. stock exchangelisting to investigating bribery allegationsunder the FCPA. And as more Chinese<strong>com</strong>panies set up subsidiaries in the U.S.,and sell their products and servicesdirectly in the U.S., litigation has thepotential to grow to en<strong>com</strong>pass an evenbroader range of general <strong>com</strong>mercialmatters.Join our expert panel, all of whom haveexperience litigating or doing business inChina, as we learn about the future of U.S.litigation in China.Item no. : DN11200494Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00INDIVIDUALS ANDINTERNATIONALCOMPANIES DOINGBUSINESS IN THE U.S.:INVESTOR VISA ISSUESBy Mayra L. Calo, Bernard WolfsdorfAs the world economy be<strong>com</strong>es moreglobal, individuals and internationalbusinesses are increasingly interested indoing business in the largest economy inthe world, the United States andopportunities abound for attorneys. Whilethere are many opportunities in this areaof law, there are also challenges thatrequire an understanding of how the visaprocess works, so entity formation andstructure meet visa application processesrequirements, and result in immigrationapproval.Join our expert panel to learn about thevisa requirements and options forindividuals and international <strong>com</strong>paniesinterested in doing business in the UnitedStates, including discussion of investor(EB-5/E-1/2) visas, <strong>com</strong>pany transfer (L-1)and green cards.This program will provide a how- tooverview of corporate and business U.S.immigration law that will strengthen yourimmigration, tax, corporate, orinternational law practice.Item no. : VR11200297Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INTERNATIONALAPPROACH TO LEGALPRIVILEGE ISSUES, ANBy Dr. Wilhelm Hartung, James R. Modrall,Kristina Nordlander, Debra Valentine,Stephen WiskingThe recognition of legal privilege variesconsiderably from jurisdiction tojurisdiction. Many jurisdictions do notaccept the broad U.S. approach to legalprivilege. This course will explore thesimilarities and differences between theapproaches to legal privilege in four keyjurisdictions for antitrust practitioners: theEU, Germany, the UK and the US.The panelists include leading in-houseand outside counsel practitioners fromeach of these jurisdictions.The discussion will cover typical issuesincluding the scope of attorney-clientprivilege, the application of privilege toin-house counsel, waiver of privilege, andthe availability of joint defense (or"<strong>com</strong>mon interest") privilege.Item no. : WE11200300Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW ERA OF FCPAENFORCEMENT AND THECOLLAPSE OF THE AFRICASTING CASES, THE: TIMETO REEVALUATE?By Greg D. Andres, Eric B. Bruce, John D.Buretta, Charles E. Cain, France Chain,more…The Africa Sting cases were heralded asthe largest FCPA sting operation in history,yielding 19 indictments against 22individuals. At the time it was the latestand certainly one of the most high profileprosecutions in what enforcement officialshave called the <strong>New</strong> Era of FCPAEnforcement. Ultimately, however , theDOJ was forced to dismiss the remainingAfrica Sting cases in the wake of two trialswhich ended with acquittals and hungjuries.The collapse of the Africa Stingprosecutions clashes with the expansiveand aggressive trends of the <strong>New</strong> Era ofFCPA enforcement raising many criticalquestions such as: Should the DOJ and the SECreevaluate their approach andprosecution standards?________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkCan enforcement officials continuewith their ever increasing expansionof the FCPAs statutory language andreach?Have corporate fines and settlementsgotten so out of control that they areactually a disincentive toself-reporting and cooperation? Has the focus on prosecutingindividuals resulted in a decrease ofcorporate moral as corporations offerup sacrificial lambs on agovernmental alter in hopes ofmitigating their own punishment?113

While enforcement officials claim that thenew era will continue, many who havelong called for FCPA reform suggest thatnow is the time to reevaluate the necessityfor amending the statutes as well asprosecution standards.This program will evaluate the impact ofAfrica Sting cases in view of key <strong>New</strong> Eratrends, calls for FCPA reform, and areevaluation of the prosecution standardsutilized by the DOJ and the SEC inenforcing statutes.Item no. : AC11200319Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00The topics to be discussed will includeinbound and outbound planning issuessuch as:U.S. in<strong>com</strong>e tax and transfer tax rulesfor nonresident aliens of the U.S.Marital planning with a non U.S.citizen spousePre-immigration planningTax considerations for U.S. personsabroadExpatriationForeign reportingThis program is not to be missed if youwant to gain a fundamental base ininternational planning or would like arefresher.That being said, when discovery is<strong>com</strong>plete, summary judgment has beendenied, and the case is scheduled for trial,what steps can labor and employmentlitigators take to be sure their case is readyfor trial or in the best possible position forsettlement prior to or during trial?In this program, seasoned labor andemployment litigators will share with youtheir tips on how to best use yourresources to prepare your case for trial.Item no. : TW11200362Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ORPHAN WORKS PROBLEM,THE: RECENTDEVELOPMENTS,PROPOSED LEGISLATION,AND ALTERNATIVESOLUTIONSThe orphan works problem is generallydefined as the situation where the ownerof a copyrighted work cannot be locatedby someone who wishes to make use ofthe work in a manner that requirespermission. Given recent and contentiousefforts to enable mass digitization andlarge-scale digital access and reuse ofthese works, this session will explore therenewed interest and recent work in boththe United States and abroad that is aimedtoward developing legislative and othersolutions to the orphan works problem.In this audio CD-ROM, the panelexamines the history of the problem, earlyattempts at enacting legislative solutionsin the United States, current efforts by theUnited States Copyright Office and theEuropean Commission to developlegislation and directives allowing forlimited use of orphan works, and currentthinking on why legislation should belimited or may not be necessary in theUnited States given our existing limitationsand exceptions such as fair use.Item no. : NY11200324Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00POTPOURRI OF WHATPLANNERS NEED TO KNOWIN A NEW INTERNATIONALALWORLD: PLANNINGCONSIDERATIONS FORTHE NRA AND THE USEXPATJoin our top notch panel as they cover thebasics (and then some) of representinginternational clients.Item no. : HC11200553Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING YOURINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY:BEST PRACTICES FORCHINA IN <strong>2012</strong>By James M. ZimmermanForeign <strong>com</strong>panies doing business inChina must be careful with theirintellectual property rights (IPR), includingtrade and <strong>com</strong>mercial secrets, and takesteps to protect and enforce their IPR. Theloss of IPR has resulting in significantlitigation costs to recover key IPR misusedor stolen by Chinese <strong>com</strong>panies.Learn more about the types of IPR marketentry strategies used with success byforeign <strong>com</strong>panies operating in China. Theprogram will host speaker JamesZimmerman, the author of the China LawDeskbook and the office administrativepartner in the Beijing office of SheppardMullin Richter & Hampton LLP.Item no. : TH11200329Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LABOR ANDEMPLOYMENT LAW90 DAYS BEFORE TRIAL:SEASONED LABOR ANDEMPLOYMENT LITIGATORSSHARE THEIR TRIALPREPARATION SECRETSMost labor and employment attorneyshave be<strong>com</strong>e adept at motion practice anddiscovery, but fewer and fewer of us havethe opportunity to hone our trial skills, astrial by jury is be<strong>com</strong>ing increasingly rare.ADA ACCOMMODATIONS:GUIDANCE FROM THEEEOCBy J. Randall Coffey, Chai R. Feldblum,Victoria A. LipnicCommissioners from the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) will share the latest breakingnews from the EEOC regarding theAmericans with Disabilities Act (ADA). TheCommissioners will primarily focus onleave and reassignment issues as areasonable ac<strong>com</strong>modation under theADA.This is a unique opportunity to learn from,and ask questions to, the Commissionerson this rapidly changing area.In this program, the faculty will address thefollowing topics: Practical guidance on the ADA ingeneral Practical guidance on reasonableac<strong>com</strong>modation issues includingleave and reassignment issues The EEOC's most recent regulationsand guidance on the ADA Significant court decisions applyingthe ADA Amendments Act Your ADA related questionsItem no. : MB11200364Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00AGE BEFORE BEAUTYMYTH, THE: EEOCCLARIFIES THEREASONABLE FACTORSOTHER THAN AGE ADEADEFENSEBy Jeremy J. Glenn, Dianna B. Johnston,Bernard R. MazaheriUnder the Age Discrimination inEmployment Act (ADEA), an employermay defend against a claim by showingthat a <strong>com</strong>plained-of action was taken forreasons based on "reasonable factors114________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

other than age." ("RFOA"). On March 30,the EEOC issued a final rule amending itsAge Discrimination in Employment Act(ADEA) regulation, 29 C.F.R. § 1625.7,regarding the RFOA defense and itsapplication to disparate treatment anddisparate claims.This panel, featuring Dianna B. Johnston,the EEOC's Senior Attorney-Advisorregarding the new regulations, will explainthe changes in the regulations and explorethe potential impact on both employersand employees. Counsel for both plaintiffsand defendants will pick up invaluablelessons for litigating ADEA claims andhave the opportunity to have your specificquestions answered about the newregulations.Item no. : CB11200372Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ARREST AND CONVICTIONRECORDS IN EMPLOYMENTDECISIONS: THE EEOCEXPLAINS ITS UPDATEDGUIDANCEBy Maurice Emsellem, Don Livingston,Carol MiaskoffFor the first time since the EEOC issuedenforcement guidance on the use ofcriminal records in employment 25 yearsago, the agency has updated thatguidance. At a time when increasingnumbers of Americans have an arrest orconviction in their past and jobs remainscarce, the guidance seeks to balance theemployers' interests in keeping employeessafe on the job and protecting theirbusiness interests, while providingqualified workers with a fair opportunity atemployment.This panel, featuring Carol Miaskoff,Acting Associate Legal Counsel of theEEOC, will explore the nuances ofrecently-issued enforcement guidance onthe arrest or conviction records inemployment decisions. Learn how theupdated guidance determines disparateimpact of policies or practices that screenindividuals based on criminal records.Have your questions answered as to howthe factors for determining whethercriminal conduct is job-related orconsistent with the business necessitystandard and defense.Item no. : PS11200357Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ASK THE EXPERTS: ANEXPLANATION OF THEADAAA REGULATIONS ONEYEAR LATERBy Peter Blanck Ph.D., J.D., KathleenMulliganIn 2011 the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission (EEOC) issuedits final regulations implementing theAmericans with Disabilities ActAmendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), whichwas enacted on September 25, 2008 andbecame effective January 1, 2009. TheAct made a number of significant changesto the Americans with Disabilities Act's(ADA) "disability" definition, reinstating abroad scope of protection under the ADA.Our expert faculty, includingCommissioners from the EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) will discuss the latest legalupdates on the ADAAA. TheCommissioners will primarily focus onreasonable ac<strong>com</strong>modations, leave(FMLA, Short-term, and Long-termDisability), and reassignment. This is aunique opportunity to learn from, and askquestions of, our expert panelists and theCommissioners on this rapidly changingarea.In this program, the faculty will examine the EEOC's most recentregulations and guidance on theADAAA; discuss significant court decisionsapplying the ADA Amendments Act;and answer your ADAAA relatedquestions.Item no. : AZ11200258Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CHANGING LANDSCAPE OFOWAGE & HOUR LAW, THEBy Laura L. Ho, Jason C. Marsili, GregoryK. McGillivary, Kirby WilcoxWage and hour litigation continues toconstitute the majority of litigation in theworkplace law arena. This seminaraddresses new and sophisticated issuesbeing litigated in the wage and hour arena,and will cover both substantive law andlitigation aspects.Panelists discuss the recent developmentsregarding classwide arbitration, classcertification, and conditional certification ofcollective actions in light of Concepcion v.AT&T Mobility and Dukes v. Wal-Mart, aswell as retaliation protections and recentapplications of the white collarexemptions.Item no. : SZ11200397Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CLASS ACTION WAIVERSIN EMPLOYMENT-RELATEDCONTRACTS: ARE THEYLAWFUL?By Molly Eastman, Michael Hayes, CliffPalefsky, Michael H. RubinThe United States Supreme Court's April2011 decision in AT&T Mobility v.Concepcion upheld class action waivers inconsumer contracts for cellular services.Since AT&T, many employers andemployees have had to confront thequestion of whether employers can requireemployees to be bound by arbitrationagreements that waive the employees'right to bring class action claims or toparticipate in employment-related classactions.In January <strong>2012</strong>, the National LaborRelations Board issued a decision in D.R.Horton, Inc. prohibiting employers fromrequiring employees to waive their right tofile or participate in joint or class actions.This panel, consisting of seasonedpractitioners representing management,employees, and labor, will discuss theimpact of, and relationship between, AT&Tand D.R. Horton Inc. and offer guidanceon the legal and practical issues raised bythese decisions.Item no. : VE11200265Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EFFECTIVELY MEDIATINGEMPLOYMENT LAW CASESBy Hal Gillespie, James Rosenfeld, SusanGrody Ruben, Jahan SagafiJoin the Section of Labor and EmploymentLaw's experts in exploring tips andtechniques for effectively mediatingemployment law cases.Topics to be covered include: Managing client expectations Exploring issues specific to classrepresentatives Preparing an effective mediation brief Handling sensitive issues in caucuses Effectively using a mediator'sproposalItem no. : BZ11200433Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk115

ELECTRONIC DISCOVERYFOR THE REST OF US:BRINGINGPROPORTIONALITY BACKTO E-DISCOVERYEBy Sean Gallagher, Helen Marsh, Hon.Craig ShafferIf all you knew about e-discovery camefrom CLE program advertisements, youwould think that every e-discovery caseinvolves millions of documents andmillions of dollars. Not so in the labor andemployment world. Our expert panel,including a U.S. Magistrate Judge from theDistrict of Colorado, will discuss strategiesfor controlling costs and achievingproportionality in typical employmentlitigation matters. You will learn:Strategies for cost control, especiallyat the early stages of employmentlitigation Application of the proportionalityprinciples that are already in Fed. R.Civ. P. 26(b)How to use the Sedona ConferenceCommentary on Proportionality inElectronic Discovery to help achieveproportionalityPreservation obligations in light ofPippins v. KPMG and Tracy v. NVR,Inc.Item no. : FF11200275Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ERISA FIDUCIARYTRAINING : WHAT ISREQUIRED OF ERISAFIDUCIARIES AND THOSETHEY SUPERVISE?Due to recent DOL regulations and courtcases, there may soon be more fiduciariessubject to ERISA's standard of care andpotential personal liability. This sessionexplores these developments and kicks offa planned series of RPTE trainingprograms for ERISA fiduciaries and for thenon-fiduciaries who act on their behalf.This introductory program explores thefoundational principles that govern theallocation and performance of ERISAfiduciary duties, as they are evolving in anera of market disruption and enhancedregulatory oversight.The panel includes a former Tax SectionChair and editor of BNA's ERISA FiduciaryLaw. The panel also includes twoexperienced DOL attorneys who bring tothis task the insights they gained asin-house trainers of DOL staff engaged inenforcing ERISAs fiduciary rules.Fiduciary training offers significantprotection to fiduciaries and their plans.We have designed this program to appealto both attorney and non-attorneyfiduciaries, as well as those who supporttheir efforts. This session should be ofinterest to anyone who can benefit from anintroduction or refresher in ERISA fiduciaryrules and practices. Considerre<strong>com</strong>mending that your clients or yourstaff participate. Watch for future sessionsfocusing on specific aspects of fiduciaryperformance.Item no. : YL11200440Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FMLA: TOP TRENDS ANDISSUESIn just a few months, the Family andMedical Leave Act (FMLA) will celebrateits 20th anniversary. After two decades,the Act and developing case law continuesto provide challenges and opportunities toemployers, employees, and their counsel.This panel will explore the "hot topics" ofFMLA <strong>com</strong>pliance and litigation from boththe employer and employee perspective.Topics for discussion will include thevarious legal issues such as: Caring for an adult family member1. Direct v. indirect care2. When are they incapable of self-care3. Travel to care for a family member4. Intermittent leave Interpretation of serious healthcondition The medical certification process Retaliation Impact of GINA on the FMLAItem no. : TR11200284Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00IMPACT OF EMPLOYMENTPRACTICES LIABILITYINSURANCE (EPLI) ONEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS,THEBy Shymeka L. Hunter, CatherinePadalino, Albert (Bert) B. Randall, Jr.,Elizabeth RodgersFederal and state laws designed to protectthe rights of employees have increasedthe potential liability of employers who "getit wrong," either through bad behavior orpoor practices. As employers increasinglylook to their existing <strong>com</strong>mercial generalliability, or directors and officers liabilitypolicies, for relief from defense costs andjudgments, the insurance industry hasresponded with the creation ofemployment practices liability insurance(EPLI) to specifically address some ofthese claims. The potential availability, ornot, of EPLI coverage in a particular casecan have a dramatic impact not only onthe types of claims which employees arebringing against their employers, but onthe ways in which claims are handled andresolved. Attorneys representingemployees and employers must bothunderstand the various dynamics involvedwhen EPLI coverage is at play and howthese issues continue to evolve with thechanging nature of workplace claims. Joinour panel of experts as they examinethese current trends in EPLI:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkWhat constitutes a claim?Proper reporting techniquesHow EPLI carriers cope with thechanging environment (e.g., socialmedia, background checks, wage &hour issues) Working with an EPLI carrier -understanding employer and insurerresponsibilitiesImpact on settlementsConflicts of interestItem no. : NC11200295Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00IMPACT OF NEW MEDIA ONTHE WORKPLACE, THE:INVESTIGATING ANDFORGETTING THE WEBA recent <strong>New</strong> York Times Magazine articleby Jeffrey Rosen claimed that "The WebMeans the End of Forgetting," andexamined the problem of people trying toescape from the sometimes embarrassingonline documentation of their past. Somehave suggested the use of "cleaners,"social media expiration dates, and othermechanisms that would purge onlinehistories.In this program, our expert panelexamines these new technologies and thelegal implications and perils of using them.Topics discussed are:Employer use of online research torecruit and investigate applicantsWorkplace social media policiesRisks to employees, such as loss ofprivacy, false information, inhibition ofoff-work activities, and whatemployees can do about itConcerted activity and other NLRAissuesMismatch between old laws and newtechnologyThis program is a must for anyonegrappling with the impact of the new mediaon the workplace.Item no. : CC11200498Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00116

INTERACTING WITHCLIENTS IN ANEMPLOYMENT CRISISBy Cassie Springer, Kate Westin,Catherine YanninAs employment lawyers, our clients arefrequently in a legal crisis when they <strong>com</strong>eknocking at our doors. Whether employersare being sued for the first time (or tenth!),or employees feel they have been firedunjustly, harassed, or denied a benefit towhich they believed they were entitled, ourclients <strong>com</strong>e with a lot of questions andemotions running high.Join our expert panel for a discussionabout interacting with clients in anemployment crisis.Questions to be addressed include:What legal tools do attorneys need tointeract with people who may befacing the biggest crisis of their lives?How can attorneys manage clientstensions from the beginning and whatare the consequences in litigation andmediation if we do not? How can attorneys tailor theirinteractions to convey the legalrealities of the case while stillremaining an advocate in whom theclient trusts?How can mediation remain effectivewhen tensions have not beenresolved beforehand and whether thataffects an attorney's presentation or aclient's case?Item no. : PB11200299Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00INTERPLAY BETWEENUSERRA AND THE ADA,THE: WHEN DISABLEDVETS RETURN TO THEWORKPLACEBy Kenneth R. Harrison, Sr., Kathryn S.Piscitelli, George R. WoodThe proper re-employment of veteransinjured during military service is an issuethat implicates several statutes, includingthe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)and the Uniformed Services Employmentand Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).Employers and employees need tounderstand the boundaries of coverage aninjured veteran has under these significantlaws with respect to release from serviceand rejoining the workforce.Our esteemed panelists, including authorsof two significant publications regardingUSERRA, will provide guidance based onthe statutes, as well as applicableregulations and case law.Don't miss this important and timelyopportunity to update your knowledge ofUSERRA.Item no. : NT11200302Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LEGACY OF THE LIEBMANBOARD: IMPACT OF THEBOARD'S DECISIONS ANDRULEMAKINGBy Jonathan C. Fritts, Cynthia Nance,Nancy SchifferRadical or responsive? Assess for yourselfand your clients by joining a review anddiscussion of the critical actions taken bythe Liebman Board upon the departure ofthe Chairwoman and consider the trendsset for future Boards. Our faculty'sinformative and engaging review of theNLRB and its decisions include the NLRB's regulation mandatingemployers to post a notice informingemployees of their rights under theAct; the Board's decisions on socialnetworking, "bannering," Dana,lawsuits as unfair labor practices orobjectionable conduct, and otherissues;and D.C.Circuit Court recent decisions onenforcement of critical Boarddecisions.Item no. : EM11200512Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NLRB RULINGS: THINKTHEY DON'T IMPACTNON-UNION EMPLOYERS?THINK AGAINIn September <strong>2012</strong>, the National LaborRelations Board issued its first decisionson employer social media policies. In bothdecisions the employers were non-union.In Costco Wholesale Corp., the NLRBfound unlawful Costcos social mediapolicy, which prohibited employees fromelectronically posting statements thatdamage the <strong>com</strong>pany, defame anyindividual, or damage any personsreputation. Three weeks later, the NLRBissued its decision in Karl Knauz Motors,Inc., finding that an employees Facebookposting that caused the employeesdischarge was not concerted or protected,and therefore, the discharge was notunlawful.In other recent decisions, the NLRB hasruled on other employer policies impactingemployers in non-union settings. InBanner Health System, the Board foundthat an employer may not maintain ablanket policy forbidding employees fromdiscussing ongoing investigations ofemployee misconduct. Additionally, anNLRB administrative law judge found thatAmerican Red Cross Arizona BloodServices Regions inclusion of an at-willemployment disclaimer acknowledgementin its employee handbook was unlawfulbecause it chilled the exercise ofemployee rights. Finally, in the headlinegrabbing case D.R. Horton, Inc., the NLRBfound unlawful the class-action waiver inthe employers employment arbitrationagreements.The Board is not shying away from rulingon employer policies impacting employersin non-union settings. Lawyers need to beprepared for the changing law.Within this audio CD-ROM our panel,consisting of seasoned practitionersrepresenting management, employees,and labor, discuss the impact of thesedecisions on employers in non-unionsettings and offer guidance on the legaland practical issues raised by thesedecisions.Item no. : PJ11200322Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NON-COMPETES IN THEELECTRONIC WORKPLACE:SOLICITATION IN THE AGEOF SOCIAL MEDIABy Stephanie Fong, Bernard J. Fuhs,Cynthia N. Sass EsqSolicitation is both new and different in theage of social media.This webinar will explore: When is "friending" a solicitation? To what extent can an employee's online post jeopardize the trade secretstatus of employer information? How has the law kept pace, and fallenbehind, with the seemingly dailyinnovations in social media How workers <strong>com</strong>municate andexchange information in the modernworkplace?Our expert panel will explore these andother cutting edge challenges related tosocial media.Item no. : GY11200541Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 81 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk117

SEXUAL ORIENTATIONAND GENDER IDENTITY INTHE WORKPLACE: BESTPRACTICES AND CURRENTLEGAL CHALLENGESBy Louis Lopez, Edward J. Reeves,Teresa S. RenakerAlthough there is still no federal lawexplicitly prohibiting employmentdiscrimination on the basis of lesbian, gay,bi-sexual or transgendered ("LGBT")status, employees, employers and unionsthroughout the country face real-worldissues regarding sexual orientation andgender identity in the workplace.Our distinguished panel provided insightson: Current litigation strategies underfederal law for bringing and defendingLGBT claims; The latest state law developments onLGBT protections; Model employer polices for LGBTworkplace issues; Sensitizing employees andsupervisors to LGBT bias, and LGBT employee benefits.Item no. : DK11200596Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SQUARE PEG, ROUNDHOLE: THE CHALLENGESAND PITFALLS OF EXEMPTCLASSIFICATIONS UNDERTHE FLSABy James Finberg, Ellen C. Kearns,Elizabeth Lawrence, Gregory K.McGillivaryThere is a never ending saga of statutorywage and hour misclassification issues,especially regarding the classification ofworkers as overtime exempt. Join ourpanel of wage and hour law experts asthey discuss misclassification under theFair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and themany issues that arise therein.Our expert panel will examine whether anemployee can be properly classified asexempt from the minimum wage andovertime provisions of the Fair LaborStandards Act, offer tips on making theproper classification, and discuss <strong>com</strong>monmistakes and traps that unwary employersmake when considering this question. Thepanel will also discuss recentdevelopments that impact this issue.Item no. : CL11200338Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TOP 11 EEO ISSUES IN2011, THEBy Jeanne Goldberg, Barbara L. Johnson,Nora L. Macey, Paul W. Mollica2011 has been an eventful year inemployment discrimination and retaliationlaw. Recent legislation and Supreme Courtdecisions have impacted not only the wayemployment attorneys counsel their clients,but also how they litigate employmentdiscrimination and retaliation claims.In this program the faculty addresses: The expanding scope of retaliation,and how to avoid it Practical guidance on the ADAAA, theEEOC's new regulations interpretingthe ADAAA, and significant courtdecisions applying the ADAAA Legal claims, defenses, andstrategies after Wal-Mart v. Dukes The practical implications of Staub v.Proctor Third party retaliation claims afterThompson v. North AmericanStainless LP 14 Penn Plaza LLC v. Pyett andstrategies for prosecuting anddefending against the mandatoryarbitration of discrimination claimsunder collective bargainingagreements and other contractsThe latest on what constitutes a"reasonable ac<strong>com</strong>modation" for adisabled employee Litigation strategies under thepleading standard required byTwombly/IqbalSocial Media as a forum for employee<strong>com</strong>plaints about discrimination andretaliationThe impact of the Lilly Ledbetter FairPay ActKey employment discrimination andretaliation decisions from around theCircuitsItem no. : WB11200607Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 88 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TRANSGENDER RIGHTS INITHE WORKPLACE:CURRENT LEGALCHALLENGES AND BESTPRACTICESBy Louis Lopez, Shannon Price Minter,Edward J. Reeves, Teresa S. RenakerThis 90-minute program will discussfederal, state, and local protections fortransgender individuals in the areas ofemployment discrimination.For example, panelists will provide anupdate on how the existing prohibition ofsex discrimination under Title VII of theCivil Rights Act of 1964 may cover claimsof discrimination based on gender identitythrough the gender stereotyping theoryunder the Price Waterhouse v. Hopkinsline of cases as well as through othertheories presented in Schroer v. Billington(Library of Congress).In addition, panelists will discuss bestpractices for transgender andgender-non-conforming employees andapplicants, which address many <strong>com</strong>monworkplace issues such as recordsmanagement, employer-sponsoredinsurance and retirement benefits, use ofrestrooms, privacy issues, andmaintenance of a safe and non-hostileworking environment.Item no. : DC11200612Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00U.S. SUPREME COURT'SVIEWS ON RETALIATION,THE: A REVIEW OF KASTEN,THOMPSON AND DURYEABy Eric S. Dreiband, John L. Quinn, EricSchnapper, Geraldine SumterThis past term, the U.S. Supreme Courtissued three significant retaliationdecisions, two of which broadened thescope of protections under federal statutesand one of which curtailed the rights ofpublic workers to assert retaliation claimsunder the Petition Clause of the FirstAmendment to the U.S. Constitution.In Thompson v. North American Stainless,LP (January 24, 2011), the Supreme Courtheld that an "aggrieved" person under TitleVII includes any person with an interestarguably sought to be protected by thestatute (e.g., the fiance of an employeewho had filed a gender discriminationclaim).In Kasten v. Saint-Gobain PerformancePlastics Corp. (March 22, 2011), theSupreme Court held that even an oral<strong>com</strong>plaint that is sufficiently clear anddetailed for a reasonable employer tounderstand it satisfies the FLSA'srequirement that a <strong>com</strong>plaint has been"filed" by an employee assertingretaliation.Lastly, in Borough of Duryea,Pennsylvania v. Guarnieri (June 20, 2011),the Supreme Court held that a publicemployee's protection against retaliationfrom his employer extends only toinstances where the employee haspetitioned the government on a matter ofpublic, not private, concern.In this program, you will hear from aSupreme Court scholar who was involvedin all three cases and from experiencedemployment law practitioners withpractical advice on how these decisionsimpact your clients, whether they areemployers, employees or unions.Item no. : WN11200616Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : 2011________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk118

Price : USD 150.00LAW2011-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> NEGOTIATIONCOMPETITION NATIONALFINALSThe 2011-12 Law Student DivisionNegotiation Competition National FinalsTopic: Real PropertyThe Negotiation Competition promotesgreater interest among law students inlegal negotiation and provides a means forthem to practice and improve theirnegotiating skills. The <strong>com</strong>petitionsimulates legal negotiations in which lawstudents, acting as lawyers, negotiate aseries of legal problems. The simulationsconsist of a <strong>com</strong>mon set of facts known byall participants and confidential informationknown only to the participantsrepresenting a particular side. All of thesimulations deal with the same generaltopic, but the negotiation situation varieswith each round and level of the<strong>com</strong>petition.The 28th National Negotiation Competitiontook place February 3-4, <strong>2012</strong> during theABA's Midyear Meeting in <strong>New</strong> Orleans,LA. Two hundred and twenty eight teamsfrom 116 ABA-approved law schoolsentered this year's <strong>com</strong>petition. The topfour teams out of the 24 that advanced tothe National Finals square off in thisinformative video, which shows teamsfrom University of Minnesota Law School,Regent University School of Law, Atlanta'sJohn Marshall Law School, and WashburnUniversity School of Law <strong>com</strong>peting forthe Negotiation Competition NationalChampionship.The video captures the final round andincludes the judges' evaluations. It alsoincludes the portable document files of the<strong>com</strong>plete regional and national<strong>com</strong>petition problems, including theconfidential information for both sides andthe judges' summaries allowing viewers togain greater insight into the <strong>com</strong>petitors'presentation, as well as the judges'critiques. Use the video and <strong>com</strong>plete<strong>com</strong>petition problems to help you preparefor the Negotiation Competition or as ademonstration of effective negotiationtechniques.Item no. : EE11200244Format : DVD-ROMDuration : Approx. 165 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 170.00FDA PUBLIC HEALTHCLINICAL TRIALSFUNDAMENTALSBy Philip S. Brewster, Chris S. Pappas,Robyn S. ShapiroClinical trials are designed to answerquestions concerning the safety andeffectiveness of medical products and arean integral part of the business of manytypes of providers. Clinical trials are highlyregulated by <strong>com</strong>plex and intriguingregulations. Providers and manufacturersoften need the advice and guidance ofcounsel in operating in this very dynamicand interesting area.This audio CD-ROM will give an overviewof the clinical trial process and exploretopics including protocol development andimplementation, clinical practice<strong>com</strong>pliance and privacy and ethicalconsiderations.Specifically, our expert panel will discuss: The fundamental aspects ofregulatory obligations in the conductof drug and device clinical trials Ethical considerations and humansubject protections Research records Adverse drug and device experiences Conflicts of interestItem no. : PD11200283Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MINORITY CONTRACTINGPROGRAMS: A GROWINGCRIMINAL RISK TOCORPORATIONS ANDCONTRACT PARTICIPANTSBy Barry Miller, Steven A. Miller, Marina C.SantiniIn recent years, and with increasedfrequency, federal prosecutors areconverting contract breaches involvingminority and other disadvantaged groupset-asides into mail and wire fraudprosecutions. Prosecutions have beenbrought across the country; people havegone to prison; and <strong>com</strong>panies have beencharged, fined, suspended, and disbarred.The financial <strong>com</strong>ponent of corporatesettlements has risen to the tens ofmillions of dollars.Indictments involving allegations ofminority contracting fraud have not beenlimited to federally-funded contracts.There have been numerous investigationsand indictments involving exclusively local,municipal or state contracts with no federalinvolvement whatsoever. Adding to the risk,under traditional criminal law application,liability is not limited to the generalcontractor who has entered into thegovernment contract or to thedisadvantaged businesses participating inthe contract. Anyone in the contractfulfillment supply chain is at risk.This program is of interest to any <strong>com</strong>panyinvolved, directly or indirectly, in contractswith set aside requirements and those whoadvise or represent them in procurement,contract, and criminal law matters.Item no. : YE11200314Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 120 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 175.00NAVIGATING FRANCHISEDISCLOSURE: TIPS FORFRANCHISORS ANDFRANCHISEESBy Kerry L. Bundy, Kelly ChristineGanzberger, Beata Krakus, Alexander G.TuneskiThe Federal Trade Commission'sFranchise Rule and various state lawsrequire franchisors to provide certaininformation about their franchise systemand the franchise opportunity toprospective franchisees. The pre-saledisclosure process is often a key area ofdispute between franchisors andfranchisees, but it does not have to be.This webinar will explore how franchisecounsel may help avoid disclosuredisputes by resolving some of the most<strong>com</strong>mon disclosure drafting issues anddisclosure procedural issues thatfranchisors encounter. Both counsel forfranchisors and franchisees will benefitfrom discussions of <strong>com</strong>monly litigatedand penalized disclosure violations, aswell as a discussion of available remediesfor such violations.The panelists will cover issues such as: What franchisors and franchiseesshould consider in drafting andreviewing some of the morefrequently litigated disclosure itemsand conflicts between the FranchiseDisclosure Document and thefranchise agreement When and how information should bedisclosed by a franchisor to apotential franchisee under theFranchise Rule and various statepre-sale disclosure waiting periods Deciding when and how to amendyour franchise disclosure document Understanding the remedies availablefor franchisors seeking to cure andfranchisees seeking to addressdisclosure violationsItem no. : PA11200317Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LAW PRACTICEMANAGEMENTNEW ERA, A: TRENDS,BENEFITS, AND RISKS INLEGAL OUTSOURCINGBy William J. Campbell, Jr., Vincent M.Catanzaro, Kunoor Chopra, Browning E.Marean III, Heather Linn Rosing________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk119

Please join our all-star panel to discuss anemerging trend in the legalprofessio--sending elements of therepresentation outside of the traditionallaw firm. The legal outsourcing provider(LPO) industry only took off in the last 7-8years, but is expected to continue to growat a fast pace. We will explore the stilllargely undiscovered world of LPOs,contract attorneys, professional documentreviewers, and e-discovery experts. Theuse of these individuals and <strong>com</strong>panies inthe course of representation can be verycost effective, but also raises issues aboutthe industry's intersection with the ModelRules of Professional Conduct with regardto the duty to supervise, confidentiality,<strong>com</strong>petence, conflicts, and billing. Ourpanel includes four very differentperspectives: an in-house attorney, apartner in a large law firm, an ethicist, andan executive in the outsourcing industrywho previously founded one of the pioneerlegal-process outsourcing <strong>com</strong>panies.Join us to get up to speed on this hot topicand the risks and benefits it presents.Item no. : NB11200320Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CLIENT SATISFACTIONAND A PAID LAWYER: YOURY<strong>2012</strong> NEW YEAR'SRESOLUTIONBy Melanie Bragg, Ann M. GuinnIn today's climate, lawyers often findthemselves caught between zealouslyrepresenting a client, charging a fair fee,and actually collecting the fee. Manylawyers fight for justice owed to theirclients, but are unable to fight for their ownfinancial freedom. This webinar will coverstrategic ways to successfully serve yourclients while serving yourself.Topics to be covered:Case and client selection skills toensure an optimum attorney/clientrelationshipFee agreements as the foundation ofthe attorney-client relationshipValue-added services to WOW! yourclientsSeamless and regular <strong>com</strong>municationSystems to give every client the bestexperience possible with your firmAlternative fee arrangements thatmeet the client's needs and take careof the attorneyBilling and collections procedures toensure paymentItem no. : JM11200399Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ENTERPRISE RISKMANAGEMENT: WHYEVERY LAWYER SHOULDUNDERSTAND THE BASICSA new vocabulary and tool for evaluatingrisk is emerging and it is firmly taking rootin legislation and best practices. It is theconceptual language of enterprise riskmanagement ("ERM"). Intellectualproperty represents perhaps the mostpotent form of "reputational risk."Especially in an information age wheremuch entity value is bound up in intangiblerights, enterprises can thrive and failbased on the fortunes -- and misfortunes --of their patents, trademarks, copyrightsand trade secrets.CEOs, CFOs, general counsel, and theiroutside IP counsel are all potential "risksilos." Their insular knowledge of the risksand consequences involved in theprocurement and enforcement of IP rightscan have deleterious impacts.In this first ABA webinar on ERM and itspractical legal applications, attendees willbe<strong>com</strong>e more conversant with ERM'sgrowing presence in the dialogueregarding the concept of risk spreadacross enterprises of any kind.Our panel of experts will illustrate howERM concepts apply in an IP law contextby gleaning ERM object lessons from suchcases as the Qual<strong>com</strong>m v. Broad<strong>com</strong>patent litigation and the topsy-turvy juryverdicts rendered in Mattel v. MGAEntertainment ("Bratz Doll") litigation.There will also be special focus on the riskmanagement issues that arise as oneinvariably delegates tasks andresponsibilities among and betweenclients and law firm teams.A summary of the specific topics to bediscussed are:1. A survey of the basic ERM concepts2. ERM in corporate affairs andgovernance3. Applying ERM principles in evaluatinglaw firm management risks4. How ERM concepts can be applied inassessing case value and litigation risks5. Use of ERM principles in managingpretrial discoveryItem no. : HH11200276Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONAND BOUNDARIES:CONDUCTING EFFECTIVEBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT& MARKETINGBy Mark Britton, Micah U. Buchdahl,Andre Hartley, Walter KarnsteinAs attorneys find themselves increasinglyinvolved in business development andmarketing, there is often the question ofwhat is and is not allowed under the ethicsrules. If you find the issues confusing, youare not alone.This program provides successfultechniques from attorneys who understandhow to build or increase a book ofbusiness.The faculty will discuss tools that spanfrom live networking to social networking:They will highlight when the Model Rulesof Professional Conduct, specifically Rules7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4, <strong>com</strong>e into play for<strong>com</strong>pliance with the standards of thestates in which you both practice andsolicit business.Item no. : EW11200446Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICS OF ENDINGATTORNEY-CLIENTRELATIONSHIPS, THEBy Michael Downey, Paula Frederick,Kenneth M. Mogill, Victoria VuletichAccording to Model Rules of ProfessionalConduct, attorneys have obligations toclients during and after termination of theprofessional relationship. Commonlyarising issues include fees, client property,confidential information, notice, andretainer agreements. Learn how to dealwith these issues and how to draft aretainer agreement that avoids many ofthem in the first place. This program'spanelists provide practical advice abouthow to <strong>com</strong>ply with the duties identified inModel Rules 1.6, 1.16 and other Rules ofProfessional Conduct in the real, andsometimes messy, world of practicing law.Item no. : ZP11200281Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICS, ELECTRONICSDISCOVERY ANDINFORMATIONGOVERNANCEBy Bennett B. Borden, Aaron D. Crews,Steven W. TepplerThe spotlight on an attorney's ethicalobligations of <strong>com</strong>petence and candorwhen engaging in electronic discovery (aswell as pre-litigation preparation) hasintensified as a result of the cooperativecharge given to attorneys in today'sfederal litigation practice. The panel forthis session will discuss recent relevantdecisional authority and what attorneysmust do to adhere to their ethicalobligations in an age where thepredominant source of discovery willconsist of electronically stored information.Item no. : NZ11200454Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk120

Price : USD 150.00FUTURE OF ESTATEPALNNING PRACTICES,THE: HOW NOT TO GETBEHIND THE CHANGECURVEOn-line estate planning, software that canbe purchased directly by the consumer,the growing reluctance of clients to pay forservices they believe they can bypass theseasoned lawyer to obtain cheaper andfaster, and the trend toward the virtualoffice and cloud <strong>com</strong>puting. Righteousindignation or resignation: How much doyou care? Is there enough work foreveryone, or is this a threat to yourpractice?This program will explore what you can doin your own practice to make estateplanning services more affordable andhow you can earn the position as trustedadvisor to your clients so that they will turnto you before an on-line program or alawyer operating from a virtual office?Consider the following in deciding if youwant to participate in this criticalpresentation: "Technology has eroded themonopoly of lawyers." (JonathanBlattmachr) and "If you don't like change,you're going to like irrelevance even less."(General Eric Shinseki)Item no. : BJ11200476Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00GRAMMAR CHEAT SHEETFOR LAWYERS (THE TOP 10GRAMMAR QUESTIONSLAWYERS ALWAYSWANTED SOMEONE ELSETO ASK & THE TOP 10GRAMMAR QUESTIONSLAWYERS DIDN'T EVENKNOW THEY ALWAYSWANTED SOMEONE ELSETO ASK)By Gary KinderWords are a lawyer's only currency. In this90-minute webinar, lawyers learn how toavoid the grammatical slips that devaluethat currency. With a million dollars atstake, would you know the differencebetween "which" and 'that?" How about"lay" and "lie," "between" and "among,""can" and "may?" Which numbers do youwrite as words? Do quotation marks goinside punctuation? How do you form thepossessive of a singular noun ending in"s?" Not knowing the rules weakenscredibility with judges and clients, andoften leads to unintended consequences.When you use grammar correctly, judgesand clients know they can depend on you.Item no. : BT11200480Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00IPAD FOR LAWYERSBy Tom MighellSince it was introduced two years ago, theiPad continues to be a "must-have"technology, and not just for playing gamesor surfing the web. Lawyers are findinginnovative ways to use the iPad in theirpractices, whether they are litigators orwork in transactional law. In this session,you'll learn how to integrate an iPad intoyour practice, and use it to take notes,create documents, store and review files,and even conduct an entire trial.Item no. : TL11200505Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00IPAD LAWYER, THE: TREALSECRETS FOR YOUR IPADSUCCESSBy Scott J. GrossbergMore and more, iPads are showing up incourtrooms, mediation sessions,boardrooms and client meetings.Understanding and utilizing this newtechnology is essential to your success inthe legal profession. So, how do you learnto master your iPad and keep your<strong>com</strong>petitive edge? Join one of the premieriPad experts, author, and Apple Storepresenter, Scott Grossberg, Esq. as heguides you through his iPad legal practiceworkflow so that you, too, may be<strong>com</strong>emassively productive, profitable&and havefun in the process! This program wascreated specifically for legal professionalsand will give you a powerfully cutting-edgeperspective on how tostore and present legal documents andevidence; access client information bothefficiently and securely;meet your individual legal needsthrough customization of your iPad;identify which apps to use for yourpractice area; anduse iPad accessories to increase yourproductivity.Now is the time to take your legal practiceto the next level by including your iPad intoyour day-to-day work. Scott will tell youwhat you need to know to ensure that youare well on your way to being an iPadgenius!Item no. : WH11200304Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SEIZING NEWOPPORTUNITIES:ALTERNATIVE DISPUTERESOLUTION IN YOUR LAWLPRACTICEBy Cassandra Georges, David Levin,Artika Renee Tyner, Jay WelshThis program will explore how to integrateAlternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) intoyour legal practice. This emerging area ofpractice provides opportunities for lawyersto problem solve effectively, counselclients, and create durable solutions.There will be a general survey of ADRpractices, ADR services and marketingyour ADR practice. The program is meantfor general practitioners with no ADRexperience and those interested in startingto practice in this area.Item no. : TP11200592Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 89 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00UNBUNDLING IN THE 21STCENTURY: GROWING YOURPRACTICE WITH LIMITEDSCOPE REPRESENTATIONBy Richard S. Granat, Stephanie L.Kimbro, Forrest S. Mosten, M. Sue TaliaNot your grandfather's law practice: Thepractice of law is changing, and smartpractitioners are riding the wave byexpanding into limited scoperepresentation. With limited scope, alawyer performs some, but not all, of thetasks traditionally associated with fullservice representation. Sometimes thisinvolves coaching the client toself-represent on simpler tasks, whileperforming the more technical (andprofessionally satisfying) parts of a legalmatter.Limited scope is well suited to a variety ofservices, from drafting and documentassistance, ghostwriting, to limited courtappearances. Over 40 states now haverules promoting limited scope, and now isthe time to consider adding limited scopeto the menu of services you offer yourclients. However, practitioners must alsobe aware of the ethical issues that areinvolved with limited scope representation.Specifically, Model Rule 1.2, its variationsthroughout the states, and amendedversions of Model Rule 4.2 that severalstates are implementing.Client demand is driving the engine:Increased interest in self-representation,coupled with demand for more121________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

cost-effective legal delivery models, have<strong>com</strong>e together at a time of greattechnological innovation to create aperfect opportunity for practitioners toeffectively, ethically, and profitably, expandtheir client base.Wide range of applications: Limited scopelends itself to a wide range of applications,from family law (where it started), toemployment law, consumer issues,insurance coverage, small businessassistance, and special needs advocacy,to name but a few.As Model Rule 1.2(c) tells us, apractitioner is able to limit the scope of therepresentation, but the limitation must bereasonable and the client must giveinformed consent. This program, featuringthe top national experts in the subject, willgive you everything you need to ethicallyincorporate limited scope into yourpractice while remaining within theguidelines of the Model Rules ofProfessional Responsibility.Item no. : NE11200347Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WINNING BY SPINNING?THE ETHICS OFLITIGATING CIVIL CASESIN THE MEDIABy Bruce E. H. Johnson, M. A. (Mike)Kautsch, Karen Shatzkin, John J. Walsh,Michael WolffThe <strong>New</strong> York Times has reported that"alliances between filmmakers andlawyers are be<strong>com</strong>ing increasingly<strong>com</strong>mon, with recent films tied to casesinvolving Dole Food, Coca Cola andUnocal." Defendants are fighting back withTheodore J. Boutrous Jr., a lawyer forDole, noting that, after recent successes ingetting access to what documentarydirectors "leave on the cutting room floor"to reveal possible manipulations,"defendants would increasingly fightplaintiff's use of documentaries to promotetheir causes and force settlement."Join our panel of expert attorneys andjudges for an in-depth discussion on theethical obligations placed on attorneyswhen speaking publicly about their clientsin civil cases as well as ethical concernsabout the use of documentary films in thecourt of public opinion. Specific questionsto be addressed include the following: The American Bar Association'sModel Rules of Professional Conductraise a concern about the effect ofpublicity on "a civil matter triable to ajury." What is the nature ofextrajudicial advocacy that issubstantially likely to result in materialprejudice in a civil case?When attorneys are involved in public<strong>com</strong>munication about civil litigation,under what conditions may they riskbreaching their duties to be truthful, tomaintain client confidentiality, or toavoid conflicts of interest, dishonesty,fraud, deceit, misrepresentation, andconduct prejudicial to theadministration of justice?In the civil justice system, are ethicalconstraints on extrajudicial <strong>com</strong>mentby attorneys considered lessimportant than their responsibility tobe zealous advocates?To what extent does First Amendmentprotection for freedom of attorneyspeech conflict with ethicalconstraints on extrajudicial advocacyin civil cases?Item no. : LY11200353Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LAW SCHOOL2011-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> ARBITRATIONCOMPETITION NATIONALFINALSThe 2011-12 Law Student DivisionArbitration Competition National FinalsTopic: Construction DelaysThe <strong>com</strong>petition promotes greaterknowledge and interest among lawstudents about arbitration by simulating arealistic arbitration hearing. Participatingstudents learn how to think, act, and be anadvocate representing a client in anarbitration. They prepare and present anarbitration case and are involved inopening statements, witness examinations,exhibit introductions, evidentiarypresentations, and summations. They alsoexperience what it is to be a professional,<strong>com</strong>petent, and ethical advocate.The seventh National ArbitrationCompetition took place January 20-21,<strong>2012</strong> at the ABA Headquarters in Chicago,IL. Fifty-eight teams from 36ABA-approved law schools <strong>com</strong>peted inthe five regional <strong>com</strong>petitions. The top twoteams out of the 10 that advanced to theNational Finals square off in thisinformative video, which shows teamsfrom Texas Tech University School of Lawand University of Missouri School of Law<strong>com</strong>peting for the Arbitration CompetitionNational Championship.This video captures the NationalChampionship final round, from openingstatements, witness examinations, exhibitintroductions, to evidentiary presentations.It also includes the portable document fileof the 2011-12 Case File allowing viewersto gain a greater insight into thepresentation. Use the video and case fileto help you prepare for the ArbitrationCompetition or as a demonstration ofeffective arbitration advocacy on behalf ofa client.Item no. : AA11200356Format : DVD-ROMDuration : Approx. 3 hoursCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 170.002011-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> CLIENTCOUNSELINGCOMPETITION NATIONALFINALSThe 2011-12 Law Student Division ClientCounseling Competition National FinalsTopic: K-12 Education/School LawThe Client Counseling Competitionpromotes greater knowledge and interestamong law students in the preventive lawand counseling functions of law practiceand encourages students to developinterviewing, planning, and analytical skillsin the lawyer client relationship in the lawoffice. The <strong>com</strong>petition simulates a lawoffice consultation in which studentlawyers conduct an interview with a"client". Following the interview, thestudent lawyers explain how they wouldproceed further in the hypotheticalsituation.The 39th National Client CounselingCompetition took place at North CarolinaCentral University in Durham, NC onMarch 16-17, <strong>2012</strong>. One hundred andthirty eight teams from 91 ABA-approvedlaw schools entered this year's<strong>com</strong>petition. The top three teams out ofthe 12 that advanced to the NationalFinals square off in this informative video.Learn effective interviewing, planning, andrelationship-building techniques whilewatching the University of NebraskaCollege of Law <strong>com</strong>pete against theUniversity of Wyoming College of Law andDePaul University College of Law for theClient Counseling Competition NationalChampionship.This video captures the NationalChampionship final round in its entirety,including the judges' evaluation. It alsoincludes the portable document finals ofthe <strong>com</strong>plete regional and nationalproblems, including the clients'confidential information allowing viewersto gain greater insight into the <strong>com</strong>petitors'presentation, as well as the judges'critiques. Use this video and <strong>com</strong>plete<strong>com</strong>petition problems to help you preparefor the Client Counseling Competition oras a demonstration of preventive law andthe counseling functions of law practice.Item no. : JH11200242Format : DVD-ROMDuration : Approx. 135 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 170.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk122

LAW STUDENTS2011-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> ARBITRATIONCOMPETITION NATIONALFINALSThe 2011-12 Law Student DivisionArbitration Competition National FinalsTopic: Construction DelaysThe <strong>com</strong>petition promotes greaterknowledge and interest among lawstudents about arbitration by simulating arealistic arbitration hearing. Participatingstudents learn how to think, act, and be anadvocate representing a client in anarbitration. They prepare and present anarbitration case and are involved inopening statements, witness examinations,exhibit introductions, evidentiarypresentations, and summations. They alsoexperience what it is to be a professional,<strong>com</strong>petent, and ethical advocate.The seventh National ArbitrationCompetition took place January 20-21,<strong>2012</strong> at the ABA Headquarters in Chicago,IL. Fifty-eight teams from 36ABA-approved law schools <strong>com</strong>peted inthe five regional <strong>com</strong>petitions. The top twoteams out of the 10 that advanced to theNational Finals square off in thisinformative video, which shows teamsfrom Texas Tech University School of Lawand University of Missouri School of Law<strong>com</strong>peting for the Arbitration CompetitionNational Championship.This video captures the NationalChampionship final round, from openingstatements, witness examinations, exhibitintroductions, to evidentiary presentations.It also includes the portable document fileof the 2011-12 Case File allowing viewersto gain a greater insight into thepresentation. Use the video and case fileto help you prepare for the ArbitrationCompetition or as a demonstration ofeffective arbitration advocacy on behalf ofa client.Item no. : AA11200356Format : DVD-ROMDuration : Approx. 3 hoursCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 170.002011-<strong>2012</strong> <strong>2012</strong> CLIENTCOUNSELINGCOMPETITION NATIONALFINALSThe 2011-12 Law Student Division ClientCounseling Competition National FinalsTopic: K-12 Education/School LawThe Client Counseling Competitionpromotes greater knowledge and interestamong law students in the preventive lawand counseling functions of law practiceand encourages students to developinterviewing, planning, and analytical skillsin the lawyer client relationship in the lawoffice. The <strong>com</strong>petition simulates a lawoffice consultation in which studentlawyers conduct an interview with a"client". Following the interview, thestudent lawyers explain how they wouldproceed further in the hypotheticalsituation.The 39th National Client CounselingCompetition took place at North CarolinaCentral University in Durham, NC onMarch 16-17, <strong>2012</strong>. One hundred andthirty eight teams from 91 ABA-approvedlaw schools entered this year's<strong>com</strong>petition. The top three teams out ofthe 12 that advanced to the NationalFinals square off in this informative video.Learn effective interviewing, planning, andrelationship-building techniques whilewatching the University of NebraskaCollege of Law <strong>com</strong>pete against theUniversity of Wyoming College of Law andDePaul University College of Law for theClient Counseling Competition NationalChampionship.This video captures the NationalChampionship final round in its entirety,including the judges' evaluation. It alsoincludes the portable document finals ofthe <strong>com</strong>plete regional and nationalproblems, including the clients'confidential information allowing viewersto gain greater insight into the <strong>com</strong>petitors'presentation, as well as the judges'critiques. Use this video and <strong>com</strong>plete<strong>com</strong>petition problems to help you preparefor the Client Counseling Competition oras a demonstration of preventive law andthe counseling functions of law practice.Item no. : JH11200242Format : DVD-ROMDuration : Approx. 135 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 170.00LAWYERS'PROFESSIONALLIABILITYPREVENTING A LEGALMALPRACTICE CLAIM INFAMILY LAW MATTERSFamily law cases can be a rich source of<strong>com</strong>plaints against lawyers. Whetherclaiming malpractice, excessive fees orabandonment, seeking to change lawyersor filing disciplinary charges, family lawclients may express extremedissatisfaction in the representation,spelling trouble for the lawyer involved. Byexamining the kinds of claims madeagainst lawyers in this context, thissession will help lawyers protectthemselves against angry clients.Attendees will learn from hypotheticalswhat steps to take at all stages ofrepresentation to avoid the root causes ofthese claims. Experienced family lawlawyers, defense lawyers, and insurers willadvise you about the loss preventionmeasures that you should have in placefor all family law client matters and how tohandle particularly difficult situations inthese often highly volatile situationsItem no. : LD11200561Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ASPECTS OFNURSINGSEXUAL HARASSMENT INCALIFORNIA HEALTHCARESexual harassment is a serious problem inthe United States, and federal and stateagencies have responded with strictstatutes designed to eliminate it. InCalifornia, state law requires thatemployers with more than 50 employeesprovide 2 hours of training on sexualharassment to all supervisors andmanagers. This course is designed toaddress that need.After <strong>com</strong>pleting this course, the learnershould be able to: Define sexual harassment, includingthe specific types of harassment. Describe how sexual harassment isdefined in both federal and Californiastate laws. Describe the legislative history andspecific details of federal sexualharassment law. Explain the federal government'sstance on corporate and personalliability for sexual harassment. Describe the legislative history andspecific details of California sexualharassment law. Identify when and why Californialegislative bill AB 1825 wasimplemented. Identify the steps that individuals cantake to confront, document, andreport sexual harassment. Describe the policies and standardsthat corporations and theirsupervisory employees must adhereto in identifying, investigating, andresolving sexual harassment<strong>com</strong>plaints. Explain the California requirementsfor sexual harassment training ofsupervisory employees. List the minimum sexual harassmentprevention training steps mandatedby AB 1825. Describe the consequence of failureto adequately train employees inidentifying and dealing effectively withsexual harassment.Item no. : CF08051021Format : DVD (With Workbooks)Duration : 36 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 498.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk123

LEGALTECHNOLOGYIPAD LAWYER, THE: REALSECRETS FOR YOUR IPADSUCCESSBy Scott J. GrossbergMore and more, iPads are showing up incourtrooms, mediation sessions,boardrooms and client meetings.Understanding and utilizing this newtechnology is essential to your success inthe legal profession. So, how do you learnto master your iPad and keep your<strong>com</strong>petitive edge? Join one of the premieriPad experts, author, and Apple Storepresenter, Scott Grossberg, Esq. as heguides you through his iPad legal practiceworkflow so that you, too, may be<strong>com</strong>emassively productive, profitable&and havefun in the process! This program wascreated specifically for legal professionalsand will give you a powerfully cutting-edgeperspective on how tostore and present legal documents andevidence; access client information bothefficiently and securely;meet your individual legal needsthrough customization of your iPad;identify which apps to use for yourpractice area; anduse iPad accessories to increase yourproductivity.Now is the time to take your legal practiceto the next level by including your iPad intoyour day-to-day work. Scott will tell youwhat you need to know to ensure that youare well on your way to being an iPadgenius!Item no. : WH11200304Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PREVENTING ANDCLEANING UP AFTERCORPORATECYBER-TERRORISM,HACKING, VIRUSES, ANDOTHER ELECTRONICPESTILENCEBy Paul Lancaster Adams, Keith J. Jones,Elizabeth B. Shirley, Marc J. ZwillingerThis program focuses on how a<strong>com</strong>pany's <strong>com</strong>puter systems may bebreached by outsiders (and insiders), howto prevent it, and how to rectify it, soattending practitioners can advise theirclients and attending in-house counsel caninstitute appropriate protections. Thewebinar reviews the applicable federal anddiffering states' laws regarding what to dowhen personally identifiable information ofthousands or millions of consumers hasbeen inadvertently disclosed, how long a<strong>com</strong>pany has to notify customers of thebreach, and the measures <strong>com</strong>paniesmust take to try to rectify the breach. Whathappens if the breach is internal? Theprogram looks at what a <strong>com</strong>pany can doto protect its systems and its customersfrom internal threats of employees orformer employees gone rogue. Finally, theprogram looks at cyber-terrorism and thethreat it can pose to a <strong>com</strong>pany'soperations, as well as the civil legalimplications for the crimes.Item no. : LU11200562Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 56 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LIFE SKILLSSURVIVOR'S PRIDE:INTRODUCTION TORESILIENCYKey resiliencies for young people that helpyoung adults over<strong>com</strong>e adversitiesCan young people survive troubledfamilies and destructive environments andgrow up to be<strong>com</strong>e responsible andproductive adults?The answer is resoundingly YES!!! Kidshave the ability to bounce back fromadversity. We see it around us all the time:young people who have survived andthrived despite unthinkable hardships.But how do they do it?And how can we, as helping professionalsassist them in doing it? Further, how cankids learn to recognize their own innerstrengths and take pride in rising abovedifficult circumstances?Drs. Steven and Sybil Wolin are pioneersin the field of resiliency and have namedseven key resiliencies. In addition, in 20years of clinical experience they have builta body of research and theory thatprovides answers to all these questions.Features: gives an overview of resiliencyresearch and training helps you recognize and fosterresiliency among students helps kids discover their own innerstrengths eachers clinical reframing techniquesfor use with teens at risk recharges positive energies for thoseworking with youth at riskItem no. : PM00490088Format : DVD (Closed Captioned)Duration : 62 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 79.00LITIGATIONACCELERATED CASERESOLUTION BEFORE THETRADEMARK TRIAL ANDAPPEAL BOARDIf you've been wondering how you canmore efficiently pursue meritsdeterminations in inter partes proceedingsbefore the Trademark Trial and AppealBoard (TTAB) of the USPTO, this ABAwebinar is just the ticket. The panel willdiscuss using the various efficiencies andalternatives to traditional discovery andtrial that characterize opposition andcancellation cases proceeding under theTTAB's Accelerated Case Resolution(ACR) process. If you want to streamlineand position opposition and cancellationproceedings for more efficient, economicaland focused presentation of the facts andevidence that are necessary to resolve themerits of a case, and are involved in acase with an adversary seeking the samesavings, the ACR process may be right foryou. ACR can save parties time andresources, and typically will result in fasterresolution than a standard TTABproceeding utilizing traditional discoveryand trial methodologies.Our authoritative panel will provide anoverview of the ACR process and discusshow ACR can help parties achieveresolution on an expedited basis. We willexamine factors to consider in determiningwhether ACR is right for a particularsituation, and will discuss timing,procedures, and strategies to keep in mindwhen electing and using Accelerated CaseResolution.Item no. : FF11200249Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AFFORDABLE CARE ACTAFTER THE MANDATE, THE:TTHE KEY PROVISIONSLIKELY TO REMAINBy Kristina N. Holmstrom, Eileen L.Parsons, Dennis J. WallFollowing oral arguments on theAffordable Care Act, individuals, insurance<strong>com</strong>panies, and employers could befacing a new frontier in health care. Thisprogram will address what's next andoffer practical tips that you will findapplicable, no matter the out<strong>com</strong>e. Ourexpert panel will discuss the ways in whichthe ACA executes a Federal takeover ofcertain (if not all) aspects of HealthInsurance as exemplified by the Act'svarious provisions; enacts the Rules implementing theAct's provisions; and disseminates the guidance offered bythe Federal agencies and________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk124

departments charged with enforcingthe Act's provisions.Item no. : PJ11200369Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AFTER THE SERVICINGSETTLEMENTS: THEFUTURE FOR MORTGAGESERVICERSBy Terry Goddard, Kristina M. Larese,Andrew L. Sandler, Jonice Gray TuckerDuring the last 18 months, the landscapeof the mortgage servicing industry haschanged dramatically. In the wake offoreclosure documentation crisis, FederalBanking Regulators entered in consentOrders with 16 servicers, the Office of theComptroller of the Currency (OCC) issuedguidance regarding servicing expectations,the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau(CFPB) has issued its servicingexamination guidelines, and most recently,five major servicers entered into thelargest joint state-federal settlement inmortgage servicing history. Thefederal-state settlement totals $25 billionand sets forth servicing best practiceslikely to shape business requirements forother mortgage servicers in the future.Please join our panel of experts, includingformer Arizona Attorney General TerryGoddard, BuckleySandler PartnersAndrew Sandler and Jonice Gray Tucker,and Kristina Larese of PHH Mortgage, Inc.for a webinar that discusses emergingservicing developments, including the newservicing standards. The panel will discussthe settlement's impact on the variousmortgage market participants and providepractical, nuts and bolts guidance as tohow the settlement is shaping bestpractices.Item no. : ZT11200371Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ANALYTICAL STEPS TO AWELL ORGANIZED,CONCISE AND ENGAGINGTRIAL: HOW TO IMPRESSTHE JUDGEBy Steven Peskind Esq, Anita VentrelliDo you have judges short on time andpatience for long trials? Do you have ahard time developing persuasive themesfor opening statements and closingarguments? Do you find it difficult to createpowerful demonstrative exhibits andsummaries of evidence? If so, you are notalone.This program will give you the tools todevelop persuasive and well organizedopening statements and closingarguments and effective demonstrativeexhibits.Item no. : NA11200254Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00AVIATION LITIGATION<strong>2012</strong>The First National Institute on AviationLitigation was sponsored by the ABASection of Litigation and Center forContinuing Legal Education. Leadinglawyers from across the United Statesshowcased aviation accident cases fromforming the attorney-client relationship toidentifying issues for appeal.What you will learn:Late-breaking case law developmentsin leading aerospace industry casesEthical issues counsel encounterswhen trying to secure the case andpre-litigation contactsWhether federal law shields theowner/lessor not in control of theaircraftHow to argue <strong>com</strong>plex admiralty legalissues to steer the judge intofavorable watersPractical tips from master trial lawyerson delivering <strong>com</strong>pelling opening andclosing argumentsThe most effective ways to presentand cross-examine the air trafficcontrol expert from a panel of mastersof the Aviation BarInsights into maximizing damagesand countering if you're on thedefenseCommon post-trial issues that arise inaviation litigation from judges who trythese casesItem no. : NV11200382Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BEST PRACTICES INCONSTRUCTIONLITIGATION CASEMANAGEMENT: THEIN-HOUSE COUNSELPERSPECTIVEBy Rod Eisenhauer, Jason A. Greves,Dwight Larson, Angela R. Stephens,Catherine SwanHave you ever had a call from in-housecounsel where they asked, "Why have thefees incurred to date exceeded the budgetyou gave me?" Or, did the in-house lawyerask, why you felt it was necessary toperform certain research tasks? Have youever wondered what in-house counselthinks are the best ways to get the clientready for trial? These questions and morewill be answered during this 90-minutewebinar:This session will also cover best practicesin case management for constructionlawyers, with a specific focus on: Preparing accurate litigation budgets Economically and efficientlymanaging discovery Best practices in preparing for trialItem no. : HM11200259Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CLASS ACTIONS <strong>2012</strong>The 16th Annual National Institute onClass Actions is a must for all attorneyswho litigate and try class-action lawsuits.In-house counsel and private lawyers newand old will learn all about significantdevelopments that affect class-action lawand its future. To this end, our program willinclude such timely topics as aclass-action primer for new class-actionlawyers; recent developments inclass-action jurisprudence; strategies forpleading and attacking class definitions;the emerging importance of Rule 23(b)(2)classes; litigating class actions alongsideopt-outs; data-privacy class-actions; andmanaging class-action experts.This National Institute promises to cover awide spectrum of legal topics that's sure toengage and inform class-action attorneyseverywhere.Item no. : NC11200266Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 500.00COMMON EVIDENTIARYFOUNDATIONS FOR FAMILYLAW LITIGATION: HOW TOIMPRESS THE JUDGEBy Steven Peskind Esq, Anita VentrelliDo you have judges short on time andpatience for long trials? Do you have ahard time condensing your evidence andlaying the best evidentiary foundation? Ifso, you are not alone.This interactive program will give you theanalytical steps to prepare a wellorganized, concise, and engaging trial. Inshort, it will make you a favorite with yourjudges and give you a taste of what theABA Family Law Section Trial AdvocacyInstitute has to offer.Item no. : SD11200267Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk125

CONDUCTING EFFECTIVEEXPERT WITNESS CROSSEXAMINATION: HOW TOIMPRESS THE JUDGEBy Steven Peskind Esq, Anita M. VentrelliDo you have judges short on time andpatience for long trials? Do you have ahard time condensing your evidence intothe time you have for getting organized fora trial? If so, you are not alone. Thisinteractive program will give you analyticalmethods for developing effective expertcross examination, insuring that you areprepared to lay evidentiary foundations for<strong>com</strong>mon and not-so-<strong>com</strong>mon family lawexhibits. In short, it will make you a favoritewith your judges and give you a taste ofwhat ABA Family Law Section TrialAdvocacy Institute has to offer.Item no. : NG11200408Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 72 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00COUNSEL OR ICOUNSEL:ETHICAL AND PRACTICALISSUES IN USINGARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCENCEIN E-DISCOVERYEBy John M. Barkett, Julia Brickell, JeffreyFowler, Dera J. Nevin, Kris Pribadi VannExploding data volumes, new corporateand cloud document managementsystems and the merger of corporate andpersonal information technologies allcontribute to an escalating discoveryburden which affects litigation as neverbefore, inhibiting access to justice,increasing regulatory and litigation riskand cost, and threatening the quality ofinternal investigations.This program addresses the ethicalimplications and legal consequences ofusing artificial intelligence technologiesto replicate human judgment in the searchand review of electronic information andsocial media in the context of litigation andinvestigations. Do they work? Are theydefensible?In addition to understanding ethicalconsiderations and judicial perspectivesregarding the use of technology to searchfor and produce electronic information, theaudience will emerge better prepared tomaximize defensibility and help clientscontain costs in the face of electronic datachallenges.Item no. : NK11200269Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00COURTROOMTECHNOLOGY: THAT'SENTERTAINMENT!By Hon. Herbert B. Dixon Jr., Richard K.Herrmann, Fredric LedererAs sophisticated <strong>com</strong>munication toolsbe<strong>com</strong>e increasingly widespread, bothjudges and juries expect lawyers to befamiliar with these tools and presentinformation in a way that they are used toseeing it, as if they are watching CNN.This program provides practice tips forlitigators to effectively present electronicevidence and use technology at trial, fromtraditional PowerPoint presentations tonew <strong>com</strong>munication tools like multimediapresentations, Promethean ActivBoards,ELMOs, and Prezi. The speakersdemonstrate, using practical examples,how cases can be simplified and easilyexplained through the use of moderncourtroom technology.Item no. : TG11200414Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 58 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CRIMINAL LAW LIN ANUN-CIVIL CASE: HANDLINGACCUSATIONS OFCRIMINAL CONDUCT INFAMILY LAW CASESBy William Biviano, Dennis G. Kainen,Peter R. Stambleck, Jayne WeintraubAs if the practice of family law were nothard enough, what do you do when yourclient or the other party engages incriminal (or potentially criminal) conduct?From domestic violence to the filing offalse financial affidavits to invoking theFifth Amendment, learn from a prominentpanel of practitioners what to do when youare confronted with accusations of criminalconduct.Item no. : EA11200270Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00DIRECT AND CROSS -EXAMINATION IN A FAMILYLAW TRIALBy Nancy Chausow Shafer Esq.,Katherine Kinser Esq.Expert faculty members from the ABAFamily Law Trial Advocacy Instituteprovided an overview of the art of directand cross-examination of various types ofwitnesses that are frequently family lawtrial witnesses, including the client, theopposing party, potential experts, and layeffective use of witnesses and trial tips topresent your case under timemanagement constraints. This is a smallportion of the instruction at the week-longABA Family Law Trial Advocacy Instituteprogram offered in May.Item no. : MC11200419Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ETHICALCONSIDERATIONS IN THEFORECLOSURE CRISIS,REALLY!This program will focus on strategies andissues regarding documentation,negotiation, and litigation of foreclosures.Additionally, our panelists will discuss thefollowing topics: The role and limitation on lender'scounsel, borrower's counsel anddealing with prose borrowers; Ethical obligations of borrower'scounsel when the foreclosure is wellfounded; Robo-signed documents and missingdocuments confronting thepractitioner and; Motions or defenses to file on behalfof the mortgagor in default and whatshould not be ethically filed.Item no. : FP11200448Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EXPERT WITNESSES:EXTRACTING TRUE VALUETrial attorneys often rely upon expertwitnesses to provide information to jurorsand others in support of their case.Facilitating the presentation of effectiveexpert testimony begins with expertselection and culminates in trial testimonyconsistent with the stategy of your case.Are you best prepared to identify an expertwitness who can present testimony in themost effective way?This program will feature a discussionamong outside litigation counsel, in-housecounsel, and an experienced expert abouthow to get the best value from your expertat each stage of the litigation - from theinitial expert selection through the actualtestimony at deposition and at trial. Thefocus will be on best practices asexperienced by the panelists.Item no. : GC11200455Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00fact witnesses. The discussion included________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk126

FCPA: BEST PRACTICES TOKEEP REGULATORS AWAYBy Katherine Choo, Cheryl L.Haas-Goldstein, Douglas M. Lankler, MarkF. MendelsohnThis program provides practical tips toin-house counsel on how they can designand implement <strong>com</strong>pliance programs andreviews to best <strong>com</strong>ply with provisions ofthe Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.Item no. : TH11200458Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FETAL ALCOHOLSPECTRUM DISORDERS(FASD): WHAT YOU NEEDTO KNOW TO HELP YOURCLIENTSBy Pi Nan Chang, William Edwards,Melodee Hanes, Kathleen TavennerMitchell, Hon. Anthony WartnikOf all the substances ingested duringpregnancy, alcohol produces the mostlong-ranging damage to the brain.Children and youth within the justicesystem are disproportionately affected byFetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD),with ramifications for a variety of casesincluding delinqency, abuse and neglect,and education. This program will helplawyers recognize individuals with FASD,especially those with IQ's above 70.Speakers will discuss how courts shouldtreat individuals with FASD, the servicesthey should receive and theac<strong>com</strong>modations that courts shouldprovide.Item no. : NR11200460Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 110.00FMLA: TOP TRENDS ANDISSUESIn just a few months, the Family andMedical Leave Act (FMLA) will celebrateits 20th anniversary. After two decades,the Act and developing case law continuesto provide challenges and opportunities toemployers, employees, and their counsel.This panel will explore the "hot topics" ofFMLA <strong>com</strong>pliance and litigation from boththe employer and employee perspective.Topics for discussion will include thevarious legal issues such as: Caring for an adult family member1. Direct v. indirect care2. When are they incapable of self-care3. Travel to care for a family member4. Intermittent leave Interpretation of serious healthconditionThe medical certification processRetaliationImpact of GINA on the FMLAItem no. : TR11200284Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FORECLOSURE CRISISTSUNAMI, THEBy Eric I. Halperin, Andrew L. Sandler,Jonice Gray TuckerIn the wake of the recent foreclosure crisis,enforcement activity surrounding thefinancial industry has expandeddramatically. This program will provide youwith valuable insight regarding emerginglitigation and enforcement trends as wellas strategies for practicing in the currentenvironment.During this 90-minute program you willlearn what led to the foreclosure crisis; the status of state and federalinvestigations; potential private causes of action frommortgagors and investors; strategies for response; and best practices.Item no. : LV11200466Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00GRAMMAR CHEAT SHEETFOR LAWYERS (THE TOP 10GRAMMAR QUESTIONSLAWYERS ALWAYSWANTED SOMEONE ELSETO ASK & THE TOP 10GRAMMAR QUESTIONSLAWYERS DIDN'T EVENKNOW THEY ALWAYSWANTED SOMEONE ELSETO ASK)By Gary KinderWords are a lawyer's only currency. In this90-minute webinar, lawyers learn how toavoid the grammatical slips that devaluethat currency. With a million dollars atstake, would you know the differencebetween "which" and 'that?" How about"lay" and "lie," "between" and "among,""can" and "may?" Which numbers do youwrite as words? Do quotation marks goinside punctuation? How do you form thepossessive of a singular noun ending in"s?" Not knowing the rules weakenscredibility with judges and clients, andoften leads to unintended consequences.When you use grammar correctly, judgesand clients know they can depend on you.Item no. : BT11200480Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HOW TO SERVE CLIENTS INCHINA WITH YOUR U.S.LITIGATION PRACTICEBy Peter M. Friedman, William F.McGovern, William Pao, Samuel G.Williamson, Yunxia (Kate) YinChina has long tantalized American lawfirms looking to take advantage of arapidly growing economy and a massivepool of new clients. Now, the next wave ofgrowth for American firms in China is tooffer U.S. law litigation capabilities toChinese clients. Recent issuesChina-based clients faced includeaddressing liability arising from allegedaccounting fraud in a U.S. stock exchangelisting to investigating bribery allegationsunder the FCPA. And as more Chinese<strong>com</strong>panies set up subsidiaries in the U.S.,and sell their products and servicesdirectly in the U.S., litigation has thepotential to grow to en<strong>com</strong>pass an evenbroader range of general <strong>com</strong>mercialmatters.Join our expert panel, all of whom haveexperience litigating or doing business inChina, as we learn about the future of U.S.litigation in China.Item no. : DN11200494Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 125.00IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIAON A DIVORCE CASE, THE:TBIG BROTHER ISWATCHINGBy Dolly Hernandez, Cameron G. Shilling,Peter J. Theobald, Vikki S. ZieglerSocial media has grown to be the favoredmeans of <strong>com</strong>munication - not just withteens, but with adults as well. This newmedia is present all around us and, by itsnature (creating screen names ornicknames), can suggest that you havesome anonymity online, but do you? Moreand more, divorce attorneys are usingsocial media to dig up dirt on their clients,even before hiring a private investigator.Are you familiar enough with social mediato represent your client best?This program provides not only a generaloverview of the use of social media in adivorce case, but also highlights: current case law trends regardinggathering evidence through the use ofsocial media; evidentiary burdens; and the forensic <strong>com</strong>ponents behindsocial media.Item no. : RA11200499________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk127

Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00INTRODUCTION TOE-DISCOVERY, ANBy Matthew C. Christoff, Sarah M. Knight,Jessica TaylorElectronic discovery is no longer a rarity,but a reality that nearly every attorney willencounter in his career. Ensuring thepreservation of electronically storedinformation (ESI) is a key <strong>com</strong>ponent ofdiscovery today. Litigants who fail topreserve ESI can face severeconsequences, including monetary andevidentiary sanctions, the effects of whichcan last long beyond a single case.Recognizing the potential issues andconcerns in the preservation andcollection of ESI is critical to an effectiveelectronic discovery strategy.This program will introduce participants tothese considerations and the <strong>com</strong>plexitiesand pitfalls of e-discovery issues in anysize case. The program will also addressrecent case law and emergingtechnologies, such as cloud storage andsocial media, and what strategies litigantsemploy to successfully manage ESIpreservation and collection. Join us for aninsightful and practical discussion of theseissues using real-life examples andillustrations.Item no. : TS11200504Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00IS COPYRIGHT'S FIRSTSALE DOCTRINE DYING?DBy Joseph C. GratzBooks, movies, and music are increasinglybeing consumed not in the form ofphysical copies but in the form ofelectronic downloads or streams.Copyright's first sale doctrine hastraditionally protected consumers' andlibraries' right to lend and resellcopyrighted works. But license terms andcopy-protection technologies under whichelectronic copies are made availablegenerally restrict or bar such lending andresale. This shift may provide amuch-needed new revenue stream forailing content industries. But it may also<strong>com</strong>e as a surprise to anyone whos everloaned a book to a friend.This panel discusses recent cases andindustry developments and explore howthe first sale doctrine applies -- or shouldapply -- in a world of networked digitalmedia.Copyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00KILLER CROSSEXAMINATION: CREATINGYOUR OWN WITNESSBy Victoria Thomas McGhee, Stephen D.SusmanThe adversary has just presented theirstar witness who has just circled andrelentlessly attacked your client's case. Mr.Susman presents proven practicaltechniques for targeting, setting the baitand going for the kill on cross-examinationto remove the effect of the witness.This program provides participants withpractical advice from a renowned triallawyer on efficiently preparing for andexecuting cross-examination practicesand techniques to neutralize or turn awitness.Item no. : ZN11200509Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 110.00LARRY FOX AND SUSANMARTYN ON ETHICS:ACCIDENTAL CLIENTS ANDALAWYERS IN THE JOBMARKETBy Lawrence J. Fox, Susan R. MartynLawyers would argue they know who theirclients are. Prospective clients are enteredinto a conflicts database and checked forconflicts with current and former clients.The lawyer only proceeds if no conflict isrevealed, or if proper informed consent tothe conflict has been obtained. Butincreasingly, the law governing lawyershas identified "accidental" clients: thoseclients that lawyers had little or no ideaexisted.This presentation considers legallyrecognized client-lawyer relationships,many of which can be created accidentallyfrom a lawyer's point of view, and oftenwhen a lawyer least expects it. Thepanelists will also discuss the conflicts thatarise as lawyers enter the job market andissues like side-switching, hot potatoes,and screens that arise when lawyers leavetheir firms.Item no. : JC11200511Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 110.00LIFE CYCLE OF THEEXPERT SCIENTIFICWITNESS, THEBy Cynthia H. Cwik, Eric Y. Drogin, CarolHenderson, Hon. Barbara M.G. LynnJoin our expert panel of attorneys, legalscholars, and a judge as they address the"life cycle" of the expert scientific witness.They will cover the entire "cycle," fromretention through preparation, deposition,and debriefing, with particular attention tohow counsel may utilize experts to theclient's advantage and the opponent'sdisadvantage.Topics to be covered include: How does counsel determine whetheran expert is actually needed, and if so,what particular type of expert shouldbe sought?Item no. : MT11200507 inter partes matters and prefilingFormat : CD-ROM (Win)considerations;Duration : 90 minutes pleadings and <strong>com</strong>mencement ofproceedings;________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 128Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkHow will counsel investigate thepotential expert's credentials,disciplinary history, published writings,public presentations, and testimonialtrack record?What information and direction willcounsel provide in anticipation of areview of data or the scheduling of anevaluation?To what extent should counsel beinvolved in the preparation of a reportand in the expert's readiness for directand cross examination at a depositionor trial?What advantage may counsel find toengaging in a debriefing review withthe expert subsequent to settlementor trial?These and other practical questions will bereviewed from the <strong>com</strong>plementaryperspectives of the judge, attorney, lawprofessor, and expert scientific witness.Item no. : FP11200308Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LITIGATION BEFORE THETRADEMARK TRIAL ANDAPPEAL BOARD:STRATEGIC ANDEFFECTIVE BESTPRACTICESBy Cheryl Butler, Jonathan Hudis, Mary L.Kevlin, Angela LykosThis 90 minute audio CD-ROM covers theintricacies of practicing before theTrademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB).Topics discussed include strategic andeffective deployment of

disclosures and discovery; motion practice; trial procedures and rules ofevidence; the use of experts; and briefs on final hearing and oralargument.The panel includes expert practitionersbefore the USPTO Board as well as aUSPTO Board member and interlocutoryattorney.a judge's perspective as to what the courtis likely to want and the experiences ofappellate lawyers as to the argumentpreparation and presentation techniquesthat have proven to be most effective forthem.Item no. : KG11200546Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00law firms have less control over howinformation and content is shared, creatinglegal and policy implications of whichlawyers must be aware. This sessionexamines how counsel can define andmitigate associated risks to their ownreputations and those of theirorganizations, as well as take advantageof these developments to practice lawmore efficiently and cost-effectively.Topics covered include:Item no. : DC11200309Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MORTGAGE FRAUDLITIGATIONBy Steve Kaufman, Scott A. King, R. ScottPalmer, Michael PollackMortgage fraud litigation remains a hottopic in all 50 states and is a vital area ofpractice for legal counsel to governmentagencies, borrowers, lenders, andprofessional service providers. A widerange of issues have arisen in state andfederal proceedings ranging fromforeclosure actions to class actions and<strong>com</strong>plex litigation regarding fraudulentloans and mortgage transactions.This program will explore mortgage fraudlitigation from the perspectives of the stateenforcement and federal regulatoryenvironments. Our panel of experts willexamine the claims, defenses, andstrategies involved in consumer andmortgage fraud litigation. All of whicheffects buyers and sellers, borrowers, andprofessionals, including real estateappraisers, brokers, title <strong>com</strong>panies,closing agents, and attorneys.Item no. : WR11200530Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ORAL ADVOCACY THATWORKS: VIEWS FROM THEBENCH AND BARBy John J. Bursch, Honorable ConsueloMarie Callahan, Jerrold J. Ganzfried,Jeremy B. RosenAlthough many cases are decided on thebriefs, oral argument provides a good andsometimes the last effective opportunity topersuade the court to rule in your client'sfavor.How should you prepare, and what type ofdelivery is most likely to be successful?This program will feature both judges andadvocates speaking about argument do'sand don'ts.This panel is designed to assist lawyers tobe<strong>com</strong>e better oral advocates by providingPATENT LITIGATION:STRATEGIES ANDTECHNIQUESJoin Richard Rainey, Executive Counsel ofIP Litigation for General Electric, for anin-depth study of the patent litigationstrategies all young lawyers need to know.This new ABA IP YLAG program will coverthe patent appeal process in the FederalDistrict Court, from inception to appeal.Topics to be discussed include issuesrelating to jurisdiction, timing, standard ofreview, and governing law.Item no. : NA11200325Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00POWER EDITING FORLAWYERS: CLEARER,QUICKERCOMMUNICATION WITHCLIENTS, JUDGES, ANDEACH OTHERBy Gary KinderIn this 90-minute program, lawyers willlearn a system for removing uselesswords, enlivening sentences, andpropelling readers forward. Created by alawyer and <strong>New</strong> York Times bestsellingauthor, this word-raking system helpslawyers write letters, emails, briefs, andmemoranda that are clear, concise, andmemorable.Item no. : BS11200554Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PRACTICAL GUIDE TOSOCIAL MEDIA FORLAWYERS, ABy John M. Byrne, Darryl Cross, HeatherMorse MilliganAs social media be<strong>com</strong>es increasinglymainstream, and new tools andtechnologies emerge, counsel mustunderstand the shifting legal landscapethat ac<strong>com</strong>panies them. Corporations and Understanding the landscape:examining social media, its potentialrisk and rewards and how it applies tolegal professionals________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkSurvey of the applicable tools and anoverview of how they workExploration of social media rules ofengagement, ethics, and participationguidelines for both counsel andemployees in the organizationPutting social media into context: usecasesBuilding an action plan: best practiceknowledge and planning guide forusing social media effectively tominimize risk and maximize positiveimpactItem no. : ZW11200556Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PREVENTING ANDCLEANING UP AFTERCORPORATECYBER-TERRORISM,HACKING, VIRUSES, ANDOTHER ELECTRONICPESTILENCEBy Paul Lancaster Adams, Keith J. Jones,Elizabeth B. Shirley, Marc J. ZwillingerThis program focuses on how a<strong>com</strong>pany's <strong>com</strong>puter systems may bebreached by outsiders (and insiders), howto prevent it, and how to rectify it, soattending practitioners can advise theirclients and attending in-house counsel caninstitute appropriate protections. Thewebinar reviews the applicable federal anddiffering states' laws regarding what to dowhen personally identifiable information ofthousands or millions of consumers hasbeen inadvertently disclosed, how long a<strong>com</strong>pany has to notify customers of thebreach, and the measures <strong>com</strong>paniesmust take to try to rectify the breach. Whathappens if the breach is internal? Theprogram looks at what a <strong>com</strong>pany can doto protect its systems and its customersfrom internal threats of employees orformer employees gone rogue. Finally, theprogram looks at cyber-terrorism and thethreat it can pose to a <strong>com</strong>pany'soperations, as well as the civil legalimplications for the crimes.129

Item no. : LU11200562Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 56 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SECOND ELECTRONICDISCOVERY AND DIGITALEVIDENCEPRACTITIONERS'WORKSHOP, THEThis practitioners' workshop provides anin-depth and hands-on education forin-house and retained counsel who areinvolved in (or who expect to be<strong>com</strong>einvolved in) litigation involving electronicdiscovery and digital evidence. Executivesand other litigation stakeholders from largeand small public and private organizationswill gain invaluable insights on how best toprepare your technical staff andinformation systems to respond torequests for electronically storedinformation (ESI). Addressed tointermediate and advanced ESI litigationpractitioners, the workshop is taught byour faculty of leading federal magistratejudges, ESI litigation practitioners,forensics experts, and technology thoughtleaders, all of whom have significantexperience in managing all aspects of ESIlitigation. This workshop is unique in thatits scope is much broader and deeper thantraditional e-discovery courses thataddress only basic ESI concepts.The curriculum consists of case studies, amock trial, keynote sessions and paneldiscussions with luminaries in the field,and small workshops for practitioners,technologists, and forensic experts. Topicsrange from ESI search trends anddevelopments to emerging digitalevidence issues and ethics to evidentiaryissues from a criminal perspective. Thesessions will address the key rules fromthe Federal Rules of Civil Procedure thatimpact on e-discovery.Item no. : WD11200589Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 13 hoursCopyright : 2011Price : USD 500.00STATUTORY TERMINATIONOF COPYRIGHTTRANSFERS UNDER THEU.S. COPYRIGHT ACT ASAAPPLICABLE TO SOUNDRECORDINGSBy Kenneth J. Abdo, Timothy C. MatsonUnder the Copyright Act of 1976, anygrant, license or assignment made on orafter January 1, 1978 may be terminatedby the author thirty-five years from thedate of such transfer if the work was notoriginally created as a work-made-for-hirefor an employer. Given the unequalbargaining power at the time of earlytransfers and the impossibility ofdetermining a work's value until after it hasbeen exploited, the intent of Congress is tosafeguard authors against unremunerativetransfers.With transfer termination dates beginningJanuary 1, 2013, the potential impact ofthis amendment on recording <strong>com</strong>paniesis massive. The presenters will analyzethe amendment, termination notice filingsand other technical <strong>com</strong>plications relatedto the interpretation and implementation ofthe amendment.Item no. : EW11200339Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00STRATEGIES, TACTICS,AND COMMON MISTAKESIN ARBITRATIONSBy Kyle R. Hartman, Anne C. Martin,Barbara Moss, Matt SweeneyEver wonder what an arbitrator thinksabout your opening presentation? Aredispositive motions appropriate or grantedin arbitration? Are the same advocacytactics used in court effective before apanel of arbitrators? Our panel gives you a"backstage" glimpse into what arbitratorsand seasoned attorneys think are winningstrategies, best practices, and <strong>com</strong>monpitfalls in arbitration.This panel of two arbitrators, a plaintiffs'attorney, and a defense attorney will shareinvaluable insights into how lawyers canbest prepare for the pre-hearingconference, what <strong>com</strong>mon courtroompractices are frowned upon in arbitration,and provide participants with anopportunity to ask questions about how totake advantage of the proceduraldifferences in arbitration versus thecourtroom.This program is a must for any attorneyabout to enter his or her first or twentietharbitration.Item no. : WN11200341Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TAKING THE RAND CASETO TRIALBy Eric Benisek, Richard VasquezHow do you try a RAND case? Much inkhas been spilled on the academicdiscussion of standards settingorganizations (SSOs), patent hold- up,and reasonable and non-discriminatory(RAND) licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments. But howshould RAND be litigated in the trial courts,and what are the viable causes of action,defenses, and remedies that parties canpursue? Litigating patents subject toRAND licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments is still theWild West with very little precedent toguide practitioners.This audio CD-ROM will cover therecognized causes of action and defensesavailable to parties litigating patentssubject to RAND licensing <strong>com</strong>mitments,as well as important strategicconsiderations and available remedies.Specific topics will include: key appellatedecisions; recent guidance from theFederal Trade Commission; past andcurrent actions in district courts involvingRAND licensing disputes; andre<strong>com</strong>mendations on potential winningtrial strategies for defendants litigatingpatents subject to RAND licensing<strong>com</strong>mitments.Item no. : MN11200342Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TECHNOLOGYAMENDMENTS TO THEMODEL RULES: ANSWERSTO THE QUESTIONS YOUSHOULD BE ASKINGBy John M. Barkett, Judith A. Miller, SethA. RowIn August <strong>2012</strong>, the ABA House ofDelegates adopted changes to severalModel Rules of Professional Conduct toaddress the growing role that technologyis playing in the practice of law. Thisfast-paced program will walk you throughthe changes, identify practical impacts,and alert you to traps for the unwary.Model Rules to be addressed include 1.0,1.1 (<strong>com</strong>petence), 1.2 (scope ofrepresentation), 1.4 (<strong>com</strong>munication), 1.6(confidentiality), 4.4, and 5.3 (non-lawyerassistance).Item no. : SL11200343Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 110.00TEN THINGS LAWYERSLOVE/HATE ABOUTMEDIATORSBy Michael GeibelsonGood mediators help attorneys getresolution in a case before trial. But evengood mediators can drive us crazy. In thisprogram, attorneys and mediators discusstools used by mediators that work or hurtresolution, the appropriateness ofsomewhat manipulative efforts, evaluativeversus facilitative mediation, the processof mediation and "late in the day"resolutions, and why mediators do manyof the things they do. This programprovides attorneys with better mediatingskills and will let mediators hear what________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk130

attorneys are really thinking -- a "win-win"-- just like good mediation!This program will focus on attorneys understanding mediatortools and approaches to better utilizemediation for case resolution;attorneys learning how to cope withmediator tactics that are not furtheringmediation and may be inhibitingresolution; attorneys hearing from otherattorneys on mediation tools andapproaches that may work for them;educating mediators on tools andapproaches that are not effective toimprove their ability to help clients;and educating mediators on theapproaches used by other mediatorsthat are effective, so mediators canconsider different styles and tools inmediations.Item no. : DA11200603Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LONG-TERM CARENATIONAL PATIENTSAFETY GOALS FOR LONGTERM CARE 2013The goal of this program is to define anddiscuss the Joint Commission's NationalPatient Safety Goals for 2013, includingthe problems and concerns that have ledto its implementation. The programprovides a detailed review of the variouspatient safety goals for long term care thathave been identified for implementation,plus the Elements of Performance that willbe required to meet these goals.After <strong>com</strong>pleting this course, the learnershould be able to: Identify the concerns and problemsthat led to development of the JointCommission's NPSG. Describe the patient safety goals longterm care settings. Identify and implement the keyElements of Performance developedto ac<strong>com</strong>plish the patient safetygoals.Item no. : CH08051013Format : DVD (With Workbooks)Duration : 24 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 275.00ASSESSING CHRONIC PAININ THE COGNITIVELYIMPAIREDWhen residents experience pain, it canaffect their lives in every way from eatingto sleeping and even simple movements.Caregivers <strong>com</strong>monly rely on residents toreport their pain, but some residents, likethose who suffer from dementia, areunable to <strong>com</strong>municate verbally. Underthese circumstances, we need to useother methods to help assess pain. In thiseducational video, we will:Define pain, so that it is easier toidentify when it is presentHelp you understand how to use yourskills to recognize and assess pain inyour residentsAddress some special challenges thatcaregivers face in assessing painwhen residents cannot self-report.This is often the case when residentshave cognitive impairment, likedifferent forms of dementiaExplore ways that you and yourfacility can help residents managepainThis video will explain the differencesbetween acute and chronic pain, anddescribe how people experience pain indifferent ways. Then we'll show you somesimple methods to help assess pain andoffer support to your residents.Item no. : GL27830032Format : DVDPrice : USD 189.00INFECTION CONTROL INLONG TERM CARE:SAFEGUARDING YOURENVIRONMENTInfectious diseases pose significanthazards to staff and residents in long-termcare. Controlling the spread of infection islike fighting an invisible enemy. When staffmembers take the appropriate precautions,caregivers and residents should never seethe results. Only when infection controlbreaks down do the hazardous effectsbe<strong>com</strong>e obvious.The consequences of infectious diseasescan be painful. Residents are at increasedrisk of infection. Many of them are sick,while others are elderly and morevulnerable. Many just cannot handle anyfurther insult to their frail condition.Prevention is where staff and caregivers inlong-term care can have the greatestimpact on safety and good health. In thiseducational video, we will:Define the risk imposed by infectiousdiseasesExplain infection control proceduresDescribe procedures your staff andcaregivers must take to ensure safetyfor themselves and their residentsItem no. : WP27830033Format : DVDPrice : USD 189.00MAKING MEALS ANDMEALTIME MEANINGFUL -NUTRITION ANDDEMENTIAGood nutrition is crucial to our well-being.When your residents have dementia, it canbe difficult for them to get the nutrientsthey need and to enjoy meals in the sameway they might have in the past. There aremany reasons why people withAlzheimer's Disease and other dementiashave nutritional problems. In thiseducational video, we'll focus on: How aging affects our dietary health The ways dementia changesresidents' ability to nourishthemselves and enjoy mealtime Your role in screening residents toidentify those at nutritional risk orthose whose diet and mealtimeexperience is inadequate What you can do to help residents getthe nutrition and hydration/fluids thatthey needWe'll describe changes to the brain andbody related to dementia and how theyaffect care needs as well as residents'ability to nourish themselves.Then we'll show you some simple thingsyou can do to help residents eat and drinkwell to meet their nutrition and hydrationneeds.Item no. : FZ27830034Format : DVDPrice : USD 189.00MANAGEMENT /ORGANIZATIONALSKILLSETHICAL CONSIDERATIONAND BOUNDARIES:CONDUCTING EFFECTIVEBUSINESS DEVELOPMENT& MARKETINGBy Mark Britton, Micah U. Buchdahl,Andre Hartley, Walter KarnsteinAs attorneys find themselves increasinglyinvolved in business development andmarketing, there is often the question ofwhat is and is not allowed under the ethicsrules. If you find the issues confusing, youare not alone.This program provides successfultechniques from attorneys who understandhow to build or increase a book ofbusiness.The faculty will discuss tools that spanfrom live networking to social networking:They will highlight when the Model Rulesof Professional Conduct, specifically Rules7.1, 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4, <strong>com</strong>e into play for<strong>com</strong>pliance with the standards of thestates in which you both practice andsolicit business.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk131

Item no. : EW11200446Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MATH, STATISTICSAND PROBABILITYMASTERING THEFUNDAMENTALS OFMATHEMATICSBy James A. SellersMultiplying and dividing large numbers.Simplifying fractions and convertingpercentages. Handling square roots andexponents. These and other skills are theveritable foundation on which all ofmathematics rests. To master them is tounlock the door to …Whether you're a high-school studentpreparing for the challenges of highermath classes, an adult who needs arefresher in math to prepare for a newcareer, or someone who just wants tokeep his or her mind active and sharp,there's no denying that a solid grasp ofarithmetic and prealgebra is essential intoday's world. In Professor James A.Sellers' engaging course, Mastering theFundamentals of Mathematics, you learnall the key math topics you need to know.In 24 lectures packed with helpfulexamples, practice problems, and guidedwalkthroughs, you'll finally grasp theall-important fundamentals of math in away that truly sticks.Item no. : YT09280628Format : 4 DVDsDuration : 720 minutesPrice : USD 255.00PROVE IT: THE ART OFMATHEMATICALARGUMENTBy Bruce H. EdwardsMathematical proof is the gold standard ofknowledge. Once a mathematicalstatement has been proved with a rigorousargument, it counts as true throughout theuniverse and for all time. Imagine, then,the thrill of being able to prove somethingin mathematics.Item no. : TZ09280632Format : 4 DVDsDuration : 720 minutesPrice : USD 255.00MEDIA ANDPOLITICSNEW GREAT GAME, THE:THE DECLINE OF THEWEST & THE STRUGGLEFOR MIDDLE EASTERN OILODirected by Alexandre TrudeauAfter centuries of Western domination, thewaterways of the Middle East are nowbeing contested in unprecedented ways.Pirates are roaming sea lanes. Localpowers are threatening chokepoints. Andthe people are rising up to bring theirauthoritarian rulers down. With no simplesolutions for maintaining control of oilflows, the West is facing a crucial decision.Already weakened by extended militaryinterventions, faltering economies, andstrained global partnerships, the US andEurope must decide whether violentintervention or benevolent passivity is thebest course of action.Reviews "This is a sobering history of thedecline and fall of Western hegemonyin the Persian Gulf and WesternIndian Ocean -- and the alarmingreality of what <strong>com</strong>es next. Thehistoric march through North Africaand the Middle East with the world'stop strategists, economists, andthinkers provides an unsettlingglimpse into the post-Americanmaritime order." - James Kraska,Howard S. Levie Chair in InternationalLaw at the U.S. Naval War College"A sobering, <strong>com</strong>prehensive look atthe contemporary geopolitics of the oilpatch and the sea lanes that connectit to the world." - F. Gregory Gause, III,Professor of Political Science at theUniversity of Vermont | Author of TheInternational Relations of the PersianGulf"Alexandre Trudeau depicts a veryclear and relevant picture of theoil-based conflict in the Middle East.The film is well-directed and only assensational as its subject matter." -Laurence Trepanier, CBC <strong>New</strong>sItem no.Format: SC01060135: DVD (With EnglishSubtitles): 54 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>StdBkNo : 1932869654Price : USD 250.00MERGERS ANDACQUISITIONSANATOMY OF M&AINDEMNIFICATIONNEGOTIATIONSBy Wilson Chu, Jordaan Hendrik, Craig A.Menden, Linda SchmidtThrough a <strong>com</strong>bination of illustrativenegotiations, analysis of marketbenchmarks from the American BarAssociation's Private Target Deal PointsStudy, and a healthy dose of reality from adeal litigator's perspective, this programwill make a deep-dive into some of themost <strong>com</strong>plex and contentiousindemnification issues being negotiated intoday's private target M&A marketplace.Topics include: Knowledge-based limitations tobuyer's indemnification rights (i.e.,"sandbagging") Balancing acts between "fulldisclosure," "pro-sandbagging," and"non-reliance" provisions Fraud exceptions to "exclusiveremedy" provisions Issues specific to private equitytransactionsItem no. : SV11200375Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CHALLENGES IN THEWORLD OF HOSPITALMERGERS: CORPORATEAND ANTITRUSTACONCERNS TO RAISEEARLYBy Christi J. Braun, Matthew D. Jenkins,Jennifer L. RangelHospital mergers are an increasing area offocus for antitrust enforcement authoritiesconcerned with the effects of consolidationon <strong>com</strong>petitive forces in the health caremarketplace. This audio CD-ROM willcover the basics of counseling hospitalclients contemplating merger andacquisition transactions. It will considerbasic fiduciary considerations for hospitalscontemplating significant transactions, andcover the following topics: Guiding the governing body throughthe discharge of fiduciary duties Boundaries of appropriate<strong>com</strong>munications in anticipation of ahospital M&A transaction Appropriate exchanges of confidentialinformation, both as to timing andprocess Antitrust concerns in the drafting ofpreliminary transaction documents Basics of Hart-Scott-Rodino filingsand navigating the waiting periods Current federal enforcement thinking________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk132

about marketplace concentration.How much is too much? Emerging bases of state lawregulation of hospital M&AtransactionsItem no. : WC11200262Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MODERN HISTORYMASTERS OF WAR:HISTORY'S GREATESTSTRATEGIC THINKERSBy Andrew R. WilsonWhat can Thucydides teach us about thewar in Iraq in 2003? What is the key toadaptation during an ongoing conflict?How do you balance the tension betweenpolitical and military objectives? Whyare …Item no. : AG09280629Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00TROUBLES IN NORTHERNIRELAND, THENorthern Ireland has had a violent historystemming from the early 1600's whenlarge numbers British Protestants settledin the north and ousted large numbers ofIrish Catholics. In this interview of basedprogram we explore the causes of the Irishtroubles from early settlement, the EasterUprising, The Anglo-Irish Treaty, and therise of the IRA. We examine the conflictsbetween the Protestants and Catholics,the Unionists and the Republicans andwhat lies ahead for the future. Thisprogram features a wide range ofinterviews with politics lecturers andpoliticians from both sides of politics.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : ET11100520Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00NEUROSCIENCE,THE BRAIN ANDCOUNSELINGBIOFEEDBACK FORCOUNSELORS:EMPOWERING CLIENTSFOR SUSTAINED POSITIVELIFESTYLE CHANGEBy Thomas Sweeney; Jane MyersBiofeedback for Counselors delivers awellness-oriented approach thatcontributes in a powerful way to sustained,positive lifestyle change. It illustrates toolsthat counselors can use to help clients feela sense of stability when their lives mayfeel out of control. Biofeedback also canhelp counselors cope with the stressesand challenges of their demanding jobs.By practicing and modeling thesetechniques counselors can be<strong>com</strong>e evenmore effective advocates for a positive lifestyle.Item no. : YA08780280Format : DVDDuration : 30 minutesStdBkNo : 9781463116767Price : USD 155.00BRAIN-BASED BASED THERAPYBy John ArdenRecent advances in the neuroscienceshave increased our knowledge of how andwhy people change. Brain-based therapysynthesizesneuroscience,evidence-based treatment, andattachment theory into a hybridtherapeutic model. Using this model,Arden demonstrates treatment strategiesfor an African American woman whopresents with anxiety. Viewers will developa new way of conceptualizing thetherapeutic process and move beyond thetraditional theoretical school approach.Item no. : WC08780281Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesStdBkNo : 9781463116729Price : USD 203.00BRAIN-BASED BASED THERAPYFOR ADOLESCENTSBy John ArdenRelying on research in developmentalneurobiology, neuroscience, temperament,and attachment studies as well asevidence-based psychotherapeuticpractices, Brain-based Therapy withAdolescents addresses the importance ofunderstanding how the brain develops andfunctions during the actual work of childand adolescent psychotherapy. It offerstips on helping children and adolescentsre-regulate such neurodynamicallymind-body relationship. Arden works witha teenage boy struggling with socialanxiety; he uses his knowledge of thebrain to skillfully help the teen understandhis emotions and the way the brain works.Item no. : WB08780282Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesStdBkNo : 9781463116736Price : USD 203.00NEUROBIOLOGY ANDNARRATIVE THERAPY:THERAPEUTIC PRACTICESFOR LASTING CHANGEBy Marie-Nathalie BoudoinHow can we make insightful conversations,moments of wisdom, and people'sexperiences of <strong>com</strong>petency stick in theirmemories and be<strong>com</strong>e usable in theireveryday lives? Using playful explanationsof brain structures, funny demonstrationsof their implications, and live interviewswith adults and children, this video offerscritical ideas on how to empower people tolive to their fullest potential while dealingwith the intricacies of their unique lives.Boudoin works with a female clientstruggling with anxiety over her workload.She also counsels a young AsianAmerican women dealing with strict familycultural expectations. Applicable to a widerange of issues, the unique ideas in thislively video will assist professionals inac<strong>com</strong>plishing the original goal of ourprofession: increasing well-being,optimism, and agency.Item no. : WB08780283Format : DVDDuration : 60 minutesStdBkNo : 9781463116712Price : USD 203.00NEUROTHERAPY: A NEWTREATMENT FORPSYCHOLOGICAL ANDBEHAVIORAL PROBLEMSBy Theodore Chapin, Lori Russell-ChapinNeurofeedback is a therapeuticintervention that uses EEG biofeedbackand <strong>com</strong>puter technology. Thisnoninvasive intervention re-regulatesneuronal activity through operantconditioning. There are three main NFgoals: normalize brain functioning, restorebrain efficiency and optimize daily brainperformance.Neurofeedback has shown to be aneffective approach in working with avariety of disorders including anxiety,ADHD, migraines and more.In this video, Drs. Chapin andRussell-Chapin provide an overview ofneurofeedback — its definition and uses inthe treatment process. They then showimportant processes as sleep and the________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk133

how the process works with a client whohas entered therapy with a diagnosis of abi-polar disorder and symptoms of anxiety,poor concentration and forgetfulness.This is an excellent overview anddemonstration of an increasingly popularform of treatment.Item no. : SH08780284Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesPrice : USD 203.00NONPROFIT LAWThe program covers the following issues: Types of Nonprofits/Entity Selection Alternatives to Organizing <strong>New</strong>Nonprofit Formation Documents and ImportantProvisions Transactions Involving Insiders Application for Tax Exempt Statusunder Section 501 (c) (3) of theInternal Revenue CodeItem no. : SD11200542Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00key terms, and explains changes toincident notification and offence categories.Craig Salter, from Action OHS consulting,provides clear, detailed explanations of theWHS legislation. This program providesclear understanding of the new WHSlegislation around Workplace safety.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : ZA08691918Format : DVDDuration : 18 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00KNOW YOUR CLIENT'SRIGHTS: RELIGIOUSPROFILING IN THE POST9/11 ERARacial or ethnic profiling, which is<strong>com</strong>monly understood as lawenforcements use of race or ethnicity todetermine whether a particular individualwarrants official scrutiny, has been a lawenforcement strategy since the mid to late1990s. As recently as September 11, 2011,law enforcement agencies have alsoengaged in religious profiling, targetingAmericans and U.S. residents basedsolely upon their faith.Reports of surveillance of members of theAmerican Muslim, Arab American, andSouth Asian <strong>com</strong>munities by the <strong>New</strong> YorkPolice Department (NYPD) havereinvigorated legal, academic, and policydiscussions regarding the practice ofreligious, racial, and/or ethnic profiling.According to these reports, the NYPD hasmonitored Muslims daily life, and thesetechniques have provoked resentmentand fear in Americans around the countrywho are turning to the legal <strong>com</strong>munity forcounsel regarding their rights,responsibilities, and recourse.Our panel will assist the practitioner in thisarea by discussing the legal parameters ofintelligence gathering that implicate FirstAmendment activities in the post 9/11 era.Members of our faculty will also addressthe privacy rights of students pursuant tothe Family Educational Rights and PrivacyAct, and share information regardingpresent day efforts to <strong>com</strong>bat racial, ethnicand religious profiling in law enforcement.Item no. : TY11200510Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NONPROFIT FORMATIONISSUESBy Willard L. Boyd, III, Rosemary E. Fei,Lisa A. RunquistThis program will focus on the basicissues relating to formation of nonprofitcorporations and other nonprofit entities.ORPHAN WORKS PROBLEM,THE: RECENTDEVELOPMENTS,PROPOSED LEGISLATION,AND ALTERNATIVESOLUTIONSThe orphan works problem is generallydefined as the situation where the ownerof a copyrighted work cannot be locatedby someone who wishes to make use ofthe work in a manner that requirespermission. Given recent and contentiousefforts to enable mass digitization andlarge-scale digital access and reuse ofthese works, this session will explore therenewed interest and recent work in boththe United States and abroad that is aimedtoward developing legislative and othersolutions to the orphan works problem.In this audio CD-ROM, the panelexamines the history of the problem, earlyattempts at enacting legislative solutionsin the United States, current efforts by theUnited States Copyright Office and theEuropean Commission to developlegislation and directives allowing forlimited use of orphan works, and currentthinking on why legislation should belimited or may not be necessary in theUnited States given our existing limitationsand exceptions such as fair use.Item no. : NY11200324Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00OH&SAUSTRALIA'S NATIONALWHS LEGISLATION<strong>New</strong> Work Health and Safety legislationcame into effect in some Australian statesand territories on 1st January <strong>2012</strong>. It wasdeveloped to harmonise the laws affectingworkplace safety in Australia by replacingexisting state based OH&S legislation.This interview led program gives a briefhistory of the development of workplacesafety in Australia, the development andneed for the new WHS laws, definitions ofPHOTOGRAPHYINKJET PRINTING FORPHOTOGRAPHERSWith Ben LongIn this course, photographer and authorBen Long explores the art and the craft ofcreating beautiful, archival-quality inkjetprints. The course looks at the anatomy ofa print job: how a printer works, how toadjust and prepare your image to get thebest results, and what happens to yourphoto in its journey from pixels to paper.After a discussion of how to choose aprinter, the course covers the process ofpreparing both black and white and colorimages using Adobe Photoshop. Bendescribes how to take images from lookinggood onscreen to being properly adjustedfor best results on paper, covering detailssuch as sizing, sharpening, and colormanagement.With photographer and master framerKonrad Eek, Ben explores the creativedecisions that photographers shouldaddress before printing. What size print?How does print size relate to the messageof the photo and to the space where thephoto will be displayed? What kinds ofpaper choices do you have, and how doesyour photo's content relate to the paperyou choose?The course also describes how to properlyevaluate a print and how to handle<strong>com</strong>mon challenges that crop up duringthe printing process.Item no.Format: BH03740693: DVD-ROM (SingleUser,Closed Captioned): 6 hoursDurationCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>StdBkNo : 1596719060Price : USD 140.00MATTING, FRAMING, ANDHANGING YOURPHOTOGRAPHSWith Konrad EekMatting and framing is relatively simple,and doing it yourself costs less and is________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk134

more rewarding than using a framingservice. In this course, photographer andprofessional framer Konrad Eek describesthe tools, techniques, and creativedecisions involved in matting, framing, andhanging photographs.The course begins with an overview offraming concepts, terms, and tools andthen shows how to choose and work withthe various <strong>com</strong>ponents of a framed print:matboard, frame, glazing, wire hangers,and more. The course also examines theissues and creative options behindhanging an exhibit, whether in a gallery orin a home.Item no.Format: NM03610695: DVD-ROM (SingleUser,Closed Captioned): 210 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>StdBkNo : 1596719095Price : USD 140.00PHYSICSINTRODUCTION TONANOTECHNOLOGY: THENEW SCIENCE OF SMALLBy Shana Kelley, Ted SargentIn 1959, renowned physicist RichardFeynman delivered a prophetic talk tocolleagues. He pointed out that no law ofnature exists that can prevent scientistsfrom manipulating individual atoms andmaking almost any product imaginable. Itwas a bold prediction filled withmind-boggling applications …Item no. : YA09280627Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00MYSTERIES OF MODERNPHYSICS: TIMEBy Sean CarrollTime rules our lives. From the rising andsetting of the sun to the cycles of nature,the thought processes in our brains, andthe biorhythms in our day, nothing sopervades our existence and yet is so …Item no. : FM09280630Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00PROFESSIONALHIDDEN FACTOR, THE:WHY THINKINGDIFFERENTLY IS YOURGREATEST ASSETBy Scott E. PageFrom technology to business, two (ormore) heads often prove to be better thanone—but only if those heads arecognitively diverse. Top-performing<strong>com</strong>panies, universities, and innovationcenters are increasingly finding ways toencourage a greater exchange of ideasamong their staff. Scientific journalscontinue to see the number of authors perpaper rise, while both Nobel Prizes andpatents are frequently …Item no. : WF09280626Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00STRATEGIC THINKINGSKILLSBy Stanley K. RidgleyStrategic thinking is a powerful andinvaluable skill, one that leads to greaterchances of success in whateverprofessional and personal projects you'reinvolved in. It involves setting goals,developing long-range plans, anticipatingthe unexpected, analyzing yourenvironment, and even …Item no. : HC09280636Format : 4 DVDsPrice : USD 255.00PROFESSIONALDEVELOPMENTU.S. SUPREME COURT'SVIEWS ON RETALIATION,THE: A REVIEW OF KASTEN,THOMPSON AND DURYEABy Eric S. Dreiband, John L. Quinn, EricSchnapper, Geraldine SumterThis past term, the U.S. Supreme Courtissued three significant retaliationdecisions, two of which broadened thescope of protections under federal statutesand one of which curtailed the rights ofpublic workers to assert retaliation claimsunder the Petition Clause of the FirstAmendment to the U.S. Constitution.In Thompson v. North American Stainless,LP (January 24, 2011), the Supreme Courtheld that an "aggrieved" person under TitleVII includes any person with an interestarguably sought to be protected by thestatute (e.g., the fiance of an employeewho had filed a gender discriminationclaim).In Kasten v. Saint-Gobain PerformancePlastics Corp. (March 22, 2011), theSupreme Court held that even an oral<strong>com</strong>plaint that is sufficiently clear anddetailed for a reasonable employer tounderstand it satisfies the FLSA'srequirement that a <strong>com</strong>plaint has been"filed" by an employee assertingretaliation.Lastly, in Borough of Duryea,the Supreme Court held that a publicemployee's protection against retaliationfrom his employer extends only toinstances where the employee haspetitioned the government on a matter ofpublic, not private, concern.In this program, you will hear from aSupreme Court scholar who was involvedin all three cases and from experiencedemployment law practitioners withpractical advice on how these decisionsimpact your clients, whether they areemployers, employees or unions.Item no. : WN11200616Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PROGRAMMINGINTERACTIVE DATAVISUALIZATION WITHPROCESSINGWith Barton PoulsonStart <strong>com</strong>municating ideas anddiagramming data in a more interactiveway. In this course, author Barton Poulsonshows how to read, map, and illustratedata with Processing, an open-sourcedrawing and development environment.On top of a solid introduction toProcessing itself, this course investigatesmethods for obtaining and preparing data,designing for data visualization, andbuilding an interactive experience out of adesign. When your visualization is<strong>com</strong>plete, explore the options for sharingyour work, whether uploading it tospecialized websites, embedding thevisualizations in your own web pages, oreven creating a desktop or Android app foryour work.Item no.Format: PF03800694: DVD-ROM (SingleUser,Closed Captioned): 465 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>StdBkNo : 1596719117Price : USD 140.00PSYCHODRAMAPSYCHODRAMAUNMASKED: ESSENTIALTOOLS AND TECHNIQUESBy Tobi KleinIn these live sessions, masterpsychodramatist Tobi Klein, MSW, teachesthe core principles and techniques ofpsychodrama.Ready to bring more vitality into yoursessions? Psychodrama offers a widearray of action-oriented techniques thathelp clients get out of their heads and intotheir bodies, moving beyond what ispossible in traditional talk therapy. This135Pennsylvania v. Guarnieri (June 20, 2011),________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

video offers a thorough introduction to thekey concepts and methodology ofpsychodrama, and will prove useful notonly for those who facilitate actualpsychodramas, but also for moretraditional therapists seeking tools andtechniques to engage clients in new ways.Calling on teachings from psychodrama'sfounder, J.L. Moreno, masterpsychodramatist Tobi Klein offers anenriching learning experience by directingthree live psychodramas whilesimultaneously teaching viewers thehow-to's. Her demonstrations andexplanations highlight how <strong>com</strong>pelling,cathartic, and effective this approach canbe.By watching this video, you will: Learn how to direct psychodramasthat allow clients to have correctiveemotional experiences and see theirconflicts in a new light Understand the three stages and fivepersonae core to Klein's approach Identify several key psychodramatechniques, such as doubling androle-reversalItem no.Format: GZ07620209: DVD (With Instructor'sManual, English subtitles): Approx. 80 minutesDurationStdBkNo : 1601243332Price : USD 223.00dollars and an increase in protests at theU.S. Government Accountability Office(GAO) and the Court of Federal Claims.The smart attorney and governmentcontractor has to understand the bidprotest process and how to navigatethrough each forum.This program will address: Significant jurisdictional issues,procedural developments, andboundaries at GAO and the Court ofFederal Claims--How do GAO and theCourt interact?Controversial protest decisions in theareas of small business, sourceselection, and OCIs--How are theyimpacting policy and what can theprocurement <strong>com</strong>munity learn fromthese decisions?The protest process going forward--Isthe system working?Our expert panelists includerepresentatives from GAO and from thepublic and private sectors, who will offertheir insights and guidance on litigating bidprotests at GAO and the Court.Item no. : SM11200387Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REAL ESTATE LAWBUYING DISTRESSED DEBTIN TURBULENT TIMESIn these turbulent times, lenders arecleaning up their debt portfolios by sellingoff their non-performing andnon-conforming loans.Sales of distressed loans present uniquebuying opportunities and challenges.This program will highlight the key issuesfacing buyers of distressed debt andprovide insight into current trends,including:How to negotiate with debt sellers andwhat are the key motivating factors foreach party.How to conduct due diligence of thelender's loan and collateraldocumentation, and what do youneed to do outside of the loandocuments. What provisions are customarilycontained in and negotiated over inthe loan sale agreement.How to analyze contractual andlitigation risks.How to close the loan purchase.Item no. : AP11200395Format : CD-ROM (Win)Copyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PUBLIC CONTRACTLAWART OF SUCCESSFULNEGOTIATION WITHREGULATORS, THEBy Michelle Diffenderfer, Lori Jonas,Robert J. Martineau Jr., Claudia RastThis program will provide insights fromfederal and state regulators andexperienced private sector practitionersinto devising and executing a successfulnegotiating strategy.The program will also explain how toadvise the client on what constitutes"success" in the regulatory context. Inshort, this program will focus on whatworks and what doesn't when negotiatingwith regulators.Item no. : BT11200257Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BID PROTESTS AT GAO:CASES ANDPUBLICEDUCATIONINTRODUCTION TOSPECIAL EDUCATION LAW,ANBy Hon. Ann Breen-Greco, Howard J.Fulfrost, Craig Goodmark, Dr. MelodyMusgroveThis audio CD-ROM provides an overviewof special education law. Since the civilrights movement, there have been lawsprotecting the rights of students withdisabilities. Today, the Individuals withDisabilities Education Improvement Act of2004 (IDEA) requires that school districtsprovide all individuals with disabilities, age3 to 22, with a "free appropriate publiceducation" (FAPE).The program speakers include fournationally recognized experts in the field ofspecial education law and practice. Eachaddress fundamental IDEA topics, such aseligibility, the meaning of FAPE, and dueprocess.Item no. : MG11200303Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CLOSING PROTECTIONLETTERS: WHAT THEY DO,DWHAT THEY DON'T DO,AND WHY YOU NEED THEMIN REAL ESTATETRANSACTIONSWhen lenders and purchasers close onreal estate transactions, among the mostimportant issues will be <strong>com</strong>pliance withtheir closing instructions and the safety oftheir settlement funds. In addressing theseconcerns, title insurers often provideclosing protection letters and some stateshave imposed additional procedures andobligations to promote a more reliable realestate settlement process.This session will provide timely trends inclosing protection letters and liability in thereal estate settlement process.Our panel will discuss: Overview of the terms of anddevelopments in ALTA ClosingProtection lettersCONTROVERSYItem no. : LF11200400By Gena E. Cadieux, Michael R. Golden,Format : CD-ROM (Win)Thomas P. Humphrey, Sharon LarkinDuration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011There are fewer government contracting________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkRecent cases interpreting closingprotection letters and title insurerliability Applicable state regulations andstatutes136

Price : USD 150.00DEEDS IN LIEU OFFORECLOSURE:PRACTICAL AND LEGALCONSIDERATIONSThis program will discuss the practical andlegal issues associated with a consensualtransfer of <strong>com</strong>mercial real property from aBorrower to its Lender in full or partialsatisfaction of a debt.Topics to be discussed will include: Benefits and risks, especially when<strong>com</strong>pared to a consensualforeclosure; The Deed in Lieu Agreement -practical tips on drafting andnegotiation; and Special issues associated with Deedsin Lieu.Item no. : JN11200416Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICALCONSIDERATIONS IN THEFORECLOSURE CRISIS,REALLY!This program will focus on strategies andissues regarding documentation,negotiation, and litigation of foreclosures.Additionally, our panelists will discuss thefollowing topics: The role and limitation on lender'scounsel, borrower's counsel anddealing with prose borrowers; Ethical obligations of borrower'scounsel when the foreclosure is wellfounded; Robo-signed documents and missingdocuments confronting thepractitioner and; Motions or defenses to file on behalfof the mortgagor in default and whatshould not be ethically filed.Item no. : FP11200448Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FORECLOSURE CRISISTSUNAMI, THEBy Eric I. Halperin, Andrew L. Sandler,Jonice Gray TuckerIn the wake of the recent foreclosure crisis,enforcement activity surrounding thefinancial industry has expandeddramatically. This program will provide youwith valuable insight regarding emerginglitigation and enforcement trends as wellas strategies for practicing in the currentenvironment.During this 90-minute program you willlearn what led to the foreclosure crisis; the status of state and federalinvestigations; potential private causes of action frommortgagors and investors; strategies for response; and best practices.Item no. : LV11200466Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FORECLOSURE DEFECTS:ROBOSIGNING AND ITSIMPACT ON THEMARKETABILITY OF TITLEBy Andy Dogali, Alan Fields, John C.Lynch, Christopher W. SmartThe headlines have alerted us to many ofthe deficiencies in the wave of foreclosureactions that followed the economicdownturn and it has been six months sincethe lenders and servicers put the brakeson foreclosures in recognition of theseproblems, but are we any closer tograppling the difficult questions about theeffect of these deficiencies on the ultimatelong-term marketability of title to theseforeclosed properties?This program will focus on the more thornyissues still facing the real estate market,including: Deficiencies - Lack of standing (bylender) Deficiencies - Lack of jurisdiction(over borrower) Claims - Fraud (on court andmortgagors) Claims - Relief from foreclosurejudgment Defenses - Truth and harmless error Defenses - Estoppel and mootness Remedies - Money damages,rescission, nullification Policy Considerations - Balancebetween remedies and marketabletitleItem no. : HH11200467Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFCONSTRUCTION LAW:SCHEDULING ANDPROJECT DELAYSBy John M. Cook, Ian M. Forshner, ScottD. Hollingsworth, Timothy R. ParrThis program will provide an overview ofthe fundamental legal and logisticalaspects of construction delays.Participants will learn issues associatedwith project delays from the basic tenets tomore <strong>com</strong>plex concepts. The faculty willshare their experiences both with thepractical aspects of constructionscheduling and the legal aspects of delayclaims.It is a great program for anyone involved inconstruction disputes looking to enhancetheir understanding of construction issuesand gain a practical and legalunderstanding of construction delays.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkTake this webinar and receive:A practical discussion of the theoryand logistics of project schedulingThe <strong>com</strong>mon contract language to beanalyzed in preparing schedules andanalyzing delaysTips on proving delay claims anddeveloping, assessing or attackingdelay damagesItem no. : RA11200286Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HOTEL AND MIXED USEWORKOUTS (AND BEYOND)By Nancy Leary Haggerty, Kenneth L.Samuelson, Robert W. LannanForeclosures and workouts are<strong>com</strong>plicated enough when they involvesingle user property. When the subjecthowever is a hotel, or a mixed-use projectwhich <strong>com</strong>bines a shopping center, offices,apartments, retail and/or parking, the effortbe<strong>com</strong>es even more <strong>com</strong>plicated, not onlybecause of the numbers of parties withdifferent interests, but also becausepreserving the highest value of the projectrequires actions which do not interrupt thegoing business. Learn from our expertshow to balance these interests and stillac<strong>com</strong>plish the end goal.The topics to be covered include:The players involved in a mixed-usedevelopmentIndividual tenant bankruptcy and unitforeclosureKeeping the lender involved in theworkoutPreserving the in<strong>com</strong>e and reputationof the projectNegotiating hotel management andfranchise agreements; adjustingrequirements deferring scheduledimprovements; modifying franchiseperformance testsSubordination, non-disturbance andattornment (SNDA) agreementsIssues with reservesForbearance AgreementsFinding money for refixturingWARN closing obligations and unioncontractsDealing with municipal development137

agreements, liquor licenses and otherpermitsSoftware including booking softwareItem no. : ZK11200490Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOW RECENTDEVELOPMENTS RELATEDTO THE AMERICANS WITHDISABILITIES ACT AFFECTHOTELS, RESORTS ANDCOMMON INTERESTCOMMUNITIESThere have been significant developmentsunder the U.S. Americans with DisabilitiesAct (ADA) during the past two years.Amendments to the ADA enacted in 2008became effective during this period. TheJustice Department also issued newregulations under ADA that becameeffective during this period. Meanwhile,the Justice Department has increased itsenforcement of the ADA, notably includinga significant consent decree in anenforcement action against HiltonWorldwide, Inc. Most recently, theAmerican Hotel & Lodging Association hasresisted the Justice Department's efforts toimplement new standards that wouldrequire installation of lifts alongsidevirtually all public ac<strong>com</strong>modation'sswimming pools in the country. Thisincludes hotels, timeshares and condohotels.This program will offer you an opportunityto update your knowledge of the ADA as itrelates to hotels and resorts, learn aboutthese recent developments andunderstand how others in this industry aredealing with new requirements anddeadlines.Topics to be discussed will include: A refresher on ADA; 2008 amendments to the ADA; Increased Justice Departmentenforcement of the ADA; <strong>New</strong> Justice Department Regulationsunder the ADA (Swimming Pool Lifts,Golf Courses and Other RecreationalFacilities); Service Animals and Mobility Devices;and Are timeshare resorts "publicac<strong>com</strong>modations?"Item no. : HV11200491Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HUD LEGAL OPINIONS INIMULTIFAMILY LOANTRANSACTIONS:UNDERSTANDING THENEW OPINION FORMBy James H. Levine, Charles L. MengesThe U.S. Department of Housing andUrban Development has published revisedloan documents for FHA-insuredmutlifamily mortgage loans, including anew form of legal opinion letter fromborrower's counsel. The new forms will berequired for all FHA-insured loans (otherthan loans for healthcare facilities)beginning on September 1, 2011. HUD'sloan forms were last revised in 2003, andopinion practice in private sectortransactions has evolved substantiallysince then. HUD has modified its form oflegal opinion to reflect some changes inopinion practice, but it has also retainedmany of the features that historically havebeen a source of concern for borrower'scounsel.This program will examine the changes tothe HUD opinion form and will highlightissues that every lawyer should be awareof in issuing opinion letters using the newform, including:Negotiability of the opinion letterRole of the opinion letter in the closingprocessDocuments that are the subject of theopinion letterDue diligence required for certainopinionsDeviations from customary opinionpracticeItem no. : RU11200496Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00LONG-TERM CAREFACILITIES: RECENTTRENDS IN ACQUISITIONAND FINANCEMany skilled nursing facilities are facing adual challenge of recently enactedMedicaid cuts and an 11% announcedreduction in Medicare reimbursement.Further Medicare cuts also may be on thehorizon as a result of the recent legislationto increase the federal debt limit. As aresult of these and other governmentalinitiatives, including an increased trendtowards home and <strong>com</strong>munity-basedservices, some nursing facilities willundoubtedly be sold, leased, or otherwisetransferred as the market continues toconsolidate.This session will provide a timely overviewof recent trends in the acquisition andfinancing of skilled nursing facilities andassisted living facilities of all types,including publicly-traded andprivately-held, for-profit and non-profit,Our panelists will discuss: <strong>New</strong> developments in buying andselling long-term care facilities; <strong>New</strong> developments in financing theacquisition of long-term care facilities; Licensure and certificate of needissues; Medicare and Medicaid certificationand enrollment issues; Transparency requirements underHealthcare Reform; Successor liability issues.Item no. : PP11200519Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00MORTGAGE FRAUDLITIGATIONBy Steve Kaufman, Scott A. King, R. ScottPalmer, Michael PollackMortgage fraud litigation remains a hottopic in all 50 states and is a vital area ofpractice for legal counsel to governmentagencies, borrowers, lenders, andprofessional service providers. A widerange of issues have arisen in state andfederal proceedings ranging fromforeclosure actions to class actions and<strong>com</strong>plex litigation regarding fraudulentloans and mortgage transactions.This program will explore mortgage fraudlitigation from the perspectives of the stateenforcement and federal regulatoryenvironments. Our panel of experts willexamine the claims, defenses, andstrategies involved in consumer andmortgage fraud litigation. All of whicheffects buyers and sellers, borrowers, andprofessionals, including real estateappraisers, brokers, title <strong>com</strong>panies,closing agents, and attorneys.Item no. : WR11200530Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NEWLY ADOPTED ALTATITLE INSURANCE FORMSHOT OFF THE PRESSES!Be among the first to learn about therecently adopted new ALTA forms,including the new ALTA 9 SeriesEndorsements, the new Energy ProjectEndorsements, some new LeaseholdEndorsements, and recent changes toClosing Protection Letters and Creditor'sRights.Item no. : BM11200540Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00and urban and rural.________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk138

PREVENTING MORTGAGEFORECLOSURE RESCUESCAMS: HOW LAWYERSCAN AVOID ETHICAL /LICENSURECOMPLICATIONSBy Mary Alestra, David Berenbaum,Yolanda McGill, James Reilly Dolan,Rutledge SimmonsUnprecedented numbers of homeownersare at risk of foreclosure and desperate tosave their homes. Unfortunately,unscrupulous loan modificationconsultants and purveyors of similarservices are preying on thesehomeowners. All too often, and withincreasing frequency lawyers, whetherwittingly or unwittingly, are engaging inscamming activity by offering servicesdirectly to the homeowner or partneringwith ill-intentioned loan modificationconsultants. Don't be a part of the problemand put your law license at risk.Come learn about actual examples oflawyers being prosecuted for scam activityand the professional conduct implicationsfor lawyers partnering with loanmodification consultants or similar outfits.Learn how lawyers can serve clientsresponsibly and avoid the aforementionedrisks.Item no. : RZ11200327Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REITS FOR REAL ESTATELAWYERSThis presentation will provide an overviewof the various organizational andoperational requirements that must be metby REITs. Our panelist, law firm taxpartners and tax counsel in the IRS's REITgroup, will focus on transactions involvingREITs that are <strong>com</strong>monly encountered byreal estate lawyers including: REIT leasing requirements; Borrowing from REITs, includingmezzanine loans and REMICrequirements; Lending to REITs; Hotel and health care structures forREITs; JVs with REITs; Contributing properties to REITs,including in UpREIT structures; and The use of private REITs in real estatefunds, including investor taxation.Item no. : ZN11200576Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REVISITING COMMERCIALREAL ESTATE REMEDIES INTROUBLING TIMESBy Monica K. Gilroy, Tanya D. MarshThis presentation will explore currenttrends in <strong>com</strong>mercial real estate litigationand the effectiveness of typical remediesin that arena including:Remedies provisions in <strong>com</strong>mercialpurchase sale agreements in light ofthe current economy and possibleinstability in the <strong>com</strong>mon law;Doctrines and legal principles behindthe remedies structures currently inuse, including specific contractlanguage examples; and Alternative and suggestedapproaches for provisions warrantinga change.The current economic crisis has created amyriad of legal and business problems forour clients and those they do businesswith. Some of those problems negativelyimpact their ability to meet contractualobligations and may lead to defaults onreal estate purchase agreements, leases,and financing arrangements. Lenders,servicers and investors have always foundthemselves in the state, federal andbankruptcy courts, defending aspects ofthe <strong>com</strong>mercial real estate and lendingprocess. Current market conditions havechanged some aspects of this but not asmuch as one would think. The root of most<strong>com</strong>mercial litigation in today's real estatelitigation world still relates to simpledefaults in <strong>com</strong>mercial real estatetransactions and the <strong>com</strong>mercial lendingwhich ac<strong>com</strong>panies the same. Duringthese troubling times, attorneys are welladvised to rethink our traditional approachto the remedies provisions generally foundin standard <strong>com</strong>mercial real estatecontracts.Item no. : NZ11200580Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SELECTED ISSUES INFORECLOSURE DEFENSEBy Christopher Brown, Robert W. Doggett,Wendell FinnerThe program will feature a discussion ofresidential foreclosure defenses, including documentation issues (mortgages,assignments, endorsements, andnotarization); FHA regulations, guidelines, andprocedures; the role of MERS (MortgageElectronic Registration Systems); and an alternative view of 'produce thenote.Copyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SHALE LEASING: LEGALAND PRACTICALCONSIDERATIONSJoin our panel of experts as they discussthe legal and practical considerations ofshale leasing.The topics to be discussed include: Ancillary lease/licensing agreementsItem no. : ZF11200593Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesThe panel will offer a knowledgeable________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 139Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkTitle Issues;Depth Severances;Shared use Agreements;Midstream Build-Out;Avoiding Potential Liability for PriorOperations at Shallower Depths; andWater Supply, Endangered Speciesand Other Barriers to Development.Item no. : WM11200597Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SPORTS ANDENTERTAINMENT FACILITYAGREEMENTS: NUTS ANDBOLTS AND WAR STORIESBy Jared Bartie, Richard L. BrandThis webinar will provide lawyers andother professionals with backgroundinformation necessary to advise andrepresent their clients in the preparation oftransactional agreements which relate tosports and entertainment facilities (arenas,stadiums, and other venues).Our faculty will provide the practitionerwith an overview of the documentation andprocess involved in setting up andoperating a sports and entertainmentfacility, including many of the principaltypes of agreements involved and howthey interact with each other.In addition, they will discuss the types ofissues and conflicts that can occur in theday to day operation and management ofthese facilities, how to deal with <strong>com</strong>monproblems faced by owners and operatorsof facilities, and the varying roles thatlawyers and other professionals play inthis process.Some of the specific agreements to bediscussed: Sponsorship agreements Suite and premium seating licenseagreements Food and beverage/concessionagreements Naming rights agreements Team license agreements

perspective on the issues involved as wellas a discussion of some practical real lifeexperiences.Item no. : RZ11200599Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TOUSA EXPLAINED: HOWCAN LIABILITY DISAPPEARAND SHOULD I ACCEPTTHAT PAYOFF?The United States Court of Appeals for theEleventh Circuit issued its muchanticipated decision in the TOUSA, Inc.bankruptcy cases on May 15, <strong>2012</strong>. Thedecision provides an ominous reminder toLenders to carefully assess the value ofaccepting asset pledges or guaranteesfrom borrowers subsidiaries, sometimesreferred to as upstream guarantees.TOUSA should also give creditors pausein accepting payments for existingobligations from the proceeds oftransactions that may later be avoided asfraudulent transfers in violation of thebankruptcy code.Our panel of experts will discuss: What does TOUSA say aboutupstream and cross streamguarantees and how does that relateto typical workouts?Has the test for indirect benefit beenchanged? What does TOUSA say aboutaccepting loan repayments from aninsolvent or risky borrower? Are there any work-arounds ordocumentary protections?How does TOUSA affect lawyers whogive opinions?In view of Stern v. Marshall, some (butnot all) courts have held that abankruptcy court may not enter finalorders in a fraudulent conveyance suit,but can only make re<strong>com</strong>mendationsto the district court. If this matter isre-heard by the 11th Circuit is itpossible that the Stern decision willchange the standard on appeal, andhence the result?Item no. : PZ11200609Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00RELIGION ANDTHEOLOGYSPIRITUAL BRAIN, THE:SCIENCE AND RELIGIOUSEXPERIENCEBy Andrew <strong>New</strong>bergDoes God exist? Do we have a soul? Is itpossible to make contact with a spiritualrealm? How should we respond to thedivine? Will life …The religious impulse is so powerfullypervasive that neuroscience has posed aprovocative question: Are our brains wiredto worship? In The Spiritual Brain: Scienceand Religious Experience, award-winningscholar and practicing neuroscientist Dr.Andrew <strong>New</strong>berg, Director of Research atthe Myrna Brind Center of IntegrativeMedicine at Thomas Jefferson UniversityHospital, offers you 24 riveting lecturesthat explore the new and exciting field ofneurotheology, a discipline aimed atunderstanding the connections betweenour brains and different kinds of religiousphenomena. Using an academic,experimental approach into what he calls"objective measures of spirituality," Dr.<strong>New</strong>berg attempts to explain what othershave previously only guessed at: theneuroscientific basis for why religion andspirituality have played such a prominentrole in human life.Item no. : PA09280635Format : 4 DVDsDuration : 720 minutesPrice : USD 255.00SAFETYNATIONAL PATIENTSAFETY GOALS 2013The goal of this program is to define anddiscuss the Joint Commission's NationalPatient Safety Goals for 2013, includingthe problems and concerns that have ledto its implementation. The programprovides a detailed review of the variouspatient safety goals that have beenidentified for implementation, plus theElements of Performance that will berequired to meet these goals.After <strong>com</strong>pleting this course, the learnershould be able to: Identify the concerns and problemsthat led to development of the JointCommission's NPSG. Describe the patient safety goals foracute settings. Identify and implement the keyElements of Performance developedto ac<strong>com</strong>plish the patient safetygoals.Item no. : SM08051012Format : DVD (With Workbooks)Duration : 30 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 414.00NATIONAL PATIENTSAFETY GOALS FOR LONGTERM CARE 2013The goal of this program is to define anddiscuss the Joint Commission's NationalPatient Safety Goals for 2013, includingthe problems and concerns that have ledto its implementation. The programprovides a detailed review of the variouspatient safety goals for long term care thathave been identified for implementation,plus the Elements of Performance that willbe required to meet these goals.After <strong>com</strong>pleting this course, the learnershould be able to: Identify the concerns and problemsthat led to development of the JointCommission's NPSG. Describe the patient safety goals longterm care settings. Identify and implement the keyElements of Performance developedto ac<strong>com</strong>plish the patient safetygoals.Item no. : CH08051013Format : DVD (With Workbooks)Duration : 24 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 275.00SAFETY ANDINJURYPREVENTIONLIFE BEHIND THE WHEEL:A ROADMAP FOR SAFETY<strong>New</strong> drivers, older drivers, passengersand pedestrians alike, we are all preciouscargo. The stakes are high at any agewhen you get behind the wheel. Fromchildren in car seats to elderly motorists,this one-hour documentary offers a<strong>com</strong>prehensive look at safe driving habitsfrom generation to generation.Item no. : JZ07983563Format : DVDDuration : 53 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 90.00SCIENCESCANNING THE SKIES:THE DISCOVERY CHANNELTELESCOPEChronicles the ten-year journey of theDiscovery Channel Telescope (DCT) fromits inception to first light. The programlooks inside each stage of the productionprocess, revealing the immense amount oftime and precision taken to craft keypieces of the telescope including theprimary and secondary mirrors, yoke, andinstrument cube. The creation of the DCTallows Lowell Observatory to remain at thecutting edge of astronomy, capturing sharpimages of such cosmic wonders as faintobjects in the Kuiper belt and tiny galaxies.Item no. : RC07983564Format : DVDDuration : 44 minutesAudience : Grades 6-12Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 90.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk140

SCIENCE ANDTECHNOLOGY LAWADAPTING TO CLIMATEIMPACTS:UNDERSTANDING OUROPTIONS AND TAKINGACTIONA wide range of natural resources, socialinstitutions, and built infrastructure aresensitive to climate variability and climatechange. Many of these systems areadapted to, or were designed for, historicalclimate conditions. However, current andfuture climate conditions do not alwaysresemble those historical conditions. Inaddition, climate-related stress on theseresources, institutions, and infrastructureis often exacerbated by current societalchoices regarding land use, development,and consumption.In this program, our experts will outlinesome of the climate changes facingattorneys, resource managers,governments, and infrastructure planners,as well as some of the ways in which theyare beginning to address the risks posedby climate impacts. Environmental andenergy law are at the forefront of thesenovel legal questions. The attorneys inthese areas analyze the environmentalimpacts under federal and state laws likeNEPA and CEQA, address mitigation andadaption requirements, and assess thewater supply, while also evaluatingpossible carbon markets and advising oncorporate sustainability. When advisingclients on climate change risk, lawyersmust understand domestic legislation,international agreements, and constantlyadapting regulationItem no. : TG11200365Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BRAIN AND THE LAW, THEAre all brains really created equal? Ismass incarceration the most fruitfulmethod to deal with juveniles, the mentallyill, and the drug-addicted? Can noveltechnologies such as real-time brainimaging be leveraged for new methods ofrehabilitation?These are just a few of the emergingquestions at the interface of law andneuroscience and are challengingfundamental notions at the heart of ourcriminal justice system.Join our panel of legal experts andscholars in a discussion as to why thelegal system will eventually be forced toshift emphasis from blameworthiness to aforward-thinking analysis of futurebehavior. These and other issues will beexamined through the lens of BaylorCollege of Medicine's Initiative onNeuroscience and Law, which bringstogether a unique collaboration ofneurobiologists, legal scholars and policymakers, with the goal of building modern,evidence-based policy.Item no. : WC11200391Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BULLY AT SCHOOL GOESHIGH TECH, THE:PROTECTING STUDENTSIN THE INTERNET AGEBy Grant Bowers, Dr. Jeff Gardere, JamesC. Hanks, Kathy MacDonaldChanges in technology have created newways for students to bully one another andnew legal challenges for schools andsociety.The program will address legal/constitutional issuesregarding the regulation of bullying; review case histories; and provide best practice guidance forpolicies and procedures.Item no. : WN11200393Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00CLOUD COMPUTINGDEMYSTIFIED!! IS IT AREVOLUTION OREVOLUTION?This timely and highly informativepresentation is a singularly uniqueopportunity to learn from industry andgovernmental leaders who are recognizedexperts in their respective fields on thebusiness model of cloud <strong>com</strong>puting, andhow to mitigate the legal risks. This panelof dynamic and truly outstandingpresenters impart actionablere<strong>com</strong>mendations concerning cloud<strong>com</strong>puting so that your clients and youroffice can properly and productivelyassess the benefits and risks of embarkingupon a cloud <strong>com</strong>puting undertaking.From exceptionally knowledgeable andhighly distinguished presenters, you willlearn about: the meaning and scope of cloud<strong>com</strong>puting (is it a new paradigm or abuzzword?); the effect cloud <strong>com</strong>puting is havingon all levels of information technology,the benefits and risks faced byattorneys and their clients of migratingto a cloud <strong>com</strong>puting platform, andhow future spending trends on cloud<strong>com</strong>puting will affect your clients andyour practice; amplification of the <strong>com</strong>plex legalchallenges faced by attorneys andtheir clients in protecting the privacy________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkand security of systems, software,and data (large portions of which aremandated by statute to remain private)when they are stored in the cloud;the rapidly growing use of cloud<strong>com</strong>puting in the private and publicsectors;the most effective ways for attorneysand their clients to migrate to andadopt cloud <strong>com</strong>puting;tactics for attorneys in negotiatingwith vendors to have your clients'concerns addressed; andre<strong>com</strong>mended strategies for attorneyswhen dealing with cloud <strong>com</strong>putingvendors.Item no. : AH11200401Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00COUNSEL OR ICOUNSEL:ETHICAL AND PRACTICALISSUES IN USINGARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCENCEIN E-DISCOVERYEBy John M. Barkett, Julia Brickell, JeffreyFowler, Dera J. Nevin, Kris Pribadi VannExploding data volumes, new corporateand cloud document managementsystems and the merger of corporate andpersonal information technologies allcontribute to an escalating discoveryburden which affects litigation as neverbefore, inhibiting access to justice,increasing regulatory and litigation riskand cost, and threatening the quality ofinternal investigations.This program addresses the ethicalimplications and legal consequences ofusing artificial intelligence technologiesto replicate human judgment in the searchand review of electronic information andsocial media in the context of litigation andinvestigations. Do they work? Are theydefensible?In addition to understanding ethicalconsiderations and judicial perspectivesregarding the use of technology to searchfor and produce electronic information, theaudience will emerge better prepared tomaximize defensibility and help clientscontain costs in the face of electronic datachallenges.Item no. : NK11200269Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00141

ELECTRONIC DISCOVERYFOR THE REST OF US:BRINGINGPROPORTIONALITY BACKTO E-DISCOVERYEBy Sean Gallagher, Helen Marsh, Hon.Craig ShafferIf all you knew about e-discovery camefrom CLE program advertisements, youwould think that every e-discovery caseinvolves millions of documents andmillions of dollars. Not so in the labor andemployment world. Our expert panel,including a U.S. Magistrate Judge from theDistrict of Colorado, will discuss strategiesfor controlling costs and achievingproportionality in typical employmentlitigation matters. You will learn:Strategies for cost control, especiallyat the early stages of employmentlitigation Application of the proportionalityprinciples that are already in Fed. R.Civ. P. 26(b)How to use the Sedona ConferenceCommentary on Proportionality inElectronic Discovery to help achieveproportionalityPreservation obligations in light ofPippins v. KPMG and Tracy v. NVR,Inc.Item no. : FF11200275Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICAL CHALLENGES ONOTHE HORIZON:CONFIDENTIALITY,COMPETENCE, AND CLOUDCOMPUTINGBy John M. Barkett, Mindy Caplan,Stephanie L. Kimbro, William C. McNeill IIIIn the fast paced world of Web 2.0,knowledge is power and cloud <strong>com</strong>putingis the next frontier. You may be on thecloud already and not realize it. Our expertpanel provides a general overview of cloud<strong>com</strong>puting and discuss the various ethicalissues that can arise in connection with it.The panel examines the various ModelRules of Professional Conduct that areimplicated by cloud <strong>com</strong>puting, includingthe rules regarding <strong>com</strong>petence, diligence,confidentiality, safeguarding property,responsibilities of partners andsubordinate lawyers, and client<strong>com</strong>munications. The ABA's up<strong>com</strong>ingchanges to the Model Rules and ethicsopinions concerning cloud <strong>com</strong>puting willalso be reviewed.Item no.FormatDuration: WN11200279: CD-ROM (Win): 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ETHICS, ELECTRONICSDISCOVERY ANDINFORMATIONGOVERNANCEBy Bennett B. Borden, Aaron D. Crews,Steven W. TepplerThe spotlight on an attorney's ethicalobligations of <strong>com</strong>petence and candorwhen engaging in electronic discovery (aswell as pre-litigation preparation) hasintensified as a result of the cooperativecharge given to attorneys in today'sfederal litigation practice. The panel forthis session will discuss recent relevantdecisional authority and what attorneysmust do to adhere to their ethicalobligations in an age where thepredominant source of discovery willconsist of electronically stored information.Item no. : NZ11200454Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FRIENDS OR FRENEMIES?THE INCREASINGLYIMPORTANT LEGALBATTLE OVER SOCIALDATA EXTRACTION TOOLSBy Jonathan H. Blavin, Sebastian E.Kaplan, Chrissie ScelsiIn the wake of Google+'s release, anumber of third parties have developedtools that allow users to extract and exportsocial data from Facebook and reconstructtheir Facebook friends lists on Google+.This program will provide an overview ofvarious legal issues relating to dataextraction tools, which are at the center ofthe increasingly <strong>com</strong>petitive socialnetworking market. Our panelists willexamine the legality of such tools underseveral <strong>com</strong>mon law and statutorytheories, including trespass to chattels; theComputer Fraud and Abuse Act and itsCalifornia state law corollary, the CaliforniaComprehensive Computer Data AccessAct; the CAN-SPAM Act; and copyrightinfringement. Our panelists will alsoexplore the legality of social networkingwebsites' technological disabling of dataextraction tools that allow users to exportdata to <strong>com</strong>peting websites.Item no. : TR11200471Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HOT TOPICS IN INTERNETETLAW AND STRATEGYBy Ian C. Ballon, Christine Dekker, JohnTomaszewskiInternet technology and business modelscontinue to evolve faster than the law --and the speed of legal decisions -- canhandle. Cloud <strong>com</strong>puting, socialnetworking, behavioral advertising, socialgaming, and other technical developmentspose new legal challenges. At the sametime, a current rash of litigation, includingprivacy class action suits, FTC guidelinesand new court decisions, require lawyersto stay on top of an ever-evolving and<strong>com</strong>plex global legal landscape.This program will focus on developmentsin privacy, terms of use, licensing, internetbranding and advertising, copyright lawand class action litigation; and is intendedfor both litigators and transactionallawyers alike.Item no. : BD11200489Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00HOW THE SMARTPHONEWARS ARE CHANGING THEIP LANDSCAPEBy Ray Alderman, David T. Blonder, JorgeL. Contreras, David L. <strong>New</strong>man, John A.ScottThe smartphone wars are changing the IPlandscape. Join our panel of experts asthey discuss the landmark decision inApple v. Samsung and other issuesinvolving Microsoft, Google, and MotorolaMobility. The program will focus on patentlitigation involving standard-essentialpatents (SEPs) from a standarddevelopment organization (SDO)viewpoint. Specific topics of the webinarwill include these topics:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkAnalysis of new use of standardsobligations in litigation Fair, reasonable andnon-discriminatory (FRAND)<strong>com</strong>mitment to attack reasonableroyalty rate asserted by SEP ownersin order to limit damagesFRAND <strong>com</strong>mitment to attack abilityof SEP owners to pursue injunctionsFailure to <strong>com</strong>ply with obligations todisclose SEPs during standardpromulgation may raise issues ofunclean hands or fraudAcquisition of SEPs as means ofshoring-up patent portfolio has prosand cons (e.g. strong patents toassert in litigation but strings attached no injunctions and lower rates)Review of European Commissioninvestigation of Samsung activity re:assertion of SEPs having FRAND142

<strong>com</strong>mitmentsItem no. : VA11200292Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00IPAD LAWYER, THE: REALSECRETS FOR YOUR IPADSUCCESSBy Scott J. GrossbergMore and more, iPads are showing up incourtrooms, mediation sessions,boardrooms and client meetings.Understanding and utilizing this newtechnology is essential to your success inthe legal profession. So, how do you learnto master your iPad and keep your<strong>com</strong>petitive edge? Join one of the premieriPad experts, author, and Apple Storepresenter, Scott Grossberg, Esq. as heguides you through his iPad legal practiceworkflow so that you, too, may be<strong>com</strong>emassively productive, profitable&and havefun in the process! This program wascreated specifically for legal professionalsand will give you a powerfully cutting-edgeperspective on how tostore and present legal documents andevidence; access client information bothefficiently and securely;meet your individual legal needsthrough customization of your iPad;identify which apps to use for yourpractice area; anduse iPad accessories to increase yourproductivity.Now is the time to take your legal practiceto the next level by including your iPad intoyour day-to-day work. Scott will tell youwhat you need to know to ensure that youare well on your way to being an iPadgenius!Item no. : WH11200304Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LEGAL ETHICS ISSUES INACCESS TO ANDPOSSESSION OF EVIDENCEBy Stephen Gillers, Peter B. Krupp,Loretta M. Lillios, Robert L. UllmanLawyers <strong>com</strong>e into possession ofevidence through a variety of means:contact with clients and third persons,discovery, accidental disclosure,anonymously supplied information, andthe like. This panel will explore the ethicalissues that arise as lawyers navigate thetreacherous terrain when they <strong>com</strong>e topossess physical evidence, with aparticular focus on criminal cases.Relevant rules and laws to be addressedare: Model Rule of Professional Conduct3.4(a), Standard 4-4.6 of the ABA CriminalJustice Standards, Restatement of LawGoverning Lawyers § 119, and 18 USC §§1503, 1512, and 1515.Item no. : TN11200307Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00LIFE CYCLE OF THEEXPERT SCIENTIFICWITNESS, THEBy Cynthia H. Cwik, Eric Y. Drogin, CarolHenderson, Hon. Barbara M.G. LynnJoin our expert panel of attorneys, legalscholars, and a judge as they address the"life cycle" of the expert scientific witness.They will cover the entire "cycle," fromretention through preparation, deposition,and debriefing, with particular attention tohow counsel may utilize experts to theclient's advantage and the opponent'sdisadvantage.Topics to be covered include: How does counsel determine whetheran expert is actually needed, and if so,what particular type of expert shouldbe sought?How will counsel investigate thepotential expert's credentials,disciplinary history, published writings,public presentations, and testimonialtrack record?What information and direction willcounsel provide in anticipation of areview of data or the scheduling of anevaluation?To what extent should counsel beinvolved in the preparation of a reportand in the expert's readiness for directand cross examination at a depositionor trial?What advantage may counsel find toengaging in a debriefing review withthe expert subsequent to settlementor trial?These and other practical questions will bereviewed from the <strong>com</strong>plementaryperspectives of the judge, attorney, lawprofessor, and expert scientific witness.Item no. : FP11200308Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NEW RESTRICTIONS ONU.S. INTERNET SALES:DATA PASSES, NEGATIVEOPTIONS, AUTOMATICRENEWALS ANDRECURRING CHARGESBy Alysa Hutnik, Holly K. Towle, DamierXandrineIn this program you will learn about thenew landscape for electronic <strong>com</strong>mercepayments, Internet sales, and data sharing.This includes restrictions on U.S. Internetsales, data passes, negative options,automatic renewals, and recurringcharges.Specifically, the panel will guide youthrough these topics:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkThe new restrictions for Internet salesand data sharingThe new Restore Online Shopper'sConfidence Act that regulates Internet"data passes," negative options,violations of unfair acts, anddeceptive practicesA new CA statute that regulatesrecurring, automatic charges (e.g.,subscription renewal charge)-non<strong>com</strong>pliance will convert a saleinto an "unconditional gift"Additional new or altered regulationsand payment system rulesItem no. : WW11200537Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00OWNERSHIP OF DIGITALMEDIA AND ELECTRONICPRIVACYBy Sharra Brockman, Eric S. Crusius, BenKleinman, Paul RobertsAre the updating licenses that electronicmanufacturers or distributors forceconsumers to sign in return for newversions of software for the electronicdevice enforceable? For example newgames won't run on an old version ofgaming consoles' firmware, and installingthe new firmware requires agreeing to anew license agreement. Similarly, a smartphone provider issues updates to itslicense agreement, and prevents usersfrom installing new apps unless the useragrees to a new license.Can electronic manufacturerselectronically reach into your electronicdevice to remove media they don't wantyou to have? For example, an eBookprovider removed copies of "1984"purchased by consumers. Do consumersown the electronic copy of the media orjust have a license to use it?Can manufacturers remotely disable yourdevice if you do not <strong>com</strong>ply with theirlicense agreements? For example, asoftware <strong>com</strong>pany disabled hacked143

versions of its gaming console.Who owns the copyright in the consumer's<strong>com</strong>ments on websites? Do consumershave a right to remove or disassociate the<strong>com</strong>ments with their name?Item no. : RS11200549Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 87 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SECOND ELECTRONICDISCOVERY AND DIGITALEVIDENCEPRACTITIONERS'WORKSHOP, THEThis practitioners' workshop provides anin-depth and hands-on education forin-house and retained counsel who areinvolved in (or who expect to be<strong>com</strong>einvolved in) litigation involving electronicdiscovery and digital evidence. Executivesand other litigation stakeholders from largeand small public and private organizationswill gain invaluable insights on how best toprepare your technical staff andinformation systems to respond torequests for electronically storedinformation (ESI). Addressed tointermediate and advanced ESI litigationpractitioners, the workshop is taught byour faculty of leading federal magistratejudges, ESI litigation practitioners,forensics experts, and technology thoughtleaders, all of whom have significantexperience in managing all aspects of ESIlitigation. This workshop is unique in thatits scope is much broader and deeper thantraditional e-discovery courses thataddress only basic ESI concepts.The curriculum consists of case studies, amock trial, keynote sessions and paneldiscussions with luminaries in the field,and small workshops for practitioners,technologists, and forensic experts. Topicsrange from ESI search trends anddevelopments to emerging digitalevidence issues and ethics to evidentiaryissues from a criminal perspective. Thesessions will address the key rules fromthe Federal Rules of Civil Procedure thatimpact on e-discovery.Item no. : WD11200589Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 13 hoursCopyright : 2011Price : USD 500.00SPACE LAW 101: ANINTRODUCTION TO SPACELAWBy Joanne I. Gabrynowicz, Matthew J.KleimanThe term space law refers to the body ofinternational and national laws andcustoms that govern human activities inouter space. For the last half century, mostouter space operations have beenconducted by government agencies. Now,however, we stand at the threshold of anew era in spaceflight. With the retirementof the space shuttle, private <strong>com</strong>paniesare preparing to assume many of themissions traditionally undertaken bygovernments and to open outer space tothe general public. With these changes,space law will face many new challenges.This program will provide an introductionto space law and some of the issues thatthe space law <strong>com</strong>munity will need toaddress in the next decade and beyond.The panelists will specifically discuss thistopics: The basic framework of internationalspace law FAA regulation of private launch andreentry and NOAA regulation ofprivate Earth remote sensing FCC regulation of <strong>com</strong>mercialtele<strong>com</strong>munications Legal risks associated with privatespaceflight and how those risks aremitigated by federal and state laws,private contracts, and insuranceItem no. : PK11200333Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TECH CONTRACTS: NINELESSONS FOR DRAFTING &NEGOTIATING BETTER ITIAGREEMENTSBy David W. TollenThis program prepares lawyers to handlesoftware licenses, cloud <strong>com</strong>putingagreements, software as a service (SaaS)deals, and other IT contracts. The legalsubject-matter includes both intellectualproperty and tech-specific <strong>com</strong>mercial law.It's organized around nine of the leastunderstood concepts in the field, and ituses those nine to build <strong>com</strong>prehension oftech contracts in general: Cloud <strong>com</strong>puting, software as aservice (SaaS), and softwarelicensing -- explained anddistinguished Doing license clauses right Data security and privacy -- explainedand distinguished fromNDA's/confidentiality Starting, defining, and limitingmaintenance obligations Technical specifications: the heart ofthe deal Escrow -- verification and licensing Understanding, adding, anddisclaiming warranties Indemnities and exceptions Good fences and good neighborsItem no. : TB11200602Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 85 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TECHNOLOGYAMENDMENTS TO THEMODEL RULES: ANSWERSTO THE QUESTIONS YOUSHOULD BE ASKINGBy John M. Barkett, Judith A. Miller, SethA. RowIn August <strong>2012</strong>, the ABA House ofDelegates adopted changes to severalModel Rules of Professional Conduct toaddress the growing role that technologyis playing in the practice of law. Thisfast-paced program will walk you throughthe changes, identify practical impacts,and alert you to traps for the unwary.Model Rules to be addressed include 1.0,1.1 (<strong>com</strong>petence), 1.2 (scope ofrepresentation), 1.4 (<strong>com</strong>munication), 1.6(confidentiality), 4.4, and 5.3 (non-lawyerassistance).Item no. : SL11200343Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 110.00WRITTEN DESCRIPTIONREQUIREMENT, THE: AREANTIBODIES CHEMICALS,PROTEINS, OREXCEPTIONS?Federal Circuit cases over the past fifteenyears have stressed that 35 U.S.C. § 112,first paragraph contains a writtendescription requirement separate fromenablement. However, practitioners'opinions vary on what disclosure isrequired to meet written description,particularly in the field of antibodies. Therecent case Centocor Ortho Biotech, Inc. v.Abbott Labs, raised the topic into thepatent limelight. Centocor won a $1.67billion damages award for infringement,but the Federal Circuit held Centocor'spatent invalid for failure to meet the writtendescription requirement, and the SupremeCourt declined certiorari.This audio CD-ROM will demonstrate arange of views on the written descriptionrequirement for antibodies. The U.S.Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)routinely grants functionally-definedantibody claims to those who discover anovel protein or epitope or some otherinteresting feature of an antibody. Somepractitioners argue that the USPTO fails toapply the written description guidelines topurely functional antibody claims, creatingan "antibody exception" to writtendescription. Others argue that disclosureof the protein or epitope to which theantibodies bind is sufficient to meet therequirement. Where do you draw the line?Item no. : FP11200355Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk144

SECURITIES LAWSECURED TRANSACTIONS:REMEDIES,REASONABLENESS, ANDREAL WORLD LESSONSBy Kathy Cabral, Anthony R. Callobre,Teresa Wilton Harmon, Harold Lee, JamesC. SchulwolfMany security agreements specify theremedies available post-default. What if nosuch remedies are specified? Our firstsegment provides a roadmap of thestatutory rights and remedies availableunder Article 9, Part 6 regardless of theirinclusion in or omission from any givensecurity agreement.These include the right to collect on,repossess, sell, or dispose of collateral,and to retain the collateral in full or partialsatisfaction of debt. It also summarizes theobligations and standards of care to whichsecured parties must adhere and theeffects of secured party non<strong>com</strong>pliancewith such standards. Consideringdisposition of collateral in greater depth,our second segment considers theseeming simplicity of the relevant UCCtext provisions, but notes that both<strong>com</strong>mentary and case law require a morenuanced approach. It considers the moreholistic application of the <strong>com</strong>mercialreasonableness standard, appropriatecost-benefit analysis, consideration ofapplicable industry custom, and thechallenge of finding the balance betweendoing too little and doing too much, eitherof which could fail the "<strong>com</strong>merciallyreasonable" test.From this program you can expect to learnthe following: What remedies a secured party has,even if not provided in its securityagreement What are a secured party'sobligations and standard of care arein exercising its remedies How "<strong>com</strong>mercial reasonableness" isassessed in the real worldItem no. : WB11200332Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SOCIAL WORKAND SOCIALPOLICYSYSTEMIC FAMILYTHERAPY SERIESBy Jon L. WinekThis set of DVDs highlights andac<strong>com</strong>panies the different theoreticalapproaches featured in Jon Winek'sSystemic Family Therapy . The setcontains seven DVDs, each of whichcontains a full demonstration of a familytherapy interview. The DVDs open with anintroduction to the approach and to thetherapist, followed by a role play sessionand <strong>com</strong>mentary from the therapist. Thetherapist discusses what issues werepresented in the session and theirconceptualization of the presentingproblem. The therapeutic models coveredinclude the following:Behavioral Family TherapyBrief Family TherapyEmotionally Focused Family TherapyExperiential Family TherapyStrategic/Medical Family TherapyConstructivist Family TherapyStructural/Strategic Family TherapyItem no. : TJ30640001Format : 7 DVDsStdBkNo : 9781412992947Price : USD 365.00SOLOS AND SMALLFIRMSUCC FOR THE GENERALPRACTITIONER, THEBy Steven WeiseTo a general practitioner, the UCC and its<strong>com</strong>mercial laws are frequentlyencountered and may seem mysterious.This program is designed for attorneyswith a general practice that need to keepcurrent with substantive changes anddevelopments in the UCC that affect dailybusiness practices. Expert panelist andmember of the Permanent Editorial Boardfor the Uniform Commercial Code, SteveWeise will discuss <strong>com</strong>mon issues, recentdevelopments, and updates to Articles 2, 3,4, 8, and 9 with specific attention given toreal-world examples and best practiceguidelines.Item no. : PK11200346Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SUBSTANCE ABUSECURIOSITY: YOUR BODYON DRUGSFollows Robin Williams and a team ofmedical experts as they take a scientificlook at the true effects of drugs on thebody. The program profiles four of themost most widely used drugs in America:heroin, cocaine, meth, and marijuana.Witness what happens as drug addicts arefaced with a variety of physical and mentalchallenges.Item no. : HH07983562Format : DVDDuration : 43 minutesAudience : Grades 9-12Copyright : 2011Price : USD 90.00TAXATION20 TAX TRAPS AND OTHERTRUSTEE SELECTIONCONSIDERATIONSClients rely on their planning attorney toguide them in selecting the bestcandidates to serve in the critical role oftrustee. But clients need more than justbrilliant ideas from their attorneys, theyalso need effective implementation.Unfortunately, IRC 2036, 2038 and 2041can wreak havoc on the successfulstructuring of a trust. Overlay the nuancesof these rules with the particulars of theclient family's goals and personalities, andit is easy to see how a smart andotherwise appropriate plan could fall intoone or more tax traps. In spite of the factthat most of the rules in this area haven'tchanged dramatically in years, there is stilla steady stream of cases and rulings.Some highlight what should be done;others what should be avoided. Either way,planners will benefit from anunderstanding or refresher course onthese rules.In addition, there are certain non-taxcriteria that should be taken intoconsideration. The most appropriatetrustees are those with the right skills tofurther the purpose of the trustarrangement. This may include knowingthe family, history of the wealth, talent tooperate a private <strong>com</strong>pany businessinterest, or any of a host of other uniquefactors. So clients, naturally turn to theirattorneys to help identify not just who"could" serve, but who "should" serve.Both speakers for this program bring the<strong>com</strong>bination of private practice and trust<strong>com</strong>pany in-house counsel experience inguiding listeners through an exploration ofimportant tax and non-tax considerationson trustee selection.Item no. : ZY11200359Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00<strong>2012</strong> LIVE FROM THEMEETING TRUST & ESTATEHOT TOPICSThe distinguished speakers on this panelwill light the way for your practice in thefuture. An important part of being ready forthe future is to discern the implications ofrecent developments for the futuredirection of estate and tax planning.Updates on legislative, regulatory, judicialand administrative matters will includepractical application. As for 2013, ourpanelists will provide their best predictionswith no guarantees.Item no.Format: YE11200360: CD-ROM (Win)________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk145

Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 105.002013 TAX INCREASES AREACOMING - CARPE DIEM,THE!By Yoram Keinan, Mark Leeds, Mark E.WilenskyAfter gaining a two-year reprieve in 2010,taxpayers face the prospect of expiringBush/Obama tax cuts <strong>com</strong>e year end. Thistime around taxpayers also face a healthydose of tax increases enacted under thePatient Protection and Affordable Care Act.Individual dividend rates more than doubleon <strong>New</strong> Years Day, and capital gain andordinary in<strong>com</strong>e rates for higher bracketindividual taxpayers also increase. Thisaudio CD-ROM explores year-endstrategies to accelerate in<strong>com</strong>e and gainsand defer deductions and losses.Item no. : SJ11200245Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00ATTORNEY LIABILITYISSUES IN ASSETPROTECTION PLANNINGAsset Protection is a hot area of law due inlarge part to the economic recession andits aftermath providing the resolution ofcases involving debtors and creditors. Thisprogram will cover asset protection from adifferent angle -- liability issues that arisefor the attorney who assists in suchplanning. The discussion will includeprimary and secondary forms of liability,including ethical issues under the state bar.Our panelists will provide their perspectivefrom their respective roles as assetprotection planner and creditor rightslitigator.Item no. : RD11200381Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00BENEFICIARY FLEXIBLETRUST, THEBy definition, the purpose of a trustarrangement is to limit freedom andimpose constraints on the use andenjoyment of property. Trusts can producesub-optimal results if the terms are tooflexible or too inflexible.The purpose of this presentation is to posita trust in which the goal is to give thegreatest degree of flexibility to thebeneficiary while still achieving theobjectives of:Removing the property from the grossestate of both the settlor andbeneficiary; Allowing the beneficiary to controldistributions; Protecting trust property fromcreditor's claims; Protecting trust property from spousalclaims; Allowing the beneficiary to controlinvestments, and Minimizing administrative andfiduciary obligations while thebeneficiary serves as trustee.This presentation will cover the varioussituations that might call for theBeneficiary Flexible Trust and how tobalance flexibility and constraint toachieve the best results.Item no. : DC11200386Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00CODIFIED ECONOMICSUBSTANCE DOCTRINE ONOAUDIT, THE:PRACTITIONERS'PERSPECTIVES ON THELB&I EXAMINERBy Bryon Christensen, Rochelle HodesIn July, the Commissioner for the LargeBusiness & International Division issued aDirective entitled "Guidance for Examinersand Managers on the Codification ofEconomic Substance Doctrine andRelated Penalties." The Directive does notanswer substantive questions regardingthe codified economic substance doctrineunder section 7701(o). But it does provideimportant insights into how the IRS mightapply the doctrine on audit, including adescription of a four step process forexaminers and managers to follow toevaluate whether to raise the doctrine andrelated strict liability penalty. The speakerswill provide an overview of the Directiveand discuss how it may impact an LB&Iexamination.Item no. : WR11200403Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 81 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DONEE SELECTION ANDPRACTICALCONSIDERATIONSBy Richard S. Franklin, John W. Porter,Karla D'Alleva Valas, David BradtInter-family sale and gift transactions willincrease following recent taxpayervictories using formula allocation clauses.These cases provide a roadmap tomitigate the gift tax risk associated withsuch transactions. Sale transactions areminimum GRAT term is imposed.This program will focus on the alternativesfor the "donee" of the excess value undera Petter type of formula allocation clause,which include among others a publiccharity, donor advised fund (DAF), privatefoundation, zeroed out CLAT, inter vivosQTIP, GRAT, defective gift trust, andspouse.Our panelist will include representatives oftwo major donor advised funds, FidelityCharitable Gift Fund and CommunityFoundation for the National Capital Regionand the lead litigation counsel for McCord,Christiansen and Petter cases.Their presentation will include a review ofother practical considerations, includingthe risk of IRS challenge and the exerciseof ownership rights and tax reportingduring the determination period.Item no. : EN11200425Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00DRAFTING REAL ESTATEPARTNERSHIP AND LLCLLCAGREEMENTSBy Robb A. Longman, Brian O'Connor,Steven R. SchneiderListen to our expert panel as they explorethe general tax considerations and<strong>com</strong>mon mistakes in drafting partnershipor LLC agreements for real estatepartnerships. Your most burning questionswill be answered such as: Do I need that incoherent taxboilerplate and why? Should I liquidate with capitalaccounts? What is a tax distribution and when doI need one?Item no. : BR11200427Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00EGGSHELL AUDITS:HANDLING IRSEXAMINATIONS OFCLOSELY HELDBUSINESSES WHEN THEREARE CRIMINAL TAX ISSUESBy Larry A. Campagna, Caroline D.Ciraolo, Eric L. GreenThis panel will review issues that ariseduring IRS civil audits of closely heldbusinesses in which the revenue agent isunaware of material errors and possiblefraudulent conduct with respect to thereturns. The panelists will discuss the fineline between cooperation and remainingsilent to avoid self-incrimination, the use of146also likely to increase if a 10-year________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

Kovel accountants, the government's useof administrative summons, and the signsthat a case may have been referred forcriminal investigation.Item no. : AY11200274Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00EMOTIONAL ANDPSYCHOLOGICAL ISSUESOF ESTATE PLANNINGWHAT (OR SHOULD) KEEPSCLIENTS AWAKE AT NIGHTAND HOW THIS MIGHT (OR(SHOULD) SHAPE THEESTATE PALNNINGPROCESSThis practice tool packed program willdiscuss how to handle issues relating tothe emotional & psychological issues ofestate planning.The panelists will discuss:Current tax issues: possible changesin exemption levels and pros andcons of portability;Hot issue for married couples: moreor less control to surviving spouseover estate intended for children,especially if multiple; Protecting client and heirs frompossible trustee abuse; i.e. conditionsfor removal of trustee; How does theestate planner inform the trustee ofhis/her duties? Growing impact oflitigation on trust and estate matters.Pros and cons of Trustee exculpationclauses;Succession planning for the familybusiness;Counseling the client about unequalgifts;Advising the client whether to discloseor not disclose the estate plan to theheirs. What factors control the adviceto be given;Pros and cons of advising clients onplacing gift in trust for children,whether asset protection, financialeducation or responsibility, specialneeds or otherwise;How does the Attorney deal with theemotional and psychological aspectsof these issues.Item no. : KH11200437Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ERISA FIDUCIARYTRAINING : WHAT ISREQUIRED OF ERISAFIDUCIARIES AND THOSETHEY SUPERVISE?Due to recent DOL regulations and courtcases, there may soon be more fiduciariessubject to ERISA's standard of care andpotential personal liability. This sessionexplores these developments and kicks offa planned series of RPTE trainingprograms for ERISA fiduciaries and for thenon-fiduciaries who act on their behalf.This introductory program explores thefoundational principles that govern theallocation and performance of ERISAfiduciary duties, as they are evolving in anera of market disruption and enhancedregulatory oversight.The panel includes a former Tax SectionChair and editor of BNA's ERISA FiduciaryLaw. The panel also includes twoexperienced DOL attorneys who bring tothis task the insights they gained asin-house trainers of DOL staff engaged inenforcing ERISAs fiduciary rules.Fiduciary training offers significantprotection to fiduciaries and their plans.We have designed this program to appealto both attorney and non-attorneyfiduciaries, as well as those who supporttheir efforts. This session should be ofinterest to anyone who can benefit from anintroduction or refresher in ERISA fiduciaryrules and practices. Considerre<strong>com</strong>mending that your clients or yourstaff participate. Watch for future sessionsfocusing on specific aspects of fiduciaryperformance.Item no. : YL11200440Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ESTATE PLANNING FORCLIENTS LIVING WITHCHRONIC ILLNESS:PLANNING AND DRAFTINGChronic Illness affects nearly 120 millionAmericans. How can attorneys betterserve, advise and draft estate planningdocuments for clients living with chronicillness and their loved ones? In manysituations modest changes to traditionalestate and other planning techniques canimprove protection and peace of mind forclients living with chronic illness.This seminar will provide a sophisticatedbut practical overview of how each phaseof planning and drafting is affected.Misconceptions and myths will bedebunked. Concepts ranging fromassessing <strong>com</strong>petency, addressing thediffering impact of difference diseases,cognitive issues, physical disabilities,in<strong>com</strong>e tax issues, charitable giving andmore will all be explained.sample forms, will be made available.Item no. : SV11200443Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 MinutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ESTATE PLANNING IN 20112AND <strong>2012</strong>: THEAFTERMATH OF THE 2010TAX ACTBy Ronald D. Aucutt, T. Randolph Harris,Catherine Veihmeyer Hughes, David PrattNow that the dust has settled after theenactment of the Tax Relief,Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization,and Job Creation Act of 2010, this panelhighlights estate planning opportunitiesavailable for the next two years, includingportability and estate tax and lifetime gifttax exemptions. The panel also discussesthe impact of the sunset provisions thattake effect in 2013 and the potential forfuture changes to the transfer tax laws.Item no. : ZJ11200444Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ETHICS IN TAX OPINIONPRACTICESThe role of tax opinions in financialreporting and for purposes of penaltyprotection; the Canal case and issuesregarding reliance on tax opinions; taxdirector viewpoint of opinions and privilegeprotection; SEC pressures on opinionlevels: Is "will" the standard? Is a"short-form" opinion sufficient? Thepractical significance of new SEC rules;level of due diligence on representationsand factual information relied upon by thepractitioner. These issues raise importantpractice and ethical issues, which thisaudio CD-ROM will cover.Item no. : CP11200280Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FBAR AND SECTION 6038D:RECENT DEVELOPMENTSIN FOREIGN BANK ANDFOREIGN FINANCIALASSET REPORTINGBy Paul J. Crispino, Joseph M. Erwin, MegHoganThis panel presentation will provide anoverview of the current foreign bank andfinancial account reporting (FBAR) rulesas well as an overview of the new section6038D regulations and new Form 8938147Comprehensive materials, including________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

(Statement of Specified Foreign FinancialAssets). The panel will also <strong>com</strong>parethese separate reporting systems andaddress overlap, differences and specialissues presented by the concurrentapplication of both regimes to taxpayers.Item no. : CY11200457Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FIDUCIARY INCOMETAXATION: THENOT-SOSO-BASIC BASICSFor many estate planners, the<strong>com</strong>plexities of the fiduciary in<strong>com</strong>e taxhave not been terribly troubling, as Form1041 audits have historically been few andfar between. Yet with the federalapplicable exclusion amount now at $5million, the number of estates subject tofederal estate tax will decreasesubstantially. With the potential decreasein resources needed to audit Forms 706(assuming the current regime stays intactbeyond <strong>2012</strong>) it seems likely that theInternal Revenue Service may shift itsfocus to a closer review of fiduciaryin<strong>com</strong>e tax returns. Should this occur, theneed for a deeper familiarity with thefiduciary in<strong>com</strong>e tax rules of Subchapter Jof the Internal Revenue Code willincrease.At the broadest level, Subchapter Jprovides for the allocation of in<strong>com</strong>e anddeductions between the trust and thebeneficiaries. In this sense, the trust canbe both a taxpayer and a conduit throughwhich in<strong>com</strong>e and deductions flow out tothe beneficiaries. This allocation and therole of the trustee in this allocation areconditioned by two fundamental concepts- fiduciary accounting in<strong>com</strong>e ("FAI") anddistributable net in<strong>com</strong>e ("DNI") - thatultimately determine the tax accountingin<strong>com</strong>e ("TAI") for the trust and thebeneficiaries. As most practitioners areaware, these three concepts arefundamental to the mechanics ofSubchapter J. However, they are far more<strong>com</strong>plex than some may recognize andoften manifest themselves on the Form1041.This program will offer a look at the"not-so-basic" basics.Item no. : NM11200462Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FUNDAMENTALS OFTAX-EXEMPT HEALTHCAREORGANIZATIONSBy Erin Couture, Eric J. Gould, Lauren K.Mackon the fundamentals of forming andoperating a tax-exempt healthcareorganization such as a hospital, nursinghome provider, or assisted living facility.The focus is on requirements for obtainingand retaining federal tax-exempt status(IRC Section 501(r)) as well as othertax-related issues for healthcareorganizations.Health Law attorneys who purchase thiswebinar webinar will: Gain a greater understanding ofwhere they should focus whenadvising tax-exempt healthcareclients on tax matters Increase their knowledge of taxissues that impact their healthcareclients including federal tax-exemptstatus, unrelated business in<strong>com</strong>e,and post-issuance <strong>com</strong>plianceassociated with tax-exempt bonds Understand the current tax concernsthat their client is facingItem no. : TU11200290Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00FUTURE OF ESTATEPALNNING PRACTICES,THE: HOW NOT TO GETBEHIND THE CHANGECURVEOn-line estate planning, software that canbe purchased directly by the consumer,the growing reluctance of clients to pay forservices they believe they can bypass theseasoned lawyer to obtain cheaper andfaster, and the trend toward the virtualoffice and cloud <strong>com</strong>puting. Righteousindignation or resignation: How much doyou care? Is there enough work foreveryone, or is this a threat to yourpractice?This program will explore what you can doin your own practice to make estateplanning services more affordable andhow you can earn the position as trustedadvisor to your clients so that they will turnto you before an on-line program or alawyer operating from a virtual office?Consider the following in deciding if youwant to participate in this criticalpresentation: "Technology has eroded themonopoly of lawyers." (JonathanBlattmachr) and "If you don't like change,you're going to like irrelevance even less."(General Eric Shinseki)Item no. : BJ11200476Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00HIS, HER OR THEIRPROPERTY: A PRIMER ONOMARITAL PROPERTY LAWIN THE COMMUNITYPROPERTY STATESBy Karen Boxx, Thomas M. FeatherstonJr.During this presentation the panelists willprovide a basic overview of the maritalproperty laws of the <strong>com</strong>munity propertystates.They will examine the fundamentaldifferences that exist between <strong>com</strong>monlaw states and <strong>com</strong>munity property statesincluding: The principles that the <strong>com</strong>munityproperty states share; The areas of law where the<strong>com</strong>munity property states differ; Key transfer and in<strong>com</strong>e taxconsequences applicable to<strong>com</strong>munity property ownership; How the source of funds impactswhether property is <strong>com</strong>munityproperty.They will also indentify and address someof the questions an estate planning lawyerin a <strong>com</strong>mon law state may ask about<strong>com</strong>munity property.Item no. : VA11200487Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ILIT TRAPS: ETHICAL ANLIABILITY ISSUES OFTRSUTEES, GRANTORSAND THEIR ADVISORSILITs present a unique fiduciary andethical minefield through which clients,trustees, and attorneys have been walkingblindfolded. Life insurance policies may beconsidered "special assets" causing ILITsto be treated differently than other trusts,at least until the insured's death and thereceipt of the policy death benefit. <strong>New</strong>case law and expanded theories of liabilityand new developments regarding lifeinsurance policies may signal any specialtreatment no longer applies. Attorneysadvising trustees or serving as trusteesneed to watch out for ethical and liabilityissues, including:This audio CD-ROM will educate attorneysChanges in the law may mean the old________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 148Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkWho is the client may change duringthe life of the trustee -- from thegrantor to the trustee to thebeneficiaries?Complying with the Uniform PrudentInvestors Act or other state law onhow the trust assets are investedWhat do recent cases tell us abouttrustee responsibility on acquiring andmaintaining life insurance?How should attorneys advise trusteeson their responsibilities?

approach to ILITs can be a financialdetriment to your trustee clients andpossibly you.Item no. : MU11200497Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00techniques.Panelists will then cover the use of certainplanning techniques to take advantage ofcurrent wealth transfer laws before theyexpire, such as the GRAT, QPRT, SpousalTrusts and Self-Settled Trusts. Panelistswill also examine drafting and fundingissues such as the reciprocal trust doctrineand formula transfer clauses.such trusts could potentially avoid statein<strong>com</strong>e tax. Finally, the panel will discusshow tenancy by entirety property can bepreserved and held in a trust structureunder Delaware Statutory Tenancy byEntirety Trust ("STET").Our speakers will provide:The basics on the tax consequencesof <strong>com</strong>plete and in<strong>com</strong>plete trusts.INTERNATIONAL TAXENFORCEMENT ANDGLOBALIZATION: CAN THETTAX POLICE KEEP PACEWITH THE CRIMINALS?By Ricardo Cardenas, John McDougal,Kate A. Sawyer, Lindsey D. Stellwagen,Bruce ZagarisThe panel will review multilateral, bilateral,and unilateral initiatives of tax authorities,international organizations, and informalnetworks to strengthen international tax<strong>com</strong>pliance, prevent tax crimes, andinvestigate and prosecute violations ofnational tax law. The program will look atthe rise of voluntary disclosure programs,unilateral measures to gather evidence,the proliferation of tax information treaties,the pressure to develop transparency andreporting regimes, and the growinginteraction and convergence of tax andother areas of the law (e.g., moneylaundering, corruption, and forfeiture).Item no. : PV11200301Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MCCAFFREY &BLATTMACHRCHR-USING<strong>2012</strong>'S BEST ESTATEPLANNING TECHNIQUESBEFORE THEY'RE GONEThe necessity of engaging in year-endplanning has be<strong>com</strong>e even moreimportant as the use of current exemptionsand planning techniques might soonexpire. This uncertainty has promptedmany planners to counsel their clients to"use it before you lose it." Certain planningtechniques may require several months toimplement, creating the necessity to<strong>com</strong>mence year-end planningwell in advance of <strong>December</strong>.This timely program features nationallyrenowned estate planning attorneysCarlyn S. McCaffrey of McDermott Will &Emery LLP and Jonathan G. Blattmachr ofEagle River Advisors both in <strong>New</strong> York,NY.Carlyn and Jonathan will address theimportance of utilizing current exemptionsand planning techniques in light of theuncertainty surrounding wealth transferlaws. Attention will be given to the Obamaestate tax proposals and the effect of suchproposals on current estate planningThe panelists will cover: Obama estate tax proposals and theimportance of planning now. GRATs, QPRTs, Split-Purchase Trusts,SM Spousal Trusts & Self-SettledTrusts. Funding a trust for installment salepurposes. Reciprocal trust doctrine -- and how toavoid it. Formula funding clauses with "safetynets."Item no. : CE11200525Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MONETIZE NOW AND PAYTAX LATER?By Mark Leeds, Paul L. B. McKenneyPlease join our expert panel as theyexplore perennially reoccurring issuesregarding the tax pigeon hole to which atransaction or series of transactions canbe properly assigned. Is it a sale? Option?Financing? Something else? What can,and cannot, the potential seller ofappreciated securities do withouttriggering current taxation?This panel will explain the constructivesale rules in general, and popular prepaidforward contracts after Anschutz and theTax Court's Calloway decision in particular.Item no. : TK11200528Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 77 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00MORE THAN JUST ASSETPROTECTION: HOW TO GETGOTHER BENEFITS FROMASSET PROTECTIONTRUSTSBy Michael M. Gordon, Todd A. Flubacher,Jonathan E. GopmanThis program will address how traditionaluses of asset protection trusts can beexpanded to provide enhanced services toestate planning clients. Our panelists willfocus on the use of <strong>com</strong>pleted gift trusts asan estate planning technique in light ofPLR 200944002. Attention will also begiven to the use of Delaware In<strong>com</strong>pleteGift Non-Grantor Trust ("DING") and how________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkExpert <strong>com</strong>mentary from the creatorof the STET (Delaware StatutoryTenancy by Entirety Trust "STET")and how the STET can be used toprovide another layer of protectionwhile preserving the tenancy byentirety in a flexible trust structure. Expert <strong>com</strong>mentary from theco-creator of the DING (DelawareIn<strong>com</strong>plete Gift Non-Grantor Trust"DING") and how the DING'squalification as a nongrantor,in<strong>com</strong>plete gift trust can benefit yourclients.This program is essential for estateplanners ranging from beginner toadvanced.Item no. : DJ11200529Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00MOVING FORWARD (2YEARS AT A TIME) WITHESTATE PLANNING UNDERTHE 2010 ACTBy Ronald D. Aucutt, T. Randolph Harris,David Pratt, Paul E. Van HornWith the wonderland year of 2010 behindus and all last-minute gifts tograndchildren safely protected from GSTtax, we can now settle back and enjoyestate planning with certainty in the law -atleast for the next two years. This panel willreview the estate, gift and GST taxprovisions of the Tax Relief,Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization,and Job Creation Act of 2010 (the "2010Act"), with an emphasis on its practicalimpact on estate planning going forward.Apart from reviewing the 2010 Act andhow we arrived where we are, the panelwill discuss the planning issues andopportunities with respect to portability ofthe estate tax exclusion amount, theincreased GST tax exemption and gift taxexclusion, and the now familiar sunsetprovision.Item no. : HK11200531Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00149

NOMINEE / TRANSFEREE /ALTER-EGO EGO LIEN, THE -WHAT CAN APRACTITIONER DO?By Robert E. McKenzie, David L. RiceThe IRS has recently increased this lien asa collection tool for those corporations thathave a tax liability with very little assets leftto pay the tax. It is imperative that everytax practitioner that practices either in thecontroversy area or collection area needsto understand how the IRS uses this lienand what they can do to minimize itseffects.Item no. : KN11200323Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 79 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00NONPROFIT FORMATIONISSUESBy Willard L. Boyd, III, Rosemary E. Fei,Lisa A. RunquistThis program will focus on the basicissues relating to formation of nonprofitcorporations and other nonprofit entities.The program covers the following issues: Types of Nonprofits/Entity Selection Alternatives to Organizing <strong>New</strong>Nonprofit Formation Documents and ImportantProvisions Transactions Involving Insiders Application for Tax Exempt Statusunder Section 501 (c) (3) of theInternal Revenue CodeItem no. : SD11200542Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PLANNING ANDDEFENDING DOMESTICASSET - PROTECTIONTIONTRUSTSWHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE DEFENSESTHAT MAY BE RAISED IN AN ATTACKAGAINST A DOMESTICASSET-PROTECTION TRUST?WHAT TYPES OF ASSETS MAY BEHELD IN A DOMESTICASSET-PROTECTION TRUST ANDWHAT ARE THE IMPORTANT ISSUESTO CONSIDER IN SELECTING THEASSETS?With millions of lawsuits filed each year inthe United States, protecting client assetsfrom creditors should be considered in theoverall estate-planning process. Thisprogram will discuss the benefits of usingdomestic asset-protection trusts for thispurpose. It will provide an in-depthanalysis of domestic asset-protectiontrusts and <strong>com</strong>pare the differentasset-protection jurisdictions. It willaddress practical concerns for attorneysadvising on asset protection, such as howto properly establish and administerasset-protection trusts, and ethicalconsiderations. It will also cover relatedtopics, such as the federal tax implicationsof domestic asset-protection trusts, andthe application of the fraudulent transferrules to asset protection planning.Additionally, the panelists will address thefollowing questions:What are the tax and other benefitsdomestic asset-protection trusts offerto transferors and beneficiaries?What are the "fraudulent transferrules" and how can transferors avoidtheir application?What are the advantages of adomestic asset-protection trust overan asset protection trust establishedin a foreign jurisdiction?Comprehensive materials, includingsample forms, will be made available.Item no. : HF11200551Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PORTABILITY AND OTHERUNCERTAINTIES ANDPOTENTIAL PITFALLS OFOTRA 2010The Tax Relief, Unemployment InsuranceReauthorization and Job Creation Act of2010 mixes opportunities, questions, andtraps. These provisions should becarefully considered as some of theopportunities may only exist through <strong>2012</strong>and provisions applying to deaths in 2010may impact a surviving spouse's planning.This program will probe further into these<strong>com</strong>plex matters and discuss planningconsiderations, opportunities and potentialpitfalls.Attend this program to: Understand planning opportunitiesoffered under the current law and howto take advantage Understand the remaining uncertaintyand how to plan accordingly Understand potential pitfalls createdunder the current law and how to planaccordinglyItem no. : HD11200552Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00POTPOURRI OF WHATPLANNERS NEED TO KNOWIN A NEW INTERNATIONALALWORLD: PLANNINGCONSIDERATIONS FORTHE NRA AND THE USEXPATJoin our top notch panel as they cover thebasics (and then some) of representinginternational clients.The topics to be discussed will includeinbound and outbound planning issuessuch as:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkU.S. in<strong>com</strong>e tax and transfer tax rulesfor nonresident aliens of the U.S.Marital planning with a non U.S.citizen spousePre-immigration planningTax considerations for U.S. personsabroadExpatriationForeign reportingThis program is not to be missed if youwant to gain a fundamental base ininternational planning or would like arefresher.Item no. : HC11200553Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00PRACTICAL PROBLEMSAND PRACTICALSOLUTIONS FOR PRIVATEFOUNDATIONSBy Victoria Bjorklund, Lisa L. Johnsen,Celia Roady, David A. ShevlinListen as our expert panel discussespractical solutions to practical problemsfaced by private foundations in bothinternational and domestic contexts.Topics covered include: grants to foreignschools, equivalency determinations,grants to single-member LLCs owned bypublic charities, and Form 990-PFreporting issues.Item no. : MN11200557Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PREPARING THEFIDUCIARY INCOME TAXRETURNBy Sasha A. KleinMost lawyers are not as well-versed in theproper preparation of Form 1041 as theyare with other tax forms. With theincreased use of trusts to transfer wealth,knowing how to prepare an accurate Form150

1041 will be<strong>com</strong>e more and more critical inproviding quality client service. During theconference, participants will learn theunique aspects in Form 1041 <strong>com</strong>pliance,how to accurately prepare Form 1041 foran estate or trust and how to allocatetaxable in<strong>com</strong>e between the entity and itsbeneficiaries. With the decrease in thenumber of estate tax returns, more IRSresources are being shifted to the Form1041 area increasing the likelihood ofmore audits. Make sure the Form 1041syou file can withstand this heightened IRSscrutiny by participating in this conference.During this presentation, participants will: Learn the differences between Form1041 and Form 1040 Learn how to <strong>com</strong>pute DistributableNet In<strong>com</strong>e and properly allocatetaxable in<strong>com</strong>e between the fiduciaryentity and its beneficiaries Learn the different reporting rules forrevocable and irrevocable trusts Learn how to withstand increasingIRS review of Form 1041Item no. : WA11200560Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00PROTECTING IDENTITYAND ENCOURAGINGTAXPAYER COMPLIANCE -CAN THE IRS DO BOTH?This audio CD-ROM will provide anoverview of the Internal RevenueServices current policy and approach toidentity theft employment-related andrefund-related and what that means forpractitioners and taxpayers. The speakersare all experts in their fields and havemany insights, but will be the first to tellyou that there are still plenty of kinks thatremain unresolved. The program willprovide information that will be useful to alltax practitioners and immigrationattorneys.Item no. : MS11200328Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00RECENT DEVELOPMENTSIN ASSET PROTECTIONPLANNINGBy Jay D. Adkisson, Thomas O. Gorman,David J. SlennThis program will assist planners ingaining a greater understanding of howaggressive asset protection planning hasfared in recent battles between debtorsand creditors. Special considerations existwhen planning for clients who have or maydefault on a loan. Additionally, certainprovisions under Sarbanes Oxley andDodd Frank present traps for executiveofficers that should be considered by theplanner prior to making transfers.Our speakers will provide: Expert <strong>com</strong>mentary and analysis onrecent case law and statutorydevelopments that impact the field ofasset protection. Unique perspectives, providing<strong>com</strong>mentary drawing on theircollective experiences as nationallyrecognized experts in the fields ofcreditors' rights, asset protectionplanning and SEC enforcementaction.Item no. : RK11200571Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00RECENT DEVELOPMENTSIN FOREIGN BANK ANDFINANCIAL ACCOUNTREPORTING (FBARS)By Sam Berman, Caroline D. Ciraolo,Scott E. Fink, Mark E. MatthewsWith the June 30 filing deadline on thehorizon, listen to our expert panelists asthey discuss the rules for reporting foreignfinancial accounts, the new regulationsissued in February, and unansweredquestions and practical considerations inFBAR enforcement.Item no. : NB11200572Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00REITS FOR REAL ESTATELAWYERSThis presentation will provide an overviewof the various organizational andoperational requirements that must be metby REITs. Our panelist, law firm taxpartners and tax counsel in the IRS's REITgroup, will focus on transactions involvingREITs that are <strong>com</strong>monly encountered byreal estate lawyers including: REIT leasing requirements; Borrowing from REITs, includingmezzanine loans and REMICrequirements; Lending to REITs; Hotel and health care structures forREITs; JVs with REITs; Contributing properties to REITs,including in UpREIT structures; and The use of private REITs in real estatefunds, including investor taxation.Item no. : ZN11200576Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00REMOTE SALES TAX ANDNEXUS ISSUES - THELATEST ON TAXATION OFOINTERNET SALESBy Edward J. Bernert, George S. Isaacson,R. Bruce Johnson, Kurt A. LampMay 26, <strong>2012</strong> is the 20th Anniversary ofthe Quill decision in which the U.S.Supreme Court upheld the requirementthat a remote seller must have physicalpresence before being required to collectuse tax. The states have been challengingthe physical presence requirement forsome time, but the efforts to overturn Quillhave intensified recently. Current efforts toexpand the obligations of out-of-statesellers to collect use tax include several<strong>com</strong>peting bills in Congress. "Amazonclick-through nexus statutes," and statestatutes demanding identification ofin-state customers when no use tax iscollected. The panelists will provide insightinto what is happening across the countyand where the process seems to beheading.Item no. : KU11200577Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 77 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00RISE OF THE INTERNET:PLANNING FOR VIRTUALASSETSSETSIn this increasingly digital era, as internetaccounts are username and passwordprotected, issues emerge as to thetreatment of accounts upon a user'sdisability or death, particularly if the userfailed to take the necessary steps to allowthe fiduciary to access the accounts.During this presentation our panelists willaddresses: Disposition of online accounts, digitalassets, social networking accounts,passwords and security questionsand answers; Designation of rights to access suchaccounts in the event of disability anddeath; Concerns regarding retention ofdigital assets versus deletion upon ausers death and; Collection of digital assets andaccounts information.Item no. : DC11200581Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00S CORPORATION TRICKS,TRAPS AND SOLUTIONSS Corporations are widely used businessorganizations. While these entities appearsimple at first glance, there are numeroustricks and traps that can catch unwary151________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk

practitioners. Our panelists will discuss thefollowing tricks and traps and solutions forthem.Which type of trust is the best to holdS stock? What trust traps should youavoid when the primary beneficiarydies?How much flexibility exists in thesingle class of stock rules? Can Ihave different rules forowner-employees? If the corporationmakes disproportionate distributions,will that blow the election, or can it becured?Should a S Corporation be formedusing a state law entity other than acorporation?What traps and planning opportunitiesshould your real estate developerclients know about S corporations?For maximum tax savings, what is thebest way to structure a charitable giftby an S Corporation or by a SCorporation shareholder? What is theworst way?What is the best way to get assets outof a S Corporation?Should a C Corporation that has soldits business assets liquidate, or is anS election a better alternative?Item no. : LB11200586Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SAME-SEX SEX SPOUSES,PARTNERS AND ADULTADOPTIONS: TRUSTSADMINISTARTION ISSUESPRESENTED BYBENEFICIARYRELATIONSHIPSBy Richard S. Franklin, David G. Keyko,Linda L. Kotis, Matthew J. MacLeanThis program will discuss fiduciary andtrust administration issues when abeneficiary has a same-sex spouse orpartner.The program will address: How recognition of a beneficiary'smarital status and descendants canaffect the trustees powers and dutiesin the context of UTC and <strong>com</strong>monlaw principles, state supportobligations and the settler's intentions.Because the laws recognizingsame-sex marriage differ byjurisdiction and the federal DOMAallows a state to disregard same-sexmarriages, a trustee may faceconflicting rules when a trust issitused in one state and hasbeneficiaries residing elsewhere;Two high profile adult adoption cases,one of which was a substitute for gaymarriage. Issues include challengesto recognition as descendants andinterpretation of trust language; Various ways attorneys andfiduciaries can mitigate litigation risksas they navigate the <strong>com</strong>plex andchanging legal landscape of lawsgoverning nontraditional relationships.Item no. : FW11200588Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SERIES LLCS. NO, IT'S NOTA NEW TV SERIESBy Bruce P. Ely, Michael W. McLoughlin,Bahar A. SchippelThe business world is beginning to useseries limited liability <strong>com</strong>panies more andmore and it is time for SALT lawyers tojump into the game. This panel, all authorsof articles about various tax and non-taxaspects of series LLCs, discusses thenature of series LLCs, how and whybusinesses use them, and the federal andSALT aspects of operating these newbusiness creatures. As series LLCsbe<strong>com</strong>e more prevalent in the businessworld it is incumbent that SALT lawyersunderstand the business and tax aspectsof using series LLCs.Item no. : ND11200595Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00SPECIAL NEEDS PLANNING:NG:DRAFTING AND TAXISSUES FOR SPECIALNEEDS TRUSTSBy Vincent J. Russo, Ira Stewart WiesnerThis session will focus on an invaluabletool to help a person with special needs:the special needs trust. Did you knowthere are both first party and third partytrusts? Drafting of these trusts can allowthe beneficiary to qualify for Medicaid andSupplemental Security In<strong>com</strong>e, butdrafting must be done carefully. Learnwhich provisions are required by law inorder to qualify the trust as a (d)(4)(a)Trust under Medicaid. Every special needstrust you draft will also have in<strong>com</strong>e, gift,and estate tax consequences. Learn howto draft these trusts to allow a beneficiaryto qualify for government benefits whileminimizing taxes.This program will cover: Drafting first party special needs trustto qualify for Medicaid andSupplemental Security In<strong>com</strong>e Drafting third party special needstrusts to supplement the needs andcare of a beneficiary with specialneeds When to set up and fund specialneeds trusts The interrelationship of special needstrusts and taxes________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkWho is responsible for the payment ofin<strong>com</strong>e taxes on in<strong>com</strong>e generated bya special needs trustFunding of special needs trusts andgift tax issues Drafting special needs trusts tominimize estate taxationItem no. : WY11200334Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00TRUST PROTECTOR, THE:TRUST(Y) WATCHDOG OREXPENSIVE EXOTIC PETIt's no secret that the Trust Protector hasbe<strong>com</strong>e the new kid on the trust block,with powers ranging from removing andreplacing trustees, to adding or deletingbeneficiaries, to a virtual re-writing of thetrust. But is the Trust Protector really anew idea in trust law?Please join our panelists as they discuss:Which trusts should have a trustprotector and who should it be?What are the pros and cons of givingthe Protector such extensive powers?What drafting issues <strong>com</strong>e into play?Item no. : CP11200615Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00UNSCRAMBLING THE TAXRETURN JIGSAW PUZZLEBy Justin L. Cherfoli, Brian R. PotterFamily Law attorneys are often tasked withreviewing corporate and personal taxreturns. Given the <strong>com</strong>plexity of taxregulations and parties' marital estates,this task may often prove daunting. In thistimely webinar, our expert faculty providedinstructions on effectively using theinformation contained in three tax returnsoften encountered in divorce matters,namely the 1040 (individual return), the1065 (partnership/LLC return), and the1120S (S-corporation return). Thespeakers also discussed how thesereturns are interrelated and how they canbe used to answer questions such as:How do I delineate between the cashflow and taxable in<strong>com</strong>e generated bya business or rental property?How can I use the informationcontained in the returns to identifypotential assets held in the maritalestate or other parties of interest?What types of additional informationshould be requested in order to fullyunderstand the parties' financialpicture?Item no.FormatDuration: LC11200621: CD-ROM (Win): 90 Minutes152

Copyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00USING PARTNERSHIPS TOTOWN BUY-SELLINSURANCEBy Steven B. Gorin, Nancy Schmidt Roush,Richard S. Scolaro, Dale B. StoneClients often prefer a cross-purchasebuy-sell agreement but find practicalproblems often make them more difficult toadminister than an entity purchaseagreement. Our panelists will discuss asolution to these problems -- using alimited liability <strong>com</strong>pany or other entitytaxed as a partnership to hold lifeinsurance policies used to fund across-purchase buy-sell agreement. Sucha structure maximizes flexibility asownership of an operating businesschanges over time, including the transfersof life insurance to owners entering orleaving the business. It also can providesuperior in<strong>com</strong>e tax, estate tax, and assetprotection results.They will also cover how the ownersshould split the costs and benefits of suchan arrangement, given differences in costof insuring and each owner's ability tocontribute and percentage ownership inthe business.The economics, drafting, and taxconsiderations of three practical modelswill also be discussed.Item no. : KM11200624Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00WE'RE NOT QUITE OUT OFTHE WOODS YET:CURRENT ANDCONTINUING DEBTWORKOUT ISSUESBy David L. Friedline, Beverly Katz, Fred T.WittThis audio CD-ROM program will analyzea number of current issues arising in thecontext of real estate workouts includingthe application of Revenue Ruling <strong>2012</strong>-14(relating to the manner in which a partneraccounts for partnership debt whenmeasuring the partners insolvency undersection 108(d)(3)), issues that arise inconnection with debt workouts ofdisregarded entities, and issues that arisewhen making a check-the-box electionwith respect to an insolvent disregardedentity or partnership.Item no. : PC11200350Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WHAT? THIS OLD STUFF?SECTION 197 PLANNINGFOR PARTNERSHIPSSection 197 issues exist in nearly everypartnership transaction. This audioCD-ROM will explore relevant issuessurrounding the application of section 197to partnerships and partnershiptransactions, focusing on the anti-churningrules of section 197(f)(9).Item no. : JE11200351Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00WORKING WITH IRS SB/SETO RESOLVE COLLECTIONISSUES: NEW INITIATIVESAND ENDURINGPROGRAMSBy Brady R. Bennett, Carol M. Luttati,Scott Reisher, Ronald M. WienerThis 90 minute, 1.5 MCLE credit programwill focus on significant recentdevelopments in IRS collection activitiesand programs. Topics to be covered willinclude last years "fresh start" initiative,offers-in-<strong>com</strong>promise developments, taxliens, installment agreements, andimportant collection programs. Thepanelists will discuss SB/SEs reliance onand use of practitioner input related to theServices ongoing efforts to improvecollection operations.Item no. : PJ11200354Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00YOU INVESTED IN WHAT? AGUIDE TO ADVISINGTRUSTEES ONINVESTMENTSIn this economically uncertain environment,investment selection is more important(and more confusing) than ever. Trusteeshave the additional responsibility ofunderstanding and conforming to theUniform Prudent Investor Act ("UPIA").This puts their attorneys in the unenviableposition of advising trustees to develop aplan, consistently follow it and not beswayed by the emotional impact of theseextremely volatile markets. This programwill help the estate planning attorneydetermine how to advise clients on the lawof investing without giving investmentadvice.This session will discuss:The law of investing as codified in theUPIA;The case law that has developed fromthe UPIA;________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hkThe emotional impact on investmentdecisions as a result of "behavioralfinance" concepts;The implications of hindsight bias andthe so-called curse of knowledge; The attorney's professionalresponsibility in providing UPIAadvice;The attorney's role in determininginvestment strategies.Item no. : VJ11200634Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00TORT LAWIMPACT OF EMPLOYMENTPRACTICES LIABILITYINSURANCE (EPLI) ONEMPLOYMENT CLAIMS,THEBy Shymeka L. Hunter, CatherinePadalino, Albert (Bert) B. Randall, Jr.,Elizabeth RodgersFederal and state laws designed to protectthe rights of employees have increasedthe potential liability of employers who "getit wrong," either through bad behavior orpoor practices. As employers increasinglylook to their existing <strong>com</strong>mercial generalliability, or directors and officers liabilitypolicies, for relief from defense costs andjudgments, the insurance industry hasresponded with the creation ofemployment practices liability insurance(EPLI) to specifically address some ofthese claims. The potential availability, ornot, of EPLI coverage in a particular casecan have a dramatic impact not only onthe types of claims which employees arebringing against their employers, but onthe ways in which claims are handled andresolved. Attorneys representingemployees and employers must bothunderstand the various dynamics involvedwhen EPLI coverage is at play and howthese issues continue to evolve with thechanging nature of workplace claims. Joinour panel of experts as they examinethese current trends in EPLI:What constitutes a claim?Proper reporting techniquesHow EPLI carriers cope with thechanging environment (e.g., socialmedia, background checks, wage &hour issues) Working with an EPLI carrier -understanding employer and insurerresponsibilitiesImpact on settlementsConflicts of interestItem no. : NC11200295Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00153

TOURISMFACTORS AFFECTINGGLOBAL TOURISMThere are many forces that impact onwhere tourist's choice for their holidays,some have an immediate effect and othersthe effects are not so significant. In thisexcellent program we investigate theglobal forces taxonomy and see how itcategorizes the factors affecting globaltourism into three layers, the outer layerexamining geographical, environmentaland climatic factors, the middle layerexamining demographic and socio-culturalfactors and the inner layer political,economic and technological factors. Eachlayer creates challenges and opportunitiesfor tourism destinations and we discussthese with tourism experts. This programis an excellent learning resource for allstudents of tourism and related disciplines.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : WU08691915Format : DVDDuration : 20 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00GROWTH AND NICHEMARKETS IN TOURISMA large range of factors have led totourism be<strong>com</strong>ing one of the world'sfastest growing industries and this has ledto the rapid growth in niche tourism wheretourists seek to have experiences beyondtheir everyday ones. This programexplores some niche markets, includingvolunteer tourism, dark tourism, healthand medical tourism, and gastronomictourism. Discussions with niche markettourists explore their motivations behindthe experiences they chose and whetherthe out<strong>com</strong>es were what they were hopingfor. This engaging and informativeresource is essential viewing for studentsof tourism and related studies.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : NF08691916Format : DVDDuration : 21 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00ROTORUA: GROWTH ANDNICHE MARKETS INTOURISMTourism is an important industry to manynations worldwide. Rotorua on <strong>New</strong>Zealand's north island is the birthplace oftourism in that country, having hostedvisitors to the city and surrounding areasince the early 19th century. In thislocation based program we explore thegeothermal features, Maori culture, thespa/health and wellbeing industry and theregion's spectacular lakes and forests arethe attractions that draw around fourmillion visitors a year to Rotorua. Thisgrowth has led to the need to ensure thatthe tourism is sustainable economically,socially and environmentally. Thisengaging and informative resource isessential viewing for students of tourismand related studies.Please contact us for primary andsecondary schools pricing.Item no. : WN08691917Format : DVDDuration : 23 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : AUD 235.00TRIAL ADVOCACYKILLER CROSSEXAMINATION: CREATINGYOUR OWN WITNESSBy Victoria Thomas McGhee, Stephen D.SusmanThe adversary has just presented theirstar witness who has just circled andrelentlessly attacked your client's case. Mr.Susman presents proven practicaltechniques for targeting, setting the baitand going for the kill on cross-examinationto remove the effect of the witness.This program provides participants withpractical advice from a renowned triallawyer on efficiently preparing for andexecuting cross-examination practicesand techniques to neutralize or turn awitness.Item no. : ZN11200509Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 60 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 110.00WEBDEVELOPMENTHTML ESSENTIALTRAINING (<strong>2012</strong>)With Bill WeinmanThis course introduces web designers tothe nuts and bolts of HTML (HyperTextMarkup Language), the programminglanguage used to create web pages.Author Bill Weinman explains what HTMLis, how it's structured, and presents themajor tags and features of the language.Discover how to format text and lists, addimages and flow text around them, link toother pages and sites, embed audio andvideo, and create HTML forms. Additionaltutorials cover the new elements in HTML5,the latest version of HTML, and prepareyou to start working with Cascading StyleSheets (CSS).Item no.Format: CR03610692: DVD-ROM (SingleUser,Closed Captioned): 334 minutesDurationCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>StdBkNo : 1596719079Price : USD 140.00WOMEN ANDMINORITYLAWYERSROAD TO INDEPENDENCE,THE: WOMEN'S JOURNEYSTO STARTING THEIR OWNLAW FIRMSBy Julie I. Fershtman, Amanda GreenAlexander, Georgialee Lang, Roberta D.Liebenberg, Karen M. LockwoodPanelists discuss why an increasingnumber of women are opting to createtheir own law firms and will share practicaladvice and lessons learned. This programis inspired by the recent release of theCommission's publication The Road toIndependence: 101 Women's Journeys toStarting Their Own Law Firms whichrecounts the experiences and insights of101 women lawyers who have taken thecourageous and difficult step of creating alaw firm of their own, either as a solo orwith others.This program serves as a catalyst andinspiration for any woman lawyercontemplating the possibility of blazing herown trail to success and fulfillment.Item no. : KZ11200582Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00ZONING AND LANDUSEHOTEL AND MIXED USEWORKOUTS (AND (BEYOND)By Nancy Leary Haggerty, Kenneth L.Samuelson, Robert W. LannanForeclosures and workouts are<strong>com</strong>plicated enough when they involvesingle user property. When the subjecthowever is a hotel, or a mixed-use projectwhich <strong>com</strong>bines a shopping center, offices,apartments, retail and/or parking, the effortbe<strong>com</strong>es even more <strong>com</strong>plicated, not onlybecause of the numbers of parties withdifferent interests, but also becausepreserving the highest value of the projectrequires actions which do not interrupt thegoing business. Learn from our expertshow to balance these interests and stillac<strong>com</strong>plish the end goal.The topics to be covered include:________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk154

The players involved in a mixed-usedevelopmentIndividual tenant bankruptcy and unitforeclosureKeeping the lender involved in theworkoutPreserving the in<strong>com</strong>e and reputationof the projectNegotiating hotel management andfranchise agreements; adjustingrequirements deferring scheduledimprovements; modifying franchiseperformance testsSubordination, non-disturbance andattornment (SNDA) agreementsIssues with reservesForbearance AgreementsFinding money for refixturingWARN closing obligations and unioncontractsDealing with municipal developmentagreements, liquor licenses and otherpermitsSoftware including booking softwareItem no. : ZK11200490Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : 2011Price : USD 150.00NEWLY ADOPTED ALTATITLE INSURANCE FORMSHOT OFF THE PRESSES!Be among the first to learn about therecently adopted new ALTA forms,including the new ALTA 9 SeriesEndorsements, the new Energy ProjectEndorsements, some new LeaseholdEndorsements, and recent changes toClosing Protection Letters and Creditor'sRights.Item no. : BM11200540Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00SHALE LEASING: LEGALAND PRACTICALCONSIDERATIONSJoin our panel of experts as they discussthe legal and practical considerations ofshale leasing.The topics to be discussed include:Title Issues;Depth Severances;Shared use Agreements;Midstream Build-Out;Avoiding Potential Liability for PriorOperations at Shallower Depths; andWater Supply, Endangered Speciesand Other Barriers to Development.Item no. : WM11200597Format : CD-ROM (Win)Duration : 90 minutesCopyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 150.00百 科百 家韑 講 壇赤 : 寫 實蹴 徐韭 悲 鴻主 講 人 : 呂佥 立 新搼徐韭 悲 鴻 是悋 我侷 國 近 代 最 重慢 要慇 的 畫 家韑 之 一 , 徐韭 悲鴻 擅起 長 素 描 、 油 畫 、 中 國 畫 , 他 把便 西 方 藝訓 術手 法 融 入 到 中 國 畫 中 , 創 造 了 新搼 穎 而 獨趸 特顠 的風靨 格頴 , 是悋 古 為惊 今 用 、 洋悲 為惊 中 用 的 典 範 , 在 我侷國 美愖 術 史 上 起 到 了 承 前 啟 後 、 繼 往 開 來 的 巨大 作伿 用 。 他 常 畫 的 奔 馬 、 雄 獅撇 、 晨 雞覱 等 , 給人 以 生 機趙 和 力 量 , 表 現 了 令 人 振頄 奮赦 的 積 極摌 精神 。 尤 其 他 的 奔 馬 , 更俐 是悋 馳踭 譽 世 界惣 , 成 了 現代 中 國 畫 的 象 徵 和 標 誌 。徐韭 悲 鴻 長 期 致愩 力 於 美愖 術 教 育倘 工 作伿 , 他 發 現 和團蹘 結 了 眾 多 的 美愖 術 界惣 著 名 人 士 。 他 培 養 的 學赩生 中 人 材俔 輩賿 出 , 許 多 已 成 為惊 著 名 的 藝訓 術 家韑 ,成 為惊 中 國 美愖 術 界惣 的 中 堅 骨 幹 。 他 對蹹 中 國 美愖 術隊 伍 的 建 設 和 中 國 美愖 術 事 業摇 的 發 展韙 做 出 了傑 出 的 貢 獻詿 , 影 響 深 遠 。 那倴 麼 , 這 樣 一 位 開宗 立 派悽 的 藝訓 術 大 師韦 , 徐韭 悲 鴻 究倏 竟 有 著 怎 樣 的人 生 軌慒 跡攵 呢 ?Item no. : EW07271772Format : 3 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 270.00傳 統 戲 劇黃 香靬 蓮 歌躺 仔 戲 - 寶話 貝倣 王 爺撄 貴 千 金黃 香靬 蓮 許 秀倍 年 易 淑 寬 主 演躽演躽 員鞬 陣 容韕郭 欽 - 黃 香靬 蓮 飾 楊摏 貴 如 - 許 秀倍 年 飾朱 瞻 煌摾 - 小 咪 飾 珠 兒 - 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 飾古 有 文 - 康 銘 惠 飾 寶話 慶 長 公 主 - 高 玉 珊惚 飾安 慶 公 主 - 林 夢蹤 梅 飾 皇惭 太 子 - 許 亞 芬 飾郭 博 - 張 素 卿鞜 飾 郭 駙贸 馬 - 吳佣 炎 棟 飾賀 玉 香靬 - 易 淑 寬 飾 冬 梅 - 楊摏 秀倍 惠 飾故悃 事 簡 介寶話 慶 長 公 主 之 子 郭 欽 文 武 雙覯 全 , 倍靰 受 明 成 帝喜 愛 , 收 其 為惊 義擗 子 賜賬 國 姓 。 成 帝 三 子 漢軇 王 野心 勃 勃 欲 謀 反 篡跚 位 , 於 是悋 成 帝 派悽 郭 欽 前 往 查悠證訥 。 郭 之 未 婚 妻 楊摏 貴 如 女 扮俇 男 裝攏 私倌 下 尾依 隨 其後 。 途 中 郭 欽 認 識訤 且 心 儀 濟 南 知 府 千 金 賀 玉香靬 , 便 以 逃 婚 為惊 藉 口 繼 續 探 查悠 漢軇 王 , 而 漢軇 王也 一 路跡 陷 害韐 欲 取 其 命 。 最 後 終 究倏 是悋 邪倲 不 勝正 , 漢軇 王 造 反 失 敗 。 而 郭 欽 、 貴 如 、 玉 香靬 三人 情 緣 卻 又 如 何 得 解攕 呢 ?Item no.Format: BG02111361: 14 DVDs ( 台 語 發 音靦 , 中 文字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1238.00黃 香靬 蓮 歌躺 仔 戲 - 臭 頭 洪悴 武 君佦黃 香靬 蓮 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 許 亞 芬 主 演躽演躽 員鞬 陣 容韕朱 重慢 八 - 黃 香靬 蓮 飾 馬 玉 鳳 - 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 飾孫韍 妙例 青 - 莊 金 梅 飾 徐韭 達跲 - 王 蘭 花 飾湯 和 - 陳 怡 飾 徐韭 母 - 黃 明 惠 飾常 遇跶 春悇 - 許 亞 芬 飾 李俒 善 長 - 林 美愖 齡 飾故悃 事 簡 介元 末 的 政悂 治 腐 敗 致愩 使 老 百 姓 的 生 活悻 如 水 深火 熱 。 一 天 , 濠 洲悳 城 來 了 一 個鞄 年 輕 和 尚 , 郭子 興 見倝 他 龍 行 虎 軀覕 , 就 收 入 麾赅 下 作伿 了 親 兵佋 。能 征 善 戰赶 、 機趙 智 勇 敢 , 屢蹺 建 戰赶 功 的 他 , 深 得郭 的 賞 識訤 , 並 嫁 其 義擗 女 馬 氏 予 他 , 此 人 即佘 是悋明 太 祖 朱 元 璋 。 後 來 郭 病 勢 , 頗 具 膽 識訤 的 馬氏 在 逆 境蹜 中 助佔 夫 成 就 大 業摇 。 明 太 祖 朱 元 璋 感懷觝 馬 氏 , 因 此 馬 皇惭 后 去 世 後 並 未 另 立 她 人 。Item no.Format: TC02111362: 14 DVDs ( 台 語 發 音靦 , 中 文字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1238.00黃 香靬 蓮 歌躺 仔 戲 - 大 漢軇 春悇 秋愈黃 香靬 蓮 易 淑 寬 主 演躽演躽 員鞬 陣 容韕漢軇 武 帝 - 黃 香靬 蓮 飾 陳 阿 嬌 - 易 淑 寬 飾漢軇 景 帝 、 司 馬 相惵 如 - 康 銘 惠 平 陽 公 主 - 林 夢蹤 梅飾霍 去 病 - 張 素 卿鞜 飾 衛 青 - 小 咪 飾衛 子 夫 - 狄倂 玫 飾 ? 竇 太 主 - 貝倣 蒂擪 飾故悃 事 簡 介竇 太 主 因 女 陳 阿 嬌 所 愛 , 故悃 千 方 百 計慉 不 擇赾 手段悭 地 協 助佔 劉 徹躇 當撔 上 太 子 之 位 , 並 娶 阿 嬌 為惊妻 。 後 景 帝 駕贶 崩 , 劉 徹躇 登 基 為惊 漢軇 武 帝 後 , 對蹹於 阿 嬌 皇惭 后 的 毒悮 惡 反 感 , 後 來 轉視 為惊 寵觙 愛 善 解攕人 意 的 衛 子 夫 。 而 陳 后 為惊 了 挽頌 回 皇惭 上 的 心 ,用 千 金 買 來 司 馬 相惵 如 所 寫 的 長 門 賦 , 結 果 還是悋 無 法 挽頌 回 漢軇 武 帝 的 心 。Item no.Format: BH02111363: 13 DVDs ( 台 語 發 音靦 , 中 文字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1238.00黃 香靬 蓮 歌躺 仔 戲 - 大 唐鞡 風靨 雲 錄黃 香靬 蓮 唐鞡 美愖 雲 許 亞 芬 主 演躽演躽 員鞬 陣 容韕李俒 世 民 - 黃 香靬 蓮 飾 李俒 元 吉 - 唐鞡 美愖 雲 飾李俒 建 成 - 許 亞 芬 飾 李俒 淵 - 康 銘 惠 飾長 孫韍 淑 穎 - 許 秀倍 年 飾 楊摏 瑤 紅意 - 林 美愖 照摺 飾李俒 靖 - 小 咪 飾 紅意 拂 女 - 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 飾故悃 事 簡 介隋 朝 衰 敗 , 李俒 世 民 廣 交 各 路跡 英愷 雄 舉 義擗 反 隋 ,最 有 名 的 就 是悋 李俒 靖 。 之 後 , 隋 倒靼 唐鞡 起 , 秦 王李俒 世 民 娶 長 孫韍 淑 穎 為惊 妻 , 而 紅意 粉 知 己 楊摏 瑤 紅意嘔蹍 氣頾 之 下 嫁 給 齊 王 李俒 元 吉 , 後 因 李俒 元 吉 發 現世 民 與 妻 的 曖 昧悊 而 憤 恨 , 千 方 百 計慉 要慇 置擓 秦 王於 死 地 。 於 是悋 秦 府 幕蹿 僚踻 長 孫韍 無 忌侯 、 尉 遲 敬携 德等 策 動 「 玄 武 門 之 變 」, 在 宮韓 城 的 北 慨面 玄 武門 內 , 一 舉 殺 了 太 子 李俒 建 成 和 四 弟侩 齊 王 李俒 元吉 。 而 於 唐鞡 高 祖 駕贶 崩 後 , 李俒 世 民 登 基 為惊 唐鞡 太宗 。Item no.Format: HB02111364: 14 DVDs ( 台 語 發 音靦 , 中 文字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1238.00________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk155

香靬 蓮 歌躺 仔 戲 - 東 漢軇 演躽 義擗黃 香靬 蓮 易 淑 寬 主 演躽演躽 員鞬 陣 容韕平 帝 、 劉 秀倍 - 黃 香靬 蓮 飾 王 月 英愷 - 易 淑 寬 飾衛 氏 - 王 金 櫻 飾 ? 衛 寶話 - 小 咪 飾太 皇惭 太 后 - 廖躃 瓊觶 枝 飾 王 宇 - 康 銘 惠 飾許 八 - 包 嘉蹏 飾 王 莽 - 呂佥 福 祿撹 飾孔 光 - 石 文 戶 飾 王 舜 - 劉 正 順 飾故悃 事 簡 介公 元 前 一 年 , 漢軇 哀 帝 病 逝 , 大 司 馬 王 莽 一 手掌 握 政悂 權 , 並 虛 扶侼 平 王 繼 位 。 平 帝 病 逝 之後 , 王 莽 以 偽 皇惭 帝 之 名 攝 政悂 , 繼 而 登 基 , 建立 新搼 朝 , 然 人 心 思 漢軇 , 各 地 義擗 軍慑 紛 紛 起 而 抗侹之 。 漢軇 室 後 裔攋 劉 秀倍 與 劉 縯 於 舂 陵 起 事 , 組 成舂 陵 軍慑 , 公 元 23 年 , 劉 秀倍 在 昆 陽 一 役侭 中 一戰赶 成 名 , 且 為惊 報 兄 仇 忍侱 辱 投俈 於 更俐 始 帝 下 , 先至 河 北 鎮覣 撫 州 郡 , 以 恢恩 復 漢軇 朝 制 度 為惊 號擽 召 ,取 得 部 分 官 僚踻 、 地 主 的 支 持恶 , 又 破 降慧 和 收 編河 北 地 區 的 銅 馬 起 義擗 軍慑 , 擴 充 實蹴 力 , 建 武 元年 六 月 , 劉 秀倍 稱 帝 , 建 立 東 漢軇 政悂 權 , 定 都 洛悿陽 , 史 稱 東 漢軇 。Item no.Format: AJ02111365: 13 DVDs ( 台 語 發 音靦 , 中 文字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1238.00黃 香靬 蓮 歌躺 仔 戲 - 福 氣頾 神 爺撄黃 香靬 蓮 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 許 亞 芬 主 演躽演躽 員鞬 陣 容韕五 福 神 、 秦 福 氣頾 、 皇惭 帝 - 黃 香靬 蓮 飾 花 仙子 、 李俒 傳 香靬 - 小 咪 飾桃頵 花 - 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 飾 ? 洪悴 阿 吉 - 張 素 卿鞜 飾魔 女 、 尚 飛革 紅意 - 黃 明 惠 飾 李俒 傅 文 - 許 亞 芬 飾尚 有 利佐 - 林 秀倍 芳 飾故悃 事 簡 介王 母 蟠 桃頵 盛 會摅 神 魔 雙覯 方 因 王 母 精 心 提 煉摹 的百 花 仙 露 而 大 打 出 手 , 仙 露 卻 因 此 被 失 手 打翻 到 嵩 山 的 桃頵 數 上 致愩 使 桃頵 花 變 幻 成 人 。 而 五福 神 與 魔 女 因 此 下 凡 投俈 胎愥 為惊 福 氣頾 與 尚 飛革紅意 。 而 桃頵 花 因 欲 尋 主 報 恩韴 , 機趙 緣 巧 合 竟 與 福氣頾 結 為惊 好 友 。 後 因 尚 家韑 欲 計慉 欺 福 氣頾 , 不 料頔 卻因 禍 得 福 , 福 氣頾 得 解攕 身倧 世 之 迷 , 也 因 此 解攕 開了 五 福 留 與 桃頵 花 的 金 環 。 桃頵 花 認 主 , 阿 吉 認師韦 , 公 主 許 女 , 功 德 圓 滿軈 , 回 歸 天 庭韨 。Item no.Format: PG02111366: 13 DVDs ( 台 語 發 音靦 , 中 文字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1238.00黃 香靬 蓮 歌躺 仔 戲 - 孟 嘗蹋 君佦黃 香靬 蓮 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 易 淑 寬 主 演躽演躽 員鞬 陣 容韕孟 嘗蹋 君佦 - 黃 香靬 蓮 飾 薛 茵 - 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 飾曲 柔悔 - 易 淑 寬 飾 田 嬰 、 馮 驩 - 康 銘 惠 飾石 永 - 小 咪 飾 田 單 - 沈俤 瑞撎 煜摻 飾萱擭 娘韁 、 涇顇 陽 君佦 - 許 亞 芬 飾 燕趱 姬韆 - 林 夢蹤 梅 飾魏视 子 - 小 明 明 飾 馬 中 - 張 素 卿鞜 飾故悃 事 簡 介齊 國 首靫 相惵 田 嬰 妻 妾 成 群擙 , 而 田 文 因 其 母 身倧 分低佂 下 , 所 以 自 小 生 活悻 坎使 坷 然 其 心 志侰 卻 堅 毅 。連 原鞝 本 刁 蠻 的 國 首靫 富 之 女 薛 茵 也 不 由 佩服 , 對蹹 他 暗搽 生 情 愫 。 田 嬰 過跸 世 後 , 齊 王 拜恱 田文 為惊 相惵 。 田 府 門 下 食靪 客 三 千 , 孟 嘗蹋 君佦 的 名 聲日 益 遠 播 , 秦 王 慕 其 名 招 攬 不 得 便 起 殺 心 ,所 幸 得 涇顇 陽 君佦 及 秦 王 燕趱 姬韆 相惵 助佔 才 得 以 返齊 。 然 齊 王 起 疑 忌侯 , 罷 其 相惵 位 , 三 千 食靪 客 盡散 , 看惷 盡 人 情 冷位 暖摁 。Item no.Format: KA02111367: 14 DVDs ( 台 語 發 音靦 , 中 文字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1238.00黃 香靬 蓮 歌躺 仔 戲 - 逍 遙 公 子黃 香靬 蓮 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 易 淑 寬 主 演躽演躽 員鞬 陣 容韕楚摈 雲 煙摶 - 黃 香靬 蓮 飾 喬 愛 玉 - 易 淑 寬 飾樂 平 公 主 - 廖躃 麗詤 君佦 飾 秦 愛 錢 - 小 咪 飾紹 酒 仙 - 張 素 卿鞜 飾 . 阿 博 - 楊摏 秀倍 惠 飾玉 芬 - 林 夢蹤 梅 飾 皇惭 帝 - 許 亞 芬 飾故悃 事 簡 介逍 遙 公 子 楚摈 雲 煙摶 受 許 老 將 軍慑 所 託 , 替 喬 家韑 雪冤鞏 , 卻 因 此 惹 上 令 孤 煌摾 派悽 人 追 殺 , 導赫 致愩 消顆 遙居 被 毀摛 。 樂 平 公 主 見倝 楚摈 武 功 高 強 又 為惊 人 正義擗 , 極摌 力 向 皇惭 帝 推 薦 , 皇惭 帝 給 予 重慢 用 並 命 其尋 找俁 劉 國 老 , 而 令 孤 煌摾 卻 因 愛 遷贉 怒 於 楚摈 , 不斷 設 計慉 陷 害韐 , 甚惠 至 利佐 用 公 主 害韐 其 命 。 愛 玉 為惊救 楚摈 雲 煙摶 答 應 下 嫁 司 徒韫 星悌 以 換 解攕 藥託 , 最 後 公主 醒 悟韷 , 斷 情 回 京 , 雲 煙摶 與 愛 玉 , 有 情 人 終成 眷 屬 。Item no.Format: TW02111368: 14 DVDs ( 台 語 發 音靦 , 中 文字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1238.00紀愐 錄 片超 級 工 程在 社 會摅 發 展韙 的 不 同 時頗 期 , 都 會摅 產 生 代 表 性 的偉 大 工 程 , 這 些 工 程 和 它 所 處 的 時頗 代 緊 密 地結 合 在 一 起 , 發 揮 了 舉 足倦 輕 重慢 的 作伿 用 , 同 時頗也 成 為惊 了 那倴 個鞄 時頗 代 的 標 誌 性 符 號擽 。在 今 天 的 中 國 , 隨 著 經操 濟 和 社 會摅 的 飛革 速 發展韙 , 加 之 自 然 和 歷趜 史 的 多 重慢 原鞝 因 , 產 生 了 許多 需 要慇 解攕 決俩 的 重慢 大 問 題覹 , 這 些 問 題覹 必 須 借靺 助佔一 些 超 常 規 的 工 程 , 才 能 得 以 改俌 善 和 解攕 決俩 ,而 強 盛 的 國 力 和 日 益 發 展韙 的 科 技侻 水 準摮 , 讓 這些 超 級 工 程 , 最 終 得 以 實蹴 施悅 。本 片 由 中 國 中 央 電踝 視 台 紀愐 錄 頻 道跰 核頤 心 團蹘 隊創 作伿 完侖 成 , 前 後 歷趜 時頗 一 年 , 全 片 影 像踽 宏侘 大 ,震责 撼赻 , 具 有 衝 擊 力 , 同 時頗 注 重慢 細 節擆 的 發 掘 和刻 畫 。 除 常 規 拍 攝 外 , 本 片 將 借靺 助佔 CGI 和航 拍 、 水 下 攝 影 等 特顠 殊頻 攝 影 技侻 術 , 力 求俠 為惊 觀眾 創 造 新搼 穎 、 獨趸 特顠 的 視 聽 體 驗 。Item no. : VW07491773Format : 5 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 450.00科 學赩 發 展韙 鑄 輝購 煌摾七 集 大 型 文 獻詿 紀愐 錄 片 《 科 學赩 發 展韙 鑄 輝購 煌摾 》 全慨面 回 顧 和 真 實蹴 記 錄 了 黨 的 十 六 大 以 來 十 年間 的 重慢 要慇 歷趜 史 事 件 , 披 露 了 許 多 重慢 大 決俩 策 的出 臺 過跸 程 , 全 景 展韙 現 了 各 領 域 科 學赩 發 展韙 的 巨大 成 就 , 並 對蹹 十 年 寶話 貴 的 歷趜 史 經操 驗 進 行 了 系倐統 總 結 、 思 考 和 提 升 。在 短 短 的 200 天 , 攝 製 組 分 別低 對蹹 北 京 的 唐鞡 家韑嶺 、 唐鞡 山 的 曹 妃 甸 、 天 津悶 的 濱 海顊 新搼 區 、 海顊 南博 鼇 、 貴 州 畢 節擆 以 及 三 十 萬撻 噸赙 級 的 巨 輪贁 “ 和平 中 國 號擽 ” 進 行 了 航 拍 工 作伿 ; 外 景 組 分 赴慎 貴州 、 新搼 疆觹 、 海顊 南 、 黑 龍 江 等 全 國 20 多 個鞄 省想市 , 拍 攝 積 累 各 類詑 高 清 素 材俔 6000 多 分 鐘 ;資攮 料頔 編 輯 組 檢 索 、 下 載跩 、 轉視 錄 各 種 資攮 料頔 高 達跲13696 分 鐘 ; 視 覺 包 裝攏 組 製 作伿 上 百 條 動 畫 內容韕 ; 高 端 人 物 採 訪 組 對蹹 國 內 外 20 余佄 位 重慢 要慇嘉蹏 賓 獨趸 家韑 採 訪 ……Item no. : WA07271777Format : 7 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 420.00教 育倘 學赩 程不 可 不 知 儀 態躊 形侫 象 - 美愖 姿 美愖 儀 :紳 士 淑 女 養 成 班講 師韦 : 邱 詩攚 瑜撓我侷 們靽 都 希侣 望 給 人 美愖 好 的 形侫 象 , 但伽 形侫 象 是悋 種 模糊 的 概摎 念 , 不 像踽 考 試攙 , 對蹹 就 對蹹 、 錯 就 錯 , 可以 考 個鞄 一 百 分 、 九 十 分 的 , 所 以 你佀 知 道跰 該攗 如何 掌 握 嗎 ? 曾 經操 有 數 據赼 顯 示 , 只 要慇 30 愇 別低人 就 已 經操 決俩 定 對蹹 你佀 的 印 象 , 日 本 人 更俐 認 為惊 只要慇 6 愇 就 夠 了 ! 這 麼 短 暫 的 時頗 間 裡攐 , 你佀 有 想過跸 你佀 給 人 家韑 的 印 象 如 何 嗎 ?美愖 姿 美愖 儀 的 「 儀 」, 除 了 儀 態躊 , 還 代 表 禮 儀 ,邱 詩攚 瑜撓 老 師韦 在 形侫 象 管 理 指恹 導赫 與 禮 儀 教 學赩 領域 經操 驗 豐覍 富 , 希侣 望 帶 領 大 家韑 從 外 表 打 扮俇 、 舉手 投俈 足倦 到 氣頾 質賭 內 涵 各 全 方 位 的 學赩 習 , 當撔 個鞄 名符 其 實蹴 的 紳 士 淑 女 !單 元 一 美愖 姿 美愖 儀 - 服 飾 篇單 元 二 美愖 姿 美愖 儀 - 妝來 髮贺 篇單 元 三 美愖 姿 美愖 儀 - 儀 態躊 篇單 元 四 美愖 姿 美愖 儀 - 禮 儀 篇Item no. : WK02111360Format : 12 DVDs ( 國 語 , 中 文 字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1485.00科 普 教 育倘小 宇 宙 大 世 界惣 - CSI 科 學赩 鑑 識訤 辦案頥科 學赩 帶 給 我侷 們靽 的 最 大 意 義擗 , 在 於 它 能 夠 合 理的 解攕 釋 這 個鞄 世 界惣 ..你佀 所 看惷 到 的 不 一 定 是悋 真 相惵全 新搼 CSI 科 學赩 鑑 識訤 節擆 目 由 故悃 事 開 始帶 你佀 一 起 全 力 破 案頥 ..指恹 紋 和 骨 頭 可 以 當撔 作伿 科 學赩 鑑 識訤 的 工 具 ?不 起 眼 的 昆 蟲 , 是悋 協 助佔 破 案頥 的 英愷 雄 ?犯 罪擕 現 場 的 「 工 具 痕 跡攵 」 也 有 DNA?________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk156

眼 花 撩 亂 的 「 紙 上 犯 罪擕 」, 如 何 運跮 用 科 技侻 一一 破 解攕 ?第 一 集 : 關詉 鍵 密 碼 - 指恹 紋 毛 髮贺 : 每俟 個鞄 人 獨趸 一無 二 的 特顠 性第 二 集 : 身倧 體 的 身倧 分 證訥 - 牙 齒赈 骨 骼 : 法 醫覛 破解攕 骨 骼 密 碼第 三 集 花 的 秘 密 : 從 微 物 跡攵 證訥 找俁 真 相惵第 四 集 記 憶赲 拼恴 圖蹙 : 工 具 痕 跡攵 為惊 空 白 說 話攠第 五 集 蝴 蝶 - 印 文 : 以 假 亂 真 的 紙 上 犯 罪擕第 六 集 大 自 然 線 民 - 蒼 蠅訚 : 宋侗 朝 “ 洗悺 冤鞏 集錄 ” 它 也 曾 是悋 破 案頥 關詉 鍵Item no. : YE02111371Format : 6 DVDs ( 國 語 , 中 文 字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1188.00歷趜 史皇惭 帝 的 秘 密 花 園位 於 乾 隆 花 園 的 倦靳 勤 齋 是悋 乾 隆 皇惭 帝 為惊 退 位建 造 的 消顆 遣 之 地 , 但伽 他 從 未 去 過跸 。 它 是悋 紫 禁撺城 裏 內 部 裝攏 飾 最 為惊 豪 華 的 場 所 之 一 , 其 中 室內 通 景 畫 、 嵌 竹 絲 掛 簷訅 等 工 藝訓 格頴 外 高 超 , 以往 因 技侻 術 難詋 度 高 從 未 修鞈 繕 過跸 。21 世 紀愐 之 初 ,故悃 宮韓 博 物 院 啟 動 自 乾 隆 朝 以 來 最 大 規 模 的建 築跗 修鞈 整超 工 程 , 集 國 內 傳 統 工 藝訓 高 手 之 力 開始 對蹹 倦靳 勤 齋 的 全 慨面 修鞈 復 , 本 片 自 2003 年起 , 開 始 收跟 蹤覒 記 錄 倦靳 勤 齋 修鞈 復 過跸 程 , 並 深 入探 訪 相惵 關詉 手 工 藝訓 在 中 國 的 傳 承 和 發 展韙 狀況 , 結 合 工 程 參 與 者 的 親 身倧 經操 歷趜 , 為惊 觀 眾 展韙現 此 項 精 品 工 程 的 艱 辛倩 歷趜 程 和 不 為惊 人 知 的背愢 後 故悃 事 。Item no. : YV07761774Format : DVD (Mandarin)Price : USD 90.00全 球 視 野<strong>2012</strong> 年 CWEF 天 下 經操 濟 論 壇赤新搼 風靨 險 時頗 代 亞 洲悳 的 轉視 型 與 成 長Asia’s Transformation and Growth in a<strong>New</strong> Era of Risk<strong>2012</strong> 全 球 聚 焦 的 核頤 心 議 題覹 是悋 , 經操 濟 是悋 否佞 能避 免佊 二 次 衰 退 ? 復 甦 是悋 否佞 能 夠 持恶 續 ? 從 亞洲悳 看惷 天 下 , 如 何 運跮 籌 全 球 , 洞悹 察蹸 未 來 ; 捕項 捉頉先 機趙 , 規 劃蹄 戰赶 略 ; 重慢 振頄 增 長 , 走倥 出 危 機趙 。 在不 確 定 年 代 , 天 下 經操 濟 論 壇赤 為惊 您 搭 起 對蹹 話攠 的平 台 , 一 同 尋 找俁 方 向 !1. 經操 濟 動 盪 中 企 業摇 的 管 理 與 戰赶 略魏视 應 交 - 頂 新搼 國 際 集 團蹘 董擷 事 長2. 經操 濟 動 盪 中 企 業摇 的 管 理 與 戰赶 略薛 明 玲惜 - PwC 資攮 誠攟 聯 合 會摅 計慉 師韦 事 務 所 所 長3. 經操 濟 動 盪 中 企 業摇 的 管 理 與 戰赶 略陸 雄 文 - 復 旦 大 學赩 管 理 學赩 院 院 長4. 培 養 未 來 領 袖 人 才李俒 吉 仁 - 台 灣 大 學赩 管 理 學赩 院 副 院 長5. 培 養 未 來 領 袖 人 才許 朱 勝 - 台 灣 GE 公 司 首靫 席韥 執 行 長 暨躤 GE 大中 華 區 副 總 裁6. 新搼 興 市 場 的 發 展韙 與 挑悀 戰赶韓 家韑 寰赪 - 大 成 食靪 品 ( 亞 洲悳 ) 有 限慤 公 司 董擷 事 會摅主 席韥7. 新搼 興 市 場 的 發 展韙 與 挑悀 戰赶張 躍 - 遠 大 集 團蹘 董擷 事 長8. 新搼 興 市 場 的 發 展韙 與 挑悀 戰赶許 龍 川 - 印 尼 芝 嘉蹏 琅 工 業摇 園 區 董擷 事 長9. 數 位 經操 濟 新搼 金 礦誃曹 國 偉 - 新搼 浪顄 總 裁 兼鞎 首靫 席韥 執 行 官10. 數 位 經操 濟 新搼 金 礦誃鄒跽 開 蓮 - Yahoo! 亞 太 區 董擷 事 總 經操 理11. 科 技侻 產 業摇 的 下 一 步俞耐愙 迪慖 賢 - 波 士 頓踥 顧 問 公 司 (BCG) 大 中 華地 區 負慍 責 人 資攮 深 合 夥蹣 人 兼鞎 董擷 事 總 經操 理Item no. : MH02111359Format : 2 DVDs ( 國 語 , 中 文 字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 1475.00人 文跨跠 越 - 文 化 改俌 革靣 發 展韙 十 年 巡倯 禮六 集 大 型 電踝 視 專 題覹 片 《 跨跠 越 —— 文 化 改俌 革靣 發展韙 十 年 巡倯 禮 》, 以 清 晰 的 脈 絡 和 生 動 的 案頥例 , 展韙 現 了 十 六 大 以 來 我侷 國 文 化 體 制 改俌 革靣 走倥過跸 的 歷趜 程 和 取 得 的 成 就 , 凸 顯 了 我侷 國 文 化 事業摇 十 年 來 大 繁 榮躪 、 大 發 展韙 的 景 象 , 總 結 了 文化 體 制 改俌 革靣 過跸 程 中 取 得 的 寶話 貴 經操 驗 。第 1 集 深 化 體 制 改俌 革靣第 2 集 加 強 公 共 服 務第 3 集 創 新搼 體 制 機趙 制第 4 集 發 展韙 文 化 產 業摇第 5 集 引 導赫 創 作伿 生 產第 6 集 推 動 文 化 走倥 出 去Item no. : SH07491778Format : 2 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 180.00舌 尖 上 的 中 國(MULTILINGUAL VERSION)《 舌 尖 上 的 中 國 》 是悋 紀愐 錄 頻 道跰 推 出 的 第 一 部高 端 美愖 食靪 類詑 系倐 列 紀愐 錄 片 , 從 2011 年 3 月 開始 大 規 模 拍 攝 , 是悋 國 內 第 一 次 使 用 高 清 設 備拍 攝 的 大 型 美愖 食靪 類詑 紀愐 錄 片 。 共 在 國 內 拍 攝60 個鞄 地 點 方 , 涵 蓋 了 包 括恽 港 澳趥 臺 在 內 的 中國 各 個鞄 地 域 , 它 全 方 位 展韙 示 博 大 精 深 的 中 華美愖 食靪 文 化 。 向 觀 眾 , 尤 其 是悋 海顊 外 觀 眾 展韙 示 中國 的 日 常 飲 食靪 流悵 變 , 千 差韤 萬撻 別低 的 飲 食靪 習 慣躍 和獨趸 特顠 的 味 覺 審 美愖 , 以 及 上 升 到 生 存 智 慧 層 慨面的 東 方 生 活悻 價 值靹 觀 , 讓 觀 眾 從 飲 食靪 文 化 的 側慨面 認 識訤 和 理 解攕 傳 統 和 變 化 著 的 中 國 。第 一 集 自 然 的 饋 贈訫第 二 集 主 食靪 的 故悃 事第 三 集 轉視 化 的 靈 感第 四 集 時頗 間 的 味 道跰第 五 集 廚 房 的 秘 密第 六 集 五 味 的 調 和第 七 集 我侷 們靽 的 田 野Item no. : NU07761771Format : 7 DVDs (Mandarin,English, French, Spanish,Portuguese, WithPublication)Price : USD 420.00食靪 在 八 方《 走倥 遍跹 中 國 食靪 在 八 方 》 尋 訪 四 慨面 八 方 , 發 現美愖 食靪 背愢 後 的 傳 奇 故悃 事 ; 走倥 遍跹 天 南 海顊 北 , 揭 開傳 統 菜 系倐 的 烹 飪 技侻 藝訓 。《 走倥 遍跹 中 國 食靪 在 八 方 》 圍 繞 各 大 菜 系倐 的 菜 肴特顠 色 , 展韙 現 不 同 地 域 人 們靽 的 生 活悻 方 式 、 生 活悻態躊 度 、 飲 食靪 習 慣躍 以 及 他 們靽 在 飲 食靪 文 化 方 慨面 的創 造 力 。 通 過跸 “ 過跸 程 化 ” 和 “ 體 驗 式 ” 的 表現 形侫 態躊 , 從 美愖 食靪 家韑 、 文 化 學赩 者 或 者 烹 飪 技侻 藝訓傳 承 的 視 角倞 , 以 探 尋 和 發 現 的 眼 光 , 展韙 現 某悕一 菜 系倐 獨趸 特顠 的 魅贽 力 , 從 而 向 全 球 展韙 示 具 有 中國 地 域 特顠 色 的 食靪 文 化 , 並 由 此 弘 揚 中 華 民 族的 傳 統 文 化 精 髓 。第 一 集 川 菜第 二 集 魯赀 菜第 三 集 湘 菜第 四 集 徽 菜第 五 集 浙顋 菜第 六 集 蘇 菜第 七 集 粵擌 菜第 八 集 閩 菜第 九 集 贛 菜第 十 集 淮 揚 菜Item no. : CP07761779Format : 3 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 270.00為惊 時頗 代 放 歌躺畫 布 上 , 塗 抹 著 十 年 的 斑 斕唱 片 裏 , 刻 錄 了 十 年 的 基 調舞 臺 上 , 揮 灑 了 十 年 的 汗 水文 字 中 , 留 下 了 十 年 的 成 就十 集 大 型 文 藝訓 專 題覹 片 ——《 為惊 時頗 代 放 歌躺 》,全 景 式 回 顧 新搼 世 紀愐 文 藝訓 發 展韙 歷趜 程 , 記 錄 中 國廣 大 文 藝訓 工 作伿 者 熱 情 揮 灑 、 激趦 情 創 造 、 奮赦 進發 展韙 、 枝 繁 葉擱 茂愳 、 繁 花 似 錦 的 盛 景 。 用 深 情的 筆 墨赇 為惊 人 民 書頟 寫 , 用 文 藝訓 的 力 量 為惊 時頗 代 放歌躺 。Item no. : KK07271780Format : 5 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 450.00社 會摅 人 文直 擊 不 願詒 慨面 對蹹 的 真 相惵台 灣 的 未 來 已 經操 不 起 一 再 的 重慢 蹈 覆 轍覗 ! 搶 救 人 才 孤 島韡1. 外 人 不 來台 灣 法 令 限慤 制 留 不 住 外 國 人 , 還 有 許 多 來 台唸 書頟 的 留 學赩 生 , 畢 業摇 後 , 也 都 不 想 繼 續 待著 。 台 灣 有 哪鞯 些 原鞝 因 讓 他 們靽 望 之 卻 步俞 ?2. 搶 救 孤 島韡鄰贊 近 國 家韑 相惵 當撔 重慢 視 人 才 的 引 進 和 培 育倘 , 甚惠 至________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk157

把便 人 才 的 爭 逐 視 同 作伿 戰赶 , 但伽 台 灣 政悂 府 有 沒俯 有這 樣 的 意 識訤 收跟 政悂 策 高 度 呢 ? 該攗 怎 麼 做 ?3. 台 生 去 港亞 洲悳 各 國 搶 人 才 , 從 大 學赩 就 開 始 了 , 香靬 港 搶人 積 極摌 , 主 動 派悽 教 授 來 台 招 生 , 還 提 供 價 值靹上 百 萬撻 的 全 額覷 獎 學赩 金 , 吸佫 引 不 少 優 秀倍 學赩 子 放棄 台 大 、 到 香靬 港 唸 書頟 。色 社 會摅 主 義擗 建 設 的 輝購 煌摾 成 就 、 寶話 貴 經操 驗 和 深刻 啟 示 , 客 觀 真 實蹴 地 展韙 示 一 個鞄 文 明 型 國 家韑 和平 崛 起 的 發 展韙 道跰 路跡 。Item no. : YV07491781Format : 4 DVDs (Mandarin)Price : USD 360.004. 高 階 出 走倥大 陸 科 技侻 業摇 挖恲 角倞 台 灣 人 才 更俐 犀 利佐 , 不 但伽 開 出五 倍靰 月 薪 , 還 提 供 不 限慤 金 額覷 的 支 票 , 要慇 把便 整超個鞄 研惽 發 團蹘 隊 一 起 挖恲 過跸 去 。 台 灣 科 技侻 業摇 , 高 階人 才 紛 紛 外 流悵 , 會摅 不 會摅 成 為惊 人 才 孤 島韡 呢 ?5. 台 勞 輸 出新搼 加 坡 副 總 理 尚 達跲 曼 曾 經操 指恹 出 , 台 灣 人 才 外流悵 嚴詫 重慢 , 要慇 新搼 加 坡 警 惕 , 不 要慇 重慢 蹈 覆 轍覗 。 台灣 為惊 什 麼 留 不 住 人 才 ? 公 共 失 策 的 悲 歌躺1. 公 托 紛 紛 關詉 閉 內 幕蹿政悂 府 大 力 催 生 , 提 出 加 強 提 供 公 共 政悂 策 , 但伽沒俯 想 到 公 共 扥 育倘 服 務 不 增 反 減 , 一 年 之 內 ,已 經操 有 146 家韑 公 立 托 兒 所 倒靼 閉 , 而 且 集 中 在中 南 部 ? 在 鄉 下 公 立 托 兒 所 紛 紛 關詉 門 大 吉之 際 , 屏 東 縣跣 里倷 港 鄉 卻 反 其 道跰 而 行 , 籌 出 六千 萬撻 元 蓋 鄉 立 托 兒 所 ?(1) 公 托 停 辦 (2) 停 托 內 幕蹿 (3) 撐 住 公 托2. 墾赣 丁 海顊 灘 BOT墾赣 丁 國 家韑 公 園 海顊 灘 , 陸 續 被 委 外 經操 營 , 已 經操成 為惊 當撔 地 最 大 的 民 怨 , 因 為惊 十 多 年 來 , 過跸 去BOT 出 去 的 沙俢 灘 , 政悂 府 並 未 還 給 全 民 , 首靫當撔 其 衝 就 是悋 靠败 水 上 活悻 動 生 存 的 居 民 , 而 以 保育倘 為惊 名 的 墾赣 管 處 , 也 成 為惊 箭 靶踢 !(1) 卸 責 (2) 墾赣 丁 悲 鳴 (3) 帶 頭 違跴 法 (4) 大 街難詋 管 環 境蹜 走倥 調 難詋 安 居1. 爐詾 碴 排 放 造 成 重慢 金 屬 污 染悒煉摹 鋼 廠 的 廢 棄 物 爐詾 碴 、 爐詾 石 粉 、 集 塵蹚 灰 , 不僅 出 現 在 我侷 們靽 生 活悻 周 遭贈 , 就 連 國 土 政悂 策 裡攐 ,應 該攗 農跭 地 農跭 用 的 農跭 地 , 在 政悂 府 核頤 准鞔 爐詾 碴 業摇者 , 一 一 變 更俐 成 工 業摇 用 地 來 堆 置擓 爐詾 碴 。 政悂 府的 資攮 源摤 再 利佐 用 政悂 策 , 慨面 臨 嚴詫 峻韝 考 驗 。(1) 直 擊 爐詾 碴 (2) 波 浪顄 毒悮 路跡 (3) 爐詾 碴 搶 地2. 爛 茶 好 茶 混 搭 欺 騙詘 大 陸 遊路 客 之 購 物 站 真相惵越 來 越 多 陸 客 對蹹 購 物 站 所 賣 的 商 品 , 多 所 疑慮 , 中 天 記 者 為惊 您 真 實蹴 呈佤 現 購 物 站 和 旅頖 行 社剝鞚 削 陸 客 團蹘 獲 取 利佐 潤 的 內 幕蹿 。 根頨 據赼 海顊 關詉 資攮料頔 , 台 灣 每俟 年 進 口 將 近 兩 萬撻 噸赙 越 南 茶 葉擱 , 可能 含佳 有 農跭 藥託 毒悮 物 殘 留 , 台 灣 人 幾 乎 不 喝 越 南茶 , 到 底 進 口 的 越 南 茶 跑 到 哪鞯 裡攐 去 了 ?(1) 坑佻 殺 陸 客 (2) 只 賣 陸 客 (3) 爛 茶 混 充 (4)泡 沫 爛 茶Item no. : LK02111372Format : 3 DVDs ( 國 語 , 中 文 字 幕蹿 )Copyright : <strong>2012</strong>Price : USD 495.00政悂 論中 國 之 路跡八 集 電踝 視 系倐 列 片 《 中 國 之 路跡 》, 以 理 論 與 實蹴踐賳 的 聯 繫訇 , 歷趜 史 與 現 實蹴 的 結 合 , 融 合 國 際 視野 , 弘 揚 時頗 代 精 神 , 深 入 淺 出 地 闡 釋 中 國 特顠________________________________________________________________________________________________________Learning Rendezvous LimitedEmail: inquiry@learningemall.<strong>com</strong> Websites: http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong> & http://www.learningemall.<strong>com</strong>.hk158

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