press kit - Wonderphil Productions

press kit - Wonderphil Productions

press kit - Wonderphil Productions


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HYKIE BERGMaldives which he won.Hykie Berg first capturedthe public imagination asthe controversial Darius duBuisson in the hit soapEgoli: Plek van Goud.Although he has portrayeda wide range of characters,in 2011 audiences got tosee a glimpse of the realcharacter when he tookpart in Survivor SA:Hykie has worked on various theatre, film and televisionproductions including drama series The Res and Plek vandie Vleisvreters, Egoli, Binneland, the award winning featureOuma se Slim Kind and Pretville.He is the managing director of Attooh True Wealth Academy, abrand ambassador for Honda South Africa and People Searchand Rescue Unit (PSARU).What attracted you to this project?The story says a lot about the conflict between complexmaterialism and the simplicity of love. And as we know, lovewill always triumph. I think many people lose direction in theirsearch for riches which are so transient. Cybil, for examplefinds her solace in her desire to love unselfishly as witnessedin her love of the children. It is the childrens’ struggle thatis at the heart of the film, and the understanding of theirproblems that will inspire people to become more involvedin the community. Love, happiness, despair and moments ofhappiness are the things that resonated with me in the script.And the fact that, once again, I was able to play an interestingcharacter.Describe working in the Little Karoo, specially theSwartberg MountainsThere is no other place in the world where heaven and earthmeet in such a beautiful fashion. It is one of the most blissfuland peaceful places on earth. I think I was more interestedin looking for a farm for my retirement than I was with thepeople. The beauty of the Swartberg leaves one speechless.I have never shot a film in a more beautiful place than theSwartberg.Which was your favourite scene and why?The scene where Cybil and I are seated at the table eatingdinner. I think this stands out for me because in this sceneyou can clearly see his obsession with material things. It wasan opportunity to carefully plan when to show the character’sconceitedness and then conceal it behind false humility.What was your biggest challenge in playing thischaracter?Every role comes with its own unique challenges. It is alwaysa scary experience for me to just allow the moment to leadyou. The challenge then is to make the right choices at theright time. Sometimes I have no idea what is going to hapenduring a scene and I tend to improvise a lot. It’s about takingthat leap of faith, and just doing it! You have to trust yourselfin the role, any uncertainty is confusing to the audience.Describe working with the accomplished Regardt vanden BerghWhat a machine! It is lovely to see how he handles eachperson on set in singular way. The respect that he has foreveryone on set, incuding the man on the ground is trulyremarkable to see. He is joyful, exciting and just full of love.He carries the team every moment of the day and by sunsetthe results speak for themselves.It is the human relations that lead to the success of a projectof this scale. Regardt is a true leader and that makes amassive difference. One feels part of a team and he always

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