press kit - Wonderphil Productions

press kit - Wonderphil Productions press kit - Wonderphil Productions
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is holding a conference. Sophie is very arty and a littleeccentric. She is good at her work and guests are crazy abouther especially when she, together with her partner in crimeHermientjie, organises themed dinners and entertainment forthem. Sophie cannot stand Meyer and cannot understandwhat Cybil sees in him. Not only does Sophie run the lodge,she also has to keep Karel, the strange, germ-obsessed ownerof the lodge happy. He is a constant source of frustration forher, but could there be something else lurking behind thatfrustration?Pierre Breytenbach is Karel “Kiempie” de Villiers:Karek is the owner of Swartberg Country Manor. He boughtthe lodge because he wanted to escape the germ-infestedcity. His phobia makes it impossible for him to have contactwith strangers and, therefore, Sophie is the face of the lodge.Karel’s lack of social skills and absolute fear of germs makesit difficult for him to say what he means. For this reasonhe avoids intimate relationships. But since love is blind andnot particularly scared of the odd germ, Karel’s life couldsuddenly change dramatically.Sisanda Henna is Bongi Mazibuko:Bongi is Frans’ best friend and business partner. He foundedthe business and is the one who handles clients and pitchesfor new projects. Bongi is a real city slicker, full of confidenceand has a good self-esteem. However, he has absolutely nocontrol over the rest of the film crew (Jackie and Brian) andgenerally leaves it to Frans to keep them in line. He worriesabout Frans, especially after Sanet dumped him and it is hismission to find a new girlfriend for Frans. Frans has littletime for Bongi’s little schemes.Bouwer Bosch is Brian and Liandie du Randt isJackie:Jackie is Bongi’s assistant, but nobody is quite certain whatshe is supposed to do – other than work on everyone’snerves. She does not like kids or small country towns, sobeing stranded in the Little Karoo amongst the children ofKalfieskraal is nothing short of hell for her.Brian is an outstanding cameraman, the only reason theothers tolerate him. He specialises in films about war andconflict. Unfortunately, he has spent way too much time inconflict zones, with bombs exploding all around him. In short,he is a little ‘damaged’.Helene Truter is Hermientjie:Hermientjie is a chef at the Swartberg Country Manor andSophie’s partner in crime.Amalia Uys is Margriet:Margriet and Cybil teach at the same school. They are notparticularly fond of one another, but Margriet is crazy aboutMeyer…

DONNALEE ROBERTSSouth African actress andmodel Donnalee Robertsgraduated with a BADrama from PretoriaUniversity in 2006. Shethen completed a furthertwo years of training at thePerforming Arts andLifestyle Institution (PALI)film school in Pretoriawhere she played the leadrole in a number of student films.Donnalee can currently be seen as the feisty Annelie in thepopular SABC soap 7de Laan. She has appeared in a numberof advertising campaigns and is also the ambassador ofcertain charities.Klein Karoo marks Donnalee’s feature film debut.What attracted you to this story?The story is such an inspiration with lots of heart and soul.It shows us that any dream can come true and that true lovestill exists.Describe working in the Little Karoo and specifically inthe Swartberg MountainsI have always been attracted to the Little Karoo. There issomething in the air in those parts that appeals to the soul.The Swartberg Mountains are truly breathtaking and filled mewith wonder. It was a great privilege to shoot there.What was your favourite scene and what made itspecial?It is impossible for me to single out a specific scene, thewhole of Cybil’s story, each moment and every scene wasmeaningful to me.What were the most challenging aspects of the role?To a large extent I was able to relate to Cybil because weshare a dream and common passion for the community, butthis was my first feature film and I tried to tell Cybil’s storywith as much sensitivity as I could. Hopefully that is whataudiences will see.Describe working with Regardt van den Bergh.It was a great priviege. It has always been a dream of mineto work with Regardt and just as dreams come true in KleinKaroo, so too did my dream come true. He has a wonderfulway of working with people and I really appreciated how hetook time to greet each one of us every morning and thenthank each of us for our hard work at the end of the day. Thisreally helped to motivate all of us. He is very much a people’sperson, always patient and willing to give advice. He has agreat understanding of film which he shares with everyone.Tell us about Cybil’s drive to make a difference in hercommunity and your feelings about Kaapland Films’desire to make a lasting and uplifting impact on thecommunity where Klein Karoo was shotCybil’s story lies very near to my heart, it is wonderful toplay a character who wants to make a difference and actuallydoes. It does not end there because in reality KaaplandFilms are making a real difference and I hope with all myheart that this will inspire those who see the film to becomeinvolved in this project and to make a difference. I take myhat off to Kaapland Films for not only creating something soindescribably beautiful, but also something that will continueto inspire.What will remain with you from this experience? Anyinteresting anecdotes?How wonderful the energy surrounding the project was andthe fantastic way in which everyone worked together tomake such a beautiful film in such a short space of time. Thelaughter and time shared around the very long dinner table

DONNALEE ROBERTSSouth African actress andmodel Donnalee Robertsgraduated with a BADrama from PretoriaUniversity in 2006. Shethen completed a furthertwo years of training at thePerforming Arts andLifestyle Institution (PALI)film school in Pretoriawhere she played the leadrole in a number of student films.Donnalee can currently be seen as the feisty Annelie in thepopular SABC soap 7de Laan. She has appeared in a numberof advertising campaigns and is also the ambassador ofcertain charities.Klein Karoo marks Donnalee’s feature film debut.What attracted you to this story?The story is such an inspiration with lots of heart and soul.It shows us that any dream can come true and that true lovestill exists.Describe working in the Little Karoo and specifically inthe Swartberg MountainsI have always been attracted to the Little Karoo. There issomething in the air in those parts that appeals to the soul.The Swartberg Mountains are truly breathtaking and filled mewith wonder. It was a great privilege to shoot there.What was your favourite scene and what made itspecial?It is impossible for me to single out a specific scene, thewhole of Cybil’s story, each moment and every scene wasmeaningful to me.What were the most challenging aspects of the role?To a large extent I was able to relate to Cybil because weshare a dream and common passion for the community, butthis was my first feature film and I tried to tell Cybil’s storywith as much sensitivity as I could. Hopefully that is whataudiences will see.Describe working with Regardt van den Bergh.It was a great priviege. It has always been a dream of mineto work with Regardt and just as dreams come true in KleinKaroo, so too did my dream come true. He has a wonderfulway of working with people and I really appreciated how hetook time to greet each one of us every morning and thenthank each of us for our hard work at the end of the day. Thisreally helped to motivate all of us. He is very much a people’sperson, always patient and willing to give advice. He has agreat understanding of film which he shares with everyone.Tell us about Cybil’s drive to make a difference in hercommunity and your feelings about Kaapland Films’desire to make a lasting and uplifting impact on thecommunity where Klein Karoo was shotCybil’s story lies very near to my heart, it is wonderful toplay a character who wants to make a difference and actuallydoes. It does not end there because in reality KaaplandFilms are making a real difference and I hope with all myheart that this will inspire those who see the film to becomeinvolved in this project and to make a difference. I take myhat off to Kaapland Films for not only creating something soindescribably beautiful, but also something that will continueto inspire.What will remain with you from this experience? Anyinteresting anecdotes?How wonderful the energy surrounding the project was andthe fantastic way in which everyone worked together tomake such a beautiful film in such a short space of time. Thelaughter and time shared around the very long dinner table

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