press kit - Wonderphil Productions

press kit - Wonderphil Productions

press kit - Wonderphil Productions


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had a moment of panic and naturally over acted even more.But Regardt is such an amazing director that I put myself inhis hands and allowed him to guide me. Then somethinghappened that I have never experenced before, my narcissismreceded and I totally slipped into the world of my characterand the story. It was an amazing feeling.What was the biggest challenge for you in portrayingthis character?She is a small character and, though indispensible, there wasnot much of an arc for the character or any meat with whichto work. There were also changes to the script that I had notseen beforehand so I was not able to prepare as thoroughlyas I usually would. I was a little scared that I would not beable to deliver what was expected of me, but in the end it allworked out.What worried me a lot more was the fact that according tothe schedule all my scenes were in the last three days ofthe shoot. This was the case on my previous film and it wasa nightmare. I know only too well how exhausted cast andcrew are in the last few days, but in this case I need not haveworried. It was a great experience.Describe working with the legendary Regardt van denBerghAn absolute honour and pleasure. He is the real deal. I hopeto work with him over and over again.What are your thoughts about the heart of the KleinKaroo Story, Cybil’s drive to make a difference in hercommunity, and the fact that Kaapland Films want tomake a lasting and uplifting impact on the locationwhere the movie was shot?I have always been of the opinion that there should becontinuity in terms of the various visions that make the finalproduct (movie/play/series) possible. Everyone from the leadcharacter to the office assistant needs to be on the samewavelength. This is the ideal, although we know that it isseldom the case in this fickle industryf Klein Karoo was reallyrefeshing because the production company in this case isdirectly involved in spreading the message of the movie andaccept responsibility for the impact thereof.What were the most memorable aspects of this project?Any anecdotes?The fact that I was treated with kindness and respect byeveryone throughout my time on set.The route from the Swartberg Manor to the farm school isa typical Karoo dirt road. I was driving along this road withRegardt, both of us looking at the landscape. All I couldsee was Karoo scrub (and being a child of the Kalahari,I pride myself on being more observant than my citycounterparts). Every couple of seconds Regardt pointed outa neutmuskaatklipspringer or a kruibosmuishond or group ofgiraffe. My point is that all I saw was scrub and the flatlanscape, but Regardt not only saw these things, but wasable to name them.AMALIA UYSAmalia Uys startedentertaining people from avery early age. During herschool years, she took partin the annual PretoriaEisteddfod and variousschool plays.By the time she matriculated,Amalia hadcompleted her Grade 8training with the Royal Academy of Dancing and her speechand drama training at the Speech and Drama Guild at seniorlevel 5. She achieved both of these with distinction.In 2003 she started her B.Drama degree at the Universiteit ofStellenbosch. After appearing in many theatre productions,

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