Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

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AcknowledgementsThis publication was prepared by the InternationalEnergy Agency’s Energy Technology PolicyDivision. Bo Diczfalusy, Director of the Directorateof Sustainable Energy Policy and Technology, andPeter Taylor, Head of the Energy Technology PolicyDivision, provided important guidance and input.Tom Kerr, co-ordinator of the Energy Technology<strong>Roadmap</strong>s project, provided invaluable leadershipand inspiration throughout the development ofthe roadmap. David Elzinga was the lead authorfor this roadmap. Steve Heinen also providedsignificant input and support. Many other IEAcolleagues have provided important contributions,in particular Seul-Ki Kim (with the support of theKorean Ministry of Knowledge and Economy),Yuichi Ikeda, Grayson Heffner, Hugo Chandler,Marilyn Smith, Uwe Remme, Lew Fulton, HiroyukiKaneko, Stefanie Held, Mary Harries Magnussonand Catherine Smith.The volunteers of the smart grids roadmapsadvisory committee have provided guidance overthe course of its development: Guido Bartelsof IBM; David Mohler of Duke Energy and themembers of the e8 technology group on smartgrids; Joris Knigge of Enexis; Laurent Schmitt ofAlstom Power; Michele de Nigris of Ricerca sulSistema Energetico and the Electricity NetworksAnalysis and R&D IEA Implementing Agreement;Hans Nilsson of the Demand Side Management IEAImplementing Agreement; Henriette Nesheim ofthe Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy;Eric Lightner of the US Department of Energy;and Bartosz Wojszczyk of General Electric. DavidBeauvais of Natural Resources Canada contributedto the development of the smart grid technologiessections and George Arnold of the National Instituteof Standards and Technology (NIST) contributedto the section on standards. The roadmap wasedited by Andrew Johnston of Language Aid. MurielCustodio and Bertrand Sadin of the IEA providedlayout and graphical design support.This work was guided by the IEA Committee onEnergy Research and Technology. Its membershosted one of the roadmap workshops andprovided important reviews and comments thathelped to improve the document. A number of IEAImplementing Agreement members, as part of theElectricity Co-ordination Group, provided valuablecomments and suggestions. We want to thankthe Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energyand the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade andIndustry for support and guidance to the roadmap.Finally, this roadmap would not be effectivewithout all of the comments and supportreceived from the industry, government and nongovernmentexperts who attended meetings,reviewed and commented on drafts, and providedoverall guidance and support. The authors wish tothank all of those who commented who cannot benamed individually.For more information on this document, contact:David Elzinga, IEA SecretariatTel. +33 1 40 57 66 93Email: david.elzinga@iea.orgSteve Heinen, IEA SecretariatTel. +33 1 40 57 66 82Email: steve.heinen@iea.org4 Technology <strong>Roadmap</strong>s <strong>Smart</strong> grids© OECD/IEA, 2010

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