Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

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Interoperability Framework for smart grids. NISThas co-operated with many other countries thatare working on smart grids to share work andfacilitate collaboration, and has also establisheda new independent organisation, the <strong>Smart</strong> <strong>Grid</strong>Interoperability Panel. Nearly 600 companiesand organisations from around the world areparticipating in the panel, which is co-ordinatingthe work of over 20 standards developmentorganisations, including those listed above.In Europe, a European Joint Working Group forStandardisation of <strong>Smart</strong> <strong><strong>Grid</strong>s</strong> has recently beenestablished in which CEN, CENELEC, ETSI 22 andthe European Commission are participating.Japan has developed an initial standards roadmapfor smart grids and has also formed a <strong>Smart</strong>Community Alliance, which has extended theconcept of smart grids beyond the electric systemto encompass energy efficiency and efficientmanagement of other resources, such as water,gas and transportation. The government of Koreahas announced a plan to build a national smartgrid network and is beginning work on a standardsroadmap. In China, the State <strong>Grid</strong> Corporation hasdeveloped a draft Framework and <strong>Roadmap</strong> forStrong and <strong>Smart</strong> <strong>Grid</strong> Standards.The major economies are all contributing to thedevelopment of international standards uponwhich national standards can be based. Continuedcommunication and collaboration will createexcellent prospects for international harmonisationof many smart grid standards, especially thosedealing with the new information aspects of thegrid, while taking into account the diversity ofinfrastructure requirements around the world.22 European Committee for Standardization (CEN), EuropeanCommittee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC),European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).Technology development : actions and milestones33© OECD/IEA, 2010

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