Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

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that large charging installation will provide powersystem ancillary services such as capacity reserve,peak load shaving and vehicle-to-grid regulation.This will include interaction with both AMI andcustomer-side systems.Customer-side systemsCustomer-side systems, which are used to helpmanage electricity consumption at the industrial,service and residential levels, include energymanagement systems, energy storage devices,smart appliances and distributed generation. 13Energy efficiency gains and peak demand reductioncan be accelerated with in-home displays/energydashboards, smart appliances and local storage.Demand response includes both manual customerresponse and automated, price-responsiveappliances and thermostats that are connected toan energy management system or controlled with asignal from the utility or system operator.13 Residential small-scale generation equipment on customerpremises falls under both categories of consumer-side systemsand renewable and distributed energy systems.Table 3. <strong>Smart</strong> grid technologiesTechnology area Hardware Systems and softwareWide-area monitoringand controlInformationand communicationtechnology integrationPhasor measurement units (PMU)and other sensor equipmentCommunication equipment (Powerline carrier, WIMAX, LTE, RF meshnetwork, cellular), routers, relays,switches, gateway, computers(servers)Supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA), wide-area monitoring systems(WAMS), wide-area adaptive protection,control and automation (WAAPCA), wideareasituational awareness (WASA)Enterprise resource planning software(ERP), customer information system (CIS)Renewable and distributedgeneration integrationPower conditioning equipmentfor bulk power and grid support,communication and control hardwarefor generation and enabling storagetechnologyEnergy management system (EMS),distribution management system (DMS),SCADA, geographic Informationsystem (GIS)Transmission enhancement Superconductors, FACTS, HVDC Network stability analysis, automaticrecovery systemsDistribution gridmanagementAdvanced meteringinfrastructureElectric vehicle charginginfrastructureAutomated re-closers, switchesand capacitors, remote controlleddistributed generation and storage,transformer sensors, wire and cablesensors<strong>Smart</strong> meter, in-home displays,servers, relaysCharging infrastructure,batteries, invertersGeographic information system (GIS),distribution management system (DMS),outage management system (OMS),workforce management system (WMS)Meter data management system (MDMS)Energy billing, smart grid-to-vehiclecharging (G2V) and dischargingvehicle-to-grid (V2G) methodologiesCustomer-side systems<strong>Smart</strong> appliances, routers, in-homedisplay, building automation systems,thermal accumulators,smart thermostatEnergy dashboards, energy managementsystems, energy applications for smartphones and tablets<strong>Smart</strong> grid deployment19© OECD/IEA, 2010

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