Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

Smart Grids Roadmap - Smart Grid Sherpa

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Electricity system needs for today and the futureBox 1: Energy Technology Perspectivesscenario descriptionsThe ETP BLUE Map Scenario aims to ensurethat global energy-related CO 2emissions arereduced to half their current levels by 2050.This scenario examines ways in which theintroduction of existing and new low-carbontechnologies might achieve this at leastcost, while also bringing energy securitybenefits in terms of reduced dependenceon oil and gas, and health benefits as airpollutant emissions are reduced. The BLUEMap Scenario is consistent with a long-termglobal rise in temperatures of 2 o C to 3 o C,but only if the reduction in energy-relatedCO 2emissions is combined with deep cutsin other greenhouse-gas emissions. TheBaseline Scenario considers the business-asusualcase, not reducing emission levels toany predetermined goal by 2050. The BLUEMap and Baseline Scenarios are based onthe same macroeconomic assumptions.Over the last few decades, generation and networktechnology deployment, market and regulatorystructures, and the volume and use of electricityhave changed significantly. This transformationhas largely been managed successfully, but ageinginfrastructures mean that further changes couldaffect system stability, reliability and security.<strong>Smart</strong> grid technologies provide a range ofsolutions that can be tailored to the specific needsof each region. The primary global system trendsand the role of smart grids are illustrated in thefollowing sections using the Energy TechnologyPerspectives (ETP) Baseline and BLUE Map Scenariosdeveloped by the IEA to estimate future technologydeployment and demand (Box 1).Future demand and supplyIncreased consumptionof electricityElectricity is the fastest-growing component of totalglobal energy demand, with consumption expectedto increase by over 150% under the ETP 2010Baseline Scenario and over 115% between 2007and 2050 under the BLUE Map Scenario (IEA, 2010).Figure 3. Electricity consumption growth 2007-50 (BLUE Map Scenario)600%500%400%300%200%100%0%OECD NorthAmericaOECDEuropeOECDPacificTransitioneconomiesChina India Other Africadeveloping AsiaCentral and MiddleSouth America EastGlobalaverageSource: IEA, 2010.KEY POINT: Emerging economies will need to use smart grids to efficiently meet rapidly growingelectricity demand.10 Technology <strong>Roadmap</strong>s <strong>Smart</strong> grids© OECD/IEA, 2010

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