Patient Care - Reference Manual - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Patient Care - Reference Manual - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

Patient Care - Reference Manual - Physician - Fraser Health Authority

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g) Quantity (Qty) - the field displays number of procedures to be done. It will usuallybe blank, and the system assumes the quantity is one.h) Status - this field gives the status of the order by one of the followingdescriptions:StatusUNV – UnverifiedVer – VerifiedTRN – TransmittedCNC – CancelledCNC? – CancellationRequestedLOG – LoggedIPR – In ProgressTKN – TakenCMP – CompleteRES – ResultedDescriptionOrder was entered by an unverified clinicianOrder was verified, but not sent to departmentOrder was sent to department or destinationprinterOrder was cancelledCancellation request has been enteredThe order has crossed the interface and is loggedin the destination system, i.e. LABWork has started on the order in the destinationsystemWork in the Medical Imaging Department hasbegunOrder is complete or report has been transcribedOrder is associated with a resulted reporti) Order Date and Time (Ord Dt&Tm) - this field contains the date and time theorders were placed.j) By – indicates the monogram of the person who filed the order.2. What can I do when Reviewing Orders – by service date?1) After clicking on the Review Orders (by service date) icon as per above, enter theCategory. This field is optional and can restrict the reviewing of orders to a specificcategory. By leaving this field blank all orders will appear for all categories.2) Enter the <strong>Patient</strong> Name - Note: There are four ways to identify the patient:a) Full Name: Type in the full name, e.g. SMITH,JOHN, then press the lookup key or or press the key. Double click on the correct choice orhighlight it by using the keys and press the key.b) Partial Name: Type in the first three letters of the last name and first initial, e.g.SMI,J, then press the look up key or or press the key. Doubleclick on the correct choice or highlight it by using the keys and press the key.c) Account Number: The two letters are the site mnemonic and then a series ofnumber.d) Recall: Press the and then the key to recall the lastpatient worked on during the current session.<strong>Health</strong> Informatics<strong>Health</strong> Information Systems and Services© <strong>Fraser</strong> <strong>Health</strong> <strong>Authority</strong>, 2006. All rights reserved.21

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