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<strong>PI<strong>PE</strong></strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>PE</strong>-X/<strong>AL</strong>/<strong>PE</strong>-X <strong>AND</strong> <strong>BRASS</strong>-FITT<strong>IN</strong>GS

EDITION 1: September 2009

i<strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTION<strong>IN</strong>TRODUCTIONThe MULTYRAMA System is a system of pipes and fittings suitable for theconstruction of water supply and heating systems.The systems features a pipe produced with cutting edge technologies,which combines and fully exploits the properties of plastic and metal.In fact, this i s a multi-layer pipe, comprising two layers of crosslinkedpolyethylene, bonded to an intermediate layer of aluminium.The joints are made using mechanical compression unions, of both the“press-fitting” and nut and ring tightening type.<strong>IN</strong>DEX1. GENER<strong>AL</strong> pag. 42. PRO<strong>PE</strong>RTIES OF MULTYRAMA <strong>PI<strong>PE</strong></strong>S pag. 63. APPLICATION FIELDS pag. 94. JO<strong>IN</strong>TS pag. 105. GUARANTEE pag. 126. DIMENSION<strong>AL</strong> CHARACTERISTICS pag. 147. PRODUCTION pag. 158. CHEMIC<strong>AL</strong> RESISTANCE pag. 229. <strong>IN</strong>ST<strong>AL</strong>LATION TECHNIQUE pag. 2510. THERMIC <strong>IN</strong>SULATION pag. 3311. WARN<strong>IN</strong>G pag. 3412. TEST<strong>IN</strong>G pag. 3813. LOSS OF WEIGHT pag. 403

2.PRO<strong>PE</strong>RTIES OFMULTYRAMA <strong>PI<strong>PE</strong></strong>S3. APPLICATION FIELDSLOW LOAD LOSSThe superficial structure of of <strong>PE</strong>-X is highly homogenous, due to the lackof cracks, gross porosity and small fissures, typical of metallic surfacesAPPLICATIONFIELDSMultyrama pipes have been studied to withstand, with an ample safetyratio, the stress levels present in civil and industrial installations. Forusually used in hydra pipe-lines, and, therefore, Multyrama has a verysanitation installations the pipes can function at a stable temperaturelow friction ratio (<strong>PE</strong>-X is physically defined as a ‘smooth body’). Thiswhen exercising Toper = 60°C and malfunction temperature Tmal =characteristic permits very swift flows of water; as a consequence there95°C. In heating installations the maximum temperature is Tmax = 90°Cis a low load loss as shown in diagrams on pages 38-39-40.with malfunction standing at Tmal = 100°C.In these installations it is always best to use anti-freeze to avoid dangerOXYGEN<strong>PE</strong>RMEABILITYMultyrama is impermeable to oxygen in that the presence of aluminiumimpedes any diffused phenomena entering the pipes’ surfaces. It isnoteworthy to remember that this characteristic is particularly soughtof freezing (for example second homes). These conditions are foreseenunder the specific UNI 109543-1 rulings relevant to multilayers and shownhereunder.after in central heating installations and in particular in those withradiators.ClassclPoperbarToper°CToper Time Tmaxyear°CTmaxtime1) 1)Tmal°CTempo aTmalhApplicationfield<strong>PE</strong>-HD53.00011060 2)4980195100Hot water santation sys.<strong>PE</strong>-LDEVOH 4Al 0178.000Key:<strong>PE</strong>-HD = high density polyethylene<strong>PE</strong>-LD = low density polyethyleneEVOH = Materiale barrieraAl = aluminium46403)plus602025702,5100100Under-floor heating and radiatorsat low temp.cm 3 .μm/m 2 .d.barIndex of oxygen permeabilityL<strong>IN</strong>EAR EXPANSIONThe aluminium component notably reduces dilatation with respect tomaterials composed only of plastic, in fact5660plus804)2510901100100Radiators at high temp.HIGH RELIABILITYOVER TIMEa = 0,026 mm/m°KOn considering the values of temperature and pressure found in hydroheat-sanitationinstallations and in virtue of the characteristics of thecomponents used, installations realized with Multyrama have a notableduration over time, comparable to that of the same masonry work.1) The system does not work for the entire life-span for a iven 50 years at the exerised Toper temperature. Thedifference in corresponding time is that attributable to the period where the temperature stands at 20° C.2)Ruling legislation in force of publication of ruling DPR n° 412 dated 26.08.1993 - see Appendix D on containmentof energy consumption which foresees a temperature on exercising Topar = 48 °C (+5°C) for the centralizeddistribution hot water sanitary fixtures.3)The exercise period referring to a life span of 50 years take into consideration usage at 40°C for 20 years addedto a usage at 60°C for 25 years.4) IThe exercise period referring to a life span of 50 years takes into consideration usage at 60°C for 25 years addedto a usage at 80°C for 10 years.5)Class 1 can also be used in application of classes 4 and 5. Class 5 can also be used in application of class 4.8 9

4.FITT<strong>IN</strong>GSThe Multyrama fitting is realized in brass and in some cases from PPSU.The pipe-fititng hold is realized through compression and a consequentialset of the pipe on the joint adapter. In connection with the meansadopted in realizing such compression two difference type of joints canbe identified:- “press-fitting” type- “grip” typeBoth cases are mechanical jointsPress-fitting jointCompression is obtained by compressing a metal bush using theappropriate tool. Setting of the bush, together with the shape of thejoint adapter, in turn permit the interposed pipe to be set thereby assuringa perfect mechanical and hydraulic hold. The two o-ring, positionedwithin the adapter, contribute towards improving the hydraulic holdand to re-clean the pipe’s internal surface on the one hand and on theother to ensure that the ‘beat’ part of the pipe whereby the aluminiumdoes not come into contact with the joint body, thereby eliminating riskof electro-chemical corrosion and to allow pre-assembly of the metallicbush.“Grip” jointCompression and consequential setting of the pipe with the joint adapteris obtained by screwing a block nut on the joint; such a movementtightens a metallic ogive on the pipe. The adapter is placed at the partof the taper shank equipped with an o-ring for insertion into the jointbody and at the other part by a ribbed section to which the pipe isassembled. This area is further linked by two o-rings destined to improvehydraulic technique and to ensure cleaning of the pipe’s internal surface,while in the ‘beat’ area a plastic-made disc is interposed which ensuresnon-contact between aluminium and brass components.10 11

5.CERTIFICATE OFGUARANTEEECERTIFICATEOF GUARANTEEMultyrama products and its components undergo strict quality controls.The productive cycle foresees daily physic-chemical tests and continuouscontrols on dimensions and surfaces as well as verification of the walls’integrity. Consequently, Multyrama employed in hydro-thermal-sanitaryinstallations and for all other types of installations compatible with theproduct’s technical characteristics and in compliance with the installationinstructions set out in the present publication, we give the followingGUARANTEE, covered by the policy stipulated with the InsuranceCompany.1. The company <strong>Prandelli</strong>, Multyrama supplier, will provide compensationthrough cover of insurance stipulated with the Insurance Company, alldamage caused to persons or things, caused through breakage of pipeand joints ascribable to evident manufacturing defects, up to a maximumof 500,000 Euro for a period of 10 YEARS from the data of installation ofpipes.2. Conditions regulating such GUARANTEES are:a. the pipe must be installed in accordance with theinstallation instructions supplied by us, subject to possiblewrong or mis-handled controls, happening during theperiod following production and due to accidentalcauses.b. Conditions (pressure and temperature) must come withinthe technical limits set out in the latest Multyrama Guidepublication.c. The product must carry the trade-name Multyrama.3. The GUARANTEE CARRIES NO V<strong>AL</strong>IDITY in the following cases:a. Non-observation of installation instructions recommendedby usb. Pipe connection and joints by way of heating sourceswith temperature and pressure limits, even if accidental,non compatible with the pipe’s characteristics.c. Use of materials manifestly unsuitable (obsolete, old pipes,scratched, torn pipes, etc.)d. Use of one or more components of diverse provenancefrom ours in realizing installation.c)4. <strong>IN</strong>STRUCTIONS FOR THE REQUEST OF <strong>IN</strong>TERVENTION UNDER GUARANTEEIn the eventuality of a Multyrama break imputable exclusively to evidentmanufacturing defects, it is necessary to submit a registered letter, withcopy to the area representative, containing:- place and date of installation- data and identification mark of pipe- information on the conditions (pressure and temperature)- sample of pipe or joint where breakage has occurred- name and address of installer of installationOn receipt of such, within a reasonable period, we will send a technicianto verify the causes of damage.Where breakage falls within the conditions of GUARANTEE we will passdetails to the Insurance Company who will provide compensation fordamages, after ascertainment of causes and entity.<strong>Prandelli</strong> S.p.A.12 13

6.DIMENSION<strong>AL</strong>CHARACTERISTICS7.WORK<strong>IN</strong>GTECHNIQUEDIMENSION<strong>AL</strong>RANGEThe technical characteristics of the Multyrama pipe, together with theparticular technique used for joints, which we will examine later, renders<strong>PI<strong>PE</strong></strong> CUTTERTOOLThe necessary equipmentfor Multyramathe system suitable in resolving all situations where a technically, evolvedcomponents isproduct is desired. Also because the system carries with it a dimensional,constituted by thespecific range which includes fundamental diameters for the distributionfollowing elements:of sanitary systems and/or for heating in different types of installations.<strong>PI<strong>PE</strong></strong> CUTTER TOOLWe advise the use of these shears to obtain a net and mark free cut onall Multyrama pipes in order to realize a secure joint.The entire dimensional range is capable of satisfying that required bythe UNI 10954-1 as shown in Prospectus 1. In particular all dimensionshaving a series 26

7.WORK<strong>IN</strong>GTECHNIQUEC<strong>AL</strong>IBRATORTOOL- calibrator to give the pipe its originalcylindrical form and to ease insertiononto joint adapterC<strong>AL</strong>IBRATORRE<strong>AL</strong>IZATIONOF JO<strong>IN</strong>TProcedural phases for jointing are as follows:1. Preparation of pipeCut the tube perpendicularly on its axis, thereby avoiding partial linkingof joint.ELECTRIC ORBATTERY RUN PRESS- Electric or battery run press withpliers for assembling jointsELECTRIC PRESSMANU<strong>AL</strong> PRESS- Manual press: up to 26 diameter.MANU<strong>AL</strong> PRESS1617

7.WORK<strong>IN</strong>GTECHNIQUEMoreover, the pipe-cutter’s blade must be kept in perfect condition soas to avoid possible “tears” on Pe-X pipes which could compromise theintervention. In this case it is necessary to replace the pipe-cutter’sblade and repeat intervention.ASSEMBL<strong>IN</strong>G OFJO<strong>IN</strong>TSOnce verified that there are no traces of residue on the joints’ O-ring,proceed to inserting the pipe to the adapter until the appropriateinspection holes carried out on the metal bush, in the case of Press-Fitting, have appeared: for the “grip” type the pipe must be pushedinto the adapter as far as the ‘beat’.C<strong>AL</strong>IBRATIONThis consists in calibrating thenewly cut pipe, using theappropriate utensil which isinserted in the pipe, turning itclockwise (photo A) until thebell mouth area is reached(photo B).PREPAR<strong>IN</strong>G THE FITT<strong>IN</strong>GCOMPRESSION PROCEDUREAfter calibration, and beforeassembling the joint, pleaseverify that the pipe’s interior iswithout residue – such asresidual burr or dirt in general.COMPRESSED FITT<strong>IN</strong>GMECHANIC<strong>AL</strong> JO<strong>IN</strong>TWARN<strong>IN</strong>GBefore executing pressure please control that the diverse componentspertaining to the joint, such as the o-rings and the metal bush arecorrectly positioned, that the pipe is securely fixed to the adapter, thatit is in ‘beat’ and that the pliers press, besides being of the type anddimensions requested, is on the side placed next to the body joint.18 19

7.WORK<strong>IN</strong>GTECHNIQUECURVATURE OF<strong>PI<strong>PE</strong></strong>SIn virtue of Multyrama’s technical-construction characteristics, manualcurvature of pipes with diameters of 20 mm is rendered extremely easywith or without the use of appropriate curvature springs. For those withlarger dimensions, the use of a pipe bender is recommended and in thecase where advised values and shown on the chart are not applicable,the use of joints is indispensable. The following curvature radius are tobe respected:RECOVEY OFJO<strong>IN</strong>TThe connection by way of press-fitting or “grip” joints allows recovery ofthe body joint in the case where the intervention has been incorrectlycarried out or where modifications to a previous installation have to berealized.Procedure:DIMENSIONS OF<strong>PI<strong>PE</strong></strong> mm14 X 216 X 216 X 2.25CURVATURE RADIUSS/CURVATURE5.0 X d5.0 X d5.0 X dCURVATURE RADIUSWITH SPR<strong>IN</strong>G2.5 X d2.5 X d2.0 X dCURVATURE RADIUSWITH <strong>PI<strong>PE</strong></strong> BENDER---- if intervention on an existing installation is necessary, separatethe joint to be recovered from the rest of the pipe;- by using an industrial dryer proceed to heating of the bush pressto be separated. When the temperature of the pipe causes18 X 220 X 220 X 2.526 X 332 X 340 X 3.550 X 4.063 X 4.55.0 X d5.0 X d5.0 X d-----2.5 X d3.0 X d3.0 X d--------5.0 X d5.0 X d≥ 8.0 x d≥ 8.0 x d≥ 10.0 x dsoftening of the Pe-X layer, either the pipe or the bush can beeasily separated from the body joint.- Once separated the body joint can be re-used for other linksafter accurate cleaning of the adapter and substitution of theo-rings;- the bush, together with the connected length of pipe must,d = external diameter of pipeinstead, be eliminated in that the previous pressing phaseprovoked such deformation as to impede all subsequent re-use.We notice that in aiming to ensure reliability over a period of time of thepipe-joint link, the length of the pipe to be linked must always berectilinear and such characteristic must also be present in lengthimmediately prior to the joint.- for “grip” joints the block nut must be unscrewed thereby enablingremoval of pipe together with adapter with taper shank. Besidethe length of tube it is advisable to also replace the adapterand the pipe-wrench ogive.20 21

8.CHEMIC<strong>AL</strong> RESISTANCEHereunder is a chart showing compatibility and incompatibility of themore common reactive with high density polyethylene, in pursuancewith data given in the ISO/TC 138 Document (Segretariat 351) n° 556 E-December 1976.Please note that, as cross-linking carries with it an increase of the averagemolecular weight, one can retain that the chemical resistance of <strong>PE</strong>-Xdoes not appear less, but can be considered higher with respect to thenon-cross-linked <strong>PE</strong>-HD.Please note that in transporting particular fluids, such as fuel or other,it is necessary to adhere to dispensations relating to rulings in force incases where such rulings exist.Fluids which can betransported at anatmospheric pressure ofup to 60°C by way of <strong>PE</strong>a.d. pipes notsusceptible to externalstress.FLUIDSCONCENTRATEFerric, nitratesol.Ferric, sulphatesol.sat.Ferris, chloridesol.sat.Ferris, sulphatesol.sat.Fluosilicic, acid 40%Formaldehyde 40%Formic, acid 50%Formic, acid 98-100%Phenolsol.FLUIDSCONCENTRATEPotassium, chromatesol.sat.Potassium, cyanidesol.Potassium, bichromate sol.sat.Potassium, ferrocyanide sol.sat.Potassium, fluoridesol.sat.Potassium, bicarbonate sol.sat.Potassium, bisolphate sol.sat.Potassium, bisulphitesol.sat.Potassium, hydrate 10%Hydrofluoric, acid 4%Potassium, hydratesol.Photographic, acidconc.lav.Potassium, nitratesol.sat.CHART SHOW<strong>IN</strong>GRESISTANCE TOCHEMIC<strong>AL</strong> AGENTSFluids which can betransported at anatmospheric pressure ofup to 60°C by way of <strong>PE</strong>a.d. pipes notsusceptible to externalstress.FLUIDSCONCENTRATEAcetic, acid 10%Vinegar -Adipic, acidsol.sat.Allylic, alcohol 96%Allumsol.Aluminium, chloridesol.sat.Aluminium, floridesol.sat.Aluminium, sulphatesol.sat.Ammonia, gas 100%Ammoniaca, liquefied 100%Ammoniac, watersol.dil.Ammonium, chloridesol.sat.Ammonium, fluoridesol.Ammonium, nitratesol.sat.Ammonium, sulphate sol.sat.Ammonium, sulphursol.Antimony, trichloride 90%Arsenic, acidsol.sat.Oxygenated water 30%Water -Silver, acetatesol.sat.Silver, cyanidesol.sat.Silver, nitratesol.sat.Barium, carbonatesol.sat.Barium, chloridesol.sat.Barium, hydratesol.sat.Barium, sulphatesol.sat.FLUIDSCONCENTRATEHydrobromic, acid 50%Hydrobromic, acid 100%Benzoic, acidsol.sat.Beer -Boraxsol.sat.Borax, acidsol.sat.Butane, gas 100%Butanol 100%Calcium, carbonatesol.sat.Calcium, clhoratesol.sat.Calcium, chloridesol.sat.Calcium, hydratesol.sat.Calcium, hypochloritesol.Calcium, nitratesol.sat.Calcium, sulphatesol.sat.Carbon dioxide, dry 100%Carbon monoxide 100%Hydrochloric, acid 10%Hydrochloric, acidconc.Chloroacetic acidsol.Citric, acidsol.sat.Cyclohexanolsol.sat.Hydrochloric, acid 10%Dextrinsol.Dioxane 100%Ethylene glycol 100%Ferric, chloridesol.sat.Glucosesol.sat.Glycerine 100%Glycolic, acidsol.Hydrogen 100%Hydrogen sulphide 100%Hydroquinonesol.sat.Milk -Lactic, acid 100%Yeastsol.Carbonate, magnesium sol.sat.Magnesium, chloridesol.sat.Magnesium, hydratesol.sat.Magnesium, nitratesol.sat.Maleic, acidsol.sat.Mercuric, chloridesol.sat.Mercuric, cyanidesol.sat.Mercurous, nitratesol.Mercury 100%Methanol 100%Molassesconc.lav.Nickel, chloridesol.sat.Nickel, nitratesol.sat.Nickel, solfatosol.sat.Nitrico, acid 25%Orthophosforic, acid 50%Oxalic, acidsol.sat.Potassium, bromatesol.sat.Potassium, bromidesol.sat.Potassium, carbonate sol.sat.Potassium, chloratesol.sat.Potassium, chloridesol.sat.Potassium, orthophosphatePotassium, perchloratesol.sat.sol.sat.Potassium, permanganate 20%Potassium, persulphatePotassium, sulphidePotassium, sulphursol.sat.sol.sat.sol.Propionic, acid 50%Salicyclic, acidSodium, benzoateSodium, bromideSodium, carbonateSodium, chlorateSodium, chlorideSodium, cyanideSodium, ferrocyanideSodium, fluorideSodium, bicarbonateSodium, bisulphitesol.sat.sol.sat.sol.sat.sol.sat.sol.sat.sol.sat.sol.sat.sol.sat.sol.sat.sol.sat.sol.Sodium, hydrate 40%Sodium, hydratesol.Sodium, hypochlorite 15% cloroSodium, nitratesol.sat.Sodium, nitricsol.sat.Sodio, orthophosphate sol.sat.Sodium, sulphatesol.sat.Sodium, sulphursol.sat.Sulphuric, acid 10%Sulphuric, acid 50%Stannic, chloridesol.sat.Stannous, chloridesol.sat.Sulphurous, anhydride dry 100%22 23

8.CHEMIC<strong>AL</strong> RESISTANCE9.<strong>IN</strong>ST<strong>AL</strong>LATIONTECHNIQUEFluids which can betransported at anatmospheric pressure ofup to 40°C by way of <strong>PE</strong>a.d. pipes notsusceptibleto externalstress.FLUIDSCONCENTRATESulphurous, acid 30%Photograph developer conc.lav.Tannic, acidsol.Tartaric, acidsol.Ureasol.FLUIDSCONCENTRATEUrine -Wine -Zinc, carbonatesol.sat.Zinc, chloridesol.sat.Zinc, oxidesol.sat.Zinc, sulphatesol.sat.The Multyrama pipe and joint system can be installed either belowplaster or externally, following the technical instructions referring to thepreferred type of installation.As a general rule, it is, however, necessary to adopt, especially whenfollowing rulings for laying, that foreseen under the Rulings for containmentof energy consumption concerning central heating installation (L. 10dated 9th January, 1991 and relevant DPR 26/08/93 n° 412).Fluids which can betransported at anatmospheric pressure ofup to 20°C by way of <strong>PE</strong>a.d. pipes notsusceptible to externalstress.FLUIDSCONCENTRATEAcetaldehyde 100%Acetic, glacial acid > 96%Acetic, anhydride 100%Amyl, acetate 100%Amyl, alcohol 100%FLUIDSCONCENTRATEEthanol 40%Ethyl acetate 100%Furfuryl, alcohol 100%Hydrofluoric, acid 60%Tri-chloro-phosphorous 100%For external tracks it is fundamental to protect the pipe from UV rays asthese could damage the Multyrama pipe Pe-X external coating.1. Installation by way of collectors/manifoldAniline 100%Nicotinic, acidsol.dil.Oxygenated water - hydrog. per. 90%Oils and fats -Benzaldehyde 100%Oleic, acid 100%Aliphatic hydrocarbon petrol -Ortophosphoric, acid 95%Butyric, acid 100%Oxygen 100%Chromic, acid 20%Picric, acidsol.sat.showerChromic, acid 50%Lead, acetatesol.sat.Cyclohexane 100%Decahydronaphthalene 100%Potassium, hypochloritesol.Propionatoe, acid 100%W.C.Dioctyl phthalate (DOP) 100%Pyridine 100%Heptane 100%Sulphuric, acid 98%Triethanolaminesol.lavabobidetNot transportable fluidsby <strong>PE</strong>FLUIDSCONCENTRATEFLUIDSCONCENTRATEWater HCl/HNO3 = 3/1Bromine gas - dry 100%Liquid Bromine 100%Carbon bisulphide 100%Carbon tetrachloride 100%Gaseous chlorine - dry 100%Chlorine - water ofsol.sat.Chloroform 100%Fluorine, gas 100%Nitric, acid da 50% a 100%Ozone 100%Sulphurous, acidsteamySulphuric, anhydride 100%Thionyl, chloride 100%Toluene 100%Trichloroethylene 100%Xylene 100%24 25

9.<strong>IN</strong>ST<strong>AL</strong>LATIONTECHNIQUE2. Installation using joints (with T-joints and possibly 90° elbows).FIXED PO<strong>IN</strong>TS,SLIP PO<strong>IN</strong>TS <strong>AND</strong>EXPANSION ARMshowerFixed pointsTheir function is to obstruct movement of pipes and for this reason aW.C.rigid connection between installation on the one hand and the buildingwork on the other hand must be made.This is realized through use of rigid collars made from a pressed element,lavabobidetusually metal, covered in rubber material on the part of the pipe andby a component for fixing to the wall on the opposite side.Obviously the part in rubber (or in similar material) functions as a protectiveshield against dangerous damage to the pipe’s surface and to abatevibrations.THERM<strong>AL</strong>EXPANSIONAll materials including those which constitute Multyrama pipe, if submittedto temperature variation expand or contract in proportion to theirexpansion a ratio. It follows that if the pipe is installed without anexpander, it is subject to a variation of lengthThe fixed points are placed, usually, in correspondence with theinstallation’s directional changes (branches (arms), elbows, etc.) toimpede expansion occurring in those specific points.It is, however, a good idea to always place the fixed point close to apipe connection, made with any type of joint. It is easy to understand,ΔL = a • L • ΔTwhere:therefore, that the presence of fixed points limits the length of therestrained pipe to enable dilator L. to lessen, as a consequence, theΔL = variation of lenght of pipe in mmrelevant ΔL value.a = linear expansion ratio in mm/m*K equal to 0.026L= lenght of pipe free from constraints in mmΔT = difference between installation temperature and those exercisedin K (maximum or minimum)Example of fixed pointOn determining expansion it is necessary to begin the necessarytechniques in such as way as to prevent that such a phenomenon doesnot provoke problems to the pipe itself. For this is it necessary to fit theinstallation with fixed points and slip points. Indicated with this nameare the constraints which integrally render the pipe to the structure ofthe buildings, by totally or only partially impeding movementconsequential to thermal expansion.pipeMultyramafixedpointjointfixedpointwall fixture26 27

9.<strong>IN</strong>ST<strong>AL</strong>LATIONTECHNIQUESlip pointsSlip points permit axial flow (in both ways) in the pipe. Because of thisthey must be placed faraway from connections with joints, on a freeC<strong>AL</strong>CULATIONOF EXPANSIONCalculation of expansion for Multyrama pipe is carried out by applyingthe following formula:area of the pipe’s surface. The collar which functions as the slip pointΔL = α • L • ΔTwhere:must in no way present parts which could damage the pipe’s externalΔL = expansion of pipe mmsurface area.α= ratio of linear expansion of material mm/m°C:The slip points also function as a support and guarantee (if positionedMULTYRAMA = 0.026 mm/m°Cin sufficient numbers) maintenance of the installation’s geometricalL= lenght of pipe free to expand mrectilinear in the presence of thermal stress.ΔT = difference between the maximum temperature exercised andGenerally, positioning intervals are:d. 16 and 20 = L 100 cmExample:that of the ambience at time of mounting °COne must calculate the ΔL expansion of a lenght of MULTYRAMAd. 26 = L 150 cmpipe ø 20X2.5 at 8 m. lenght.d. 32/40/50 = L 200 cmT amb= 20°C (ambience temperature);d 63 = L 250 cmT max = 70°C (maximum temperature exercised);L = 8 m;Example of slip pointsΔL = α • L • ΔT = 0.026 • 8 • (70-20) = 10.4 mmTo graphically calculate expansions of MULTYRAMA, the following diagramwall fixturepermitted axial flowcan be used:pipeMultyramaslip pointExpansion armIn some cases expansion is compensated either through directionalchanges (expansion arm) or through curves (omega). In these cases itis important to take into account the pipe’s characteristics and thecorrect positioning of the fixed points by way of the following forumla:LS = F • √ D •ΔL wherebyLS = llenght of expansion arm (mm)F = material constant (for Multyrama 30)D = diameter of pipe (mm)ΔL = variation in lenght of pipe (mm)Once the entity of the expansion has been determined it is necessary,if the installation has been mounted externally, to use fixed points, slippoints and, possibly, expansion arms to impede damage to pipe followingvariations in length.28 29

9.<strong>IN</strong>ST<strong>AL</strong>LATIONTECHNIQUECOM<strong>PE</strong>NSATIONUS<strong>IN</strong>G EXPANSIONARMSBy using such a technique installation is realized by conferring to the layout a geometry which consents absorption of expansion. For this aimare realized, in correspondence with directional changes (elbows, T’s),expansions arms whereby the pipe has the possibility to expand duringthe presence of thermal stress.GRAPHIC<strong>AL</strong>EXAMPLESShown below are a few examples of correct installation for externalMultyrama systems using diverse techniques adopted to take intoaccount thermal expansion of material.Calculation of these expansion arms is carried out by way of the followingformula:LΔLΔLLLS = F • √ D • ΔLwherein:LS = lenght of expnasion arm (mm)F = material constant (for multi layers = 30)FPF<strong>PE</strong>XAMPLED =ΔL =external diameter of pipe (mm)variation of lenght of pipe (mm)LSFPLSD =20 mmL = 8 mΔT = 50°Cfrom the preceding example is obtained:ΔL =10.4 mm of whichLS =30 √ 20•10.4 = 433 mmF<strong>PE</strong>xample ofdilating armLΔLFPLPFPLSLSFPLPLΔL30 31

9.<strong>IN</strong>ST<strong>AL</strong>LATIONTECH<strong>IN</strong>IQUE10.THERM<strong>AL</strong><strong>IN</strong>SULATIONThermal insulationfor central heating,air-conditioning andsanitary plumbinginstallationsRuling 10/91, relevant to containment of energy consumption and thelegislative decree DPR 412/93 imposes that pipes used in the realizationof thermal systems be correctly covered by insulating material. Obviously,in the case of thermal installations and/or hot water sanitary plumbingsystems insulation has the aim to avoid dispersion, while for air conditioning,besides avoiding increase in temperature of channelled fluid, impedesformation of condensation on the pipe’s surface due to humidity in theair. At an equal thickness of insulation, energy saving will, as aconsequence, be far higher the more significant the insulating powerof the insulation and just as less as the surface area of thermal exchange.The Legislative Decree 412/93 fixes the minimum thickness values of theinsulation in function with its thermal conductivity and the diameter ofthe pipe to be insulated; the Decree states, moreover, that the thicknessesgiven in the following table be applied :CASE Aequally, for systems placed in unheated localities (eg.Fixed point at the base ofFixed point in the column’sGarages, cellars, etc.)column areaintermediaryCASE Bmultiplied for a reduced ratio of 0,5 per systems placedinternally in walls of a building’s perimeter.CASE Cmultiplied for a reduced ratio of 0,3 for systems placedin non-external structures, nor adjacent to unheated localities.Thermalconductivity ofinsulationw/m°K100Absorption of lenght with compensation ring in a directconductor0,0300,0320,0340,0360,0380,0400,0420,0440,0460,0480,050131415171820222426283019212325283032353841442629313437404346505458333639434650545862667137404447515559636872774044485256606469747984The pipes supplied by <strong>Prandelli</strong> with insulation foresee the use of ExpandedPolyethylene with closed cells and 6 and 10 mm thickness with externalPolyethylene film as a barrier against humidity.28 3233

PREMISEThe use of Multyrama in realization of the hydra-thermo-sanitaryinstallations offers numerous advantages already previously mentionedin the present Guide. For full benefit of such advantages it is however,indispensable to fully understand each aspect relating to the productto be used. Below is a series of important suggestions, indispensible forthe correct use of Multyrama pipes.JO<strong>IN</strong>TS WITHFEM<strong>AL</strong>E THREADWhen using transition joints with female thread application of coupledelevated tightening must be avoided in using joints with male thread.Moreover, we recommend not to place an excessive quantity of hempbetween the parts to be assembled, nor to use alternative materials tohemp such as Teflon or similar.CONDITIONS11. WARN<strong>IN</strong>G34 35Use of Multyrama in the ambit of work conditions creates no problemswhatsoever to material. To the contrary exceeding limited conditionsof use can prejudice the product’s resistance. It is, therefore, indispensableto take every precaution to avoid this happening, thereby safeguardingnot only the system’s integrity but also that of the user.One must also make sure that the male part has a sufficient length toenable coupling; generally, it is auspicious that at least one threadremains outside coupling.In the case where the installation requirements render necessary couplingof a joint to a pipe or a joint in iron the use of Multyrama joint systemwith male thread to create such a link is advisable.ULTRA VIOLETRAYSMultyrama must never be installed or stored in within an area of ultraviolet rays. Exposure to rays provokes aging of material with consequentialloss of initial chemical-physical characteristics.<strong>IN</strong>ST<strong>AL</strong>LATIONS ATAMBIENCETEM<strong>PE</strong>RATURE ≤ 0°CIt must be taken into account that if the transported fluid is water, thechange of status to temperature is as follows:T ≤ 0°Cliquid (water)solid (ice)accompanied by an increase in volume which brings a major stress tothe pipe. Such stress can reach values which are incompatible with theCONTACT WITHSHARP OBJECTSIt is necessary to ensure that the pipe’s surface does not come intocontact with sharp edges which could damage it by causing cuts andscratches. This precaution must also be taken into consideration duringinstallation work as well as during storage. Because of this, use of pipesshowing signs of accidental scratches or cuts must be avoided.<strong>PE</strong>-Xc characteristics.For this reason it is, therefore, necessary to avoid creation of the aforementionedphenomenon, by foreseeing :1. for central heating installations- emptying if inactive- added anti-freeze additives(as in the case of air-conditioning installations)- opportune insulation

12. TEST<strong>IN</strong>G OF <strong>IN</strong>ST<strong>AL</strong>LATION11. WARN<strong>IN</strong>G2. for sanitary installationsIn this case, hygiene requirements exclude all possibility of lowering theice level by way of added additives and must, as a consequence,prevalently operate on the degree of insulation of the pipes and, forthe more exposed tracks, create recycling rings.N.B. Very often the pipes’ insulation is erroneously interpreted as beinga solution of certain reliability over a period of time, suitable to ward offdanger of reaching freezing point.It is also opportune to take into account that insulation represents abarrier whose aim is essentially to delay creation of such a phenomenonand certainly not to exclude it entirely.36 37PROCEDURETesting of installation (pursuant to ENV12108:2001 ruling) is fundamentalin securing a good outcome of the work carried out. In fact, this is doneto ascertain that, for whatever cause, the installation installed bears noleak points.The undertakings to be carried out are as follows :- Sight inspection of pipes and jointsIn this way it can be verified that installation of pipes and connectershave been installed correctly and that there are no parts which havebeen accidentally damaged by sharp points.- Hydraulic proof testThis is carried out on installations still directly accessible by filling the samewith water at room temperature and carefully releasing the air present.CURVATURE <strong>IN</strong>PROXIMITY JO<strong>IN</strong>TPipe bending must be avoided when assembly has been realized, byplacing leverage on the joint, as in that way causing stress in cuttingthe pipe.Curvature should always precede assembly and the pipe tract,immediately before connection, must be aligned with the joint’s axel.1. Once filled and with closed installation, place the same under pressurefor a 30 minute proof test (if a decrease in pressure is registered due tosettling of pipes, reset pressure at 10 minute intervals).2. Read the pressure value by using the equipment with 0,1 bar precision,after 30 minutes read the pressure value after a further 30 minutes: if thevariation is inferior to 0.6 bar the installation does not present leaks.Continue the test for a further 2 hours.3. Read the pressure value after 2 hours, if the pressure diminishes beyond0.2 bar there is a leak in the system, otherwise the test is positive.For installation tracks it is possible to omit interventions stated under point3.PROOF TEST = MAXIMUM WORK<strong>IN</strong>G PRESSURE x 1,5

12.TEST<strong>IN</strong>G OF <strong>IN</strong>ST<strong>AL</strong>LATION13. LOSS OF WEIGHTWATER AT 20 °CVELOCITY(m/s)LOSS OF WEIGHT(m/m)<strong>IN</strong>TERN<strong>AL</strong> DIAMETER(mm)LOAD(l/s)An appropriate use of Mulltyrama and its joints, together with a carefultest, will avoid any problems including those in tracks or installationsdestined in conveying hot water.N.B. On completing the test, the installation’s pressure proof test isremoved; sometimes it is opportune to totally empty the installation,especially if the same is realized in areas subject to reaching temperaturenear or inferior to 0°C.Such a warning has the aim of avoiding possible, unexpected damageand due to formation of ice, on installations which ones presumes tohaving been already tested and, therefore, absent of any form ofinconvenience.DIAGRAMS OF LOSS OF WEIGHTBTo use the monogram it is necessary to fix at least two sizes, of which one i the dimension of the pipe and theseocnd which, generally, is the weight or the velocity.Water temperature at 20° CCPipe: ø 16 x 2,25ø int. = mm 11,5 (point A)velocity 1,5 m/s (point B)AConnecting with a line points A and B points C and D are identified which indicate respectively a loss of weightDJ = 0,26 m/m and a weight Q = 0,17 l/s.38 39

13.WATER AT 60°Cn NOTESWATER AT 60 °CVELOCITY(m/s)LOSS OF WEIGHT(m/m)<strong>IN</strong>TERN<strong>AL</strong> DIAMETER(mm)LOAD(l/s)40 41


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