Haematologica 2003 - Supplements - Haematologica

Haematologica 2003 - Supplements - Haematologica

Haematologica 2003 - Supplements - Haematologica


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haematologica – Vol. 88 supplement n. 3 — February <strong>2003</strong> - pp. 1-10

haematologicaheditorial boardeditor-in-chiefMario Cazzola (Pavia)deputy editorsCarlo Brugnara (Boston), Francesco Lo Coco (Roma), Paolo Rebulla (Milano), Gilles Salles (Lyon),Jordi Sierra Gil (Barcelona), Vicente Vicente Garcia (Murcia)scientific societies committeeMichele Baccarani (Bologna, Italian Society of Hematology), Maria Benedetta Donati (Santa Maria Imbaro, Italian Society ofHemostasis and Thrombosis), Gianluca Gaidano (Novara, Italian Society of Experimental Hematology), Momcilo Jankovic(Monza, Italian Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology), Fernando Martínez Brotons (Barcelona, Spanish Society ofThrombosis and Hemostasis), Ciril Rozman (Barcelona, Spanish Association of Hematology and Hemotherapy)consulting editorsAdriano Aguzzi (Zürich), Claudio Anasetti (Seattle), Justo Aznar Lucea (Valencia), Carlo L. Balduini (Pavia), Yves Beguin (Liège),Javier Batlle Fonrodona (A Coruña), Marie Christine Béné (Vandoeuvre Les Nancy), Dina Ben-Yehuda (Jerusalem),Mario Boccadoro (Torino), David T. Bowen (Dundee), Juan A. Bueren (Madrid), Dario Campana (Memphis), Marco Cattaneo(Milano), Michele Cavo (Bologna), Thérèsa L. Coetzer (Johannesburg), Francesco Dazzi (London), Valerio De Stefano (Roma),Judith Dierlamm (Hamburg), Ginés Escolar Albadalejo (Barcelona), Elihu H. Estey (Houston), J.H. Frederik Falkenburg (Leiden),Lourdes Florensa (Barcelona), Jordi Fontcuberta Boj (Barcelona), Renzo Galanello (Cagliari), Paul L. Giangrande (Oxford),Paolo G. Gobbi (Pavia), Lawrence T. Goodnough (St. Louis), Rosangela Invernizzi (Pavia), Sakari Knuutila (Helsinki),Mario Lazzarino (Pavia), Ihor R. Lemischka (Princeton), Franco Locatelli (Pavia), Gabriel Márquez (Madrid), Estella Matutes(London), Cristina Mecucci (Perugia), Charlotte Niemeyer (Freiburg), Ulrike Nowak-Göttl (Münster), Alberto Orfao (Salamanca),Antonio Páramo (Pamplona), Stefano A. Pileri (Bologna), Giovanni Pizzolo (Verona), Susana Raimondi (Memphis), AlessandroRambaldi (Bergamo), Vanderson Rocha (Paris), Guillermo F. Sanz (Valencia), Jerry L. Spivak (Baltimore), Alvaro Urbano-Ispizua(Barcelona), Elliott P. Vichinsky (Oakland), Giuseppe Visani (Pesaro), Neal S. Young (Bethesda)editorial officeLuca Arcaini, Gaetano Bergamaschi, Luca Malcovati, Igor Ebuli Poletti, Paolo Marchetto, Michele Moscato, Lorella Ripari,Vittorio Rosti, Rachel Stennerofficial organ ofAEHH (Spanish Association of Hematology and Hemotherapy)AIEOP (Italian Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology)SETH (Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis)SIE (Italian Society of Hematology)SIES (Italian Society of Experimental Hematology)SISET (Italian Society for Studies on Hemostasis and Thrombosis)Direttore responsabile: Prof. Edoardo Ascari; Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Pavia n. 63 del 5 marzo 1955.Editing: m Mikimos - Medical Editions via gen. C.A. Dalla Chiesa 22, Voghera, ItalyPrinting: Tipografia PI-ME via Vigentina 136, Pavia, ItalyPrinted in January <strong>2003</strong><strong>Haematologica</strong> is sponsored by educational grants from the following institutions and companiesIRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo, Pavia, ItalyUniversity of Pavia, ItalyJosé Carreras International Leukemia Foundation

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haematologicahSelf-Testing and Self-Monitoringof Oral Anticoagulant Therapy:Consensus of the Italian Federationof Anticoagulation Clinics (F.C.S.A.)<strong>2003</strong>; Volume 88; supplement No. 3 - February <strong>2003</strong>(indexed by Current Contents/Life Sciences and in Faxon Finder and Faxon XPRESS, also available on diskette with abstracts)http://www.haematologica.org/F.C.S.A. board 2000-<strong>2003</strong>Francesco Baudo, Mauro Berrettini, Nicola Ciavarella, Anton Giulio Dettori,Guido Finazzi, Cesare Manotti, Francesco Marongiu, Gualtiero Palareti,Vittorio Pengo, Domenico Prisco, Sophie Testa, Alberto Tosetto,Armando Tripodi

Self-testing and self-monitoring of oral anticoagulant therapy:consensus of the Italian Federation of Anticoagulation ClinicsGuidelines paperVITTORIO PENGO,* GUIDO FINAZZI,° SOPHIE TESTA, # ARMANDO TRIPODI ON BEHALF OF ITALIAN FEDERATION OF ANTICOAGULATION CLINICS (F.C.S.A.)*Clinical Cardiology, Thrombosis Center, University of Padova; °Hematology Division, Ospedali Riuniti, Bergamo; # Institute of Clinical Pathology,Istituti Ospitalieri, Cremona; §Angelo Bianchi Bonomi Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center, Department of Internal Medicine, University and IRCCSMaggiore Hospital, Milan, Italy1. Scientific backgroundOral anticoagulation therapy (OAT) is a life-savingtherapy used by over 500,000 people in Italy. The purposeof the therapy is to induce controlled blood anticoagulationin order to prevent the appearance of thrombosisin patients at risk. The indications for OAT are numerousbecause thrombosis, especially of the cerebral and coronaryarteries, is the first cause of death in Italy. The indicationsinclude atrial fibrillation, cardiac prostheses andvalvular disease, embolic cerebral ictus and venousthromboembolism (FCSA Guide 2002). The risk of thrombosisincreases with age and the progressive aging ofthe population is causing a constant increase in thenumber of patients that need OAT. Effective managementof this therapy is therefore a health problem ofprimary social and economic relevance.1.1 Oral anticoagulation therapy managementmodelsThe effectiveness of OAT and its safety strictly dependupon maintaining a proper degree of anticoagulation,that is a proper therapeutic range expressed as PT INR(Prothrombin Time, International Normalized Ratio)(FCSA Guide 2002). An excess of anticoagulation (thatis, a PT INR above the therapeutic range) exposes thepatient to a high risk of hemorrhages, while on the otherhand, low anticoagulation does not protect thepatient from the risk of thrombosis. Several studiesproved the importance of maintaining a proper therapeuticrange (Hylek 1994, Cannegeter 1995, ASPECTResearch Group 1994). An analysis of the primary preventiontrials of atrial fibrillation proved that the majorityof both hemorrhagic and thrombotic complicationsoccurred when the PT INR was out of the therapeuticrange and that both the effectiveness of OAT and itssafety increased when good control of the anticoagulationlevel was maintained (Albers 1994). The ItalianFederation of Anticoagulation Clinics carried out aprospective multicenter study of the hemorrhagic andthrombotic complications of OAT in Italy; 34 clinicsacross the whole nation were involved. During this study,more than 2,700 patients were followed from the beginningof their anticoagulation treatment for a total follow-uptime of more than 2,000 patient-years (pt-yr).The hemorrhagic complications were particularly frequentwhen the PT INR was greater than 4.5 (40.5% ptyr)and much less frequent when the PT INR was withinthe therapeutic range (4.8% pt-yr) (Palareti 1996).The incidence of thrombotic complications was 17.5%pt-yr when the PT INR was < 1.5, and 2.3% pt-yr for valuesof PT INR between 2.0 and 3.0 (Palareti 1997). Goodmanagement of OAT is therefore indispensable.A number of different OAT management models exist.The model that prevails in the United States is calledUsual Care (UC): patients are generally followed by theirgeneral practitioner or by a specialist. The AnticoagulationClinics (AC) model, that is Clinics specialized inmonitoring OAT, prevails in many European countries,especially in the United Kingdom, Holland and Italy.There is growing evidence in the literature that AC allowbetter OAT control and therefore lower incidences ofhemorrhagic and thrombotic complications (Ansell2001). Non-randomized comparative studies (Garabedian-Ruffalo1985, Cortelazzo 1993, Wilt 1995, Chiquette1998) showed that the frequency of severe bleeding dueto OAT was between 0 and 2.4% pt-yr for patients followedin AC, whereas it was to 3.9 to 17.8% pt-yr inpatients followed with UC. Likewise, the frequency oftherapeutic failures, that is of thrombotic complicationsin spite of OAT, was much lower in the AC than in theUC (0-3.5% pt-yr vs 6.2-42.8% pt-yr). In financial terms,considering the costs saved by avoiding complications,AC account for a global saving of about 1,000 to 4,000dollars for therapy year-patient (Ansell 2001). There aremany reasons why AC can manage OAT patients particularlywell. Among the most important reasons, are theaccurate laboratory PT INR checks, a structured networkfor managing emergencies and complications, includingminor ones; and, in general, an organized system of continuouseducation, communication and follow up of thepatient. Today, AC therefore represent the referencestandard for OAT management and new possible therapycontrol systems such as self-monitoring will have tobe compared to AC.1.2 Self-monitoring of oral anticoagulationtherapyOAT self-monitoring with portable coagulometers isa new therapy management model that has the potentialadvantage of being more convenient for the patientand possibly of improving monitoring quality and offurther reducing the frequency of complications. Thereare several ways of using portable coagulometers; forthe sake of simplicity, we will summarize them as selftestingand self-management.<strong>Haematologica</strong>/journal of hematology vol. 88(supplement 3):february <strong>2003</strong> 1

Italian Federation of Anticoagulation Clinics1.2.1 Self-testingWith self-testing the patient autonomouslymonitors his/her own PT INR using the portablecoagulometer, leaving OAT decisions to his/hergeneral practitioner, specialist or anticoagulationclinic. Self-testing therefore offers the patient theopportunity of increasing the test frequency everytime this is deemed to be necessary.In a short, randomized and controlled study,White et al. evaluated the patients’ ability to measuretheir own PT, while the drug dosage was managedby their physician (White 1989). The 23 selftestingpatients remained within the therapeuticrange for more time than did the control group of23 AC patients (time spent within the range 87%vs 68%, p

Self-testing and self-monitoring of oral anticoagulant therapywithin range (78% vs 60%) and a lower prevalenceof adverse effects (9.5% vs 15%, p=0.03) than did295 patients followed as usual care.More recently, two controlled and randomizedstudies compared self-management to the anticoagulationclinics model of management. In a Dutchstudy with a cross-over design (Cromheecke 2000),50 patients were randomized either to self-managementor to be followed by a clinic for a periodof 3 months; then each group switched to the othertype of model for another 3-month period. Theglobal quality of the two management systems wassimilar: patients remained within the therapeuticrange 55% and 49% of the time spent in self-managementand AC, respectively (p=0.06). However,the patients’ level of satisfaction was higher withself-management. In another German study(Watkze 2000), 49 self-management patients followedweekly were compared to 53 patients followedin an AC, where they were seen on averageevery 4-8 weeks. The self-management group hada higher percentage of checks within the rangethan did the AC group (84% vs 74%). Neither oneof these two studies was, however, extensiveenough to evaluate possible differences in the clinicalcomplications of the different groups.In conclusion, several studies have now establishedthat OAT self-management is feasible andthat in some cases it yields results that are betterthan usual care and at least similar to the ones ofanticoagulation clinics. It must, however, bestrongly stressed that these studies were carriedout on a limited number of patients, who werehighly selected from a very large number of anticoagulationpatients. Furthermore, none of thesestudies has so far demonstrated a clinical advantageof self-management over anticoagulationclinics, that is over the current reference standardin OAT management. The (possible) improvement ofthe time spent within the therapeutic range, mostlikely due to the increased frequency of the checks,and the patients’ greater satisfaction are interestingresults achieved by self-management; theseshould, however, be regarded as surrogate endpointswhen compared to the real objective of OAT,that is the prevention of thromboses with the minimumrisk of hemorrhage.2. Portable coagulometers to determineINRA new family of small, easy-to-use, portablecoagulometers (monitors) based on dry-chemistrytechnology are now available. These monitors allowthe determination of the INR also outside the laboratory(local hospital, community-based, generalpractitioners and patients), thus offering greaterflexibility in managing anticoagulated patients.2.1 How monitors workMonitors consist of a small measuring unit andof a reactive strip (or cartridge) incorporatingthromboplastin and calcium chloride in freezedriedform. The sample to be tested consists of anunmeasured drop of capillary or venous bloodwithout anticoagulant that is placed by the operatorson the reactive part of the strip. The blood,carried inside the strip by capillarity, mixes withand rehydrates the thromboplastin, thus startingthe coagulation reactions. The end-point recordedas a conventional prothrombin time (PT) is causedby the fibrin formation which stops blood flowwithin the capillaries, or by the thrombin generationwhich is quantitated by a specific probe. Inother devices the thromboplastin preparation ismixed with iron particles that are kept in motionby a magnet. When the first fibrin strand is formed,the trapped iron particles stop moving and causethe timer to stop. Whatever the end-point, the PTis eventually converted into INR by means of thecalibration parameters [international sensitivityindex (ISI) and mean normal prothrombin time(MNPT)] encoded in the test strip.2.2 Calibration of monitorsAccording to the World Health Organization(WHO), the calibration parameters (ISI and MNPT)needed to convert PT into INR must be determinedthrough a process of calibration, which is detailedin the specific guidelines issued in 1999 (WHOExpert Committee on Biological Standardization,1999). Although the above guidelines deal with thecalibration of conventional INR measuring systems,they can be adapted also for the calibration of themonitors (Tripodi 1993, 1997, 2001). The calibrationmodel proposed for the monitors in the early ‘90(Tripodi 1993) has recently been subjected to amulticenter study sponsored by the EuropeanUnion. This study confirmed the reliability and recommendedthe proposed model as the standardmodel to calibrate all monitors used for the laboratorycontrol of patients on oral anticoagulants(Poller 2002). The responsibility of calibration restsentirely on the manufacturers, who should complywith the requirement and calibrate the devicesaccording to the above recommendation.2.3 Accuracy of INR measurementIndividual monitors (even though they have beencalibrated) must be checked before release to thepatient in order to assess their reliability. Theassessment should be carried out by comparing theINR values on display with those obtained with areference system. The reference system may beeither an international standard for thromboplastincoupled with the manual technique to recordcoagulation time, or a system calibrated againstone of the international standard for thrombo-<strong>Haematologica</strong>/journal of hematology vol. 88(supplement 3):February <strong>2003</strong> 3

Italian Federation of Anticoagulation Clinicsplastin (WHO Expert Committee on Biological Standardization1999, Tripodi 2001). Although all monitorsare designed and built to measure the INRand many of them are based on the same principle,generalization is not possible and their accuracyshould be evaluated individually through specificstudies (Biasiolo 2000, Cosmi 2000a, Tripodi2001). At variance with the conventional INR measuringsystems, the monitors bear the advantage ofa simpler blood drawing, which makes testing possiblealso for unskilled operators such as the patienthimself. However, this advantage may be obscuredby the risk of increasing the variability in drawingcapillary blood as opposed to venous blood. It istherefore mandatory to pay as much attention aspossible in drawing capillary blood by finger stick(Biasiolo 2000) and to train the operator, especiallyif he/she is not a laboratory worker.2.4 Evaluation of the quality of resultsReliability of INR measurement must be continuouslychecked through quality assurance programsthat must include both internal and external(regional or national) schemes.2.4.1 Internal quality control schemeThis can be carried out by the operator justbefore testing by using quality control materials atdifferent levels of anticoagulation. These materialsare usually supplied by the manufacturers and consistof freeze-dried samples. The user should test adrop of material (after proper preparation ifrequired) on the test strip and compare the resulton display with that specified by the manufacturer.In some monitors the above control can be preceded(or replaced) by an electronic control thatchecks all electronic functions of the monitor. Theresponsibility of the internal quality control schemerests on the operator, who must be fully aware onthe relevance of the scheme, on the way it must becarried out and on the action to be taken in caseresults are out of control. Before performing themeasurement on blood sample, the operator mustcheck whether the results of control samples arewithin the range of values supplied by the manufacturer.Results of internal quality controls shouldbe entered in a file to allow for periodical statisticalanalysis. Further information to be recorded isthe operator identity, the date and timing of testing,the lot numbers of the control materials andof the strips used for testing. The statistical analysiscan be performed by the operator himself (if alaboratory worker, or general practitioner), or bythe anticoagulant clinic if the operator is thepatient or his/her own relative.2.4.2 External quality control schemeThe purpose of this scheme is to assess periodicallythe performance of the monitor through theanalysis of unknown samples distributed by anexternal organizer, who is also independent fromthe manufacturer of the monitor. If the unknownsamples are shared by many participants it is alsopossible to assess the relative performance ofgroups of monitors and estimate the agreement ofthe INR measurement among users that operatewithin the same country or region. To this endresults obtained with individual monitors may becompared with the general (consensus) mean ofall the participants in the same way as for theexternal quality assessment of conventional INRmeasurement. However, external quality assessmentfor the monitors represents a special case notyet fully addressed where the experience is stilllimited. Most monitors accept only non-citratedwhole blood or plasma as testing material. Therefore,it would be impossible to supply all users withthe same non-citrated sample. As an alternative,operators might be trained on how to reconstitutefreeze-dried citrated plasmas with appropriatereconstitution fluids containing optimal amountsof calcium chloride. Calcium chloride would serveto antagonize the trisodium citrate used as anticoagulant,thus making testing possible even forcitrated plasma. Although possible this systemwould not be applicable to all types of monitors assome of them accept only whole blood as testingmaterial. While waiting for more appropriate solution,an acceptable (though demanding) alternativefor the external quality assessment would be torecall periodically (two-three time/year) individualmonitors and operators to the anticoagulant clinicwhere the INR for the same patients could bemeasured in parallel with the monitor and the laboratoryreference system. Comparison of thesepaired values could be taken as the basis for assessingthe monitor performance. Differences in excessof 20% should be regarded as unacceptable andthe procedure repeated. If the difference persiststhe user should refer to the manufacturer for furtherinvestigation on the causes of failure.3. Instructions to use portablecoagulometersPortable coagulometers are the result of technologicaladvances applied to the measurement ofprothrombin time; they can potentially simplify andimprove oral anticoagulation therapy in selectedpatients. A wide variety of these systems are commerciallyavailable. They allow the prothrombintime to be measured from a drop of capillary blood(similarly to how diabetic patients check theirglycemia). Portable coagulometers are light, handy,easily transportable and, especially the newestones, small. Determining prothrombin time requiresa suitable drop of blood; this can be obtained by4 <strong>Haematologica</strong>/journal of hematology vol. 88(supplement 3):February <strong>2003</strong>

Self-testing and self-monitoring of oral anticoagulant therapypicking a finger. The prothrombin time is expressed.Commercially available instruments use differenttechnology to measure the clotting; the validity ofthese methodologies has been confirmed in the literature,which highlighted excellent correlationcoefficients of the capillary and reference methods(r=0.96) and a good analytical precision (CV=2.9-4.9%). These results are substantially the same forthe various types of instruments.In clinical practice, the development of portableinstruments led to the appearance of point of caretesting, transferring the analytical phase from thelaboratory to the patient, with advantages in termsof convenience and practicality for the patient; thewidespread use of portable instruments in someNorthern European countries confirms this. As amatter of fact, portable coagulometers, which wereinitially developed to be used in health care settingsby specialized personnel, are becoming commonlyused for oral anticoagulation therapy selftestingand in some cases or countries, for selfmanagement.3.1 Training on portable coagulometer useManagement safety of self-testing, and of selfmanagementin particular, strictly depends on anumber of critical steps. The patient must be capableof managing the instrument, of understandingits functioning and of using it properly.The main purpose of training courses on portablecoagulometers is to ensure correct use of theinstrument and, for self-management coursesproper OAT management. It is however necessaryto remember that OAT monitoring is actually thesimplification of a more complex activity.Patient Monitoring. Several studies demonstratedthat complications increase when the patient isnot adequately informed on potential complicationsand when the checks are performed withoutsuitable clinical evaluation. Proper training of thepatient and knowledge about the system and thematerials being used are therefore essential forcorrect use of the portable coagulometers. Thepatient must be supplied clear instruction manualsthat, besides supplying the technical informationon the instrument, include all the indicationson how to carry out fingerstick puncture accuratelyand the list of all possible interferences. Theuser/patient must be taught how to use the analyticalquality controls and how to behave whenresults are not acceptable.Training courses are an important step in ensuringproper use of the instrument and therefore inensuring greater OAT safety. However, to ensuregood functioning of the system (instrumental andanalytical control) and correct use by the patients(training courses and periodic re-evaluations), thewidespread use of these systems should be subjectto legislation and organizational regulation.Potential users of portable coagulometers are:a) patients and/or their relativesb) health care personnel (physicians, nurses) bothhospital-based and community-based.The main objective of the training courses are toprovide general information on OAT and the correctuse of the portable coagulometer to determine prothrombintime (PT/INR). General training on anticoagulationtherapy is of paramount importance toenhance more careful therapy management (AnsellJ 2000).Before giving an instrument to a patient or to anoperator the following issues must be evaluated:1. Physical handling skills of the operator.2. Proper understanding of the way the test is tobe carried out.3. Verification of the actual capacity of obtainingcorrect results.A fundamental pre-requisite to the organizationof training courses is the understanding that simplypurchasing a portable coagulometer, although producedaccording to basic requirements and in compliancewith European (CE) regulations, is notenough to guarantee the quality of the laboratorytest (PT/INR) and the safety of the patient/user.3.2 General organization of the coursesThe proposed organizational model is based onindications and experience already validated insome European countries (Bernardo A 1996, SawickiPT 1999), in which courses have been organizedfor several years for both self-determination of theprothrombin time (self-testing) and OAT self-management.We tried to determine a way of ensuringa correct use of these instruments, referring also toour direct experience (Cosmi B 1999, Cosmi B 2000).The users/patients who wish to participate in thecourses should sign a request form that lists thedetails of the program. Different courses should beorganized for PT self-testing and OAT self-management.Each course should have a maximum of 6patients. It would be appropriate to set a nationalyearly calendar of the courses and to prepare educationalmaterial both on general oral anticoagulationtherapy and specifically on the proper use of theportable coagulometer.At the end of the course the patient should havea general understanding of blood coagulation andanticoagulation therapy and should be able todetermine his or her PT-INR properly. Furthermore,the knowledge of the difficulties in obtaining theblood sample with a fingerstick is very important,because it is often lack of knowledge about thisissue that causes unreliability of results (Biasiolo A.2000).3.3 Selection of the patientsThe selection of the patient (or of a relative) is offundamental importance for therapy management.<strong>Haematologica</strong>/journal of hematology vol. 88(supplement 3):February <strong>2003</strong> 5

Italian Federation of Anticoagulation ClinicsPortable systems are recommended especially forthe patients on long-term anticoagulation therapy.It is also thought to be safer to use portable coagulometersafter the anticoagulation levels havebecome stable for at least 3 months within the therapeuticrange, as this period is critical for possiblecomplications. The physician in charge of the patient(FCSA Anticoagulation Clinic, general practitionerthat has followed specific OAT training courses) canevaluate the clinical indications and patient’s compliance.Poor compliance causes greater therapeuticinstability (van der Meer FJ 1997) and this couldbe worsened by improper use of portable coagulometers.In general, portable systems are recommended for:- patients on stabilized oral anticoagulation therapy;- patients who are to remain on OAT indefinitelyor for the rest of their lives;- reliable patients (or reliable relatives);- patients restricted to their house or those wholive in poorly accessible areas;- patients with problematic venous access;- patients with jobs that cause frequent or longabsences.Criteria for exclusion are a patient’s unreliabilityor scarce compliance and previous thromboembolicand hemorrhagic complications. In the caseof OAT self-management, the motivation to learnis fundamental for successfully completion of thetraining period. It is also been proposed that thepatient’s cognitive function is re-evaluated periodically,using standardized simple systems, such asthe Mini Mental Test.4. Legislation and refundability4.1 Regulations on the use of monitorsLaw #332 published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale datedSeptember 8 th , 2000 takes up the European UnionDirective, 98/79/CE, on in vitro medico-diagnosticappliances. An in vitro medico-diagnostic device isdefined as any device made of a reagent, a reactiveproduct, a calibrating system, control material, a kit,an instrument, a device or a system, which is usedby itself or in conjunction with something else,which its manufacturer designed for in vitro examinationof human samples, including blood anddonated tissues, with the single or main purpose ofproviding information on a physiological or pathologicalstate, on a congenital abnormality or informationthat allows determination of the safety andcompatibility with potential receiving subjects orthe monitoring of therapeutic measures.Monitors can be defined as in vitro medico-surgicalappliances, although they are not formallyincluded in the list of appliances.The monitors destination of use is the “use towhich the appliance is destined according to theinformation provided by the manufacturer on thelabel, instruction manual and in advertisements“.The fundamental requirements that the appliancesshould comply with are listed in AttachmentI of the below listed legislative decree:• “… their use (must) not compromise directly orindirectly the clinical condition or the safety ofthe patients …”• “… must provide the performance declared by theproducer, especially in terms of analytical sensitivityand specificity, accuracy, repeatability…”• “… appliances for self-diagnostic tests mustensure that the appliance can be easily used bya layperson during all steps (of the test)”• “minimize the risk of user’s errors in using theappliance and in interpreting the results”• “the instruction manual must include informationon the sample to be used and on the possiblespecial precautions to be taken to obtain sucha sample”• “the instruction manual must indicate if specialtraining is necessary”• “the instruction manual must indicate if theappliance is to be used together with otherappliances”• “the instruction manual must indicate the informationon the type and frequency of the necessarymaintenance and calibration operations”Instructions must be specific for the appliancesfor self-diagnostic tests and must include a clearstatement that the user must not take any decisionof clinical nature without consulting his/her physicianfirst. Furthermore, the instructions must indicatethat the patient can adjust the treatment onlyif he or she has been trained accordingly.The European Directive on regulating in-vitromedico-diagnostic appliances will become effectiveon December 7 th , <strong>2003</strong>. Monitors should thereforecomply with the above basic law requirements,which are intended to ensure the INR qualityobtained by the lay operator.The above listed regulation could be properlyapplied in two phases: A) the first one, applied inother countries such as the U.S.A., evaluates thecompliance of the self-diagnostic test systems tothe use for which the system was manufactured;and B) the second one identifies the structures thatcan systematically comply with the procedures tocorrectly identify the systems, to train and provideinformation on their use and to monitor them.The compliance evaluation procedures (basicrequirements complying with the common technicalspecifications) can be carried out by the HealthMinistry or by institutions that have been (previously)authorized after filing a request. In general,6 <strong>Haematologica</strong>/journal of hematology vol. 88(supplement 3):February <strong>2003</strong>

Self-testing and self-monitoring of oral anticoagulant therapythe compliance evaluation does not take intoaccount clinical data. The PT-INR measured byportable coagulometers does not require the efficiencyconditions and standards normally used inevaluating the results of a clinical laboratory.In order to obtain a positive compliance evaluation,it could be sufficient for the manufacturer toproduce documentation of the type listed below:• 150 patients enlisted in 6 centers for a 10 weekstudy period;• patients’ selection based on pre-defined criteria;• systematic instrument training period (run inphase);• home delivery of the instrument, measurementand filing of PT-INR every week for 10 weeks;• every two weeks the patient returns to the clinicor to his/her general practitioner and carriesout the test with the instrument in front of thehealthcare worker. The same health care figurethen carries out the test on the patient withthe same instrument and then draws venousblood to be tested in a certified laboratory todetermine PT-INR;• the agreement among the various measurementsis then evaluated.The Health Ministry or an authorized institutioncertifies the compliance of the instrument to theuse for which it was built. The portable coagulometercan then become commercially available,but its use by the patient or by non-medical personnelrequires the activation of phase B), in whichspecifically selected health-care workers prescribesa therapy plan.4.3 Therapy planAs previously highlighted, the use of portablecoagulometers by the patient requires: a) a criticalevaluation of the patient’s capability of carryingout the test; b) proper training on the correct wayto use the instrument (and possibly training onself-prescription); c) the positive reliability of theresult obtained with a specific instrument; d) monitoringthe quality of results over time; e) monitoringthe patient’s physical and mental ability toobtain a correct result over time (and possiblymonitoring his/her capability for self-prescription);f) the clinical re-evaluation of the patient. Theresponsibility for these procedures can be assignedto a specific clinic or, at least partially, to a generalpractitioner properly trained to monitor oralanticoagulation therapy.The Anticoagulation Clinics constitute a networkthat covers the whole nation and are experiencedin anticoagulation therapy and in training patients.The clinics are therefore the ideal centers to prescribethe therapy plan and to check the instruments’quality periodically. The therapy plan couldpossibly include the request to the National HealthSystem to refund the cost of the instrument andthe diagnostic strips. As a matter of fact, in someclinical situations portable coagulometers appearto be necessary (difficult venous access, logisticalimpossibility of reaching laboratories or clinics),appropriate (patients who cannot walk and whoare forced to stay at home) or recommended interms of cost/benefit ratio (long term anticoagulationtherapy, working age patients). This last aspectis not to be underestimated: the initial cost of thecoagulometer (about 1,000 Euro, although thecoagulometer can be re-used by several otherpatients) is counter-balanced by the reduction ofother costs (loss of working hours for the patientand for relatives who have to accompany thepatient, transportation costs) and by the reductionof work load for the clinic. The cost of the reactivestrips and of the finger sticks (about 5 Euro) doesnot differ much from the cost of drawing venousblood in a clinic laboratory.The following scenario can therefore be sketched:the portable coagulometer that has passed thecompliance check by the Health Ministry can bepurchased by the patient or can be assigned tohim/her by the National Health System after arenewable therapy plan has been submitted. Thetherapy plan can be compiled by the physicians ofapproved structures (FCSA centers) or by generalpractitioners who have followed the specific coursesjointly organized by the FCSA and the ItalianSociety of General Practitioners. The general practitionerswho have compiled a therapy plan should,in any case, delegate the periodic checks of theinstrument to a clinic, while awaiting a simplificationof this procedure (see chapter 2).4.4 Refundability of portablecoagulometers in other European countries• Holland: mostly private (88%) health system,supported by religious or volunteer non-profitorganizations. University hospitals are state run.Health insurance schemes are both private andpublic. Full refundability of the coagulometer, ofthe reactive strips, of the self-testing trainingcourse from April 2002. Anticoagulation clinicsselect self-monitoring patients (Dutch GovernmentGazette, 4 December 2001, N. 235, page 13).• Germany: Public and private health insuranceschemes. Full refundability of the coagulometer, ofthe reactive strips and of the training course.• Denmark: Public health insurance. Full refundabilityof the coagulometer, of the reactive stripsand of the training course since October 1999.• Austria: Public health insurance. Full refundabilityof the coagulometer and of the reactivestrips by several public insurance schemes (it variesfrom region to region).<strong>Haematologica</strong>/journal of hematology vol. 88(supplement 3):February <strong>2003</strong> 7

Italian Federation of Anticoagulation Clinics• United Kingdom: Public health insurance.Refundability of the reactive strips only since May2002.• Spain: The health system is decentralized andregionally managed. Currently no refunds are available.RecommendationsThe effectiveness of OAT and safety criticallydepend on the quality of therapy monitoring. Themanagement of patients is recommended to be acontinuous and systematic process that must includethe review of laboratory tests and organized education,communication and follow-up system for thepatients (recommendation level 1C) (see Appendix1). Today, the management model that best meetsthese requirements is OAT Clinics.OAT self-monitoring using portable coagulometers,both as self-testing and self-management, is anew therapy management model that has thepotential advantage of being more convenient andof possibly improving the follow-up check quality, atleast for some patients (recommendation level 2B)(see Appendix 1).Strictly necessary self-monitoring requirementsare: a) accurate selection and training of thepatients; b) periodic checks of the measuring instrumentby an independent institution; c) maintenanceof an organized system for continuous training,communication and patients’ follow-up. In any case,in order to satisfy these requirements it is recommendedthat the patients’ self-management is followedand supervised by an Anticoagulation Clinicor by the patients’ general practitioner.In conclusion, based on current scientific knowledge,in order to ensure the safety of the patientsand the effectiveness of oral anticoagulation therapy,it is necessary to regulate the use of portablecoagulometers in our country.In particular, self-management appears to requirethe structuring of a monitoring system capable ofchecking the quality of OAT management over timeand of systematically detecting complications, sothat the cost-benefit ratio can be properly evaluated.It is necessary to establish a connection betweenthe organization that implements the training programand the patient, who is to be properly followedalthough s/he has a greater autonomy.A network of Anticoagulation Clinics (n=296)grouped in a Federation (FCSA) covers the wholeItalian territory. These centers participate in trainingcourses organized by the Federation. They cantrain patients and participate in compulsory checkof therapy and laboratory quality. Using a therapyplan like the one outlined above, the clinics canidentify patients who are suitable for using theportable coagulometers at home, they can organizetraining courses and they can distribute coagulometers,reactive strips, finger sticksThe dosage of anticoagulation can be adjusted bythe clinic, by the general practitioner specificallytrained for this purpose or by the patient himself/herselfafter a specific self-prescription course.The cost of all the above activities must be planned;it is therefore necessary to determine the maximumyearly number of patients who can benefit fromportable coagulometers provided by the NationalHealth System.The same procedure can be applied to districtpoints of district health care.The clinics are responsible for the quality checksof the instruments.8 <strong>Haematologica</strong>/journal of hematology vol. 88(supplement 3):February <strong>2003</strong>

Self-testing and self-monitoring of oral anticoagulant therapyAppendix 1Anti-thrombotic therapy recommendation levels.*Recommendation Positive clinical Methodological strengthlevel benefit/risk ratio of the evidenceAppendix 2Therapy plan to use portablecoagulometersAPatient __________________________Date____________1A Clear Randomized clinic tests (RCTs) withoutsignificant methodological limitations1B Clear RCTs with significant limitations(inconsistent results,inappropriate methodology)1C Clear Observational studies2A Not clear RCTs without significantmethodological limitations2B Not clear RCTs with significant limitations2C Not clear Observational studies*Sixth ACCP Consensus Conference on Antithrombotic Therapy (Guyatt 2001).Indication for oral anticoagulation: atrial fibrillation ? venous thromboembolism?Prosthetic heart valve ? Other ?Required conditions:• long-term anticoagulation therapy• patient has been on therapy for more than three monthsOperator: patient himself/herself other please specifyIs the operator’s physically and mentally capableof using portable coagulometersBSuccessful training course on portable coagulometers use Yes dateTraining course on self-prescription Yes dateNo !therapeutic prescription by :Anticoagulation clinic General Practitioner OtherCValidity of the therapy plan: 6 months 12 months ends onThe prescription for a new therapy plan includes:a) re-evaluation of the operator’s ability to obtain a reliable resultb) re-evaluation of the possible self-prescription capabilityc) instrument quality check (to be carried out by an OAT clinic that belongsto the Italian Federation of Anticoagulation Clinics, FCSA).yesDRefundability of the instrument and of the reagents No YesPatient’s current refundability status :• Lack of adequate venous access• Patient cannot walk and is forced to stay at home• Frequent checks required !• OtherTherapy plan to use portablecoagulometers (Renewal)APatient____________________ Date ____________________Indication for oral anticoagulation: atrial fibrillation ? venous thromboembolism?Prosthetic heart valve ? Other ?Required conditions:• Long term anticoagulation therapy !• Patient has been on therapy for more than three months !Operator: patient himself/herself other please specifyB• Operator’s ability to obtaina reliable result• Self-prescription capability• Instrument quality check (to be carried out by an OAT clinic that belongs to the ItalianFederation of Anticoagulation Clinics – FCSA) !Validity of the therapy plan: 6 months 12 months ends onCRefundability of the instrument and of the reagents No YesPatient’s current refundability status :• Lack of adequate venous access• Patient cannot walk and is forced to stay at home• Frequent checks required !• Other<strong>Haematologica</strong>/journal of hematology vol. 88(supplement 3):February <strong>2003</strong> 9

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