DOWNLOAD "Making BYOD Work for Your Organization" - Cognizant

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Executive SummaryThe influx of personal smartphones, tablets and laptops thatconnect with and use corporate resources is challengingcompanies to walk a fine line between channeling thebenefits of employees purchasing and using their ownmobile devices and making these devices secure and costeffectiveenough for the enterprise.Known as BYOD, or bring your own device, this consumer-ledmovement is transforming enterprise workspaces by extendingthe notion that 21 st century employees need to work fromanywhere, at anytime and on their devices of choice, bothwithin and outside of the traditional corporate structure.BYOD is not only disrupting the traditional way technology isprovisioned, paid for and used, but it also promises the dualbenefits of simultaneously driving down IT costs while improvingemployee productivity and satisfaction.The BYOD trend holds immense potential to transformbusiness, enable agility and encourage innovative ways ofinteracting with customers and business partners. The keyis to approach BYOD holistically, responding to employeeexpectations while fulfilling business requirements forsecurity, compliance and risk mitigation.Transitioning to a BYOD model should be phased in overtime. Organizations need to mitigate security risks, suchas inappropriate usage or loss of corporate data andthe ensuing financial and legal implications. Establishingeffective governance mechanisms to ensure data privacyand security can be challenging when embracing a BYODphilosophy. In addition, advances in consumer technologyand device heterogeneity are creating complexities thatcan undoubtedly turn into nightmares for IT if not handledproperly.June 2012 MAKING BYOD WORK FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION 2

Organizations should deconstruct traditional workspaces,using virtualization to decouple dependencies among hardware,OS, applications and user states found in traditionaldesktop configurations. This gives them greater flexibility tostream the right set of user profile, data and applications ondemand,at the right performance level and in a secure mannerto any device, based on employee roles and IT requirements.For the foreseeable future, companies should take alimited BYOD approach (the middle path), with finite lists ofsupported devices that are easier and less costly to manage.A limited-BYOD infrastructure that is platform and OSagnosticwill help minimize security breaches and theorganizational resources needed to support and manageemployee-owned devices. Deploying the right combinationof mobile device management (MDM), mobile applicationmanagement (MAM) and mobile application developmentplatform (MADP) solutions can help organizations secure andquickly update business apps on employee devices and performcompliance reporting, all while providing employees the flexibilitythey demand, resulting in improved productivity and highersatisfaction.Unlike previous waves of technology change, BYOD promisesto pervade all parts of the business. Proactive organizationsthat embrace this trend and mold it in suitable ways tobenefit the business will gain the critical lead to out-perform thecompetition.3 FUTURE OF WORK June 2012

Executive SummaryThe influx of personal smartphones, tablets and laptops thatconnect with and use corporate resources is challengingcompanies to walk a fine line between channeling thebenefits of employees purchasing and using their ownmobile devices and making these devices secure and costeffectiveenough <strong>for</strong> the enterprise.Known as <strong>BYOD</strong>, or bring your own device, this consumer-ledmovement is trans<strong>for</strong>ming enterprise workspaces by extendingthe notion that 21 st century employees need to work fromanywhere, at anytime and on their devices of choice, bothwithin and outside of the traditional corporate structure.<strong>BYOD</strong> is not only disrupting the traditional way technology isprovisioned, paid <strong>for</strong> and used, but it also promises the dualbenefits of simultaneously driving down IT costs while improvingemployee productivity and satisfaction.The <strong>BYOD</strong> trend holds immense potential to trans<strong>for</strong>mbusiness, enable agility and encourage innovative ways ofinteracting with customers and business partners. The keyis to approach <strong>BYOD</strong> holistically, responding to employeeexpectations while fulfilling business requirements <strong>for</strong>security, compliance and risk mitigation.Transitioning to a <strong>BYOD</strong> model should be phased in overtime. Organizations need to mitigate security risks, suchas inappropriate usage or loss of corporate data andthe ensuing financial and legal implications. Establishingeffective governance mechanisms to ensure data privacyand security can be challenging when embracing a <strong>BYOD</strong>philosophy. In addition, advances in consumer technologyand device heterogeneity are creating complexities thatcan undoubtedly turn into nightmares <strong>for</strong> IT if not handledproperly.June 2012 MAKING <strong>BYOD</strong> WORK FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION 2

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