Safety Culture Improvement Matrix - Industrial Centre

Safety Culture Improvement Matrix - Industrial Centre

Safety Culture Improvement Matrix - Industrial Centre


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Next, the assessor applies the appropriate weightings to the score by multiplying each of thecriteria totals as follows:Leadership × 1.0So, the score for the leadership element is:Weightings for rest of the elements are:Policy & Strategy × 1.0People Management × 1.0Resources × 1.0Processes × 1.0Customer Satisfaction × 1.25Employee Satisfaction × 1.25Impact on Society × 1.25Behavioural results × 1.2556 × 1.0 = 56Once a weighted score for all the elements is obtained, as illustrated in Tables 4 and 5, all thescores can be added together to achieve the overall score. The overall score can be presented intabular format, as shown in Table 6.Whilst each part of the SCIM can be scored separately, there are some clear linkages betweenthe elements. In particular;• The Employee satisfaction results and Behavioural results should provide a measure of thesuccess of People Management and Resource Management;• The four results elements should provide the basis on which to review the success of theProcesses element;• The Customer results and Impact on Society results should reflect the extent to whichLeaders’ external communications and Policy and Strategy have met the expectations ofexternal stakeholders.It is also possible to trace links between sub-parts of the SCIM, such as Leaders’ efforts tocreate structures to allow participation (1.7) linking to staff participation (3.1) and employeeownership of safety (7.3).In this way, the SCIM should ideally be applied and assessed as a whole rather than as a seriesof disjointed elements, with the assessment of one element taking account of the fulfilment ofrelated elements.xiii

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