Mohammed bin Rashid ... A leader par excellence Mohammed bin ...

Mohammed bin Rashid ... A leader par excellence Mohammed bin ...

Mohammed bin Rashid ... A leader par excellence Mohammed bin ...


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Roads And Transport AuthorityDubaiChairman of Boardand Executive DirectorMattar Al TayerAlongthe WayA Leader ParExcellenceHis Highness Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Rashid</strong> Al Maktoum, Vice-President andPrime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, with his farsightedness, sets aunique example of a pioneer <strong>leader</strong>, who takes the pain of achieving ambitionsand aspirations of his nation and citizens as well as all those living in the UnitedArab Emirates. It is the kind of <strong>leader</strong>ship that has unique abilities of envisagingand shaping the future and investing it properly.General SupervisorAysha Al BusmaitDirector of Customer ServiceEditorial ConsultantMaher Al KayyaliManaging Director<strong>Mohammed</strong> Al MunjiEditing ManagerKhulood Al - SharafNashwan M. Al TaeeArt DirectorSara Al MudharrebAdmin CoordinatorAfaf Al FayyadPhotographySyed Zaheer HaiderRTA AdressP.O.Box 118899United Arab EmiratesTel: +971 4 2844444Fax: +971 4 2906661www.rta.aeContant Us:Tel: +971 4 2844444Fax: +971 4 2906661Email: magazine@rta.aeSince taking the reins of power in the emirate of Dubai on the 4th of January2006, the work tempo has accelerated, numerous initiatives came to light, andthe Emirate made mega achievements in a relatively short time span. Thanks tothese achievements, Dubai was ranked 35th among the best cosmopolitancities in terms of infrastructure; a clear testament to the ongoing comprehensivedevelopment process; firmly built on an integrated strategy of growth anddevelopment.We have learned from HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Rashid</strong> Al Maktoum that:‘Ambition is limitless’ the word “impossible” is not found in his dictionary, andgoals & aspirations are best achieved through the teamwork. HH has a clear-cutdetermination and plans to achieve the vision of Dubai Emirate to turn it into afinancial and business hub at the regional and global levels, rise up to allchallenges in order for Dubai to have a prominent global standing and repute,set a unique & genuine model of <strong>excellence</strong> and make enormous achievementsthrough effectively capitalizing on the existing potentialities.HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Rashid</strong> Al Maktoum believes that challenges overthe next two decades will revolve on who will go farther in raising the bar onperformance, keeping pace with the rapid developments in various fields, applyingadvanced concepts of modern management focused on customers service &satisfaction, developing resources, simplifying procedures, fostering the spiritof creativity, unleashing talents & capabilities, serving the business community,creating excellent investment atmosphere, supporting the private sector, andencouraging free enterprises.Finally, we offer our sincere congratulations and good wishes to His HighnessSheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Rashid</strong> Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Ministerof the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, and pray to God Almighty to protect him as anasset of our beloved homeland, hoping that the 6th anniversary of assumingoffice by HH as Ruler of Dubai will be marked by realizing our ambitions andaspirations, and raising the profile of the Emirate among metropolitan cities theworld over.Mattar Al TayerChairman of the Board and Executive DirectorRoads & Transport Authority

Cover StoryOn January 4th, 2006, His Highness Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong><strong>bin</strong> <strong>Rashid</strong> Al Maktoum became the Ruler of Dubaifollowing the death of Sheikh Maktoum <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Rashid</strong> AlMaktoum.On January 5th, the members of the Supreme Councilelected HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> as the UAE Vice President,and they sanctioned the proposal of the UAEPresident His Highness Sheikh Khalifa <strong>bin</strong> Zayed AlNahyan tasking His Highness Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> asthe UAE Prime Minister, and setting up a new ca<strong>bin</strong>et.On 11 February 2006 HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> and themembers of his Ca<strong>bin</strong>et took their oaths in front of HHSheikh Khalifa <strong>bin</strong> Zayed Al Nahyan at Al Bateen Palacein Abu Dhabi.Since Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Rashid</strong> Al Maktoum hasbecome the Vice President and Prime Minister of theUAE and Ruler of Dubai, groundbreaking initiativeshave been rolled out at an astonishing pace with multipleinitiatives on the go.The year 2007 witnessed unique achievements for HHSheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> both locally and regionally. OnFebruary 3rd, HH announced the Dubai Strategic Plan,which aims to bolster Dubai’s leading position in theregion and boost its role as an international economicand financial hub. The strategy is viewed as a roadmap for development in the coming years.On April 17th, 2007, HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> unveiledthe UAE Government Strategy Plan with the aim ofachieving sustainable development throughout thecountry, investing federal resources more efficientlyand ensuring due diligence, accountability and trans<strong>par</strong>encyacross various entities.Regionally, the most outstanding achievement wasthe launch of the <strong>Mohammed</strong> Bin <strong>Rashid</strong> Al MaktoumFoundation, on May 19th, 2007, with an endowmentof $10 billion. The foundation’s aim is to promote humandevelopment by investing in education and thedevelopment of knowledge in the region by cultivatingfuture <strong>leader</strong>s in both the private and public sectors,promoting scientific research, spreading knowledge,encouraging business <strong>leader</strong>ship, empowering youth,renewing the concept of culture, preserving heritageand promoting platforms of understanding amongvarious cultures.In keeping with the continuous endeavours of HH toensure a better future for humanity, HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong>launched on September 20th, 2007 the DubaiCares campaign. The campaign is considered one ofthe biggest international humanitarian movements tofocus on fighting poverty, spreading knowledge andproviding education for children in the world’s poorestcountries.On September 3rd, 2008, HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> unveiledthe Noor Dubai initiative aiming in the initialphase to deliver preventative eye care to over onemillion people suffering blindness and optical disabilityaround the globe through providing them with themeans of prevention against diseases causing blindness.This initiative is considered a further addition tothe lofty reputation of the UAE; which lends a helpingIssue 31 - January 2011 - www.rta.ae4

hand to needy brothers, and victims of natural disastersall over the world.Out of the conviction of HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> <strong>bin</strong><strong>Rashid</strong> Al Maktoum of the importance of encouraginginnovation in various fields, the Dubai in <strong>par</strong>ticular andthe UAE in general has seen the launch of an array ofawards which have created an atmosphere of zeal andfair competition in various fields whether in their individualand team capacity or through public and privateorganizations.For instance, such prizes included: the Arab JournalismAwards, the Dubai Government Excellence Programme,the Dubai Holy Qur’an Award and the YoungBusiness Leaders Awards.The past few years have witnessed significant progressin economic and social development: e-governmentwas introduced; Dubai Metro was inaugurated and asignificant number of investment companies were established.These companies have formed global <strong>par</strong>tnershipsin the fields of industry, commerce, tourismand ports and real estate management. A host of othercultural projects were also launched, including theProphet Muhammad’s Museum (MPBUH), the UniversalMuseums project and the <strong>Mohammed</strong> <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Rashid</strong>Gardens.HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> set out his comprehensiveworld view in his book ‘My Vision’, which describesthe philosophy and political and economic vision ofHH. In the book, HH offers a detailed account of howthe UAE and Dubai have been guided to their present-5Issue 31 - January 2011 - www.rta.ae

Cover Storyday status as international centres,renowned for their high quality services,luxury tourism, knowledgeeconomy, and creative human skillsin addition to the drive towards sustainablehuman and structural developmentsought by the UAE.Through generosity and dedicationto the nation, HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong>has achieved notable success whileshouldering the great responsibilityof leading Dubai and the Federal Government.The Equestrian“My love for horses is not somethingnew to me; it runs in my blood andforms <strong>par</strong>t of my destiny and history.Horse riding is more than merely sitting on a horse’sback. It is nobility and chivalry.”- <strong>Mohammed</strong> <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Rashid</strong>Horses have played an important role in the history ofthe Arab world and in their movement, <strong>par</strong>ticularly incombat, where their speed, agility and stamina wereoften the decisive factor. Although the camel was amore integral <strong>par</strong>t of Bedouin life, the horse was traditionallymore highly prized, being a symbol of wealthand nobility. HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> was fond of horsesand showed so much care for horses at an early age.HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> learned to ride as a child. Heand his brothers were taught and trained by their fatherthe late Sheikh <strong>Rashid</strong> <strong>bin</strong> Saeed Al Maktoum.HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> was a promising athlete, anaccomplished player of tennis and football, but equestrianismwas, and remains, his true sporting passion.HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> first visited a racecourse in1967, in England. He and his brother, HH Sheikh Hamdan,watched Royal Palace win the 2000 Guineas. 10years later, in Brighton, Hatta gave HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong>the first of many victories as an owner. Despitegreat success, it was not until HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong>established Godolphin racing stables, in 1994; whichmade great successes from inception, thanks to theIssue 31 - January 2011 - www.rta.ae6

experience & knowledge of HH, and the establishmentof the Godolphin Racing Stables was a typical formatfor realizing the aspirations and objectives of HH.HH intended to give Dubai a bigger role in the welfareof horses and decided to shift his horses to Dubai duringthe winter, and the decision initially sounded oddto many racing specialists, but they soon came to realizethat the decision underlined a great knowledgeand experience that enabled HH later to train and selectthe best horses.The success and growth of Godolphin coincided with,and undoubtedly assisted, the rise of Dubai’s internationalprofile. At the time it was established, ownerstended to race their horses only on their own continent.HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> wanted to race his horsesall over the world and to encourage others to do thesame. The world’s richest horse race, the Dubai WorldCup, was established in 1996 with this aim in mind.That first World Cup was won by an American horse,Cigar, and the race continues to attract entries fromaround the globe.HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> has earned international recognitionas a horse owner, as evidenced by the SpecialEclipse Award he received in 2001. What is not sowidely known is that HH is also an exceptionally giftedrider. However, his chosen field - endurance racing -has yet to gain the international popularity of traditionalhorse racing.Endurance racing is the equestrian equivalent of amarathon. Most endurance races are well over 120kilometres in distance and take several hours to complete.The riders need to establish a strong bond withtheir horses and be able to read their condition quicklyand accurately, as there are stringent veterinarychecks at regular points in the race and if the horseshows signs of deterioration the rider is asked to retire7Issue 31 - January 2011 - www.rta.ae

Cover Storyfrom the race.Arabian horses have proved exceptionally well suitedto these rides, because of their legendary stamina.Riders from the UAE have also excelled in this sport,with HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> as captain of the nationalteam which ranks among the top in the world, despitethe UAE <strong>par</strong>ticipation in world endurance ridingis relatively recent. Indeed, HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong>’ssons, HH Sheikh Hamdan and HH Sheikh <strong>Rashid</strong>, theytopped the world rankings in 1999 and 2000 respectivelyand HH Sheikh Ahmed <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Mohammed</strong> won theWorld Endurance Championship in 2002, becomingthe youngest rider ever to do so, and the first Asianworld champion. 2003 saw HH Sheikh Majid <strong>bin</strong> <strong>Mohammed</strong>start competing in senior races on a moreregular basis, and he was <strong>par</strong>t of the UAE team for theEuropean Championship.The sons of HH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong> are quick to credittheir father’s role in their success. He is widely acknowledgedto be a master tactician, recognising exactlythe time to demand maximum effort from thehorses, and when to hold them back. HH led the UAE tovictory in the 1999 European Championship in Spain/Portugal and was captain when they retained the titlein Italy, in 2001. In the 2003 European Championshipin Ireland, HH was captain once again, and wonthe race. HH is also a leading figure in the campaign tohave endurance racing included in the Olympics.Major endurance racing victories ofHH Sheikh <strong>Mohammed</strong>Race EventAl Ahram Al Araby Endurance RideEmirates Giants Endurance RideAl Ahram Al Araby Endurance RideVillacastin Endurance RideInternational Endurance RideSpanish Endurance MarathonNorwegian Open ChampionshipDubai Endurance City Masters RideCEI Bodyweight RideSheikh Zayed Challenge, Round IINorthern ChampionshipsEuropean Open Endurance ChampionshipSyrian International Endurance RaceFEI CEI Endurance Championship RaceEndurance Championship raceAl Hussein International Endurance RideStars Endurance raceSecond Round of the Giants Endurance Challenge RideEuston Park Endurance ChampionshipStars Challenge raceFEI World Equestrian Games Endurance ChampionshipDateMay 19, 2000January 18, 2001April 21, 2001July 30, 2001June 1, 2002August 17, 2002August 24, 2002January 25, 2003February 13, 2003February 15, 2003August 24, 2003September 19, 2003May 31, 2008June 28, 2008August 22, 2008November 14, 2008August 3, 2009January 9, 2010July 13, 2010July 26, 2010September 27, 2010LocationEgyptUAEEgyptSpainItalySpainNorwayUAEUAEUAEEnglandIrelandSyriaEnglandEnglandJordanEnglandBahrainEnglandEnglandUSAIssue 31 - January 2011 - www.rta.ae8

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