Tender Notice Dt - Department of Health , J&K

Tender Notice Dt - Department of Health , J&K Tender Notice Dt - Department of Health , J&K


NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:Article 1:TermThis Agreement shall be for a period of ____ years. However, it is understood and agreed betweenthe Parties that the term of this agreement may be renewed yearly upon mutual consent of theParties in writing, either by execution of a Supplementary Agreement or by exchange of letters.Article 2:Scope of services1. The hospital undertakes to provide the service in a precise, reliable and professional manner to thesatisfaction of Insurer and in accordance with additional instructions issued by Insurer in writingfrom time to time.2. The hospital shall treat the beneficiaries of RSBY according to good business practice.3. The hospital will extend priority admission facilities to the beneficiaries of the client, wheneverpossible.4. The hospital shall provide packages for specified interventions/treatment to the beneficiaries as perthe rates mentioned in Annexure III. It is agreed between the parties that the package will include:(a)(b)(c)Bed charges (General Ward), Nursing and boarding charges, Surgeons, Anaesthetists,Medical Practitioneer, Consultants fees, anaesthesia, blood, oxygen, OT charges, costof surgical appliances, medicines & drugs, cost of prosthetic devices, implants,X-ray& diagnostic tests, food for patient etc.Expenses incurred for diagnostic test and medicines upto 1 day before the admissionof the patient and upto 5 days of discharge from the hospitalization of the sameailment/ surgery.Transportation expenses of Rs. 100/- from the place of residence of the patient to thehospital. These would be reimbursed in cash by the hospital to the patient at the timeof discharge.67

5. The Hospital shall ensure that medical treatment/facility under this agreement should be providedwith all due care and accepted standards is extended to the beneficiary.6. The Hospital shall allow Insurance Company official to visit the beneficiary. Insurer shall notinterfere with the medical team of the hospital, however Insurer reserves the right to discuss thetreatment plan with treating doctor. Further access to medical treatment records and bills preparedin the hospital will be allowed to Insurer on a case to case basis with prior appointment from thehospital.7. The Hospital shall also endeavor to comply with future requirements of Insurer to facilitate betterservices to beneficiaries e.g providing for standardized billing, ICD coding or etc and if mandatoryby statutory requirement both parties agree to review the same.8. The Hospital agrees to have bills audited on a case to case basis as and when necessary throughInsurer audited team. This will be done on a pre agreed date and time and on a regular basis.9. The hospital will convey to its medical consultants to keep the beneficiary only for the requirednumber of days of treatment and carry only the required investigation & treatment for the ailment,which he is admitted. Any other incidental investigation required by the patient on his requestneeds to be approved separately by Insurer and if it is not covered under Insurer policy will not bepaid by Insurer and the hospital needs to recover it from the patientArticle 3:Identification of Beneficiaries1. Smart Cards would be the proof of the eligibility of BPL households and other non-BPLbeneficiaries (if applicable) for the purpose of the scheme. The beneficiaries will be identified bythe hospital on the basis of smart card issued to them.. The smart card shall have the photographand finger print details of the beneficiaries. The smart card would be read by the smart card reader.The patients/ relative’s finger prints would also be captured by the bio metric scanner. The POSmachine will identify a person if the finger prints match with those stored on the card. In case the68

5. The Hospital shall ensure that medical treatment/facility under this agreement should be providedwith all due care and accepted standards is extended to the beneficiary.6. The Hospital shall allow Insurance Company <strong>of</strong>ficial to visit the beneficiary. Insurer shall notinterfere with the medical team <strong>of</strong> the hospital, however Insurer reserves the right to discuss thetreatment plan with treating doctor. Further access to medical treatment records and bills preparedin the hospital will be allowed to Insurer on a case to case basis with prior appointment from thehospital.7. The Hospital shall also endeavor to comply with future requirements <strong>of</strong> Insurer to facilitate betterservices to beneficiaries e.g providing for standardized billing, ICD coding or etc and if mandatoryby statutory requirement both parties agree to review the same.8. The Hospital agrees to have bills audited on a case to case basis as and when necessary throughInsurer audited team. This will be done on a pre agreed date and time and on a regular basis.9. The hospital will convey to its medical consultants to keep the beneficiary only for the requirednumber <strong>of</strong> days <strong>of</strong> treatment and carry only the required investigation & treatment for the ailment,which he is admitted. Any other incidental investigation required by the patient on his requestneeds to be approved separately by Insurer and if it is not covered under Insurer policy will not bepaid by Insurer and the hospital needs to recover it from the patientArticle 3:Identification <strong>of</strong> Beneficiaries1. Smart Cards would be the pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> the eligibility <strong>of</strong> BPL households and other non-BPLbeneficiaries (if applicable) for the purpose <strong>of</strong> the scheme. The beneficiaries will be identified bythe hospital on the basis <strong>of</strong> smart card issued to them.. The smart card shall have the photographand finger print details <strong>of</strong> the beneficiaries. The smart card would be read by the smart card reader.The patients/ relative’s finger prints would also be captured by the bio metric scanner. The POSmachine will identify a person if the finger prints match with those stored on the card. In case the68

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