Suggested Checklist for Food Safety (Pdf to Print or Save)

Suggested Checklist for Food Safety (Pdf to Print or Save)

Suggested Checklist for Food Safety (Pdf to Print or Save)


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Whether the FIFO (First In First Out), FMFO (First Manufactured FirstOut), FEFO (First Expired First Out) principles are followed9. S<strong>to</strong>rage of surplus foodCriteria Checks Y/N/NAS<strong>to</strong>rage of Surplus food is consumed be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e ‘expiry’ / ‘use by’ date (e.g. packagedsurplusfoodsmilk, cream, sauces etc.) and <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> other kinds of food, it should be usedtill fit <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> consumptionSurplus food are s<strong>to</strong>red in the refrigera<strong>to</strong>rSurplus thawed food is discardedPerishable products are consumed immediately and not s<strong>to</strong>red <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> furtheruseCanned products once opened are transferred in the suitable coveredcontainers and kept refrigerated10. Quality of water & IceCriteria Checks Y/N/NACooking Potable/municipal supply water is used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> cookingDrinking Potable water is used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> drinking purposesIce (as aningredient)Ice used in beverages etc. is made from potable waterIce is s<strong>to</strong>red in clean and leak proof containersIce is handled hygienically with clean scoopsS<strong>to</strong>rage inice<strong>Food</strong> products are packed properly in water proof packaging be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e puttingin ice <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> s<strong>to</strong>rageS<strong>to</strong>re raw and cooked products separately11. Utensils & EquipmentsCriteria Checks Y/N/NAQuality/type Cooking utensils, cutlery and crockery shall be clean and notbroken/chippedCooking utensils, cutlery and crockery shall be made of food gradematerial<strong>Food</strong> grade utensils are used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> cooking, s<strong>to</strong>rage and serving of foodproductsCleaning Sink of adequate size and running water supply is available <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> washingutensils/equipmentsAll utensils and equipments are washed with cleaning agent /detergent andrinsed with clean warm water after every useUtensils are not wiped with aprons, soiled cloths, unclean <strong>to</strong>wels, <strong>or</strong> hands<strong>Food</strong> contact surfaces, utensils and equipments are kept clean and7

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