Suggested Checklist for Food Safety (Pdf to Print or Save)

Suggested Checklist for Food Safety (Pdf to Print or Save)

Suggested Checklist for Food Safety (Pdf to Print or Save)


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FOOD SAFETY CHECKLISTCONTENTS1. Procurement of Raw Material2. S<strong>to</strong>rage of Raw Materials3. Preparation of raw materials4. Cooking/Processing5. S<strong>to</strong>rage of cooked food6. Preparation of cooked food be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e serving7. Serving of cooked food8. Sale <strong>or</strong> display of food9. S<strong>to</strong>rage of surplus foods10. Quality of water & Ice11. Utensils & Equipments12. Cleaning & Hygiene of establishment13. Cleaning & Hygiene of surrounding/environment14. Lighting facility15. Garbage disposal facility16. Pest control17. Facilities <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> Personal Hygiene18. Personal HygieneAbbreviations used:Y: YesN: NoNA: Not ApplicableRM: Raw material2

FOOD SAFETY CHECKLISTAn exhaustive checklist is prepared using 22 different measurable issues as follows.However, depending on the type of the food outlet –dhaba <strong>or</strong> mid level eating <strong>or</strong> fastfood joint etc. some could be specifically selected <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> proper evaluation.Exact criteria of evaluation may also have <strong>to</strong> vary based on these considerations.At the end some special considerations will be needed <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> specific varieties of food,which are high risk and have been separately listed.1. Procurement of Raw MaterialCriteria Checks Y/N/NAFreshness Fresh appearance (intact, without bruises/spots, patches, shrivelled etc.)Off odour/ spoilage/ putrefactionChilled and frozen products are received at c<strong>or</strong>rect temperatureQuality RM/ Products are free from any physical impurities (e.g. dirt, dust,s<strong>to</strong>nes, wood, signs of infestation, pest <strong>or</strong> their remains, metal pieces <strong>or</strong>any other <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>eign matter)Temperature of potentially high risk food is at <strong>or</strong> below 5 0 CTemperature of frozen foods is -18 0 C <strong>or</strong> belowRM is free from any off odourRM is Free from any fungal (frothy) growthQuality ofpackagedfoodproductsPackaging and pack seals are intactPack is without holesPack air/vacuum intactPack is without leakage, dents, puffing and rusting signsWhether any signs of thawing <strong>or</strong> temperature abuse (e.g. water dropletsinside the pack etc.)RM/products are under ‘best be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e’/’expiry’ <strong>or</strong> ‘Use by’ dateProducts have green <strong>or</strong> brown mark on the pack acc<strong>or</strong>ding <strong>to</strong> itscateg<strong>or</strong>y (veg. <strong>or</strong> non-veg.)2. S<strong>to</strong>rage of Raw MaterialsCriteria Checks Y/N/NAS<strong>to</strong>rage area All supplies are s<strong>to</strong>red at proper s<strong>to</strong>rage areasEvery s<strong>to</strong>rage should have temperature gaugeS<strong>to</strong>rage area is clean and free of debris, empty boxes <strong>or</strong> other refuseS<strong>to</strong>rage area is dry and well ventilated and well lightedScaling of wall paint is removedS<strong>to</strong>rage area is free from insects, pests <strong>or</strong> their remainsS<strong>to</strong>red products are completely coveredRaw material arranged & used on FIFO (first in first out) and FEFO(First Expired First Out) basis and marked*3

Raw materials are stacked properly (heavy car<strong>to</strong>ns, glass jars s<strong>to</strong>red onlower shelves)Raw material s<strong>to</strong>red 6 inches above the ground and away from the wallon sound pallets where ever applicable. Pallets are having facility <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> aircirculationChemicals and cleaning supplies are s<strong>to</strong>red away from food and otherfood related supplies (packaging material etc.) under lock and keyNon-veg. & veg. products are kept physically separated <strong>or</strong> s<strong>to</strong>red indifferent containers/ racks/ compartmentsRaw materials are kept separately with proper labelling from semiprocessedand processed (cooked) foods.All products are s<strong>to</strong>red covered in clean and intact containersDry S<strong>to</strong>rage All foods and paper/packaging supplies are s<strong>to</strong>red off the flo<strong>or</strong> and awayfrom the walls (at least 6 inches)Bulging <strong>or</strong> leaked canned products and Tetra Packs are removed fromthe s<strong>to</strong>rage areaAll products are labelled with name and date (expiry/delivery)Cold s<strong>to</strong>rage Proper temperatures are maintained (5 0 C <strong>or</strong> below <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> chillers and -18 0C <strong>or</strong> below <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> freezers)Cold s<strong>to</strong>rage room/refrigera<strong>to</strong>r is not over-stuffed with food productsCooked foods are s<strong>to</strong>red above raw foods on separate shelvesAll foods are properly wrapped, labelled and datedFIFO & FEFO are followedPerishable products (milk, meat, butter etc.) are s<strong>to</strong>red in refrigera<strong>to</strong>ronly at temperature of 5 0 C <strong>or</strong> belowProducts with strong odours are kept covered in refrigera<strong>to</strong>r* S<strong>to</strong>re s<strong>to</strong>cks just delivered behind s<strong>to</strong>cks already in s<strong>to</strong>rage. First use the products with thenearest shelf life date, even if they were delivered later. Remove products whose shelf lifehas expired.3. Preparation of raw materialsCriteria Checks Y/N/NAOnly potable water from safe source is used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> preparation of rawGeneral materials/<strong>or</strong> as an ingredient in food productsW<strong>or</strong>k surfaces are cleaned properly be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e starting w<strong>or</strong>kPerishable products are kept in the fridge at temperature of 5 0 C <strong>or</strong>below and consumed be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e its ‘best be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e’/’use by’/ ’expiry’ dateRaw and cooked products are s<strong>to</strong>red physically separatedUnused thawed food is discardedOnly clean and intact equipments are usedProducts are kept covered after preparation/cooking4

Sieving/straining<strong>or</strong> s<strong>or</strong>ting <strong>or</strong>cleaningWashingThawing of foodproductsS<strong>or</strong>t all raw materials (e.g. grains, fruits & vegetables etc.) andremove undesirable/spoiled parts be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e useSieve all dry, powdered raw materials (e.g. flour, powdered sugar)be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e useStrain all liquid raw materials (e.g. syrups etc.) be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e useOnly potable water is used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> washing of food productsUncooked, ready-<strong>to</strong>-eat fruits & vegetables are disinfected with 50ppm chl<strong>or</strong>inated water be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e cutting, peeling <strong>or</strong> servingWash water is not re-used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> washing equipments, utensils,containers <strong>or</strong> food productsFrozen products are thawed in refrigera<strong>to</strong>r/microwave/convectionoven <strong>or</strong> under running potable water well be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e cookingOnly required p<strong>or</strong>tion of the food is thawed at a timeProducts from which melt-water is released are kept in a drip tray atthe bot<strong>to</strong>m of the refrigera<strong>to</strong>rThawed products are used immediately and not refrozen <strong>or</strong> kept inchiller4. Cooking/ProcessingCriteria Checks Y/N/NACooking of <strong>Food</strong> is cooked th<strong>or</strong>oughly with temperature reaching at least 70 0 Cfood Salads/ garnishes/uncooked ready-<strong>to</strong>-eat foods are prepared fromth<strong>or</strong>oughly washed RMProcessing/cooking is done in clean and hygienic areaClean equipments and utensils are used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> cooking/processingSeparate equipments and utensils are used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> veg. & non-veg. productsFrying oil/fat is changed immediately when there is colour change,visible fouling, syrupiness and scum <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>mationProcessing of food/handling/serving is done in covered areasWater used in the food processing, washing is potableWater used in the beverages <strong>or</strong> served <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> drinking is potableIce is prepared from potable water only5. S<strong>to</strong>rage of cooked foodCriteria Checks Y/N/NAS<strong>to</strong>rage of Cooked food is s<strong>to</strong>red covered and at appropriate temperaturecooked food Cold foods at 5 0 C <strong>or</strong> below (in refrigera<strong>to</strong>r)Hot foods at 60 0 C <strong>or</strong> above (hot holding)Veg. & non-veg. products are s<strong>to</strong>red separately and properly labelledwith day and date of preparation5

Salads, garnishes, <strong>or</strong> ready-<strong>to</strong>-eat foods are immediately s<strong>to</strong>red in cleancovered containers and refrigerated6. Preparation of cooked food be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e servingCriteria Checks Y/N/NAPreparation Cold foods are served cold and hot foods ho<strong>to</strong>f cooked Cooked products are heated up<strong>to</strong> 70 0 C <strong>or</strong> above be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e servingfood be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>eservingCooked food is not left at room temperature <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> m<strong>or</strong>e than 2 hours.All uncooked salads, fresh fruits & vegetables etc. are freshly prepared<strong>to</strong> the extent possibleSurplus food is discarded and not mixed up with freshly prepared foodTransp<strong>or</strong>ted cooked food is consumed/used within 4 hours of its arrival7. Serving of cooked foodCriteria Checks Y/N/NAServing of <strong>Food</strong> is served in clean and intact utensils/one-time-use disposablescooked food Single use/disposable items are not re-usedClean and non-<strong>to</strong>xic material is used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> packing of food. <strong>Print</strong>ed paperis not used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> wrapping/s<strong>to</strong>ring <strong>or</strong> serving foodRe-usable serving utensils/items are washed, cleaned & disinfected aftereach useAll tables and food serving counters are kept cleanPersonnelHygienePersonnel serving food wears clean clothsPersonnel serving food is not handling food with bare hands and usesspatula/ spoon/ hand gloves etc. <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> serving8. Sale <strong>or</strong> display of foodCriteria Checks Y/N/NASale <strong>or</strong> Sale/display counters are intact, clean and properly maintaineddisplay of Flo<strong>or</strong> below & behind the counters and display racks are cleanfood The refrigera<strong>to</strong>rs are clean and without off-odoursSpoiled and damaged products are not displayed<strong>Food</strong> products (except whole fruits and vegetables) are kept covered atdisplay counterCounter display of cold foods & beverages is at 5 0 C <strong>or</strong> belowCounter display of hot foods is at 60 0 C <strong>or</strong> aboveVeg. & Non-veg. products are properly labelled, displayed separately <strong>or</strong>physically separated and displayed in separate compartmentsProducts displayed are labelled and name of the product, type (veg. <strong>or</strong>non-veg.) manufacturing date & expiry date (if any) shall be writtenclearly on the label6

Whether the FIFO (First In First Out), FMFO (First Manufactured FirstOut), FEFO (First Expired First Out) principles are followed9. S<strong>to</strong>rage of surplus foodCriteria Checks Y/N/NAS<strong>to</strong>rage of Surplus food is consumed be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e ‘expiry’ / ‘use by’ date (e.g. packagedsurplusfoodsmilk, cream, sauces etc.) and <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> other kinds of food, it should be usedtill fit <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> consumptionSurplus food are s<strong>to</strong>red in the refrigera<strong>to</strong>rSurplus thawed food is discardedPerishable products are consumed immediately and not s<strong>to</strong>red <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> furtheruseCanned products once opened are transferred in the suitable coveredcontainers and kept refrigerated10. Quality of water & IceCriteria Checks Y/N/NACooking Potable/municipal supply water is used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> cookingDrinking Potable water is used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> drinking purposesIce (as aningredient)Ice used in beverages etc. is made from potable waterIce is s<strong>to</strong>red in clean and leak proof containersIce is handled hygienically with clean scoopsS<strong>to</strong>rage inice<strong>Food</strong> products are packed properly in water proof packaging be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e puttingin ice <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> s<strong>to</strong>rageS<strong>to</strong>re raw and cooked products separately11. Utensils & EquipmentsCriteria Checks Y/N/NAQuality/type Cooking utensils, cutlery and crockery shall be clean and notbroken/chippedCooking utensils, cutlery and crockery shall be made of food gradematerial<strong>Food</strong> grade utensils are used <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> cooking, s<strong>to</strong>rage and serving of foodproductsCleaning Sink of adequate size and running water supply is available <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> washingutensils/equipmentsAll utensils and equipments are washed with cleaning agent /detergent andrinsed with clean warm water after every useUtensils are not wiped with aprons, soiled cloths, unclean <strong>to</strong>wels, <strong>or</strong> hands<strong>Food</strong> contact surfaces, utensils and equipments are kept clean and7

S<strong>to</strong>ragesanitized between usesWashed utensils and equipments are s<strong>to</strong>red properly and kept inverted atclean and designated placeSmall equipments are inverted, covered <strong>or</strong> otherwise protected from dus<strong>to</strong>r contamination12. Cleaning & Hygiene of establishmentCriteria Checks Y/N/NACleaning Grills of coolers, air conditioning units, fans, condensers and humidifiersare cleaned at least once a month, and m<strong>or</strong>e often if necessary.Area/establishment is cleaned every day be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e starting w<strong>or</strong>k, inbetween and at the end of the day.W<strong>or</strong>k tables, kitchen aids, taps, do<strong>or</strong>-knobs and sinks are cleaned anddisinfected every dayS<strong>to</strong>re rooms are cleaned every two weeks <strong>or</strong> earlier as necessaryFlo<strong>or</strong>s are free from accumulation of food waste, dirt, grease <strong>or</strong> othervisible obnoxious mattersWalls of the establishment are maintained in good repair and kept cleanat all timesCeilings are clean and maintained in good repairFalse ceilings is periodically cleaned <strong>to</strong> remove accumulation of dust,particles <strong>or</strong> debris that may fall on<strong>to</strong> foods13. Cleaning & Hygiene of surrounding/environmentCriteria Checks Y/N/NACleaning <strong>Food</strong> preparation and selling areas are clean, dry, well lit and hygienicPathways are free from loose mud, cracks, holes, etc., clean and wellmaintained.No Stagnation of water <strong>or</strong> mud; which may harbour pests and insects inthe vicinityAll drainage holes are clean and coveredMaintenance Establishment should have a roof/ <strong>to</strong>p covering/canopyExhaust system is properly functioningArea is well maintained, clean and well illuminatedPresence of pets, rodents, any kind of pests and insects8

14. Lighting facilityCriteria Checks Y/N/NAInfrastructure Adequate lighting facilities are provided in the (kitchen, s<strong>to</strong>rage servingarea) establishment.Lights in the processing, s<strong>to</strong>rage and serving areas are shatterproofAdequate lighting facilities are provided in the surrounding areaCleaning All light fixtures are cleaned regularly <strong>to</strong> remove dirt, dust and cobwebs15. Garbage disposal facilityCriteria Checks Y/N/NAWaste bins Adequate number of waste bins separate <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> biodegradable and nonbiodegradablewastes, are provided <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> the kitchen and s<strong>to</strong>rage areaWaste bins are leak proof, kept clean and covered and foot operatedWaste bins are located away from immediate vicinity of s<strong>to</strong>rage places <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>food stuffs, clean crockery and clean w<strong>or</strong>k surfacesThe location of the waste bins are such that it is not carried through thekitchenCleaning Waste bins are emptied be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e overflowing and at the end of day’s businessWaste bins are washed at the end of the day and dried upside downWaste is collected separately and s<strong>to</strong>red in closed & leak proof containers<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> disposalWaste s<strong>to</strong>rage area is free from insects <strong>or</strong> rodents16. Pest controlCriteria Checks Y/N/NAInfrastructure Screens are put on the open windows and do<strong>or</strong>s.Insect electrocuting device (IED) is provided at the premises <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>elimination of insectsIED is placed at least 1.5 m away from any food handling areaLow wall mounted type IED are used in the food establishmentAir screens (curtains) are provided between clean and unclean areasMaintenance& cleaningAny holes <strong>or</strong> crevices at ceilings, on walls and flo<strong>or</strong>s are sealed bycement <strong>or</strong> metal platesThreshold clearance of do<strong>or</strong>s is lowered <strong>to</strong> not m<strong>or</strong>e than 6mm withmetal kicking plates <strong>or</strong> rubber sheets.In case of pest infestation, only permitted insecticides withinpermissible limits are used avoiding food contaminationAny contaminated equipment/utensils and food contact surfaces areth<strong>or</strong>oughly washed, cleaned and sanitizedAny food that has been contaminated by pest control chemicals is9

disposed off safely so that it is not consumed by any one accidentallyRodenticides and insecticides are not applied while foodpreparation/production is taking placeAll food products are kept covered while applying rodenticides andinsecticidesRemains of pests/insects are removed promptly18. Personnel HygieneCriteria Checks Y/N/NAW<strong>or</strong>kers’HealthStaff members handling food are free from any infectious disease, eczema,acne, open wounds <strong>to</strong> the head, neck, hands <strong>or</strong> armsWhether health check-up is conducted17. Facilities <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> Personal HygieneCriteria Checks Y/N/NAHandwashingClean hand wash-basin is provided (one <strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong> 20 users)Soap and adequate water supply is availableTissue roll/ paper <strong>to</strong>wel / hand dryer <strong>or</strong> hand sanitizer is provided near thewash roomsHand washing area is kept clean at all timesDust bins are provided <strong>to</strong> keep soiled <strong>to</strong>welsToilets Any food handling area should not be directly connected <strong>to</strong> the <strong>to</strong>iletToilets are cleaned once daily <strong>or</strong> frequently as necessaryThere is no foul odour in the <strong>to</strong>ilets/ surrounding areaAdequate water supply is provided in <strong>to</strong>iletsHand washing facility is provided near the <strong>to</strong>iletW<strong>or</strong>k Aprons, hand gloves, face masks and head gears/hair nets are providedclothingHandwashingW<strong>or</strong>kclothingoutfits<strong>Food</strong> handlers wash hands under foot operated taps with soap and waterbe<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e handling food, after using <strong>to</strong>ilet/blowing nose/sneezing, rejoiningw<strong>or</strong>k after break, after w<strong>or</strong>king with RMHands are dried using single use paper/ <strong>to</strong>wel <strong>or</strong> hand dryerEmployees wears clean and proper clothingEmployees wears clean food grade disposable hand glovesEmployees wears clean light coloured apronsEmployees wears head covers while handling foodSeparate footwear are used during food handlingCloths and other items are kept out of kitchen and s<strong>to</strong>rage areasOrnaments All jewellery is removed/covered properly be<strong>f<strong>or</strong></strong>e starting w<strong>or</strong>k/handling10

&jewelleryNailsWoundsPersonalcareW<strong>or</strong>kactivitiesfoodJewellery/ threads/wrist watch/ cosmetics are not w<strong>or</strong>n on hands whilehandling foodFingernails are trimmed, clean and unpolishedOpen s<strong>or</strong>es, cuts <strong>or</strong> bandages on hands are completely covered whilehandling foodWhether employees have objectionable body odour including strongdeod<strong>or</strong>ants and perfumesPersonal hygiene messages may be displayed on prominent placesCooked/Ready-<strong>to</strong>-eat food is handled with spatula/ spoons etc.While tasting food, used spoons are cleaned after every single useEnsure no smoking, spitting, <strong>to</strong>bacco chewing in food handling, service,s<strong>to</strong>rage, washing areasFoot note: The queries may be changed in<strong>to</strong> a “Question” mode.11

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