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phvac Nov 2001.qxd - Plumbing & HVAC

phvac Nov 2001.qxd - Plumbing & HVAC


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Throw one of these lightweight steelbathtubs into your next renovation job.Full report on page 13Volume 14 Number 3 May/June 2004Luxury <strong>Plumbing</strong>Partnering with a plumbing showroom for mutual benefitThis new-generation air conditioner canachieve a SEER rating of 15.Read all about it on page 15Canadian Mail Sales Product Agreement #400076296. Return postage guaranteed Nytek Publishing 451 Attwell Drive, Toronto, Ontario M9W 5C4INSIDE• Escalating steel prices play havoc• Quebec objects to DHW changes• Photo makes case for hydronic certification• March mechanical show report• N.B. eyes oil burner ticketCircle Number 100 for More InformationCircle Number 100 for More InformationSpring Air Conditioningwww.drainbrain.comCircle Number 101 for More InformationCircle Number 101 for More InformationPERFORMANCEUNDER PRESSURECircle Number 102 for More InformationThis high-pressure refrigerant purger isdesigned for hazardous environments.Explosive news on page 18Sit down on this panel radiator that doublesas a bench. Who would have thought?Details on page 21

®35%Brand D 6%Brand AS 2%Brand K 2%Brand PP 1%Brand P 1%Brand W < 1%First Choice of Faucet for Purchase Consideration among Canadian Consumers*FOR ONCE YOU CAN READ YOUR CUSTOMERS’ MINDS.AND OBVIOUSLY, THEY’RE THINKING MOEN.Talk about being top-of-mind. For five years running, when Canadian consumers were asked which one brand©2002 Moen Incorporated is a Fortune Brands Company. (NYSE: FO)they’d consider if they were in the market for a kitchen, bath or shower faucet, Moen came out on top. Wayon top. And no wonder. We have the styles people want. And a longstanding reputation for quality and easyinstallation. To learn more, visit www.moen.com or call 1-800-465-6130. You’ll see why going with Moen isa total no-brainer.*Homeowners, ages 25-64, household income $30K+Leading residential-use brands. Brands not sold through wholesalers are excluded.Source: Canadian Facts, NFO CFgroup, an NFO WorldGroup Company – 2001 Faucet Brand Tracking StudyCircle Number 103 for More Information

In This IssueInside:Poor installation 8The case for certification inhydronic heatingDepartmentsHot Seat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Industry News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Western Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32Atlantic Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33Coming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35People and Places . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36Literature Showcase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37Products & TechnologiesFaucets & Fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Air Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14Refrigeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19Hot Water Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Pipes, Valves & Fittings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26Someone Put a Cap on R-22?Mutual benefit 10Partner with a showroom tomaximize profitTying down 28Carrying awkward loads in aservice vanShow review 34Two major mechanical shows hitTorontoBeginning January 2004, Environment Canada will implement a “cap” on the amount of HCFCthat can be either manufactured or imported in Canada. Yet the demand for R-22 could continueto increase due to higher residential SEER requirements.If you service, manage, or specify air-conditioning systems we invite you to learn more about thequiet operation and outstanding reliability of systems charged with R-410A... because you can teachan old dog a new trick.St. Lawrence ChemicalExclusive distributor of Genetron refrigerants in CanadaOntario and Western Canada Tel: (416) 243-9615 Fax: (416) 243-9731Quebec and the Maritime Provinces Tel: (514) 457-3628 Fax: (514) 457-9773Cover photo: Claude Des Rosier, left, chatswith contractor Jim Henry at the Mondeaushowroom in Kanata, Ont. Please see ourstory on page 10. (Photo by Simon Blake)Find us at genetron.comCircle Number 104 for More Information

SeeSnake®You have to be tough to survive in this business.The new SeeSnake Plus. Built tougher for unmatcheddurability, reliability and performance, including:• 100% hardened stainless steel camera head for increased durability• Improved push cable and smaller camera head to push furtherthrough tighter spots• Rugged, high intensity lights for improved visibility• 30% more powerful flexible transmitter makes locating easier –fully compatible with RIDGID NaviTrackSELF-LEVELING NOW AVAILABLE!New Self-Leveling Cameras combine the durabilityand performance of SeeSnake Plus with an alwaysuprightimage for easier inspections.SeeSnake Plus. Tougher because that’swhat you need in a camera.For more information or to schedule a demonstration:• Visit www.ridgid.com/seeit or www.ridgid.com• Call 1-800-769-7743©2004, Ridge Tool CompanyProfessional ToolsEMERSON. CONSIDER IT SOLVED.TMCircle Number 105 for More Information

Industry NewsRisky biddingRunaway prices make quoting jobs a high-stakes gameBy Simon BlakeRunaway world steel prices andsharply increased costs of copper,nickel and other commodities areplaying havoc in the mechanical contractingbusiness.Estimating jobs has become difficultas wholesalers, particularly in busyindustrial, commercial and institutional(ICI) markets, are unable to guarantee aprice on many types of steel, copper andcast iron piping beyond the day. Add tothat a shortage of supply as manufacturersfocus on producing those sizesmost in demand while some uncommonsizes and fittings get pushed to theback burner.“It’s affecting us terribly,” remarkedBud McWatters, vice-president of R.N.McWatters <strong>Plumbing</strong> & Heating Ltd.,Markham, Ont. “You put a price in on ajob and then (the price of materials goesup). So what are you going to do? You goback to the customer looking for moremoney, which is not very good …”Mel Prowse, MCAC chairman andpresident of H. Griffiths Company Ltd.,Woodbridge, Ont., notes that he hasbeen fortunate on the larger jobs in thathe had the wholesalers lock in prices andstockpile materials. He didn’t lock in onthe smaller jobs and “that’s going to hurtthe bottom line for sure,” he remarked.Wholesalers in southern Ontario findthemselves in a difficult situation.“Rightnow we’re advising contractors that ourprice of today is exactly just that on certainproducts…” reported BrahmSwirsky, vice president – procurement,for Noble-Trade <strong>Plumbing</strong> SuppliesInc., Woodbridge, Ont. “We cannot goforward and hold pricing for extendedperiods because we don’t know whatour buy cost will be a month from now.”Wholesalers used to receive 30 to 60 daysnotice of price increases. Now, it’s priceon delivery on some products.Shortages are also starting to occur,he added. In some cases manufacturers(or master distributors) cannot providedelivery times. Certain pipe sizes arejust plain unavailable.Rick Elliott, president, McKeoughHow bad is it? Ouch!Shortages and rapid-fire price increases began last fall. A lot has beenblamed on China – with a rapidly growing manufacturing sector that isincreasing its demand for iron ore and scrap steel at the rate of about 30 percent per year,it’s a big factor. Shipping costs have gone up as well, reportsKeith Ottaway, president of Allpriser Inc., Toronto.A fire in a coalmine in West Virginia that produces the high-grade coalused in steel production didn’t help. As well, low commodity prices in recentyears have seen mines shut down. As a result, iron, copper and nickel are inshort supply.In North America there have been three 15 per cent increases in the priceof steel pipe in the past three months. Ottaway expects another 15 per centincrease for May.Threaded rod went up 40 per cent. Cast iron pipe is up 20 per cent.“Sheet metal is going up by leaps and bounds,” he reported. Water heatershave jumped another six per cent and are expected to do so again before thesummer. Effective July 1, new flammable vapour resistant ignition (FVIR)rules will add another $75 per tank, reports John Kendall, director ofpurchasing for Bartle & Gibson Co. Ltd. in Edmonton.And the biggest worry for appliance manufacturers is simply being able toget the flat-rolled steel they need to manufacture their product, reportsOttaway. “They have no guarantees that in three months it will be there.”Copper prices have seen a significant increase, with another increaseexpected June 1. Brass fittings, valves, faucets, etc. are expected to pushup over the next month, added Ottaway.In some applications, plastic pipe might be an alternative. However, priceshave been anything but stable there. PVC resins are at historic highs. A fireat a General Electric plant in Texas that manufactures ABS resins has put asevere cramp on supply.Supply Inc. in Brantford, Ont., notes The Mechanical Contractors Associationthat lead times for the manufacturing ofof Canada (MCAC) is encour-steel pipe have jumped from six to eight aging members to get escalation clausesweeks to 12-16 weeks. And despite the where they can, remarked Richardshortages, pipe manufacturers are McKeagan, president. That may be difficult,reducing production and laying offbut owners and general contrac-workers because they can’t get raw tors understand the situation becausematerials.they face the same difficulties withThe big fear, added Ron Wise, directorstructural steel, rebar and other con-of corporate purchasing for Wolseley struction materials.Canada, Burlington, Ont., is that a real Elliott suggests that if a buildingsupply crunch will hit in June or July. owner wants to lock in prices for anyMany in the southern Ontario marketlength of time, an escalation clauseworry that these issues may con-must be a condition of doing so. Hoarevince building owners to hold off on noted that in cases where customersprojects until the market stabilizes. This asked to extend the terms of the contract,could send the construction industryhe required an escalation clause.into a slump.However, where contractors are lockedinto projects with materials pricingA strategy for contractorsestablished before the recent upswing,So what should contractors do? they will have to swallow the cost whereMcWatters, who also serves as chairman they don’t have an escalation clause.of the Mechanical Contractor’s AssociationA legal opinion from the Mechanicalof Toronto (MCAT), is sending let-Contractors Association of Americaters with quotes advising customers that (MCAA), subsequently distributed tohe cannot hold prices.MCAC members, points out that theAdelt Mechanical Works Ltd., Mississauga,courts are unlikely to offer relief on ex-Ont., is stockpiling materials isting contracts, a point verified bythat it needs for upcoming projects, MCAC’s own lawyers, reportsCircle Number 107 for More Informationreports Bob Hoare, president.McKeagan.Several wholesalers suggested thatINTRODUCING the NEW WD SERIES GREASE INTERCEPTORS...contractors ‘pad’ their bids to accommodateincreasing costs. But that’swww.wattsdrainage.caCOMPETITIVE, COMPACT, AND UNPARALLELED FLEXIBILITYrisky, remarked Rod Andrew, vice president,M.P.H. Supply Ltd. in Coquitlam,Flow Rates from 4 to 75 GPMB.C. The contractor may end up facinganother contractor who is more of aGrease Capacity from 8 to 150 LBSgambler.Elliott notes that wholesalers try toBolt-on Extensions available in twoconfigurations for flexibilityhelp contractors that find themselves ina real bind by moderating the priceincrease where they can. However, heWATTS INDUSTRIES (CANADA) INC.Other Commerical DrainageTEL: 1-888-208-8927 FAX: 1-888-479-2887Products Available. Contact Us Today.added, there is a real concern for thecash flow of some contractors. “IfMADE INFloor Drains Parking Area Drains Trench Drains Roof Drains Special Purpose Drains Drain Pro CANADA they’re buying from us at two dollarsFloor Sinks Grease Interceptors Oil Interceptors Solids Interceptors Hydrants Fixture Carriers Cleanoutsbut selling at a buck and a half …”Circle Number 108 for More Information6 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

LettersHydronics ticket neededEditor’s note:This is a prime example why this tradeneeds to be licensed! (Please see photoat right.). This is a job where the customercalled for assistance as nothingwas working properly and it was costinghim a fortune in repairs.There is a Weil-McLain cast ironboiler connected directly to a storagetank to provide domestic hot water. Iwould like you to put this in the magazineas a test for the readers to find asmany things wrong as possible.This boiler is only 1 1/2 years old andhas had a section replaced already. Justsome of the issues include:■ The cold water connection has a 1°pressure reducing valve to prevent the30# relief on the boiler from popping.■ Relief valve on boiler was recentlyreplaced with 60# relief as the tenantswere not getting any water flow.■ The pump and flow switch areconnected to the same side of the boiler.■ The city water supply is connectedto the piping in such a manner that it iscold feeding the boiler.■ The circulation pump is cast ironand not a bronze pump.■ Boiler has automatic air vent atdischarge connection of piping.I am sure I missed a few things, butI have never seen so many basic rulesInstallations like this don’t help thehydronic heating industry.of hydronics broken in one simpleapplication.Ideal boiler technology foryour radiant floor heating systemSee us at the MEET Show,booth 360The Vitotec product line.Vitola 200 oil-/gas-fired hot waterheating boiler featured.Viessmann Manufacturing Company Inc.www.viessmann.caViessmann Manufacturing Company (U.S.) Inc.www.viessmann-us.comMike RogersDirect Energy Business ServicesTorontoPrice hikesno jokeEditor’s note:As most contractors have been seeinglately, the majority of suppliers are postingprice increase notices at their countersdue to rising costs of steel, copper,transportation and global circumstances.I decided to circulate this noticefor fun on the morning of April 1:Dear Valued Suppliers:Due to sudden price increases inmaterials (due to sudden price increasesin copper, mild steel, transportationand shipping costs) there will be anoticeable decrease in purchases, followedby a definite delay in payments.You may also be seeing some changes inattitude. This will reflect proportionatelyto the said price increases.As these efforts cannot be maderetroactive, we are asking suppliers tohelp lighten the burden; some of thefollowing methods are considered apositive step:■ Provide our staff with a ‘full serve’option whereas they are practicallywaited on.■ Offer a discount for the ‘self serve’option (like at the pumps)■ Offer to ‘get the door’ when a manis clearly burdened■ Save us precious time by saving usa trip to the COFFEE shop■ Feel free to ‘shop around’ on ourbehalf for the lower-priced options.We appreciate your understanding inthis matter and look forward to doingcoffee with you.Yours foolingly,Scott BullockS. Bullock Mechanical & ElectricalSault Ste. Marie, Ont.Letters Policy<strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product Newswelcomes letters to the editor. Lettersshould include the writer’s name,name of business, town/city and telephonenumber (for verification only).The editor reserves the right to editfor grammar, spelling, length, etc.Circle Number 111 for More Information8 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

THANKS AJAC.BUT WE STILL WANT THE TRUCK BACK.THE NEW F-1502004 TRUCK OF THE YEARTotally redesigned. Totally new. And hasjust been named “Truck of the Year” bythe esteemed Automobile JournalistsAssociation of Canada.RETHINKTRUCKCircle Number 112 for More Information

Luxury <strong>Plumbing</strong>Mutual benefitWholesale plumbing showrooms give contractor the upper handBy Simon BlakeIt wasn’t long ago that the averageplumbing contractor eyed his localwholesale showroom with suspicion.There was a real concern that having thecustomer deal direct could leave thecontractor out in the cold.But in today’s world of ever evolvingplumbing products, tighter profit marginsand a more knowledgeable, moredemanding customer, the plumbingshowroom has become a key ally.“They are thinking more like usnow,” reports Jim Henry, purchaser forthe BE Group of Companies (BEMechanical), of Ottawa. The company’sprimary business is residential andhigh-rise new construction. He uses theMondeau showroom of Boone <strong>Plumbing</strong>and Heating Supply Inc., Ottawa.“It’s changed quite a bit from five orsix years ago … They’ve really asked ourinput and they’ve designed a plan for uswhere they will break down the wholehouse much like we would …”“The wholesaler had to adjust to themarkets as we did,” added Kim Johnson,president of Candor <strong>Plumbing</strong> & HeatingLtd., also of Ottawa. “If they hadn’tdone that, we would have lost the salescompletely.”The wholesale showroom has becomea key partner in upselling the customer.Because profit margins havedeclined over the years, there’s notmuch money in a $100 toilet, remarkedMartin Deschênes, president DeschênesGroup Inc., Montreal. However, today’scustomers are looking for somethingbetter and the $500 toilet puts moreprofit into the contractor’s pocket.Perhaps the biggest advantage is thatthe contractor makes money on everythingtheir customer purchases. “If thecustomer goes to (the big box), theymake nothing,” notes Gord Graveline,manager of The Robinson Bath Centrein Winnipeg. “By sending them in here,if the customer upgrades a house packagefrom $4,000 to $10,000, the contractormakes their margin on theupgrade.” Add to that a considerablesavings in time and paperwork.Time is a critical factor. It is notunusual for people to spend hours choosinga plumbing package for a newhome. It’s a big investment and theydon’t like to be rushed. And then theymay change their mind on various components.A contractor’s patience canwear pretty thin. Showroom staff arepaid and trained to deal with theseissues, notes Claude Des Rosiers, vicepresident and general manager ofChoices, choices, choices – it can be a challenge for showroom staff to keep thecustomer focused. (Claude Des Rosiers photo)Claude Des Rosiers, left, and contractor Jim Henry chat about standard specifications.Boone <strong>Plumbing</strong> & Heating Supply Inc.(a Groupe Deschênes division). Thecompany operates three Mondeaushowrooms in the Ottawa area.Finally, the number of manufacturersand options has increased enormouslyin the past 20 years. Keeping up is anongoing and continuous process forshowroom staff. Des Rosiers, for example,sends employees to the Kitchen &Bath Industry Show (KBIS) in Chicagoevery spring.Starting the relationshipDeveloping a partnership with a wholesaleplumbing showroom requires a meetingto establish an agreement on details suchas markup, standard specifications, etc.prior to sending in the first customer.Standard specificationsA list of standard specifications givesshowroom staff a basis to quoteupgrades with additional labour.Considerable thought should go intochoosing ‘standard’ products. Somecontractors list the least expensive andhave the customer upgrade from there.However, notes Heather Williams, purchaserfor Ervin <strong>Plumbing</strong> Inc. inOttawa, this strategy can backfire.If a budget-minded customer choosesthe standard package, the contractorwill face callbacks and damage to reputationif those products prove unreliable.It is always better to create a standardslist with products the contractoris comfortable with.Establishing pricingThe contractor and the showroom mustestablish who handles the money. Mostcontractors prefer to do the billing,notes Graveline.Typically, the showroom quotes thecustomer a list price that allows forthe contractor’s markup and, in manycases, a builder’s markup as well. “Ourprice has to be at a point where theycan both make money,” notedGraveline.It’s important that the markup doesn’tsink the deal. At least one contractorreported cases where the builder doubledthe price. Today’s savvy customerusually has an idea what the upgradeshould cost. No one wins when theprice is ludicrous.Some contractors prefer to have thewholesaler do the billing and then creditthe discount to their account. Again,these details have to be established upfront.Who shows whom?Today most contractors prefer to leavethe selling to showroom staff. “Theplumbers are generally just too busy …it kind of defeats the purpose to comein with the customer and spend threehours with them – that’s an additionalcost,” notes Graveline.Henry notes that continuity of showroomstaff is key. Contractors developan ongoing business relationship withthem. Those individuals know the contractor’slikes and dislikes and guide thecustomer accordingly.However, some contractors still preferto guide their customers personally.Williams, who worked in the showroombusiness prior to joining Ervin’s <strong>Plumbing</strong>Inc., is one of them.“Every house we do is different. I find10 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

it’s easier for me to meet the customerat the showroom. We discuss the layoutand make any necessary changes …”One advantage of a plumber doingthe showing is that they can establishdetails – where they want their hosebibs, if they want a water softener, etc. –which showroom staff wouldn’t cover.Williams recommends establishing atime limit and knowing the customer’sbudget prior to the meeting. And shetypically establishes a good, better, beststrategy. “I try not to let people have fivechoices of basin faucet (for example) …I don’t have time to give five differentprices.”If a contractor is going to do theshowing personally, it is always a goodidea to do so only after getting the contractfor the project. It is just too muchtime to spend if the customer isn’t surethey are going to do the project.Make an appointmentThe contractor should make the showroomappointment for his customer.This makes it clear that the customer isdealing with a particular contractor andallows showroom staff to set aside time.They will usually ask any customer whotheir plumbing contractor is. But everycontractor should emphasize to the customerthat they must mention the nameof their plumber whenever they visit ashowroom.Educate your employeesWhen the customer is upgrading from astandard tub to a multi-jet shower/tubsystem valued at several thousand dollars,there’s a real onus on the contractorto ensure that it is installed properly,notes Henry. Customers will be disappointedand angry if the water tank wasn’talso upgraded to handle the load orthe supply lines weren’t sized correctly.“We need plumbers who really careabout these custom installations.There’s no point in selling an expensiveupgrade and then having a worker withonly a year’s experience install it.”Showrooms offer a unique service.With the correct ground rules, a partnershipbetween the plumbing contractorand the wholesale showroom shouldbe a win-win situation.Luxury <strong>Plumbing</strong>Just part of the kitchen area of Boone’s Ottawa Mondeau showroom.Convince the customerIt usually takes only one word to convincecustomers to buy through thecontractor – warranty. When a customerlearns that they must pay thegoing labour rate to remove and reinstallany defective product if they purchasethrough retail, dealing with aplumbing contractor becomes a nobrainer.“It’s a matter of educating your customer,”notes Williams. And it’s not justdefective products. When a sink turnsout to be the wrong colour, it’s relativelyeasy for a contractor to correct theproblem through the wholesaler. For acustomer to take a sink back to a retailstore can be another matter.Almost needless to say, the contractormust allow for warranty-related callbacksin his pricing.GRAND PRIZE - $6,000 Sony Home Theatre SystemThe Ultimate in Sights & Sounds!• 57" Premium Hi-Scan TM WidescreenRear Projection HDTV Ready TV• 5-Disc Slot Loading DVD/CD with6-speaker system2nd PRIZE - $2,500 Ridgid Home WorkshopThe Ultimate in Precision & Power!• Choose from a wide selection ofRidgid precision power tools3rd PRIZE - $1,500 Nintendo, Carrom & WoodHome Entertainment PackageThe Ultimate in Games & Beverages!• Carrom ultimate superstick bubblehockey table game• Nintendo GameCube TM system• 5 cubic-foot W.C. Wood mini fridgeTel: 905-456-8300 Fax: 905-456-8582E-mail: info@weil-mclain.caWeb site: www.weil-mclain.caThis installation by Ervin <strong>Plumbing</strong> ofOttawa features a MAAX whirlpool tubContractors who purchase residential boilers shipped between April 1, 2004 and June 30, 2004 from Weil-McLain Canada in Burlington, ONwith fireplace built into the wall, awill be automatically entered in the contest. Three winners will be drawn on July 15, 2004. PRIZES MAY NOT BE EXACTLY AS SHOWN. Three winners willgood example of some of the complexbe drawn on July 15, 2004 and notified by telephone. A winner’s name will be drawn from all shipments. Contest is valid everywhere in Canada except Quebec or where prohibited by law.Winners will be required to answer a skill-testing question. No purchase is necessary; enter the contest by sending your name, phone number and address on a postcard to Weil-McLaininstallations that plumbers are facingCanada Sales Inc., 4390 Paletta Court, Burlington ON, L7L 5R2. The odds of winning will be determined by the number of residential boilers shipped during the contest dates. Winners’ namesand photos may be announced or published by Weil-McLain and/or external media outlets. Winners may also be contacted directly by the media for the purposes of interviews.these days. (Heather Williams photo)Circle Number 113 for More Informationwww.plumbingandhvac.ca May/June 2004 – <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News 11

tekmar’s Complete Line of Multiple BoilerControls with Outdoor Reset & DHW ControlBoiler Control 265• Up to 3 Modulating Boilers• 0-20 mA or 4-20 mA Outputs• Parallel or Sequential ModulationBoiler Control 268• Up to 9 On/Off Stages• 1, 2, 3 or 4 Stage BoilersBoiler Control 264• Up to 4 On/Off Stages• 1, 2, 3 or 4 Stage BoilersCommon Features• Characterized Heating Curves• Pump Exercising• Supply and Return Sensors• Automatic Boiler Differential• Equal Run-Time Rotation• Fixed Last Rotation• Boiler Mass Setting• Fire Delay Setting• Fixed Lead Rotation• Combustion Air or Alarm Contact• Boiler Running Hours• Setpoint Priority Operation• DHW Pump or ValveOperationDomestic Hot Water Modes• Parallel or Primary-Secondary Piping• DHW PriorityBoiler Pump Operation• Individual boiler pumps provide pre-purging and post-purging of each boilerExternal Input (265 and 268)• For 0 - 10 V (dc) signal from a Building Automation System (BAS)visit the tekmar web site at www.tekmarcontrols.comtekmar Control Systems Ltd., Canada, tekmar Control Systems, Inc., U.S.A.Head Office: 5100 Silver Star Road, Vernon, B.C. Canada, V1B 3K4 Tel. (250) 545-7749 Fax. (250) 545-0650Circle Number 114 for More Information

Faucets & FixturesDesigner touchDelta Faucet has teamed upwith one of North America’smost well-known architectsto produce a line of designerfaucets and accessories for thekitchen and bathroom.The Michael Graves Collectionwas introduced to the Canadianmarket at the Interior Design Showin Toronto Feb. 13-15. Amongother things, the Princeton, N.J.architect is known for his work inthe restoration of the WashingtonMonument and his design for theDisney World Headquarters inBurbank, Calif.“Michael was the ideal partnerbecause he embraces the sensibilitiesof both builders and homeowners…,”reports Karen Marshall,director of marketing for DeltaFaucet Canada.The bathroom line includesmatching lavatory, tub/shower andRoman tub faucets, as well aslighting and accessories.Lavatory faucets feature a higharcspout design and are availablein two-handle centerset, two-handlemini-widespread and two-handlewidespread. There are four handleoptions in metal and frostedglass. Three finishes are available:chrome, Brilliance® stainless andthe new aluminum-look mattechrome.The aluminum look is a newdesign trend, noted Marshall.“With the release of matte chrome,Kitchen faucets feature a uniquepivoting aerator that switches fromspray to stream with a simple twist.A new matte chrome finish providesan aluminum look, one of this year’skey bathroom design trends.Delta is the first faucet manufacturerto provide this soft, mutedaluminum look – a wonderfulaccent that co-ordinates well withboth aluminum and chrome.”The Graves collection includes atwo-handle Roman tub, four-holeRoman tub with hand shower, anda single-handle pressure balancetub/shower.The diverter and Roman tubs featurea new mounting system withabove-the-deck adjusting and tightening.Both are suitable for thin andthick-deck mounting (up to 2 1/2”).The Roman tub with hand showerfeatures a generous hose length of93-inches for added convenience.Showers feature Delta’s Scald-Guard® valve to protect againstextreme temperatures.The kitchen collection includesthree single-handle kitchenfaucets with a very unique customer-pleasingfeature. A pivotingtwo-function aerator allows theuser to switch from the spray tostream mode with a simple twist.Kitchen faucet options includesingle-hole deck mount or eightinchcenterset with or without vegetablesprayer, widespread with orwithout soap dispenser and widespreadbar/food prep. Depending onoptions, mounting is two, three orfour-hole. Finishes are the same asfor lavatory faucets.Delta Faucet, a division ofMasco Corporation, is celebratingits 50th anniversary in 2004.Delta Faucet Canada Circle no. 301Space-saver toiletThe Newport 17-inch elongated onepiecetoilet by Eljer features a high 16-1/8-inch rim height, short 26-1/4-inchfloor-to-tankheight, and wallto-front-of-rimlength of 28-1/2-in., E-Force gravityflushing system,two-inchtrap, 7-1/2 x 8-1/2-inch watersurface area, chlorine-resistant flapper,colour-matched premium seat, inwhite, standard and premium colours.Eljer Canada Circle no. 304Bath-showerThe Allura luxury-sized bath-showermodel from Fiat features a 35” front-toback,a deeper 16”bathing well, greaterheadroom and allowsa higher showerheadmounting.Features include anintegral seat andfull-length shelf, twotop shampoo andsoap shelves, built-inacrylic grab bar andtextured floor surface.Options include steam andwhirlpoolFiat Circle no. 305ShowerheadThe Rainshower from Grohe delivers awide gently relaxing shower spraythrough an over-sized eight-inch diametershowerheadwith120 brassspray nozzles.Otherfeaturesinclude theSpeedClean anti-lime system with conicalflexible spray nozzle for easy cleaningand two 12-inch shower arms forceiling and wall mounting.Grohe Canada Circle no. 306Lightweight bathThe Gibraltar bath from Eljer featuresEnduroCAST porcelain enameled steelfor superior heat retention and reducedbottom deflectionand yet weighsjust 89 lbs. It has a39-gal. (US)capacity and a 40-degree luxurylumbar (back rest)angle. It also includesdual stabilizerbars for alevel installation.It measures 60 x 30 x 14-1/4-in. outsidedimensions. It is available in eight belowand above-floor rough-in models.Eljer Canada Circle no. 307 Touch-free technologyRadius touch-free systems feature innovativecam-gear components, protectedfrom moisture, microprocessors andcapacitive sensors.The sensors activatewater flow from theAutoFaucet, whichdistinguishes handsfrom false signals.They can reducewater usage by upto 70%. AutoFlushand AutoClean systemsfor toilets and urinals preventstains and damage from uric acid andcalcium deposits. Automatic soap dispensingsystems deliver the right volumeof soap for washing.Technical Concepts Circle no. 303Stylish bath lineThe Villeta line from Moen brings a distinctivenew styling to the bathroomwith a unique lever handle design forlav, bidet andbath faucets insix finishes, plusa clear lever handle,with coordinatedaccents,single and threefunctionhandshowers, slidebar or bracket,shower trim, plussix accessory items. The Moen vertical spa allows the contractor to position the five spray heads to the customer’s specifications.Moen Inc. Circle no. 302Circle Number 115 for More Informationwww.plumbingandhvac.ca May/June 2004 – <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News 13

Got time to spare?You will.Make time for the better things in life withQuickSnap ® quick connect widespread hosesand self-locating handles. Only from Delta,QuickSnap ® technology gives you the instantadvantage of maximum efficiency with nocompromise in quality.Speed up your next faucet installation timewith the help of Delta. We’ve got everythingyou need to get into the swing.By the way, have you spotted Luke the Worm yet?Education•Technology•Design•Support•EfficiencyFor more information contact Delta Faucet Canada at 1-800-345-DELTA,395 Matheson Blvd. East, Mississauga, ON L4Z 2H2Circle Number 119 for More Information

Flexible EutecticYou have to love a boileryou can beat up onThrow thermal shock at a De Dietrichboiler and with 30% higher elasticity inthe eutectic cast iron than standardrigid cast iron, it just shrugs it off.■ Low water condition, by far the mostcommon failure in boiler operation?The homogeneous cast iron maintainsits structural integrity.■ Down time for maintenance? What’sgoing to go wrong? It doesn’t have anymoving parts. The doors do swing openfully. However, you should brush theflueways from time-to-time, and thebaffles are removable to clean, too.■ All the material in the boiler constructionis the same, so it contracts andexpands together — in balance. It’s theonly boiler assembled on an underframelike a rail to allow the boiler toexpand and contract evenly. It’s anotherinnovation from a French manufacturerthat started back in 1684.■ Corrosion? The eutectic cast ironmore than meets the highest standardfor resistance to pitting, thinning andother corrosion.■ De Dietrich boilers are designed tohave some condensation at low temperatures– but that water flows into thefirebox where it is vapourized. No harmdone and no need for a drain.Simplifies RFH systemsYou can also love a boiler that makes infloorheating systems much simpler todesign and install. First, you needequipment that can withstand temperaturesas low as 105°F without damage.Most boilers manufactured todayrequire three-way valves and pumps toblend the return water back up to 130-140°F to protect them from damage.However, a De Dietrich system operatesas if it was a three-way valve. Thereis no low temperature problem so thesystem temperature can be reduced rightat the boiler inlet and be controlleddown to 105°F, or lower on the outlet.When the boiler is tied into verticalfan coils or a radiant floor heating(RFH) system, a supply temperature of140°F is all that is required. At this temperature,DHW can also be supplied,through a heat exchanger, from themain heating loop.Efficiencies reach 85.2%You will also love this boiler for itsoperating efficiency to strict testingunder CSA 4.9-2000 standards.Approved by ULC to an average efficiencyrating of 85.2% at high-fireacross the models available (from 170 to6,206 MBH) and with low modulatedtemperatures, energy savings quicklyadd up over the 30-year life of a DeDietrich boiler.You will also like the fact that workingpressures range from 59 to 75 psi, dependingon the model selected. That gives yougreater versatility and flexibility inapplying these boilers to all types ofinstitutional-commercial-industrial(ICI) hot water heating systems.You will want to replace existing boilersADVERTISING FEATUREOfficials at the Waterloo Region District School Board are pleased with their newDe Dietrich boilers.with a De Dietrich where you can applythe same run-through as before. Whychange it for a higher installed cost? Andyou can apply a building managementsystem to its operation to bring the temperaturedown to meet actual demand ormove it up to a blend of 130-140°F.When designing a system, youwill like the choice of five brands of NorthAmerican burners: Pendell/ FuelMaster,Riello, Weishaupt, Power Flame andGordon Piatt/GP Combustion. And forcustomers that want very low levels ofcombustion emissions, there are Europeanburners that integrate well with thelarge firebox to bring NOx, CO and CO2levels well down, for example.Regional assistance closeAnd you can get all the design and technicalassistance from manufacturer’sreps you know, nine across Canada:Bruce Sutherland in the Atlantic;S.E.R.L. Inc. in Quebec; Applied EngineeringSystems in Greater Toronto;Waterloo Mfg. in southwestern Ontario;C.K. Howard in northern Ontario;Airtech Sales in eastern Ontario;Central Boiler Supply in Manitoba-Saskatchewan; Westcan <strong>HVAC</strong> Sales inSouthern Alberta, Farrell Engineeringin Northern Alberta and CadillacAgencies in British Columbia.Why would I buy aDeDietrich Boiler?Quality, Shock Resistant, LowMaintenance and Energy Savings.Simply The Best!www.dedietrich-canada.comFlexible Eutectic BoilersP.O. Box 1763Mitchell, Ontario N0K 1N0E-mail tom.turner@ezlink.on.caWhat our customers are saying:We hereby would like to express our satisfaction regarding fourDe Dietrich boilers which were installed last year at our hospital. Givenan outdoor temperature, these boilers are used to feed in modulatedheating loops; their energetic efficiency is superior to the equipmentwhich we had before.The boilers have been in operation for almost one year and theyare working safely and efficiently.We are as well very satisfied with the fast delivery, the easy assemblingand installing properties of this new system.We are taking the opportunity to thank Services Énergétiques R.L.Inc, the De Dietrich boilers’distributor, for their support and customerservice during the project and we don’t hesitate to recommend DeDietrich boilers for similar uses.Rimouski Hospital CenterTel: 1 519 348-82001 800 943-6275Fax: 519 348-8404Circle Number 123 for More Information20 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

Hot Water HeatingQuick TipSteam traps andwater hammerBy Jerry BoulangerMost thermostatic steam traps are balanced-pressuretraps. They have a bellows filled with an alcohol/watermixture that has an atmospheric boiling point lower thanwater. As the steam pressure in the trap changes,however, the boiling point of the mixture in the trapbellows changes with it. These traps will always dischargecondensate at about 20 °F lower than thetemperature of the steam at the inlet to the trap.If the steam pressure/temperature is high, say 10 psig and 240 °F,the traps will discharge condensate at about 220 °F. This condensatewill flash back to steam in atmospheric condensate return lines andcause problems, one of them being water hammer.So, if you’ve got thermostatic traps and water hammer, try turningthe steam pressure down. All that’s required in most steam terminalunits is 1 psig (215 °F).Jerry Boulanger is marketing manager for Axiom Industries Ltd. inSaskatoon, Sask. He can be reached at jboulanger@axiomind.com.Continuous flowThe Continuum 2520FFU temperaturecontrolled, continuous flow, gas hotwater system is available with or withoutremote controlsand is a wallmountedand direct-ventedforced combustionappliance. Itis available in naturalgas and propanemodels forresidential applications.Manufacturedby Rinnai,the temperaturerange with the optional remote is 96 to140°F using the MC controller and 96to 120°F using the BC & BSC controllers.The factory default temperaturewithout a remote is 120°F.Redmond Williams Circle no. 334Bench radiatorThis unique heating panel radiatordesign performs double duty as abench. Basically a horizontal version ofthe Myson vertical Column model, it is73-93 in. long x 19 or 21-in. high and14-in. deep. It is available in five or sixsections, produces 6452 to 10,834 Btuhoutput. Connections are threaded andthe seat is laminated beech.Myson Inc. Circle no. 335Tankless DHWThe Bosch WR400-7K tankless gaswater heater features water flow-drivenmicro turbine power spark ignition.The WR430-3KVmodel features anintegral WhisperQuiet power venter,which can be sidewallvented up to 15feet. Also new is the175,000 Btu GWH-635-ES sealed combustionmodel with temperature modulation,electronic ignition and integralsidewall venter.Astravan Dist. Circle no. 330Boiler-water heaterThe Laars Rheos+ combination condensingboiler-water heaters featureefficiencies up to99% and can modulatedown to 25%input rate. It isavailable in sizes of1.2 and 2.4 millionBtuh. The internalwater mixing systemallows minimum70°F water inlet. Features includea built-in condensate removal systemand access to pump and controls fromthe front.Laars Heating Systems Circle no. 331Hot water air handlerThe Heat Handler features three capacitiesup to 90,000 Btuh at a single fanto an outdoor hot water furnace(Empyre line with capacities to 2.5 millionBtuh) or other hot water heatingsupply.Pro-Fab Industries Inc. Circle no. 332Hot water heaterThe Baxi Niagara is wall-hung instantaneoushot water heater featuring fullmodulation, electronictemperature control,direct venting andwhisper quiet operation.It measures 30 x18 x 14 inches, weighs60-lbs. and can heatthree gallons (US) perminute at a delta T rise of near 80°F.Marathon International Circle no. 333Circle Number 124 for More InformationKeepingComfortyou in theZoneWarm feet in the winter are one way to define yourcomfort zone. Another is the confidence of knowingthat the furnace or boiler you’ve installed has beencrafted and engineered to last a lifetime.At Newmac we build a complete line of solid fuel andoil fired forced air furnaces and boilers, designed tokeep you in the comfort zone. Call today or visit ourwebsite for more information.speed or 110,000 Btuh and 220,000Btuh unitsHead OfficeOntario OfficeP.O. Box 9, DebertP.O. Box 545, Woodstockwith three fan<strong>Nov</strong>a Scotia, B0M 1G0Ontario, N4V 1P8Phone: 902-662-3840Phone: (519) 539-6147speeds. TheFax: 902-662-2581Fax: (519) 539-0048motor is aEmail: newmac@ca.inter.netToll Free: 1-888-291-0990standard 115NL4 modelwww.newmacfurnaces.comvolt, singlephase, 60 cycleCome visit us at M.E.E.T. Booth 338unit. The air handler can be connectedCircle Number 125 for More Informationwww.plumbingandhvac.ca May/June 2004 – <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News 21

Tools & InstrumentsHeavy duty drillThe Ridgid R-7000 3/8-inch heavy-dutydrill with a 6.5 amp motor turns 0-2500rpm at 120 volts AC, features hardenedsteel gears, a 12-ft. all-rubber cord witha lighted plug and backlit icon of thetool. A durable synthetic rubber coatingon the handle provides a better grip. Aglass-fillednylon housingaddsdurabilityand protectionfromdrops andhard landings.Other features include a heavyduty3/8-inch metal-backed keylesschuck, a lock-on button for continuousdrilling and built-in bubble level.Ridge Tool Co. Circle no. 336Rotary hammerThe Bulldog 3/4-inch rotary hammerdrill 11250VSR features a six ampmotor, 1,350 rpm in rotation mode, upto 6,000 bpm and 1.4-foot-pounds ofimpact in the rotary hammer modewith full-power reverse. Other featuresinclude SDS-plus tool holder system,tool-free bit changes, automatic bitlocking, dust protection, integral clutch,a 360-degree auxiliary handle and variablespeed trigger.Robert Bosch Inc. Circle no. 337Handheld core drillThe DM 225 drill features a highpower-to-weight ratio, speeds of 580,1400 and 2900 rpm. It weighs 12-lbs.Features include Softstart electroniccurrent limiter, a side button to reducespeed, electronic overload protection inmultiple stages and electronic slipclutch. There are separate access panelsfor replacing carbon brushes.Dimas North America Circle no. 338Precision cutterThis tubing cutter from Mag Tool featuresa unique ratcheting action thatallows the user to cut pipes in tightspaces, a 5/16” to 1-1/8” capacity, strongconstruction for extended service lifeand is generally lightweight and easy touse, the manufacturer reports.Mag Tool Circle no. 339Rotary hammersThe manufacturer reports that its compactone-inch SDS rotary hammers lastlonger with three rubber-spring dustseals that protect the hammer mechanism,dust-sealed ball bearings andOutdoor UnitIndoor UnitRefrigerant LinesNo duct work means faster,easier and more costeffective installation in areas with no or limited ducting.World Leading TechnologyBest QualityQuietest Operation In The IndustryHigher CFM For Best Air DistributionRefrigerant Pre-chargedBest Technical And Service SupportBest Parts Availability In The Industry6 Year Compressor Warranty9,000 to 24000 BTUTrue Comfort&Peace Of MindOur quality ductless splitair-conditioners will giveyou and your customersthe comfort and peace ofmind that only MitsubishiElectric can offer.Our technically competentdistributor network,strong service supportand unmatched serviceparts availability will giveyou and your customersthe peace of mind thatyou deserve.After all,what good is awarranty if you can't backit up !large pop-off brushes that extend motorlife. Just 12-in. long, these units weighin at 6.5-lbs. A 7.5 amp heavy-duty electronicvariable speed motor provideshammerdrill, drill-only and chippingoperations.DeWalt Industrial Tool Circle no. 340Darkening helmetThe Big Window Elite Series of autodarkeningwelding helmets from Millerfeature four independent arc sensorsand a 30% larger lens window thanstandard helmets for out-of-positionwelding. These beauties feature replaceablebattery-solar assist PerformanceSeries lens technology. The auto-darkeningfeature includes low amperageTIG response and DC TIG inverter arcresponse.Miller Electric Circle no. 341Hole cutterThe One-Tooth rough wood hole cuttermakes cutting wet, frozen, pressuretreatedand hard wood easier than withself-feed bits. It also allows cutting holesat an angle, operates with less torque,ElectronicEnvironmentsfeatures easy plug ejection, a 3/8-inchstubby spade bit, and it cuts withoutbinding.Lenox Saw Circle no. 342Circle Number 126 for More Information22 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

Tools & InstrumentsProduct ProfileBig jetter for big jobsGeneral Pipe Cleaners has introduceda large water jet drain cleaningmachine for those really difficultjobs. The J-2512 Typhoon delivers12 gallons per minute at 2,500 psito blast lines clean of grease, sedimentand debris.And this trailer-mounted unit canbring its own water. A 200-gallonholding tank carries enough waterto handle remote applicationswhere access to water is limited.There are two hose reels. A 250’half-inch jet hose features Vibrapulse®to slide the nozzle aroundtight bends and electric rewind. TheTyphoon also includes a 150’ 3/4”water supply hose. Both are mountedat the rear of the unit next to thepressure gauge and output valve.Power is supplied by a 24 hpHonda engine with electric startand seven-gallon fuel tank. Enginecontrols, including an hour meter,are mounted within easy reach inthe lockable tool box with slideaction doors just below the reels.The Typhoon trailer features electricbrakes, safety strobe light, threesafety cones in a holder, rear folddownstabilizer jacks, retractablehose guide arm, and an antifreezesystem as standard equipment.The entire package rides on 15”radial tires on a leaf-spring suspensionrated at 3500 lbs. per axle. Asplash guard at the front helps protectthe pump and engine from roaddebris. A durable epoxy finish maximizesweather protection and minimizesroad rash.General Pipe Cleaners Circle no. 343Boiler tuning unitThe BTU 1000 boiler tuning and fluegas analyzer features an ambient COmonitor, draft and differential pressuremeter, 7-inch removable flue gas probeand water trap all housed in a magneticrubber shell for hands-free operation. Itanalyzes 10 programmable fuels, includingoxygen and carbon monoxideand calculates carbon dioxide. Thecompany is looking for Canadian distributors.E Instruments Group Circle no. 344Hazardous gas monitorThe GasAlert Extreme water resistantgas detector warns workers of hazardousconditions with an extra-loudalarm, flashing LED light bars, built-invibrator and back light in a package lessthan 10 cm (four inches) in height. Itmonitors oxygen deficiency, carbonmonoxide, chlorine, ammonia andother toxic contaminants. Other featuresinclude optional data logging andwireless data transfer.BW Technologies Circle no. 345A Refreshing ChangeCircle Number 127 for More InformationStay Cool With Forane ® .ATOFINA's Forane ® 410A and 407C arethe contractors best choice for R-22replacement and retrofit. Meet the nextgeneration with the refrigerants mostaccepted by OEMs and customers.With ATOFINA productsyou get the performance andafter-market support you need.1-800-567-5726 • www.atofinacanada.comAF2004-06ATMOSPHAIRCOMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIALREFRIGERATION, AIR-CONDITIONING& HEATING795 Warden Avenue,Scarborough, Ontario, M1L 4C4COOLING PRODUCTS◗ Condensers• Shell & tube• Tube in tube◗ Condensing units• Air cooled• Water cooled◗ Packaged chillers• Air cooled• Water cooled• Outdoor• Remote condenser◗ Chiller vessels• 2-225 tons◗ Compressors• Hermetic screw• Open drive screw• Hermetic reciprocating• Open drive reciprocating◗ Custom coils• Chilled water• Glycol• Direct expansionPUMP PRODUCTS◗ Boiler feed pumps◗ Steam condensate pumps◗ Steam vacuum pumps◗ Circulating pumps1/4-200 HP• Close coupled• Base mount• Inline circulator• Double suctionHEATING PRODUCTS◗ Thermostatic valves◗ Balancing valves◗ Steam specialties• Low pressure thermostatictraps• High pressure thermostatictraps• Float and thermostatic traps• Bucket trapsExtra! Extra! Extra!◗ Radiation products• Walvector• Convector◗ Unit heaters• Steam or hot water• Horizontal• Vertical• Cabinet◗ Custom coils• Steam• Hot waterSteam Specialties, Condensate/Boiler Feed Pumps . . . . . . .Stock to 2 WeeksUnit Heaters (Vertical, Horizontal, Cabinet or Gas type) . . . . .Stock to 2 WeeksFan Coil Units and Air Handlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Stock to 2 WeeksPackaged Chillers and Chiller / Condenser Vessels . . . . . . . . . . .1 to 9 WeeksDunham-Bush Condenser Gkts & UC Defrost Heaters . . . . .Stock to 3 WeeksHeating/Cooling Coils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 to 4 Weeks◗ Vari-Vac®• Vacuum differential heatingControl systemFormerly Dunham-Bush Inc.Tel: (416) 751-7777 • Toll Free: 1-800-387-8059Fax: (416) 751-5637 or 757-1557 • Toll Free Fax: (888) 751-5637Formerly Dunham-Bush Inc.Circle Number 128 for More Informationwww.plumbingandhvac.ca May/June 2004 – <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News 23

Pipes, Valves & FittingsLatching ball valveApollo 77C Series bronze full port ballvalves from Conbraco offer optionalelevated oval latching, T and latch-locklever handles (stainless steel lever isstandard), all-cast bodies, end caps,chromed solid brass ball, mating holesfor padlocking and are available in eightsizes from 1/4 to 2-in. with sweat orthreaded connections.Conbraco Industries Circle no. 346Extendable valveAdapt-A-Valves are extendable three orfour-inch backwater valves with anextension hub for fouror six-inch standardABS or PVC DWVpipe. Options includean extension collar forground or floor levelaccess, a cleanout lid,an extendable 3/4-inchPVC reversible cassettefor retrieving the normallyclosed doublehingedhanging gate,or normally open horizontalgate with floatingAir-Gate to closeon reverse flow.Mainline Backflow Products Circle no. 347Flow control flangeThe Check-Trol 3-in-1 flange combinesflow control and isolation valves andcompanion flange in a single valve todeliver minimalpressure drop. Afull-port ballvalve allowsremoving thecirculator withoutdraining thesystem. Aninternal springcheck preventsgravity circulationand flow inthe wrong direction. These are availablein sizes of 3/4, 1, 1-1/4-inch NPT andsweat models.ITT Fluid Products Circle no. 348Shut-off valvesSeries 8215 automatic valves fromASCO meet Z21.21 (6.5) and 8214 safetyshut-off valves meet C/I (3.9)requirements along with CSA gas certification.DC power operation rangesfrom 6 to 240 volts. These two-way normallyclosed valves are available in sizesfrom 3/8 to 2-in., with two 1/8-inchNPT upstream-downstream pipe tapswith plugs.ASCO Valve Canada Circle no. 349Butterfly valvesSylax butterfly valves are available inwafer and lug styles. Features include10-position locking lever handle orIn the lightweight division,Trinity packs a punch.optional gear operator, a standard ISOtop flange for direct mounting of anelectronic-pneumatic actuator, fullyepoxy coated cast iron body, a self-centeringfloating disc and a blowout-prooffull thru-size one-piece valve stemdesign. These are available in sizes from2 to 24-in.Danfoss Flomatic Circle no. 350IN THIS CORNER, NTI’s breakthrough wall-mountedcondensing gas boiler, Trinity. Weighing in at just 80 lbs,with a 105 foot reach, this lightweight contender is a heavyhitter: large capacity up to 200,000 BTUs, a remarkable 92%AFUE and whisper quiet 40 db operation. When fightingrising energy costs, the lightweight contender goes 15rounds without breaking a sweat. Just take a look at Trinity’sother victories: plastic venting, up to 5.5 GPM of domestichot water, 100% stainless boiler construction, the sophisticatedSentry microprocessor control, fully modulating outdoorreset and zero clearance to combustibles. The oddsmakers agree: NTI’s Trinity isthe one to watch in the ring this heating season!Get in the game today.www.nythermal.com or1-800-688-2575NY THERMAL INC.Distributors ofthese QualityProducts !General ElectricZoneline Horizontal & Vertical Series P.T.A.CsRoom Air ConditionersApplied Comfort ProductsComfortline Series P.T.A.C’sKeeprite Seasonal & Chromalox ReplacementsAdirondack Aire / Cold PointReplacement Water Source Heat PumpsXpediairQuality Fan Coil Cooling SolutionsMovinCoolPortable Spot CoolersDelonghi PinguinoPortable Room Air ConditionersPanasonicSuper Quiet Ventilation FansSharpPlasmacluster Air PurificationGORDON R. WILLIAMSC O R P O R A T I O N3250 Ridgeway Dr. Unit # 9Mississauga, Ontario L5L 5Y6Ph. 905-820-1400 1-888-209-0999www.williamshvac.comCircle Number 131 for More InformationCircle Number 180 for More Info24 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

Professional, responsivecustomer serviceFaster installationMore adaptable connectionsEasier maintenanceMost complete package of pipeconnectors and hangersFor the most painless pipe installation and greatest costsavings, choose the Gruvlok ® system. The advantages ofgrooved-end couplings, flanges andfittings that install quickly meansyou can significantly reduce labortime and cost. Later on, maintenance,retrofit and expansion can beaccomplished more easily and inmuch less time than with conventionalflanged or threaded systems. Plus, working with MuellerFlow Control means you will havesolid product support when andwhere you need it from the manufacturerwith unmatchable experiencein piping systems. Experience theGruvlok ® difference and save morethan just the headaches – save timeand expense.Tel: 877-GRUVLOK(877-478-8565)www.gruvlok.caCheck Out New Website at www.gruvlok.caCircle Number 143 for More Information

Trucks for the TradePressure cylindersRules governing the placement andsecuring of pressure cylinders – refrigerant,acetylene, etc. – have becomemore stringent in recent years. As ofAug. 15, 2002, service vans are nolonger exempt from federalTransportation of Dangerous Goods(TDG) regulations. (Visit theContractors Resource Centre atwww.plumbingandhvac.ca to read previousarticles.)As well the rules now require cylindersto be transported in an uprightposition. Several manufacturers usedto list tank holders that supportedstacked cylinders on their sides or onan angle. These are no longer allowed,advised Spencer.Although this is a medical gasapplication, this mini-van installationby VanTeriors offers anotherpotential solution.Cylinders can, however, still be stacked one-above-the-other as long asthey are upright. The key is simply that they cannot move in an accident.And the rules are less onerous for contractors because they don’t typicallycarry more than five cylinders per truck.This is one area where outfitters have come up with products that simplifythe meeting of TDG regulations. The basic configuration involves straps thattie into F-track. These are typically placed at the end of a shelving unit.They can also be attached to the bulkhead between the cargo and the driverwhere the bulkhead is designed to support them. Check with the bulkheadmanufacturer before attaching anything to it.Note that storage for certain cylinders must be vented. “We install sealedcabinets with venting for propane and acetylene tanks,” remarked Al Holley,director of sales and marketing for VanTeriors, Mississauga, Ont. “Propanerequires bottom venting and the acetylene requires top venting. Typically wevent in both locations to allow the customer to carry either/or both.” Circle Number 136 for More InformationKamco.More than just products.Whether it’s been safety or environmental concerns, or just makingyour next installation easier and more efficient, Kamco has alwayslistened to your needs. And those needs are what have driven eachinnovative product design and the focus of our customer service.We’re committed to you. We’re customer driven.Customer Driven Quality• Use only the highest quality copper available• All tubing is quality inspected• Extensive copper industry experienceCustomer Driven Service• Respect the Wholesale distribution channel• Dedicated Contractor & Wholesaler support• Centralized manufacturing & distributionCustomer Driven Innovation• All products inspired by customer feedbackand suggestions• Innovative accessories available to simplifyinstallationsexperience the kamco differenceMH28077Polyethylene Coated CopperFor Fuel Oil Transfer LinesTOLL FREE 1.800.891.0800www.kamcoproducts.comCircle Number 137 for More Informationwww.plumbingandhvac.ca May/June 2004 – <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News 29

ADVERTISING FEATUREMTP InstrumentsInnovative test instrumentsAn innovative temperature logger isamong the new measurementdevices MTP Instruments will displayat CMX 2004.The PROVA 69 Portable TemperatureLogger stands out because of itssmall size and user friendly interface.Temperature loggers are used whentemperatures must be monitored overan extended period. For example, theycan be placed with perishable foods in arefrigerated trailer to monitor for temperaturefluctuations during a trip.They can also be placed in air ducts andventilation rooms, or used in temperaturesurveys on buildings.Users can set maximums and minimumsand the unit will time stamp upto 24 instances of temperatures outsideof those limits, with duration.The PROVA 69 has a several securityfeatures to prevent man-made falsedata. These include a unique 48-bit serialnumber and a total samples (everrecorded) data counter. Also, anyattempt to change a status register willstop the process of recording.Battery life is ten years.TES 3600 Power AnalyzerThe new TES 3600 Power Analyzer islightweight and small enough to fit inyour hand.The 3600 offers single-phase, 2-wire;single-phase, 3-wire; 3-phase, 3-wire,and 3-phase, 4-wire power measurement.It has connectors for four currentsensing clamps to allow electrical measurementsto be taken from up to fourcircuits (single-phase 2-wire) simultaneously.It measures KW, KVAR, KVA,PF, harmonics, Hz and energy KWh,KVARh and KVAh.It has an LCD display that shows 10readings at once, saving a lot of paging.Power analyzers are necessary whenyou want to conduct a consumption surveyto identify machines that are using tooA temperature/data logger is usefulwhen temperatures must be monitoredover an extended period.much electricity, or when you want toassess the quality of an energy source.The instruments are also useful fortroubleshooting. For example, if a pieceof sophisticated equipment is failing,the 3600 can monitor it to determine ifvoltage from the energy source is steady.Typical applications for a power analyzerinclude testing of heating and air conditioningunits, and motor controllers.TES 3079 <strong>HVAC</strong>TRMS Clamp MeterThe TES 3079 is a complete tool for anytechnician in ventilation or air conditioning.It works as three units in one. Ithas the features of a clamp-on meter, atemperature indicator and microAmpcapability.The unit analyzes temperature, voltage,amperage and resistance over hoursor days and records the minimum andmaximum with time stamping.A technician can use it to check currentdraw in motors and compressors,assess efficiency, check temperature, testrun or start capacitors, confirm low voltagecontrol signals, measure flame safeguarddevice current draw, and confirmpower sources.It has a 3-3/4" digital LCD with a bargraph.TES 1326/1327 InfraredTemperature GunJust point and pull the trigger, and theTES 1326/1327 Infrared TemperatureGun will tell you the surface temperatureof ducts, pipes, steam traps, andmore. Comfortable in your hand, theunit’s built-in laser sighting and 8:1ratio will save many trips up a ladder tomeasure airflow temperatures in heatingand cooling ducts.Both the 1326 and 1327 operate inFahrenheit or Centigrade, and have aback-lit LCD display, laser targeting anda Max/Min function. The 1327 alsooffers adjustable emissivity; an audibleand visible alarm, and a data memoryand read function.The units resolve temperature readingsto within 1/10th of a degree C in arange from -20 to 500 degrees C. Theyweigh about 200 grams each.TES 3660 AutorangingInsulation TesterAn insulation tester is an instrument usedfor checking insulation resistances on motors,compressors, feeders, buss bar systems,grounds, and branch circuit wiring.Most insulation testers are in troubleif there is voltage on the line, but not theTES 3660 Autoranging Insulation Tester.If it senses that the line is energized,it instantly switches from insulationtesting mode (up to 4000 Mohm) tovoltage testing mode (AC/DC, up to1000V). This uncommon safety featureprevents damage to the unit and helpsthe technician avoid shocks.The 3660 features a large LCD withanalog bar graph and digital display. It hasa 250V, 500V, 1000V output voltage forinsulation Megaohm testing and a lowohm function for testing connections.Handheld, the device automaticallydischarges capacitive voltages, and has amanual data memory and read functionwith nine sets.The 3660 meets EN61557 andIEC1010-1, CAT III 1000V.Circle Number 138 for More Information

ControlsHigh range regulatorG-Series regulators provide 100:1 rangeabilityand 95% accuracy for controllingsteam systems, from low turndowns tohigh flow. This unit eliminates two-valve1/3-2/3 systems. These are available airloaded in cast iron, bronze, carbon andstainless steel, in sizes from 1/2 to 4-inches, an integral pilot or temperatureregulator and a three-year warranty.Leslie Controls Circle no. 370Universal thermostatsUT Series thermostats from ColumbusElectric offer heat-only with no switches,three-wire cool-only with systemand fan switches and heat-cool for singleor dual transformer fan options.They can be mounted horizontally orvertically. They are available withCelsius or Farenheit scales, heat/coolanticipators, for gas, oil and electricheating applications.Columbus Elec./F.J. Taylor Circle no. 371heaters feature a 24-volt signalwith/without transformer. One thermostatcan control multiple relays. Featuresinclude heat-dissipating design, dualsignal input with RT850 of 24v AC or 4to 32v DC and thus, the manufacturerreports, superior temperature control.Aube Technologies Inc. Circle no. 372Monitoring alarmThe Three Sentinel monitor series providesthe WeatherTRACE line of industrialfreeze protection heat trace panelswith supply voltage, overload and groundfault conditions and triggers an automaticalarm. An annunciator panel identifiesthe faulted zone with a re-ring for otheralarm conditions.Chromalox, Inc. Circle no. 373Zoning actuatorZ-One actuators operate in high ambient,hot or chilled water systems withhigh pressure differential close-off, lowpressuresteam and potable water. Theyfeature an enhanced motion drive toeliminate water hammer during valveclosure, frontal Posi-Lock push buttonrelease and manual opening. They fit infan coils and fin-type baseboards.Comfort Control Solutions Circle no. 374Pump control panelsIFS Series control panels for simplex orduplex timed dose and demand applicationssimplify installation and programmingfor pump control. They featurean inner door touch pad for floatstatus, pump-run indicators, elapsedI N T R O D U C I N Gtime meters, cycle counters, hand/off/auto and other functions. A separatecontrol and alarm fuses with powerstatus.S.J.E. Rhombus Circle no. 375Variable frequency drivesMCH Series drives for <strong>HVAC</strong> applicationsfeature a three-contactor bypassfor full isolation ofthe VFD electronicsin bypass. Flexiblebypass allows normaloperation in‘drive mode’ via thekeypad and displayor a building managementsystemand for programmingand diagnostics.All wiring is accessed via a hingeddoor. The unit also comes in a NEMA12 enclosure.AC Technology, Inc. Circle no. 376The Cost-Effective Hydronic SystemWith the Time-Efficient SolutionElectric heating relaysUniversal RC840 electromechanicalrelays and RT850 solid state relays forelectric baseboards, convectors and ductTaco’s cost-effective LoadMatch ® Single Pipe Hydronic System replacesexpensive control valves with small, low kW circulators to deliver water whereit needs to go, instead of forcing it through the system’s piping loop.Simple, less expensive and far easier to install too.Plus, Taco’s Hydronic Systems Solutions ® software (HS 2 ) allows engineers to cutsystem design time in half, eliminate calculation errors and make changes inminutes. So intuitive, it works the way an engineer thinks.LoadMatch and HS 2 . Together, a system that’s unbeatable.You can’t beat the SYSTEM.• TSSA Update Workshop• ODP Renewal/One Source. Twice the Experience.Taco Canada Ltd. 6180 Ordan Drive, Mississauga, ON L5T 2B3 Tel. 905 564-9422 Fax. 905 564-9436 www.taco-hvac.comthe School of Applied Technology at Humber CollegeCircle Number 139 for More InfoCircle Number 140 for More Informationwww.plumbingandhvac.ca May/June 2004 – <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News 31

Western UpdateCanadian speakers featuredat RSES Calgary conferenceJohn Carr, CM, will be the keynotespeaker at the RSES International Conferenceand Exposition in Calgary thisfall. P&<strong>HVAC</strong>’s popular refrigerationcolumnist will speak on the industry’srefrigeration training efforts, past, presentand future. (When not writing forP&<strong>HVAC</strong>, John holds the dual role ofconstruction trades continuing educationcoordinator and Engineered AirCentre coordinator at the SouthernAlberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)in Calgary.)The Calgary conference will takeplace at the Westin Calgary Sept. 30 toOct. 2. The first RSES internationalconference to be held in Canada inmany years, it will draw participantsfrom all over North America.And like any RSES event, it will berelentlessly educational:• Wes Taylor, CMS, of Carlyle CompressorCo. will lead a pre-conferencetechnical seminar – ‘Compressor/System Construction and Failure’ – onSept. 29. Prior to joining Carlyle, hespent 28 years as service manager andtrainer for Trane and Copeland.• Other confirmed speakers include:Ted Gartland, refrigeration technologymanager and Canadian sales managerfor Honeywell-Genetron along withRon Vogl, refrigerant technical serviceengineer for the Honeywell-Genetronrefrigerants group, will cover the‘Phaseout of R-22: Air Conditioningand Refrigeration Options For NewEquipment and Retrofits’.• Garth Dennison, CMS, seniorproduct application engineer for theSporlan Valve Co. will spill the beansabout ‘The Slippery Synthetics’.• •Jeff French, branch manager, RefrigerationComponents Canada Ltd.,will talk about ‘Pressure Regulators:How They Control the RefrigerationSystem’.• Brent Pennington, HydrocarbonTraining & Services Ltd., will speak on‘Carbon Monoxide: Dispelling the Myths’.Dennis Morgan, national sales managerfor KickStart will explain how to dealwith ‘Compressor Starting Problems’.• Jack Bartell, senior trainer, YorkInternational, will report on ‘Don’tSweat the Small Stuff: High HumiditySolutions’.• Steve Maxson, technical specialist,Parker Hannifin Corp., will say a thingor two about ‘The Theory & Operationof Thermostatic Expansion Valves’.• Gene Smithart, vice presidentsales-marketing,Turbocor Inc.,Montreal, will talk about the company’srevolutionary ‘Oil-Free CentrifugalChiller Technology’.And last, but not least, a Fluke representativewill talk about ‘TroubleshootingHeating Systems Using HandheldTest Tools’.More seminars and speakers are expectedto be announced prior to the conference.Contact Kirby Kirkpatrick at 1-800-310-6853, (317) 718-5910 or go towww.rses.org for more information.B.C. program targetsskills shortagesA group of 15 construction industryfirms in British Columbia have nowcommitted $300,000 over the next fiveyears to the Trades Discovery SponsorshipProgram at the B.C. Institute ofTechnology (BCIT) in an effort toaddress skills shortages.The program was launched in 2002by real-estate developer Concert Propertiesand industry partners withalmost $60,000 for grants and entranceawards. It is designed to draw peopleinto the trades through 20-week fulltimecourses that provide students withhands-on experience in about 20 differenttrades. This ‘taste of the trades’ helpsstudents determine if they are suited toa trades career and helps them decidewhat trade to pursue.There are two different Trades Discoveryprograms – a general program opento any adult and a women-only program.Students who complete the coursereceive a $200 grant. Those who continuein an eligible full-time trades programat BCIT qualify for one of 25$1,000 entrance awards.To date, 96 students (47 women and49 men) have received completiongrants. Thirty-five Trades Discoveryentrance awards have been presented.Mechanical industry participantsinclude Keith <strong>Plumbing</strong> & Heating,National Hydronics and TempletonMechanical.Put Us OnThe Spot.The Classic Plus portablespot air conditioner.To prevent costly systemsfailures, put the OfficePro on the spot.Simply roll it in, plug it inand it goes to workinstantly, providing up to60,000 BTU/h of air conditioningto just the spotthat needs it.•Spot cools heat-sensitiveoffice electronics•Programmable controls•Cools in the mid-60°s F•Two-speedfan/adjustable louver3250 Ridgeway Drive, Unit 9, Mississauga, ON L5L 5Y6(905) 820-1400 • 1-888-209-0999Circle Number 141 for More InformationCircle Number 142 for More Info32 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

Atlantic FocusIn BriefN.B. eyes oil burner ticketThe oil heat industry in NewBrunswick hopes to launch itsfirst recognized oil burnertechnician trade (OBT) and anew code for oil storage tankinstallation in June.After 2-1/2-years of discussionswith the provincial government,the Oil BurnerTechnicians Association ofN.B., a member of the N.B.chapter of COHA, expects themandatory licensing andlegislation at the COHAnational symposium June 2-4in Saint John.“Some techs will have theirlicences from other jurisdictionsrecognized,” reportsCOHA chapter president MarcLeger of Economy Fuels.“Others will be able to writethe exam and gain certificationbased on years of experience.”The N.B. chapter is lookingforward to the planned new oilheat marketing fund approvedby the industry last fall.“However, with a bilingualprovince, some different issuesand the cross-border coveragefrom Atlantic Region media –specifically TV – we need aclear common message and toavoid duplication,” Leger said.“And with different approachesto marketing by EnbridgeN.B. Gas and Heritage Gas inN.S., each province will needsome distinctive marketing ofoil heat.”P.E.I. tank inspectionOfficials in Prince EdwardIsland are facing the huge taskof inspecting every oil tank inthe province. “With the oilstorage tank installation codein place and being accepted,we are working to inspect andtag the estimated 44,000tanks in P.E.I.,” reports WalterMacDonald, executive directorof the P.E.I. chapter of COHA.Formerly the PetroleumMarketers Association, thegroup has 10 members andexpects that to grow as the oilindustry promotion fund movesforward,” he added.One area of concern to thegroup is that the oil storagetanks in the agriculturalsector are not covered. “Ourmembers are finding someproblems there, but with nomandatory upgradingrequired, we can onlysuggest and warn of anypotential hazard,” he said.N.S. oil heat industryprotects market shareBy Ron ShukerThe <strong>Nov</strong>a Scotia chapter of theCanadian Oil Heat Association isaggressively promoting oil heat asthe best option in the face of renewedmarketing activity for natural gas.The chapter circulated two ‘Are YouSure?’ door-knocker promotions, oneright after Heritage Gas launched itsmarketing program Jan. 16. A seconddoor-to-door campaign hit 1,100households in mid-February, reportschapter vice president Debbie Jamiesonof Scotia Fuels.Looking for…◗ New <strong>Plumbing</strong> or <strong>HVAC</strong> products◗ Industry News◗ Technical ContractorInformation<strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News hasbecome the information resource for Canada’s<strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Market! Now online atwww.plumbingandhavc.caClickHere!The group will conduct anothercampaign through the spring/summerto coincide with the annual United WayDream Home campaign. The <strong>Nov</strong>aScotia chapter is a primary sponsor andthe home is heated with oil.“The COHA chapter replaced N.S.Power as the Presenting Sponsor last year.This promotion has given our industry avery high profile during the quiet summermonths,” she reported. “It’s a 10-week campaign in all the media.”The oilheat industry is being aggressivein its marketing because the naturalgas industry has a $14-million fundaccumulating from annual contributionsfrom offshore producers workingin the Sable Island field. This fund is tobe used specifically to encourage conversionto natural gas. However, thequoted natural gas price is the equivalentof 49 cents per litre for oil, which ison par with the price lock programsoffered by full-service oil distributors,”she said.“Where’s the savings?” she asks.The chapter is also working on oiltank installation and service training/certification. “We have finalized the newcurriculum for the <strong>Nov</strong>a Scotia communitycolleges to offer. This will be asub-trade to the Oil Burner Technician(OBT) certified trade,” she reported.◗ Current and back issues posted◗ Each page as it appears in the magazine◗ Ads hot-linked to advertiser’s web site◗ All on-line issues searchable by key word◗ All new products archived and searchableLooking for NEW product information?Want to receive a subscription?Surfing for latest news in <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> industries?Visit us FIRST.www.plumbingandhvac.caCanada’s Information Source for the <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> IndustriesCircle Number 129 for More Informationwww.plumbingandhvac.ca May/June 2004 – <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News 33

Show ReportContractor attendance up at CMXThe first week of spring alwaysbrings out the <strong>HVAC</strong>R industry to‘Learn Today, Profit Tomorrow’ atCMX—Canada’s Mechanicals Exposition.The feedback from the 2004 show“was that everyone was generally pleasedas punch with the attendance, thenew Learning Forum and other activities,”reported Warren Heeley, presidentof the Heating, Refrigeration and AirConditioning Institute of Canada(HRAI), show owner.Held in Toronto March 25-27, thenumber of contractors, engineers,building managers and staff attendingincreased by almost 1,000 – 8153attended the 2004 event versus 7320 in2002. However, exhibitors broughtfewer staff. This made total attendancefigures virtually the same – 11,419 in2004 versus 11,434 at 2002.With a growing shortage of skilledworkers, the <strong>HVAC</strong>R Career and SkillsPlaza brought training organizationsout as exhibitors and featured two skillscompetitions.Steve Saunders, a senior student atBramalea Secondary School, won theOntario secondary school studentsheating system competition and prizes.His practical, theoretical and personalskills were tops among the 10 who participatedfrom three schools inBramalea, Elmira and Mississauga, Ont.John Watson, Algonquin College, anemployee of CDD Enterprises inMetcalfe, Ont., won gold in the postsecondaryheating system techniciancompetition from among six participatingin the Skills Canada/Skills Ontariocompetitions from three colleges.Lennox Canada was the main sponsor.The Emerson Climate Technologiessponsoredfree shuttle service to/fromthe parking and the show continues tobe popular, Heeley said. “And a largenumber attended the various seminarsand then visited exhibits on the floor tolearn more about the products, technologiesand services being presented.”The winner of the General Motorstruck, outfitted by DC Van, was BiganMasoudi, technical manager, PioneerDistribution and Control Systems,Willowdale, Ont.CMX 2006 is scheduled for MarchWinner John Watson competes in theCMX heating system technician competitionunder the watchful eye ofjudge Bob McKeraghan, president,Canco Heating and Air Conditioning,Newmarket, Ont.23-25, again in the Metro TorontoConvention Centre, North Building.Turn ThisInto ThisThe Above FloorToilet SystemNew spring showmakes a solid startNot bad for a first effort – that seems tobe the general consensus of thoseattending CIPHEX Ontario 2004 – anew spring plumbing and mechanicaltrade show in Toronto.The event took place at the NationalTrade Centre on the Toronto ExhibitionGrounds March 4-6. The organizers –the Canadian Institute of <strong>Plumbing</strong> andHeating (CIPH) – peg attendance atjust over 6,000.“The audience quality was excellent,”reported Don Hambly, president ofGSW Water Products Inc., Fergus, Ont.“Thursday traffic was good and Fridaywas even better. We were pleasantly surprisedwith Saturday when we met outof-towncontractors visiting the showon their day off.”Presentations by Richard Trethewayof This Old House and home renovationtelevision host Kimberly Seldonwere well attended – by contractors andthe public. The show was open to thepublic on Saturday and a number ofcontractors brought wives and family.<strong>Plumbing</strong> technicians participated ina competition to win cash prizes for thefastest installation of a circulator pump.David Griese, Earlton Heating, Earlton,Ont., and Norm Maukonen, Better Value<strong>Plumbing</strong>, Washago, Ont., tied for firstat one minute 59 seconds. They won $750each. Michael Sooley, Waterline <strong>Plumbing</strong>,Paradise, Nfld., was next, a secondbehind the winners, winning $500. Tiedfor third were Eugene Begiedza, Toronto,and Peter Holmes, Holmes Mechanical,Greenwood, Ont. at two minutes 10 seconds,winning $125 each.Kamco’s Bill McKinstry, left, explainsthe benefits of the company’s coatedcopper tubing to Iain McKee, right, ofLennox at CIPHEX Ontario.The public was invited to nominatethe Best Bathroom in Toronto – withtop honours going to the C Lounge at456 Wellington St. West. Consumerswere also invited to submit photos oftheir pre-renovation bathrooms for theToronto’s Worst Bathroom contest.‘Winner’ Deborah Fong won’t have theworst bathroom for long after pickingup $4,500 in new products fromAmerican Standard and Moen.• You decide where to put a toilet or bathroom,it is not dictated by the drainage situation.• Many models can be hidden behind walls.• Floors stay intact. No breaking, no mess.• Can be installed up to 12’ below the sewerlevel and/or 150’ away from a soil stack.• You only need small diameter 3/4” pipe,which can be run virtually anywhere.• Over three million sold worldwide• Clean, reliable, and virtually maintenance free.• More options - choose from pump onlyto complete toilet systems.The proven alternativeto traditional gravityflow plumbing.905-760-15271-877-836-7772Replacement Heat Exchangers for…Raypak, Rheem Rudd, RBI, Teledyne-Laars,Lochinvar, Power-Finn, Patterson Kelly and more.Call us for Tube & ShellHeat exchangers.WHEN YOU NEEDHYDRONIC REPLACEMENTPARTS YESTERDAY!!T.H.S. is a Manufacturer and Supplier ofReplacement Parts for the Hydronic Industry.Please see us atCMX 2004 Booth 1135/37March 25-27Our own line of “Thermal Cast”Replacement Refractory forRaypak (Raytherm), RheemRuud, Teledyne-Laars,Lochivar, RBI and moreWith the aid of computer numericcontrol (CNC) technologies, ourmachinery centre can produceintricate and precise machining ofceramic fibre board, with use limits upto 3000F (649C) and densities up to 50lbs/sq.in.Thermal cast, through tests will outlast regularpre-cast molded refactory. The superior rigidity ofthermal cast will minimize the risk of shipping,handling and installation damage, as well asenhance the performance of your boiler.Call us for full specs.No cracks or collapsing!Sold by the brick or the set.T.H.S. Thermal Hydronic Supply means Competitive Prices and Quality StandardsMemberFor a FREE brochure please call:1•800•36•FLUSH /1•800•363•5874To see the entire family of Saniflo products visit:www.saniflo.comHYDRONICSMARKETINGGROUP357 Edgeley Blvd. Unit 3, Concord, ON • Phone: 905-760-1527 Fax 905-760-1528NEW LOCATION - 6750 Davand Drive, Unit 4, Mississauga, ON L5T 2L8 • Phone 905-565-0011 Fax: 905-565-1599Authorized distributor for S. A. Armstrong, Teledyne Laars, Lochinvar, Johnson Controls, WhiteRogers, Conbraco, Winters Instruments & Voyageur. Distribution of Honeywell, Tekmar Systems,Colton, Weiss Instrument, Tjernlund, Ranco & McDonald Miller/ITT.Toll Free: 1-877-836-7772 • e-mail: info@thermalhydronics.com • www.thermalhydronics.comCircle Number 144 for More InfoCircle Number 145 for More InformationCircle Number 146 for More Information34 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

Coming EventsNew Brunswick willhost Oilheat 2004Oilheat 2004 will include a wide-rangingslate of technical and businessseminars plus an update on the $2.5million annual oil heat marketingfund when it takes place in Saint John,N.B. June 3-5.The Canadian Oil Heat Association’s(COHA) annual conference willoccur at the Saint John Trade andConvention Centre.The annual Canadian Oil Heat AssociationSymposium will introducethe new national office and Ontariochapter as part of the restructuring ofCOHA. New COHA president/CEOScott Andison will also be formallywelcomed following the retirement ofJohn Butt after 11 years.The marketing fund discussion isset for Friday morning, followed by agolf tournament.Technical staff from Beckett andRiello will detail ‘New Burner Technologies’at 9:30 a.m. June 3. OnSaturday, the conference ends withfour technical seminars: ‘ElectricalOperations and Troubleshooting’ byCalvin Bell and ‘Hydronic Controls’ byAl Black at 2 p.m. And at 3:30 p.m.tekmar will present ‘Hydronic Controlsand Infloor Radiant Heating’.Jeff House will speak on ‘BasicHydronics and Infloor Radiant Heating’at the same time.Business topics include: Power Toolsfor Building Your Business, Service as aProfit Centre, Truck Fleet Managementand Do You Have a Business Plan? OnSaturday there is a session by FederatedInsurance and a roundtable discussionon industry issues.There are two technical sessionsspecifically aimed at New Brunswickmembers on Saturday as well. Thesewill cover new oil storage tank installationand inspection and the newcompulsory licensing of the oil burnertechnician trade. The N.B. chapter willhold its annual meeting that Saturdaymorning at 8 a.m. The COHA annualmeeting will take place at 9 a.m.Call (905) 946-0264 or go towww.coha.ca for more information.Oil burner coursesThe Technical Standards & SafetyAuthority of Ontario has authorizedTS Technical Training & Resources tooperate a training facility in Kitchener,Ont., for its OBT 2 and OBT 3 techniciancertification courses. David Kerris the instructor for the 200-hourprogram, which starts in May 2004.Call (519) 699-4681 or e-maildkerr@tstraining.com for costs andother information.CalendarMAY 5-6: MEET 2004, Mechanical-Electrical-Electronic Technologies show,Agrena Complex, Moncton, N.B.Contact: Jeff Lacy, Master Promotions,(506) 658-0018, Fax (506)658-0750, www.show@nbnet.nb.ca.MAY 13-15: IMPACT, the fourth InternationalOpen Shop Conference,Merit Contractors Assoc., RimrockResort Hotel, Banff, Alta. Contact: 1-888-816-9991.JUNE 3-5: OILHEAT 2004, Saint JohnTrade and Convention Centre, SaintJohn, N.B. Call (905) 946-0264,www.coha.ca.JUNE 20-23: ABC 2004, Canadian Instituteof <strong>Plumbing</strong> & HeatingAnnual Business Conference, TheGrand Okanagan Lakefront Resort& Conference Centre, Kelowna, B.C.Contact: CIPH, (416) 695-0447, Fax(416) 695-0450, e-mail: ciph@ciph.com,www.ciph.com.JUNE 26-30: ASHRAE 2004 AnnualMeeting & Technical Conference, Nashville,Tennessee. Contact: ASHRAE,(404) 636-8400, Fax: (404) 321-5478.AUG. 19-21: Heating Refrigeration andAir Conditioning Institute of Canada(HRAI) 36th Annual Meeting, TheGrand Okanagan Lakefront Resort &Conference Centre, Kelowna, B.C.Contact: (800) 267-2231, (905) 602-4700, hraimail@hrai.ca, www.hrai.ca.SEPT. 22-25: MCAC Annual NationalConference, Delta BessboroughHotel, Saskatoon, Sask. Contact:(613) 232-0492, fax (613) 235-2793,e-mail mcac@mcac.ca, or go towww.mcac.ca.SEPT. 30-OCT. 2: 67th Annual RSES Conferenceand Exposition, RSES International,Westin Calgary, Calgary, Alta.Contact: Kirby Kirkpatrick, (317) 718-5910, (800) 310-6853, www.rses.org.Circle Number 147 for More Informationwww.plumbingandhvac.ca May/June 2004 – <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News 35

People & PlacesCIPH raises record amount for HabitatThe Canadian Institute of <strong>Plumbing</strong> and Heating (CIPH) hasdramatically exceeded its Habitat for Humanity fund-raisinggoal for 2004/2005.Kicked off late last year with the goal of raising $550,000 incash and products, charity committee chairman Ken Webster(director of sales and marketing, Viessmann Manufacturing,Waterloo, Ont.) has announced that members have raised$782,872. Since beginning its affiliation with Habitat forHumanity Canada, the organization has raised in excess of$2.5 million. Webster made the announcement at the Habitatfor Humanity fund-raising banquet and auction held at theFairmont Royal York Hotel March 5.In 2002/2003 CIPH Ontario Region members picked up thehammers and built a habitat home in Niagara Falls, Ont.CIPH Atlantic Region will conduct the next ‘CIPH build’ inMoncton, N.B. in 2005.Supplying PRE-INSULATED PIPEto the <strong>HVAC</strong>, municipal & industrialsectors for over 30 years.U.I.P. Factory InsulatedPiping SystemsThermocable Heat-TraceCable & Related AccessoriesPortafoam PaksEngineering & ComputerDesign AssistanceDistrict Heating & CoolingSystemsLOGSTOR Pre-InsulatedFlexible Pipe (in coils)ISO 9001:2000 RegisteredCompanyCIPH first vice-chairman, Mike Dennis (president, MoenInc.), left, congratulates charity committee chairman KenWebster on a job well done during the organization’sHabitat for Humanity Gala Evening in Toronto.Moen fishing boat drawJohn Curtis, Curtis Mechanical, Stony Plain, Alberta has wona Lund bass fishing boat from Moen, the grand prize in ClubMoen’s ‘Get Hooked on Moen’ loyalty and incentive program.Company president Mike Dennis made the draw March 5 atCIPHEX Ontario. Contractors earned entry ballots by purchasingMoen products from March 1 to Dec. 31, 2003.CIPH Ontario elects executiveAllen Taylor, president, Taylor Pipe Supports, was electedPeopleArmstrong Pumps Div., S.A.Armstrong, Toronto, has appointedBruce Van Nus, M.Sc.Eng., as managingdirector-solutions supply; Alek-Sandra Wiltshire to manager-knowledgeprojects; David Elliott to managingdirector-global operations; KymberleeIde to communications specialistand Pat Cusack to manager, technicalintegration systems.Bradford White Corp., Ambler,Penn., has announced that Chuck H.Cook has retired after 29 years with thecompany. He is succeeded as internalsales manager by Robert E. Dolan.Wolverine Brass, Conway, S.C.,recently awarded the Salesperson of theYear, North America, award to JoannePoirier, marketing representative,Wolverine Tube (Canada), Montreal.Turbocor, Dorval, Que., hasappointed Daniel P. Mason as directorof North American sales.Ward Heating Products, Ariss,Ont. has appointed Clarence Hempelto heating specialist, eastern Ontario.CompaniesConbraco Industries, Inc., Matthews,N.C., has completed the sale of itsRP&C forged steel valve division toBonney Forge Corp., Mt. Union,Penn. The RP&C line of pipelinestrainers will now all be under theApollo name.president of the Ontario Region of the CanadianEvolution Air, Mississauga, Ont.,Institute of <strong>Plumbing</strong> & Heating at its April annualhas been appointed a distributor formeeting. Immediate past president is Keith MacKenzie, CHIGO ductless mini-splits andportable air conditioners along withSt-Lazare, Quebecnow treasurer; Brahm Swirsky, Noble-Trade <strong>Plumbing</strong>(450) 455-0961Niagara Fog humidifiers.Calmar, AlbertaSupplies, is first vice president; and Doug Kennedy,Don Park Inc., North York, Ont.,(780) 985-3636Brass-Craft Canada, is second vice president. There are has purchased Kawartha Lakes <strong>HVAC</strong>,www.urecon.com11 directors.Peterborough, Ont., which will operateas a division of Don Park.Circle Number 148 for More InformationPanasonic Canada Inc., Mississauga,has named Don Park Inc., NorthYork, Ont., an Ontario distributor forWhy is this man smiling? its new ductless split air conditioners.Nu-Air Ventilation Systems, Inc.,ReasonNewport, N.S., was a Maritime regionalfinalist for the 2003 Regional#7Innovation Award for SustainableDevelopment presented by the NationalResearch Council and the CanadianMember AdvantageProgramsManufacturers Association.HRAC membership means this man'sDaniel E. Oakes & Associates,company enjoys access to a variety ofLtd., Ottawa, Ont., has joined Thegroupdiscount programs. Savings onUnified Group, Broadview, Ill., the 40-vehicle leasing, business supplies, fuel formember premier independent <strong>HVAC</strong>his company's trucks and Visa Merchantfees will more than pay for his company'smechanical contractors organizationmembership. These are only a few of theformed in 1998.saving programs offered by HRAC.Noble-Trade <strong>Plumbing</strong> SuppliesSo, why is this man smiling?Inc., Woodbridge, Ont., welcomed2,200 guests to its customer appreciationnight at the Pearson ConventionBecause his company is aCentre in Brampton, Ont. on Marchmember of HRAC.25. Customers enjoyed an excellentYou should be to!meal and beverages. Featured manufacturerswere Delta Faucet and EljerCanada. The company will host itsnext customer appreciation event in1-800-267-2231 www.hrai.ca/hrac.html2006, reports vice-president BrahmSwirsky.Circle Number 149 for More InformationCircle Number 150 for More Information36 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

Literature ShowcaseFollowing are some of the latest catalogues, manuals, software and product brochures from the industry’sleading manufacturers. To receive a copy, please circle the corresponding number on the Reader Service Cardin this issue, fill out your contact information, and mail it or fax it to (416) 620-9790. Your requests will beforwarded to the appropriate companies. They, in turn, will send you the information.Temperature-data loggerThe Prova 69 portable temperature logger standsout because of its small size and user-friendly interface.These instruments are used when temperaturesmust be monitored over an extended period, i.e., ina refrigerated trailer, in air ducts, ventilation roomsor in temperature surveys on buildings. Users canset maximums and minimums and the unit willrecord up to 24 instances outside of those settings.There are several security features to prevent falsedata. Battery life is 10 years.MTP InstrumentsMake Sure It’s CertifiedIf it’s not certified, do you know what you’re getting?Copeland compressors undergo numerousimprovements every year. So only CertifiedCopeland compressors can deliver the most energyefficient,reliable operation every time. Look for theCertified Copeland nameplate with the official blueribbon authentication to ensure you are getting agenuine Certified Copeland compressor. Contact(519) 756-6157 or go to www.copeland-corp.comCopeland CanadaBattery operated flushometerSloan’s new brochure explains the benefits of thebattery-operated G2 Optima Plus® Flushometersthat incorporate Sloan’s patented Isolated Operator.This shields the solenoid from harmful effects ofwater to provide reliable performance regardless ofwater quality. The G2 also features a new flex-tubediaphragm that meters an exact amount of waterevery flush. The G2’s advanced electronic module,designed to eliminate detection errors caused bylighting conditions and reflective surfaces, meetsU.S. NEMA 6 sealing requirements.R.G. Dobbin Sales Ltd.Professional development coursesAccubid offers a wide range of professional developmentcourses for contractors. These are led byindustry professionals who impart to the novice orexperienced contractor the principles and techniquesof estimating and project management. Thefive-day Level 100 estimating course is specificallydesigned to teach prospective estimators the conceptsand methodologies of modern-day computerizedestimating. You can take this course on its ownor as part of Accubid’s three-course ComputerizedEstimating Certification program. Contact Accubidat 1-800-ACCUBID (222-8243).Accubid SystemsCircle no. 158Circle no. 159Circle no. 160Circle no. 161Specialty IAQ productsA catalogue of more than 20 different products thatwill solve a variety of Indoor Air Quality problems isavailable from master distributor Evolution Air.Included are a variety of filters, including a newhumidifier, the portable air cleaner from Friedrich,whole house HEPA units, ultraviolet sterilizer systems,odour eliminators, fans, telephone-controlled thermostatsand a room HRV. The contractor will go onan update list as new items are added. Check the fullline at www.evolutionair.com.Evolution AirCircle no. 162Twelve reasonsThis eight-page full-colour brochure describes incolourful detail 12 reasons to select a De Dietrichboiler: their history starts in 1684, flexible eutecticcast iron, 88 per cent-plus efficiencies, modulationwith indoor-outdoor reset, low noise and NOx levels,an industry-leading 95 psi working pressure, bisphericalpush nipple assembly to ensure a perfectfit, and other benefits. Also included are details onthe four De Dietrich boilers in the GT Series withinput ranges from 107 to 6,206 MBH.Flexible EutecticCircle no. 163Snow melt schoolThe Snow Melting Control School (S 131) covers theoperation, selection, applications and installation ofcontrols for snow melting systems. The school discussesdifferent piping methods, slab protection,boiler protection, as well as the different devices thatcan be used for mixing and their proper piping. Inaddition, the school covers several topics that areunique to snow melting applications.Visit www.tekmarcontrols.com for a list of upcomingschool dates.tekmar Control Systems Ltd.Circle no. 164The Safer TankFiberglass heating oil tanks from ZCL are built toprovide long term peace of mind service. They simplywill never rust! Our Heating Oil Storage Tanksare completely liquid tight and weather proof, anddo not require any containment devices. They canbe easily installed either indoors or outside due totheir lightweight design. Send for your informationpackage today! The heating oil tank that virtuallyeliminates the risk of costly corrosion leaks!ZCL Composites Inc.Circle no. 165S2K 3/8” Supply BoxBoiler Control 263The Boiler Control 263 is an outdoor reset, setpointand DHW control capable of controlling up to twoon / off boilers or one modulating boiler. The 263provides either a 0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA signal tothe modulating boiler, and when operating two on /off boilers the 263 provides Equal Run TimeRotation. The control can also operate the primarysystem pump as well as the DHW pump or valve.The control also has sensor inputs for both a DHWsensor and an indoor air sensor. The indoor air sensorallows for indoor temperature feedback.tekmar Control Systems Ltd.Circle no. 1662 Faceplate Options1” & 1/2” DeepProtectivePaint Cover● Ideal for toilets, dishwashers, pedestalsinks and cabinet mount sinks.● Patented captive nail design mounts onright or left stud face.● Ability to test supply valves during therough in stage of construction.● Plastic cover keeps chrome platedvalve protected during construction.● Available in Copper/MIP, CPVC, PEX,Wirsbo ® and Kitec ® configurations.Captive NailsChrome PlatedQuarter Turn Valve● Eliminates pipe memory problemsassociated with PEX piping.● Recessed design eliminates need forADA Protection under sinks.● Faceplates available in depths of 1/2”& 1”, packaged 12 per carton.● Valves comply with NSF Standard 61,Section 9 for low lead andASME A 112.18.1.● Boxes packaged less the faceplate,6 per carton.U.S. Patents6,435,206 B1D 428,117The Supply Box for the Millennium4700 W. 160th St. Cleveland, OH 44135216-267-7100 www.oatey.comCircle Number 151 for More Information

Mechanical MarketplaceThe bulletin board of products, services, professionals, employmentopportunities and more for Canada’s Mechanical Contracting Industry.Fabric Air Diffuser SystemsINDUSTRIALMAKEUP AIRFLOWCON Air Diffusersare being used as ahighly effective systemfor dispersing and mixingoutside makeup air andare reversible.Patron Products Inc, Scarborough, Ont. M1V 5G41-800-361-5451 Fax: (416) 298-1412Circle Number 152 for More InformationGive Them What They Really Want ...Better Indoor Air Quality!Circle Number 153 for More InformationWatts Has the Right MixPresenting Watts Full Line of CSA B125-01,ASSE 1016 and 1017 Listed Thermostatic Mixing ValvesNext time you specify a thermostatic mixing valve, play it safewith Watts. Our full line of valves provide precise temperaturecontrol and high reliability. Our CSA B125-01/ASSE 1016 listedpoint of use mixing valves are ideal for single fixtureapplications, with the capacity to service multiple fixtures. Theycan be preset to any temperature between 80˚F and 120˚F. OurCSA B125-01/ASSE 1017 listed source of supply mixing valvesare ideal for use at the hot water source to maintain and limit thetemperature in domestic and radiant systems.Circle Number 157 for More InformationSales PersonAggressive plumbing and drain service company needs a wellspoken individual with a plumbing and drain cleaning backgroundto help make our business grow.Call Greg or StanTel. 416-503-4444 Fax 416-503-1858They can be preset to any temperature between100˚F and 180˚F. For literature on Watts fullline of thermostatic mixing valves, call1-888-208-8927 or visit our website atwww.wattscanada.ca.ISO 9001:2000 REGISTEREDwww.wattscanada.caIndex of AdvertisersAdvertisersPageAMTS Ltd. 18Astravan Distribution 26Atmosphair C&I 23Atofina Canada 23Bradford White Canada 19Camus Hydronics 21Delta Faucet 16ECR Int’l, Olsen Div. 7En Mar Systems Ltd. 14Fantech 38Flexible Eutectic Boilers 20Ford Canada 9Goodman Canada 27Gordon R. Williams 24,32Honeywell, Genetron Div. 3HRAC Membership 36Humber College <strong>HVAC</strong>R Training 31ISH N.A. – Boston 35Kamco Products 29Knaack Mfg Co. 29Lennox Industries 26Mag Tool 34,36Mitsubishi Electric 22Moen Ltd. 2MTP Instruments 30Mueller Flow Control 25Newmac Mfg 21NTI - NY Thermal 24Oatey Canada 37Patron Products 38Ridge Tool Co. 4Roth Canada 6Sanitary For All 34Superior Radiant Heating 17Schwank Ltd. 7,15Taco/Leitch Canada 31Tekmar Control Systems 12Thermal Hydronic Supply 34Thermo Mfg 32Urecon 36Vanterior Outfitters 28Victaulic Co. Canada 13,15Viessmann Mfg 8Watts Industries 6, 38Weil-McLain Sales 11Wirsbo Div., Uponor Canada 5Wolseley <strong>HVAC</strong> Div. 39Wolseley Mechanical Group 40Mechanical Marketplace: 38Patron Products, Roto Rooter.Literature Showcase: 37Accubid Systems, Evolution Air,Copeland Canada, Flexible EutecticBoilers, MTP Instruments, R.G. DobbinSales Inc., Tekmar Control Systems,ZCL Composites.There’s no better way to increase sales and profits than bygiving your customers what they really want ... better indoorair quality in the buildings where they work and live.Look to Fantech for a complete line of Indoor Air Qualityproducts that are manufactured to exacting quality standardsfor long life and dependable performance.Fantech’s new innovative designs simplify installation. See foryourself at MEET 2004 in Moncton.For more information contact:Coming in theNext Issue!■ Environmental solutions■ Roy Collver onhydronics• Heat Recovery Ventilators• Energy Recovery Ventilators• Whole House HEPA Filtration• In-Line Bathroom Exhaust Fans• Mixed Flow Fans and Silencersfor Kitchen Range Hood VentingWeb site: www.fantech.netE-mail: info@fantech.netOntario & Western Canada10-6665 Tomken Rd., Unit 10Mississauga, ON • Canada L5T 2C4(T) 800.407.6195 • (F) 800.407.8965(T) 905.696.9241 • (F) 905.696.9236Québec & Atlantic Provinces50 Kanalflakt WayBouctouche, NB • Canada E4S 3M5(T) 800.565.3548 • (F) 877.747.8116(T) 506.743.9500 • (F) 506.743.9600■ Top 100 Product report■ Products, products andmore products!Circle Number 154 for More Information38 <strong>Plumbing</strong> & <strong>HVAC</strong> Product News – May/June 2004 www.plumbingandhvac.ca

Keep coolcustomerseven cooler.Consider the modern stylingand ultra-quiet operation of LGMini Split air conditioning andheat pump systems. Backed byan industry leading warranty,the comfort and convenienceof LG will keep you and yourcustomers cool!Easy installation where ducting is limitedor non-existent.No ductwork, you’re in and out ...fast!Available from 9,000 to 24,000 BTU.No job too big, no job too small.Industry exclusivewarranty.No “call backs”means more time,more business.Frontier · Wolseley<strong>HVAC</strong>/R Group905-238-577018 Ontario locationsWolseley<strong>HVAC</strong>/R Group204-775-97314 Western Canada locationsRefac · Wolseley<strong>HVAC</strong>/R Group514-329-535313 Quebec & EasternCanada locationsWolseley <strong>HVAC</strong>/R Group is your exclusive source for LG Mini Split SystemsCircle Number 155 for More Information

<strong>HVAC</strong>/R GroupThe COOL place to visit for all of your Air Conditioning and Heating needs.Wolseley is the place to shop for all of your repair and replacement part needs.We Sell Quality Brands ...Our locations have self-serve areas, with largeassortments to meet your daily needs.Our counters are staffed with knowledgeablefriendly staff to assist you.Get to know the Wolseley <strong>HVAC</strong>and Refrigeration team.Our Commitment is to create the rightbusiness atmosphere.Greg GambleGeneral ManagerFrontier WolseleyCentral and Western CanadaPaul GouletVice President andGeneral ManagerWolseley <strong>HVAC</strong>/R GroupWolseley is a leading diversified global distributor of plumbing, heating, ventilation, hydronics, refrigeration, waterworks,HDPE pipe, air conditioning, pipe, valves, fittings, fire protection, industrial equipment and supplies.Proud supplier of more than 40,000 preferred branded productsin over 200 branches across Canada.For a complete list of our locations, visit our website:www.wolseleyinc.caor call us at: 905-335-7375Circle Number 156 for More Information

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