District of West Kelowna - BC Transit

District of West Kelowna - BC Transit

District of West Kelowna - BC Transit

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<strong>West</strong> <strong>Kelowna</strong> <strong>Transit</strong> Service OptionsFebruary 21, 20121

Agenda• <strong>Transit</strong> operations and maintenance» RapidBus» 2012 <strong>Transit</strong> service options» 2014 <strong>Transit</strong> service options• Infrastructure» <strong>West</strong>bank exchange» Boucherie exchange2

2012 Service Review• Purpose: achieve cost savings» Increasing ridership (revenue)» Improving efficiency• Eliminate unproductive service3

RapidBus annual costs• Maintenance & operations» Shelters» RapidBus stations» Exchanges» <strong>Transit</strong> signal priority» Real time informationEstimated total: $50,000 = 1,500 service hours4


Summary• Changes to:» Service area» Service span» Route realignment and frequency7

Service Area: Option A• Eliminate Route 29 – Bear Creek• Implications» Loss <strong>of</strong> coverage area minimal» Service remains to Rose Valley,<strong>West</strong> <strong>Kelowna</strong> Estates» Improve system efficiency» Minimal impact to ridership (1%)• Service hour savings: 350Service reduction minimum: 1,5008

Service Area: Option B• Combine Routes 27 & 29• Implications» Less direct service for current riders» Maintains service to most <strong>of</strong> routes27 and 29» Service to new area (Scott Crescent, Spyglass Way)• Service hour savings: 260Service reduction minimum: 1,5009


Night Service• All routes end by6:00pm – 7:00pm» Route 21 exception• Night route (20/24)» 7:00pm – 1:00am» Hourly service• Purpose: Service forthose with limitedoptions11

Night ServiceRoutes 20 and 24 Boardings by HourAverage Per Weekday454035Route 20 Route 2430Boardings25201510500600 - 06590700 - 07590800 - 08590900 - 09591000 - 10591100 - 11591200 - 12591300 - 13591400 - 14591500 - 1559Hour1600 - 16591700 - 17591800 - 18591900 - 19592000 - 20592100 - 21592200 - 22592300 - 23592400 - 24592500 - 255912

Night Service Options1. End night service at 10:00pm» Service hour savings: 8002. Only operate night route Friday and Saturdayuntil midnight» Service hour savings: 1,5003. Eliminate night route» Service hour savings: 1,700Service reduction minimum: 1,50013


Route 21 - Glenrosa#21 - Glenrosa#97 – Express(<strong>West</strong>bank – U<strong>BC</strong>O)15

Implications• Establish Rapid route and ridership• Zero transfer along Hwy 97» <strong>West</strong>bank to U<strong>BC</strong>O• Opportunity to tailor Glenrosa service• Change for Glenrosa riders16

Route 97: Options1. Maintain today’s service level» 14 fewer trips to DWK, than in <strong>Kelowna</strong>» Service hour savings: --2. Same service as today, but end at 11 PM» Minimal impact to riders» Service hour savings: 600Service reduction minimum: 1,50017

Route 97: Options3. Increase service to match <strong>Kelowna</strong> level <strong>of</strong> service» Night service every 30 minutes until 1am (weekdays)» Service hour savings: -2,0004. Increase service to match <strong>Kelowna</strong> level <strong>of</strong> service,but end at 10pm Sun - Thurs» Maintain late night on weekends» High level <strong>of</strong> service (15min peak, 30 min <strong>of</strong>f-peak)» Service hour savings: -1,400Service reduction minimum: 1,50018

Route 21: Options1. No change in frequency» 92 daily trips (15 min peak; 30 min <strong>of</strong>f-peak)» Service hour savings: --2. Service reduction (from 92 to 46 trips)» Maintain high performing trips» Appropriate service for land use» Service hour savings: 2,600Service reduction minimum: 1,50019

Summary: Service Change OptionsServiceAreaService Span97 ExpressOption A: Bear Creek 350Option B: Combine 27 & 29 260Night service until 10pm 800Friday and Saturday only 1,500Night service until 7pm, late service on Hwy 97 1,700Route 97: no change frequency 0Route 97: night service until 11pm 600Route 97: Match Kel LOS -2,000Route 97: Match Kel LOS, late night Fri & Sat only -1,400GlenrosaRoute 21: no change frequency 0Route 21: 30 min peak/60 min <strong>of</strong>f-peak 2,600Service reduction minimum: 1,50020

Recommended Service ChangesNight service until 7pm, late service on Hwy 97 1,700Route 97: night service until 11pm 600Route 21: 30 min peak/60 min <strong>of</strong>f-peak 2,600Estimated annual service hours saved 4,900• Eliminate special night routing• Create Hwy 97 Express from <strong>West</strong>bank to U<strong>BC</strong>O» End service at 11pm (15 min peak; 30 min <strong>of</strong>f-peak)• Create Glenrosa route (30 min peak; 60 min <strong>of</strong>f-peak)21

Suggested Motion• That Mayor and Council approve therecommended service change package aspresented for implementation in Fall 2012.22


2014 – RapidBus Introduction24

Hwy 97 RapidBus25

Agenda• <strong>West</strong>bank exchange options» Public feedback• Boucherie exchange options» Public feedback• Council approval26


Open house recommendation: Elliott Rd28

Public consultation feedback• 67 attendees at open house• 58 on-line surveys1. Do you agree with the recommended option <strong>of</strong> developing atransit exchange on Elliott Road between Main Street andDobbin Road?Disagree Neutral Strongly agree Total1 2 3 4 58 (14%) 1 (2%) 12 (21%) 11 (19%) 26 (45%) 58 (100%)29

Summary <strong>of</strong> issues raised1. Traffic congestion on Elliott Rd at peak periods2. Access to business (Shell gas station)3. Need park & rides4. Consider <strong>of</strong>f-road options along Elliott Rd (with park & rides)5. Change schedules to accommodate late night shifts(11:00pm – 12:30 am)30

Elliott revised concept31

Elliott Rd mitigation measures1. Keep left turn lanes on Elliott Rd2. Work with MOTI on phasing the traffic signals toclear congestion on Elliott Rd at peak periods» Traffic study» Trial prior to implementation32

<strong>West</strong>bank – Alternative solutions1. Construct the RapidBus station on Dobbin Rdadjacent to existing stops2. Construct the exchange on Hebert Rd33

Alternative 1: Dobbin Rd34

Alternative 2: Hebert Rd35


Open house recommendation: <strong>West</strong>gate Rd37

Public consultation feedback• 67 attendees• 58 on-line surveys1. Do you agree with the recommended option <strong>of</strong> developing atransit exchange on <strong>West</strong>gate Rd adjacent to Hwy 97?Response:Disagree Neutral Strongly agree Total1 2 3 4 55 (9%) 4 (7%) 18 (31%) 10 (17%) 21 (36%) 58 (100%)38

Summary <strong>of</strong> issues1. Install advanced left turn signal on southbound Hwy 97 onto Ross Rd toimprove safety2. Passenger safety3. Upgrade <strong>West</strong>gate Rd4. Speed on Hwy 97 (+ 80 km/hr) may be an issue5. Mixed comments on Stevens exchange• keep existing• dark & uninviting• increased travel time for north bound buses6. Park and ride at Boucherie is important39

Budget estimateCapital investment:<strong>West</strong>bank (Elliott Rd) $ 2.25Boucherie (<strong>West</strong>gate Rd) $ 3.06Total $ 5.31 mDWK investment (land donation)$ 0.30 m40

Suggested motions• That Mayor and Council approve the revisedconcepts for transit exchanges on Elliott Rd in<strong>West</strong>bank and <strong>West</strong>gate Rd in Boucherie; AND• That Mayor and Council direct staff to finalizethe Project Definition Report so the projectcan proceed into the implementation phase.41

Questions & Discussion

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