ILAC News 38

ILAC News 38 ILAC News 38


Accreditation Updatecontinued from previous pagelaboratory services of their own but alsofor third parties. The representative ofNestlé Guatemala presented an over viewof the services that they provide in CentralAmerican and the Caribbean locations andhow the accredited analysis brings trust totheir partners for the food global trade. Onother hand, the FOGEL Group, a companythat produce and export refrigerators andfreezers for commercial purposes focusedtheir presentation on the importance ofaccreditation in order to fulfill technicalregulations for energy efficiency in Mexico,United States, Central America and otherscountries where they export the products andaccreditation is required. A representativefor INTERTEK Guatemala presentedtheir experience in fulfilling technicalrequirements for export to USA. The servicesthat the INTERTEK laboratory offers inGuatemala, and for other clients in LatinAmerica, are analyses of textiles, food andtoys. In particular, the regulation of the CPSC(Consumers Product Safety Commission) todetermine the level of lead in paint in metaland non metal products including jewelryfor children was highlighted. INTERTEKcommented on the acceptance that theaccreditation in Guatemala had for itsrecognition with the USA CPSC.With these conferences OGA confirmed theimportance of laboratory accreditation inglobal trade and for consumer protection anddemonstrated how the ILAC MRA opens thedoor for Global Acceptance.OGA takes this opportunity to congratulateILAC on its 10th Anniversary of the MutualRecognition Arrangement.Polish Centre for Accreditation (PCA) – co-producer ofaccreditation awareness programme for Polish RadioPromotion of the benefits ofaccreditationThe survey conducted among Polish RadioFirst Programme listeners, a popular“Number One” Programme, revealed that theword ‘accreditation’, for most Polish people,was associated with journalism or diplomacyand only occasionally with conformityassessment, economy and free movement ofproducts and services.The Programme organised an interviewwith the director of the Polish Centre forAccreditation, Dr Eugeniusz W Roguski.This took place on the occasion of WorldAccreditation Day on 9 June 2010. Duringthe interview the listeners, of this oldest andwidest reception range Polish broadcastingstation, had the opportunity to broaden theirunderstanding of the meaning of the word‘accreditation’. They also had the chance tolearn about the activities performed by thePolish Centre for Accreditation that has aninfluence on them. This was probably thefirst time most of them had heard about theinstitution, PCA. Nevertheless, the 15 minuteinterview was not enough to present, in anaccessible way, the whole scope of activitiesundertaken by PCA, as well as the realmeaning of accreditation.A director of the Polish Radio FirstProgramme therefore proposed that the PCAdirector co-produce a cycle of programmeswith the objective to promote accreditation.After acceptance of the initiative by thePCA management, the contract betweenthe Polish Radio First Programme and thePolish Centre for Accreditation was signed.According to the clauses of the contract,there will be a series of 10 educational radioprogrammes transmitted in various bands.In the programmes it is planned to explainthe issues connected with the confirmationof competences of testing and calibrationlaboratories and certification and inspectionbodies participating in the conformityassessment system.After the transmission of the finalprogramme, there will be a survey conductedof the listeners of this radio station, to assessthe appeal and effectiveness of this formDr Roguski on airof social education on accreditation. If thesurvey results in a positive answer to thisquestion, the contract between the PolishRadio First Programme and PCA will beextended.Finally, it is worth mentioning that in 2011,the Polish Centre for Accreditation willcelebrate its 10th anniversary. Moreover, inthe second half of 2011, Poland will assumethe Presidency of the European Union andin November 2011, PCA will host the EAGeneral Assembly.38 Issue 38 | October 2010

EGAC-UNIDO-EU Seminar: The application of theOECD Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) in EgyptIn the presence of representatives from theUnited Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganization (UNIDO), the European Union(EU), the Turkish Accreditation Agency(TURKAK) and senior officials of theEgyptian Government from the ministriesof Trade and Industry, InternationalCooperation, Health, Agriculture and theEgyptian Accreditation Council (EGAC), theseminar on the application of the OECDGLP in Egypt was held at the Grand HyattHotel in Cairo on 19 January 2010 under theauspices of the Egyptian Minister of Tradeand Industry.The presentations highlighted the role ofEGAC in accreditation, particularly sincesigning the ILAC MRA and the IAF MLA.They also covered GLP and the role ofaccreditation, GLP from a GLP compliantlaboratory point of view, the successfulestablishment of a recent GLP monitoringauthority in Turkey, the role of theaccreditation body in GLP and the benefitsof GLP to Egypt.After the presentations, the floor was openedfor a panel discussion which showed agenuine interest from different stakeholders.The event was a great success attended by140 attendees and raised the awareness ofthe importance of GLP and accreditation.It also provided an opportunity for pavingthe way to starting a plan for adopting andapplying GLP in Egypt.StakeholdersEuropean Inspection, Testing and CertificationAssociations Join Forces in BrusselsBrussels, 14 April 2010.CEOC International, the InternationalConfederation of Inspection andCertification Organisations, and EFNDT, theEuropean Federation for Non DestructiveTesting, have signed yesterday in Cyprusco-operation agreements with EUROLAB,the European Federation of NationalAssociations of Measurement, Testing andAnalytical Laboratories.EFNDT President Vjera Krstelj, EUROLABPresident Jean-Luc Laurent and CEOCInternational President Hugo Eberhardtstated after the signing ceremony that thisco-operation marks an important step inthe further development of the Europeaninspection, testing and certification sectorand enhances the political visibility andtechnical influence towards the EuropeanInstitutions and Organisations in Brussels.These Memoranda of Understanding aredefining the co-operation issues betweenCEOC, EFNDT and EUROLAB in the fieldof testing and certification of productsand technical installations in Europeand will position these organisations asEurope’s leading inspection and testingrepresentations/bodies.The growing number of unsafe productsreaching the European markets and theongoing aging of technical and industrialinstallations call for a concerted actionbetween these inspection organisationsproviding enhanced safety to the Europeansocieties and its citizens.CEOC International – the InternationalConfederation of Inspection and CertificationOrganisations – was founded in 1961 inZurich in Switzerland and acts as thevoice of the inspection and certificationsector at EU and international levels. Itsheadquarters are now based in Brussels. Theconfederation represents the joint interestsof many of the world’s leading inspectionand certification companies, employingmore than 70,000 highly qualified persons,of which over 42,000 are graduate engineersand technicians. CEOC members are worldwideinvolved in the periodical inspectionof technical installations as well as thecertification of new products and services toprotect the workers and citizens of Europeagainst unsafe products and technicalinstallations.EUROLAB – the European Federation ofNational Associations of Measurement,Testing and Analytical Laboratories – was setup in Brussels on 27 April 1990 as a networkof the laboratory community and in responseto the evolution of the European Union andis since 1998 registered as a legal entityin the form of an international associationunder Belgian law (aisbl – associationinternationale sans but lucratif).Composed of 24 national associations fromthe EU and EFTA, EUROLAB is groupingover 2,000 conformity assessment bodiesrepresenting over 100,000 technical expertsand laboratory practitioners. Associatedmembership is open world-wide and includesrepresentatives from East and MiddleEast, South Africa and America. Besidesformulating and voicing the opinion oflaboratories regarding economical, politicaland technical issues, EUROLAB aims atpromoting cost-effective testing, calibrationand measurement services, for which theaccuracy and quality assurance requirementswere adjusted to the actual needs. Theseare particularly addressing Europeancontinued next pageILAC News | Stakeholders39

EGAC-UNIDO-EU Seminar: The application of theOECD Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) in EgyptIn the presence of representatives from theUnited Nations Industrial DevelopmentOrganization (UNIDO), the European Union(EU), the Turkish Accreditation Agency(TURKAK) and senior officials of theEgyptian Government from the ministriesof Trade and Industry, InternationalCooperation, Health, Agriculture and theEgyptian Accreditation Council (EGAC), theseminar on the application of the OECDGLP in Egypt was held at the Grand HyattHotel in Cairo on 19 January 2010 under theauspices of the Egyptian Minister of Tradeand Industry.The presentations highlighted the role ofEGAC in accreditation, particularly sincesigning the <strong>ILAC</strong> MRA and the IAF MLA.They also covered GLP and the role ofaccreditation, GLP from a GLP compliantlaboratory point of view, the successfulestablishment of a recent GLP monitoringauthority in Turkey, the role of theaccreditation body in GLP and the benefitsof GLP to Egypt.After the presentations, the floor was openedfor a panel discussion which showed agenuine interest from different stakeholders.The event was a great success attended by140 attendees and raised the awareness ofthe importance of GLP and accreditation.It also provided an opportunity for pavingthe way to starting a plan for adopting andapplying GLP in Egypt.StakeholdersEuropean Inspection, Testing and CertificationAssociations Join Forces in BrusselsBrussels, 14 April 2010.CEOC International, the InternationalConfederation of Inspection andCertification Organisations, and EFNDT, theEuropean Federation for Non DestructiveTesting, have signed yesterday in Cyprusco-operation agreements with EUROLAB,the European Federation of NationalAssociations of Measurement, Testing andAnalytical Laboratories.EFNDT President Vjera Krstelj, EUROLABPresident Jean-Luc Laurent and CEOCInternational President Hugo Eberhardtstated after the signing ceremony that thisco-operation marks an important step inthe further development of the Europeaninspection, testing and certification sectorand enhances the political visibility andtechnical influence towards the EuropeanInstitutions and Organisations in Brussels.These Memoranda of Understanding aredefining the co-operation issues betweenCEOC, EFNDT and EUROLAB in the fieldof testing and certification of productsand technical installations in Europeand will position these organisations asEurope’s leading inspection and testingrepresentations/bodies.The growing number of unsafe productsreaching the European markets and theongoing aging of technical and industrialinstallations call for a concerted actionbetween these inspection organisationsproviding enhanced safety to the Europeansocieties and its citizens.CEOC International – the InternationalConfederation of Inspection and CertificationOrganisations – was founded in 1961 inZurich in Switzerland and acts as thevoice of the inspection and certificationsector at EU and international levels. Itsheadquarters are now based in Brussels. Theconfederation represents the joint interestsof many of the world’s leading inspectionand certification companies, employingmore than 70,000 highly qualified persons,of which over 42,000 are graduate engineersand technicians. CEOC members are worldwideinvolved in the periodical inspectionof technical installations as well as thecertification of new products and services toprotect the workers and citizens of Europeagainst unsafe products and technicalinstallations.EUROLAB – the European Federation ofNational Associations of Measurement,Testing and Analytical Laboratories – was setup in Brussels on 27 April 1990 as a networkof the laboratory community and in responseto the evolution of the European Union andis since 1998 registered as a legal entityin the form of an international associationunder Belgian law (aisbl – associationinternationale sans but lucratif).Composed of 24 national associations fromthe EU and EFTA, EUROLAB is groupingover 2,000 conformity assessment bodiesrepresenting over 100,000 technical expertsand laboratory practitioners. Associatedmembership is open world-wide and includesrepresentatives from East and MiddleEast, South Africa and America. Besidesformulating and voicing the opinion oflaboratories regarding economical, politicaland technical issues, EUROLAB aims atpromoting cost-effective testing, calibrationand measurement services, for which theaccuracy and quality assurance requirementswere adjusted to the actual needs. Theseare particularly addressing Europeancontinued next page<strong>ILAC</strong> <strong>News</strong> | Stakeholders39

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