ILAC News 38

ILAC News 38 ILAC News 38


Accreditation Updatecontinued from previous page• the management system in the company(has the company implemented any kindof management system, is it certified, is itcertified by accredited certifying body);• knowledge about accreditation (are theyfamiliar with the terms: certification,accreditation, difference betweencertification and accreditation, HAAactivities);• the use of services of conformityassessments bodies (does companyuse services of CABs, does companyuse services of accredited CABs, doescompany use services of CABs abroad andmain criteria for choosing specific CAB(price, CAB’s accreditation, recognition byministries, others); and• implication of Croatian negotiationprocess with EU on the quality issues ingeneral.KINGSTON JAMAICA, 11 June 2010: TheJamaica National Agency for Accreditation(JANAAC), on World Accreditation Day(WAD), Wednesday 9 June 2010, presentedits first Certificate of Accreditation. Thecertificate was presented to the AnalyticalServices Department of the ScientificResearch Council (SRC) during the WADcommemorative breakfast.On this day JANAAC also introduced the twoaccreditation symbols that will now be usedto identify medical and testing laboratoriesthat have achieved the level of technicalcompetence necessary to be accredited tothe international standards ISO 15189 andISO/IEC 17025.These symbols were introduced by Jamaica’sMinister of Industry, Investment andCommerce Karl Samuda, during a CEOBreakfast hosted by JANAAC at the TerraNova Hotel in Kingston on 9 June. Thebreakfast was one of several commemorativeevents hosted by the accreditation body asthey joined other countries world-wide inobserving World Accreditation Day under thetheme Global Acceptance.One accreditation symbol is for medicallaboratories and the other for testinglaboratories. Both symbols are in the Jamaicanational colours of black, green and gold.26 Issue 38 | October 2010Number of HAA assessors according to the accreditation schemes (status 2010-06-30)The results of this survey will be presentedto the Croatian economic operators viathe media and other joint HAA and HGKpromotion activities from September 2010.A plan for a comprehensive education andAccording toJANAAC’s CEOMargueriteDomville,this signifies‘national pride’.The Ministerlauded thestaff of JANAAC for their achievementsover the two years since the agency beganoperations, pointing out that their work wassignificant in enhancing the competitivenessof Jamaican products in the internationalmarketplace.He also used the opportunity to urge the over80 laboratory representatives in attendanceto ensure that their laboratories becomeaccredited to enable smoother trade relationswithin CARICOM (Caribbean Communityand Common Market) and greater access ofJamaican goods and services to internationalmarkets.In presenting the first Certificate ofAccreditation, Minister Samuda expressed hisconcern that only one of all the laboratoriesin the country had achieved the level to beaccredited by JANAAC. He also pointed outthat “Accreditation of Jamaican laboratoriesto international standards will directlyimpact the country’s ability to developtraining program for economic operatorshas also been agreed with HGK and will beperformed during 2010 and 2011.Janaac Achieves Another Milestone onWorld Accreditation Dayproducts to satisfy local needs and to meetglobal acceptance, as accreditation facilitatesglobal trade by allowing goods tested oncein the country of origin to be acceptedelsewhere without the need for furthertesting.”“Failing this,” the Minister expanded,“Jamaica’s trading partners includingCARICOM member countries could have thebasis to refuse our exports. When we are allaccredited, products can flow more freelyand facilitate (fair) trade.”The certificate of accreditation was presentedto the SRC following months of rigorousMinister of Industry, Investment and CommerceKarl Samuda presents the Jamaica NationalAgency for Accreditation’s (JANAAC) firstcertificate of accreditation to Carol Thompson,Team Leader in the Scientific Research Council’sAnalytical Services Department and MargueriteDomville of JANAAC.

assessment, by JANAAC’s assessors, of itsoperating procedures and testing methodsto ensure they conformed to the standardsoutlined by the International Organizationfor Standards (ISO) and the Guidelines ofthe International Laboratory AccreditationCooperation (ILAC).With the accreditation of the SRC’sAnalytical Services Department by JANAAC,Jamaica now has two local laboratories thatare accredited to international standards.The other accredited laboratory is the MassLaboratory at the Bureau of Standards,which was accredited by an overseas basedaccreditation body, before the establishmentof JANAAC.CEO of JANAAC, Marguerite Domville said“although the SRC’s chemistry laboratorywas the only laboratory to be accredited thusfar, she was heartened by the response ofthe other laboratories to the call for them tobecome accredited. To date 27 laboratorieshave picked up applications.JANAAC CEO Breakfast: Jamaica’s Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce Karl Samuda,(right) and from left: Giselle Guevara, Manager of the Caribbean Laboratory Accreditation Schemeproject, Reginald Budhan, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industry Investment andCommerce, Marguerite Domville, Omar Azan, President of the Jamaica Manufacturers’ Association(JMA) and Simon Roberts, Chairman of the JANAAC Accreditation Council.Meanwhile guest speaker at the breakfast,President of the Jamaica Manufacturers’Association (JMA), Omar Azan, called for anurturing of the goods producing sectors ofthe Jamaican economy in order to build theircapacity to comply with international qualitystandards. He pointed out that the detentionof Jamaican products at the ports of entryfor retesting by importing countries, can bevery costly to exporters.“One major problem that exists in theCaribbean is the lack of traceability fromthe inputs to the finished product. We needmeasures to be put in place to verify thesource of inputs, so that we can vouch forthe integrity of our products” Mr Azan said.The day’s activities also included a livebroadcast of the CEO Breakfast on Jamaicanradio, a Poster Exhibition and a TechnicalConference entitled “Testing for Accuracyand Global Competitiveness.”A very pleased Carol Thompson, Team Leader in the Scientific Research Council’s (SRC) AnalyticalServices Department (left) is all smiles as she uses a chart to explain how the SRC prepared itselffor the accreditation process to: from left - AnnMarie Smith of the SRC, Simon Roberts, Chairman ofthe JANAAC Accreditation Council and Sonia Morgan, JANAAC Senior Lead Assessor.The Technical Conference which took placein the afternoon was a joint activity done incollaboration with the Caribbean LaboratoryAccreditation Service (CLAS) Project ofthe CARICOM Regional Organization forStandards and Quality (CROSQ).JANAAC, an agency of the Industry,Investment and Commerce Ministry, wasincorporated in March 2007 to provideaccreditation services to ConformityAssessment Bodies (CABs) such aslaboratories, certification and inspectionbodies.Ms Marguerite DomvilleChief Executive OfficerMarguerite Domville, CEO of JANAAC left, has the attention of: from left - former JLP spokeswomanon Commerce Shirley Williams, Noel Osbourne Executive Director of the Bureau of Standards andClaudette Brown Technical Manager, JANAAC. Mrs Williams, who is CEO of the Polydiagnostic CentreLtd, was among numerous CEOs and senior executives from laboratories across the island whoattended a CEO Breakfast hosted by JANAAC.ILAC News | Accreditation27

Accreditation Updatecontinued from previous page• the management system in the company(has the company implemented any kindof management system, is it certified, is itcertified by accredited certifying body);• knowledge about accreditation (are theyfamiliar with the terms: certification,accreditation, difference betweencertification and accreditation, HAAactivities);• the use of services of conformityassessments bodies (does companyuse services of CABs, does companyuse services of accredited CABs, doescompany use services of CABs abroad andmain criteria for choosing specific CAB(price, CAB’s accreditation, recognition byministries, others); and• implication of Croatian negotiationprocess with EU on the quality issues ingeneral.KINGSTON JAMAICA, 11 June 2010: TheJamaica National Agency for Accreditation(JANAAC), on World Accreditation Day(WAD), Wednesday 9 June 2010, presentedits first Certificate of Accreditation. Thecertificate was presented to the AnalyticalServices Department of the ScientificResearch Council (SRC) during the WADcommemorative breakfast.On this day JANAAC also introduced the twoaccreditation symbols that will now be usedto identify medical and testing laboratoriesthat have achieved the level of technicalcompetence necessary to be accredited tothe international standards ISO 15189 andISO/IEC 17025.These symbols were introduced by Jamaica’sMinister of Industry, Investment andCommerce Karl Samuda, during a CEOBreakfast hosted by JANAAC at the TerraNova Hotel in Kingston on 9 June. Thebreakfast was one of several commemorativeevents hosted by the accreditation body asthey joined other countries world-wide inobserving World Accreditation Day under thetheme Global Acceptance.One accreditation symbol is for medicallaboratories and the other for testinglaboratories. Both symbols are in the Jamaicanational colours of black, green and gold.26 Issue <strong>38</strong> | October 2010Number of HAA assessors according to the accreditation schemes (status 2010-06-30)The results of this survey will be presentedto the Croatian economic operators viathe media and other joint HAA and HGKpromotion activities from September 2010.A plan for a comprehensive education andAccording toJANAAC’s CEOMargueriteDomville,this signifies‘national pride’.The Ministerlauded thestaff of JANAAC for their achievementsover the two years since the agency beganoperations, pointing out that their work wassignificant in enhancing the competitivenessof Jamaican products in the internationalmarketplace.He also used the opportunity to urge the over80 laboratory representatives in attendanceto ensure that their laboratories becomeaccredited to enable smoother trade relationswithin CARICOM (Caribbean Communityand Common Market) and greater access ofJamaican goods and services to internationalmarkets.In presenting the first Certificate ofAccreditation, Minister Samuda expressed hisconcern that only one of all the laboratoriesin the country had achieved the level to beaccredited by JANAAC. He also pointed outthat “Accreditation of Jamaican laboratoriesto international standards will directlyimpact the country’s ability to developtraining program for economic operatorshas also been agreed with HGK and will beperformed during 2010 and 2011.Janaac Achieves Another Milestone onWorld Accreditation Dayproducts to satisfy local needs and to meetglobal acceptance, as accreditation facilitatesglobal trade by allowing goods tested oncein the country of origin to be acceptedelsewhere without the need for furthertesting.”“Failing this,” the Minister expanded,“Jamaica’s trading partners includingCARICOM member countries could have thebasis to refuse our exports. When we are allaccredited, products can flow more freelyand facilitate (fair) trade.”The certificate of accreditation was presentedto the SRC following months of rigorousMinister of Industry, Investment and CommerceKarl Samuda presents the Jamaica NationalAgency for Accreditation’s (JANAAC) firstcertificate of accreditation to Carol Thompson,Team Leader in the Scientific Research Council’sAnalytical Services Department and MargueriteDomville of JANAAC.

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