ILAC News 38

ILAC News 38

ILAC News 38

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Accreditation UpdateA2LA: Forensic Accreditation ProgramIn early 2009 in the United States aOn 23 April 2010, A2LA hosted the first accreditation under this option will bereport was published by the Committee meeting of its Forensic Examinationassessed for compliance to internationalon Identifying the Needs of the ForensicSciences Community, National ResearchAdvisory Committee (FEAC). At the meeting,technical experts from various disciplinesstandard ISO/IEC 17025 and A2LA policiesand requirements.Council, entitled “Strengthening Forensic within the forensic sciences discussedThe second accreditation offering isScience in the United States: A Pathkey issues and made motions regardingfor the assessment and accreditation ofForward.” In the report, a detailed description A2LA policy for the developing forensicforensic inspection bodies (eg crime sceneof the status of forensic science in the United accreditation program. Also in 2009units, forensic engineering – structuralStates was given and key recommendations and 2010, A2LA attended many forensicfailure inspection). Organizations seekingwere made to help improve the quality and conferences and discussed with key contacts,accreditation under this option will bereliability of forensic science in America. needs within the forensic community andassessed for compliance to internationalIncluded in the list of recommendations what A2LA could offer the community in thestandard ISO/IEC 17020 and A2LA policieswas mandatory accreditation and personnel way of accreditation.and requirements.certification.Upon reviewing this report and in responseto requests from our customers, the AmericanAssociation for Laboratory Accreditation(A2LA) began work to create a forensicaccreditation program. While the main focusof the program was considered to be forensictesting and inspection (scene investigation)conducted by medical, mechanical, electrical,engineering, software and environmentalorganizations, it was determined that theprogram should be designed so that it couldapply to all those organizations performinginspections and testing for use in criminaland civil proceedings including governmentand private laboratories and inspectionbodies.In July 2010, after many months of researchand development, A2LA is proud toannounce the launch of the A2LA ForensicAccreditation Program. It is hoped thatthe addition of this program to A2LA’saccreditation offerings will help to bridgethe gap between what is normally consideredforensic examination (DNA, Fingerprints,Crime Scene Examination) and the oftenoverlooked work of the commercial industryfor civil litigation (Forensic Engineering,Failure Analysis, Accident Analysis).The program consists of two separateaccreditation options. The first offering isfor assessment and accreditation of forensictesting laboratories. Laboratories seekingIt is hoped that with further research anddevelopment and with the support of theforensic community, that the A2LA forensicprogram will offer accreditation to all thoseorganizations performing such work. Forfurther information regarding A2LA’s newprogram, please visit the A2LA website(www.A2LA.org).Mauritas Develops An Inspection BodyAccreditation ProgrammeThe Mauritius Accreditation Service(MAURITAS) was established underthe Mauritius Accreditation Service Act1998 as a department within the Ministryof Industry and Commerce to provide anational unified service for the accreditationof Conformity Assessment Bodies (CAB’s)such as Calibration and Testing Laboratories,Certification Bodies and Inspection Bodies.One of the objectives of MAURITAS is toprovide formal recognition of the technicalcompetence of Conformity AssessmentBodies to operate in accordance withinternational standards.MAURITAS has already accredited ten (10)Laboratories to the International StandardMS ISO/IEC 17025 and one (1) CertificationBody to MS ISO/IEC 17021 since February2008.20 Issue <strong>38</strong> | October 2010MAURITAS has now embarked on anAccreditation Programme for all InspectionBodies against ISO/IEC 17020: GeneralRequirements for the operation of varioustypes of Bodies performing Inspection. Thisprogramme aims at meeting the accreditationneeds of Inspection Bodies in Mauritiusand providing a high standard service inassessing and accrediting Inspection Bodiesover a wide range of schemes in order torecognize their integrity and reliability. Theprogramme is being funded by the FrenchDevelopment Agency (AFD) under theTrade Capacity Program – “Programme deRenforcement des Capacités Commerciales(PRCC)”. The PRCC was established in 2002and has granted subsidies to a large numberof projects. Accreditation of InspectionBodies in Mauritius will provide formalrecognition that an Inspection Service iscapable of meeting standards of quality,performance, technical expertise, competenceand professional judgment, both at thenational and international level.The Programme is due to start in August2010 and will last three (3) years. Afterthat period MAURITAS will run itsInspection Body Accreditation Programmeindependently.

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