ILAC News 38

ILAC News 38 ILAC News 38


Regional Cooperationscontinued from previous pagelaboratories)USA - A2LA (and clinical/medicallaboratories)USA – ANSI-ASQ National AccreditationBoard, Doing business as ACLASSUSA – ASCLD-LAB (Testing only)USA – FQS (Testing only)USA – NVLAPFor Quality Management SystemsCertification Bodies (6)Argentina - OAABrazil - Cgre/INMETROCanada - SCCMexico - emaPeru - INDECOPI/SNAUSA – ANSI-ASQ National AccreditationBoard, Doing business as ANABFor Environmental Management SystemsCertification Bodies (5)Argentina – OAABrazil – Cgcre/INMETROCanada – SCCMexico – emaUSA – ANSI-ASQ National AccreditationBoard, Doing business as ANABFor Product Certification Bodies (4)Argentina – OAABrazil – Cgcre/INMETROCanada – SCCMexico – emaFor Inspection Bodies (1)Mexico – ema (ema will sign the IAAC MLAfor this scope when there is a minimum of 3signatories)IAAC MembershipIAAC currently has a total of 41 membersfrom 23 countries in the Americas. 23 arefull members, 7 are associate members and11 are stakeholders.IAAC OfficersThe current list of IAAC officers is asfollows:• IAAC Chair, Beatriz Garcia of OAA(Argentina)• IAAC Vice-Chair, Ileana Martinez ofNVLAP (USA)• Interim Treasurer, Keith Greenway ofANSI-ASQ Nat. Acc. Board Dba ACLASS(USA)• MLA Committee Chair, Mauricio Soares ofCgcre/INMETRO (Brazil)• MLA Committee Vice-Chair, AlexanderPineda of OGA (Guatemala)• Technical Committee Chair, JohannaAcuña of ECA (Costa Rica)• Technical Committee Vice Chair, PeterUnger of A2LA (USA)• Laboratories Subcommittee Chair, BerthaMunguia of A2LA (USA)• Laboratories Subcommittee Vice Chair,Barbara J Belzer of NVLAP (USA)• Certification Bodies Subcommittee Chair,Ignacio Guerreiro of OAA (Argentina)• Certification Bodies Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Steve Cross of SCC (Canada)• Inspection Bodies Subcommittee Chair,Eduardo Ceballos of INN (Chile)• Inspection Bodies Subcommittee Vice-Chair, Sergio Hurtado of ema (Mexico)• Management Committee Chair, ElizabethTejeda of ema (Mexico)• Management Committee Vice-Chair,Cynthia Jimenez of ECA (Costa Rica)• Training Subcommittee Chair, AndreaJimenez of ema (Mexico)• Training Subcommittee Vice-Chair,Nicolas Molina of DTA-IBMETRO (Bolivia)• Promotions Subcommittee Chair, Jo AnnGiven of ASCLD-LAB (USA)• Promotions Subcommittee Vice-Chair,Sandra Saraiva of Cgcre/INMETRO (Brazil)• Documentation Subcommittee Chair,Maria Miranda of ONARC (Cuba)• Documentation Subcommittee Vice-Chair,Liliane Somma of OUA (Uruguay)TrainingIAAC has an extensive training program. Thefollowing is a list of training activities for2010:• Workshop on ISO/IEC 17021 Part 2 tobe held in the United States, betweenOctober and November 2010.• Peer evaluator training workshop forexperienced evaluators to be held in Riode Janeiro, Brazil on 20 August 2010.• Workshop on Accreditation Best Practiceswas held in Asuncion, Paraguay on 14-16June 2010. The workshop was sponsoredby PTB of Germany.• Workshop on ISO/IEC 17024 was heldin Guatemala City, Guatemala, on9-10 March 2010. The workshop wassponsored by OAS.• Workshop on the Analysis of ProficiencyTesting Results was held in Quito,Ecuador, in March 2010. The workshopwas sponsored by PTB of Germany.IAAC Proficiency Testing programsIAAC T006 Proficiency Test for SugarAnalysisAn IAAC regional proficiency testingprogram on sugar analysis is being organisedby OGA of Guatemala and will be startingsoon. Invitations will be sent to IAAC,APLAC and SADCA members.“IAAC currently has atotal of 41 membersfrom 23 countries inthe Americas.IAAC T005 Proficiency Test forPreservatives in Non-alcoholic BeveragesAn IAAC regional proficiency testingprogram on preservatives analysis in nonalcoholic beverages is being organised byOAA/INTI of Argentina. The program beganin March 2010. Samples have been sent toIAAC, APLAC and SADCA participants.IAAC T004 Proficiency Test for WineAn IAAC regional proficiency testingprogram on wine analysis was carried outby DTA-IBMETRO of Bolivia. This programbegan in April 2009 and concluded in March2010. Laboratories from the IAAC regionparticipated, as well as laboratories from 4APLAC members, and 1 SADCA member.The final report is available from the IAACwebsite.Cooperation with Internationaland Regional OrganisationsCooperation with IAF:Ileana Martínez, IAAC Vice-Chair, attendedthe IAF Executive Committee meetings inMexico City, in June 2010.Beatriz García, IAAC Chair, became amember of the IAF Executive Committee,and attended the IAF Executive Committeemeetings in Paris, in March 2010.Randy Dougherty, IAF Chair, attended the18 Issue 38 | October 2010

IAAC Executive Committee meetings held inMontevideo, Uruguay, in March 2010.At the request of IAF, IAAC will provide 2regional peer evaluators (team members)for the evaluation of PAC in 2010/2011, andIAAC will also provide a regional evaluatorfor the evaluation of EA in 2010/2011.Cooperation with ILAC:Ileana Martínez, IAAC Vice-Chair, attendedthe ILAC Executive Committee meetings inMexico City, in June 2010.Beatriz García, IAAC Chair, attended theILAC Executive Committee meetings in Paris,in March 2010.Peter Unger, ILAC Vice-Chair, attended theIAAC General Assembly meetings held inSan Jose, Costa Rica, in September 2009, andthe IAAC Executive Committee meetings heldin Montevideo, Uruguay, in March 2010.At the request of ILAC, IAAC provided aregional evaluator for the evaluation ofAPLAC.Cooperation with PAC:Fabian Hernandez of ema, Mexico, attendedthe PAC MLA Committee meeting as theIAAC representative during the PAC Plenaryheld in Wellington, New Zealand, in June2010.Shinichi Iguchi, PAC MLA Chair, attendedthe IAAC MLA Committee and MLA Groupmeetings which were held in Montevideo,Uruguay, on 22 March 2010.Cooperation with APLAC:Barbara Belzer of NVLAP, USA, will attendas the IAAC representative, the ISO/IEC17043 course organised by APLAC, to beheld in Taipei in September 2010.Laboratories from 4 APLAC membersparticipated in the IAAC regional proficiencytesting program on wine analysis carried outby DTA-IBMETRO of Bolivia. The programconcluded in March 2010.APLAC has invited IAAC members toparticipate in its proficiency testingprograms during 2010.Cooperation with EA:lleana Martinez of NVLAP, USA, representedIAAC at the EA General Assembly in May2010.Cooperation with SADCA and AFRAC:Victor Gandy, IAAC Secretary, attended the3rd workshop regarding the creation of theAfrican Regional Accreditation Cooperation(AFRAC) which was held in Cairo, Egypt, inApril 2010.Laboratories from 1 SADCA memberparticipated in the IAAC regional proficiencytesting program on wine analysis carried outby DTA-IBMETRO of Bolivia. The programconcluded in March 2010.Technical Cooperation Projects:2009-2010 Organization of American States(OAS) ProjectIAAC is currently implementing a technicalcooperation project with the OAS foraccreditation bodies in developing countrieswithin the Americas region.The project includes the following activities:• Witnessing of IAAC peer evaluations;• 2 peer evaluations of accreditation bodies;• Training for 3 peer evaluators;• 3 technical training courses;• 1 webinar;• 3 consultancies for developing ABs;• 3 internships for staff of developing ABs;• 1 regional seminar on accreditation;• 2 national seminar programs onaccreditation; and• 2 proficiency testing programs.2010 Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt(PTB) ProjectIAAC currently has a technical cooperationproject with the PTB of Germany.The project activities for 2010 include:• Workshops on Good Practices inAccreditation held in Paraguay, in June2010.• Workshop on the Analysis of ProficiencyTesting Results held in Quito, Ecuador, inMarch 2010.• 3 internships for accreditation bodiesthat are developing an Inspection Body(IB) scheme were held at ema, Mexico, inNovember 2009. ema has an establishedIB program.• Training for peer evaluator trainees.• Support to carry out the internationalevaluations of IAAC and witnessing ofIAAC evaluations.Improvement of IAAC documentsand proceduresThe Executive Committee reviewed changesto several IAAC documents in order toimprove the functioning of IAAC, includingthe MLA process and the IAAC Bylaws.IAAC has a new category of mandatorydocuments which include IAAC, ILAC andIAF mandatory documents for the MLA. Thedocuments may be downloaded from theIAAC website at IAAC meetings• The 15th IAAC General Assemblymeetings will held in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, from 20-27 August 2010.• The IAAC 33rd Executive Committee,MLA Committee and LaboratoriesSubcommittee meetings were held inMontevideo, Uruguay, on 22-24 March2010.IAAC Information and PublicationsInformation on IAAC members anddocuments is available at the IAAC IAAC GeneralAssembly Meetingswill be held in Quito,Ecuador from20-27 August 2011.This series of meetingswill include the IAACGeneral Assemblymeeting, Committeeand Subcommitteemeetings as wellas a Seminar onaccreditation and atraining course.ILAC News | Regional Cooperations19

IAAC Executive Committee meetings held inMontevideo, Uruguay, in March 2010.At the request of IAF, IAAC will provide 2regional peer evaluators (team members)for the evaluation of PAC in 2010/2011, andIAAC will also provide a regional evaluatorfor the evaluation of EA in 2010/2011.Cooperation with <strong>ILAC</strong>:Ileana Martínez, IAAC Vice-Chair, attendedthe <strong>ILAC</strong> Executive Committee meetings inMexico City, in June 2010.Beatriz García, IAAC Chair, attended the<strong>ILAC</strong> Executive Committee meetings in Paris,in March 2010.Peter Unger, <strong>ILAC</strong> Vice-Chair, attended theIAAC General Assembly meetings held inSan Jose, Costa Rica, in September 2009, andthe IAAC Executive Committee meetings heldin Montevideo, Uruguay, in March 2010.At the request of <strong>ILAC</strong>, IAAC provided aregional evaluator for the evaluation ofAPLAC.Cooperation with PAC:Fabian Hernandez of ema, Mexico, attendedthe PAC MLA Committee meeting as theIAAC representative during the PAC Plenaryheld in Wellington, New Zealand, in June2010.Shinichi Iguchi, PAC MLA Chair, attendedthe IAAC MLA Committee and MLA Groupmeetings which were held in Montevideo,Uruguay, on 22 March 2010.Cooperation with APLAC:Barbara Belzer of NVLAP, USA, will attendas the IAAC representative, the ISO/IEC17043 course organised by APLAC, to beheld in Taipei in September 2010.Laboratories from 4 APLAC membersparticipated in the IAAC regional proficiencytesting program on wine analysis carried outby DTA-IBMETRO of Bolivia. The programconcluded in March 2010.APLAC has invited IAAC members toparticipate in its proficiency testingprograms during 2010.Cooperation with EA:lleana Martinez of NVLAP, USA, representedIAAC at the EA General Assembly in May2010.Cooperation with SADCA and AFRAC:Victor Gandy, IAAC Secretary, attended the3rd workshop regarding the creation of theAfrican Regional Accreditation Cooperation(AFRAC) which was held in Cairo, Egypt, inApril 2010.Laboratories from 1 SADCA memberparticipated in the IAAC regional proficiencytesting program on wine analysis carried outby DTA-IBMETRO of Bolivia. The programconcluded in March 2010.Technical Cooperation Projects:2009-2010 Organization of American States(OAS) ProjectIAAC is currently implementing a technicalcooperation project with the OAS foraccreditation bodies in developing countrieswithin the Americas region.The project includes the following activities:• Witnessing of IAAC peer evaluations;• 2 peer evaluations of accreditation bodies;• Training for 3 peer evaluators;• 3 technical training courses;• 1 webinar;• 3 consultancies for developing ABs;• 3 internships for staff of developing ABs;• 1 regional seminar on accreditation;• 2 national seminar programs onaccreditation; and• 2 proficiency testing programs.2010 Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt(PTB) ProjectIAAC currently has a technical cooperationproject with the PTB of Germany.The project activities for 2010 include:• Workshops on Good Practices inAccreditation held in Paraguay, in June2010.• Workshop on the Analysis of ProficiencyTesting Results held in Quito, Ecuador, inMarch 2010.• 3 internships for accreditation bodiesthat are developing an Inspection Body(IB) scheme were held at ema, Mexico, inNovember 2009. ema has an establishedIB program.• Training for peer evaluator trainees.• Support to carry out the internationalevaluations of IAAC and witnessing ofIAAC evaluations.Improvement of IAAC documentsand proceduresThe Executive Committee reviewed changesto several IAAC documents in order toimprove the functioning of IAAC, includingthe MLA process and the IAAC Bylaws.IAAC has a new category of mandatorydocuments which include IAAC, <strong>ILAC</strong> andIAF mandatory documents for the MLA. Thedocuments may be downloaded from theIAAC website at IAAC meetings• The 15th IAAC General Assemblymeetings will held in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil, from 20-27 August 2010.• The IAAC 33rd Executive Committee,MLA Committee and LaboratoriesSubcommittee meetings were held inMontevideo, Uruguay, on 22-24 March2010.IAAC Information and PublicationsInformation on IAAC members anddocuments is available at the IAAC IAAC GeneralAssembly Meetingswill be held in Quito,Ecuador from20-27 August 2011.This series of meetingswill include the IAACGeneral Assemblymeeting, Committeeand Subcommitteemeetings as wellas a Seminar onaccreditation and atraining course.<strong>ILAC</strong> <strong>News</strong> | Regional Cooperations19

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