ILAC News 38

ILAC News 38 ILAC News 38


International UpdateOIMLOn the basis of the Memorandum ofUnderstanding (MoU) signed betweenILAC (International Laboratory AccreditationCooperation), IAF (InternationalAccreditation Forum) and the OIML, a jointILAC/OIML Working Program was developed.It is revised every year during an annualtripartite meeting.Among the joint actions decided in 2009was the organization of two surveys (onemanaged by ILAC and the other by theOIML, among their respective Members) onaccreditation in the field of legal metrology.Fig 1 Accreditation in testing water meters according to OIML R 49The aim of these surveys was:• to collect information from ILAC membersconcerning the number of accreditationbodies which are actively accreditingorganizations working in the fields oflegal metrology covered by the OIMLDeclarations of Mutual Confidence; and• to collect information from OIMLMembers (Member States andCorresponding Members) concerning:––countries which request accreditationof national type approval bodies,bodies responsible for initial andperiodic verifications;Fig 2 Accreditation in testing load cells according to OIML R 60––the requirements used to evaluate thecompetence of the relevant bodies.Replies to the surveysFrom both sides, unfortunately, very fewreplies were received; consequently it is notpossible to draw any definitive conclusions.However, it has been decided to publish theresults of these two surveys for informationpurposes.Survey conducted by ILACThe questionnaire sent out by ILAC requestedanswers to the following questions:Fig 3 Accreditation in testing non-automatic weighing instruments according to OIML R 76• How many laboratories have youaccredited in the field of:––testing water meters according toOIML R 49;––testing load cells according to OIMLR 60;––testing non-automatic weighinginstruments according to OIML R 76;• If accreditation was delivered, whichrequirements were used?Fifteen ILAC Full Members replied – thesereplies are summarized in Figures 1, 2 and 3.Fig 4 Number of countries which request type approval of certain categories of measuringinstruments and where accreditation is required10 Issue 38 | October 2010

Among those national accreditation bodiesthat declared having accredited testinglaboratories in these three domains oflegal metrology, six indicated that theaccreditations were delivered on the basisof ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements forthe competence of testing and calibrationlaboratories. One mentioned the use of ISO/IEC 17020 General criteria for the operationof various types of bodies performinginspection.It should be highlighted that mostof the time, legal metrology or eventesting according to the relevant OIMLRecommendations is not clearly indicated inthe accreditation scope. This means that thecurrent replies may undermine the reality.2143Notified BodyISO/IEC 17025ISO/IEC Guide 65 andISO/IEC 17025ISO/IEC 17020 andISO/IEC 17025Fig 5 Number of countries regarding the requirements applicable to type approval bodies“…legal metrology oreven testing accordingto the relevant OIMLRecommendations is notclearly indicated in theaccreditation scope.”In addition, if we consider that theaccreditation of notified bodies for theimplementation of the Directive forMeasuring Instruments (MID), notified bodiesfor module B (Type Examination) may beaccredited as product certification bodieson the basis of EN 45011 (ISO/IEC Guide 65General requirements for bodies operatingproduct certification systems) then theaccreditation of the associated laboratoriesmay not be visible as an accreditation in thefield of legal metrology.Survey conducted by the OIMLThe questionnaire sent out by the OIMLrequested answers to the followingquestions:• Does your national regulation requiretype approval for certain categories ofmeasuring instruments?• Does your national regulation requireinitial verification to be carried out oncertain instruments before they are placedon the market or put into use?• Does your national regulation allowthe manufacturer of the instrumentand/or the owner of the type approvalcertificate to be responsible for the initialverification?continued next pageFig 6 Number of countries which request initial verification of certain categories ofmeasuring instruments and where accreditation is required11121214ISO/IEC 17025ISO/IEC 17020ISO/IEC 17020 andISO/IEC 17025ISO 9001 andISO/IEC 17025National requirements basedon ISO/IEC 17020National requirements basedon ISO/IEC 17025National requirements basedon ISO 9001Notified bodiesFig 7 Number of countries regarding the requirements applicable to initial verification bodiesILAC News | International Update 11

Among those national accreditation bodiesthat declared having accredited testinglaboratories in these three domains oflegal metrology, six indicated that theaccreditations were delivered on the basisof ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements forthe competence of testing and calibrationlaboratories. One mentioned the use of ISO/IEC 17020 General criteria for the operationof various types of bodies performinginspection.It should be highlighted that mostof the time, legal metrology or eventesting according to the relevant OIMLRecommendations is not clearly indicated inthe accreditation scope. This means that thecurrent replies may undermine the reality.2143Notified BodyISO/IEC 17025ISO/IEC Guide 65 andISO/IEC 17025ISO/IEC 17020 andISO/IEC 17025Fig 5 Number of countries regarding the requirements applicable to type approval bodies“…legal metrology oreven testing accordingto the relevant OIMLRecommendations is notclearly indicated in theaccreditation scope.”In addition, if we consider that theaccreditation of notified bodies for theimplementation of the Directive forMeasuring Instruments (MID), notified bodiesfor module B (Type Examination) may beaccredited as product certification bodieson the basis of EN 45011 (ISO/IEC Guide 65General requirements for bodies operatingproduct certification systems) then theaccreditation of the associated laboratoriesmay not be visible as an accreditation in thefield of legal metrology.Survey conducted by the OIMLThe questionnaire sent out by the OIMLrequested answers to the followingquestions:• Does your national regulation requiretype approval for certain categories ofmeasuring instruments?• Does your national regulation requireinitial verification to be carried out oncertain instruments before they are placedon the market or put into use?• Does your national regulation allowthe manufacturer of the instrumentand/or the owner of the type approvalcertificate to be responsible for the initialverification?continued next pageFig 6 Number of countries which request initial verification of certain categories ofmeasuring instruments and where accreditation is required11121214ISO/IEC 17025ISO/IEC 17020ISO/IEC 17020 andISO/IEC 17025ISO 9001 andISO/IEC 17025National requirements basedon ISO/IEC 17020National requirements basedon ISO/IEC 17025National requirements basedon ISO 9001Notified bodiesFig 7 Number of countries regarding the requirements applicable to initial verification bodies<strong>ILAC</strong> <strong>News</strong> | International Update 11

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